The King of Tars
Herkneþ to me boþe eld & ȝing, {f.7ra}

For Maries loue þat swete þing,
Al hou a wer bigan
Bitvene a trewe Cristen king
5000 & an heþen heye lording,
Of Dames þe soudan.
Þe king of Tars hadde a wiue,
Feirer miȝt non ben oliue
Þat ani wiȝt telle can.
1000 A douhter þai hadde hem bitven,
Non feirer woman miȝt ben,
As white as feþer of swan.
Þe meiden was schast & bliþe of chere,
Wiþ rode red so blosme on brere,
1500 & eyȝen stepe & gray;
Wiþ lowe scholders & white swere,
Hir forto sen was gret preier
Of princes proud in play.
Þe los of hir gan spring wide
2000 In oþer londes bi ich a side;
So þe soudan herd it say.
Him þouȝt his hert it brast o fiue
Bot ȝif he miȝt haue hir to wiue
Þat was so feir a may.
2500 ¶ His messangers he
gan calle,
& bad hem wiȝtly wenden alle
To hir fader, þe king;
& seyd he wald, houso it bifalle,
His douhter cloþe in riche palle,
3000 & spouse hir wiþ his ring.
& ȝif he nold, wiþouten feyl,
He wald hir win in batayl
Wiþ mani an heye lording.
Þe messangers forþ þai went
3500 To don þe soudans comandment
Wiþouten ani duelling.
¶ Þan þe king of Tars þis vnderstode,
Almest for wretþe he wex ner wode,
& seyd þus in sawe,
4000 ‘Bi him þat
dyed on þe rode, {f.7rb}
Ich wald arst spille min hert-blode
In bateyl to ben yslawe.
Y nold hir ȝiue a Sarazin
For alle þe lond þat is mine;
4500 Þe deuel him arst todrawe.
Bot sche wil wiþ hir gode wille
Be wedded to him hirselue to spille;
Hir þouȝtes nouȝt y no knawe,
¶ Ac y schal wite ar þan ȝe pas.’
5000 His douhter anon was brouȝt in plas,
& he axed hir biliue,
‘Douhter, þe soudan of Damas
ȝernes forto se þi fas,
& wald þe haue to wiue.
5500 Waldestow, douhter, for tresour,
Forsake Ihesus our saueour,
Þat suffred woundes fiue?’
Þe maiden answerd wiþ mild mod
Biforn hir fader þer sche stode,
6000 ‘Nay lord, so mot y þriue.
¶ Ihesu, mi Lord in trinite,
Lat me neuer þat day yse
A tirant forto take.
O God & persones þre,
6500 For Marie loue, þi moder fre,
ȝif him arst tene & wrake.’
Þe king seyd ‘douhter, be stille.
Þou schalt neuer be wedded him tille,
For no bost he can make.
7000 Y schal him sende word oȝein
Þat alle his þouȝtes ben in vein,
For þou hast him forsake.’
¶ Riȝt be þe self messangers
Þat com fro þe soudan fers,
7500 Þis wordes he him sent,
Þat sche leued nouȝt on his maners;
Sche nold nouȝt leten hir preiers
To God omnipotent.
He bad him tak anoþer thouȝt,
8000 For of his douhter no tit him nouȝt
For tresore no for rent.
Þe messangers herd him þus seyn,
Wiþ þat word þai turned oȝain
& to þe soudan þai went. {f.7va} 
8500 ¶ As þe soudan
sat at his des,
Yserued of þe first mes,
Þai com into þe halle.
Bifor þo princes prout in pres
Her tale to telle wiþouten les
9000 On knes þai gun doun falle.
Þai seyd ‘sir, þe king of Tars
Of wicked wordes is nouȝt scars;
Heþen hounde he gan þe calle,
& ar he ȝiue his douhter þe t[i]lle
9500 Þine hert-blod he will sp[i]lle,
& þine barouns alle.’
¶ When þe soudan þis wordes herd,
Also a wilde bore he ferd;
His robe he rent adoun,
1000 His here he rent of heued & berd.
He schuld venge him wiþ his swerd,
He swore bi seyn Mahoun.
Þe table so heteliche he smot
It fel into þe flore fot-hot,
1050 & [he] loked as a lyoun.
Al þat he rauȝt he smot doun riȝt:
Seriaunt, squier, clerk & kniȝt,
Boþe erl & baroun.
¶ Al þus þe soudan ferd, y pliȝt,
1100 Al þat day & alle þat niȝt;
Noman miȝt him schast.
Amorwe, when it was liȝt,
His messangers he sent ful riȝt
For his barouns wel fast
1150 Þat þai com to his parlement
For to heren his iugement,
Boþe lest & mast.
When þe parlement was pleyner,
Þo bispac þe soudan fer,
1200 & seyd to hem in hast:
¶ ‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘what to red?’
Me haþ ben don a gret misdede
Of Tars, þe Cristen king.
Y bede him boþe lond & lede
1250 For his douhter, worþliche in wede,
To han wed hir wiþ ring.
& he me sent word ogain
In bateyl y schuld arst be sleyn {f.7vb} 
& mani an heye lording.
1300 & certes he schal be forsworn -
Wroþerhele þan was he born -
Bot y þerto it bring.
¶ & þerfore ich haue after ȝou sent,
& asembled here þis parlement,
1350 To wite ȝour conseyle.’
& alle þai seyd wiþ gode entent
Þai were at his comandment,
Certeyn, wiþouten feile.
Riȝt bi þat day a fourtenniȝt
1400 Þai schul ben alle redi diȝt
Wiþ helme [&] hauberk of meile.
& whan þai were so at his hest,
Þe soudan made a riche fest
For loue of his bateyle.
1450 ¶ Þe soudan
gaderd a rout vnride
Of Sarraȝins of michel pride
Opon þe king to (to) wende.
Þe king of Tars herd sey þat tide,
sey: underdotted for deletion by the scribe |
He gadred his ost bi ich a side,
1500 Al þat he miȝt ofsende.
Þan bigan wretþe to wake,
For þat mariage miȝt nouȝt take
Of þat maiden hende.
Of bateyl þai gun sett a day,
1550 Of seynt Eline, þe þridde in May.
No lenger no wald þai lende.
¶ Þe soudan com wiþ his pouwer,
Wiþ briȝt armour & brod baner
Into þe feld to fiȝt,
1600 Wiþ sexti þousend Sarraȝins fer,
Þat alle þe feldes fer & ner
Wiþ helmes lemed liȝt.
Þe king of Tars com wiþ his ost,
Wiþ gret pride & michel bost,
1650 Wiþ mani an hardi kniȝt.
& aiþer ost gan oþer aseyle;
Þer miȝt men se a strong bateyle
Þat grimli was of siȝt.
¶ Þer hewe houndes on Cristenmen
1700 & feld hem doun bi niȝen & ten.
So wilde þai were & wode
Þat men miȝt sen alle þe fen {f.8ra}

Of Cristen boþe fremd & ken;
Þe valays ren on blod.
1750 Þe soudan & his folk þat stounde
Hewe adoun wiþ grimli wounde
Mani a frely fode.
Allas, to wele sped Mahoun.
Þe Cristenmen ȝede al adoun;
1800 Was nouȝt þat hem wiþstode.
¶ Þe king of Tars seye þat siȝt,
For wretþe he was neye wode, apliȝt.
He hent in hond a spere,
& to þe soudan he rode ful riȝt,
1850 Wiþ a stroke o[f] michel miȝt
To grounde he gan him bere.
Þer he hadde þe soudan slawe,
Ac ten þousend of heþen lawe
Saued him in þat were.
1900 Þai sett him on a ful gode stede
Þat was so gode at eueri nede
Þat noman miȝt him dere.
¶ & when he was opon his stede,
Him þouȝt he brend so spark on glede
1950 For ire & for envie.
He fauȝt so he wald wede;
Alle þat he hit he maked blede.
‘Help, Mahoun’ he gan crie.
Mani helme þer was ofweued,
2000 & mani bacinet tocleued,
& sadles fel emtye.
Mani swerd & mani scheld
& mani kniȝt lay in þe feld
Of Cristen compeynie.
2050 Þe king of
Tars seye him so ride;
He fleye, & durst nouȝt abide,
Homward to his cite.
Þe Sarraȝins folwed in þat tide,
& slouȝ adoun bi ich a side
2100 Þat Cristen folk so fre.
Þritti þousend þer were yslawe
Of kniȝtes of Cristen lawe,
& þat was gret pite.
Amorwe, for her boþer sake,
2150 Trewes þai gun bitven hem take,
A moneþ & dayes þre. {f.8rb} 
¶ On a day þe king sat in his halle,
& made grete diol wiþalle,
For his folk were forlore.
2200 His douhter com clad in palle,
Adoun on knes sche gan to falle,
& seyd wiþ sikeing sore,
‘Sir, lete me be þe soudans wiif,
& rere namore cuntek no striif
2250 As haþ ben here bifore.
For me haþ mani man ben schent,
Cites nomen & tounes brent.
Allas, þat ich was bore.
¶ Fader, y wil serue at wille
2300 Þe soudan boþe loude & stille,
& leue on God almiȝt.
Bot it so be, he schal þe spille,
& alle þi lond take him tille,
Wiþ bateyle & wiþ fiȝt.
2350 Certes y nil no lenger dreye
Þat Cristen folk for me dye;
It were a diolful siȝt.’
Þe king of Tars answerd þo,
As man þat was in sorwe & wo,
2400 Vnto þat bird briȝt
¶ ‘Now douhter, blisced mot þou be
Of Ihesu Crist in trinite
Þe time þat þou were bore;
For þou wilt saue þi moder & me
2450 Al þi preier graunt y þe
Astow hast seyd bifore.’
‘F[a]der’ sche seyd ‘wiþouten duelling,
For Ihesus loue, heuen-king,
ȝif it þi wille wore,
2500 Do now swiþe þat y war þere
Ar ani more sorwe arere
Þat ȝe be nouȝt forlore.’
¶ Þe king of Tars, wiþ gode entent,
Hastilich after his wiif he sent,
2550 Þat leuedi þat was so hende.
When sche was comen in present
He seyd ‘dame, our douhter haþ ment
To þe soudan to wende.
Do loke what rede is now at þe,
2600 For now er here bot we
þre, {f.8va}
To saue Cristen kende.’
Þe quene answerd wiþouten feile,
‘Y no schal neuer þerto conseyle
Our douhter forto schende.’
2650 ¶ Þe maiden
was ful of sorwe & wo.
‘Merci’ sche crid hir moder þo
Wiþ a wel reweful steuen.
‘Moder, it is nouȝt long ago
For me were slawe kniȝtes þro,
were: copied at the end of the line,
with its correct position marked. |
2700 Þritti þousende & seuen.
Forþi y wil suffre no lenger þrawe
Þat Cristen folk be for me slawe,
Wiþ þe grace of God in heuen.’
Þus þe maiden wiþ wordes stille
2750 Brouȝt hem boþe in better wille
Wiþ resoun riȝt & euen.
¶ & when þai were þus at on,
Messangers þai sent anon
Vnto þat riche soudan.
2800 To make his frende þat were his fon,
& for he schuld his men nouȝt slon
His douhter he graunt him þan.
Þe messangers nold no leng abide;
To þe soudan þai went þat tide,
2850 & þus þai tel him gan.
When þo letters weren yradde
Þe soudan was boþe bliþe & glad,
& so was mani a man.
¶ So glad he was in al maners
2900 He cleped to him of his pers,
Doukes, princes & kinges.
Into a chaumber þai went yfers
To diȝt vnto þe messangers
Gode stones & riche ringes.
2950 Bi conseyl of þe lordinges alle
Þe soudan dede bring into þe halle
ȝiftes & riche þinges,
& ȝaf to hem gret plente,
To þe messangers wiþ hert fre,
3000 & þonked hem her tidinges
¶ & seyd he was alle at his wille,
Arliche & late, loude & stille,
To help him at his nede;
No more folk nold he spille. {f.8vb} 
3050 Þe messangers went þe king tille
& told him of þat dede.
Þe king & þe quene also
Boþen hem was wele & wo,
In rime also we rede.
3100 Gret ioie þai hadde, wiþouten les,
For þat þe soudan wald haue pes
On Cristen felawerede.
Þe first day of Iulii tide,
Þe soudan nold no leng abide,
3150 To þe king of Tars he sent
Kniȝtes fele & michel pride
& riche iewels, is nouȝt to hide,
To ȝif to his present.
Þe messangers, wiþouten duelling,
3200 Com to Tars, bifor þe king,
To haue his douhter gent.
Þai welcomed hem wiþ glad chere.
Of gret pite, now may ȝe here,
To chaumber when þai went.
3250 ¶ Þai maden
cri & michel wo
For þai schuld her douhter forgo
& to þe soudan hir sende.
Þe maiden preyd hem boþe þo
Þat þai schuld bi her conseyl do
3300 To sauen Cristen kende.
‘For y wil suffre no lenger þrawe
Þat Cristen folk be for me slawe.’
To halle þai gun wende,
& welcomed þo messangers
3350 Þat com from þe soudan fers
Wiþ wordes fre & hende.
¶ Þan seyd þe quen to hem þan
‘Hou fareþ ȝour lord, þe soudan,
Þat is so noble a kniȝt?’
3400 Þe messangers answere gan,
‘He farþ as wele as ani man,
& is ȝour frende, apliȝt.’
Þe quen seyd, wiþ milde chere,
‘Wele better þei mi douhter were,
3450 Bi Ihesu ful of miȝt,
Mi douhter is nouȝt to him to gode;
Y vouchesaue on him mi blode,
Þei sche were ten so briȝt.’ {f.9ra}

¶ Þe messangers diȝt hem swiþe
3500 Wiþ kniȝtes fele & stedes stiþe
& brouȝt hir into chare.
Þe king & þe quen were vnbliþe;
Her sorwe couþe þai noman kiþe,
When þai seye hir forþ fare.
3550 [Þai seye it miȝt non oþer go;
Bitauȝten hir God for euermo
& kist her douhter þare.]
Into chaumber þai went þo.
When þai were togider boþe to,
3600 Þan wakened alle her care.
¶ Þe king was in sorwe bounde,
Þe quen swoned mani a stounde,
For her douhter dere.
¶ Kniȝtes & leuedis þer hem founde,
3650 & tok hem vp hole & sounde,
365: apparently a later correction
written in a smaller script. |
& comfort hem in fere.
Þus þe quen & þe king
Liued in sorwe & care morning;
Gret diol it was to here.
3700 Her care was euer aliche newe;
Hem chaunged boþe hide & hewe
For sorwe & reweli chere.
Nov late we ben alle her morning,
& telle we of þat maiden ȝing
3750 Þat to þe soudan is fare.
He com wiþ mani gret lording
For to welcome þat swete þing
When sche was brouȝt in chare.
He kist hir wel mani a siþe;
3800 His ioie couþe he noman kiþe,
Oway was alle his care.
Into chaumber sche was ladde,
& richeliche sche was cladde
As heþ(þ)en wiman were.
3850 ¶ Whan sche was cladde
in riche palle,
Þe soudan dede his kniȝtes calle,
& badde þat maiden forþ fett.
& when sche com into þe halle
Bifor þe heyȝe lordinges alle,
3900 Toforn þe soudan þai hir sett.
Gret diol it was for to se
Þe bird þat was so briȝt on ble
To haue so foule a mett.
Þei þat sche made gret solas,
3950 Þe sorwe þat at hir hert was
No miȝt it noman lett. {f.9rb} 
¶ & whan it was comen to niȝt
Þe leuedi, þat was so feir & briȝt,
To chaumber sche gan wende.
4000 & þerin anon, y ȝou pliȝt,
A riche bed þer was ydiȝt
Vnto þat leuedi hende.
Þe leuedi was to bed ybrouȝt;
Þe soudan wild com þerin nouȝt,
4050 Noiþer for fo no fre[n]de
For noþing wold he neyȝe þat may
Til Þat sche leued opon his lay,
Þat was of Cristen kende.
¶ Wel loþe war a Cristen man
4100 To wedde an heþen woman
Þat leued on fals lawe;
Als loþ was þat soudan
To wed a Cristen woman,
As y finde in mi sawe.
4150 Þe soudan ȝede to bed al prest,
Kniȝtes & leuedis ȝede to rest,
Þe pople hem gan wiþdrawe.
Þat miri maiden litel slepe,
Bot al niȝt wel sore sche wepe
4200 Til þe day gan dawe.
¶ & als sche fel on slepe þore
Her þouȝt þer stode hir bifore
An hundred houndes blake,
& bark on hir, lasse & more.
4250 & on þer was þat greued hir sore,
Oway þat wald hir take;
& sche no durst him nouȝt smite
For drede þat he wald hir bite,
Swiche maistri he gan to make.
4300 & as sche wald fram hem fle,
Sche seye þer stond deuelen þre,
& ich brent as a drake.
¶ So loþliche þai were al ywrouȝt
ywrout: r is superscript. |
& ich in hond a gleiue brouȝt,
4350 Sche was aferd ful sore.
On Ihesu Crist was alle hir þouȝt,
Þerfore þe fendes derd hir nouȝt,
Noiþer lesse no more.
Fro þe fendes sche passed sounde,
4400 & afterward þer
com an hounde {f.9va}
Wiþ browes brod & hore;
Almost he hadde hir drawen adoun,
Ac þurth Ihesus Cristes passioun
Sche was ysaued þore.
4450 ¶ ȝete hir þouȝt,
wiþouten lesing,
Als sche lay in hir sweuening,
Þat selcouþe was to rede,
Þat blac hounde hir was folweing
Þurth miȝt of Ihesu, heuen-king,
4500 Spac to hir in manhede,
In white cloþes, als a kniȝt,
& seyd to hir ‘mi swete wiȝt,
No þarf be noþing drede,
Of Teruagaunt no of Mahoun.
4550 Þi lord þat suffred passioun
Schal help þe at þi nede.’
¶ & when þe maiden was awaked,
For drede of þat wel sore sche quaked
For loue of her sweuening.
4600 On hir bed sche sat al naked,
To Ihesu hir preier sche maked,
Al miȝtful heuen-king.
As wis as he hir dere bouȝt
Of þat sweuening, in slepe sche þouȝt,
4650 Schuld turn to gode ending.
& when þe maiden risen was,
Þe riche soudan of Damas
To his temple he gan hir bring.
¶ Þan seyd þe soudan to þat may,
4700 ‘Þou most bileue opon mi lay
& knele now here adoun;
& forsake þi fals lay
Þat þou hast leued on mani a day,
& anour seyn Mahoun.
4750 & certes, bot þou wilt anon,
Þi fader y schal wiþ wer slon.
Bi Iouin & Plotoun,
& bi Mahoun & Teruagant
Þer schal noman ben his waraunt,
4800 Emperour, no king wiþ croun.’
¶ Þe maiden answerd wiþ mild chere
To þe soudan, as ȝe may here,
‘Sir, y nil þe nouȝt greue.
Teche me now & lat me here {f.9vb} 
4850 Hou y schal make mi preiere
When ich on hem bileue.
To Mahoun ichil me take,
& Ihesu Crist, mi Lord, forsake,
Þat made Adam & Eue.
4900 & seþþen serue þe at wille,
Arliche & lat, loude & stille,
Amorwe & an eue.’
¶ Þan was þe soudan glad & bliþe,
& þanked Mahoun mani siþe
4950 Þat sche was so biknawe;
His ioie couþe he noman kiþe.
He bad hir gon & kis swiþe
‘Alle þine godes on rawe.’
Sche kist Mahoun & Apolin,
5000 Astirot, & sir Iouin,
For drede of wordes awe.
& while sche was in þe temple [þer]
Of Teruagant & Iubiter
Sche lerd þe heþen lawe.
5050 ¶ & þei sche
al þe lawes couþe,
& seyd hem openliche wiþ hir mouþe,
Ihesu forȝat sche nouȝt.
Wher þat sche was, bi norþe or souþe,
No minstral wiþ harp no crouþe
5100 No miȝt chaunge hir þouȝt.
Þe soudan wende niȝt & day
Þat sche hadde leued opon his lay,
Bot al he was bicouȝt.
For when sche was bi hirselue on
5150 To Ihesu sche made hir mon,
Þat alle þis world haþ wrouȝt.
¶ Þe soudan dede cri þat tide
Oueral, bi ich aside,
A turnament to take;
5200 & duhti men on hors to ride,
& dubbed hem in þat tide,
& kniȝtes gan he make.
Be trumpes gun forto blowe;
Kniȝtes priked out o rouwe
5250 On stedes white & blake.
Þer miȝt men se sone & swiþe
Strong men her strengþe kiþe
For þat maiden sake. {f.10ra} 
¶ Þe Cristen maiden & þe soudan
5300 In þe castel leyen þan,
Þe turnament to bihold.
& þo þe turnament bigan
Þer was samned mani a man
Of Sarraȝins stout & bold.
5350 To sen þer was a semly siȝt,
Of þritti þousend of helmes briȝt,
In gest as it is told.
Þai leyden on as þai were wroþe
Wiþ swerdes & wiþ maces boþe,
5400 Kniȝtes boþe ȝong & old.
¶ Wel mani helme þer was ofweued,
& mani bacinet tocleued,
& kniȝtes driuen to grounde.
Sum þer fel doun on her heued,
5450 & sum in þe diche lay todreued,
& siked sore vnsounde.
Þe turnament last þo, y pliȝt,
Fram þe morwe to þe niȝt,
Of men of michel mounde.
5500 Amorwe þe soudan wedded þat may
In þe maner of his lay,
In gest as it is founde.
¶ Atte his bridale was noble fest,
Riche, real, & onest;
5550 Doukes [&] kinges wiþ croun.
For þer was melodi wiþ þe mest
Of harp & fiþel & of gest
To lordinges of renoun.
Þer was ȝeuen to þe menstrels
5600 Robes riche & mani iuweles
Of erl & of baroun.
Þe fest lasted fourteniȝt,
Wiþ mete & drink anouȝ, apliȝt,
Plente & gret fousoun.
5650 ¶ Þat leuedi,
so feir & so fre,
Was wiþ hir lord bot moneþes þre
Þan he gat hir wiþ childe.
When it was geten sche chaunged ble;
Þe soudan himself þat gan se,
5700 Iolif he was & wilde.
Þerwhile sche was wiþ child, apliȝt,
Sche bad to Ihesu ful of miȝt {f.10rb} 
Fram schame he schuld hir schilde.
Atte fourti woukes ende
5750 Þe leuedi was deliuerd o[f] bende
Þurth help of Mari milde.
¶ & when þe child was ybore
Wel sori wimen were þerfore,
For lim no hadde it non.
5800 Bot as a rond of flesche yschore
In chaumber it lay hem bifore
Wiþouten blod & bon.
For sorwe þe leuedi wald dye
For it hadde noiþer nose no eye,
5850 Bot lay ded as þe ston.
Þe soudan com to chaumber þat tide,
& wiþ his wiif he gan to chide
Þat wo was hir bigon.
¶ ‘O Dame’ he seyd biforn,
5900 ‘Oȝain mi godes þou art forsworn,
Wiþ riȝt resoun y preue:
Þe childe þat is here of þe born
Boþe lim & liþ it is forlorn
Alle þurth þi fals bileue.
5950 Þou leuest nouȝt wele afine
On Iubiter no on Apoline
Amorwe na an eue;
No in Mahoun no in Teruagant,
Þerfore is lorn þis litel faunt,
6000 No wonder þei me greue.’
¶ Þe leuedi answerd & seyd þo,
Þer sche lay in care & wo,
‘Leue sir, lat be þat þouȝt.
Þe child was ȝeten bitven ous to;
6050 For þi bileue it farþ so
Bi him þat ous haþ wrouȝt.
Take now þis flesche, & bere it anon
Bifor þine godes euerichon,
Þat þou no lete it nouȝt.
6100 & pray þine godes al yfere,
Astow art hem leue & dere,
To liue þat it be brouȝt.
¶ & if Mahoun & Iouin can
Make it fourmed after a man
6150 Wiþ liif & limes ariȝt,
Bi Ihesu Crist, þat þis warld wan, {f.10va}

Y schal leue þe better þan
Þat þai ar ful of miȝt.
& bot þai it to liue bring
6200 Y nil leuen on hem noþing
Noiþer bi day no niȝt.’
¶ Þe soudan toke þat flesche anon;
Into his temple he gan to gon
Þer his godes were diȝt.
6250 ¶ Biforn his goddes
he gan it leyn,
& held vp his honden tvein
While men miȝt go fiue mile.
‘A miȝtful Mahoun’ he gan to seyn,
‘& Teruagaunt of michel meyn,
6300 In ȝou was neuer no gile.
Seyn Iubiter & Apolin,
Astirot & seyn Iouin,
Help now in þis perile.’
Oft he kneled & oft he ros,
6350 & crid so long til he was hos;
& al he tint his while.
¶ & when he hadde al ypreyd,
& alle þat euer he couþe he seyd,
Þe flesche lay stille as ston.
6400 Anon he stirt vp at a breyd,
& in his hert he was atreyd
For lim no hadde it non.
He biheld on his godes alle
& seye þer miȝt no bot bifalle;
6450 Wel wo was him bigon.
‘O sir Mahoun’ he gan to grede,
‘Wil ȝe nouȝt helpe me at þis nede?
Þe deuel ȝou brenne ichon.’
He hent a staf wiþ grete hete,
6500 & stirt anon his godes to bete,
& drouȝ hem alle adoun.
& leyd on til he gan to swete,
& ȝaf hem strokes gode & gret
Boþe Iouine & Plotoun.
6550 & alderbest he bete afin
Iubiter & Apolin,
& brac hem arm & croun.
& Teruagaunt, þat was her broþer,
He no lete neuer a lime wiþ oþer,
6600 No of his god Mahoun.
¶ & when he hadde beten hem gode won,
ȝete lay þe flesche stille so ston
An heye on his auter.
He tok it in his hond anon,
6650 & into chaumber he gan gon,
& seyd ‘lo, haue it here.
Ich haue don al þat y can
To make it fourmed after a man
Wiþ kneleing & preier.
6700 & for alle þat ichaue hem bisouȝt
Mine godes no may help me nouȝt,
Þe deuel hem sett afere.’
¶ & þan answerd þat gode wiman
Wel hendeliche to þat soudan,
6750 ‘Leue sir, here mi speche.
Þe best rede þat y can,
Bi Ihesu Crist, þat made man,
Now ichil ȝou teche.
Now þou hast proued god þine
6800 ȝif me leue to asay mine,
Wheþer is better leche.
& leue sir, [y] prey þe þis:
Leue on hem þat stronger is,
For doute of more wreche.’
6850 ¶ Þe soudan
answerd hir þore -
In hert he was agreued sore
To sen þat selcouþe siȝt -
‘Now, dame, ichil do bi þi lore,
ȝif þat y may se bifore
6900 Þi God is of swiche miȝt,
Wiþ ani vertu þat he can,
Make it fourmed after a man
Wiþ liif & limes ariȝt.
Alle mi godes ichil forsake,
6950 & to Ihesu, þi Lord, me take,
As ich am gentil kniȝt.’
¶ Wel bliþe was þe leuedi þan
For þat hir lord, þe riche soudan,
Hadde graunted hir preier.
7000 For hope he schuld be Cristen man
Sche þonked him þat þis world wan,
& Mari his moder dere.
Now ginneþ here a miri pas,
Hou þat child ycristned was {f.11ra} 
7050 Wiþ limes al hole & fere,
& hou þe soudan of Damas
Was cristned for þat ich cas,
Now herken, & ȝe may here.
¶ Þan seyd þe leuedi in þat stounde,
7100 ‘Þou hast in þi prisoun bounde
Mani a Cristenman.
Do seche oueralle bi loft & grounde,
ȝif ani Cristen prest be founde
Bring him bifor me þan.
7150 & y schal, ar tomorwe at none
Wite what Ihesu Crist can done
More þan þine maumettes can.
Anon þe prisouns weren ysouȝt,
Þai founden a prest & forþ him brouȝt
7200 Bi hest of þat soudan.
¶ He com bifor þat leuedi fre,
& gret hir feir opon his kne,
& seyd wiþ sikeing sore,
‘Madame, yblisced mot þou be
7250 Of Ihesu Crist in trinite,
Þat of Mari was bore.’
Þe leuedi seyd ‘art[o]w a prest?
seyd: copied at the end of the line,
its correct position marked. |
Tel me soþe ȝif þat tow best.
Canstow of Cristen lore?’
7300 ‘Madame’ seyd þe prest anon,
‘In verbo Dei, ich was on
Tventi winter gon & more.
¶ Ac Dame’ he seyd ‘bi seyn Ion,
Ten winter song y masse non,
7350 & þat me likeþ ille.
For so long it is now gon
Ichaue ben in prisoun of ston
Wiþ wrong & gret vnskille.’
Þe leuedi seyd ‘Lat be þi fare.
7400 Þou schalt be brouȝt out of þi care,
& tow wilt held þe stille.
For þurth þine help in þis stounde[s],
We schul make Cristen men of houndes.
God graunt it, ȝif it be his wille.’
7450 ¶ Þan seyd þe
soudans wiif,
‘Þou most do stille, wiþouten striif,
A wel gret priuete.
[Her is a child selcouþe discriif.
It haþ noiþer lim, no liif,
7500 No eyȝen forto se.]
Hali water þou most make, {f.11rb} 
& þis ich flesche þou take,
Al for þe loue of me.
& cristen it, wiþouten blame,
7550 In þe worþschipe of þe Faders name,
Þat sitt in Trinite.
¶ For in him is mine hope, apliȝt;
Þe Fader, þat is ful of miȝt,
Mi sorwe schal me slake.
7600 ȝif it were cristned ariȝt
It schuld haue fourme to se bi siȝt
Wiþ lim & liif to wake.'
Þat leuedi comand anon
Hir maidens out of chaumber gon
7650 For drede of wraying sake.
Þe prest no leng nold abide;
A feir vessel he tok þat tide,
& hali water he gan make.
¶ At missomer tide þat ded was don
7700 Þurth help of God þat sitt in trone,
As y ȝou tel may.
Þe prest toke þe flesche anon,
þe copied at the end of the line,
its correct position marked. |
& cleped it þe name of Ion
In worþschip of þe day;
7750 & when þat it cristned was
It hadde liif & lim & fas,
& crid wiþ gret deray.
& hadde hide & flesche & fel,
& alle þat euer þerto bifel,
7800 In gest as y ȝou say.
¶ Feirer child miȝt non be bore;
It no hadde neuer a lime forlore;
Wele schapen it was wiþalle.
Þe prest no lenge duelled þore,
7850 & ȝede & teld þe soudan fore
Þer he was in þe halle.
Þat leuedi, þer sche lay in bed,
Þat richeliche was bischred
Wiþ gold & purpel palle,
7900 Þe child sche toke to hir bliue,
& þonked our Leuedi ioies fiue
Þe feir grace þer was bifalle.
¶ & seyd ‘lord, ich pray þe,
Almiȝti God in Trinite,
7950 So ȝiue me miȝt & space
Þat y may þat day yse
Mi lord wald ycristned be,
Þe soudan of Damas.’
Þan cam þe soudan, þat was blac;
8000 Sche schewed him þe
child & spac,
Wiþ liif & limes & face.
Sche seyd ‘Mahoun no Apolin
Is nouȝt worþ be brostle of a swin
Oȝain mi Lordes grace.’
8050 ¶ Þe soudan
seyd ‘leman min,
Ywis, ich am glad afin
Of þis child þat y se.’
‘ȝa, sir, bi seyn Martin,
ȝif þe haluendel wer þin
8100 Wel glad miȝt þou be.’
‘O dame’ he seyd ‘hou is þat?
Is it nouȝt min þat y biȝat?’
‘No sir’ þan seyd sche,
‘Bot þou were cristned so it is
8150 Þou no hast no part þeron, ywis,
Noiþer of þe child ne of me.
& bot þou wilt Mahoun forsake,
& to Ihesu, mi Lord, þe take,
Þat þoled woundes fiue,
8200 [&] anon þou do þe Cristen make,
Þou miȝt be ferd for sorwe & wrake
While þat þou art oliue.
& ȝif þou were a Cristen man
Boþe were þine’ sche seyd þan,
8250 ‘Þi childe & eke þi wiue.
When þou art dede þou schalt wende
Into blis wiþouten ende;
Þi ioie may noman kiþe.’
¶ þe soudan seye wele bi siȝt
8300 Þat Ihesu was of more miȝt
Þan was his fals lawe.
He seyd ‘dame, anonriȝt,
Ichil forsake mi god, apliȝt;
Þai schal be brent & drawe.
8350 Ac telle me now, par charite,
& for þe loue þou has[t] to me,
What schal y seyn in sawe?
Now ichaue forsaken mi lay,
Tel me now what is ȝour fay, {f.11vb} 
8400 & ichil lere wel fawe.’
¶ Þan seyd þat leuedi, hende & fre,
‘Vnderstond, sir, par charite,
On Ihesu Cristes lay.
Hou he was & euer schal be
8450 O God & persones þre,
& liȝt in Mari, þat may,
& in hir bodi nam flesche & bl[o]d,
& hou he bouȝt ous on þe rode
Opon þe Gode Friday,
8500 & hou his gost went to helle
Satanas pouste forto felle,
& brouȝt mankin oway.
¶ Þe þridde day, in þe morning,
To liue he ros, wiþouten lesing,
8550 As he com of þe rode,
& ȝaf his frendes comforting,
& steye to heuen as miȝtful king
Boþe wiþ flesche & blod.
As it is founden in holy writ
8600 On his Fader riȝt hond he sitt,
& is wel mild of mode.
As it is writen in þe crede
He demeþ boþe þe quic & ded,
Þe feble & eke þe gode.
8650 & al þis warld
schal todriue,
& man arise fram ded to liue
Riȝt dome to vnderstond.
Þan schal Ihesu, wiþouten striue,
Schewe his blodi woundes fiue,
8700 Þat he for ous gan fond.
& þan schal he, wiþouten mis,
Deme ich man after he is,
Erl, baroun & bond.
Leue heron’ sche seyd þan,
8750 ‘& do þe make a Cristen man,
For noþing þou no wond.’
¶ Þan seyd þe soudan ‘dame, be stille.
Y schal be cristned þurth Godes wille
Ar þan þe þridde day.
8800 Loþ me were mi soule to spille;
Preye now þe prest he com ous tille
& teche me Cristen lay,
Catchword: as priueliche as it. |
As priueliche as it may be, {f.12ra} 
Þat noman wite bot we þre,
8850 Als forþ as ȝe may.
& ani it wist, heye or lowe,
Þou schalt be brent & y todrawe,
& we forsoke our fay.'
¶ Anon þe prest answerd þan
8900 Hendeliche to þat soudan,
‘Sir, ich am redi here
Wiþ alle þe pouwer þat y can
Forto make þe Cristen man
& Godes lay to lere.’
8950 His hond opon his brest he leyd;
‘In verbo Dei' he swore & seyd
‘Vnto ȝou boþe yfere,
Wel trewe & trusti schal y be
Wiþ alle þat euer falleþ to me
9000 To help wiþ mi pouwere.’
¶ Amorwe when þe prest gan wake,
A wel feir fessel he gan take
Wiþ water clere & cold;
& halwed it for þe soudan sake,
9050 & his preier he gan make
To Ihesu, þat Iudas sold,
& to Marie his moder dere,
Þo þat þe soudan cristned were,
Þat was so stout & bold,
9100 He schuld ȝif him miȝt & space
Þurth his vertu & his grace
His Cristendom wele to hold.
¶ & when it was liȝt of day
Þe riche soudan, þer he lay,
9150 Vp bigan to arise.
To þe prest he went his way,
& halp him alle þat he may
Þat fel to his seruise.
& when þe prest hadde þo
9200 Diȝt redi þat fel þerto
In al maner wise,
Þe soudan, wiþ gode wille anon,
Dede of his cloþes euerichon
To reseyue his baptize.
9250 ¶ Þe Cristen
prest hiȝt Cleophas;
He cleped þe soudan of Damas
After his owhen name. {f.12rb} 
His hide, þat blac & loþely was,
Al white bicom, þurth Godes gras,
9300 & clere wiþouten blame.
& when þe soudan seye þat siȝt
Þan leued he wele on God almiȝt;
His care went to game.
& when þe prest hadde alle yseyd,
9350 & haly water on him leyd,
To chaumber þai went ysame.
¶ When he com þer þe leuedi lay,
‘Lo, dame’ he gan to say,
‘Certeyne, þi God is trewe.’
9400 Þe leuedi þonked God þat day,
For ioie sche wepe wiþ eyȝen gray;
Vnneþe hir lord sche knewe.
Þan wist sche wele in hir þouȝt
Þat on Mahoun leued he nouȝt
9450 For chaunged was his hewe.
For þat hir lord was cristned so
Oway was went al hir wo,
Hir ioie gan wax al newe.
¶ ‘Mi lord’ sche seyd wiþ hert fre,
9500 ‘Sende now þis prest in priuete
To mi fader þe king.
& pray him, for þe loue of me,
Þat he com swiþe hider to þe
Wiþ alle þat he may bring.
9550 & when mi fader is to þe come
Do cristen þi lond, alle & some,
Boþe eld & ȝing.
& he þat wil be cristned nouȝt,
Loke to þe deþ þat he be brouȝt,
9600 Wiþouten ani duelleing.’
¶ Þe soudan tok þe prest bi hond,
& bad him wende & nouȝt no wond
To þe king of Tars ful ȝare;
& do him al to vnderstond
9650 Hou Ihesu Crist þurth his sond,
Haþ brouȝt hem out of care.
& bid him bring wiþ him his ost,
Priueliche, wiþouten bost,
For noþing he no spare.
9700 & Cleophas wiþ gode entent,
To do þe soudans comandment, {f.12va} 
To Tars he gan fare.
¶ & when þe prest sir Cleophas,
Com to þe court þurth Godes grace
9750 Wiþouten ani duelling,
He teld þe king alle þat cas
Hou þe child ded born was
A misforschapen þing;
& þurth þe preier of his wiif
9800 Hou God hadde sent it leme & liif
In water ate cristening;
& hou þat heþen soudan
Was bicome a Cristen man
Þurth þe miȝt of heuen-king.
9850 ¶ He radde þe
letter þat he brouȝt,
& in þe letter he fond ywrouȝt,
In gest as y ȝou say,
Hou þat þe soudan him bisouȝt
To com to him & lat it nouȝt
9900 Opon a certeyne day.
& bring wiþ him alle his ost
To take his lond bi euerich cost,
& serche in his cuntray;
Who þat wold nouȝt cristned be
9950 He schuld be honged opon a tre,
Wiþouten ani delay.
Bliþer miȝt noman ben.
He cleped his barouns & þe quen,
& told hem þus in sawe,
1000 Hou þe soudan, stout & kene,
Was cristned wiþouten wene,
& leued on Cristes lawe.
‘& Þerfore he haþ don sent me bi sond
He wil do cristen alle his lond,
1005 ȝif þat he mit wel fawe.
& he þat wil nouȝt take cristening,
No be he neuer so heye lording,
He schal [don] hong & drawe.
¶ & þerfore y pray ȝou now riȝt,
1010 Erl, baroun, douk, & kniȝt,
Do alle ȝour folk bede
folk: copied at the end of the line. |
Wiþ helme on heued & brini briȝt
Þat ȝe ben alle redi diȝt
To help me at þis nede.’
1015 Þai sent oueral, bi ich a side, {f.12vb}
For mani Cristen men þat tide,
Þat duhti were of dede.
Þe king him diȝt forto wende
Wiþ sexti þousende kniȝtes hende;
1020 Þat was a feir ferred.
¶ Þe king com wiþouten lett
Þe selue day þat him was sett
To þe soudan wel ȝare.
& when þai were togider mett
1025 A miri greteing þer was gret
Wiþ lordinges lasse & mare.
Þer was rewþe for to sen
Hou þe leuedi fel on knen
Biforn hir fader þare.
1030 Þer was ioie & mirþe also
To here hem speken of wele & wo,
Her auentours als þai were.
Þe soudan dede his barouns calle,
& seþþen anon his kniȝtes alle,
1035 & after, alle his meyne.
& when þai come into þe halle
He seyd ‘houso it bifalle,
ȝe mot ycristned be.
Miseluen, ich haue Mahoun forsake
1040 & Cristendom ich haue ytake,
& certes, so mot ȝe,
& hye þat wil nouȝt so anon
Þai schul be heueded [euerichon],
Bi him þat dyed on tre.’
1045 ¶ When he hadde þus ytold,
Mani Sarraȝin stout & bold
Þat in his court were,
Mani seyd þat þai wold,
& mani seyd þat þai nold
1050 Be cristned in non maner.
Þo þat Mahoun wald forsake
Cristen men he lete hem make,
& were him lef & dere.
& he þat dede nouȝt bi his rede,
1055 Anon he dede strike of his hed,
Riȝt fast bi þe swere.
¶ Þe soudan had in prisoun diȝt
Ten þousend Cristen men, y pliȝt,
Of mani vncouþe þede. {f.13ra} 
1060 He dede hem liuer anonriȝt,
& þo þat were strong & wiȝt
He ȝaf hem armour & stede.
& þo he seye þat miȝt nouȝt so
He ȝaf hem mete & drink þerto,
1065 & alle þat hem was nede.
Þer miȝt men se wiþ þat soudan
Mani bliþe Cristen man,
In gest as-so we rede.
¶ When he hadde don þus þat tide,
1070 Oueral his lond, bi ich a side,
Þe word wel wide sprong.
Fiue heþen kinges þat tide,
& mani heþen douke vnride,
Wiþ pople gret & strong,
1075 Þai sent about ner & fer
Opon þat soudan forto wer;
& seyd, for þat wrong,
Bi Mahoun & Teruagaunt,
Þer schuld nouȝt ben his warant,
1080 Bot ben drawe & hong.
Þo fif kinges of prout parayle
Diȝt hem redi to þat batayle;
Wel stout & strong þai were.
Hou þe soudan gan hem aseyle,
1085 & what þai hete, wiþouten feile,
Now herken & ȝe may here.
King Canadok, & king Lesias,
King Carmel, & king Clamadas,
& king Memarok her fere,
1090 Opon þe soudan wiþ wer þai went.
His men þai slouȝ, his tounes brent,
Wiþ strengþe & gret pouwer.
¶ Þe king of Tars & þe soudan
Day of bateyle þai gun tan
1095 Oȝain þo kinges fiue.
Ac euer oȝein a Cristen man
Ten heþen houndes wer þan
Of Sarraȝins stout & stiþe.
Now herkneþ to me boþe eld & ȝing
1100 Hou þe soudan & þe king
Amonges hem gun driue,
& hou þe Sarraȝins þat day
Opped heuedles for her pay; {f.13rb} 
Now listen & ȝe may liþe.
1105 ¶ þe Cristen soudan þat tide,
Tok a spere & gan to ride
To Canadok þat was kene.
& Canadok wiþ gret pride,
Wiþ a spere gan him abide,
1110 To wite & nouȝt at wene.
So hard þai driuen togider þere
Þat her launces boþ yfere
Brosten hem bitvene.
Þe soudan drouȝ his fauchoun gode,
1115 Þe kinges heued wiþ alle þe hode
He strok of quite and clene.
¶ King Lesias of Tabarie
To þe soudan he gan heye,
For Canadok his felawe;
1120 Wiþ a spere þat was trusti
He rode to þe soudan wel an hey,
& þouȝt him haue yslawe.
Þe king of Tars bitven hem rod,
& Lessias strok he abod,
1125 As y finde in mi sawe.
& smot him so on þe scheld
Þat, topseyl in þe feld,
He made him ouerþrawe.
¶ He lepe on hors & gan to ride,
1130 & slouȝ adoun bi ich a side
Þat he bifor him founde.
Wham þat Lesias hit in þat tide,
Were he douk or prince o pride,
He ȝaf him dedly wounde.
1135 Þe king of Tars com wiþ a spere
& þurth his sides he gan it bere
Þat ded he fel to grounde.
Þan sett þe Sarraȝins vp a cri,
‘A Mahoun, ful of meistri,
1140 Help ous in þis stound.’
¶ When king Carmel herd þat, him was wo -
[To fiȝt anon he was ful þro] -
A spere an hond he hent.
He priked his stede & dede him go;
1145 He þouȝt þe king [of] Tars to slo
Er he þennes went.
He smot þe king of Tars þat tide
Þurth his hauberk a wounde wide {f.13va} 
Þat neiȝe he hadde him schent.
1150 Þe king out of his sadel fel,
Þe blod out of his wounde gan wel,
Þat mani men him biment.
men: originally man;
him: originally hem. |
¶ For sorwe þe soudan wald wede
When he seiȝe his woundes blede;
1155 He rode to him wiþ mayn.
He and þe Cristen ferred
Brouȝt þe king of Tars his stede,
& sett him vp ogayn.
& when he was on hors brauȝt
1160 Alle þat euer he arauȝt
He clef him to þe brayn.
King Carmel þo to him went
& ȝaf him swiche anoþer dent
Þat ner he hadde him sleyn.
1165 ¶ & when þe soudan þat yseiȝe
Al wode he wex for wreþe neye.
He rode to king Carmele.
He smot him on þe helme an heiȝe
Þat þurth þe breyn it fleiȝe
1170 Þat no leche miȝt him hele.
King Clamadas com rideing þan
Wiþ a glaiue to þe soudan,
& þouȝt wiþ him to dele.
& smot him obouen þe scheld
1175 Þat neiȝe he feld him in þe feld
Among þo houndes fele.
¶ Þe king of Tars in þat stounde
Hadde spite of þat heþen hounde
Þat was so stout & beld.
1180 He swore bi him þat þoled wounde,
‘Þe dogge schal adoun to grounde
Þat fiȝtes þus in feld.’
He rode to him anonriȝt
& smot to him a strok of miȝt;
1185 Atvo he clef his scheld.
& þurth his hert þe swerd gan glide,
Þe blod ran out bi ich a side,
& so he him aqueld.
¶ Þan was king Memaroc in gret peyn
1190 For his four felawes were sleyn
& in þe feld todreued.
He priked his stede opon þe pleyn {f.13vb}

& fleye oway wiþ miȝt & mayn
For dred to hide his heued.
1195 Þe soudan seyȝe him oway ride,
He priked after him in þat tide,
For noþing he it bileued.
& smot him so aboue þe scheld
Þat helme & heued in þe feld
1200 Ful wiȝtlike of it weued.
¶ When þe Sarraȝins seyȝen alle
Þat Memarok was to grounde yfalle
& namore vp arise,
‘Allas, Mahoun’ þai gan to calle,
1205 ‘Whi latestow Cristen hewe ous smale?
Wicke is þi seruise.’
Þai fleyȝe for dred alle yfere,
& dreynt hem in o riuer,
So sore hem gan agrise.
1210 Þe bateyle last swiþe long,
Til it were time of euensong,
Er þai miȝt win þe prise.
¶ Þe Sarraȝins flowe bi ich a side;
Þe Cristen folk after gan ride,
1215 & schadde hem breyn & blod.
Þer was non þat miȝt him hide
Þat he nas sleyn in þat tide,
Wiþ fiȝt oȝeyn hem stode.
& þo þat ȝold hem to þe pes
1220 Þe soudan swore, wiþouten les,
Bi him þat dyed on rode,
He þat nold nouȝt forsake his lay
He schuld forles(s)e þat ich day,
Þe bal vp in þe hode.
1225 Þritti þousende þer wer take
Of Sarra[ȝ]ins boþe blo & blac,
& don in his prisoun.
& he þat wald his lay forsake
Cristenmen he lete him make
1230 Wiþ gret devocioun;
& þai þat wald be cristned nouȝt
Into a stede þai were(e)n ybrouȝt
A mile wiþouten þe toun,
& Cristen men, wiþouten wene,
1235 Striken of her heuedes al bidene...