The Life of St Mary Magdalene
& Martha keped swiþe wel {f.62ra} 
Hir londes euerich a del;
Sche ȝaf hir al to almosedede,
Þe pouer to cloþe & to fede,
5000 & þe Maudelein Marie
Sche hir ȝaue al to folie,
To wille of bodi sche hir ches,
Þat hir kinde name sche les
& was ycleped as swiche schul
1000 Mari þe sinful.
Bot as Ihesu preched þere
Our bileue & elleswhere
& Marie it vnderstode,
Þerfore sche wex dreri of mode;
1500 Sche souȝt Ihesu for hir misdede
& þere he was to him sche ȝede
In halle wiþ Simound leprous,
Where sche fond him in an hous
& his deciples þer þai sete
2000 Wiþ Simound leprous atte mete,
Bot for hir sinne & hir misgong
& for men were hem among,
Sche no durst hir nouȝt forþ pilt -
For euer he schoneþ þat haþ misgilt.
Bot þat sche durst do sche it dede:
2500 An oinement sche brouȝt hir mide,
Tofore Ihesu at his fete
Sche kneled adoun & sore wepe,
Sche wesche his fet wiþ hir tere
& seþþen wiped hem wiþ hir here
3000 & wiþ oinement hem smerd.
When Simounde þat yseiȝe & herd
Anon in hert he þouȝt þere
'ȝif þat he Godes sone were
And a prophete witterlie,
3500 Þan wist he wele sikerlie
What þis woman were & who,
He suffred hir nouȝt touche him so.'
¶ Þo gan Ihesu Simon vpbreyd
Of his þouȝt & to him seyd
4000 'Simounde, seþen ich com to þe
Þou nere so curteise to ȝiue me
No water to mi sore fete;
& seþþen sche com nouȝt sche lete
For to wasche hem wiþ hir tere {f.62rb} 
4500 & seþþen wiped hem wiþ hir here;
No þou no ȝeue me no lent
To min fet non oinement
& sche wiþ oinement wel riche
Hem haþ yheled wel softliche.'
5000 Þus gan Ihesu Simond vpbreyd
& þo to þe Maudelein seyd
'Woman, for þe loue þou hast to me
Alle þine sinnes forȝiue y þe.'
Sinful man, haue þis in (in) þouȝt,
5500 & loke þat þou forȝete it nouȝt,
Hou sche loued God in hert miche
& he it hir ȝald wel sweteliche;
So dere nis þing to God aboue
As of mannes hert trewe loue;
6000 To euerich sinne his loue is salue
Astow miȝt sen on ich halue.
In graue sche souȝt him þer he lay
When his deciples weren oway;
Þerfore Ihesu schewed him first
6500 To hir after his vprist.
vprist: s altered from ȝ. |
Anoþer honour Ihesu hir dede
Toforn þe Iewes in a stede:
For þat sche wepe, Ihesu gan wepe.
& he þat four dayes depe
7000 Ded smelland hadde lain in graue,
God made him eft his liif to haue;
Þat was Lazar hir broþer.
Martha hir soster he dede anoþer.
¶ Martha hadde an iuel strong
7500 Þat hir hadde holden seuen ȝer long,
& God hir made hole & fere
For Maris loue & hir preiere.
¶ After ȝeres tviis seuen
Þat Ihesu Crist steiȝe into heuen,
8000 Þat pined was opon þe rode
Þurth þe Iewes fals & wode,
Alle þe deciples þat Ihesu hadde
In wide londes þan weren yspradde;
Bot euer þai gun for to preche,
8500 Þe riȝt bileue þe folk to teche.
Among þe apostles þer was þan
Maximin, a wel gode man,
To whom Petre bitauȝt hadde {f.62va} 
Þe Maudeleine & to him badde
9000 Þat þai schuld togider go
For doute of þe Iewes euermo.
Þe Maudelein & Maximin,
Lazar, Martha & Martin,
Wiþ hem þer was Martinian,
9500 & so þer was anoþer man
Þat euer seþþen þat he was born
His eiȝe-siȝt he hadde forlorn
& for his godenisse God almiȝt
Him ȝaf þere his eiȝe-siȝt.
1000 Þe Iewes gun hem togider calle
& her conseil token alle
In an eld schippe to don hem þore,
Wiþouten seil, wiþouten ore.
Wel fast wepe þat compeinie
1050 Þat weren in þe schippe wiþ Marie.
Into þe see þai weren ypilt
To be boþe dreynt & spilt,
Bot God, þat al þing may se
In lond, in water, were þai be,
1100 He made hem alle to ben oliue
& at Marsil for to ariue.
Bot þai founde þer no wiȝt
Þat hem wold herberwe þat niȝt
No hem help wiþ non almosedede.
1150 Into an old porche þai ȝede
Þat stode toforn a mannes hous.
Þurth þe grace of swete Ihesus
Þai lay þer what þe day gun dawe
& of þat rist þai were ful fawe.
1200 When it was day þai
token hede
Erasure between was and day. |
Hou þe folk to toun ȝede
& into her temple þai gun gon
To anour her maummettes of tre & ston.
Þe Maudeleine þo & hir fere
1250 Wenten into þe temple þere.
Anon þe Maudelein gan preche,
Þat folk þe riȝt bileue to teche
Of Ihesus in Carnacdun
& hou he suffred passioun
1300 For hir & ous and al mankinde -
Of dedely sinne God ous vnbinde
ȝif ani of ous þerin be; {f.62vb} 
Amen seyt alle par charite.
¶ Þe folk of hir gret wonder hadde,
1350 Of hir bileue þai held hir madde;
Wonder þai hadde more & lesse
Of hir faucoun & hir fairnisse.
No wonder þei in hir mouþe
More swetnisse were couþe
1400 Þan in ani oþer miȝt be,
For Ihesu þat dyed on þe tre
Wiþ derworþi kisse & wiþ wepe
Lete hir kisse his fair fet.
Of þat lond þe prince þo,
1450 He & his wiif, bigun to go
Her maumettes to honour
Þat þai miȝt gete a child in bour.
& þo þis herd þe Maudelain
Fast sche preched þeroȝain.
1500 O niȝt to bed ȝede þai to,
Þe prince & his wiif also;
¶ Wel fair in armes togider þai lain,
& þider com þe Maudelain
In meteing to hem tvay alon
1550 & to þe wiif sche made hir mon
& seyd 'seþþen þat ȝe so riche be,
Godes men whi suffre ȝe
To die for hunger & for chele,
& ȝe haue plente of alle wele?'
1600 Sche bad þe wiif hir lord say,
& so him bidden & so him pray,
Þat þe gode men þat were þere
Schuld be holpen þurth her praiere.
Þe wiif drad in hir þouȝt
1650 Þat sche no durst say him nouȝt.
Þerfore þe Mari Maudelein
Þat oþer niȝt com ogain
& seyd as ȝe han yherd.
Þat wiif was sore aferd,
1700 Sche no durst nouȝt to hir lord sain
¶ No for þe pouer bid no prain.
Þe Maudelain hir gan to hiȝe
& cam oȝain þe þridde siþe
& schewed her to hem boþe
1750 Wiþ grim loke & wiþ wroþe,
Riȝt wiþ a brenand chere, {f.63ra} 
As al þe house were afere;
Sche seyd to him 'awake, tirran,
Remembre þe of þi fader Satan.
1800 Þi wiif þat is þere bi þe brouȝt
Þat neuer nold telle þe nouȝt
Of þinges þat ichir seyd & badde;
ȝe ligge in glotonie al sadde
In ȝour palais white so milk,
1850 Honged wiþ riche cloþes of silk,
& Godes men þat lin in wo
Wiþouten herberwe ȝe leten hem go.
Y warn þe now, þou wreche vnkinde,
Anoþer answere þou miȝt finde
1900 Þe pouer what þou hast ȝeuen & lent.'
Þus sche seyd & oway went.
Þe prince þo of his slepe woke,
His wiif in his armes toke
& seyd 'wostow, dame, what ich herd?'
1950 Þe wiif oȝain answerd
'Sir, so grete drede is to me comen
Þat neiȝe mi liif is me binomen.
Me þenkeþ, sir, þat better is it
Þat we do as sche ous bit
2000 Þan God, of whom sche ginneþ to preche,
Take on ous hard wreche.'
Amorwe þo þe prince aros
Of his sweuen sore him agros;
Þe Maudelain & alle her feren
2050 He ladde hem hom as ȝe may heren,
Wiþ mete & drink he hem fedde
& wiþ riche cloþes hem schredde.
Among þat pople þurth vertu
Sche gan preche of Ihesu
2100 His passioun & his vprist,
Þat mani man þerof agrist;
Mani man to hir þer come
& vnderfenge Cristendome.
Þe wiif ȝede to þe Maudelain
2150 & anon sche gan hir frain
ȝif þat sche hadde power & miȝt
Forto avowe her lawe ariȝt
Þat sche of preched niȝt & day.
Sche seyd 'ȝa, dame, par ma fay,
2200 Þerto ich am redi,
ywis, {f.63rb}
For our lawe oft proued is
Wiþ fele miracles þat God wil schewe
Þat stable is our lay & trewe
Riȝt as seint Peter ous techeþ,
2250 Our maister in Rome þer he precheþ.'
¶ Þe prince & his wiif gun seyn
'ȝif þou miȝt þi lord so prein,
Of whom þat þou so precheþ ous,
A child þat he wald sende ous,
2300 Þan wold we leuen sikerly
Þat he is God almiȝti.'
Þe Maudelain answerd oȝen
'Leten þerfore schal it nouȝt ben.'
To Ihesu Crist sche bad a bone,
2350 Þe wiif a child conseiued sone.
& þo þe prince þat gan se
To Rome sore longed he
Riȝt as a pilgrim for to go
To wite of Peter ȝif it wer so,
2400 ȝif it of Ihesu were þe lawe,
To wite þe soþe he was ful fawe.
¶ Þe princes wiif gan to say
'Sir, ȝif ȝe schul wende þat way,
To passe þider wiþouten me
2450 No wold neuer God it schuld so be;
When þat ȝe go þan wil y go
& when ȝe ride ichil also,
When ȝe duellen þan wil y -
No noþer schal it be sikerly.'
2500 ¶ Þe prince seyd 'dame, nay,
Wiþ me wenden þou ne may.
No were þe se neuer so milde,
& a woman were wiþ childe
In schippe wiþ trauail bistadde,
2550 Alle we miȝt be sore adradde;
Men wold siggen in a while
Þat þai weren in gret perile.
Bot ȝif sche soner were vnbounde,
Sche miȝt dye in a stounde
2600 In schippe bifor ous euerichon.
Þerfore þou may nouȝt wiþ me gon;
At hom nedes y mot þe leten
Our Godes for to kepen.'
'For al loue, leman' sche seyd, {f.63va} 
2650 'Lete now þat wille be doun aleyd.'
Sche wepe & crid & prayd him so
Þat he graunt hir wiþ him to go.
¶ A schippe þai (þai) gun þo puruayen
& richelich wiþin to laien
2700 Of al þing þat hem nede stode;
& seþþen al her oþer gode
Þai bitauȝten þe Maudelain
To kepen what þai com oȝain.
& into schippe þai deden hem þo
2750 So swiþe so þai miȝten go.
No haue þai nouȝt sailed ariȝt
Bot a day & on niȝt
Þat þe se wel hard bigan
To ȝellen & to belien þan.
2800 Þe schippemen þo gun fast rowen
& þe wawes oȝain to þrowen,
Þat of hem alle þer was non
Þat times among hem euerichon
Þat he ne wende haue forgon his liif,
2850 & nameliche þe princes wiif;
What for drede & what for wo
Hard sche gan to trauail þo.
A fair knaue child þer was born,
Ac þe moder liif it was forlorn.
2900 Grete pite men miȝt þer
Erasure between pite and men. |
Hou þat child no miȝt nouȝt ben
Yholpen certes in maner non,
Seþþen þe moder liif it hadde forgon,
& hou it seke þe moder tete
2950 Kinde sustenaunce for to gete.
& when it no milk gete miȝt
Þe fader þan wel sore he siȝt,
He seyd 'allas, hir fode is wane;
Þis grom is his moders bane.'
3000 Seþþen it may no lenger no fode haue
Dye nedes most þe knaue.
Wel sore wepe þo þe pilgrim -
Ha, God almiȝti, wo was him -
He seiȝe his wiif dede him biforn
3050 & his sones help was forlorn.
He wepe we[l] sore & seyd 'allas!
So michel as mi wille was
Bi mi wiif to han a knaue, {f.63vb} 
Her boþer liues now lorn ich haue.'
3100 Wiþ þat þe schippemen gun to crien
& to þat ded bodi heiȝen,
Swiþe anon þai gun it kippe
To slinge it out of þe schippe
& swore þai schuld neuer more
3150 Haue miri weder whiles it war þore.
Sum nomen þe heued & sum þe fete.
'Ha, leue lordinges, abideþ ȝete'
Þe pilgrim þan seyd so -
Ha, Ihesu Crist, what him was wo -
3200 'Suffreþ, ȝif it be ȝour wille,
Hir bodi awhile to ligge stille.
So michel pain is in hir ycliue
ȝete ich wene wele þat sche liue'
Þe prince seyd, & sore wepe.
3250 Of a grete roche he tok gode kepe
& þouȝt þat it better were
Þat his wiif were birid þere
Þan in þe se grounde to liȝen.
To þe schippemen he gan crien
3300 Grete tresore he ȝaf hem to mede
Þat þai schuld hir þider lede.
When sche was to þat roche ybrouȝt
Þan miȝt þai for hard nouȝt
On non wise graue maken
3350 Hir bodi in for to taken.
Þan souȝt þai on ich side
Where þai miȝt hir best hide.
¶ Þe pilgrim his wiif adoun he leyd
Wiþ his sone & seþþen seyd
3400 Wel sore wepeand wiþ his eiȝe
'Allas & walawo, Marie!
In iuel time & sori while
Com þou into mi lond Marsile.
Mi wiif a child conceiued þurth þe
3450 Þus ded for þat sche schuld be.
Seþþen al mi godes þat ich auȝt
Þi God & þe ich it bitauȝt;
ȝif þat he be God almiȝti,
Now on hir soule haue merci
3500 & þis child he kepe fram care
& lete it neuer nouȝt forfare.'
His mantel riche of he dede {f.64ra} 
& leyd it on hem in þat stede.
Þe child vnder þe [mantel] lappe
3550 Lay & seke þe moders pappe.
Seþþen to schippe he gan to gon -
A sori man was he on.
Riȝt so to Rome he tok þe way,
Seint Peter oȝain him com þat day;
3600 When þat he seiȝe þe croice on him,
He gan to aske þe pilgrim
Whennes he com & whider he wold.
Þe pilgrim al þe soþe him told,
Alle his anoye he gan him telle
3650 Þat in þe se him bifelle.
¶ When seint Peter þe soþe yherd
Of þe pilgrim hou it ferd
He seyd 'pes be now wiþ þe,
& ful welcome artow to me.
3700 Loke [þ]atow no more wepe
For þi wiif liþ stille on slepe
& also doþ þi sone hir by.
Þerof be þou trust sikerly
Þat God þat is so ful of miȝt -
3750 Alle þing he may dele & diȝt,
God of heuen he may ȝeuen
& alle his ȝiftes he may binimen -
He may þe wele do oȝain comen
Al þat he haþ þe binomen;
3800 Al þi sorwe schal þe ȝete
Turn þe to blis & to swete.'
¶ Seint Peter þe pilgrim ledde
Into þat plas þer Ihesu bledde
& where he was don on þe tre
3850 & his sepu[l]cre he lete him se.
Seint Peter þer he gan preche,
Þe sike he heled & was her leche;
Mani fair miracle he gan don
As he wiþ þe pilgrim gan gon
3900 & schewed him þat stede, ywis,
Where Ihesu steiȝe to heuen-blis.
In fay when he was stedefast
At Peter he tok his leue in hast
For to wende homward oȝain
3950 Þere he lete þe Maudelain.
To schippe anon he is ywent, {f.64rb} 
Gode winde on hast God haþ hem sent.
Opon a day sone after þat
Þe prince in þe schippe sat
4000 & loked forþ þurth Godes gras;
Anon he was war of þe plas
Þer þat he hadde ben at ere
& his tvay leue leten þere.
When he gan þat roche sen
4050 Wel sore him longed þer to ben,
Florines he gan þe schippemen bede
For þai schuld him þider lede.
& what for mede & praying
To þat roche þai gan him bring.
4100 & when þai neiȝe þat roche were
A litel child þai seiȝen þere
Adoun at þe fot of þe hille;
Þe se it was comen tille,
Þerwiþ it made michel gale
4150 Wiþ gret stones & wiþ smale
& playd wiþ burbels of þe water.
Wel ioieful þan was þe fader;
As it is euer childes wone,
Þer playd his litel sone.
4200 ¶ When þat þe child of hem was war
& of þe schippe þat hem bar,
It ran oway sore aferd
As he þat neuer seiȝe man in erd;
He crepe for drede, & hidde him þo
4250 Bitvix his moder tetes to.
For ioie þe pilgrim wepe sore
& þouȝt he wald wite more,
Vnto þat stede he gan to gon
Þer he hadde his wiif ydon
4300 & his ȝong sone also
Þerbifore ȝeres tvo.
Als he lete hem he fond hem boþe,
Yhiled vnder his mantel-cloþe.
He drouȝ þe mantel bi þe lappe,
4350 Þe child lay, seke þe moders pappe.
Vp in his armes he hir toke
Wiþ gode wille so seyt þe boke
& seyd 'Marie, wele were me,
& it so miȝt now be
4400 Þat ich miȝt now
haue þe liif {f.64va}
Wiþ mi sone here of mi wiif,
Bot to þe gode hope ich haue,
Þou þat sentest me þis knaue
Þat now al þis to ȝere
4450 Haþ now boþe kept hem here,
Þat þou miȝt now wiþ þi preiing
Mi wiif oȝain to liue bring.'
As he bigan swiche mone to make
His wiif bigan þo to awake.
4500 Vp sche aros & gan to seyn
'Yblisced be þe Maudelain.
Riȝt swete & ioieful is þi mede
To helpen hem þat haue nede.
When ich in schippe trauaild sore
4550 A swete midwiif þou were me þore.'
Þe pilgrim at hir asked þan
'Artow aliue, mi leman?'
¶ 'ȝa, sir,' sche seyd 'sikerly.'
Riȝtes now þan com y
4600 Fram þe stedes euerichon
Þat ȝe & Peter han ygon.'
Wel radiliche sche gan to say
Alle toknes bi þe way
& him rekned eueri stede
4650 & þe miracles þat Peter dede.
Wiþ ioie & blis, gamen & gle,
To schippe þai wenten al þre
& after in a litel while
Þai ariued in Marcile
4700 Opon her owen lond oȝain.
& þer þai founde þe Maudelain
Riȝt wiþ hir deciples alle.
Vnto hir fet þai gun to falle
& alle þe soþe he gan hir telle
4750 Bi þe way what hem bifelle;
He & his wiif & his grom,
Þai gun hir aske cristendom.
Maximin þer water toke,
Oile & crisme & a boke,
4800 & cristned hem þat ich day.
& so þai liued in Godes lay.
Þan bigun þai forto falle
In her temple þe maumetes alle,
Chirche þai gun for to arere. {f.64vb} 
4850 Lazar hir broþer was bischop þere.
Þo seint Mari þe Maudelain
& þe holi man Maximin,
Also it was our lordes wille,
Anoþer lond þai wenten tille
4900 Ac þere no founde þai no wiȝt
Þat hem wold herberwe day no niȝt;
Bot þurth miracles mani on
Þe pople gun fast to hem gon,
Cristendom þai gun taken
4950 & chirches fast þai gun maken.
Þai made Maximin to be
Bischop ouer hem in þat cite.
¶ Þe Maudelein biþouȝt hir þo,
Oway fram him sche gan to go;
5000 In Godes loue sche wold ben
& þouȝt þat neuer sche schuld sen
After þat time non erþeliche man.
Into a wildernisse sche went þan.
A stede was þo þeroȝain -
5050 & þider went þe Maudelain -
Þat Godes angels hadde ywrouȝt.
In þat stede no grewe riȝt nouȝt,
Gras, water, frout, corn no tre;
Þerbi men miȝt it wite & se
5100 Þat Ihesu, þat sche loued so miche,
He fedde hir þere gostliche,
Nouȝt flescheliche as we ben here.
Sche was to & þritti ȝere
Þat hir neuer man seiȝe no herd.
5150 Listneþ now al hou sche ferd.
Euerich day times seuen
Þer com (an) angels down fram heuen
& bar hir vp vnto þe sky,
Þe Maudelain Marie, on hy,
5200 & when sche was so heiȝe yborn
Ysett sche was Ihesu biforn;
Alle maner ioie & blis sche seiȝe þer,
Efsones adoun þai hir bere.
Þus was Marie born & fedde
5250 & into heuen-blisse yledde
Euerich day riȝt seuen siþe;
Þerfore sche was riȝt glad & bliþe,
To erþelich mete hadde sche no nede, {f.65ra}

Wiþ so gret ioie sche com & ȝede.
5300 ¶ Þer neiȝe-hond þer woned a prest
Þat gode wille hadde in his brest
Holy liue al for to liuen
As men þat hem to penaunce ȝeuen;
A celle he lete make him þo
5350 Þe Maudelain a litel fro.
& when his celle was ywrouȝt,
Of þe Maudelain no wist he nouȝt,
Bot on a day þurth Godes grace,
As he biheld vnto þat place
5400 Þer þat þe Maudelain was inne
Þat whilom was so ful of sinne,
¶ He seiȝe þe angels adoun comen
& þe angels anon hir vp nomen
& bar hir vp swiþe an heiȝe.
5450 When þe prest þat þer was neiȝe
It hadde wiþ his eiȝen sen,
& hou þai brouȝten hir doun oȝen,
Þe soþe wald [he] wite ariȝt
Of þat wonderliche siȝt.
5500 Forþ he ȝede wiþ holy bede
Towardes þat ich holi stede
Þere þe angels comen adoun
Wiþ ioie & wiþ mirie soun.
Bot a stones cast he nas þerfro
5550 Þat he nas þat stede comen to,
Þat he no miȝt stire lim non
O fot forþer for to gon.
¶ Bot when he turned him oȝain
To go framward þe Maudelain,
{12 lines lacking where miniature cut out.}
5600 Þat non erþelich
man liuing {f.65rb}
Was worþi for to se þat þing.
Þo bigan he for to crie
'In þe name of God & Marie
Y bid þe in þe name of Crist,
5650 Þou þat þere gost & list,
A Godes halue ȝif þat þou be
þat þou speke now to me,
What þing þou art þat þou me kenne.'
Þe Maudelain answerd þenne
5700 'Mi leue frende, at wordes
frende: r is superscript and misplaced (after e). |
Com forþ to me, y schal þe schewe
Bitven ous tvay here wel stille
Þou schalt ywiten alle þi wille.'
Toward þe place he ȝede.
5750 'Com forþ' sche seyd '& haue no drede
& þou schal wele witen & se
So michel so þou wilt on me.
Herdestow euer in spelle yminne
Of a woman þat was in sinne
5800 Þat Cristes fet wesche wiþ hir ter
& seþþen wiped hem wiþ hir her?
He forȝaf hir for hir godenisse
Alle hir sinnes more & lesse.'
¶ Þe prest wel fair hir answerd
5850 'Oftsiþes ich it haue yherd,
& seþþen þat was it is now gon
To & þritti ȝere euerichon.'
'For soþe' sche seyd 'þou seyst ariȝt.
In þis stede boþe day & niȝt
5900 Ichaue yben to & þritti ȝere
Þat neuer er man wist me here,
Bot as God haþ suffred þe
Now for to sen & speke wiþ me;
Euerich day icham wel soft
5950 Wiþ Godes angels born aloft
Seuen siþes atte lest.
Joie ich biheld aldermest,
Gret mirþe & blis þer y se,
& seþþen adoun þai bring me.
6000 Bot now þan schal ich hennes wende
Into þat blis wiþouten ende,
As icham warned of lord min.
Go to þe bischop Maximin
& telle him alle astow hast sain {f.65va} 
6050 & herd here of þe Maudelain
& biseche him fair þat he
Þe next Sononday þat now schal be
Into his chapel stille he go,
Him self alon wiþouten mo,
6100 Þat time þat he is won to arise
Vnto his morwen seruise;
Þer he schal finde me him biforn
Wiþ Godes angels þider born.'
A voice þe prest herd þere
6150 Of an angel also it were
Bot man no woman no seiȝe he non.
To Maximin riȝt he gan gon
& teld him of þe Maudelain
What he hadde of hir sain.
6200 Þo he þis tiding herd þan,
Maximin þe holi man,
He þonked heiȝeliche Ihesu Crist
Þat he of þat tiding wist
Þat sche him þe bode sent.
6250 Into his chapel þo he went,
Amiddes þe quer he seiȝe þo
Þe Maudelain wiþ his eiȝen tvo
A ȝerdes lengþe lift an heiȝe
& angels fele boþe fer & neiȝe
6300 Abouten hir þai gun stond,
& sche held vp boþe hir hond,
To Ihesus Crist hir bone sche badde.
& Maximin was sore adradde
Þat he no durst nouȝt to hir gon.
6350 & Marie seyd to him anon
'Gostliche fader, þou com me to,
No fle þou nouȝt þi douhter so.'
Þe way to hir þo he toke.
Hir face schon, so seyt þe boke
6400 So fair & wonderlich briȝt
Þat vnneþe he it biheld miȝt,
Al for þe liȝt & for þe lem
Þat schon as þe sonnebem.
¶ Þe bischop þo bigan to calle
6450 Þe prestes & þe clerkes alle,
& þere toforn hem euerichon
Wiþ salt teres sone anon
Of Maximin sche nam hir fode, {f.65vb} 
Þe flesche of Ihesu & his blod.
6500 & when sche was yhosled so
Toforn þe auter sche ȝede hir þo
& on þe grounde sche hir spradde
& to him þat sche loued hadde
Ouer al þinges most,
6550 Sche ȝald him þe holy gost.
Þo ros þer so swete a smal
In þat chapel oueral
Þat it filled euerich wiȝt
Wel neiȝe al þe seuen niȝt.
6600 & seþþen in þat ich stede
Þer þe Maudelain was dede
Þat holi man Maximin
Wiþ michel honour birid hir þerin
& bad him when þat he ded were
6650 Þai schuld ligge him bi hir þere.
¶ Ich biseche ȝou alle þat han yherd
Of þe Maudelain hou it ferd
Þat ȝe biseche al for him
Þat þis stori in Jnglisse rim
6700 Out of Latin haþ ywrouȝt,
For alle men Latin no conne nouȝt:
Þat Ihesu Crist for his holy grace
He ȝiue ous al miȝt & space
Þurth schrift þat he make ous clene
6750 As was Marie þe Maudelene;
Þat we mot to þat ioie wende
Þat euer schal lest wiþouten ende.
Amen, amen, sigge al we,
God it ous graunt [par charite.] Amen