The Clerk who would see the Virgin
[An an]gel sche sent to him anon. {f.37vb} 
[He g]ret þe clerk wiþ milde steuen.
[Into] þe chamber when he gan gon,
[He was] briȝter þan ani leuen.
5000 [Leuen] no no sonnes bem
[In so]mers day nas neuer so briȝt,
[Þan] þat angel, when he doun kem
[Into] þat hous about midniȝt.
[He þo]uȝt his hert schuld tospring,
1000 [Þo h]e gan on þat angel sen.
[‘Mi] clerk, drede þe noþing,
[Grace] of God be ous bitven.
[Tidan]des now y þe bring
[Fram M]arie, our heuen-quen;
1500 [I þe] telle certain tiding:
[If þou] wilt hir bodi sen,
[If sen] þou wilt þat leuedi briȝt,
[Þis p]enaunce þou most chesen:
[Þou m]iȝt be siker, þine eiȝesiȝt
2000 [Oþer þ]i liif þou schalt forlesen.’
[Þe cler]k anon gan him biþink:
[ȝet y] can anoþer croke:
[Wiþ] min on eiȝe y schal wink,
[& wiþ] mi noþer y schal loke;
2500 [Mi wa]risoun y schal biswink
[Til y] may sen opon a boke,
[& haue] anowe mete & drink.
[Gode] comfort to him he tok.
[He tok] to him anon gode hede:
3000 [Iwis, m]in on eiȝe may me seruen
[Þer to] do wiþ al mi dede;
[It is] ynouȝ til y schal steruen.
[Þe cl]erk him fair answerd oȝain
[‘Ich] do me alle in her manay.
3500 [Sch]eu now what y schal mene
[To] Mari, as y þe say.
[Hir s]eriaunt ichaue long ben;
[Wiþ a]ll loue now ich [h]ir pray
[Þat] ich mot hir ones sen
4000 [Aper]tliche, er þan y day.
[Whe]n y dye, sche ȝiue me grace
[To come] to hir wiþ gode entent,
[To sen] hir bodi & hir face.’
[Þe an]gel oȝain to heuene is went.
4500 ¶ Fram heuen into
þe clerkes bour, {f.38ra}
Riȝt doun biforn his beddes fet,
Þe angel aliȝt wiþ gret honour,
& wel fair he gan him gret.
‘Mari, þat bar our saueour’
5000 He seyd ‘þou schalt sen as sket.’
Wiþ him þer com a gret odour;
Nas neuer no smel half so swete.
¶ So swete a smal nas neuer non,
Of rose no of no spicerie,
5500 As com into þat leueli won
Befor þat leueliche compeynie.
¶ Wiþ angel song & miri play
Our leuedi adoun sche liȝt
Into þe chaumber þer he lay,
6000 & seyd ‘clerk, drede þe nowiȝt.’
Þei a man biþouȝt him ay,
No schuld he reden a poin[t] ariȝt
Hennes vnto domesday
Hou fair sche is, þat maiden briȝt.
6500 Hou briȝt sche is no tong may telle –
Yblisced mot hye euer ben.
Of heuen, of erþe & of helle
Sche is emperice & quene.
A mantel our leuedy vnfeld,
7000 Briȝter þan sonne þat schineþ schire.
‘Clerk, drede þe nouȝt, bot be nov beld,
For þou schalt haue þi desire;
Þerwhiles þou hast þine eiȝen in weld,
Avise þe wele of min atire,
7500 Apertliche þou me biheld,
Bodi & face, brest & swire.’
¶ Swire & al hir bodi he seiȝe,
When sche hadde to him spoken:
He loked on hir wiþ his on eiȝe –
8000 Þat oþer he held stille yloken.
¶ Oȝain to heuen our leuedi went
Wel stillelich out of þat clos.
Þe clerk held him foulely schent,
Amorwe, when þat he aros.
8500 His ȝalu here he haþ al torent,
& in his hert sore him agros;
Al þus he seyd & him biment
‘Þis niȝt y saued on of mi fos;
¶ Mi fo y spard, allas þat while! {f.38rb}

9000 Sori icham & wele ich owe:
Min eiȝe doþ mi soule gile,
& often bringeþ it ful lowe.’
¶ Riȝt in his chaumber, þer he stode,
Him þouȝt his liif was him ful loþ,
9500 He wepe sore wiþ dreri mode,
& out of his chaumber he goþ.
out of: copied on an erasure? |
‘Þat me no deined, ich was wode,
To loke wiþ min eiȝen boþe
Opon þat leuedi fair & gode;
1000 Y wot þerfore þat sche is wroþ.
¶ Wroþ sche is, & wele sche may,
Wiþ me, þat am sinful chaitif,
Þat y schuld hir so bitraye,
Þat ichaue loued in al mi liif.
1050 ¶ Euer me may rewe
þat ich while
Þat y schuld for ani drede
Do Marie þat gret gile.
Allas, what schal me to rede?
Mi soule y brouȝt in gret periil.
1100 A, leuedi, for þi maidenhed
Forȝiue me mi sinnes vile,
& help me in þis muchel nede.
¶ In þis nede þou me saue,
Þat y no be neuer forlorn;
1150 Graunt me þat y þe craue,
For his loue þat of þe was born.
¶ A, leuedi, to me þou liþe,
For care min hert wil toriue;
Michel loue ichil þe kiþe
1200 & worþschip þine ioies fiue.
Lene me grace, anoþer siþe
To se þi bodi wiþouten striue.
Bi so, ichil be bliþe
To be blinde in al mi liue.
1250 ¶ In al mi liue ichil
be glad
In swiche penaunce for to ben,
Bi so þou graunt þat y þe bad:
Efsones y mot þe sen.’
¶ Alday he was in sorwe strong;
1300 & afterward þat com þe niȝt;
His white honden hard he wrong,
He ne may for wo slepe nowiȝt.
He herd þan a miri song {f.38va} 
Of angels þat were so briȝt;
1350 Our leuedi com hem among,
& seyd ‘clerk, drede [þe] nowiȝt.’
¶ Sche spac þe clerk so fair vntille
‘Ich forȝiue þe al þi gilt;
Þi praier y schal fulfille:
1400 Loke on me, ȝif þat þou wilt.
¶ Þerwhiles þat þou art hayl & quert,
Biheld me wele euerich a bon.
Biþenche in þine owhen hert
Þat warisoun no hastow non;
1450 Þine axing sore schal þe smert,
ȝif þou be blinde as ani ston;
Þou most liue in gret pouert,
[W]hen þou hast þine eiȝen forgon.
¶ When þou forgos þi warldes wele,
1500 & loue of frendes, fremed & sibbe,
Angwis þou most suffri fele,
In alle time þat þou schalt libbe.’
¶ Þe clerk answerd, & louȝ
‘Min hert is ful of gret solas;
1550 Icham bliþer þan brid on bouȝ
Þat ich haue seyn þine holy face;
Of al ioie ichaue anouȝ,
Sende me now, leuedi, of þi grace –
To suffren wo mi body is touȝ,
1600 Bi so ich mot hauen a place.
¶ A place graunt me, Marie,
Þat mi soule mot wone,
Wiþ ioie & wiþ melodye;
In heuen bifor þi swet sone.’
1650 ¶ Sche seyd ‘mi
clerk, no wepe þou nouȝt,
No make no mornand chere.
Þi bon þou hast me bisouȝt,
Ich graunt þe in al maner;
Into þat ioie þou schalt be brouȝt,
1700 When þou hast laten þi liif here,
Þat mi swete sone haþ wrouȝt
To hem þat ben him leue & dere.
¶ Dere þou art to me, ywis.
Oȝain to heuen now ich mot wende;
1750 Þou schalt com into þat blis,
When þou hast laten þi liues ende.’
¶ Vp into heuen anon sche steyȝe, {f.38vb} 
Þer sche is quen & leuedi corn.
Þe clerk his eiȝen fast he wreiȝe,
1800 He wende his siȝt were
forlorn: second r superscript
with caret mark. |
When it was day, ful wele he seiȝe
day superscript with
insertion point marked. |
Þis warldes pride al him biforn.
‘Merci, leuedi’ he crid on heiȝe
‘Wele be þe time þat þou were born.
1850 ¶ Þat þou
were born of o wiman,
Blisced be euer þe day.
Þer liueþ no wiȝt þat telle can
Þe ioie þat of þe springeþ ay.’
¶ Leuedi, flour & frout of Iesse,
1900 Þou art maiden, gode & hende,
Godes moder, mild & fre;
Michel þou helpest al mankende:
On þi seruaunt haue pite,
& saue ous, lord, fram þe fende
1950 & graunt ous, ȝif þi wille be
When we schul of þis warld wende
¶ When we schal wend out of þis liue.
Here our prayer & our steuen:
Bring ous, for þine ioies fiue,
2000 Into þe swete blis of heuen. Amen.