Kyng Alisaunder
Including London University Library MS 593 (fragments: L ff.1ra-2vb)
and St Andrews University Library MS PR 2065 A.15 (fragments: S A.15 ff.1ra-2vb)
London Fragments Commence
.. e quen candace al {L f.1ra}
Sendeþ þe greteinges ... amour
Alisaunder dere s rie
Ouer al men y þe desire
6680 Nim me to þ[i]n owen quen
Riche schal þi mede ben
Jchil charge saun faile
Wiþ bes .. s a þousand c ..
Jchil ȝiue þe ȝim .. beiȝes
6685 ... en þousand ca .. rs ...
[J]chil charge .... ....
Wiþ ....
..... ..... en
.... ..... mbardinges
6690 .... .... inges
.... .... sand noble kniȝt
To þi w.... .... &
& .... d ....
Ful of .... der ....
6695 Gold .... .... ....
Nomiȝt þe .... .... worþ
þou .... .... oceros ...
& v. c olifa .... ....
.... .... red ....
6700 .... .... þousand ....
Olif .... .... pleyne
Strong .... .... of ....
& v. c ...... gold ...
.... lond .... w ld
6705 & an hundred þousand gentil squiers
Þat [schal] þe se[r]ue in ich misters
... þousand maidens briȝt
For to serue þine kniȝt
Alle erles do[u]hters & barouones
6710 Ful of sw .... .... teis wones
O Alisaunder riche .......
{ about 6 lines cut from the foot of the column }
Þer was cumen wiþ þem alang {L f.1rb}

6725 A queint man a metalȝete
Þat couþe in al þing.
He avised þan [þ]e king
& þo he com ho[m] sikerliche,
He kest a fourme þe king y[l]iche
6730 J[n] face in eiȝe in nose in mouþe
Jn lengþe in membres þat is selcouþ.
Þe quen it bischet in hir bour
& kept it wiþ gret honour.
Now rideþ Alisaunder in his iurnaiing
6735 Wiþ michel ... de & singinge
Jn gr .... t & solasinge;
Listneþ ..... of his meting.
So þe king rode wiþ doukes & erls
He mett to hore cherls.
6740 To þe nauel her berd hing,
Þus aresounde hem þe king
‘Say me now, ȝe eld hore,
Mani day is ȝe were ybore,
Wite ȝe owhar bi ani way
6745 Oni meruaile in þis cuntray
Þat ich miȝt don in storie
Oþer men to memorie?’
‘ȝa .... .... fa ’ quaþen he
‘A gret meruaile we tellen þe
6750 Þat is hennes an euen wey
Þe mountaun[ce] of ten iurnay,
Þou schalt finde trewes to;
Seint & holy þai ben bo
Her & in oþer cuntres alle
6755 Arbe sec men hem calle,
ȝif þou wilt þe þider diȝt
Þou miȝt wiþ þe lede xl. m kniȝt
Wiþ hem þou miȝt þe wele were
Þat non wilde bestes schul þe dere.
6760 Mo no miȝtow lede saun dotaunce
Bot þe faile sustenaunce.’
{ About 8 lines cut from the foot of the column }
‘Go to hem & aske an hert, {L f.1va} 
Al þatow wilt cert
6770 Oþer of frende oþer of ken
Oþer of strong men,
& þou schalt here þe soþe anon
... þou wilt þider gon.’
Þe king bi conseil of his best
6775 Diȝt him þiderward on hast
& sent wiþ Porrus al his men
Jnto þe cite of Faacen,
Bot fourti þousand wiþ him he toke
So we finden writen in boke.
6780 Alisaunder so rideþ & wendeþ
What he comeþ to þe trewes hende;
Now þe muge & þe cetewal
On hem smelleþ & þe galingale
Þe canel & þe licoriis
6785 Swete odour ȝiueþ, ywis,
Gelofre, quibibbe & þe mace
Gingeuer, comin ȝeueþ odour of gras
& vnder sonne of alle spice
He ȝaue odour wiþ delice.
6790 Þat lond was holy he vnderstode,
Þai liȝt of her destrers gode,
Þai ȝeden on fot & men hem mett,
Euerich oþer fair gret.
Of lyonus & of panteren
6795 Alle her weden certes weren;
Han þai no wolle to spinne,
Her cloþes ben of bestes skinne.
Þe bischop þat was of þe lond
Of þe kinges com haþ sond,
6800 He diȝt him & went þe king oȝan.
Hereþ now of a selcouþe man,
Þe bischop hete Longis sikerliche,
He was boþe blac & griseliche
& rouwe & scheldred also,
6805 His o fot was more þan þe oþer to
{ About 8 lines cut from the foot of the column }
Þe king wel fair he gret {L f.1vb} 
Also sone so he him mett
& þe king him seyd bi gode resoun
6815 Of his coming þere chesoun.
What helpeþ it long to telle?
Þe bischop him graunted al his wille
& schreueþ him & al þo
Þat wiþ him þider schuld gon.
6820 Now is þe sonne ygon vnder,
Þe bischop ledeþ þe king to þis wonder
& þre hundred kniȝtes him mede
To þe trewes wiþ him ȝede.
No seiȝe he neuer so fair atour
6825 No neuer smelled so swete odour.
At þe trewe of þe sonne
Her sacrifise þai bigunne.
Þe bischop to þe king seyd
& to alle his felawered
6830 ‘King’ he seyd ‘þis trewe onest
Asked offring of no best
No of broches no of ringes
No of no muþe crieinges
Bot in þine hert þenk al þi wille
6835 & þou schalt finde it ful snelle,
For byheld vp þi steuen
Is yherd vp to heuen.’
Þe king seiȝe a leyt of fer brond
Fram þe trewe into heuen stond,
6840 On knewe he gan anon to falle
& wiþ him his kniȝtes alle
& þouȝt ȝif he schuld þe warl[d] win forþ,
Est & west & souþe & norþ,
ȝif he schuld to Grece oȝain wende
6845 To sen his moder & his frende;
Þat trewe him answerd oȝen
Jn language of Jnden
‘King Alisaunder, y telle þe cert
Of alle þe world þe þridde part
6850 .... winne & ben of king
{ About 6 lines cut from the foot of the column }
London Fragments end and St Andrews Fragments commence
Ar þou ware in þi bieteinge {S
A.15 f.1ra-b}
{second image}
Of godes it was þi destininge
For al þis warld y sigge it þe
Oþer wise no miȝt it be.’
6860 Þo þe king yherd þis
For diol he chaunged colour, ywis,
Wo was him for þat answare
.... .... so ....
Ac þo men miȝt se men anowe
6865 Doukes & barouns falle aswowe
Her here teren, lesse & more,
Wrong her honden & wepen sore
& biwailed his pruwes,
His ȝingþe, his strengþe & his largesse.
6870 Þe king siȝt swiþe sore
& bad hem be stille, lesse & more.
He hem solaced & bad hem be stille,
He most suffre þe godes wille
He hiȝt hem eiȝte & gret noblais
6875 Þai schuld it hele & ben in pais.
He tok þe bischop anonriȝt
For it was after þe midniȝt
To þe trewe of þe mone
6880 Þre kniȝtes he dede wiþ him go.
{Lines missing}
6900 His kniȝtes of Grece & of Perce
Wo & sorwe gan reherce,
Wepen & her cloþes totare,
No man no seiȝe neuer swiche care.
Philotas sone to þe king kam,
6905 Beforn hem alle þe tale he nam
‘Sir,’ he seyd vnderstond
.... wiþ þe .....
Jt no beþ nouȝt alle our frende
Þat ous beþ now hende;
6910 We han mani priue fo
Þat wold of on harm to
& wil fond to greuen ous
Bot þou þe make vigrous;
Þat þou herdest þis fairie
6915 No hastow hert & flesche hardy.
Lete be, sir, swiche morninge
& go comfort þi genge.’
King Alisaunder þei him were wo
He tok him gode hert to,
6920 Vp he rist & to his folk goþ
& makeþ him bliþe & noþing wroþ
So he no ȝaue no þing þerof
For he made him bliþe & liȝt.
Swiche day y schal hennes ten {S A.15 f.1va-vb} {second image}
{Lines missing}
6945 & who schal mi traitour ben.’
Þe trewe answerd wiþ gret ire
‘Parfay, þou art a selcouþe sire
& askest þing oȝaines skil.
Now is þe time in Aueril;
6950 Þou schalt libbe al þis ȝare,
Nouȝt wiþouten gret care,
Þou schalt wele ouercome,
Ac þin ending schal be nome
Jn þe next ȝare so y þe tache;
6955 Þe four & XX day in Marche
Þou schalt ded bi puisoun þole,
Þi traitour schal ben forhole.
No mostow nouȝt wite þi fo
For Cloto, Lachesis & Antropo
6960 Þe sustren it schopen þe.
Nomore ich hot no aske me,
Nomore no dar ich þe telle
Go out of our wode snelle.’
Þe kyng þe amonestement herd
6965 .... quicliche þennes he ferde
So .... .... ....
At þe bischop his leue he tok
For he wot his certain day.
{Lines missing}
Aueril ȝeueþ miri schoures
Þe foules singgen, springeþ þe floures,
6990 Mani hoket is in amoures,
Stedefast seld beþ lichours.
Hote loue oft after soureþ.
Fair iuwel is gode neiȝeboure,
Þe best þing is gode honoure.
6995 Alisaunder nil nomore loure,
He hoteþ quicliche al his men
Trussen to grete Faacen
& seyd ‘lordinges, makeþ no tale
Of þe trowe wode gale.
7000 ȝe witeþ wele þat Porre cert
Bereþ to me iuel hert;
He bereþ to me non amour
For ich binam him his tresour,
Qued & harm he wil me spie
7005 Oþer par auentour me defie.
ȝif he wot of þis trigoldrie
Þat þis trewes cun lye
.... lle þe men þat ben of Ynde
.eneþ me a god to finde
7010 Þerfore no dur þai saunfaile
Oȝaines me taken bataile.
ȝif þai wenden þat Ich man ware
{Lines missing}
Þe paþe of þe mountain was naru & stepe {S A.15 f.2ra} {second image}
& þe dales derk & depe;
Þe way was naru vp & doun
7035 Among þe eddren & dragoun.
At þe seueniȝtes ende
He fond a folk gent & hende,
Sereses is her name
No cunnen hye of no schame
7040 Þat ben trewe & stedefast
Mesurable, bonour & chast.
No schal þer non oþer biknawe
Bot it be bi riȝt lawe.
Her mete is brede, erbe & water,
7045 Naked þai gon wiþouten hater;
Nis non of oþer agramed
No of nakedhed aschamed.
Wiþouten lust of sinne þai streneþ,
Alisaunder hem bimeneþ
7050 Þat hye no hadde warldes manhed
To her oþer gode hede.
Þese vnderfeng þemperour
... deden to him al honour
& fonde . . him al despens
7055 Jn mete & drink & reuerens
& ledeþ him bi siker pas
{Lines missing}
7170 P[or]rus bileued at Faacen {S A.15 f.2vb}
{second image}
& ofsent alle his men
Boþe doukes & barouns
Of alle Ynde regiouns
& seyd ‘Y pleni me lordinges
7175 To ȝou of Alisaunder þe king.
He haþ afelled min honour
.... robbed al ......
He haþ taken mi castels,
He haþ afelled mi turrels
7180 ... is hi fallen chaunce hard
... haþ neiȝe lorn al his ferd
.... [w]ilde bestes hem haþ yslawe
His gode kniȝtes al todrawe
x .l. þousand almast
7185 He habben yslawe wilde hast
... ow ichil him defie
... haue of him þe maist
Wiþ swerd him sle oþer wiþ kniue
Oþer out of mi lond driue.
7190 Jch þe hot dan Torold
& . . r Phares þat ert so bold
. oþ wier mi feaute
y no kepe wiþ hi haue leaute
Siggeþ him ichim defie.
St Andrews Fragments end and London Fragments commence
King Alisaunder kneu ades {L f.2ra} 
7215 Boþe Torold & ek Phares
& seyd to hem ‘frendes onest
Telleþ on ȝour lordes hest,
Ben it foly, ben it wise,
Þe no schul haue bot curteisie.’
7220 Torold seyd ‘þe king wroþ is
& seiþ ȝe don michel amis
Þat ȝe ȝou maken lord & sire
Fer & neiȝe of his empire,
Cites makeþ, walles rareþ;
7225 He dredeþ him al to his care,
ȝe han him tviis ouercome
& alle his tresour him binome,
He wiþclepeþ al homage
& sendeþ ȝou bi ous sond gage
7230 & deffiaunce bi our hond
& hoteþ ȝou remu out of his lond.’
Alisaunder ginneþ to leiȝen smale
& þus he ginneþ to hem his tale
‘Jchil proue wiþ spere & sword
7235 Þat of þis lond icham lord.
Porrus weneþ ich be amaid
For his gviours me han bitraid
& of mi pople haþ forlore,
Jn þat cas he is forswore.
7240 Al þe lere in him ich rett,
Y schal ȝeld him wele his dett.
ȝete ichaue aliue saun fable
Alle min xii. constable.
He haþ sponnen a þred
7245 Þat is comen of iuel red
ȝete ichaue c. þusinde
Betters kniȝtes no ben in Ynde
Redi to proue wiþ vigour
Þat he is a vile traitour.
7250 & ȝif he doþ also ichille
His no mine no schul spille
For aqueintaunce þat haþ ben
{Lines missing}
For his barouns & for mine {L f.2rb} 
Þis were þe riȝtest liue
7260 Þe to barouns he kneu baþe
He schewed hem al þe cuntray
Of his folk þe pite
& þe atire of þat cite
.... .... .... ....
7265 .... .... .... ....
¶ Þe messangers oȝain wendeþ,
Alisaunder his barouns ofsendeþ
& þis deffiinge hem telleþ.
Þai him conseild also snelle
7270 Wenden swiþe after hem
Þat he weren at Faacen.
Þai trussen alle in þe daweinge
& makeþ swiþe after wendinge.
Torold & Phares beþ comen hom,
7275 Oȝain hem com lord & grom
For to here what tiding
Þai brouȝten fram Alisaunder king.
Þe messangers beþ comen to halle
Bifor Porrus & þe barouns alle
7280 & seyd ‘Porrus we ben ycome
Fram Alisaunder þat hende gome
& haþ afong þine deffiinge
& sent þe bi ous tidinge;
He nil ȝour barouns no his
7285 Ne beren cark of alle þis
ȝete he may to bataile finde
Douhti kniȝtes xx þousinde,
He no wil nouȝt þine amere
No þat his þine adere
7290 Ac ȝe to wiþ hors & scheld
Comen armed in þe feld
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
ȝif þou miȝt him parforce aquelle
7295 His folk wil don þi wille
ȝe þat chalange al to habbe
Bitven ȝou deliteþ it wiþ dabbe
& wiþ spere & swerdes dent
Js Alisaunders jugement
7300 Prince & douke baroun & kniȝt
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
7305 .... .... .... ....
P[orrus] stode & was .... {L f.2va} 
He no nouȝt .... ....
Colour he chaungeþ sumdel for d[rede]
& gret ire to hem he sede
7310 ‘Lordinges, ȝif ȝe weren gent
To me fel þe jugement;
Ac for ȝe recheþ of me lite
Of me ȝe habbeþ now aquited,
Ac naþeles ich wot þis
7315 Strenger icham þan he, ywis,
& more in eueri lim also,
Oȝaines him y dar me do,
Falle it to nesche oþer to hard
No schal y neuer be coward.’
7320 Bi þate þis was fuly sade
Alisaunder was in a made
Ycomen boldliche wiþ al his
Bifor þe cite of Faacen.
Þer was quic mani tent sett,
7325 Mani cord to pauiloun knett,
Mani baner vp ypelt,
& mani scheld wiþ best ygelt,
Eten & drinken on aise apliȝt
& resten hem þat ich niȝt,
7330 & beþ so warded alle about
Þat hem no stondeþ no dout.
Amorwe as ich haue ysade
Þis couenaunt was bitven hem made
Þat þe batail schuld ben
7335 Porrus & Alisaunder bitven;
Who so oþer win miȝt
Jn batail wiþ strengþe of fiȝt
He schuld haue al Ynde lond
& al þat folk vnder his hond.
7340 Alisaunder him gan affie
Jn his owne chiualrie,
He wist wel & soþ forhole
Þat he no schuld þat deþ þole,
[Þ]us affied him in his strengþe.
7345 .... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
7350 Ostage ytake & treuþe yplit {L f.2vb}
Now hereþ of þe kinges fiȝt
G ... .... ere to be kniȝt
Ner.... ... t r ....
Wiþ me ... des to ... hende
7355 No were aco ... es at ....
Swete is loue of da .....
Ac it askeþ ..... ....
Better is litel han .... se
Þan michel eiȝte in mal ai ,,,,
7360 Who so is of dedes vntrewe
Oft it schal him sore rewe.
Alisaun[d]er .... comen to ... el
Wele y-armed vnder .....
On a stede wele ydiȝt
7365 & suteþ to a noble kni[ȝt]
He rit his spe. e br ....
Þe [p]ensel rateleþ wiþ þe ....
P[orr]us also comeþ flinge
Ygraiþed als a riche [kin]g
7370 y ... wele on kniȝtes
Nis no nede hir armes ...
... oþer lete gon þe rein
.... gider w gre......
.... sheldes .....
7375 & dassed ouer in þe felde
.... turn oȝan ....
Wiþ .... ,,,, ....
.... oþer leggeþ on ....
.... þe mass on þe .... ....
7380 Ac as þai .... to .... ....
O er h .. slo ... hors .... ....
Þo mosten of .... aþe .....
De .... en her medlaye
Geteþ it ..... of rest to eche
7385 Aiþer ginneþ oþer to seche
Wiþ asailinge & wiþ s inge
& ... epeþ hem wiþ fair wreyinge
We ... e þai .... en on þe ple ....
London fragments end
7760 Kandidus wroþ went oway {f.278ra}
& no com oȝain nouȝt mani a day.
Þo þe cloþ was ydrawe
Þe waite gan a flegel blawe,
Alisaunder & Candace
7765 To chaumber token her pas,
So we finden on þe boke,
Þat niȝt þe king his leue toke
He went to Ynde to his barouns
Bi wodes, bi dales & bi tounes;
7770 Leue he had wiþ morni[n]ge
& went forþ in þe daweinge
Bi an heȝe way þat he kneu
Til þat he com to Tholomeu.
He was welcome mani siþe,
7775 Alle his ost was wel bliþe
Þo þai hadde of him siȝt.
No bileued he bot o niȝt,
Amorwe he went wiþouten asoigne
To þe gret Babiloine.
7780 Antiogus hadde þe form-gard
Tholomeu þe rereward
& Alisaunder þat riche sire
Passeþ Perce & ek Assire
To Babiloine, for men teld
7785 Darries tresour was þerin held.
Membrot first a geaunt fel
Made Babiloine & ek Babel
Ac he no miȝt for God almiȝt
Fullich out it diȝt
7790 For þer fel first for his vtrage
.LXII. diuers language.
Seþþen a leuedi Amiramis
Alayd his bost & al his pris
& wan þe cite wiþ al þe honour
7795 & XV. kingriches tut entour.
Þe cite is, so siggeþ men,
Bitven Tigre & Affraten,
An hundred pas is heiȝe þe wal
& an hundred gates al of metal.
7800 Alisaunder of his regioun
Þouȝt þer make þe maister toun,
Jnto alle þe warld he sent message
& doþ arere newe tailage
On kinges, doukes, princes, erls, {f.278rb} 
7805 On barouns, kniȝtes, squiers & cherls
& doþ gader ost so gret,
Seþþen was neuer non swiche ȝet,
For he þouȝt to Aufrike wende
After in þe somer hende
7810 Ac him was ysent a sond
Of a iustise of his lond.
Antipater was his name,
Mani man he hadde do schame.
Þe lond folk beden þe kinge
7815 Of him make remuinge,
Þe king him dede quic depose
Wiþ harm to his owen nose
For Antipater is to court ysent
Now hereþ þe kinges encumbrement.
7820 In þis warld falleþ mani cas,
Gidi blis & schort solas.
Ypomodon & Pallidamas
& Absalon þat so fair was
Þai liueden here a litel ras
7825 Ac sone forȝeten ich so was.
Þe leuedis schene also þe glas
& þes maidens wiþ rudi fas
Passeþ sone so flour in gras.
So strong no fair ner non nas
7830 Þat he no schal passe wiþ allas.
Auentour so haþ turned his pas
Oȝaines þe king & rered mas,
Þat vnderstondeþ Olimpias
& sendeþ to Alisaunder bihas
7835 Þat he him war in al wise
Fram Antipater his justise,
& Antipater vnderstondeþ wel
Þe king is feloun & cruwel,
Adred he is, he is wode neiȝe
7840 Ac ȝif he is of art sleiȝe
Hou so it euer be
Þe king it schal abigge or he.
Venim he tempreþ wiþ win
Þe win hete Eleborin,
7845 Jn þis warld abouen erþe
Nis win of so miche werþe
To þe king he it haþ ysent.
Þe king askeþ drink of þat present,
Men brouȝt it him in a coupe of gold, {f.278va}

7850 Þe king drank oþer þan he schold;
Oway he þrewe þat gold red
‘Allas, Allas! ich am dede.
MS: line written at the foot of
the column, its correct position
marked by a-b and crosses. |
Drink no schal neuer eft more
Don to þis warld so michel sore
7855 So þis drink haþ ydo.
Allas, allas! what me is wo
For mi moder Olimpias
& for mi soster þat so fair was
& for mi barouns al þing aboue
7860 Þat ich mest in hert loue;
Þai be lordles & ich am ded
Þurth a traitour fals red.
What helpeþ it lenger yteld?
Þe þeues present me haþ aqueld.
7865 Noman þat wil þis day passe
No drink þerof more no lasse.’
Wiþ þat word he gan to swouȝ,
About him com barouns anouȝ
& token him vp in her arm
7870 & biwepen sore his harm.
Þer men miȝt reuþe ysen
Mani baroun her here to-ten,
Mani fest ywrong & hant
& mani riche robe rant,
7875 Muchel defray, muchel gredeing,
Michel wope, michel wailing;
Oft bimene his pruesse,
His ȝingþe & his hardinisse,
His gentilirs his curteisie.
7880 Al þai gunnen aloude crie
Opon Alisaunder þat nam þat was
MS: the first þat is superscript;
the second is abbreviated as þt. |
Crid mani ‘allas, allas!’
Riche & pouer, lesse & more
Wrong honden & wepe sore.
7885 To mile abouten men miȝtten here
Of gentil men þat rewely bere.
Þe king reuerted in þis gredeinge
& ȝaf hem al comfortinge
& seyd ‘bringeþ me to bed mine
7890 & er ich in þis warld fine
Jchil biqueþe mi quide
To alle þo þat han ben me mide.’
He was ybrouȝt to bed anon, {f.278vb} 
Þe barouns stoden about him ichon.
7895 ‘Lordinges,’ he seyd ‘of þis
Of Tire, of Mede & Sydoney
Þat han wide yserued me
& for me in miche wo be,
Rentes, londes so ich founde
7900 Oȝain ich ȝou ȝeld hole & sounde,
& ich a þousand pounde & more
ȝour harmes for to astore.
O bele ami sir Perdicas
For mi loue in mani cas
7905 Þou hast yþoled & mani striif
& trewe ben in al þi liif
Y þe biqueþe Grece min hiritage,
Corinthe, Masidoine & Cartage,
Tebes & al þo oþer londes.
7910 Kepe mi moder & awreke mi schond.
Tholomeu mi marchal
Þou schalt haue Portingal
& Egypt to flum Iordon
For better baroun no liues non.
7915 Antioge ostage bi dome
Þou schalt haue riche Rome
& al Romaine & Lombardie
For þou hem canst as baroun gye.
Aymes of Archade so God me asoile
7920 Þou schalt haue Calabre & Poile
& þe riche lond of Labour
& be Antioge neiȝebour.
Tiberie wiþ flesche hardi
Þou schalt haue þe lond of Sulie,
7925 Acres, Japhes & Ierusalem
& Nazaret & Bedelem
& al þe lond of Galile,
Quicliche biqueþe y þe.
Marke of Rome belami
7930 Esclauoie þat is so fri
Þou schalt haue & Costentine noble
& Limochious þat lond so noble
& Griffaine þat riche pece
Þat liþ to þe lond of Grece.
7935 Philot þou schalt haue Caucasus
& alle þe lond to Mallenus
& al þe lond of Caspias {f.279ra} 
To þe riche cite of Baudas
& alle þe idles of Taproban
7940 Þat ich of Porrus the king wan.
Samson of Enuise for min amour
Þou hast yþoled mani dolour
Þou schalt haue al Albienne
& Armenie into þe fenne
7945 & Orcanie & newe Alisaunder
Mi riche cite & newe of sclaunder.
Salome seþþen Darri was ded
Þou hast me serued in mani red
Jn ich seruise wel redi
7950 Trewe in bataile & hardy.
Þou schalt haue Perce & Mede
& Babiloine þat riche þede,
Darries blod for þou art next
Wiȝt & gentil & ek heiȝest,
7955 Darries air y make þe
& sese þe wiþ al his fe.
Þis venim crepeþ vnder mi ribbe
No may ich no lenger libbe.’
Jn al þis ich gret dolour
7960 He dede feche al his tresour
& ȝaue to kniȝt, swain & knaue
So michel so þai wolden haue
Of hors of cloþes of siluer wone
He made hem riche euerichon,
7965 & riȝt also he hadde ydo
Þe liif he lete of bodi go.
Ac noman in soþ treuþe
No seiȝe neuer so michel reuþe
Of wope, of cri, of hond wringing
7970 So was for Alisaunder þe king.
Now þe king js out of þis liue
Quic arises wel gret striue
For þe bodis biriinge
After þe sorwe & criing.
7975 Salome seiþ wiþ al fare
He wil his bodi biri þare
Ac haue him wold þe douke Samsoun
To Alisaunder his riche toun,
Philote also y fynde
7980 Him chalanges into Ynde.
{ Twelve lines lost where miniature cut out }
....barouns lete.... {f.279rb} 
& doþ Godes hest biliue
Of his biriing no þink no redeþ
Ac in to Egypt him ledeþ,
7985 Jnto Alisaunder þat cite apert
Þat he made in desert
Þo he destroid þe vermine.
Quic doþ hest mine.’
So þe foule went of siȝt,
7990 Þe barouns dede so it hiȝt.
Þat bodi richeliche þai kept
& ledden it into Egypt
& laiden him in gold fin
Jn a temple of Apolin.
7995 Nist men neuer heþen king
Haue so riche biriing.
Tholomeu haþ þe saisin
God ous leue wel to fin.
Þo þe king was bidelue
8000 Jch douke went to himselue
& maden wo & contek anouȝ
Jch of hem neiȝe oþer slouȝ
For to haue þe kinges quide,
Michel bataile was hem midde.
8005 Þus it farþ in þe midlerd
Among þe lewed & lerd:
When þat heued is yfalle
Acombred beþ þe membres alle.
Þus endeþ Alisaunder þe king
8010 God ous graunt his blisseing. amen