Prepared by Dr Alison Wiggins. Contributions made by
Professor D. Burnley (University of Sheffield) and Dr M. F. Vaughan (University
of Washington).
Praise of Women
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Amis and Amiloun
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The Anonymous
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of Mary
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Battle Abbey Roll
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Abbey Roll)' in U. T. Holmes Jr. and A. J. Denomy (eds), Mediaeval
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Beues of Hamtoun
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in Medieval Heritage: Essays in Honour of Tadahiro Ikegami,
M. Kanno et al (eds) (Tokyo: Yushodo Press): 349-367. |
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The Clerk who would
see the Virgin
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Dauid þe
King (or, Psalm L)
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Þe Desputisoun
Bitven Þe Bodi and Þe Soule
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Floris and Blancheflour
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The Four Foes
of Mankind
Kölbing, E. (ed.) |
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Guy of Warwick
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Genre, 17, 4: 351-374. |
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CFMA 74-75 (Paris: Champion). |
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(1940; rept. 1962) 'Chaucer and the Auchinleck Manuscript: Thopas
and Guy of Wawick' in Essays and Studies in Honor of Carleton
Brown (New York: New York University Press): 111-128. Reprinted
in Adventures in the Middle Ages (New York: Burt Franklin):
131-149. |
Honegger, T. |
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M. Görlach (eds) (Heidelberg: Winter): 159-182. |
Ikegami, M. T. |
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Kyoyo-Ronso, 78: 17-33. |
Klausner, D. N. |
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et Humanistica, n.s. 6: 55-66. |
Kölbing, E. |
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Lyle, E. B. |
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(1838) Romance of Guy of Warwick; Fragment (Middle Hill:
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Richmond, V. B. |
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by T. Prosiegel in Englische Studien, 1903, 32: 405-407. |
Wiggins, A. E. |
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Zupitza, J. (ed.) |
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The Harrowing
of Hell
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Horn Childe
and Maiden Rimnild
Hall, J. (ed.) |
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The King
of Tars
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Perryman, J. |
(1980) The King of Tars: Edited from the Auchinleck Manuscript,
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Reichl, K. |
(1990) ‘The King of Tars: Language and Textual Tradition’, in Studies in the Vernon Manuscript, ed. Derek Pearsall (Cambridge: Brewer), pp. 171-86. |
King Richard
Anderson, C. B. |
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Midwest, 6: 85-108. |
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(1913) Richard Löwenherz, Wiener Beiträge zur Englischen
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Finlayson, J. |
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Lay le Freine
Beston, J. B. |
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Guillaume, G. |
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Modern Language Notes, 36: 458-464. |
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Manuscript', Studies in Philology, 38: 14-33. Reprinted in
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The Legend of Pope
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of Adam and Eve
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of Mary Magdalene
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Nativity and
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Of Arthour & of
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by Lincoln's Inn and Douce in parallel.] |
Liedholm, A. |
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Vaneman, K. H. |
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Newsletter, 8, 2: 8-18. |
On the
Seven Deadly Sins
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Studien, 9: 42-46. |
Otuel a Knight
Herrtage, S. J. H. (ed.) |
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ES 39 (London: Trübner). |
O'Sullivan, M. I. (ed.) |
(1935) Firumbras and Otuel and Roland, EETS OS 198 (London:
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(1944) Charlemagne and Roland: A Study of the Source of Two Middle
English Metrical Romances, University of California Publications
in Modern Philology, 21, no. 6 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University
of California Press): 385-451. |
The Paternoster
Kölbing, E. (ed.) |
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Studien, 9: 47-49. |
A Peniworþ
of Witt
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Laing, D. (ed.) |
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Roland and Vernagu
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Seynt Katerine
Bliss, A. J. |
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(Edinburgh: Middle English Dialect Project): 211-227. |
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Seynt Mergrete
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Horstmann, C. (ed.) |
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Reichl, K. |
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St Patrick's Purgatory
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(1991) (ed.) St. Patrick's Purgatory: Two Versions of Owayne
Miles and the Vision of William Stranton Together with the Long Text
of the Tractus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii, EETS (Oxford: Oxford
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(1988) 'Some Antedatings and Early Usages from the Auchinleck Owayne
Miles' in D. M. Reeks (ed.), Sentences: Essays Presented to Alan
Ward on the Occasion of his Retirement from Wadham College, Oxford
(Southampton: Bosphoros): 167-174. |
(1988) 'The Middle English 'Hearne Fragment' of St. Patrick's
Purgatory', Notes and Queries, 35, 233, 4: 436-437. |
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Kölbing, E. (ed.) |
(1877) 'Zwei mittelenglische bearbeitungen der sage von St. Patrik's
purgatorium', Englische Studien, 1: 57-121. [Edition of
Purgatorium Sancti Patricii: 90-113; and of Owayne Myles:
113-121.] |
Laing, D. (ed.) |
(1837) Owain Miles (Edinburgh: Privately Printed). |
The Sayings of
St Bernard
Cross, J. E. |
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Nos Fueront', Review of English Studies, n.s. 9: 1-7. |
Hermann, V. (ed.) |
(1880) 'Zu Mittelenglischen gedichten. VII. Noch einmal zu den
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Monda, J. B. |
(1970) 'The Sayings of Saint Bernard from Ms. Bodleian Additional
E6', Mediaeval Studies, 32: 299-307. |
Sayings of the Four Philosophers
Robbins, R. H. |
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York: Columbia University Press). [The Sayings of the Four Philosophers:
140-143.] |
Scattergood, V. J. |
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für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 211:
287-299. |
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The Seven
Sages of Rome
Brunner, K. (ed.) |
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191 (London: Humphrey Milford for Oxford University Press). |
van Buuren, C. |
(1982) The Buke of the Sevyne Sagis: A Middle Scots Version of
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reeks van de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, d. 20 (The Hague: Leiden
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Þe Simonie
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from Auchinleck MS and MS Peterhouse 104: 184-202.] |
Dean, J. M. (ed.) |
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MI: Western Michigan University for TEAMS). |
Embree, D. and Urquhart, E. (eds) |
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(1985) 'The Simonie: The Case for a Parallel-Text Edition'
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Finlayson, J. |
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Pearsall, D. |
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Ross, T. W. |
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Salter, E. |
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Wright, T. (ed. and trans.) |
(1839; rept. 1968) The Political Songs of England from the Reign
of John to that of Edward II, Camden Society 6 (London: Camden
Society; rept. New York: AMS). [Þe Simonie: 323-345.] |
Sir Degare
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Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters, 11, 4: 243-256. |
Colopy, C. |
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Faust, G. P. |
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Princeton Studies in English 11 (Princeton: Princeton University Press). |
Hibbard Loomis, L. |
(1941; rept. 1962) 'Chaucer and the Breton Lays of the Auchinleck
Manuscript', Studies in Philology, 38: 14-33. Reprinted in
Adventures in the Middle Ages (New York: Burt Franklin): 111-130. |
Jacobs, N. |
(1995) 'The Later Versions of Sir Degarre: A Study in Textual
Degeneration', Medium Ævum Monographs, n.s. 18 (Oxford: Society
for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature). |
(1990) 'The Lost Conclusion of the Auchinleck Sir Degarre',
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Johnson, D. F. |
(1992) ''The Dwerff Seyd Neyther Bow Ne Be': 'Ne Bu Ne Ba' and Sir
Degare Line 703', Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 93, 1:
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Kozicki, H. |
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Rosenburg, B. A. |
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Mitteilungen, 76: 39-51. |
Schleich, G. (ed.) |
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Schmidt, A. V. C. and Jacobs, N. (eds) |
(1980) Medieval English Romances, II vols. (London: Hodder
and Stoughton). [Includes Sir Orfeo, 1: 151-171; and Sir
Degarre, 2: 57-88).] |
Slover, C. H. |
(1931) 'Sir Degare: A Study of a Medieval Hack Writer's Methods',
Texas Studies in English, 11: 5-23. |
Sir Orfeo
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(1964) 'Orpheus and Orfeo: The Dead and the Taken', Medium Ævum,
33: 102-111. |
Baldwin, D. R. |
(1977) 'Fairy Lore and the Meaning of Sir Orfeo', Southern
Folklore Quarterly, 41: 129-142. |
Bergner, H. |
(1979) 'Sir Orfeo and the Sacred Bonds of Matrimony', English
Studies, 30: 432-434. |
Beston, J. B. |
(1976) 'The Case Against the Common Authorship of Lay le Freine
and Sir Orfeo', Medium Ævum, 45: 153-163. |
Bliss, A. J. (ed.) |
(1954; rept. 1966) Sir Orfeo, second edition (London: Oxford
University Press). |
(1952-3) 'Sir Orfeo lines 1-46', English and Germanic
Studies, 5: 7-14. |
Bristol, M. D. |
(1970) 'The Structure of the Middle English Sir Orfeo', Papers
on Language and Literature, 6: 339-347. |
Brockman, B. A. |
(1985) 'The Juvenile Audiences of Sir Orfeo', Children's
Literature Association Quarterly, 10, 1: 18-20. |
Carlson, C. M. |
(1998) ''The Minstrel's Song of Silence': The Construction of Masculine
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29: 62-75. |
Clark, R. |
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II (Emporia): 71-80. |
Connelly, W. J. |
(1992) 'The Affirmation of Love and Loyalty in Sir Orfeo',
Medieval Perspectives, 7: 34-43. |
Cook, R. |
(1994) 'Chaucer's Franklin's Tale and Sir Orfeo',
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 95, 3: 333-336. |
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(1982) 'The Grafted Tree in Sir Orfeo: A Study of the Iconography
of Redemption', Ball State University Forum, 23, 2: 62-68. |
Eadie, J. |
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Edwards, A. S. G. |
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American Benedictine Review, 32, 3: 282-291. |
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Falk, O. |
(2000) 'The Son of Orfeo: Kingship and Compromise in a Middle English
Romance', Journal of Medieval & Early Modern Studies, 30, 2:
247-274. |
Foster, E. E. |
(1973) 'Fantasy and Reality in Sir Orfeo', Ball State
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21: 46-50. |
Friedman, J. B. |
(1966) 'Eurydice, Heurodis, and the Noon-Day Demon', Speculum,
41: 22-29. |
Grimaldi, P. |
(1981) 'Sir Orfeo as Celtic Folk-Hero, Christian Pilgrim, and Medieval
King' in M. W. Bloomfield (ed.), Allegory, Myth, and Symbol
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press): 147-161. |
Gros Louis, K. R. |
(1967) 'The Significance of Sir Orfeo's Self-Exile', Review of
English Studies, 18: 245-252. |
Guillaume, G. |
(1921) 'The Prologues of the Lay le Freine and Sir Orfeo',
Modern Language Notes, 36: 458-464. |
Hanson, T. B. |
(1972) 'Sir Orfeo: Romance as Exemplum', Annuale Mediaevale,
13: 135-154. |
Hazlitt, W. C. |
(1895) Early Popular Poetry of Scotland and the Northern Border
(London: Reeves and Turner). [Edition of the Auchinleck Sir Orfeo,
1: 64-80.] |
Heydon, P. |
(1966) 'Chaucer and the Sir Orfeo Prologue of the Auchinleck
Manuscript', Papers of the Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts and
Letters, 51: 529-545. |
Hibbard Loomis, L. |
(1941; rept. 1962) 'Chaucer and the Breton Lays of the Auchinleck
Manuscript', Studies in Philology, 38: 14-33. Reprinted in
Adventures in the Middle Ages (New York: Burt Franklin): 111-130. |
Hill, B. |
(1986) 'Sir Orfeo 241-256', Notes and Queries, 33,
231, 1: 13-14. |
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The Erle of Tolous', Notes and Queries, 32, 230, 1:
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Hynes-Berry, M. |
(1975) 'Cohesion in King Horn and Sir Orfeo', Speculum,
50: 652-670. |
Jacobs, N. |
(1995) 'The Later Versions of Sir Degarre: A Study in Textual
Degeneration', Medium Ævum Monographs, n.s. 18 (Oxford: Society
for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature). [Includes Schleich's
text of Sir Orfeo: 12-37.] |
Jambeck, K. A. S. |
(1998) 'Sir Orfeo: A Study in Interpretive Contexts and Twelfth-Century
French Generic Conventions', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University
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Jeffrey, D. L. |
(1981) 'Literature in an Apocalyptic Age: or, How to End a Romance',
Dalhousie Review, 61, 3: 426-446. |
Kennedy, E. D. |
(1976) 'Sir Orfeo as Rex Inutilis', Annuale Mediaevale,
17: 88-110. |
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Mitteilungen, 50: 359-369. |
Knapp, J. K. |
(1968) 'The Meaning of Sir Orfeo', Modern Language Quarterly,
29: 263-273. |
Knight, S. T. |
(1966) 'The Characteristic Mode of Sir Orfeo - a Generic
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Kooper, E. |
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Middle English Literature (Amsterdam: Free University Press):
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Lasater, A. E. |
(1974) 'Under the ympe-tre or: Where the Action Is in Sir Orfeo',
The Southern Quarterly, 12: 353-363. |
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(1995) The Middle English Breton Lays, Middle English Texts
(Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications for TEAMS). |
Lerer, S. |
(1985) 'Artifice and Artistry in Sir Orfeo', Speculum,
60: 92-109. |
Liuzza, R. M. |
(1991) 'Sir Orfeo: Sources, Traditions, and the Poetics of
Performance', Journal of Medieval & Renaissance Studies, 21,
2: 269-284. |
Longsworth, R. M. |
(1982) 'Sir Orfeo, the Minstrel, and the Minstrel's Art', Studies
in Philology, 79, 1: 1-11. |
Lucas, P. J. |
(1972) 'An Interpretation of Sir Orfeo', Leeds Studies
in English, 6: 1-9. |
Lyle, E. B. |
(1981) 'Orpheus and Tristan', Medium Ævum, 50, 2: 305-308. |
Martin, E. |
(1995) 'Sir Orfeo's Representation as Returns to the Repressed',
Assays: Critical Approaches to Medieval & Renaissance Texts,
8: 29-46. |
Masi, M. |
(1974) 'The Christian Music of Sir Orfeo', Classical Folia,
28: 3-20. |
Mitchell, B. |
(1964) 'The Faery World of Sir Orfeo', Neophilologus Mitteilungen,
48: 155-159. |
Murphy, C. J. |
(1972) 'Sir Orfeo: The Self and the Nature of Art', University
of Mississippi Studies in English, 13: 19-30. |
Nimchimsky, H. |
(1968) 'Orfeo, Guillaume and Horn', Romance Philology, 22:
1-14. |
O'Brien, T. D. |
(1988) 'The Shadow and Anima in Sir Orfeo', Mediaevalia,
10: 235-254. |
Olsen, A. H. |
(1982) 'Loss and Recovery: A Morphological Reconsideration of Sir
Orfeo', Fabula, 23, 3-4: 198-206. |
Orton, P. R. |
(1980) 'Some Problems in Sir Orfeo', Notes and Queries,
27: 196-199. |
Owen, L. J. |
(1971) 'The Recognition Scene in Sir Orfeo', Medium Ævum,
40: 249-253. |
Pisani Babich, A. G. |
(1998) 'The Power of the Kingdom and the Ties That Bind in Sir
Orfeo', Neophilologus Mitteilungen, 82, 3: 477-486. |
Riddy, F. |
(1976) 'The Uses of the Past in Sir Orfeo', Yearbook of
English Studies, 6: 5-15. |
Rider, J. |
(1988) 'Receiving Orpheus in the Middle Ages: Allegorization, Remythification
and Sir Orfeo', Papers on Language and Literature, 24,
4: 343-366. |
Ronquist, E. C. |
(1985) 'The Powers of Poetry in Sir Orfeo', Philological
Quarterly, 64, 1: 99-117. |
Rumble, T. C. (ed.) |
(1965) The Breton Lays in Middle English (Detroit: Wayne
State University Press). |
Ryam, J. S. |
(1987) 'The Wild Hunt, Sir Orfeo and J. R. R. Tolkien', Mallorn:
the Journal of the Tolkien Society, 24: 16-17. |
Schmidt, A. V. C. and Jacobs, N. (eds) |
(1980) Medieval English Romances, II vols. (London: Hodder
and Stoughton). [Includes Sir Orfeo, 1: 151-171; and Sir
Degarre, 2: 57-88).] |
Stevick, R. D. (ed.) |
(1967) Five Middle English Narratives (Indianapolis and New
York: Bobbs Merrill). [Includes Sir Orfeo from Auchinleck and
Floris and Blauncheflur from Egerton.] |
Stewart, M. |
(1973) 'King Orphius', Scottish Studies, 17: 1-16. |
Taylor, P. B. |
(2000) 'Sir Orfeo and the Minstrel King', Anq - A Quarterly Journal
of Short Articles Notes & Reviews, 13, 1: 12-16. |
Tolkien, J. R. R. (trans.) |
(1975; rept. 1980) 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight', 'Pearl'
and 'Sir Orfeo' (New York: Ballantine). |
Valdes Miyares, R. |
(1993) 'The Wonder Tale Pattern of Sir Orfeo', Journal
of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language & Literature,
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Sir Tristrem
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Gy de Warewyke
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The Thrush and the
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