Prepared by Dr Alison Wiggins. Contributions made by
Professor D. Burnley (University of Sheffield) and Dr M. F. Vaughan (University
of Washington).
- Studies of the Auchinleck Manuscript
- The Medieval Book
- Sources and Analogues
- Palaeography
- Language
- Studies of Romance
1.Studies of the
Auchinleck Manuscript
Bliss, A. J. |
(1951) 'Notes on the Auchinleck Manuscript', Speculum, 26:
652-658. |
Bly, S. M. |
(2002) ‘The Auchinleck Manuscript and the Problems of Imagining Englishness in the Early Fourteenth Century’, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Notre Dame. |
Borland, C. R. |
(1916) A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Mediaeval Manuscripts
in Edinburgh University Library (Edinburgh: The University Press):
54-73. |
Burrows, J. H. |
(1984) 'The Auchinleck Manuscript: Contexts, Texts and Audience',
unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Washington University. |
I.C. |
(1972) 'Notes on the Auchinleck Manuscript', Speculum, 47:
96-98. |
Cunningham, I. C. and Mordkoff, J. E. C. |
(1982) 'New Light on the Signatures in the Auchinleck Manuscript',
Scriptorium, 36: 280-292. |
Davis, N. |
(1978) 'Review of the Findern Manuscript and the Auchinleck Manuscript
Facsimiles', Review of English Studies, n.s. 29: 464-466. |
Evans, M.J. |
(1995) Rereading Middle English Romance: Manuscript Layout, Decoration
and the Rhetoric of Composite Structure (Montreal and Kingston:
McGill-Queen's University Press). |
G. |
(1976) Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Middle English Romances
(Munich: W. Fink). |
Hanna, R. |
(2000) 'Reconsidering the Auchinleck Manuscript' in D.Pearsall (ed.)
New Directions in Later Medieval Manuscript Studies: Essays From
the 1998 Harvard Conference (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer):
91-102. |
Hibbard Loomis,
L. |
(1942; rept. 1962) 'The Auchinleck Manuscript and a Possible London
Bookshop of 1330-1340', PMLA, 57: 595-627. Reprinted in Adventures
in the Middle Ages (New York: Burt Franklin): 150-187. |
(1941; rept. 1962) 'Chaucer and the Breton Lays of the Auchinleck
Manuscript', Studies in Philology, 38: 14-33. Reprinted in
Adventures in the Middle Ages (New York: Burt Franklin): 131-149. |
(1940; rept. 1962) 'Chaucer and the Auchinleck Manuscript: Thopas
and Guy of Warwick' in Essays and Studies in Honor of Carleton
Brown (New York: New York University Press): 111-128. Reprinted
in Adventures in the Middle Ages (New York: Burt Franklin):
131-149. |
Jacobs, N. |
(1982) 'Sir Degarré, Lay le Freine, Beves of
Hamtoun and the 'Auchinleck Bookshop'', Notes and Queries,
227: 294-301. |
E. |
(1884) 'Vier romanzen-handschriften', Englische Studien,
7: 177-201. [Auchinleck: 178-191.] |
Macrae-Gibson, O. D. |
(1966) 'Walter Scott, the Auchinleck Manuscript and MS Douce 124',
Neophilologus Mitteilungen, 50: 449-454. |
Matthews, D. |
(1995) ‘”Quaint Inglis”: Walter Scott and the Rise of Middle English
Studies’, Studies in Medievalism 7: 33-48. |
J. C. |
(1981) 'The Making of the Auchinleck Manuscript: The Scribes at
Work', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Connecticut. |
D. and Cunningham, I. (eds) |
(1977) The Auchinleck Manuscript (London: Scolar Press). |
Porcheddu, F. C. |
(1994) 'Editing the Auchinleck: Textual Criticism and the Reconstruction
of a Medieval Manuscript', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State
University. |
P. R. |
(1980) 'The 'Booklet', A Self Contained Unit in Composite Manuscripts',
Codicologia, 3: 46-69. |
(1972) 'A Study of Some Aspects of the Transmission of English Verse
Texts in Late Medieval Manuscripts', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation,
Oxford University. |
Shonk, T. A. |
(1985) 'A Study of the Auchinleck Manuscript: Bookmen and Bookmaking
in the Early Fourteenth Century', Speculum, 60: 71-91. |
(1983) 'The Scribe as Editor: The Primary Scribe of the Auchinleck
Manuscript', Manuscripta, 27: 19-20. |
(1981) 'A Study of the Auchinleck Manuscript: Investigations into
the Processes of Book Making in the Fourteenth Century', unpublished
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tennessee. |
Smithers, G. V. |
(1969) 'Another Fragment of the Auchinleck Manuscript' in D. A.
Pearsall and R. A. Waldron (eds), Medieval Literature and Civilization:
Studies in Memory of G. N. Garmonsway (London: Athlone Press):
192-210. |
(1949) 'Two Newly-Discovered Fragments from the Auchinleck Manuscript',
Medium Ævum, 18: 1-11. |
Stanley, E. G. |
(1979) 'The Auchinleck Manuscript', Notes and Queries, 224:
157-158. [Review of Pearsall and Cunningham, 1977.] |
T. |
(1996) England the Nation: Language, Literature and National
Identity, 1290-1340 (Oxford: Clarendon Press). [Chapter 4, 'English
in the Auchinleck Manuscript': 108-141.] |
Walpole, R. N. |
(1945) 'The Source Manuscript of Charlemagne and Roland and
the Auchinleck Bookshop', Modern Language Notes, 60: 22-26. |
Weiss, J. |
(1969) 'The Auchinleck Manuscript and the Edwardes Manuscripts',
Notes and Queries, 214: 444-446. |
A. E. |
(2000) 'Guy of Warwick: Study and Transcription', unpublished
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Sheffield. |
Yeaman, L. H. |
(1921) 'The Problem of the Relationship of Three Early Middle English Lays in the Auchinleck Manuscript', unpublished MA dissertation, Wellesley College. |
Medieval Book
Avrin, L. |
(1991) Scribes, Script and Books: The Book Arts from the Antiquity
to the Renaissance (London: The British Library). |
Beadle, R. and Piper, A. J. (eds) |
(1995) New Science Out of Old Books: Studies in Manuscripts and
Early Printed Books in Honour of A. I. Doyle (Aldershot: Scolar
Press). |
Brown, M. P. |
(1994) Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts: A Guide to Technical
Terms (London: The British Library in association with the J.
Paul Getty Museum). |
(1990) A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from Antiquity to
1600 (London and Toronto). |
Cerquiglini-Toulet, J. |
(1997) The Color of Melancholy: The Uses of Books in the Fourteenth
Century (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press). |
Chartier, R. |
(1995) Forms and Meanings: Texts, Performances, and Audiences
from Codex to Computer (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
Press). |
(1994) The Order of Books: Readers, Authors and Libraries in
Europe Between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Cambridge:
Polity Press). |
Christianson, C. P. |
(1990) A Directory of London Stationers and Book Artisans 1300-1500
(New York: Bibliographical Society of America). |
(1987) Memorials of the Book Trade in Medieval London: The Archives
of Old London Bridge (Cambridge: Brewer). |
(1984) 'A Century of the Manuscript-Book Trade in Late Medieval
London', Medievalia et Humanistica, 12: 143-165. |
Edwards, A. S. G., Gillespie, V., and Hanna,
R. (eds) |
(2000) The English Medieval Book: Studies in Memory of Jeremy
Griffiths (London: British Library). |
Griffiths, J. and Pearsall, D. |
(1989) Book Production and Publishing in Britain 1375-1475
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). |
Hudson, H. |
(1984) 'Middle English Popular Romances: The Manuscript Evidence',
Manuscripta, 28: 67-78. |
Lemaire, J. |
(1989) Introduction à la Codicologie (Louvain-la-Neuve:
Université Catholique de Louvain, 1989). |
Marks, R. and Morgan, N. |
(1981) The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500
(London: Chatto and Windus). |
Muzerelle, D. |
(1985) Vocabulaire Codicologique: Répertoire Méthodique
des terms Français Relatifs aux Manuscrits (Paris: CEMI). |
Parkes, M. B. |
(1991) 'The Literacy of the Laity' in Scripts and Readers: Studies
in the Communication, Presentation and Dissemination of Medieval Texts
(London and Rio Grande, Ohio: Hambledon Press): 275-297. |
(1976) 'The Influence of the Concepts of Ordinatio and Compilatio
on the Development of the Book' in J. J. G. Alexander and M. T. Gibson
(eds), Medieval Learning and Literature: Essays Presented to R.
W. Hunt (Oxford: Clarendon Press): 555-577. |
Parkes, M. B. and Watson, A. G. (eds) |
(1978) Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts and Libraries: Essays Presented
to N. R. Ker (London: Scolar Press). |
Ross, D. J. A. |
(1969) 'A Thirteenth-Century Anglo-Norman Workshop Illustrating
Secular Literary Manuscripts?' in F. Dethier (ed.), Mélanges
Offerts à Rita Lejeune (Gembloux: J. Duculot): 689-694. |
Warner, G. |
(1912) Queen Mary's Psalter: Miniatures and Drawings by an English
Artist of the Fourteenth Century Reproduced from Royal MS 2.B.VII
in the British Museum (London: Oxford University Press). |
3.Sources and
Beston, J. B. |
(1976) 'The Case Against the Common Authorship of Lay le Freine
and Sir Orfeo', Medium Ævum, 45: 153-163. |
Bryan, W. F. and Dempster, G. (eds) |
(1941) Sources and Analogues of Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales'
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press). |
Hibbard Loomis, L. |
(1952; rept. 1962) 'The Athelstan Gift Story: Its Influence on English
Chronicles and Carolingian Romances', PMLA, 67: 521-531. Reprinted
in Adventures in the Middle Ages (New York: Burt Franklin):
254-273. |
(1924; rept. 1960) Medieval Romance in England: A Study of the
Sources and Analogues of the Noncyclic Metrical Romances, Burt
Franklin Bibliographical and Reference Series 17 (New York: Oxford
University Press; reprinted New York: Burt Franklin). |
Jacobs, N. |
(1970) 'Old French Degaré and Middle English Degarre and Deswarre',
Notes and Queries, 215: 164-165. |
Magoun, F. P. |
(1927) 'The Source of Sir Thopas', PMLA, 42: 833-844. |
Salter, E. |
(1966-67) 'Piers Plowman and The Simonie', Archiv
für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 203:
241-254. |
Walpole, R. N. |
(1945) 'The Source Manuscript of Charlemagne and Roland and
the Auchinleck Bookshop', Modern Language Notes, 60: 22-26. |
(1944) Charlemagne and Roland: A Study of the Source of Two Middle
English Metrical Romances, University of California Publications
in Modern Philology 21, no. 6 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University
of California Press): 385-451. |
Weiss, J. |
(1969) 'The Auchinleck Manuscript and the Edwardes Manuscripts',
Notes and Queries, 214: 444-446. |
Jenkinson, H. |
(1915) Palaeography and the Practical Study of Court Hands
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). |
Johnson, C. |
(1915) English Court Hands A.D. 1066-1500, II vols. (Oxford:
Clarendon Press). |
Parkes, M.
B. |
(1992) Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation
in the West (Aldershot: Scolar Press) |
(1969; rept. 1980) English Cursive Book Hands 1250-1500 (Oxford:
Clarendon Press; rept Berkeley: University of California Press). |
Wright, C. E. |
(1960) English Vernacular Hands: from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth
Centuries (Oxford: Clarendon Press). |
Benskin, M. and Laing, M. |
(1981) 'Translations and Mischsprachen in Middle English Manuscripts'
in M. Benskin and M. L. Samuels (eds), So Meny People Longages
and Tonges: Philological Essays in Scots and Mediaeval English Presented
to Angus McIntosh (Edinburgh: The Editors). |
Bertram, V. |
(1941) 'The Dialect of Sir Tristrem', Journal of English
and Germanic Philology, 40: 538-544. |
D. |
(1992) The History of the English Language: A Source Book
(London: Longman). |
Burnley, D., and Matsuji, T. |
(1994) The Language of Middle English Literature, Annotated
Bibliographies of Old and Middle English Literature 1 (Cambridge:
Brewer). |
D. |
(1995) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). |
R. |
(2000) Language and Piety in Middle English Romance (Cambridge:
Brewer). |
Easting, R. |
(1988) 'Some Antedatings and Early Usages from the Auchinleck Owayne
Miles' in D. M. Reeks (ed.), Sentences: Essays Presented to
Alan Ward on the Occasion of his Retirement from Wadham College, Oxford
(Southampton: Bosphoros): 167-174. |
Leidholm, A. |
(1941) A Phonological Study of the Middle English Romance 'Arthour
and Merlin' (ms. Auchinleck) (Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksell). |
Macrae-Gibson, O. D. |
(1979) 'Of Arthour and Merlin in Sussex?', English Language
Notes, 17: 7-10. |
(1971) 'The Auchinleck MS: Participles in -and(e)', English
Studies, 52: 13-20. |
McIntosh, A.,
Samuels, M. L. and Benskin, M. |
(1986) A Linguistic Atlas of Late Middle English, IV vols.
(Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press). |
Raiter, G. W. |
(1935) 'Phonology and Morphology of the Auchinleck Sir Tristrem',
unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Northwest University. |
Reichl, K. |
(2002) Spielmannsidiom, Dialektmischung und Kunstsprache in der Mittelenglischen Volkstuemlichen Epik, Nordrhein-Westfaelische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vortraege G 383 (Paderborn: Schoening). |
M. L. |
(1963) 'Some Applications of Middle English Dialectology', English
Studies, 44: 81-94. |
Sklar, E. |
(1977) 'The Dialect of Arthour and Merlin', English Language
Notes, 15: 88-94. |
Smith, J. J. |
(2001) 'Pronominal Systems in the Auchinleck Manuscript' in J. K.
Christian and L. M. Sylvester (eds), Lexis and Texts in Early English:
Studies Presented to Professor Jane A. Roberts (Amsterdam: Rodopi). |
Stidston, R. O. |
(1917) The Use of 'Ye' in the Function of 'Thou' in Middle English
Literature from ms. Auchinleck to ms. Vernon: A Study of Grammar and
Social Intercourse in Fourteenth-Century England, Rev. Arthur
G. Kennedy, Leland Stanford Junior University Publications, University
Series 28 (Stanford: Stanford University Press). |
Wright, L. |
(1996) Sources of London English (Oxford: Clarendon Press). |
6.Studies of
Barnes, G. |
(1993) Counsel and Strategy in Middle English Romance (Cambridge:
Brewer). |
Barron, W. R. J. |
(1987) English Medieval Romance (London and New York: Longman). |
Baugh, A. C. |
(1967) 'The Middle English Romance: Some Questions of Creation,
Presentation, and Preservation', Speculum, 42: 1-31. |
Bordman, G. M. |
(1963) Motif-Index of the English Metrical Romances (Helsinki:
Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia). |
Chesnutt, M. |
(1987) 'Minstrel Reciters and the Enigma of the Middle English Romance',
Culture and History, 2: 48-67. |
Coss, P. R. |
(1985) 'Aspects of Cultural Diffusion in Medieval England: The Early
Romances, Local Society and Robin Hood', Past and Present,
108: 35-79. |
Crane, S.
[Dannenbaum, S.] |
(1986) Insular Romance: Politics, Faith and Culture in Anglo-Norman
and Middle English Literature (Berkeley: University of California
Press). |
Edwards, A. S. G. |
(1990) 'The Contexts of the Vernon Romances' in D. Pearsall (ed.),
Studies in the Vernon Manuscript (Cambridge: Brewer): 159-170. |
Fellows, J., Field, R., and Weiss, J. (eds) |
(1996) Romance Reading on the Book (Cardiff: University of
Wales Press). |
Fewster, C. |
(1987) Traditionality and Genre in Middle English Romance
(Cambridge: Brewer). |
Finlayson, J. |
(1990) 'Richard Coer de Lyon: Romance, History or Something
in Between?', Studies in Philology, 87: 156-180. |
(1980) 'Definitions of Middle English Romance', The Chaucer Review,
15: 44-62 and 168-181. |
Hardman, P. (ed.) |
(2002) The Matter of Identity in Medieval Romance (Cambridge:
Brewer). |
Hopkins, A. |
(1990) The Sinful Knights: A Study of Middle English Penitential
Romance (Oxford: Clarendon Press). |
Knight, S. |
(1986) 'The Social Function of the Middle English Romances' in D.
Aers (ed.), Medieval Literature: Criticism, Ideology and History
(Brighton: Harvester Press): 99-122. |
Krueger, R. L. |
(2000) The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press). |
Legge, M. D. |
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McGillivray, M. |
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(1991) Romance in Medieval England (Cambridge: Brewer). |
D. |
(1985) 'Middle English Romance and its Audiences' in M. J. Arn and
H. Wirtjes with H. Jansen (eds), Historical and Editorial Studies
in Medieval and Early Modern English for Johan Gerritsen (Groningen:
Welters-Noordhoff): 37-47. |
(1980) 'Understanding Middle English Romance', Review, 2:
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Rice, J. |
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Taylor, A. |
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of the Middle English Romances', Yearbook of English Studies,
22: 38-62. |
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(2000) Medieval Insular Romance: Translation and Innovation
(Cambridge: Brewer). |
Wittig, S. |
(1978) Stylistic and Narrative Structures in the Middle English
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