Lay le Freine
We redeþ oft & findeþ [ywri]te {f.261ra}

& þis clerkes wele it wite
Layes þat ben in harping
Ben yfounde of ferli þing.
5000 Sum beþe of wer & sum of wo
& sum of ioie & mirþe also
& sum of trecherie & of gile,
Of old auentours þat fel while;
& sum of bourdes & ribaudy
1000 & mani þer beþ of fairy.
Of al þinges þat men seþ
Mest o loue for soþe þai beþ.
¶ In Breteyne bi hold time
Þis layes were wrouȝt, so seiþ þis rime.
rime: written superscript
to fit column width. |
1500 When kinges miȝt our yhere
Of ani meruailes þat þer were
Þai token an harp in gle & game
& maked a lay & ȝaf it name.
Now of þis auentours þat weren yfalle
2000 Y can tel sum ac nouȝt alle,
Ac herkneþ, lordinges, soþe to sain,
Ichil ȝou telle Lay le Frayn.
Bifel a cas in Breteyne
Whereof was made Lay le Frain.
2500 In Ingliche for to tellen, ywis,
Of an asche for soþe it is;
On ensaumple fair wiþalle
Þat sum time was bifalle.
In þe west cuntre woned tvay kniȝtes,
s of kniȝtes is superscript
to fit column width. |
3000 & loued hem wele in al riȝtes;
Riche men in her best liif,
& aiþer of hem hadde wedded wiif.
Þat o kniȝt made his leuedi milde {f.261rb}

Þat sche was wonder gret wiþ childe.
3500 & when hir time was comen þo
Sche was deliuerd out of wo.
Þe kniȝt þonked God almiȝt
& cleped his messanger an hiȝt.
‘Go’ he seyd ‘to mi neiȝebour swiþe
4000 & say y gret him fele siþe
& pray him þat he com to me
& say he schal mi gossibbe be.’
Þe messanger goþ & haþ nouȝt forȝete
& fint þe kniȝt at his mete.
4500 & fair he gret in þe halle
Þe lord, þe leuedi, þe meyne alle.
& seþþen on knes doun him sett
& þe lord ful fair he gr[e]t
‘He bad þat þou schust to him te
5000 & for loue his gossibbe be.’
‘Is his leuedi deliuerd wiþ sounde?’
‘ȝa, sir, yþonked be God þe stounde.’
‘& wheþer a maidenchild oþer a knaue?’
‘Tvay sones, sir, God hem saue.’
5500 Þe kniȝt þerof was glad & bliþe
& þonked Godes sond swiþe
& graunted his erand in al þing
& ȝaf him a palfray for his tiding.
¶ Þan was þe leuedi of þe hous
6000 A proude dame & an envieous,
envieous: second e altered from i. |
Hokerfulliche missegging,
Squeymous & eke scorning,
To ich woman sche hadde envie;
Sche spac þis wordes of felonie
6500 ‘Ich haue wonder, þou messanger,
Who was þi lordes conseiler
To teche him about to sende
& telle schame in ich an ende
Þat his wiif haþ to childer ybore.
7000 Wele may ich man w[i]te þerfore
Þat tvay men hir han hadde in bour;
Þat is hir boþe deshonour.’
Þe messanger was sore aschamed,
Þe kniȝt himself was sore agramed
7500 & rebouked his leuedy
To speke ani woman vilaynie.
& ich woman þerof miȝt here {f.261va} 
Curssed hir alle yfere
& bisouȝt God in heuen,
8000 For his holy name seuen,
Þat ȝif hye euer ani child schuld abide
A wers auentour hir schuld bitide.
¶ Sone þerafter bifel a cas
Þat hirself wiþ child was.
8500 When God wild sche was vnbounde
& deliuerd al wiþ sounde.
To maidenchilder sche hadde ybore.
When hye it wist wo hir was þerfore.
‘Allas,’ sche seyd ‘þat þis hap come!
9000 Ich haue yȝouen mi nowen dome.
Forboden bite ich woman
To speken ani oþer harm opon.
Falsliche anoþer y gan deme,
Þe selue happe is on me sene.
9500 Allas,’ sche seyd ‘þat y was born!
Wiþouten ende icham forlorn.
Or ich mot siggen sikerly
Þat tvay men han yly me by,
Or ich mot sigge in al mi liif
1000 Þat y bileiȝe mi neȝbours wiif,
Or ich mot – þat God it schilde -
Help to sle min owhen child.
On of þis þre þinges ich mot nede
Sigge oþer don in dede.
1050 ¶ ȝif ich say ich hadde a bi-leman,
Þan ich leiȝe meselue opon;
And eke þai wil þat me se
Held me wers þan comoun be.
& ȝif ich knaweleche to ich man
1100 Þat ich leiȝe þe leuedi opon,
Þan ich worþ of old & ȝong
Be hold leiȝster & fals of tong.
ȝete me is best take mi chaunce
& sle mi childe & do penaunce.’
1150 Hir midwiif hye cleped hir to
‘Anon,’ sche seyd ‘þis child fordo.
& euer say þou wher þou go
Þat ich haue o child & namo.’
Þe midwiif answerd þurthout al
1200 Þat hye nil no hye ne schal.
..................... {f.261vb} 
1250 ...................
{13 lines missing where miniature cut out}
1300 ..................
May help it for Godes loue.’
1350 Þe leuedi graunted anon þerto
& wold wele þat it were ydo.
Sche toke a riche baudekine
Þat hir lord brouȝt fram Costentine
& lapped þe litel maiden þerin
1400 & toke a ring of gold fin
& on hir riȝt arm it knitt
Wiþ a lace of silke þerin plit;
& whoso hir founde schuld haue in mende
Þat it were comen of riche kende.
1450 ¶ Þe maide toke þe child hir mide
& stale oway in an euentide
& passed ouer a wild heþ,
Þurth feld & þurth wode hye geþ
Al þe winterlong niȝt -
1500 Þe weder was clere, þe mone was liȝt -
So þat hye com bi a forest side;
Sche wax al weri & gan abide.
Sone after sche gan herk
Cokkes crowe & houndes berk.
1550 Sche aros & þider
& added later in smaller script. |
Ner & nere sche gan bihold,
Walles & hous fele hye seiȝe,
A chirche wiþ stepel fair & heiȝe.
Þan nas þer noiþer strete no toun,
strete: MS reads steete.
?Botched correction. |
1600 Bot an hous of religioun,
An order of nonnes wele ydiȝt
To seruy God boþe day & niȝt.
Þe maiden abod no lengore
Bot ȝede hir to þe chirche dore
1650 & on knes sche sat adoun
& seyd wepeand her orisoun
‘O lord’ he seyd ‘Ihesu Crist
þat sinful man bedes herst,
Vnderfong þis present
1700 & help þis seli innocent
Þat it mot ycristned be,
For Marie loue þi moder fre.’
Hye loked vp & bi hir seiȝe
An asche bi hir fair & heiȝe,
1750 Wele ybowed, of michel priis;
Þe bodi was holow as mani on is.
Þerin sche leyd þe child for cold,
In þe pel as it was bifold,
& blisced it wiþ al hir miȝt.
1800 Wiþ þat it gan to dawe liȝt.
Þe foules vp & song on bouȝ
& acremen ȝede to þe plouȝ.
Þe maiden turned oȝain anon
& tok þe waye he hadde er gon.
1850 ¶ Þe porter of þe abbay aros
& dede his ofice in þe clos,
Rong þe belles & taperes liȝt,
Leyd forþ bokes & al redi diȝt.
Þe chirche dore he vndede
1900 & seiȝe anon in þe stede
Þe pel liggen in þe tre
& þouȝt wele þat it miȝt be
Þat þeues hadde yrobbed sumwhare
& gon þer forþ & lete it þare.
1950 Þerto he ȝede & it vnwond
& þe maidenchild þerin he fond.
He tok it vp bitven his hond
& þonked Ihesu Cristes sond
& hom to his hous he it brouȝt
2000 & tok it his douhter & hir bisouȝt
Þat hye schuld kepe it as sche can,
For sche was melche & couþe þeran.
Sche bad it souke & it nold
For it was neiȝe ded for cold.
2050 ¶ Anon fer sche aliȝt
& warmed it wele, apliȝt.
Sche ȝaf it souke opon hir barm
& seþþen laid it to slepe warm.
And when þe masse was ydon, {f.262rb} 
2100 Þe porter to þe abbesse com ful son
‘Madame, what rede ȝe of þis þing?
Today riȝt in þe morning,
Sone after þe first stounde,
A litel maidenchild ich founde
2150 In þe holwe assche þerout,
& a pel him about.
A ring of gold also was þere.
Hou it com þider y not nere.’
Þe abbesse was awonderd of þis þing,
2200 ‘Go’ hye seyd ‘on heiȝing
& feche it hider y pray þe.
It is welcom to God & to me,
Ichil it help as y can
& sigge it is mi kinswoman.’
2250 Þe porter anon it gan forþ bring
Wiþ þe pal & wiþ þe ring.
Þe abbesse lete clepe a prest anon
& lete it cristin in funston.
& for it was in an asche yfounde
2300 Sche cleped it Frain in þat stounde.
Þe Freyns of þe asche is a freyn
After þe language of Breteyn;
Forþe Le Frein men clepeþ þis lay
More þan asche in ich cuntray.
2350 ¶ Þis Frein þriued fram ȝer to ȝer,
Þe abbesse nece men wend it were.
Þe abbesse hir gan teche & beld,
Bi þat hye was of .xii. winter eld,
In al Jnglond þer nas non
2400 A fairer maiden þan hye was on.
& when hye couþe ouȝt of manhed,
Hye bad þe abbesse hir wis & rede
Whiche were her kin, on or oþer,
Fader or moder, soster or broþer.
2450 Þe abbesse hir in conseyl toke,
To tellen hir hye nouȝt forsoke
Hou hye was founden in al þing,
& tok hir þe cloþ & þe ring
& bad hir kepe it in þat stede;
2500 & þer whiles sche liued so sche dede.
Þan was þer in þat cuntre
A riche kniȝt of lond & fe,
Proud & ȝong & joliue, {f.262va} 
& had nouȝt ȝete ywedded wiue.
2550 He was stout, of gret renoun,
& was ycleped sir Guroun.
He herd praise þat maiden fre
& seyd he wald hir se.
He diȝt him in þe way anon,
2600 & joliflich þider
he come;
þider: i altered from an o. |
& bad his man sigge verrament
He schuld toward a turnament.
Þe abbesse & þe nonnes alle
Fair him gret in þe gest halle
2650 & damisel Freyn so hende
of mouþe
damisel: MS reads damilel. |
Gret him faire as hye wele couþe;
& sw[it]he wele he gan deuise
Her semblaunt & her gentrise,
Her louesum eiȝen, her rode so briȝt,
2700 & comced to loue hir anonriȝt
& þouȝt hou he miȝt take on
To haue hir to his leman.
He þouȝt ‘ȝif ich com hir to
More þan ichaue ydo,
2750 Þe abbesse wil souchy gile
& voide hir in a litel while.’
He compast anoþer enchesoun,
To be broþer of þat religioun.
Erasure between be and broþer. |
‘Madame,’ he seyd to þe abbesse
2800 ‘Y loui wele in al godenisse,
Ichil ȝiue on & oþer
Londes & rentes to bicom ȝour broþer
Þat ȝe schul euer fare þe bet
When y com to haue recet.’
2850 At fewe wordes þai ben at on.
He grayþes him & forþ is gon.
Oft he come bi day & niȝt
To speke wiþ þat maiden briȝt,
So þat wiþ his fair bihest
2900 & wiþ his gloseing atte lest
Hye graunted him to don his wille
When he wil, loude & stille.
‘Leman,’ he seyd ‘þou most lat be
Þe abbesse þi nece & go wiþ me.
2950 For icham riche, of swiche pouwere
Þe finde bet þan þou hast here.’
Þe maiden grant & to him trist {f.262vb} 
& stale oway þat no man wist.
Wiþ hir tok hye no þing
3000 Bot hir pel & hir ring.
When þe abbesse gan aspie
Þat hye was wiþ þe kniȝt owy,
Sche made morning in hir þouȝt
& hir biment & gained nouȝt.
3050 So long sche was in his castel
Þat al his meyne loued hir wel.
To riche & pouer sche gan hir dresse
Þat al hir loued, more & lesse.
& þus sche lad wiþ him hir liif
3100 Riȝt as sche hadde ben his wedded wiif.
¶ His kniȝtes com & to him speke,
& holy chirche comandeþ eke,
Sum lordes douhter for to take
& his leman al forsake;
3150 & seyd him were wel more feir
In wedlok to geten him an air
Þan lede his liif wiþ swiche on
Of was kin he knewe non.
& seyd ‘her bisides is a kniȝt
3200 Þat haþ a douhter fair & briȝt
Þat schal bere his hiritage;
Takeþ hir in mariage.’
Loþ him was þat dede to do
Ac atte last he graunt þerto.
3250 ¶ Þe forward was ymaked ariȝt,
& were at on & treuþe pliȝt.
Allas, þat he no hadde ywite
Er þe forward were ysmite
Þat hye & his leman also
3300 Sostren were & tvinnes to.
Of o fader biȝeten þai were,
Of o moder born yfere.
Þat hye so ware nist non
For soþe y say bot God alon.
3350 Þe newe bride was grayd wiþalle,
& brouȝt hom to þe lordes halle.
Hir fader com wiþ hir also,
Þe leuedi hir moder & oþer mo.
Þe bischop of þe lond wiþouten fail
3400 Com to do þe spusseayl. . . .
{stub 262ra} 
{stub 262va} 