The Nativity and Early Life of Mary
Al þat þe prophetes schewed whilom {f.66ra}

in her prophecie
Al it was off our lord
& of his moder Marie:
Boþe Moyses and Abraham
Jonas & Helye
Dauid & Daniel
& þe holy Geromie.
5000 ¶ When men here telle of þing þat þai louen
ioie þai han & blis;
Wiþ swiche a man may wite best
what him leuest is.
ȝif our lord me wil grace sende
to telle ich haue in ouȝt
Of þe most ioie þat euer was
among mankin wrouȝt,
¶ Hou we were al to liue brouȝt
after we were forlore
1000 & hou þat swete Ihesu
on erþe was ybore.
A gode man þat hiȝt Ysakar
what while bi old dawe
In Beddelem hadde to douhtern
in þe old lawe.
¶ Þat on was yhoten Anne
þat bar þe maiden Marie,
Þat oþer was Elizabe[t]h moder,
her name was Ismerie.
1500 Elizabeth bar of hir bodi
seyn Jon þe Baptist
& Marie, Anne douhter,
bar swete Ihesu Crist.
¶ A gode man was in Galile
þat hiȝt Joachim.
Schepperd he was & holy man,
Godes grace was wi him.
Þo he was of tventi Šere
seynt Anne he nam to wiue.
2000 Þer ner wimen no men in Ier[us]alem
of so clene liue;
¶ Þai deden boþe our lordes Crist
& her gode delen a þre,
Al þat þai hadde fro ȝer to ȝer,
ich man miȝt it se.
Þat o del þai ȝaue to þe temple {f.66rb}

& to hem þat were þerinne -
Of al þat we teiȝen now to holy chirche
of þat we mow winne -
2500 ¶ Þat oþer dele þai ȝaue to pouer men
& to way-fereing also;
Bi þe þridde del þai liueden hemself
Godes seruise to do.
Þer ne were men of Ysrael
þat so miche gode hadden
ne is written supserscript by Scribe 1; so has been added superscript with a caret mark by a later hand |
As Joachim & Anne his wiif
for treuþe þat þai ladden,
¶ For it ferd as it doþ ȝete,
þe men at wilen bring
3000 Holy chirche her riȝtes
her gode schal sprede & spring.
Tventi ȝer in spousehod
togider her liif þai ladden,
ȝer is written at the end
of the line, and its position
marked by two parallel strokes. |
Ioachim & Anne his wiif
& no child togider hadden.
¶ Aschamed þai were þerof sore
for hem þouȝt þat þai were
Forȝeten of God forbi al oþer
for þai no child no bere.
3500 Þai bihiȝten God ȝif þat he wold
ani child hem sende
Þat þai it wold to Godes seruise
oblisen atte nende.
¶ Ich ȝere as Ioachim
to þe temple he wende
Þre siþes to stable his hest
ȝif God him wald sende
& dede his offrende largeliche
of al þing at he hadde
4000 For schame & for sorwe
Þat no child þai togider nadde.
¶ Þo þai hade tventi ȝer her liif
togider yladde so
Ioachim offred to þe temple
as he was wont to do.
Þe prest þat þe temple wist
put him abac anon
& seyd he nas nouȝt worþi
among gode men to gon
4500 ¶ & þat our lord
schewed him wel {f.66va}
when he no þoled nouȝt
Þat ani child as oþer men
were forþ ybrouȝt.
Ioachim was sore aschamed
& went him out onon,
For schame among oþer men
into þe temple no miȝt he gon.
¶ Into ferre cuntre he went
wiþ his schepe, wepeand ful sore;
5000 He no þouȝt nouȝt to þe temple come
no to Anne his wiif no more.
In gret sorwe þer he was
& in care moneþes fiue
Þat he no herd of his frende no word
no of Anne his wiue.
¶ An angel com fram heuen
& badde him be glad & bliþe
& seyd our lord wald him sende
þat he willed after swiþe
5500 & said þat Anne schuld haue
a douhter of him biȝete
To ioie & blis of al þe world
as þe prophetes hadde ywrite.
¶ & in signe þerof he bad him hom gon
& ȝif he it leue nolde
At þe gilden ȝate Anne his wiif
homward ymete he schold.
Ne miȝt Joachim þis yleue
for þai so long childles were
6000 Ac homward he went noþeles,
he no durst elles for fere.
¶ Gret diol made Anne for him
no miȝt no wiman more;
In on erbere sche sat aday
& wepe swiþe sore
& wrong hir honden & cride on Gode
vnder a lorer tre.
As sche loked vpward to Ihesu Crist
þer sche gan yse
6500 ¶ A sparuwe nest wiþ ȝong briddes
'Lord, þi nore' sche sede
'Ich þing þou sendest ioie bot ous
& echeing of her blede.
Ous þou makest joiles {f.66vb} 
þat y no se non oþer so
& wonder me þink, ȝif y durst sigge,
þat þou wilt so do,
¶ When þou binimest me min children
& eke þou hast me binome
7000 Mine hosbond þat mi joie was in.
Y not where he is bicome.'
Þo com an angel to hir
'Doute þe noþing' he sede,
'For þat child þou schalt on erþe bere
is al bi Godes rede.
¶ Al þe warld schal wonder þerof
& þerof ysaued be.
Bitime þou schalt þe child bere.
Sone þou schalt yse
7500 Oȝain þine husbond, þou schalt wende
& don swiþe wele þi bone;
At þe gilden gate þou schalt him mete,
no com þou neuer so sone.'
¶ Þis wiif leued it nouȝt wel
ac naþeles forþ sche went
Oȝain hir husbond to meten him
as þe angel hir hadde kent.
Þis gode man & his gode wiif
togider þai hem mett
8000 At þe gilden gate wiþ ioie
as þe angel hem hadde sett.
¶ Þai cleppe & kist wiþ ioie ynouŠ,
þe better þai leued anon
To han a child as þe angel seyd,
homward þai gun gon.
Sone þerafter as it bifel
bi woman riȝt kinde
Seynt Anne bar þat swete bern
þat euer worþ in meninge,
8500 ¶ Marie þurth whom we ysaued beþ
þat þer were forlore.
forlore: MS reads fol lore. |
Þe eiȝteþe day of September
þis bern was ybore.
Cristen men þat com seþþen
of her birþþe-time nisten nouȝt
Ar now late þurth miracle
þai were þerin ybrouȝt.
An holy man þer was þat ich ȝer {f.67ra}

gret joie in heuen saye
9000 Fram ȝer to ȝer as it falleþ
in September - our leuedi day.
Our lord he bad, ȝif it were his wille,
he sende him tokeninge þere
Whi more ioie þat ich day
þan in oþer þat in heuen were.
ioie has been added superscript with a caret mark by a later hand |
¶ An angel seyd þat our leuedi
yborn was on þat day
& þerfore was alle þe ioie in heuen
when he þat time ysay.
9500 He badde him sigge in holi chirche
þat men on erþe also
Schuld maken fest in þilke day
as he seiȝe in heuen do.
¶ Holi chirche vnderstode
hir burþe-time first in þis maner.
Telle we now of þe holy liif
þat sche liued here.
Anon as sche was þre ȝer old
as it fel in þe lawe
1000 To þe temple sche was offred
as men dede bi old dawe.
Þo sche bileued hir moder brest
þat sche ne seke no more,
& þan sche was to þe temple come
man miȝt yse Godes ore;
¶ For þer wer fiftene greces ymade
bifor þe heiȝe auter
In honour of þe fiftene salmes
þat ben writen in þe sauter.
1050 Þis ȝong þing com ich grece after oþer
fort hye com vp an heiȝe
As a wiman of gret eld were,
no man no com hir neiȝe.
¶ After fader no moder no biheld sche nouȝt
þo sche vpward steiȝe.
biheld: held added superscript in later hand. |
Gret wonder hadde of þat ȝong þing
ich man þat it seiȝe.
Chastete sche bihete al hir liif,
ȝif it Godes wille were,
1100 Wiþ oþer maidens in þe temple
sche was ysett to lere.
¶ So reynable & queint sche was {f.67rb} 
of witt & of dede
Þat ich man hadde of so ȝong a þing
wonder & eke drede.
Sche nas neuer sen ones wroþ
no leiȝeand ones gon
No missigge to no man
bot euer more in on.
1150 ¶ Sche suewed & span & kembede also
boþe wollen & linne;
Oþer erþelich gode hadde sche non
her liiflade for to winne.
Ich werke-days bi riȝt tides
euen sche deled on þre:
Ich morwe fort vnder were
in her bedes sche wald be,
¶ & fram vnder to mid-ouer-none
to hir werk sche wald sitt,
1200 Weuen or spinne or sewe
gode sche was of witt;
Fort euen sche was in hir beden
wiþ word & wiþ þouȝt.
An angel come to hir eueri day
& fram heuen hir mete brouȝt.
¶ Litel oþer mete men seiȝe hir ete;
ac þat sche wrouȝt wiþ hir hond
Among pouer sche delt it ich del
& liued bi Godes sond.
1250 When sche of ani sike herd telle
anon to hem sche went
& comfort hem & made hem hole
þurth þe (þe) grace þat God hir sent.
¶ In her childhed al þis was
þat ichaue of ytold
For ich godenisse was wiþ hir
boþe ȝong & old.
Þo sche was fourtene ȝer eld
þe bischop of þe lawe
1300 Hete þat ich maiden of hir eld
homward schuld drawe
¶ To taken husbond as it was lawe.
þe maidens euerichone
Were wele of þe hest ypaid
bot Mari hirself alone.
¶ Þo sche was yhote forþ wiþ oþer {f.67va}

husbond for to take,
'Sir', sche seyd 'what þat lawe wille
y nil it nouȝt forsake
1350 ¶ Ac mi fader & mi moder bihiȝt for me
þer þat ich were biȝete
Þat y schuld in chastete
al mi liif me wite,
& me self while y was child
bihete mi lord al one
To liue mi liif in chastete
wiouten mannes mone.
¶ Þerfore ich ȝou sigge for soþe
as forþ as is mi wille
1400 Nei man schal y neuer come
mi maidenhed to spille.'
Þe bischop & þis oþer maisters
þat of þe temple were
Of hir word nomen strong conseil
& were in gret fere
¶ For þe boke wil oȝin swiche hest
no man schuld be
& þe lawe wille þat fram spousehod
no maiden no schuld fle.
1450 Her comoun conseil þerof þai nome
& fram day to day were
comoun: corrected from comaun. |
In bedes to bid our lord þerof
sum tokening sende hem þere.
¶ A voice com fram heuen
& hete men schuld take
Al þe men of Dauid kin
þat were wiþouten make
Þat were of eld to take wiif
& ich of hem þan bere
1500 A bare ȝerd to þe auter
as þe bischop hem schuld lere.
¶ & swiche ȝerd so wald blowe
& a coluer þeron brouȝt
Þat þai bitoken him Mari to spouse
þat þai no lete it nouȝt.
Glad was þe bischop of þe tokening,
anon he lete crie þere
Þat al þat were of Dauid kin
a ȝerd to þe auter bere.
1550 Þo þai were
togider ycome {f.67vb}
& ich hadde ȝerd in hond
An old þer was þat hiȝt Josep,
bihinden he gan stonde.
¶ His vnþonkes he was þider brouȝt,
he no durst elles for fere.
His ȝerde he hidde þo his felawes
her ȝerde to þe auter bere.
Þo was þer non þat was yblowe
Josep þai vnderȝete
1600 Þat he hadde his ȝerde yhidde
& gun him anon to þrete.
¶ Þai made him bere his ȝerde forþ
ouerhouen no miȝt he ben;
Ac þo he to þe auter come
miracle men miȝt ysen:
Wel fair bigan his ȝerd to blowe
þat ere was old & bare
& þeron sat a coluer white -
fair miracle was þare.
1650 ¶ Vp þe ȝerde he sat long while
& seþþen þe folk it seyȝe
Þat it fleiȝe about in þe temple
& seþþen into heuen on heiȝe.
Þer nas non þat þis seiȝe
þat sore adrad þo nas
& Josep þe old man
ful sori in his hert was.
¶ Þat him was loked þat maiden to haue
aschamed he was sore
1700 'Lokeþ' he seyd 'mi feblelesse
& haþ of me milce & ore.
Nam ich an old man & wiþ children?
mi miȝt is me binome
& sche is a ȝong þing; þerfore it is sinne
make ous togider come.'
¶ 'Josep, nim ȝeme' þe bischop seyd
'þat þou þe self no spille
As Datan dede & Abyron
for þai were oȝain Godes wille.'
1750 Þo was Josep sore aferd
& durst nouȝt sigge nay,
For drede of our lordes wreche
he gan to sike sore
& say written at line end
in a later hand. |
¶ 'Oȝaines Godes wille nil y be nouȝt {f.68ra}
ac seþþen it mot so nede;
Wedden ich hir wille, ac hye schal neuer for me
hir madenhed schede.
Ichil hir wardain ben;
oþer þing no may y do nouȝt
1800 Þat mi sone hir may wedde after me
þat our kinde beþ forþ brouȝt.'
For þe lawe was swiche þan
ȝif a man no miȝt haue child bi his wiue
Þat his next kinseman hir wedde schold
anon after his liue,
¶ & so on after oþer of þe blod
þat childer were for ybrouȝt;
Who so non wonne vnworþi he was,
ac now no farþ it so nouȝt.
1850 In swiche atent Josep wedded
is clene maiden þere.
For non oþer þing our lord nould
þat hye vnwedded nere
were struck through after vnwedded. |
¶ Bot for his moder no schuld asclaunderd be
þat hye wiþ childe vnwedded were.
Þat þe deuel no vnderȝete
þat a maden on erþe ani childe bere,
For ȝif he it hadde ywite or vnderȝete
þat hit hadde ben Godes sone
1900 He wald haue disturbed al þe dede
of his swete passione.
& our lord wold þat his moder were
in þe best stat ynempned, & sede
Of wimen þat þre statiis han,
& þe heiȝt is maidenhed,
¶ Þat oþer heiȝt is spousehod
& þe þridde widowehod is.
Al þre hadde þat swete maiden
þat bar our lord, ywis;
1950 Sche was maiden, wiif, & widowe,
& whoso is non of þe [þre],
Bot sche com to amendement,
no may sche nouȝt his be.
¶ Þo Josep had þe maiden wedde
as it fel in þe lawe
Toward his cuntre Bedelem
sone he gan him drawe
For to bise him of a fair bridale {f.68rb} 
when he hadde wonne wharewiþ
2000 Wiþ his werk & wiþ his craft,
for he was a wriȝt.
¶ Into þe lond of Galile to her frende
our leuedi þo went
As þe bischop of Nazaret,
þer sche was born, hir sent.
For þe miracle þat our lord sent þo
þat was for hir spousehod
& fif maidens sche tok of hir eld
wiþ hir to saue hir maidenhod:
2050 ¶ Rebecca, & Abigera, Sefor, & Sussanne,
Saele was þe fift yhot
þat schuld hir schilde fra manne.
Þo Marie & þe maidens fiue
togider were ybrouȝt
Þe bischop hem tok werk to wirche
þat þai ner idel nouȝt.
Of .v. þinges he bitauȝt hem werk
as to hem wald bifalle:
Of flex, of silk, of cheisel,
2100 of porpre, & of palle.
¶ Þo þai were wiþ þis werk
to Nazareth ygon
Þai casten lot what maner werk
ich of hem schuld fon.
Þo þe lot bifel to Marie
þe porpre to han on hond
To maken þe veile of þe temple;
þe oþer hadde þerto ond
¶ & seyd 'þou art so litel,
2150 hou is it þe bifalle
Richore werk to werche
& nobler þan we alle?'
So it bifel in her mouþe
in hem þai it gun leden,
'Quen of maidens' þai cleped hir;
þai nust hou þai it seden.
Oft þay song þat ich song
as it bi cas fel in her þouȝt;
An angel com & told hem fore
2200 þat soþe it schuld be brouȝt
& seyd her song was prophecie {f.68va} 
þat sche was maidens quen
& þat eue & euer (þe) þe soþnisse
schuld þerof ben ysen.
Þo were þe oþer maiden adredde
lest þai hadde missede,
Þer our leuedi forȝiuenisse
ich after oþer bede.
¶ As Mari is clene þing
2250 an a day a lauor nam
& stode at on welle
þe angel to hir cam
& seyd 'yblisced be þou Marie,
for God þe haþ yseiȝe
His owen woning for to be.
No haue þerof non eiȝe.'
¶ Wiþ þis word he went him forþ
& Mari was in þouȝt
What tiding miȝt be þat
2300 þe angel hadde hir brouȝt.
Into hir chaumber sche went oȝen
in joie & ek in drede
& held hir þerin priueliche
& hir orisouns sede.
Þer after þe þridde day
our lord to hir sent
His archangel Gabriel,
to þis maiden he went
As hye alon in chaumber was
2350 in hir bedes, ywis.
He seyd 'hayl be þou, Marie,
ful of grace.
Our lord wiþ þe is.'
Þer riȝt þe holi gost,
þurth þe angels greteing,
In þat holy maiden aliȝt
for ous of pine to bring.
¶ Þis was þe first dede of ioie
þat in erþe first to ous cam
2400 On seynt Mari day þat falle in Luyde
þat our lord flesche & blod nam.
Wele auȝt men honour þat day
for ilke day, ywis,
Adam our form-fader sinne dede {f.68vb} 
& brouȝt ous out of blis,
In þilke day þe liþer Kaim
Abel his broþer slouȝ,
& on þat day Abraham to Ysac his sone
þat is written superscript,
with a caret marking
the insertion point. |
his swerd drouȝ.
2450 In þilke day he liȝt in his swete moder
our lord Ihesu Crist;
In þilke day so was biheueded
seyn Jon þe Baptist;
In þilke day was our lord Crist
don opon þe rode.
Wele ouȝt man honour þat ich day
who so him wele vnderstode.
¶ Of on prophete y wil ȝou telle
þat hiȝt Zakarie.
2500 His wiif hiȝt Elisabeth,
for Godes moder Marie
Was hir cosyn ful neiȝe sib,
for so wiþouten liȝe;
& so we han told biforn
in þis boke tvie.
Zakarie & his wiif
togider þai were long;
Eld þai were & barain,
miȝt þai no child afong.
2550 Ac in þe þrettend ȝer
of Herodes kingdom
Þe archangel Gabriel
to Zakarie com
& seyd his wiif Elisabeth
wiþ child was ybrouȝt.
& Zakarie seyd oȝain to him
'þis no leue y nouȝt.'
Wiþ þis word he was doumbe,
his speche was forlorn
2600 Þat he no miȝt niȝene mones speke
er þat þe child was born.
Þo went Marie to Elizabeth
& was wiþ hir mones þre
In þe lond of Jude til sche had child
as þe boke telleþ me.
¶ Þo þis wimen togider com
gret ioie þai made & blis
& ȝete made þe children more {f.69ra} 
in þe moder wombe, ywis.
2650 Þo Elizabeth had child
in on missomeris day,
Zakarie nam a penne
as he specheles lay
& wrot it schuld hot Jon,
& þo he hadde ydo
He bigan to heri Ihesus Crist
& his speche com him to.
Sex mones þerbifore it was
þat Gabriel to Mari went
2700 Þo sche conceiued þat swete bern
as God hir grace sent
Þe angel seyd in his prophecie
þat his sone Jon
Dye schuld ar our lord
& into helle gon
Wiþouten pine & make our lordes way
lordes: s is written superscript. |
& prechi his cominge
& al þe wise old men
out of helle bring.
2750 ¶ Þo þat child was ybore
þe eiȝten day
Þai lete it circumsisen
as it fel in þe lay.
Sone he couþe mannes witt
into wildernisse he gan wende;
Þer he woned forgrowe wiþ mosse
nei to his liues ende.
Anon so Elisabet of childbed aros
Marie þat maiden milde
2800 Went hir hom wel stilleliche,
sche ȝede gret wiþ childe.
Þo our leuedi þurth þe holy gost
gret wiþ child was,
Josep was euer in Bedlem
he nist nouȝt of þat cas.
Aboute his mister & his nedes
niȝe mones he was þere,
In winter he went to his wiif
as it bifel in þe ȝere.
2850 Þo fond he Mari gret wiþ child,
lord, wat him was wo!
'Miscas' he seyd 'ichaue ynouȝ {f.69rb} 
þei y no hadde no mo.
Lete me anon, ȝif þi wille,
þe deþ vnderfong,
For better were bitime dye
þan in wo to liue long.'
Þe diol þat þe godeman made
no tong no tel may;
2900 Our leuedi held hir euer stille
þo sche his diol ysay.
¶ Ac þe maidens þat hir felawes were
'sir,' þai seyd 'þin ore.
Wiþouten gilt it is & for nouȝt
þat þou carest so sore,
For þi wiif is chaste & gode ynouȝ;
non oþer of hir we nist,
For sche ne spac neuer in priuete
wiþ no man þat we wist.'
2950 'Whi say ȝe so?' seyd Josep
'It may nouȝt so ben.
Nis sche now wiþ child gret?
Þe soþe ȝe may sen.'
¶ 'Certes, sir,' þe maidens seyden
'when þou it wilt ywiten,
In priuete spac neuer man wiþ hir
þat we miȝt vnderȝeten,
Bot þe angel on & þat was oft
ȝif we it durst sigge, ywis.
3000 ȝif sche wiþ child is brouȝt
bi þe angel it is.
'A, waleway!' Josep seyd,
'whi wil ȝe me so bitray?
Me, sely wreche, for ich am feble
in min old day.
Parauentour in sum angel like
a ȝong man to hir cam
& haþ ybrouȝt hir wiþ childe
& hir maidenhod hir binam.
3050 Allas, allas! Hou schal ich nouþe
to þe temple go?
Þe bischopes & þe prestes hou schal y se?
No wonder þei me be wo.'
Gret diol he made & sore wepe
as we finden in writt.
He þouȝt he wald oway flen {f.69va} 
þat no man schuld it wite.
A niȝt as he awayward was
an angel to him cam
3100 & bad him bileuen al þat diol
þat he to him nam.