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King Richard f326 Contents
National Library of Scotland -

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In Manuscript Order

The Legend of Pope Gregory (ff.1r-6v)

f.6Ar / f.6Av (thin stub)

The King of Tars (ff.7ra-13vb)

The Life of Adam and Eve (E ff.1ra-2vb; ff.14ra-16rb)

Seynt Mergrete (ff.16rb-21ra)

Seynt Katerine (ff.21ra-24vb)

St Patrick's Purgatory (ff.25ra-31vb)

þe Desputisoun Bitven þe Bodi and þe Soule (ff.31vb-35ra stub)

The Harrowing of Hell (ff.?35rb-?37rb or 37va stub)

The Clerk who would see the Virgin (ff.?37rb or 37va stub-38vb)

Speculum Gy de Warewyke (ff.39ra-?48rb stub)

Amis and Amiloun (ff.?48rb stub-?61va stub)

The Life of St Mary Magdalene (ff.?61Ava stub-65vb)

The Nativity and Early Life of Mary (ff.65vb-69va)

On the Seven Deadly Sins (ff.70ra-72ra)

The Paternoster (ff.72ra-?72rb or ?72va stub)

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (?72rb or ?72va stub-78ra)

Sir Degare (ff.78rb-?84rb stub)

The Seven Sages of Rome (ff.?84rb stub-99vb)

Gathering missing (c1400 lines of text)

Floris and Blancheflour (ff.100ra-104vb)

The Sayings of the Four Philosophers (ff.105ra-105rb)

The Battle Abbey Roll (ff.105v-107r)

f.107Ar / f.107Av (thin stub)

Guy of Warwick (couplets) (ff.108ra-146vb)

Guy of Warwick (stanzas) (ff.145vb-167rb)

Reinbroun (ff.167rb-175vb)

leaf missing.

Sir Beues of Hamtoun (ff.176ra-201ra)

Of Arthour & of Merlin (ff.201rb-256vb)

þe Wenche þat Loved þe King (ff.256vb-256A thin stub)

A Peniworþ of Witt (ff.256A stub-259rb)

How Our Lady's Sauter was First Found (ff.259rb-260vb)

Lay le Freine (ff.261ra-262A thin stub)

Roland and Vernagu (ff.?262va stub-267vb)

Otuel a Knight (ff.268ra-277vb)

Many leaves lost, but some recovered as fragments.

Kyng Alisaunder (L f.1ra-vb; S A.15 f.1ra-2vb; L f.2ra-vb; ff.278-9)

The Thrush and the Nightingale (ff.279va-vb)

The Sayings of St Bernard (f.280ra)

Dauid þe King (ff.280rb-280vb)

Sir Tristrem (ff.281ra-299A thin stub)

Sir Orfeo (ff.299A stub-303ra)

The Four Foes of Mankind (f.303rb-303vb)

The Anonymous Short English Metrical Chronicle (ff.304ra-317rb)

Horn Childe & Maiden Rimnild (ff.317va-323vb)

leaf missing.

Alphabetical Praise of Women (ff.324ra-325vb)

King Richard (f.326; E f.3ra-vb; S R.4 f.1ra-2vb; E f.4ra-vb; f.327)

Many leaves lost.

þe Simonie (ff.328r-334v)