Seynt Mergrete
Al þat ben in dedly sinne {f.16va} 
& þenk wiþ merci to mete,
Leue in Crist þat ȝaue ȝou witt
ȝour sinnes for to bete.
Listen, & ȝe schul here telle
wiþ wordes fair & swete
Þe vie of on maiden,
men clepeþ seyn Mergre[te].
5000 ¶ Hir fader was a
as y ȝou telle may,
In Antiage he was born
opon þat false lay;
Feble was his hert,
v[n]stable was his fay,
Deue þinges & doumbe
he serued niȝt & day.
¶ Teodolus was his name.
In God no leued he nouȝt;
1000 He leued opon his fals godes
wiþ hondes þat were wrouȝt.
Wicked weren his werkes
& feble was his þouȝt,
& euer he þouȝt to bring
Cristendom to nouȝt.
¶ As þai liued togider,
þe king & þe quene,
Maiden Mergrete
was geten hem bitvene,
1500 Þat seþþen leued on Jhesu Crist
& hadde michel tene,
& miche pine þoled seþþe
hir bodi, þat was so schene.
¶ While be quen ȝede wiþ child ...
2000 ..... ..... .....
{11 lines lost}
Þat it were to deþ brouȝt {f.16vb} 
wiþouten more striif.
Þo hye herd þat tiding,
sche wex a careful wiif.
2500 ¶ Anon so Mergrete
was yborn,
hir moder was wel wo,
For hir fader hadde beden
to deþ þat sche schuld go.
Sche þouȝt to saue þe childes liif
& bring hir out of wo,
Ful priueliche & stille
to Azie sche sent hir þo.
¶ Into Azies ward
þe child was taken to loke.
3000 Anon as sche was of eld,
Mergrete was sett to boke.
Hir felawes þat hir lyen bi,
at ich time þat þei woke,
Hou Mergrete was in hir bedes
gode hede þai toke.
¶ Þe norice þat hir ȝemed,
sche ȝemed hir wiþ winne;
Alle þai loued hir ful wele,
þe hous þer sche wond inne.
3500 Anon as sche couþe witt,
michel sche hated sinne;
Sche toke hir to Jhesu Crist,
hir form liif to biginne.
¶ Anon as þe mayden was
o fiftene winter eld,
Hir norice schepe
sche ȝemed on þe feld.
Hir felawes þat hir wiþ were
ful ȝern þai hir biheld
4000 Hou sche maked hir praier
to Jhesus, þat al may weld.
¶ Olibrious was lord,
as we heren telle,
Of Antiage & Asie,
to ȝeuen & to selle.
He serued boþe niȝt & day
þe foule fendes of helle.
Al þat leued on Jhesu Crist
Olibrious þouȝt to quelle.
4500 ¶ Fram Antiage into
Asie {f.17ra}
er miles ten & fiue,
For to stru þe Cristen folk
& bringen hem o liue.
Þai seyȝe maiden Mergrete
schepe biforn hir driue.
Olibrious for hir fairnesse
ȝerned hir to wiue.
¶ He seyd to his kniȝtes,
‘a fair maiden y se.
5000 Kestes hir opon hors,
& sche schal wende wiþ me.
& ȝif ich may enquere
of kin þat sche be fre,
Of alle þe wimen þat y wot
best hir schal be.
¶ & for hir michel feirhed,
ȝif sche be born of þral,
Hir mariage
no tineþ sche nouȝt al:
5500 Wele y schal hir cloþe
in sikelatoun & pal;
Sche schal be mi leman
& haue gold to wal.’
¶ Þe seriaunce went as he hem bad
to maiden Mergrete,
Þer sche ȝemed hir norice schepe
o dayes bi þe strete.
Michel it was þat þai hir bede,
& more þai hir bihete;
6000 Þe þouȝtes of hir hert
wald sche nouȝt forlete.
¶ Þe seriaunce of her erand
wald hir nouȝt biswike:
‘Damisel, we say it þe
ful wele may þe like.
Olibrious is louerd
of Antiage rike,
He ȝerneþ þe to wiue,
he nil þe nouȝt biswike.’
6500 ¶ Þan maiden
¶ briȝt so ani leuen,
Sche hem answerd
wiþ ful mild steuen:
‘Ichaue ȝeuen mi maidenhed {f.17rb} 
to Jhesu Crist of heuen
ȝeme it, if his wille(s) is,
for his name seuen.
¶ Jhesu Crist mi lord,
to ȝou y me rend;
7000 In ȝou was no bigining,
no neuer schal ben ende;
ȝif it be ȝour wille,
ȝour angel ȝe me sende.
Fram þis foule Saraȝins
y may me nouȝt defende.
¶ Al mi kin ichaue forsake
into mi neiȝd kne;
Jhesu Crist, mi lord,
y toke me to þe.
7500 Bleþeliche wald y for þi loue
martird to be.
Þis houndes me han bisett,
þat I no may nouȝt fle.’
¶ Þe seriaunce oȝain went
& told al her sawe.
‘Lord, of þi pouste
no ȝiueþ sche nouȝt an hawe;
Sche takeþ hir to Jhesu Crist,
to warantise wil sche drawe.
8000 Of al þat ȝe may hir do,
no stont hir non awe.’
¶ Þan it spac Olibrious
– weri him sonne & mone –
Of al min seriance
gode haue y none.
Bringeþ hir bifor me.
Yturn hir mode ful sone,
Ydo hir leue opon mi god,
þriies ar it be none.’
8500 ¶ Þe seriaunce
oȝain went,
sone þai gan hir mete;
Þai leyd hondes hir opon
& brouȝt hir to þe strete.
Sche com bifor Olibrious.
Sone he gan hir grete,
He axed hir what sche hiȝt.
Sche seyd ‘Mergrete.’
¶ ‘Maiden Mergrete, {f.17va} 
mi leman schaltow be.
9000 Ichold þe for mi wiif,
ȝif þou be of kin fre;
ȝif þow be of þraldam born,
y ȝiue þe gold & fe.
Þou schalt be mi leman,
so long so it be.’
¶ Þe maiden him answerd
sone opon on,
‘Cristen woman icham
& houen in funston.
9500 Blisced be mi lord,
to wham ichaue me tan.
No wil y nouȝt leue [h]is loue
for non oþer man.’
¶ ‘Trowestow þat Jhesu liues,
þat was don on rode?
ȝif þou trowest þat he liues,
ich hold þe for wode.
Endelong his side
ran þe water & þe blod,
1000 Þe coroun was of þornes
þat on his heued stode.’
¶ Þe maiden him aunswerd,
so þe angel hir kende,
‘He dede him on þe rode
al Cristen folk to amende.
& seþþen into helle
þe holy gost he sende,
To del[i]uer ous of þe pine,
þat þou schalt in ende.’
Letter erased before ende. |
1050 ¶ Wele þouȝt
þat Sarraȝin
it was him no bote
To striue wiþ þat maiden
– hir hert was so gode.
He comand þat sche bounden ware,
boþe hond & fot,
& seþþen into prisoun don,
to turnen hir mode.
¶ Maiden Mergrete
o niȝt in prisoun lay.
1100 Sche was brouȝt biforn him
opon þat oþer day.
‘Maiden Mergrete’ he seyd, {f.17vb} 
‘þou trowe opon mi lay.
Jhesu þatow leuest on,
þou do him al oway.
¶ Trowe on me & be mi wiif,
wele þou schalt spede;
Antioge & Azie
þou schalt haue to mede.
1150 Sikelatoun & purpel pal,
þat schal be þi wede,
Wiþ þe best metes in mi lond
wele y schal þe fede.’
¶ ‘Þine wicke redes’ sche seyd,
‘y do out of mi þouȝt.
Y take me to Jhesu Crist
þat wiþ hondes me wrouȝt.
Al þis midlerd
maked he of nouȝt,
1200 & seþþen into helle
þe holy gost he brouȝt.’
¶ Þan it spac Olibrious:
‘now it schal be sene
On wham þat sche leues
& whi sche is so kene.
In the manuscript these two lines (124-5)
are transposed and appear after ll.126-7. |
Hongeþ hir vp bi þe fete
for hir lordes tene,
& beteþ hir wiþ scourges
til ȝe ded hir wene.’
1250 ¶ Þe seriaunce
dede as he hem bad,
wiþ þe may þai gan striue,
Wiþ swepes & wiþ scourges,
boþe man & wiue, –
Þe blod ran of hir flesche,
as water doþ fram cliue, –
Til þai wende al same
þe maiden were o liue.
¶ Þan it spac Olibrious,
bi hir þer he stode,
1300 & seyd ‘Maiden Mergrete,
þenke þe þis paines gode?
Trowe on min goddes
& wende þou þi mode.
Haue merci on þi white flesche.
Men spilleþ þi blod.’
¶ ‘Blisced be mi lord, {f.18ra} 
þat was born in Bedlem
Of þat swete maiden
briȝt so ani lem.
1350 Þou do as þe teches
Satanas, þi nem.
Me þenke þis paines swetter
þan ani milkes rem.’
¶ Þan it spac Olibrious,
‘haþ sche non ahȝe?
Alle þe paines ȝe hir do,
hir þenke it bot plawe.
Wiþ ȝour croked nayles
þe hide of ȝe drawe,
1400 As clene fram þe bon
has houndes it hadde knawe.’
¶ Alle þe curssed þeues
were ful glad in þouȝt;
To do þe kinges hest
þai no targed nouȝt.
Anon as þe turmentours
to Mergrete were ybrouȝt,
Þai todrowen hir white flesche
wiþ iren crokedly wrouȝt.
crokedly: MS reads crokekely. |
1450 ¶ Sum þat bi
hir stoden,
her hertes were wel sore
& seyd sore wepeand,
‘Mergrete, þi nore.
Do after Olibrious
& leue opon his lore.
Haue merci on þi fair bodi
& þole þis paines no more.’
¶ Mergrete answerd
to hem þat bi hir stode,
1500 ‘I do me out of ȝour conseyl;
ȝour redes be nouȝt gode.
Y take me to Jhesu Crist,
þat was don on þe rode.
Al þe pine þat ich þole
it is þe soules fode.’
¶ Sche loked vp to Jhesu Crist,
Mergrete, & siȝed sore
& seyd ‘swete Jhesu Crist,
y leue opon þi lore.
1550 For þis men þat
pin me þus, {f.18rb}
y crie, lord, þi nore.
Forȝif hem & lete me suffre;
for me þou suffredest more.’
¶ Þan it spac Olibrious
– werri him sonne & mone –
‘Forsoþe, wenche, þi God is nouȝt
to whom þou biddest þi bone.
Bot þou leue on our godes
& forsake him sone,
1600 Y warn þe wele, for al his help
þine liif-days ben al don.’
¶ Mergrete answerd
Olibrious anon,
‘Þine godes þatow leuest on
er dom so þe ston.
Þou hast pouer to reue me
mi flesche fram þe bon;
To reue me mi soule
pouwer hastow non.’
1650 ¶ Þan seyd Olibrious,
‘bot þou turn þi þouȝt
Smertliche & sone,
to deþ þou schalt be brouȝt.
Bot first þou schalt to prisoun
& m[i]chel wo be wrouȝt.
Þi God þat þou leuest on
he no schal help þe nouȝt.’
¶ Mergrete answerd þo
milde wordes & stille,
1700 ‘Certes, wreche, of al þi þret
þat þou may do me tille
Icham redi to suffre here
al mi lordes wille,
& þou schalt to þe pine of helle
for þine werkes ille.’
¶ Of Olibrious lokeing
men miȝt ben agast.
‘Takeþ Mergrete’ he seyd,
‘& fetereþ hir ful fast,
1750 & in þe deppest prisoun
þerin ȝe schullen hir cast,
& lete hir cole hir bodi þare,
for hir wordes vnwrast.’
¶ Þei Mergrette were todrawe {f.18va} 
þe flesche fram þe bon
Pite of þat maiden
Olibrious hadd non.
Wel hard was Mergrete
biset among her fon.
1800 Saue þe help of Jhesu Crist
help no hadde sche non.
¶ Into prisoun fetred
Mergrete was brouȝt.
Jhesu Crist of heuen
was algat in hir þouȝt.
& – yblisced mot he be –
he ne forȝat hir nouȝt.
Out of þe court of heuen
comfort hir was brouȝt.
1850 ¶ Sone after þat
was in prisoun done,
Þer com an angel fram heuen,
long er it war none,
& brouȝt Margrete a staf
þat hye schuld vnderfon,
Fourmed after þe rode tre
þat God was on ydon.
¶ Þan seyd þat angel
to Mergrete þe briȝt,
1900 ‘Jhesu Crist mi lord,
þat is ful of miȝt,
To wite þe fram þine enemis
& to saue þi riȝt,
He haþ sent þe þis staf,
oȝain þe fende to fiȝt.
¶ Maiden Mergrete’ he seyd,
‘drede þe nowiȝt.
Þi sete is made in heuen
bifor mi lord so briȝt.
1950 No is no tong in erþe
no non eiȝe-siȝt
Þat may telle þe ioie
was made of þe þis niȝt.’
¶ Þe angel into paradis
went oȝain ful heuen.
& maiden Mergrete
wiþ a milde steuen
Þonked swete Jhesu Crist {f.18vb} 
& his names seuen
2000 Þat hir hadde swiche confort sent
out of þe blisse of heuen.
¶ Maiden Mergrete þo
loked hir biside
& seiȝe a loþlich dragoun
out of an hirn glide;
His eiȝen wer ful griseliche,
his mouþe ȝened wide.
& Mergrete miȝt nowhar fle,
þer sche most abide.
2050 ¶ Maiden Mergrete
stod stille so ani ston.
& þat loþliche worm
to hirward gan gon.
He toke hir in his foule mouþe
& swalled hir flesche & bon.
Anon he tobrast
– damage no hadde sche non.
¶ Maiden Mergrete
opon þe dragoun stode,
2100 Bliþe was hir hert
& ioieful was hir mode.
‘Blisced worþ Jhesu Crist,
his vertus er wel gode.
Slayn is þe d[r]agoun
þurth vertu of þe rode.’
¶ Maiden Mergrete
went þe dragoun fro.
Sche seiȝe a wele fouler þing
sitten in a wro;
2150 He hadde honden on his knes
& eiȝe on euerich to –
Miȝt þer neuer loþer þing
opon erþe go.
¶ Sche ȝede to þat foule wiȝt,
wiþ þe croice in hir hond,
& þurth þe miȝt of Jhesu Crist
wiþ hir wimpel sche him bond.
Sche toke him bi þe temples,
about sche him swong,
2200 Sche set hir fot in his nek,
to þe erþe sche him þrong.
¶ ‘Say me sone, þou foule wiȝt {f.19ra} 
& þou loþeliche þing
Who þan is þi lord
& who is þi king,
& who þe hider sent
to make me sturbling?
Seiȝe y neuer seþþen y was born
so loþeliche a þing.’
2250 ¶ ‘Leuedi, for þi
lordes loue
þou may ful wele fond.
Left a litel þi fot
þat in mi nek stond.
For michel haue y walked
bi water & bi lond,
Nas y neuer are bounden
in so hard bond.
¶ Ruffin was mi broþer,
þe dragoun þat þou slouȝ;
2300 Whiles he was on liue,
he wrouȝt wonder anouȝ.
He maked þeues to stele o niȝt,
o day to ligge & gouȝ,
& ȝelt hem her seruise
wiþ wel michel wouȝ.
¶ In a dragoun fourme
sent he was to þe,
For to spille þi memorie
oþer to quelle þe.
2350 Brosten is he of peces,
& bounden hastow me.
A maiden haþ ous ouercomen,
litel is our pouste!
¶ Belgys is mi name –
nis no bot to lyȝe.
No may ich in non wise
þis pain long dreyȝe.
Is nouȝt mi gat in erþe:
wiþ þe winde y fleye.
2400 Al y fond for to quelle
þat y see wiþ eiȝe.
¶ Þer ich finde a wiif
þat liȝter is of barn,
Y com þer also sone
as euer ani arn;
ȝif it be vnblisced, {f.19rb} 
y croke it fot or arm
Oþer þe wiif hirseluen
of childebed be forfarn.
childebed: MS reads childehed. |
2450 ¶ ȝif þou wilt
al wite,
astow may ful wel,
Loke in ich a strete:
þou findes it eueridel.
Y pray þe for þi lordes loue,
þou binde me wiþ stiel,
Þat y no may wiþ þine men
neuer striue a del.
¶ Salamon þe wise,
til he was oliue,
2500 He dede ous in a bras fat
& delued ous vnder cliue.
When he was oliue farn,
þai lete ous out driue,
Þe men out of Babiloine,
þe bras fat þai gun riue.
¶ Þai wend to finde gold anouȝ
& lete ous alle go.
Sum wer swifter þan þe winde,
& sum þan þe ro.
2550 ȝete þer er in erþe
ten þousend & mo.
Al þat trowe on Jhesu Crist
þai fond at wirche ful wo.’
¶ ‘Be stille, þou foule gost,
& decende into helle.
Be þou neuer so hardi
more man to quelle.
Y pray mi lord Jhesu Crist
þi pouste þat he felle’ .
2600 He sank into erþe,
so ston in drauȝt-welle.
¶ On þat oþer day
after it was non,
Olibrious comand
sche were of prisoun don.
Þe holy gost of heuen
he com to hir ful sone,
Þe rode token in hir hond
þat Crist was on don
2650 ¶ Þan it spac
Olibrious {f.19va}
– Crist ȝiue him iuel dede.
‘Maiden Mergrete’ he seyd,
‘hastow taken þi rede?
Wiltow be mi leman,
y finde þe cloþ & mete.
Trowe on mi godes anon,
or þi liif þou schalt forlete.’
¶ ‘Þine godes þai be doumbe
þat þou trouwest inne;
2700 Þai er ich a dele
ful of sake & sinne;
Þai er comen out of helle,
of Satanas kinne.
Þan þou wenes best to liue,
Þou schalt to helle winne.
¶ Y rede þou leue on Jhesu Crist
þat al þe world haþ wrouȝt,
Fader & sone & holy gost,
þat al þing made of nouȝt,
2750 & wiþ his swete blod
he haþ ous alle bouȝt.
Leue on him & be Cristen man,
& lete þi wicke þouȝt.’
¶ Þan spac Olibrious,
þer he sat on his des:
Ichil bileue on mi godes
þat y formast ches;
For min godes be trewe,
& þine er fals & les.
2800 While þou leuest on him,
þou schalt haue no pes.’
¶ Maiden Mergrete
answerd þer sche stode,
‘Yblisced be Jhesu Crist;
his help it is ful gode.
Y no doute þe noþing,
be þou neuer so wode,
Mi trust is al on Jhesu Crist
þat for ous schadde his blod.’
2850 ¶ Olibrious on Mergrete
anon he gan to grenne
& seyd to his turmentours,
‘a pine y wil ȝou kenne.
Takeþ & walleþ oyle {f.19vb} 
& lete opon hir renne,
& bot þe wiche turn hir mode,
to deþ ȝe schul hir brenne.’
¶ Forþ went þo turmentours
– sorwe hem mot bitide –
2900 & setten oyle opon þe fer,
þai nold no lenger abide.
Opon hir fair bodi
adoun þai lete it glide.
Jhesu sent his angels doun
to stond bi hir side.
¶ Þe angels stode hir so neiȝe
þat noþing miȝt hir greue,
& hir hert was ful gode
to Godes owhen biheue.
2950 Olibrious was abouten
to turn hir bileue,
& euer sche held to Jhesu Crist,
þat made Adam & Eue.
¶ ‘Maiden’ quaþ Olibrious,
‘is þi rede ytake?
Wiltow leue on Mahoun
& þi God forsake?
Ywis, bot þou turn þi mode,
þi sorwe biginneþ to wake,
3000 Þou schalt þole deþ today
for þi lordes sake.’
¶ Mergrete him answerd
mildeliche & stille,
‘ȝif y schal dye for his loue,
icham at his wille.
Þei þou reue me mi liif,
y nil nouȝt turn þe tille;
Þou schal nouȝt mi soule greue
for al þine pines ille.’
3050 ¶ Olibrious was neiȝe
for wretþe of þat wenche.
Opon a grete wickednisse
he gan him biþenche.
In a fat ful of water
he bad men schuld hir sinche,
& bot sche wald turn hir mode,
þerin men schuld hir drenche.
¶ Alle þe wicke turmentours {f.20ra} 
– hong mot þay heiȝe –
3100 Fast þai were about
þat Mergrete schuld dye.
Þai fild a fat ful of water
fast bi þe eiȝe,
To drenche Mergrete þerinne
fast þai gun heye.
¶ Þan spac þat maiden,
Mergrete, þat was so fre,
‘Jhesu Crist mi louerd
– yblisced mot þou be –
3150 ȝif it be þi wille,
þe water þat y se,
Lete me cristen þerinne
in þe name of þe.’
¶ Þe turmentours token hir,
boþe bon & fel,
& wold drenche hir þerinne
– þai wende do ful wel.
To confort þat maiden
an angel was ful snel,
3200 Þat swete Jhesus Crist hir sent
to confort hir ful wel.
¶ Alle þe pople seiȝe þere
an angel com fle
& toke Mergrete of þe water,
þat þai al miȝt se.
Þe fat brast on peces,
þe folk bigan to fle.
Olibrious þat was king
a sori man was he.
This half-line written at the foot of the column,
and its correct position marked by a-b and crosses. |
3250 ¶ Þo þe
popel seiȝen
al þe fat todriue,
To forsake Mahoun
þai heyed hem biliue
& leued opon Jhesu Crist,
fif þousend & fiue.
Olibrious lete slen hem alle
& bringen hem oliue.
¶ Anon bifor Olibrious
þe turmentours ronne
3300 & seyd ‘sir, it is for nouȝt
al þat we han bigonne.
Þer com fleyand bestes, {f.20rb} 
as briȝt as ani sonne,
& sauen hir fram harm
for al þat euer we conne.’
¶ Olibrious was neiȝe wode,
ailed him no game.
He cleped forþ a turmentour,
was he noþing lame,
3350 A strong manqueller,
Malcous was his name.
Olibrious biþouȝt him
to do Mergrete schame.
¶ ‘Malcous’ quaþ Olib[r]ius,
‘go & heiȝe þe swiþe.
Lade þis wiche out of toun
& bring hir oliue,
Wiþ þi swerd smite of hir hed
& lat þe blod out driue.
3400 No schal sche neuer after þis day
more oȝains me striue.’
¶ Malcous tok Mergrete
& ladde hir out of toun,
Þer was þe stede to heued men,
a litel biside a doun.
& seyd ‘maiden stoupe here,
þer whiles y schaue þi croun,
& y schal maken al blodi
þine lockes þat ben broun.’
3450 ¶ Þer suwed
Mergrete to þe deþ
al þat miȝten go;
Mani was þat moder child
þat for hir deþ was wo.
Þe þonder gan to brest,
þe sonne wex al blo;
Þe pople fel adoun to grounde,
þai nist of wele no wo.
¶ Þer com an angel fram heuen,
þat was briȝt of ble,
3500 & seyd ‘Mergrete,
yblisced mot þou be.
Jhesus Crist of heuen
sent þe word bi me:
In þe blisse of heuen
coround schaltow be.’
¶ Milde Mergrete, {f.20va} 
þat was so gode a mayde,
Þo sche herd þe angel voice,
sche bigan to abrayd.
3550 Þe tidinges þat
he brouȝt hir
brouȝt: o is superscript. |
neiȝe hir hert sche leyd,
& sett hir doun opon hir kne
& þis wordes sche seyd,
¶ ‘Blisced be Jhesu Crist
þat haþ me sent þat sond,
& dyed on þe rode tre
to bring ous out of bond;
Lord, ich biseke þe,
lete mi biding stond,
3600 Of þat ichil biseke þe
for sinful men in lond.’
¶ Mergrete þe milde,
þat was Godes mayde,
Þouȝt opon þe wordes
þe dragoun in prisoun seyd:
Þat deuels ȝede in erþe
women for to breyd
Þat were traueland of child
or doun in childebed leyd.
3650 ¶ Þan bad Mergrete
to Jhesu, þat was so fre,
‘ȝif ani woman trauayl
& hard clepeþ to me,
Deliuer hir, lord, wiþ ioie
þurth vertu of þe tre
Þat þou dest þi body on
to make ous al fre.
¶ Alle þat mi passioun
heren oþer rede
3700 Oþer þat in mi name
don ani almosdede,
Jhesu Crist, mi lord,
wiþ honour þou hem fede.
Þe swete blis of heuen
grant hem, lord, to mede.’
¶ Þer com a voice fram Jhesu Crist,
þat sitt in trinite,
& seyd to maiden Mergrete,
‘yblisced mot þou be.
3750 Of þatow hast me
bisouȝt, {f.20vb}
þi bone graunte y the,
& in þe blisse of heuen
þou schalt won wiþ me.’
¶ Þo þat maiden Mergrete
hadde herd þat miri steuen
Þat com fram swete Jhesu Crist
out of þe blis of heuen,
Bifor Malcous sche kneled
opon hir knes ful euen,
3800 & bad him smite of hir heued,
mo times þan seuen.
¶ Sche crid opon Malcous
– nold sche neuer blinne –
‘Malcous, smite of mi heued.
forȝiue y þe þe sinne.’
‘Þat nold y do’ he seyd,
‘for al þis warld to winne.
Þi louerd haþ wiþ þe speke
¶ In wham þou leuest inne.’
3850 ‘Malcous’ quaþ
‘forsoþe y telle þe,
Bot þou smite of min heued,
þou miȝt nouȝt saued be.
Haue ydon & smite it of,
& y wil bid for þe
Þat þou schalt haue þe blis
þat Jhesu haþ graunted me.’
¶ Malcous had turned his þouȝt
to Jhesu Crist biheue.
3900 For þe miracle þat he seiȝe
he turned to gode bileue,
& sori he was in hert
þat he schuld hir greue,
& ȝete he smot of hir heued,
ar þat it was eue.
¶ Anon as he had ydon,
he kneled opon þe grounde
& bisouȝt him merci
þat for ous þoled wounde.
3950 Þe angels cam fram heuen
wiþin a litel stounde
& bar Mergrete soule,
þer al mirþe is founde.
¶ Teodosious, a kniȝt {f.21ra} 
þat leued on Godes lay,
& þe norice of Asie
þat loked þat fair may,
Þai tok vp hir swete bodi,
slawe þer it lay,
4000 & bir[i]d it wiþ miche anour
opon þat oþer day.
¶ Þo Mergrete was bir[i]d,
as beþ oþer mo,
& Teodosious þe kniȝt
was ywent hir fro,
Alle þat were seke,
þat þ[i]der wald go,
Jhesu þurth his vertu
deliuerd hem of wo.
4050 ¶ Teodosious þe
he lete writen hir liif
Þat is now ouer al þe world
name-couþe & riif:
Hou sche þoled hir passioun
stille wiþouten striif,
Þat mirþe is of to here
to maiden & to wiif.
¶ Jhesu, þat on þe rode was don
our soules forto borwe,
4100 Scheld ous fram þe pine of helle
& bring ous out of sorwe,
& grace forto ȝeme ous
out of dedli sinne,
& grant ous þe miche ioie
þer seynt Mergrete is inne. Amen.
Explicit seynt Katerine.
This line apparently added later. |