Guy of Warwick (couplets)
His lord he serued treweliche {f.108ra} 
In al þing manschipeliche.
Þer was non erl in Jnglond
Þat toȝeines him durst stond;
5000 Bot ȝif he wold be wiþ him at on
He wald do nimen him anon
& wiþ strengþe him nim wolde,
Þei he to Scotlond suwe him scholde.
His lordis honour he held worþschipliche
1000 & defended it wele & hardiliche;
Þer was [no] kni[ȝ]t in Jnglonde
Þat wiþ wretþe durst him at stonde.
Þei a man bar an hundred pounde
Opon him of gold ygrounde
1500 Þe[r] nas man in al þis londe
Þat durst him do schame no schonde
Þat bireft him worþ of a slo;
So gode pais þer was þo.
Þilke steward hadde a sone
2000 Trewe & wise atte frome.
Al folk he dede him loue
For þat noman schuld him schoue
& riche ȝiftes ȝiuen he wold
For þat he schuld be fre yhold.
2500 Þerl Rohaud he serued þo
As he schuld his kinde lord do.
Þerl him loued swiþe dere
Ouer al oþer þat þer were;
Of his coupe serue he him dede
3000 He was preysed to him in euer[i]ch stede.
Þerl michel him worþschipede
& for his fader loue to him clepede.
Gij of Warwike his name was;
In court non better beloued þer nas
3500 So he was among gret lordinges
Litel & michel in al þinges.
Gentil he was & of michel miȝt
Ouer al oþer feirest bi siȝt;
Al þai wonderd strongliche
4000 For his feirhed was so miche.
So mani godenes in him were
Al him preysed þer yfere
Of bordis & turnament, ywis,
Kniȝtes to hauen & holden of pris.
4500 Gij a forster fader
hadde {f.108rb}
Þat him lerd & him radde
Of wodes & riuer & oþer game;
Herhaud of Ardern was his name.
He was hende & wele ytauȝt;
5000 Gij to lern forȝat he nauȝt.
Michel he couþe of hauk & hounde
Of estriche faucouns of gret mounde.
It was opon a Pentecost day yteld
Þerl a gret fest held
5500 At Warwike in þat cite
Þat þan was ywon to be.
Þider cam men of miche miȝt,
Erls & barouns boþe apliȝt,
Leuedis & maidens of gret mounde
6000 Þat in þe lond wer yfounde.
Eueriche maiden ches hir loue
Of kniȝtes þat wer þider ycome
& euerich kniȝt his leman
Of þat gentil maiden wiman.
6500 When þai were fro chirche ycome
Þer aliȝt mani a noble gome.
Þerl to þe mete was sett,
Gij stode forn him in þat flett
Þat was þe steward sone;
7000 Þerl to serue it was his wone.
To him he cleped Gij
& him hete & comandi
Þat he into chaumber went
& grete wele þat maiden gent,
7500 & þat he schuld þat ich day
Serue wele þat feir may.
Gij him answerd freliche,
‘Sir ichil wel bleþeliche.’
In a kirtel of silk he gan him schrede,
8000 Into chaumber wel sone he ȝede.
Þe kirtel bicom him swiþe wel,
To amenden þer on was neuer a del;
Þe maidens biheld him feir & wel
For þat he was so gentil.
8500 Gij on his knes sone him sett
& on hir fader half he hir grett
& seyd he was þider sent
To serue hir to hir talent.
Felice an[s]werd þan to Gij {f.108va} 
9000 ‘Bieus amis molt gramerci’
& seþþe sche asked him in þe plas
Whennes he cam & what he was.
‘Mi fader’ he seyd ‘hat Suward,
Þat is þi fader steward
9500 Þat wiþ him me haþ yheld
& forþ ybrouȝt, God him forȝeld.’
‘Artow’ sche seyd ‘Suward sone,
Þat of al godenes haþ þe wone?’
Gij stode stille & seyd nouȝt.
1000 Wiþ þat was þe water forþ brouȝt;
Þai sett hem to mete anon,
Erl, baroun, sweyn & grom.
¶ Gij was bisy þat ich day
To serue wele þat feir may.
1050 Þat day Gij dede his miȝt
To serue þritti maidens briȝt.
Al anamourd on him þai were
& loued Gij for his feir chere.
Þer of no ȝaf he riȝt nouȝt;
1100 Al anoþer it was his þouȝt,
On Felice þat was so briȝt.
Gij hir loued wiþ al his miȝt.
So michel sche was in his þouȝt
Þat neye he was to deþ ybrouȝt;
1150 He gan to wepe & sore siche
& biment him wel reweliche
& grete wonder he hadde, ywis,
Þat Felice so feir a creatour is.
Ac he no dar his loue keþe
1200 No sen hir wel vnneþe;
He is in so gret þouȝt
His conseyl wil he schewe nouȝt.
Into þe maidens chaumber he is ygo;
At Felice he tok his leue þo
1250 & in his way he goþ apliȝt.
Vnto his chamber he went ful riȝt
& wepe & made grete wo
For he loued þat maiden so.
His men axed him on hy
1300 Whi þat he was so sori.
He hem answerd sone anon
Þat swiche iuel is comen him on
Þat he weneþ his liif forgon; {f.108vb}

Bote no tit him neuer non.
1350 In þe court biment was Gij;
Mani man for him was sori,
For he was won to serue hem wel
& ȝif hem mani a iuwel.
Now is Gij jn gret tempest,
1400 Sorwe he makeþ wiþ þe mest
Of Felice þat feir may;
For his loue he sorweþ ay
& grete wonder he haþ, ywis,
Þat him so hard bifallen is.
1450 He acursed þe time þat [he] hir say,
Felice wiþ hir eyȝen gray:
‘Hir gray eyȝen, hir nebbis schene;
For hir mi liif is miche in wene.
To hir ichil tellen al mi þouȝt
1500 Whi þat icham in sorwe brouȝt.
Tide me gode oþer qued
Y nil it hele for no nede;
Riȝt to hir þat y ne go
& schewe hir of mi miche wo.
1550 ¶ Ac now to hir schewen y nille
Allas, wreche, hou may I duelle?
For mi lordes douhter sche is
& ich his nori, for soþe ywis,
Þerfore ich auȝt him treweþe bere
1600 & neuer more him to dere.
ȝif ich hir loued & it wist he,
& he miȝt ouertake me,
He wald anon mine heued of smite
Oþer heye hong for þat wite,
1650 Oþer hewe me wiþ swerdes kene,
ȝif ich hadde don him þat tene.
Allas, wreche, what may y do?
Y loue þing y no may com to.’
¶ Now is Gij in sorwe ybrouȝt;
1700 Of his liif nis him nouȝt.
He went & trent his bed opon
So man þat is wo bigon.
He no may sitt no stonde
No vnneþe drawen his onde,
1750 Rest no take slepeinge,
Mete ete no drinke dringe.
No may him noman comforti, {f.109ra} 
Bot euer his song is wo & wi.
In so gret þouȝt was he þo
1800 & so gret sorwe toke him to
Leuer him wer walk & wende
& dye in trewe loue bende.
¶ Þus [Gij] lay in grete turment
Til þat þe fest was al towent.
1850 Swiche an iuel is on him fast
Þat he no may it of him cast;
He no wil noman his care schewe.
His sorwes ben euer aliche newe;
Þat he no may his loue haue
1900 Grete strengþe him doþ wiþdrawe.
‘Þerfore’ he seyd ‘ichil hir schewe
My peyne is euer aliche newe.
Of al mi sorwe nis hir nouȝt;
Ich wold ich were to deþ ybrouȝt.
1950 Bitide me iuel oþer gode,
Ichil it held in mi mode,
& ȝif sche wil, sche may me spille,
Ac for al þat leten y nille.’
Now is Gij to court ygo
2000 As man þat is ful of wo
& on his knes he him dede
Bifor Felice in þat stede
& to hir he spac wel euen
Wiþ a wel queynt steuen,
2050 & seyd ‘Felice þe feir, merci,
For Godes loue & our Leuedi,
Þat y þe no finde mi dedliche fo;
For Godes loue herken me to.
No longer hele y nille,
2100 Al þat soþe tellen y wille.
Þou art þe þing þat y most ȝerne;
Fro þe no may mine hert terne
Opon al oþer y loue þe;
Y no may it lete ded to be.
2150 Vnder heuen no þing nis,
Noiþer gode no qued, ywis,
Þat y for þe don y nolde;
To lete þat liif don y wolde.
Þou art mi liif, mi ded, ywis;
2200 Wiþouten þe haue y no blis.
Y loue þe & tow nouȝt me; {f.109rb} 
Y dye for þe loue of þe.
Bot þou haue merci on me,
For sorwe ichil me self sle,
2250 For wistestow þe heuinisse
Þe sorwe & þe sorinisse
Þat me is on niȝt & day –
Bi trewe loue siggen ich it may –
& tow it miȝt wiþ eyȝen se,
2300 Þou wost haue merci on me.’
Felice þe feir answerd þo:
‘Artow þis Gij, so mot þou go,
Þe steward sone Suward?
Ich wene þou art a fole musard
2350 When þou of loue me hast bisauȝt;
Al to fole-hardy þou art ytauȝt.
Wele þou holdest me for a fole;
Þou art ytauȝt to a liþer scole.
& icham þi lordes douhter biname,
2400 Þan dostow him wel michel schame
When þou of loue bisechist me
Þat y schold þi leman be.
No fond y neuer man me so missede
No me so of loue bede,
2450 Noyþer kniȝt no baroun;
Bot þou þat art a garsoun
& art mi man, & man schalt be.
Yuel were mi fairhed sett on þe
& y swiche a grome toke
2500 & so mani grete lordinges forsoke.
Erls, doukes of þe best
In þis world & þe richest
Me haue desired, apliȝt,
Þat neuer of me hadde siȝt.
2550 Þat wer gret deshonour to me,
Al to loþ mi liif me schuld be;
Al to fole-hardi þou were
When þou me of loue bisouȝtest here.
Bi mi trewþe, y schal þe swere,
2600 Schal y mi fader þe tiding bere
Þou worþest tohewen oþer fordo –
Bi þe be warned oþer mo –
Oþer wiþ wilde hors todrawe
For þi foly, & þat wer lawe;
2650 & oþer schul be
warned bi þi dede {f.109va}
& her lordinges þe more drede.
Go heþen’ sche seyd ‘& vp arise
& cum nammore in mi purpris.’
¶ Wel sorwefuliche went Gij
2700 Into his chaumber al dreri;
Gij into his chaumber gan to gon
& schett him þer in anon.
Þer in he made sorwe anouȝ
& his cloþes al todrouȝ.
2750 Vnder heuen nas þat
it ne miȝt haue rewþe
rewþe: þe is superscript. |
Of his sorwenes & of his trewþe.
Of loue he biment strongliche
For whom þat he loued so miche.
‘Loue’ he seyd ‘slake now mi sore
2800 Þat is dedeliche as y seyd ore.
Loue, of þis ȝongling
Makeþ me iuel fonding.
Loue, bring me of þis wodenisse
& bring me into sum lisse
2850 For to reste me a þrowe
Þat y miȝt meseluen knowe.
Sore me meneþ for me smert,
Miche care is in mine hert,
Michel ich am ycast of miȝt
2900 Al to fer wiþ vnriȝt.
Loue me doþ to grounde falle
Þat y ne may stond stef wiþ alle.
Loue doþ min cloþes done
& after me clepeþ wreche sone.
2950 Hou schal y liue, hou schal y fare,
Hou long schal y liuen in care?
Leuest þing me were to dye
& ich wist bi wiche weye.’
‘Deþ’ he seyd ‘wher artow so long?
3000 Þou makest me y may nouȝt stond.
Þou makest me out of þe way to gon.
Whi ne comestow to feche me anon?
Worþi ich were ded to be;
Y loue þing þat loueþ nouȝt me.
3050 Herkeneþ now hou seiþ þe wise,
Y schal ȝou schewe bi þis asise,
For a fole he schal him held
Þat takeþ more þan he may weld.’
To a fenestre þan Gij is go, {f.109vb} 
3100 Biheld þe castel, þe tour also.
‘Tour’ he seyd ‘feir artow bisett.
In þe is þat maiden bischett
Þat liueþ þer in ioie & blis
& ichir loue, for soþe ywis.
3150 Tour when wer þou ouerþrowe
& wiþ þe winde al toblowe
Þat y miȝt hir wiþ eyȝen se
Þat y loue more þan me?’
He ginneþ to wepe & sore siche
3200 His care him neweþ eueriliche;
Adoun he fel & swoune bigan –
More sorwe made neuer man –
& cursed þe time þat he was bore,
For now he haþ his witt forlore.
3250 ‘Loue’ he seyd ‘acursed þou be;
To michel miȝt it is in þe
Þat y ne may me fro þe were.
Loue, merci, þatow me no dere;
Leuer me were forto dye
3300 Þan long to liuen here in eyȝe.
Allas, Felice, þat ich stounde
Þi loue me haþ so ybounde
& þat y serued þe þat day
Acursed be þat time, seyen y may;
3350 No bid ichaue non oþer mede
Bot slake mi sorwe ichaue nede.
Y loue þe & tow nouȝt me;
Euen dole may it nouȝt be
For of mi sorwe no hastow nouȝt.
3400 Allas, to grounde icham ybrouȝt,
Þou hast þe gode & y þe quede,
Y brenne so spark on glede.
Seþþe þou me lokedest first to
Þou me woundest wiþ a flo.
3450 Schal y dye for þat siȝt?
Merci, Felice, þat swete wiȝt
Mine hert is ful of venim spilt,
Of blis no worþ it neuer filt.’
Swiche liif ladde Gij sikerliche
3500 Al þat seuenniȝt holeliche.
His fader was for him sori,
Sabin his moder biment Gij,
Þerl for him sori was, {f.110ra} 
Þer liked non in þat plas;
3550 Litel & michel al & some
Biment Gij att[e] frome.
Þerl dede þe leches ofsende
Of Gyes iuel to wite þat ende.
Þe leches ben to him ygo,
3600 Gij þai finde blaike & blo.
Hij asked him where his iuel stode,
He seyd for hete he brend nere wode.
‘So hot ich am & bren[n]inge –
Mi sorwe is euer cominge –
3650 Þat al mi limes it haþ totiȝt;
Swiche liif y lede day & niȝt.
After þe hete me comeþ a chele
Þat me greueþ wiþ vnskele
Þat y wex cold as ise.
3700 So vnkinde iuel it is
Þat al mine limes it wil to-te;
& seþþe me comeþ swouninges þre,
For anguis swoune it me doþ
Tviis or þriis y say for soþ.
3750 Swiche liif y lede niȝt & day
Non oþer wise y no can ȝou say.’
¶ Þan seyd þat on ‘a feuer it is.’
‘ȝa’ quod Gij ‘a liþer, ywis.’
Þe leches gon & lete Gij one
3800 Þat makeþ wel michel mone.
‘God’ quod Gij ‘what schal y do?
Hou long schal y liuen in wo
Þat y no miȝt ded be
When y no may hir wiþ eyȝen se
3850 Þat haþ al mine hert & þouȝt
& y no misgilt hir neuer nouȝt?
Bot on þat ichir loue wel
& euer more loue schel.
ȝif ich it hir schewe, sche wil telle
3900 Hir fader & he me wil quelle.
Þei he it wist, siker apliȝt,
More þan me sle don he no miȝt.
ȝif he me slouȝ it were schonde,
Schuld y þan for deþ wonde?
3950 To hir, for soþe, ichil go
& schewe hir of mi michel wo.
Vnder heuen [n]is so strong þing {f.110rb}

So is loue & wowing.’
‘Now’ he seyd ‘what for þan?
4000 Þei ich hir loue blame me no man;
To warant ichil drawe atte frome
Þat loue doþ me þider come
& þat loue doþ me go to þe
Þat y no may wiþhold me.’
4050 Wiþ þis
Gij arisen is
& to þe gate goþ, ywis.
‘God’ quod Gij ‘y do foliliche,
Y sle me seluen sikerliche;
Mine owhen [deþ] y go now secheinde.’
4100 ‘God’ he seyd ‘be mine helpinde.’
Adoun he fel aswounie
& when he gan to dawei
‘To þe court’ he seyd ‘ichil go,
Be it for wele or for wo.
4150 To þe court ichil what so bitide;
Þei gret strengþe me do abide.’
Now is Gij to court ycomen
As man þat is wiþ sorwe ynome
& into an erber he is ygo.
4200 Felice [he] findeþ þer in þo
At hir fet he him leyd,
Al wepeand to hir he seyd,
‘Felice now ich am comen to þe,
& ȝif þou wilt, þou miȝt m[e] sle
4250 For now icham wiþin þi loke
& þine hest ichaue tobroke
For ich wold þatow seye
Þe sorwe þat y for þe dreye,
Þe strong pine & þe wo
4300 Y dreye for þe euer mo.
Mine hert schal bileue wiþ þe,
Wiltow, niltow, it schal so be
Þat mi bodi, ferli may,
Bot þat wille it lasteþ ay.
4350 Þer while y liue loue y þe wille
& bot ȝif y do ichil me spille;
For me no schal it todeled be
Þer while þat liif it lasteþ in me.
Þe to loue no miȝtow me forbede,
4400 In wo & sorwe þou dost me fede.
Whan it worþ þi fader yteld {f.110va}

Þatow hast mine hert in weld
& he wite þat y loue þe,
Ichot for soþe he wil me sle,
4450 & þat schal turn me al to blis
When y schal dye, for soþe ywis.
Henne forward ne reche y me
Of mi liif whare it be
No of mi deþ neuer þe mo,
4500 No reche y neuer where y go.’
He ferd as he wer mat;
Adoun he fel aswoune wiþ þat.
Felice stode & loked him to
& biheld his strong wo.
4550 To a mayde sche seyd þo,
‘Take him vp in þine armes to
& lay him soft on þe grounde.’
& sche dede so in þat stounde.
Þat mayden ȝede to him wepeinde
4600 & Gij wel sore biminde.
‘Bigod of heuen’ sche seyd,
‘& ich wer as feir a mayd
& as riche kinges douhter were
As ani in þis warld here,
4650 & he of mi loue vndernome were
As he is of þine in strong manere
& he wald me so o loue ȝerne,
Me þenke y no miȝt it him nouȝt werne.’
werne: final e is superscript. |
Felice þe feir answerd þo,
4700 ‘Damisel’ sche seyd ‘whi seistow so?
Þou art to blame also y se
No þing þermid no paistow me.
Oft þou hast yherd in speche
Þat we no schal no man biseche,
4750 Ac men schul biseche wimen
In þe feirest maner þat þai can
& fond to speden ȝif þai may,
Boþe bi niȝtes & bi day.’
Of his swouning he vpros þo.
4800 Þe maiden him tok in armes to.
Felice seyd to Gij ‘þou dost folie
Þ(at)atow wilt for mi loue dye.
Schal y do mi fader ofsende?
I schal him telle word & ende
4850 Þat tow dost me
litel worþschipe {f.110vb}
When þou me desirest to schenschipe.
In his court he schal deme þe
& al tolime to queme me.’
¶ Gij answerd anon þerto,
4900 ‘God ȝeue þat it wer ydo
Þat of mi deþ þou haddest wite.
Of mi liif is me bot lite,
Redi ich am it to vnderfong
Be it wiþ riȝt, be it wiþ wrong.’
4950 ¶ Felice hadde of him gret rewþe.
‘Gij’ quod [sche] ‘þou louest me in trewþe;
Al to michel þou art afoild
Now þi blod it is acoild.
Ac o þing y grant þe
5000 More no miȝtow asky me.
Þer nis leuedi no maiden non
In þis cuntre so wide so man may gon
& tow louedest hir astow dost me
Þat sche no wold grant hir loue to þe.’
5050 Gij seyd to Felice ‘now lete þis be,
Now me þenke þou scornnest me.
Nis me nouȝt iuel anouȝ ydiȝt
When þou wilt of me no wiȝt?
Now a fole ichil be
5100 & mi witt chaunge for þe.’
‘Gij’ seyd Felice ‘now vnderstond
For now nil y noþing wond
& þei y say þe al mi wille
No hold it for non vnskille.
5150 No grome louen y no may
Fort he be kniȝt forsoþ to say,
Feir & beld to tellen by,
S[t]rong in armes & hardi;
& when þou hast armes vnderfong
5200 & ichaue it vnderstonde,
Þan schaltow haue þe loue of me
ȝif þow be swiche as y telle þe.’
When Gij herd þat tiding
For ioie his hert gan to spring.
5250 At hir he tok leue anon,
Into þe castel he gan to gon
Also swiþe as he it miȝt do;
Into þe court he gan to go
Of euerich day him þouȝt ten {f.111ra} 
5300 Fort he seye his lemen,
& when he feld him hole & fere
He went to court wiþ glad chere.
Michel joie wiþ him þai made
& alle þai wer bliþe & glade.
5350 To þerl þan went Gij
& gret þat kniȝt hardi
& seyd ‘Sir, þine armes ich ax,
ȝif ich am þerto ywax;
Ich am redi hem to fong
5400 & þe to serue wiþouten wrong.’
Þerl answerd & seyd þo,
‘Bleþeliche Gij, seþþe þou wilt so.’
¶ Þerl dede anon aparaile
Gyes dobing wiþouten feyle;
5450 Wel richelich he dubbed Gij
& wiþ him felawes tventi
Þat al barouns sones were –
For Gyes loue he dubbed hem þere –
Þat wiþ þerl Rohaud hadde ben long
5500 In his seruise armes to vnderfong.
It was at þe Holy Trinite
Þerl dubbed sir Gij þe fre
& wiþ him tventi gode gomis,
Kniȝtes & riche baroun sonis.
5550 Of cloþ of Tars & riche cendel
Was he[r] dobbeing euerichadel.
Þe panis al of fow & griis,
Þe mantels weren of michel priis,
Wiþ riche armour & gode stedes,
5600 Þe best þat wer in lond at nedis.
Alder best was Gij ydiȝt;
Þei he wer an emperour sone, apliȝt
So richeliche dobbed was he,
Nas no swiche in þis cuntre,
5650 Wiþ riche stedes wele erninde
Palfreys coursours wele bereinde.
No was þer noiþer sweyn no knaue
Þat ouȝt failed þat he schuld haue.
¶ Now is sir Gij dobbed to kniȝt
5700 Feir he was & michel of miȝt.
To Felice went sir Gij
& gret hir wel curteyslie
& seyd ‘ichaue don astow seydest me to, {f.111rb}

For þe ichaue suffred miche wo;
5750 Arme for þe ichaue vnderfong.
Þe to se me þouȝt long,
Þou art me boþe leue & dere,
Ich am ycomen þi wille to here.
¶ ‘Gij’ seyd Felice ‘heye þe nouȝt.
5800 ȝete hastow no þing of armes ywrouȝt
No artow þe better neuer-a-del
Þan þou wer ere y say þe wel
Bot on þatow [hast] newe dobing
& art cleped kniȝt wiþouten lesing;
5850 Bot it be þurth þi miȝt
Þou no miȝt chalang loue þurth riȝt.’
When Gij herd Felice so speke
He tok his leue & gan out reke;
At hir leue he tok anon
5900 & to his fader he gan to gon
& seyd ‘fader, vnderstond me,
Icham newe dobbed as ȝe may se.
Ouer þe se ichil now fare
To win priis & los þare.’
5950 His fader him answerd sone,
‘Sone, God leue þe wele to done,
& als michel as þe nede be
Sone schaltow haue wiþ þe.’
¶ Suward cleped Herhaud to him
6000 & seyd: ‘Herhaud, frende min,
Wiþ Gi mi sone schaltow wende;
In gode stede mot ȝe lende.
Þou schalt kepe mi sone Gij
For he is mi sone & tow mi norri.
6050 Loke, Herhaud, þat tow him kepe
& þine felawes þat ben ȝepe,
Boþe Torold & sir Vrri.
On ȝou y trust sikerli
& wiþ Herhaud schul ȝe go
6100 To kepe mi sone from care & wo.’
& hij answerd sone anon,
‘Hastiliche, sir, wil we wiþ him gon.’
Þai weren boþe strong kniȝtes
Bold & hardi in ich fiȝtes.
fiȝtes altered to fiȝttes,
then the superscript t
marked for deletion. |
6150 Gij tok wiþ him what he wold
Boþe of siluer & of gold;
To þe se þai ben now ycome {f.111va}

& seyled ouer atte frome.
Þai comen into Normondye;
6200 Kniȝtschippe þai sechen on heye.
In Ron Gij takeþ his herberwe
Wiþ þe richest man of þe borwe;
Mete & drink þai hadde anouȝ
Nas þer non þat it wiþdrouȝ.
6250 Sir Gij his ost cleped him to
& him bigan to frein þo
& asked him wher þe turnament schuld be,
So mani scheldes þan seye he.
His ost ‘sir’ seyd ‘wite ȝe nouȝt
6300 Of þis turnament þat is biþouȝt?’
‘No’ seyd Gij ‘bi mine wite,
Y no herd þerof neuer ȝete.’
His ost him answerd snelle,
‘Of þat turnament y schal ȝou telle.
6350 It schal be for a maiden of pris,
Þemperours douhter sche is.
A turnament he haþ don grede,
A swiþe michel & vnrede.
Þer nis no kniȝt in Speyne
6400 Al to þe se of Breteyne
Þat ouȝt ytold wiþ be
Þer men schal his miȝt se.
He þat best doþ þat day
Þer he schal winne þat play.
6450 Of euerich londe þider com kniȝtes
Þat strong ben & bold in fiȝtes,
For who þat is gode & snelle,
As ichaue herd oþer men telle,
Who þat þer be of mest miȝt,
6500 Grete worþschipe he winneþ, apliȝt,
For þe maiden y spac of er
Is þemperours douhter Reyner.
He schal bring to þe tur[na]ment þat day –
Wele is him þat it winne may –
6550 A gerfauk þat is milke white –
To him nis nowhare his liche –
& a stede of gret bounte –
He no schuld be ȝouen for a cuntre –
& tvai grehoundes þat white ben –
6600 Swiche no haþ men nowhare ysen.
& who so winneþ þe turnament al {f.111vb}

Bi aiþer half þe priis haue schal
Þe gerfauk & þe gode stede
Boþe he schal haue to mede;
6650 & þe tvay grehoundes þat gode beþ
He schal haue þat þer best deþ;
& þe maiden þat is so fre,
Bot he haue a fairer in his cuntre.’
¶ When sir Gij herd þat tiding
6700 Glad he was wiþouten lesing.
Sir Gij seyd to his fere,
‘In gode time come we here.
Tomorwe so sone so it is day
We wil wenden in our way.’
6750 Sir [Gij] his ost a palfrey ȝaf þo
For þe tiding he teld him to.
Anon amorwe wel erliche
Þai don hem in her wai sikerliche.
Of rideing wil þai neuer stent
6800 To þai com to þe turnament.
& when þai wer þider ycome
Þai seye þer mani douȝti gome.
Bi feldes & bi riuers ridinde
Mani a kniȝt þai seye cominde.
6850 & when þai were þider ycome
To þe turnament þai went al & some.
Out of þe rengge þai gun hem diȝt
Þe barouns þat were of miche miȝt.
Þan oxed anon sir Gij
6900 To þe barouns þat oned him bi,
‘What is he þat ich kniȝt
Þat out of þe renge haþ him diȝt
Wiþ þo armes briȝt & schene?’
Hij answerd anon y wene,
6950 ‘It is a kniȝt of miche priis,
Douhti he is bi seyn Deniis;
Out of þe rengge he haþ him diȝt
ȝif he miȝt finden ani kniȝt
Þat wiþ him wald iusti
7000 Þerto he makeþ him redi.’
Oȝaines sir Gij þer come Gayer
To iuste wiþ him he drouȝ him ner;
He rode to him as a gode kniȝt
He semed a man of miche miȝt.
7050 Gaier smot sir Gij bifore
& þurth þe scheld him haþ ibore.
Þe launce brak þat was wele wrouȝt,
Þe hauberk was gode & failed nouȝt.
Gij afterward Gaier smot
7100 To grounde he feld him fot-hot,
Þe stede toke bi þe reyn
& lepe vp wiþ gret meyn.
Now ginneþ þe turnamint,
Ich smit on oþer wel gode dint;
7150 Þai smiten togider, for soþ y pliȝt
Eueriche to nim oþer dede his miȝt.
Wel mani kniȝtes Gij wan þat day
Of þe maistri he wan þat play.
So mani helmes he todrof
7200 Þat mani man wonderd þerof;
Sat he neuer so wel no so fast
Þat he no feld him sone on hast.
Þe douke Otus of Pauie
To Gij he hadde envie
7250 Wiþ him he wald iusti –
It turned him to vilani.
Þe douke come prikiand on his stede
Þat certeyne was & gode at nede
& sir Gij on anoþer also;
7300 Gode kniȝtes þai weren bo.
Gij þurth þe scholder him smot
& feld him to grounde fot-hot.
¶ Þe douke Reyner seye þat cas
Of Sessoine wel modi he was.
7350 He come als swiþe as he miȝt driue
Gij to smite he heyed bliue
& seyd to him ‘in iuel stounde
ȝaf þou þe douke Otous wounde.
To wroþerhele iuste þou wiþ him,
7400 He is mi germain cosyn.
Icham þe douke Reyner þat to þe speke,
Icham ycomen him to awreke.
Turn þe & iuste wiþ me.’
‘Bleþeliche’ quod Gij ‘bi my leute.’
7450 Gij him turned & gan
to smite
He nold spare him bot lite;
He smot þe douke on þe scheld
Þat it fleye in þe feld
& bar þe douke Reyner saunfeil {f.112rb} 
7500 Ouer & oue[r] his hors tayl.
Þe stede bi þe reyn he haþ ynome
Oȝain to þe douke he is ycome.
‘Here is þine hors, y ȝiue it te.
When ichaue nede aquite it me.’
7550 & wele he ȝalt him his while
As gode kniȝt wiþouten gile.
I schal ȝou tel feir & wel
Hou he it ȝald him eueridel.
When þe douk Otus yseye þis
7600 Toȝaines Gij he come, ywis.
‘Sir kniȝt’ he seyd ‘y prey þe
Tel me þi name & whenne tow be.’
¶ Sir Gij answerd wel freliche:
‘Y schal þe tel ful bleþeliche.
7650 Gij of Warwike men clepeþ me.
Ich was yborn in þat cuntre.’
Þe douk Lowayn cam wiþ þis
A gode spere in his hond, ywis.
To Gij he smot wiþ gret hete
7700 & Gij oȝain to him smite;
Togider so hard gun þai driue
Þat her speres gan al toriue.
Þai smiten togider hard & wel
Wiþ her swerdes of grounden stiel
7750 Þurth scheld & hauberk also;
Strong fiȝt was bitven hem to.
Wiþ þat come Herhaud priking,
Þe douk he met coming
& of his hors him haþ yfeld
7800 Riȝt long streȝt in þe feld.
Wiþ þat come þe douke Gaudiner
& mett wiþ sir Torold þer.
Sir Torold smot him on þe scheld
Þat he feld him in þe feld
7850 He semed kniȝt gode & hardi.
Wiþ þat come prikeing sir Vrri
Þan gan þe fiȝt to ben aferd
Of swiche ne haue ȝe nouȝt yherd
No ich it nouȝt telle no miȝt
7900 For long dueling, y ȝou pliȝt.
No no clerk vnder sonne
Þat þe soþe ȝou telle conne
Bot al þe folk of þat cuntre {f.112va}

Seyd þat Gij þe best miȝt be.
7950 & þat oþer day ysame
Sir Gij wan þat ich game,
& þerfore on euerich a side
On him was leyd al þe pride.
So opon þe þridde day
8000 Þe kniȝtes tok her leue & went oway.
¶ Wiþ þis come þe douk prikeing,
A gode kniȝt & wele doing.
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘herkeneþ to me.
Ichil ȝou telle hou it schal be
8050 & whoso þeroȝain sey ouȝt
Of bateyl no þarf him feyl nouȝt.’
Þai seyden al couinliche
Þe dome was ȝouen sikerliche;
Þe gerfauk & þe gode stede
8100 Þe grehoundes schul haue to mede
Gij of Warwike þe noble kniȝt
For best nov doand in þis fiȝt.
Þus þe kniȝtes ben departed, ywis,
Sir Gij to jn ycomen is
8150 & dede him vnarmi;
Of turnament he was weri.
¶ Wiþ þat come a seriant prikeinde,
Gentil he was & wele spekeinde,
To sir Gyes in he is ycome
8200 & him he gret atte frome.
‘Þou art ychesen chef & pris
Of al þis cuntre, for soþe ywis;
For þou hast ywon þis turnament
Y make þe here þis present
8250 Fram þe maiden Blancheflour,
Þat is mi lordes douhter þemperour,
Þe gerfauk & þe stede also
& þe tvay grehoundes þerto,
& ȝete hir loue wiþ þan
8300 Bot þou haue a fairer leman.
Sche þat is þe tour wiþinne
Today þou miȝt hir loue winne.’
Wel curteysliche answerd sir Gij,
‘Sir’ he seyd ‘gramerci.
8350 Ich vnderfong þis present
& þonke hir þat it hider sent.
Hir druerie ich vnderfong {f.112vb} 
Hir kniȝt to [be] wiþouten wrong.’
‘Leue fere’ he seyd ‘herken to me
8400 What þat y schal telle þe.
Þis armes ichil þe ȝiue
& make riche while þou liue
& al þine feren þat be wiþ þe
Riche ȝiftes schullen hauen of me
8450 & do ichil ȝou grete honour
For þat maidens loue Blauncheflour.’
‘Gramerci, sir Gij’ seyd he,
‘For armes come y nouȝt to þe;
Ac to þe maiden ichil wende
8500 & tel hir boþe ord & ende,
Blauncheflour þat swete þing
Ichil hir tel gode tiding.’
Þe seriant goþ & lete Gij þare
Þat liueþ jn joie & nouȝt in care.
8550 Tvay swaines Gij clepeþ him to,
Anon he seyd to hem bo,
‘Þis present ȝe schullen vnderfong
& wende þerwiþ into Inglond
& present þerwiþ bi mi word
8600 Rohaut mi kinde lord.’
& when þai herd what he hem hete
In her way þai dede hem skete
& went þe[r]wiþ into Inglond
& þerl Rohaut þer þai fond.
8650 Þe gerfauk & þe gode stede,
Þe tvai grehoundes wiþ hem ȝede;
Þerl þai made þerwiþ present
Þat sir Gij wan in turnament.
& anon þai him teld
8700 Gij was þe best in þe feld
& þat he was best yteld bi
Of al þe kniȝtes of Normandi.
Þerl þerof wel glad he was
& þonked God of þat gras,
8750 & Felice þe feir dede also
When þe tiding come hir to,
& al his frendes eld & ȝing
Glad were of þat (d) tiding.
Nov Gij wendeþ into fer lond
8800 More of auentours forto fond;
Forþ he went into Speyine {f.113ra} 
& after into Almeyne.
Þer nas noiþer turnament no burdis
Þat Gij þerof no wan þe priis.
8850 He was out al þat ȝer
In mani londes fer & ner
& best is teld vnder sunne
& mest frendes haþ ywonne.
Þan seyd Herhaud to sir Gij –
8900 His maister he was & kniȝt hardi –
‘Into Inglond we schul nov go
So wele so we may it do
For we han ouer al ybe
Þe pris ywonne jn euerich cuntre.’
8950 Gij seyd ‘maister y grant wel
At þi wil be it eueridel.
Now we han ben her & tar
Þe pris ywonne eueraywar
To king Aþelston þou schalt aqueynt þe
9000 Of Inglond þat is so fre,
& wiþ þe barouns also
So wele þou may it nov do.’
¶ Gij seyd ‘tomorwe when it is day
Wende we wil in our way.’
9050 & when þe day is ycome
In her way þai ben ynome
Ouer se þai gan wende,
In Inglond þai gun lende.
Anon þai com to king Aþelston.
9100 Wel fair he hem vnderfenge anon.
Wiþ erls & barouns aqueynt him dede
Þat riche ȝiftes him bede.
Nov is Gij to Warwike fare,
Þerl Rohaut he fint þare.
9150 He welcomed him & his fere
For he was him leue & dere
& kist him wel sweteliche
& of his present þonked him miche.
To his leman he is ycome
9200 & euen forþ hirself sche haþ him nome.
Glad was his fader for him
Sabin his moder & al his kin
& al þe folk of þat cuntre
Bliþe were þai miȝt him se.
9250 ¶ To Felice þan
sir Gij is go {f.113rb}
Sweteliche he seyd hir to,
‘Leman’ he seyd ‘wele þou be.
Mi liif ichaue for loue of þe;
Ded ich were ȝif þou nere,
9300 Mi bodi destrud & leyd on bere.
When þou þi wille hadde seyd to me
Armes y fenge for loue of [þe],
& when ich hadde armes take
Þou seyd þou noldest me forsake,
9350 Þou noldest þi loue werne to me
& nov ich am her comen to þe.
Dere leman, y prey þe
Þi wille þatow tel to me.’
Felice answerd swiþe an heye,
9400 ‘No rape þe nouȝt so, sir Gij.
ȝete nartow nouȝt ypreysed so
Þat me ne may finde oþer mo.
Orped þou art & of grete miȝt,
Gode kniȝt & ardi in fiȝt,
9450 & ȝif ich þe hadde mi loue yȝeue
To welden it while þat y liue
Sleuþe þe schuld ouercome;
Namore wostow of armes loue
No comen in turnament no in fiȝt
9500 So amerous þou were anonriȝt.
Y schuld misdo so þenkeþ me
& miche agilt oȝaines te
& ich þi manschip schuld schone
Wit me euer more to wone.’
Wit: t is superscript over an erasure. |
9550 ‘Gij’ quod Felice ‘forhele y nille
Ac al þe soþe ichil þe telle
Þou art me leuest of oþer alle
For mi leman ichil þe calle
Ac mi loue no schaltow haue
9600 For noþing þatow may craue
Er þou perles holden be
& best doand in þis cuntre
Þat nowhar bi lond no w[a]ter
No be founde þi beter;
9650 & when þou art hold best doinde
In armes þat ani man mai finde
Þat vnder heuen þi better no be
Mi loue ichil þan graunti þe.’
When Gij herd Felice speke so {f.113va} 
9700 Wel depe he gan to sike þo:
‘Now ichot þou scornest me,
Swiche answer jchaue of þe
Þat y schuld be þe best yteld
Þat be fiȝtand wiþ spere & scheld.
9750 Swiche no miȝt y neuer werþe
To be þe best on þis erþe;
Into oþer cuntres ichil go
For þi loue to wirche me wo.
For dout of deþ nil y nouȝt fle.
9800 ȝif y dye it is for þe.’
Sir Gij of hir toke his leue
& kist hir wiþ wepeand eye.
Vnto his in he goþ snelle
Þer nil he no lenger duelle.
9850 To þerl he wil gon
& tak his leue sone anon.
Gij him com to court þore
& aliȝt atte halle dore
& to þerl he went þo
9900 & schewed him wat he wald do.
‘Sir erl’ quod Gij ‘y bid þe
Leue to wende ȝif þou me.
Ouer þe se ichil now wende,
God to gode hauen me sende.
9950 Time it is þat ich fond
To winne priis in vncouþe lond.
Al þe glader ȝe mow be
ȝif we of armes preised be.
& ȝif þou hast folk of grete miȝt
1000 It is te gret worþschip, y pliȝt,
For al þe more men schal þe dout
Wiþin þi lond & eke wiþout.’
¶ ‘Sir Gij’ quod þerl þo,
‘Faileþ þe ou[ȝ]t þat y mai do,
1005 Gold oþer siluer oþer heye stede?
To passe þe se hastow no nede.’
‘Sir Gij’ he seyd ‘lete ben al þis.
Anouȝ þe worþ þat þe nede is
& to pley[e]n vnder þe linde
1010 Þe hert to chacen & þe hinde
Of al þinges þou schalt haue plente.
Bileue at hom sir Gi wiþ me.
We schul wende boþe yfere {f.113vb} 
To play bi wode & bi riuer.
1015 Al bi times þou miȝt wende
ȝete no hastow ben here a moneþ to þende.’
¶ ‘Miche þank, sir’ quod Gij þo,
‘For soþe so no may [y] nouȝt do.’
His leue he toke wiþouten more,
1020 Þerl it ofþouȝt swiþe sore.
He goþ him to his fader þo
Þat for his wending was ful wo.
‘Gon, fader’ quod he ‘ichille;
For noþing leten y nille.
1025 ȝif me leue icham al ȝare
Ouer þe se for to fare
To winne pris & los also
So ȝong man schal in ȝouþe do.
Long to bileuen in þis cunt[r]e
1030 Nis it nouȝt worþ for me.
For ȝong man þat is miȝti
In his ȝouþe schal fondi
So þat men may him in erþe preyse
& in eld liue in mirþe & ayse.
1035 Þer whiles icham ȝong & liȝt
Los ichil winne bi mi miȝt.’
‘Leue sone’ he seyd ‘leue þat þouȝt;
Bi mi wil schaltow wende nouȝt.
Þou schalt bileue here wiþ me
1040 Al þe bliþer we wille be.’
‘Leue sone’ his moder him sede,
‘Þou do bi þi faders rede.
Soiourne wiþ ous to ȝer mo,
Y rede þe sone þat it be so,
1045 Anoþer ȝer þou miȝt ouerfare.
Bot þou bileue y dye for care
For we ne haue sonis no mo;
ȝif we þe schul now forgo
Glad no worþ we neuer mo,
1050 For sorwe schul ous selue slo.’
¶ Gij answerd wiþ þat speche,
‘Fader, God y þe biteche
& mi leue moder also
For hastiliche ichil nov go.’
1055 Gij forþ goþ & þai bileue þare
Þat for hym hadde miche care.
To þe se he is ycome, {f.114ra} 
Gode winde he haþ atte frome.
Ycomen he is into Normundye;
1060 Kniȝtschip he schewed on hye.
Þennes he went jnto Speyne.
Nis turnament non into Almeyne
Þat Gij no haþ þer at ybe
& michel ypreised so is he.
1065 Þennes to Lombardye he went,
Þer ben þe iustes & þe turnament
Þer he dede him preyse miche;
Þe Lombardes him loued inliche.
He was large curteys & fre
1070 Of miche miȝt so was he.
Of an vnsele y may ȝou telle
& ȝe wil a stounde duelle.
As he cam fram a turnament
Þat was biside Bonevent
1075 In þe bodi wounded he was
Þat sore him greued no wonder it nas.
¶ Þan biþouȝt him þe douk Otoun,
Þat vnwrast was & feloun,
Þat he wald ben awreke þat day
1080 Of Gij of Warwike ȝif he may
For he him wounded in a turnament
As ichaue herd telle verrament.
Þerfore Gij him was swiþe loþ
& wel depe he swore his oþ
1085 Þat he of him awreke wald be
Er þan he wende out of þat cuntre.
When þe douke Otus yseye þat cas,
Þat Gij so sore wounded was,
Þerl Lambard he cleped to him –
1090 A kniȝt he was stout & grim –
& fiftene kniȝtes in his compeynie
fiftene: MS reads fiȝtene. |
Þat were strong men & hardie.
On a dern stede he dede hem hide
Þer as Gij schuld cum ride.
1095 ‘Lordinges’ þan seyd þe douk
Otoun: MS reads of toun.
Occurs throughout, further
instances are not noted. |
‘Vnderstond to mi resoun.
Mine men ȝe beþ & to me swore,
Omage ȝe schul me þerfore;
Mine hest ȝe schul fulfille
1100 Þat ich ȝou bid wiþ gode wille.
Me to wreken ȝe schul go {f.114rb} 
Of a treytour þat is mi fo
Þat is ycomen vp mi lond
Wer he þenkeþ to bring me an hond.
1105 Gij of Warwike þat wounded is
Wiþ a swerd þurth þe bodi ywis.
On þe halidom ȝe schul me sweri
In þe forest of Pleyns þat is so miri
& þer ȝe schul ȝou al hide
1110 Þer Gij of Warwike schal cum ride.
His bodi oliue ȝe schul me bring
& slen his feren eld & ȝing.
Y schal him in mi prisoun do,
Out no comeþ he neuer mo.
1115 Wiþ sorwe & wo he schal þer ende,
Þennes no schal he neuer wende.’
‘Sir’ þai seyd ‘we schul go
& al þine hest we schul do.’
Þai dede hem arme swiþe wel
1120 Boþe in iren & in stiel
Vnto þe pas þai wenten snelle
& þer þai houed swiþe stille
As Gij schuld cum sone.
No wist he nouȝt of þat tresone
1125 No of þat sorwe neuer þe mo
Þat him was comand to,
For al his felawes þat gode were
Al he forles hem þere,
& his owhen liif he hadde forlore
1130 No hadde goddes help ben bifore
Þurth þe traitours þat were her fon
Þat kept hem þere for to slon.
Now comeþ Gij soft rideing
Opon a mulet ambling.
1135 His wounde him greueþ swiþe sore
& smert him euer þe lenger þe more.
In pais he wende for to wende,
Ac þe traitours Lombardes vnhende
Þe helmes þai seyen briȝt schine
1140 Þe stedes nyen & togider whine.
‘God’ quod Gij ‘we ben ynome;
Al we be ded þurth tresone.’
Sir Gij of þat mulet aliȝt
& asked his stede, his armes briȝt
1145 & seyd to his felawes snelle, {f.114va}
‘Dere we schul our deþ selle.
Our deþ is now al bispeke
Bot we ous manliche awreke.
Ich kepe him selue seþþe it so is
1150 & ichil while y liue, ywis,
So dere so y may ich wille
To þe treytours mi liif selle.’
¶ ‘Sir’ seyd Herhaud þo,
‘For godes loue hennes þou go.
1155 For þine loue we schul her dye
& defende þis pas, y seye.
Leuer ous were her on be ded
Þan þou wer ded in our ferred.’
¶ Þan answerd Gij anonriȝt
1160 As gode kniȝt & ful of miȝt,
‘ȝif ȝe dye jchil also;
Nil ich neuer fram ȝou go.
Wiþ þat come a Lombard ride
A modi man & ful of pride.
1165 ‘Gij’ quod he ‘ȝeld þe anon.
ȝe ben ded now euerichon;
To þe douke we han trewþe pliȝt
To bring him þi bodi þis niȝt.’
Wiþ þat ich word wel smert
1170 Gij him smot vnto þe hert,
No spard he for no drede
Þat ded he feld him in þe mede.
‘Bi þe trewþe y schal mi leman ȝeld
Today no schaltow þi trewþe held.’
1175 Anoþer Lombard he smot anon,
Þurth þe bodi þe swerd gan gon.
‘No þou, treytour, no schalt me lede
To þe douke þat is ful of qued.
To his presoun no worþ y for þe brouȝt.’
1180 Herhaud smot anoþer & spared nouȝt;
Þurth þe bodi his swerd glod,
Ded he fel wiþouten abod.
¶ Þan com Torald, a gode kniȝt,
Swiþe gode & hardi in fiȝt,
1185 Wiþ a Lombard þer he mett
& so wele his strok he sett
Þat his heued fram þe bodi flei
He ȝede him laweliche neye.
Wiþ þat come Vrri prikeinde – {f.114vb}

1190 A better kniȝt no miȝt man finde –
A Lombard he smot þo
Þat þurth his bodi þe swerd gan go.
So he smot him, for soþ to say,
Þat ded he feld him jn þe way.
1195 Seþþe he seyd ‘þurth no toun
Schal ȝe ous lede to no prisoun.’
Þan miȝt men (fi) se fiȝt aginne,
Heuedes cleue vnto þe chinne.
Euerich þat day þat Gij oftoke
1200 Sone anon his liif forsoke;
Sum he smot opon þe hode,
At þe girdel þe swerd astode,
& sum he smot þurth þe side
Þat miȝt he neuer go no ride.
1205 Was þer non þat miȝt astond
Dint þat come of Gyes hond.
So miȝti strokes þer wer ȝiuen
Þat strong schaftes al todriuen.
No was þer non in þat ferrede
1210 Þat of his liif him miȝt adrede.
¶ Wiþ þat come ride þerl Lambard
A sterne kniȝt & a Lombard.
Vrri anon he slouȝ þar.
It o[f]þouȝt Gij þo he was war,
1215 Wiþ þerl Lambard he wald iusti
& awreke þe gode Vrri.
Wiþ swiche hete he smot him to
His armour no was him worþ a slo;
Þurthout his hert þe launce he bar
1220 Adoun he feld him ded riȝt þar.
Wiþ þat him come forþ Hougoun
Þat was þe doukes neve Otoun;
A kniȝt he was of gret miȝt
Swiþe gode & hardi in fiȝt.
1225 Torald he haþ aqueld.
Torald: MS reads Torlard. |
Herhaud anon þat biheld.
When (her) Herhaud yseye þis,
Þat he doun fel & ded he is,
For his deþ he was sori;
1230 Him to awreke he haþ gret hy.
Neuer ȝete so sori he no was
Toward Hugoun he made a ras;
Catchword: also alyoun þat. |
Als a lyoun he heyed him fast {f.115ra} 
Þat his prey wold haue on hast.
1235 Þurth þe body he him smot
Wiþ gret strengþe god-ytot
Þat biforn þe Lombardes alle
Of his hors ded he gan falle.
¶ When dan Gauter þat yseye
1240 To Herhaud he stert wel an heye
& wiþ his swerd he smot him so
Þat his hauberk rent ato;
Þurth his bodi þat swerd ȝede,
Al þai wende þat he wer ded.
1245 ¶ When Gij seye Herhaud yfeld,
Tohewen his hauberk & his scheld,
& of his hors feld he was
As ded man lay on þe gras,
He seye þe blod þat cam him fro,
1250 Wonder him þouȝt & seyd þo,
‘Þou, lording, to þe y sigge
His deþ þou schalt wel sore abigge.
So mot ich euer word speke
Mi maisters deþ ichil awreke
1255 & for a couward ich held þe;
Þou slouȝ him & lete me be.
Bi him þat made sonne & mone
Þou schalt it wite swiþe son(n)e
Þat tow schalt it biȝelp nouȝt
1260 Þat he is to deþ ybrouȝt.’
¶ Gij wiþ spors smot þe stede
As a man þat hadde nede
Þat fire vnder þe fet aros,
Nas þer non þat him agros.
1265 Wiþ al his miȝt he smot him to,
Wel euen he clef his scheld þo;
Þurth his bodi þe swerd he þriste
Þo at arst fiȝt him liste.
In þe sond he feld him doun
1270 & bede him Cristes malisoun
For þat he wald Herhaud slen
& lete him oliues ben.
¶ Now is Gij (is Gij) wel hard bifalle,
Ylorn he haþ his felawes alle;
1275 So sori he is he not what to do,
He no haþ no wiȝt to bimen him to.
Bot þre Lombard oliue þer nere {f.115rb}

Opon Gij hastiliche þai were;
Þe tvay ben hole & sounde,
1280 Þe þridde hadde þurth þe bodi a wounde.
¶ Gij þat on wiþ his swerd rauȝt,
His heued of fleye wiþ þat drauȝt.
Þan com prikeing dan Gwissard,
A duhtti kniȝt & no couward.
1285 ¶ ‘Gij’ quod he ‘ȝeld now þe,
It no may no noþer be.
On þe erþe liþe þi scheld todreued,
Nouȝt o pece is wiþ oþer bileued,
& þine helme is al tohewe,
1290 Þine hauberk torent þat was newe,
& wounded þou art, þou miȝt wele se;
Long miȝt tow nouȝt oliues be.
Today ichil ȝeld þe to þe douk Otoun
& he þe schal do in his prisoun.’
1295 Þan seyd Gij ‘Gwichard y nille.
To ȝeld me to þe is nouȝt mi wille
Þer whiles ichaue mi swerd ygrounde
& mi bodi wiþouten wounde.’
Gwichard smot Gij wiþ michel miȝt
1300 Opon þe helme þat schon so briȝt
Þat a quarter out fleye;
Þe kniȝt was boþe queynt & sleye.
Opon his scholder þat swerd glod
Of his hauberk it tok a pece brod;
1305 God saued Gij þat he nas ded
No for þat dint hadde no qued.
When Gij seye him so smite
smite: i inserted superscript. |
He was wroþ, ȝe may wele wite.
Gwichard he wald fond to smite
1310 Wiþ his swerd þat wold wele bite.
To him he smot swiþe smert;
Þurth þe bodi ful ney (þe) þe hert
Þat gode swerd þurt[h] him þrang.
Gwichard wald abide nouȝt lang,
1315 He turned his stede & gan to fle
& Gij after him, bi mi leute.
Gode was þe hors þat Gwichard rod on,
& so fast his stede gan gon
Þat Gij miȝt him nouȝt atake;
1320 Þerfore he gan sorwe make.
Gwichard fleye in his way {f.115va} 
Toward Paui so swiþe he may.
Þe douk Otous fram hunting com
& wiþ him erles mani on.
1325 A kniȝt he seye cum prikeing,
His armes torent, his woundes bledeing.
Þe douk Otous duelled a þrowe
What he hadde Gwichard yknowe.
Wele he semed man aferd
1330 Þat hard tiding hadde yherd.
Wiþ þat is Gwichard to him come
Þe douke him oxed atte frome,
‘Gwichard, who haþ wretþed þe
& where hastow in bateyle be?
1335 ¶ Where is Gij? Is he nome?
Liues or deþ[es] do him come.’
‘Ichil ȝou sigge sikerly
So michel so y wot of Gij.
At a ford we him mett
1340 & strongliche we him bisett,
Bot his bodi no nom we nouȝt
Ac al to deþ we ben ybrouȝt.
Bot icham passed as ȝe may se.’
‘Mi nevou Hougoun whar is he?’
1345 Quod þe douk Otous ‘tel me raþe.’
‘Sir, in þe sond he liþe & þat is scaþe,
& þerl Lambard þat gode kniȝt
Ded he liþe in þat fiȝt.’
When douk Otus herd þat
1350 Sori he was & no þing glad
Þat he haþ his folk forlore
Sorweful man he was þerfore.
Neyȝe his hert brast for mode,
For sorwe & ȝede ner wode
1355 When he wist his folk yslawe
& þurth him brouȝt o[f] liue dawe.
Now haþ Gij miche sorwe made
For his felawes he is vnglade.
‘Allas’ quod Gij ‘felawes dere,
1360 So wele doand kniȝtes ȝe were.
Al to iuel it fel to me
Felice þo y was sent to serue þe;
For þi loue Felice, þe feir may,
Þe flour of kniȝtes is sleyn þis day.
1365 Ac for þou art a wiman {f.115vb}
Y no can nouȝt blame þe for þan,
For þe last no worþ y nouȝt
Þat wimen han to gronde ybrouȝt,
Ac alle oþer may bi me,
1370 ȝif þai wil, ywarned be.
Allas, Herhaud, mi dere frende
What þou were curteys & hende.
Who schal me now help in fiȝt?
Neuer no was no better kniȝt.
1375 In ich fiȝt wele halp þou me,
Ful iuel ichaue yȝolden it þe.
For me þou hast þi liif forgon,
Of þe no tit me neuer help non.
Hou mai ich now fram þe wende
1380 Þat y no mai dye þe hende?
Acursed be þe Lombardes ichon
Þat slowen þe & lete me gon,
& þat þai hadde yslawe me
& leten þe oliue be.
1385 Wharto lete þai me alon?’
Þus sir Gij biment his mone.
¶ ‘Allas, allas, Rohaut mi lord,
Þat y no hadde leued þi word;
Þan hadde y nouȝt ypassed þe se,
1390 Ich hadde bileued at hom wiþ þe.
Þus yuel nere me nouȝt bifalle,
Y no hadde nouȝt lorn min felawes alle.
Whoso nil nouȝt do bi his faders red
Oft siþes it falleþ him qued.
1395 For often ichaue herd it say,
& y meself it sigge may,
Who þat nil nouȝt leue his fader
He schel leue his steffader.’
What for his woundes þat strong bledeþ,
1400 What for his sorwe þat he ledeþ,
Al for sorwe & for wo
Adoun he fel aswon þo.
When he of swoning vp stod
His feren he biheld wiþ drery mod.
1405 Þan he lepe opon his stede,
To an ermitage he wold ride.
‘Ermite’ quod he ‘com wiþ me.
Þis hors of priis ȝiue y þe.
To bodis þou schalt in erþe graue {f.116ra}

1410 Þat in þis forest ben yslawe.’
‘Bleþeliche, sir’ þan seyd he,
‘Wende bifore, y folwe þe.’
Þe bodis him scheweþ sir Gij,
Boþe Toraud & sir Vrry.
1415 Seþþe he lepe opon his stede,
Herhaud he wil wiþ him lede,
& so he dede sikerliche,
& seþþe he was heled softliche;
Ac no for þan Gij wend wele þere
1420 Þat Herhaud to deþ ywounded were.
¶ Now is Gij þennes yfare,
For his felawes he haþ gret care;
Herhaudes bodi wiþ him he bar,
For he nold it nouȝt lete þar.
1425 He went him to an abbay
Þat was bisiden on þe way.
Wiþ þe gode abbot þer he mett
& pitouseliche he him gret,
‘Sir abbot, he þe haue & weld
1430 Þat made man wex into eld,
& for þe loue of þe trinite
Ich þe bidde, par charite,
Þat þou þis bodi vnderfo
& feir biry þou it do.
1435 Ful wele y schal ȝeld it þe,
& y mot haue hele & liues be.’
‘Who artow’ seyd þe abbot ‘telle it me.’
‘Bleþeliche’ seyd Gij ‘bi mi leute.
A kniȝt icham of fer cuntre.
1440 At a pas asailed wer we
Wiþ strong þeues & mani outlawe
Þat mine feren haue yslawe,
& ich meself am iuel ywounde
Y wene y liue no stounde,
1445 Ac ȝif y liue y ȝeld it þe
Þe trauail þat tow dost for me.’
Þabbot answerd þo,
‘Al þi wille it schal be do.’
Now goþ Gij sore desmaid,
1450 His woundes him han iuel afreyd.
To an ermite he is ygo
Þat he was ere aqueynted to.
His woundes þer hele he dede {f.116rb} 
Wiþouten noise in þat stede;
1455 Miche he him dradde þe douk Otoun
So ful he was of tresoun.
¶ Þabot of whom ich er of teld
On Herhaud he hadde gret rewþe to biheld.
He dede beren his body
1460 Into a chamber to vnarmy.
A monk of þe house biheld him,
Bodi & heued & ich a lim.
Þilke monk sorgien was,
Þe vertu he knewe of mani a gras.
1465 Þe wounde he biheld stedefastliche
Þat in his body was so griseliche.
Bi þe wounde he seye, ywis,
Þat to þe deþ wounded he nis,
& seye þat he him hele miȝt,
1470 & so he dede, ful wele ypliȝt.
Bi þe moneþ ende at eue
Gij was al hole & toke his leue;
From þe gode ermite he went his way
Toward Poile also þe way lay.
1475 To þe king he js icome
Þat him bede mani warisone
& miche tresour of siluer & of gold;
Ac Gij þer of non haue no wold.
At ich plas & turnament
1480 Gij hadde þe priis verrament.
Was þer non in al þat lond
Þat his dent miȝt astond.
Þer fore men loued him swiþe miche
& vnderfenge him bleþeliche.
1485 Alle gode men he was leue & dere
& wiþ hem alle pleye fere.
Atte king he toke leue þo,
Into Sessoyne he is ygo.
¶ Now he is comen to þe douk Reyner
1490 Þat him loued & held dere.
He him vnderfeng wiþ worþschipe
& dede him miche manschipe.
So long in þat cuntre bileued he is
Þat ouer alle oþer he is praised, ywis.
1495 Gij him biþouȝt þo
Þat he hadde þer ynouȝ ydo
Into Jnglond he wald wende {f.116va} 
For to speke wiþ his frende,
For it was ago fif ȝer
1500 Þat he was last þer.
In lasse while þan þat was
Miȝt falle mani wonder cas.
Þurth cuntres has he hadde ywent,
Quens & cuntas him haþ ofsent,
1505 Ac non of hem he nold sikerliche
Bot Felice þat he loued so miche.
What for his miȝt & his godenisse,
For his nortour & his largesse
Þer nis kniȝt þat so miche preysed be
1510 Vnto Antiage þat riche cite.
¶ Gij him spedde niȝt & day
Into Jnglond he toke þe way.
Of Gij ichil lete now
& more after y schal tel ȝou.
1515 Of Herhaud ichil telle a stounde
Þat wele is heled of his wounde.
When he feld him hole & fere
Of þabot he tok his leue þer;
His lord Gij he goþ secheing
1520 Niȝt & day him for to finde.
Toward Jnglond he tok his way
Crist him saue so wele he may.
At a pinacle bi þe se
Gij seye a man of rewly ble
1525 Go in pilgrims wede;
Þat was Herhaud, so God me spede.
Gij him cleped wel swiþe to him
& seyd ‘wen comestow, pilgrim?’
‘Sir’ he seyd ‘y com fram Lombardy,
1530 Of hard y schaped for þe maistrie,
& lorn ichaue mi kinde lord;
Gode kniȝt he was & bold.
Bitraid ous hadde þe douk Otoun,
Haue he Cristes malisoun.
1535 In þis wise ichil go
& bid for mi lord euer mo.’
‘Pilgrim say me trewelich
What hete þe man þou loued so miche?’
‘Gij of Warwike was his name,
1540 A kniȝt he was wiþouten blame.’
Wiþ þat he gan to sike sore {f.116vb}

& wepe wiþ his eyȝen þerfore
He him miȝt no lenge atheld.
Gij him gan reweliche biheld
1545 ‘Gode man’ quod Gij ‘for þi leute,
What is þi name telle þou me?’
‘Herhaud of Ardern, bi mi leute.
Ich was yborn in þat cuntre.
Fif ȝer þus ichaue ygo
1550 To seche Gij y loued so.’
When Gij herd Herhaud speke
Him þouȝt his hert wald tobreke
& in his armes he haþ him take
& gret joie wiþ him gan make;
1555 Him he kist wel mani siþe
For ioie he wepe so was he bliþe.
‘Hayl, Herhaud, maister min.
No knowestow nouȝt norri þine?’
‘Certes’ quod Herhaud ‘sir, nay,
1560 Ded he was for mani aday.’
He him answerd ‘icham Gij.’
‘Sir’ quod Herhaud ‘merci.’
Sone so Herhaud vnderstode
Þat it was Gij þat was so gode
1565 For ioie he fel aswon anon;
Gij him in his armes nome.
Þer men miȝt se ioie make
Aiþer kniȝt for oþer sake.
Þer nas non þat it yseye
1570 Þat he no wepe wiþ his eyȝe.
¶ Adoun þai sett hem boþe þare
& aiþer teld of oþeres care.
Sir Gij haþ Herhaud yteld
Hou he him ladde out of þe feld
1575 For to birry him at on abbay
Þat was bisiden on þe way,
& seþþen haþ Herhaud yteld
Hou his woundes weren yheled
& þat mani lond he hadde ouergo
1580 To seche his lord wiþ sorwe & wo.
On hors þai lopen anon wiþ þis
Vnto a cite wiþ ioie & blis.
Þan dede Gij Herhaud baþey
& wiþ riche metes comforti.
1585 From þennes þai went to þe douk Miloun
& to him þai ben ful welcome.
Of her auentours þai teld him þere;
Hou þo was gode þat wicke was ere.
Þer þai maden her dueling
1590 Long anouȝ to her likeing.
¶ At þe douke þai token leue þo
For into Jnglond þai wald go.
Þe douke hem wald lenger duelle
Ac it nas no þing in her wille
1595 Þer to bileue wiþ him nomore
& þat biþouȝt þe douke wel sore.
Toward Seynt Omer he is ygo
Herhaud þe gode wiþ him also,
Toward þe se þai token her way
1600 So swiþe her hors hem bere may.
When þai ben to toun ycome
Her in þai han sone ynome.
To a windowe sir Gij is go,
Into þe strete he loked þo.
1605 A palmer he seȝe cominge
Messaisliche bi þe strete walkinge.
To him haþ ycleped sir Gij
& curteysliche gan him axi,
‘Weltow herberwe, for it is niȝt?
1610 For ferþer go þou no miȝt.’
Þe pilgrim answerd Gij
‘Swete sir, gramerci.’
Gij doþ him þan bileue,
Ferþer he no may for it was eue,
1615 & seþþe he badde he schuld him say
Sum soþ tidinges of þe way,
ȝif he herd neye oþer fer
Speken of batayle & of wer.
‘Ichil þe telle’ he seyd ‘fot-hot
1620 Of al þe wer þat y wot;
Þer of is mani man aferd,
Of stronger sorwe no haue ȝe herd.’
¶ Gij seyd to him ‘telle it me.’
‘For soþe, y graunt’ þan seyd he.
1625 ‘Of Almaine þe riche emperour
Reyner þat weldeþ þat anour
Þe douke of Lowayn he (he) haþ bisett,
His men slain & þat is vnnett;
For his nevou þat he slouȝ {f.117rb} 
1630 Wiþ wer he doþ him wo anouȝ.
Almost a ȝer it is ago
A turnament þer was ydo.
Þe douke Segyn was þer þo
Þat a[l] Lowayn bilongeþ to,
1635 Wiþ his kniȝtes of his lond
Þider come her miȝt to fond.
When þe turnament com to þende
Þe douke Segyn þennes wald wende.
Wiþ þat come Sadok prikeing
1640 Þe douke Segyn vndersecheing.
Wiþ þe douke he hadde gret envie
For he was gode kniȝt for þe maistrie.
Sadok was yhoten þat gome;
Out of Mirabel he was ycome,
1645 Of turnamens he was praised þo.
His hauberk was of ydo
In sengle armes he was ydiȝt.
Ypreysed he was for a gode kniȝt.
To þe douke he seyd, " wende tow þe
1650 Ones þou schalt justi wiþ me
As kniȝt þat wele alosed is
Sone it worþ sen ywis.’
Segyn seyd: "Sadok lete me be
MS: the names Segyn and
Sadok are reversed. |
Wiþ gode loue y pray þe.
1655 Wiþ þe to justi haue y no wille
For y þe loue & þat is skille
& to eken þat þou art mi lordes nevou
His soster sone so artow;
Vnworþschip it wer to me
1660 ȝif y schuld iusti wiþ þe.
Ac go in & arme þe snelle
& y com anon y nil nouȝt duelle.’
Seyd Sadok "to arwe artow
When ones justi no darstow now.
1665 Now ichil þe for a couward held
& for a kniȝt vnwrast in feld.
Bot þou wilt wiþ me justi
I(i)chil þe don a vilani
Hennes forward war þe fro me
1670 Þi dedliche fo ichil now be.’
Now Sadok smot to Segyn
& noþing he no spared him.
Sadok toforn haþ him smete {f.117va} 
Of his scheld a quarter wiþ gret hete
1675 Þat he him wounded þurth þat arm
& he him wreþed for þat harm;
So strong is þat strok yȝiue
Þat his helme is al todriue.
Þe douke him wreþþed for þat smite
1680 & was ful wroþ ȝe mow wele wite,
& þurth þe bodi he Sadok smot
Þat ded he fel doun fot-hot.
Wiþ þat he is out of þe place ywent
For þer was ȝiuen a sorweful dent.
1685 Wiþ him he dede þat bodi lede
Vnto an abbay & biri it dede.
Þe douke Segin anonriȝt
Into þe cite of Arrascoun him haþ ydiȝt
Þerin he holt him soiourninge
1690 For drede of þemperours cominge.
¶ & When þemperour herd þis cas,
Þat his nevou yslawe was,
Ouer al his lond his hest he bede
To com to him for grete nede.
1695 & when þai al icomen beþ
Þe douke of Lowayin he sege deþ;
No wil he neuer þennes come
Er þe douke be ded or nome.’
When þe pilgrim hadde al yteld
1700 Gij him herkened & biheld,
He stont & biþouȝt him ȝerne
Wheþer he forþ go oþer oȝain terne.
He seyd to Herhaud ‘what rede [ȝe]?
Sum gode conseyl ȝif þou me.
1705 ȝif we forþ in our wai go
Oþer to þe douke him socour to do;
Þat tow me redest don y wille
Þi conseyl forsake y nille.’
¶ Þan seyd Herhaud ‘iwis,
1710 Y ȝif conseyl & gode it is.
Hem to help men schul spede
Þat to help han gret nede,
For los & priis þou miȝt þer winne
& manschip to þe & al þi kinne.’
1715 ‘Sir Herhaud’ quod Gij þe gode,
‘Þilke lord þat died on rode
Þe blisse & saue þe, {f.117vb} 
For gode conseyl ȝif[es]tow me.’
Gij him graiþed & made him ȝare
1720 Into Loreynie for to fare
& wiþ him oþer fifti kniȝt
In feld þe best þat miȝt fiȝt.
Ycomen þai ben to Arascoun,
To þe douke þai ben welcom.
1725 In þe cite þai han her in ytake,
Mani wer bliþe for her sake.
Gij bi þe morwe aros þo,
Riȝt to chirche he is ygo.
Matins & masse he herd þere
1730 & seþþe went hom wiþ his fere.
Bi þe strete he seye miche folk erne
Hemself to were þai most lerne.
Sir Gij to his ost sede:
‘What is al þis, so God þe rede?
1735 Bele ost, y bidde say þou me
ost: superscript with caret mark. |
What may al þis erning be.’
‘Sir, ichil þe telle’ þan seyd he,
‘No word nil ich lyȝe þe.
It is þemperours steward –
1740 A gode kniȝt & no coward,
Anon to Speyne his better nis –
& wiþ him gret compeynie, ywis,
An hundred kniȝtes gode of ker,
Her better no may wepen ber.
1745 Þe cite þai han bisett
ȝif ani kniȝt be out ymett
He no mai nouȝt passe vnynome
Oþer yslayn atte frome.’
Þan seyd Gij ‘lordinges kniȝt,
1750 Oȝains hem we wil ous diȝt.’
Sone þai ben in þe way ydon
Þe steward seþ hem anon,
Þiderward he him diȝt
Also a kniȝt of gret miȝt.
1755 His armes þan he ginneþ riȝt,
Oȝaines Gij he ritt apliȝt.
Anon togider þai gun smite
Aiþer spard oþer bot lite.
Gij þe steward so hard smot
1760 Of his stede he feld him fot-hot,
Þan he smot him wiþ his swerd broun, {f.118ra}

A quarter of his helme adoun.
Þurth grete strengþe he him wan
& hom wiþ him ladde him þan.
1765 When þe Almaines þat yseye,
Þat strong wer & of fiȝt sleye,
Her lord nomen in þat fiȝt,
Owai þai priked wiþ al her miȝt.
Þer was þirled mani a scheld,
1770 Mani a kniȝt lay in þe feld.
Gij is oȝain went wel sone
& al his feren mid ydone.
Þe Lombardes þai leggen fast opon,
Nil þai spare neuer on.
1775 When þe kniȝtes of þat cite
Þis dede alle yseyȝen he
To army he[m] wel fast hy goþ.
Gij wel gode socour hij doþ
& seþþen þai went forþ ariȝt
1780 & Gij socourd ful wele apliȝt.
Swiche strokes men miȝt þer se
Togider smiten þo kniȝtes fre;
Boþe wiþ launce & wiþ swerd
Þai ȝiuen mani strokes herd.
1785 Þer miȝt men se stray þe steden,
So mani kniȝt cri & greden
Þat wer þurth þe bodi wounde
& ded fellen on þe grounde.
¶ Michel him peyned sir Gij
1790 & Herhaud of Ardern sikerly;
Þis Almayns þai han ouercome,
Sum yslawe & sum ynome.
Þan sir Gij anonriȝt
Into þe cite he him diȝt
1795 Boþe he & his ferred;
Þe prisouns wiþ hem þai lede.
Into þe cite þai ben ygon
& to her innes þai wenten ichon.
Proude þai ben alle & some
1800 Þat þe almains ben ouercome.
When þe douke yherd þis tidinge
For blis his hert bigan to springe
Þat Gii of Warwike was ycome
& hadde þe steward ynome.
1805 On his stede he lepe anon {f.118rb}
To Gyes in he is ygon.
‘Gij’ he seyd ‘þou art welcome
As of þe warld þe best gome.
Toforn al oþer ichaue desired þe. {1905}
At this point the lineation of
Zupitza's edition commences
from 1905. Zupitza's lineation is
included here in brackets to the
right of the text. |
1810 God yþanked mot he be
Þat tow art come wiþ me to ben at nede
For now ich worþ þe more loued & drede
Al of mi dedelich fo
Þat al þis lond haþ brouȝt in wo. {1910}
1815 Sire & lord now ichil make þe
Of mi court & of mi cite,
Mine castels & mine londes þerto eke,
& hennes forward y þe biseke
Þatow þe worþschipe vnderfo {1915}
1820 & þine hest þerof þou do.
Bi þi conseyl ichil nov don
For to greue mi dedli fon.’
¶ Wel curteysliche answerd Gij
& seyd ‘sir, gramerci. {1920}
1825 Bi mi miȝt ichil help þe
On ich stede where þat y be.’
Þe steward he ȝelt him þan swiþe
Of whom þat he was glad & bliþe;
Þurth him he wende acorded be {1925}
1830 Of þemperour, his lord so fre.
Bitvene hem þai tolden tale
Of her gode frendes fale.
Now sent Gij his sondes about
ȝepe men wiþouten dout {1930}
1835 To cuntres þat he haþ þurth went.
Grete frendes he haþ ofsent
Of barouns & of kniȝtes beld
Þe best þat miȝt wepen weld,
Bi hundred & bi þousinde, {1935}
1840 Þat al wil ben his helpinde.
Þe castels & þe borwes þat lorn were
Þe douke oȝain wan hem þere
Þurth Gyes help & his ferrede
Þat wele wer helpeand at nede; {1940}
1845 Bi him & bi his conseyl also
Þat þennes forward him treweþe wil do.
¶ When þemperour yherd þis,
Þat Gij to þe douke ycomen is,
& þat he haþ his men ouercome, {1945} {f.118va}

1850 Yslawe, & his steward nome,
Wroþ & sori he is þerfore
Þat he haþ so his men forlore.
To his barouns þan he sede,
‘Lordinges, what schal me to rede? {1950}
1855 Neuer no worþ ich glad no bliþe
Bot ich be awreken swiþe
Of Segyn & Gij þat is our fo
Þat mi folk haþ brouȝt in wo.’
‘Sir’ þe douk Paui sede, {1955}
1860 ‘Þerof þarf þe haue no drede.
Ar þe þridde day worþ to ende ybrouȝt
Þat play worþ wel dere abouȝt,
For of þine folk take we wille,
Þat gode ben & snelle, {1960}
1865 Þe best doand at swiche nede
Wiþ scheld & spere armed on stede,
Of Sessoine þe douke Reyner
& þe constable Gaudiner,
& ich wiþ hem wil be {1965}
1870 & gret ferred lede wiþ me.
To Arascoun we schul fare.
ȝif we þe douk finde þare,
Bot we þe treytours þe ȝelde
We wil þatow in prisoun ous held.’ {1970}
1875 ¶ Þemperour answerd ‘ywis,
A gode conseyl so is þis.
Sir douk Reyner þou schalt go
& þou constable also,
Also schal þe douke of Pauie {1975}
1880 Wiþ his grete cheualrie,
To Arascoun þat gode cite;
Þe douke & Gij bring to me.
Whoso to me bring hem to
Mi loue he schal haue for euer mo.’ {1980}
1885 ‘Sir’ þai seyd ‘we willen
Al þine hest for to do.’
Now hij han her way ynome,
To Arascoun þai ben ycome.
When þai of þe cite wist hem þare {1985}
1890 Oȝaines hem þai diȝt hem ȝare;
Hastiliche to armes þai ben ygo,
Kniȝtes & squiers wiþ hem also.
When þai wer al redi {f.118vb} 
& wele ydiȝt in her parti, {1990}
1895 Þe douke cleped Herhaud him to
& swetely seyd to him þo,
‘Sir Herhaud, þou schalt afong
Four hundred kniȝtes wiȝt & strong.
Þou schalt ȝif þe first asaut {1995}
1900 Opon þe Almaundes, sir Herhaud;
& þou, sir Gij, an hundred to þe
Of mi londe þat best be,
& ȝif þat Herhaud haue nede,
Him to help þatow spede, {2000}
1905 & ichil com wiþouten delay
Wiþ al þe strengþe þat y may.
Togider wiþ hem we schul fiȝt
& hem ouercom þurth godes miȝt.
As ichaue seyd loke ȝe don {2005}
1910 & goþ & asaileþ hem anon.’
Herhaud ginneþ hem to asaily;
asaily: altered from asaile. |
Þat fiȝt he wil comenci.
Of þe douk Otus Herhaud is vndernome
In þe alderfirst scheltrome; {2010}
1915 His fo he is euen forþ his miȝt
For he it haþ deserued þurth riȝt.
Herhaud him seyd ‘Otus of Pauie,
Vnderstond tow of þat felonie
Þat tow in Lombardi ous dedest {2015}
1920 When þou mi lord bitreydest?
Wele we schul þerof awreke be
ȝif God wil er þe sonne doun te.’
¶ Otus answerd ‘þou lexst on me
& þat y schal sone kiþe þe; {2020}
1925 Gret scorn is here, so y go,
Y warn þe icham þi fo.’
Togider þai smiten wiþ gode wille
Þat boþe of her hors adoun felle
& after þai drouȝ her swerdes newe, {2025}
1930 Wiþ gret envie togider þai hewe.
Þe douk him wereþ miȝtliche,
Herhaud him asaileþ strongliche;
Þurth þe feld he goþ him driueinde
Wiþ þat com his folk prikeinde {2030}
1935 & her lord rescuweþ þere
Herhaud to nim angwisous þai were. {Folio 118a has been torn out.}
Herha... {f.118(a)ra} 
Wiþ þ...
Wiþ... {2035}
1940 Herh...
To þe... {2040}
1945 Mo þ...
Þat d...
Þe do...
He seye...
He seyd... {2045}
1950 Lordin...
No se ȝ...
Þat d...
Þat ha...
ȝour f... {2050}
1955 Bot ȝe of...
Mi loue...
Wiþ þat...
& to Herha...
Þer is her... {2055}
1960 When he h...
Ac recouer...
For gret...
Ac he him... {2060}
1965 When Gij...
& out of...
His helme...
& his scheld...
& his hors... {2065}
1970 In strong...
Wiþ loude...
To þe douk...
He rescuw...
Þe oþer þai... {2070}
1975 Ac when...
Arnend he...
Wiþ loude...
To þe douk...
Þou fals wr... {2075}
1980 Wel litel þou...
{118Arb and 118(a)va torn off and the
first 11 lines of 118(a)Avb entirely gone.} {f.118(a)vb}
1985 ....stiel
......d {2170}
1990 fere
...ori {2175}
|L1994 1995 ...broun
.....non {2180}
2000 {2190}
.....ode gome {2195}
2005 .....e
....fro do {2200}
.....d sket
2010 .........oȝe
...omen ichon
Or ichil telle þemperour {f.119ra} 
2015 ȝe han ydon him gret deshonour
When ȝe for a fewe men
Schul so sone oway flen. {2210}
Þai turned hem anonriȝt
& bigun a newe fiȝt.
2020 Al togider þai gun smite
Semblant of loue þai kidde bot lite.
semblant: MS reads slemblant. |
Heteliche to him smot Gyoun, {2215}
His scheld nas nouȝt worþ a botoun,
No his tvifold armes halp him nouȝt
2025 Þat in Loreyn weren ywrouȝt.
Strokes hij togider delden, ywis,
On helmes & on briȝt scheldes; {2220}
So hard þai striken hem bitvene
Þat gode stones fallen þer ben.
2030 Aiþer semed a lyoun of mode
So hard þai smiten wiþ swordes gode.
Wiþ him smot þe douke Segyn {2225}
No lenge miȝt he wiþhelden him;
Togider þai smiten hard & wel
2035 Wiþ brondes wele wrouȝt of stiel.
Wiþ þat come prikeand Tirri
Of Gurmoise þerl sone Aubri; {2230}
Wel sternliche he smitt a kniȝt
Þat ded he fel anonriȝt.
2040 So sone so douke Segyn seþ þis
Wel wroþ he was wiþ him, ywis,
Wroþlich he seyd to Gij, {2235}
‘Here is gret scorn sikerly
When þat olepi kniȝt
2045 Schal ous do so michel vnriȝt
& þan wiþ his saut owai flen.’
Gij answerd ‘turn we oȝen {2240}
& hardiliche aseyl we hem.
Anon turn we oȝen.’
2050 Þe Almauns þai go to asayl
Wiþ gret strengþe in batayl;
Sorweful of hem was þe meteinge {2245}
Wiþ brondes of stiel wele kerueinge.
Anon þe Almaundes gin flen
2055 & þe oþer turnen oȝen.
Þe douk Segyn oȝain come,
Riȝt to his cite þe way he nome, {2250}
& Gij afterward wiþ him is go {2255} {f.119rb}

& eke his feren also.
2060 Wiþ hem þai habben her prisouns,
Doukes, erls & barouns;
Wel glad & bliþe þan ben he
& al þat weren in þat cite. {2260}
To her innes þai ben ygon,
2065 Wel glad ben hij euerichon.
Þe douke goþ into þe tour,
His prisouns he doþ gret anour,
Þerl Reyner of Sessoyne {2265}
& þerl Gaudiner of Coloyne,
2070 & wiþ hem þe stewerd
Þat gode kniȝt was & wel yherd.
Wiþ him eten he hem dede
& more þan himself hem worþschipede. {2270}
Þe douke his soster cleped him to,
2075 Þe fairest maiden þat miȝt go.
‘Þe prisouns þou nim to þe
In þi chamber wiþ þe to be.
In þi chaumber kepes me {2275}
Þis gentil kniȝtes hende & fre,
2080 & ouer alle oþer þe douke Reyner,
In hert he is me lef & dere.’
‘Sir’ sche seyd ‘ichil so;
Hem to kepe mi miȝt y do.’ {2280}
¶ Ac þe riche emperour fre
2085 Of þis comberment nist he.
Wiþ a kniȝt he pleyd atte ches
Of Hungri þat he loued, ywis.
Wiþ þat com Tirri prikeinge {2285}
In his fest his brond bereinge.
2090 His hauberk was al totore
& his nasel avaled bifore.
Þurth his bodi þe blod ran,
Tirri made no semblaunt of þan. {2290}
His strong scheld al tohewen was
2095 Nouȝt a fot hole of þer nas.
¶ ‘Emperour’ he seyd ‘vnderstond to me.
Hard tidinges may y telle þe
Of þine barouns þat ynome be; {2295}
No schal þai neuer com to þe.
2100 Sum be ded & brouȝt to grounde,
& sum be nomen & sum be wounde.
Ynomen is þe douk Reyner {f.119va} 
& þe constable Gaudiner. {2300}
Þe douke of Pauie wounded is
2105 Wiþ a swerd þurth þe bodi, ywis;
Of þe deþ he drat him sore,
Hele no worþ him neuer more.’
When þemperour herd þo {2305}
What þerl Tirri seyd him to
2110 Wel sori he was & wroþ þerfore
Þat neyȝe he haþ his witt forlore.
Ysworn he haþ a wel gret oþ
Bi God almiȝti, al for soþ, {2310}
Þat neuer bliþe no worþ he
2115 Al what þat cite ynomen be,
& þat þe traitours ben yslawe
Oþer forbrent oþer yflawe.
¶ His heste he dede cri anon {2315}
His men to arme hem euerichon;
2120 His scheltromes anon he diȝt
& redi þai ben al to fiȝt.
Þe feldes þai ben sone ouergon
Þat were þe tounes bisiden on {2320}
Al what hij comen to þe cite.
2125 Gaier þan forþ ȝede he
Wiþ fif hundred armed kniȝtes,
Hardi & wele doand in fiȝtes.
Þo þat weren in þe cite {2325}
On þe Almaynes bihelden he
2130 & seye þe cuntres & al þe feldes
Wiþ white hauberkes & wiþ scheldes.
Þe douke him com forþ wiþ þat,
Wele y-armed on stede he sat. {2330}
‘Gij’ he seyd ‘what schal we do?
2135 ȝif we go & smite hem to
Or we gon our walles to were
Þat þe Almayns ous nouȝt dere?’
Þan spac sir Gij fot-hot, {2335}
‘Wele schaltow do, for soþe y wot.
2140 Nim we now an hundred kniȝtes
& go asayl hem anonriȝtes.
Bifor þe cite y se stond here
Gaier þemperour sone Reyner {2340}
& fif hund(e)red kniȝtes in her ferred,
2145 Wele y-armed on heye stede.
Biforn her ost þei ben ycomen {f.119vb} 
Angwisous ous to nimen,
& ȝif we habbeþ gret nede {2345}
Oȝainward we mai ous spede.’
2150 Anon þai nomen an hundred kniȝtes
Hardi & of most miȝtes;
Þai wenten out of þat cite
Wel modi men weren he. {2350}
Wiþ þe Almauns þai wil iusti,
2155 Nil hij nouȝt wiþ hem acordi;
Togider þai smiten hard & swiþe
Of hors þai fellen mani a siþe.
¶ Sir Gij him smot to Gaier {2355}
& feld him doun of his destrer
2160 & seþþen he wan him in þat fiȝt;
Þe oþer oway flowen anonriȝt.
Toward þe ost þai flowen snelle,
Þe hete was swiþe strong wiþalle. {2360}
Mani þai nomen & bounden fast
2165 & ladde into þe cite on hast.
When þai of þe ost yseye þis
Þat her folk ouercomen is
& þat was in þat fiȝt ynome {2365}
Gaier þat was þemperour sone,
2170 Þan hastiliche þe ost ichon
Opon Segyn þat smiten anon.
Þer bigan a newe fiȝt
Wharþurth died mani a kniȝt. {2370}
On aiþer side mani on dyed, ywis,
2175 Ac þe douke wers bifallen is,
For miche of his folk he les
Al auntreousliche þer he comen wes.
Þurth pride þan ferd he {2375}
Fram his ost & fram his cite.
2180 Wele hij deden no þe les
He & Gij þat miȝti wes
& wiþ hem Herhaud of Arderne,
To hem þai smiten swiþe ȝern(n)e. {2380}
¶ Wiþ þat com prikeing Tirri
2185 Þat gode kniȝt was & hardi;
To þe douk Segyn he smot
& of his hors feld him fot-hot,
Ac þe douk anon vp stert {2385}
As he þat was agremed in hert
2190 & out he drouȝ his swerd of stiel {f.120ra}
& defended him swiþe wel.
Whom þat he rauȝt, ded he fel;
Strong kniȝt he was hardi & snel, {2390}
Þer he defended him asperliche.
2195 Þe Almaunis him asayl hastiliche,
Yloken he was hem amidwerd,
To him þai launced boþe spere & swerd.
In mani stede wounded is he {2395}
Wele he werþe him þei he sailed be.
2200 When Gij seye þe douke of fot
For sorwe no wist he no bot.
Wel hardiliche he smot a kniȝt
Þat ded he feld him anonriȝt. {2400}
His swerd of stiel he haþ vp pliȝt
2205 & smot so anoþer kniȝt
Þat asailed þe douke Segin
Þat heued sone binam him,
& seþþe he sett him his stede opon, {2405}
& fast hij asailed her fon;
2210 Þennes nil hij neuer gon
Er hij han slawe mani on. {2410}
¶ ‘Sir douk’ seyd Gyoun,
‘Vnderstond to mi resoun.
To þe cite oȝain we wil go.
2215 Ful wele we may it now do.
A þousand þer beþ of armed kniȝtes {2415}
Þat sone wiþ ous wil holde fiȝtes;
& we here lenger duelle
For foles we schullen ous telle.’
2220 Into her cite þai ben ygon,
Togider þai asembled hem ichon {2420}
& at þe alours þai defended hem
& abiden bataile of her fomen.
¶ When þemperour yherd þis
2225 Þat his sone ynomen is
Wiþ loude steuen þan hete he {2425}
His folk asayl þat cite
Wiþ schot of bowe & alblast,
Wiþ swerdes speres schete & cast,
2230 Wiþ laddren steye þat couþe best;
Þe cite to asail haue þai no rest {2430}
Wiþ stones & mangunels fast to cast
Þe fair walles al todast.
& hij wiþin fended hem, wele apliȝt, {f.120rb}

2235 & hij wiþouten ȝeld hem gret fiȝt.
Þe Almayns þat ilke day þere {2435}
Wiþ gret sorwe yslawe were.
Strongliche þai asail þe cite
Ac þat day noþing no speden he;
2240 At euen þai wiþdrouȝ hem oȝan.
Þemperour was þerfore a sori man {2440}
Þat he no miȝt of þat cite spede
No awreken him for no nede.
Þe cite ich day what niȝt
2245 Þai asailed wiþ gret miȝt;
Ac þe douk, Gij & Herhaud {2445}
Oft hem makeþ mani asaut
& miche of his folk þan slouȝ hij
Wharfore he was in hert sori.
2250 Lordinges listeneþ to me now,
Of a tresoun ichil telle ȝou. {2450}
It was opon a somers day
Þemperour hadde eten soþ to say,
His huntes he ofsent þo
2255 & seyd he wald on hunting go
Into þe forest erlike, {2455}
Þat þe douk Segyn nouȝt no wite
No his kniȝtes neuer þe mo.
Þat him herd a spie þo
2260 Þat out of þat ost dede him fast,
To þe douke Segyn he com an hast. {2460}
¶ Þe douke Segyn oxed him snelle
What newe tidinges he couþe telle.
‘Sir’ quod [he] ‘herken to me.
2265 Gode tidinges y telle þe,
Þat þemperour sikerliche {2465}
Wille huntte tomorwe arliche
In his forest priueliche
Wiþ litel folk & nouȝt wiþ miche,
2270 Wiþ also litel als he may.
Y no gabbe nouȝt, for soþe to say.’ {2470}
Þan he hadde seyde þus to Segyn
‘Bi seyn Richer, leue frende mine’
Seyd þe douke ‘& it so be
2275 An hundred bessauns ȝif y þe.’
Þe spie seyd: ‘soþe y sigge; {2475}
My bodi þerfore in ostage y legge.’
¶ Þan haþ þe douk ycleped Gij {f.120va}

& Herhaud of Arderne sikerlij,
2280 Dan Belin & dan Gauter
& þe þridde dan Holdimer {2480}
& Joceran þat was of Speyne –
Was non wiser into Almayne
A gode conseyl forto ȝiue,
2285 Þerfore he was michel to leue.
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘what rede ȝe {2485}
Seþþe þat ȝe be sworn to me?
What is ous best for to done
Of our king Reyner? Telle me sone.’
2290 Gij to him answerd snelle,
‘Þe best rede ichil þe telle. {2490}
Kniȝtes we schul han a þousinde
& bi þe morwe ȝif we him finde
Ichil him bidde wiþ hert fre
2295 Þat he wil acord wiþ þe
& þat he cum wiþ þe at ete; {2495}
& ȝif he seyþ ouȝt wiþ hete
Þat he it wil graunt for no þing,
Hider we schul bring þe king.
2300 & þou schalt here bileue now
Opon þi lord go no schaltow. {2500}
Þi palays þou schalt grayþi
& riche metes do diȝt redi.’
Þe douk answerd anonriȝt:
2305 ‘So help me God ful of miȝt
Also þou wilt þou schalt do.’ {2505}
Wiþ þat is Gij þennes ygo,
Into þe way he dede him anon
Þer þemperour schuld forþ gon.
2310 Þemperour bi þe morwe aros,
Into his forest he rideþ & gos. {2510}
A gret bore þai founden, ywis,
& hij vncopled her houndis.
Her hornes þai blewe loude & stille
2315 Her houndes vrn wiþ gode wille.
¶ Þemperour biheld sone wiþ þan {2515}
Vnto a diche þat water in ran.
He seyd ‘ytreyst we ben here
Sir Tirri mi frende dere.
2320 No sestow hou þat ȝonder ride
Kniȝtes? Þai ben of gret pride. {2520}
On ich halue bisett we beþ; {f.120vb} 
Nis her nouȝt bot þe deþ.
Felawes þai be þe douke Segyn,
2325 Whom þat God ȝif iuel fin.
Gij of Warwike þer y sey {2525}
Yarmed on his stede an hey.’
‘Sir emperour’ quod Tirri anon,
‘For þe rode loue þat God was on don
2330 Ich þe bidde hennes go now
For godes loue no lenge bileue þou {2530}
& ichil here bileuen ay
& ȝif ich Gij mete may
Wiþ meschaunce y schal him gret
2335 & al his feren þat y mete.
Ar ich be ded or nomen be {2535}
Þou schalt passe al þis cuntre.’
Þemperour seyd ‘for soþe y nille.
Here ichil wiþ ȝou duelle.’
2340 Hastiliche þai armed hem anon
& lepe her gode stedes opon. {2540}
¶ Wiþ þat come Gij prikeinde
& a smal tvige in his hond bereinde
Of oliue in token of pais.
2345 To þemperour he grad as curteys
& seyd: ‘God þat alle þing may se {2545}
Sir emperour so loke þe,
Þiselue & al þi meyne
Þat in place wiþ þe be.
2350 Þe douke Segyn þe sent bi me
Þat trewþe & loue he wil to þe {2550}
& biddeþ þe als his lord dere,
Þeselue & alle þine fere
Þat wiþ þe ben togider here,
2355 Þat ȝe come to him to þe dinere,
& his gode cite he wil þe ȝelde {2555}
Wiþ al his castels he haþ in welde,
& ȝif he haue don oȝain skille
He wille amende it to þi wille.’
2360 ¶ When þemperour herd him speke so
& so gret loue bede him to {2560}
Þe king of Hongrie he cleped þo
& sir Tirri he dede also.
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘what schal we do?
2365 Rede ȝe þat we þider go?’
{Leaf lost before f.121 leaving only 12 capitals. Omitted.}
{stub f.120r_a} 
{stub f.120v_a} 
‘Sir emperour wat hastow do?
Is þe acord made bitven ȝou to?
Astow þe douke Segyn ykist,
Þe strong traitour & vnwrest? {2720}
2370 & haþ forȝif al in loue
Sadok deþ þi suster sone?
Þat þe wil dred say me on
Þe misdo þai willen ichon
When her wretþe & her gilt {2725}
2375 So liȝtliche forȝif þou wilt.
Hennes forward wil þe dred non
Schame anouȝ þai wil þe don,
& ȝif þou haddest þe douk anhong
In þi lond men wil þe dred strong, {2730}
2380 & þan afterward þe treytour Gij
Þat neuer dede ous bot vilayni.
Ac now þai worþ wiþ þe priue
& better þan alle we.
& topen al þis ȝif Gij wer ded {2735}
2385 We miȝten haue þe lesse dred.’
When Gij herd Otus speke so
Als a wilde bore he lepe him to.
‘Otus’ quaþ Gij ‘þou schalt daye
When þou of tresoun clepes ous baye {2740}
2390 Boþe Segyn & eke me;
Þou it schal abie, bi mi leute.’
Him he smot wiþ his fest
Amide þe teþ riȝt al in ernest.
Ac þe barouns bitvene hem goþ, {2745}
2395 & þemperour swore his oþ
ȝif ani þer were so hardy
Þat dede oþer schame oþer vilanie,
Bren men him scholde oþer tohewe,
Oþer al tohewe at wordes fewe. {2750}
2400 Þan doþ þai crie þurth þe cuntraye
Þat of þo wordes no man schuld saye,
& ȝif þer doþ wiþouten no
Hond oþer fot he schal forgo.
¶ Þan seyd þemperour on þis maner {2755}
2405 To þe douke Segyn oforn hem þer,
‘Sir douke, ichil loue þe;
Wiif þou schalt haue bi me.
A feir soster ich haue in mi bour
Ichil þe ȝif’ quaþ þemperour. {2760}
2410 Erneborwe hat þat may. {f.121rb}
Anon he hir spoused þat day.
Þe bridale was holden wiþ game, y pliȝt,
Neuer ȝet nas non fairer in siȝt.
He loued hir & worþschiped swiþe, {2765}
2415 To his cite he ladde hir siþe;
He & Ernneborwe his leuedi
Þer hij wold soiornij
Anon after þe tende day
Of her soiourn soþe to say {2770}
2420 ¶ Gij is to þe douke ygo
& at him asked leue þo.
‘Sir douk’ he seyd ‘gon ichille,
In þis cuntre bileue y nille.
In wer ich haue serued þe {2775}
2425 ȝif þou haue euer eft nede to me
After me þou sende sikerliche
& ich com to þe hastiliche.’
‘Sir’ quaþ þe douk ‘gramerci.
ȝete haue y nouȝt serued þe sir Gij. {2780}
2430 Here ich bid þe bileue wiþ me,
Half mine castels & half mi cite,
Þe worþschip of Lowayn haluendel,
Ich it þe graunt Gij fair & wel.’
Gij tok his leue, oway went he, {2785}
2435 Þe douke wepe sore & hadde pite.
Þemperour þat was so fre
Wiþ him Gij þan ladde he.
Castels him bede & cites,
Gret worþschip & riche fes, {2790}
2440 Ac he þerof nold afo
For noþing þat he miȝt do.
To Almayn went ben he
To Espire þat riche cite.
¶ Þemperour worþschiped Gij þe fre {2795}
2445 A while wiþ him bileft he.
To pleyn hem þai went bi riuer
Þat of wilde foule ful were
To her wille an hunting hij gos
To chace þe hert & þe ros. {2800}
2450 On a day as he cam fram hunting
A dromond he seye ariueing.
Þiderward sir Gij is ygon
& gret þe marchandes euerichon.
‘Lordinges whennes com ȝe {2805} {f.121va}

2455 Þat in þis riuer ariued be?
Bi ȝour semblant y se, ywisse,
Þat ȝe ledde gret richesse.’
Among hem alle þer spac on
Þat couþe speke for hem euerichon, {2810}
2460 ‘Fram Costentine-þe-noble ycomen we be.
Lond of peys þan seche we.
Marchandes we ben of þat lond
& out ydriuen wiþ michel wrong,
Out of Coyne þe riche soudan; {2815}
2465 So prout he is & of so gret boban
Þat wiþ xv heþen kinges
& þritti emeraus wiþouten lesinges
¶ In Costentyn þe noble emperour Ernis
Þai han strongliche bisett, ywis. {2820}
2470 Castel no cite nis him non bileued
Þat altogider þai han todreued
& forbrant & strued, ywis.
Into Costentyn flowen he is
Þer he werþ him oȝaines his fon {2825}
2475 Þat secheþ on him for to slon.
Þritti mile men may riden & gon
Ne schal men finde man non,
& we ben aschaped vnneþe
Þat we no were tohewen to deþe. {2830}
2480 Ycomen we ben into þis cuntre,
Fowe & griis anouȝ lade we,
Gold & siluer & riche stones
Þat vertu bere mani for þe nones,
Gode cloþes of sikelatoun & alisaundrinis, {2835}
2485 Peloure of matre & pu[r]per & biis
To ȝour wille as ȝe may se;
Swiche be þe tidinges of þat cuntre.’
Gij answerd: ‘mi frende fre,
For ȝour tidinges blisced ȝe be; {2840}
2490 God for his name seuene
He bring ȝou to gode heuene.’
When þe marchaundes hadde seyd as y say
Gij bitauȝt hem God & gode day.
Vnto his in he is ygo {2845}
2495 & Herhaud he cleped anon him to.
‘Herhaud, mi frende, wille we gon.
At þemperour take we leue anon,
Into Costentyn-noble ichil go {f.121vb} 
To help þemperour of his wo {2850}
2500 Þat wiþ þe soudan biseged is he,
So siggeþ men of þat cuntre,
Þat lond destrud & men aqueld
& cristendom þai han michel afeld.’
Herhaud answerd ‘y graunt it be {2855}
2505 Miche worþschipe it worþ to þe.’
At þemperour þai toke leue to go
& he hem graunted vnneþe þo.
Anouȝ he bedeþ hem castels & tours,
Riche cites, halles & bours. {2860}
2510 Sir Gij toke an hundred of his kniȝtes,
Strongest & best in fiȝtes
Þat he miȝt in Almayne finde,
Mest ypreised & best doinde.
Now þai ben to schippe ywent, {2865}
2515 Gode winde God haþ hem lent,
To Costentyn-noble þai ben ycome
& in þe cite her in ynome.
Ac when þemperour wist atte frome
Þat Gij of Warwike was ycome {2870}
2520 Tvay erls he dede after him go
& loueliche he bad hem com him to.
& sir Gij him goþ to þemperour fre.
‘Welcome, sir Gij’ þan seyd he,
‘Of þine help gret nede haue we. {2875}
2525 Michel ich haue herd speke of þe.
Mine men ben sleyn in þis tide
& mi lond destrud in ich a side;
Al bot þis ich selue cite
Destrud & brent hauen he. {2880}
2530 Fourti þousand þai slowe on a day
Of mine men as ich ȝou telle may.
Mine men þai slowe, mi sone also,
Wharfore, leue frende, y bede þe to,
ȝif þou miȝt, me of hem wreke {2885}
2535 & þe felouns out of mi lond do reke;
Mine feyr douhter þou schalt habbe
& half mi lond, wiþouten gabbe.’
Þan answerd anon sir Gij,
‘Sir’ he seyd ‘gramercij. {2890}
2540 & y þe sigge, bi mi leute,
Þat treweliche ichil serue þe
Al þe while þat ich wiþ þe be; {f.122ra}

Þerof, sir, þou miȝt leue me.’
At þemperour he toke leue anon,
2545 Vnto his in he gan to gon.
Noyse & cri he herd in þat cite,
He gan oxy what it miȝt be;
He hem oxed what it were
& what was al þat noise þere.
2550 So mani kniȝtes he seye to armes go,
So mani seriaunce steye to kernels þo.
‘Sir’ quaþ a burieys ‘bi seyn Martin,
It beþ þe liþer Sarraȝin.
It is þe amiral Costdram,
2555 Þe nevou of þe riche soudan.
So strong he is & of so gret miȝt
In world y wene no better kniȝt,
For þer nis man no kniȝt non
Þat wiþ wretþe dar loken him on.
2560 His armes alle avenimed beþ,
Þat venim is strong so þe deþ.
In þis world [n]is man þat he take miȝt
Þat he [ne] schuld dye anonriȝt.
Þat oþer day he dede ous sorwe anouȝ
2565 Of þemperour sone þat he slouȝ
Þat was so gode & stalworþ kniȝt
was: copied at the end of the line,
its correct position marked. |
Þat opon hem had ȝeuen mani fiȝt.
In þis cite so gode kniȝt was non
Þat wiþ wretþe durst loke him on.
2570 Comen he is wiþ grete cheualrie
cheualrie: MS reads cleualrie. |
& wiþ him þe riche king of Turkye
Wiþ an hundred Turkes strong;
Beþ non better in non lond.’
¶ & When sir Gij herd þis
2575 Þat his ost seyd to him, ywis,
To his felawes he seyd anon,
‘To armes’ he seyd, ‘euerichon.
Þe Sarraȝins we willen agast.
For Godes loue smiteþ on fast.’
2580 Hastiliche y-armed hij beþ,
Opon her stedes as foule þai fleþ.
Forþ þai went & on hem smite
Wiþ her swerdes þat wil wel bite.
Gij to þe amiral smot so
2585 Scheld no hauberk nas him worþ a slo;
Þurth þe body he ȝaf him wounde {f.122rb}

& dede he feld him on þe grounde.
Sir Gij his gode swerd out drouȝ,
Þat heued fram þe bodi he slouȝ.
2590 To þemperour he it haþ ysent
Þat wel glad was of þat present.
¶ Herhaud smot þe king of Turkie –
Was non feller [i]nto Surrie –
Þurth þe bodi he him smot,
2595 Ded he feld him doun fot-hot.
Wiþ þat com Tebaud prikeinde,
In Fraunce ybore, a kniȝt wel kinde,
Wiþ swiche strengþe he smot Helmadan
Al was nouȝt worþ he hadde opan.
2600 Þurth his bodi þe launce glod,
Ded he fel wiþouten abod.
Gauter come prikeing anonriȝt,
Of Almayne a wel gode kniȝt.
Heteliche he smot Redmadan –
2605 ȝe no haue herd speke of no swiche man.
Þe bodi atvo he haþ todeled
Þat he fel doun in þe feld.
Wiþ þat come sir Morgadour
Þat was steward wiþ þemperour.
2610 Kniȝt he was gode & hardi
Ac traitour he was ful of envie.
He smot vnto a Sarraȝin;
No halp him nouȝt his Apolin.
Now þai smitte togider comonliche
2615 & fiȝt þai agin ardiliche.
Þer men miȝt se Gij smite
& þe Sarraȝins heuedes of strike
& wiþ him Herhaud also;
Boþe þai strengþed hem wele to do,
2620 Þe Sarraȝins þai strengþed hem for to sle,
To hewen & iuel to bise.
Þe Sarraȝins hem ȝeld gret fiȝt,
For strong þai ben & of gret miȝt.
Wiþ þat come Esclandar prikeinde,
2625 A Sarraȝin & of foule kinde,
Þe kinges sone of Birrie,
Strong he was for þe maistrie.
Dan Tebaud he felled þo,
Þurth þe bodi he dede þe launce go,
2630 & seþþe he slouȝ a Freyns kniȝt, {f.122va}
In Bleyues he was born ariȝt.
Romiraunt com forþ snelle,
A Sarraȝin, a strong wiþ elle,
Yslawe he haþ dan Guinman,
2635 A strong kniȝt he was & an Aleman.
Wiþ þat come forþ an amireld,
A Sarraȝin of wicked erd,
Dan Gauter he haþ yslawe
& gode Gilmin his felawe.
2640 When Herhaud þat ofseye þo
In his hert him was ful wo;
An amiral he smot so
Ded he feld him an hast þo,
& mani anoþer he haþ aqueld
2645 & adoun feld in þe feld.
Sone so Esclandar yseye þis
To awreke þe amiral lef him is;
To Herhaud he smot heteliche
& he him mett hardiliche.
2650 Heteliche þai smiten togider þo
Þat of her hors þai fellen bo.
Seþþen þai drouȝ her brondes of stiel
& smiten togider hard & wel,
Tohewe hauberk & scheldes also;
2655 Gode bodis þai ben boþe to.
Of her helmes þe flours gan fle
So heteliche togider smiten he.
Herhaud goþ him driueand fast
His heued to smiten of on hast.
2660 Ac so gret socour him com þer,
An hundred Turkes & her pouer.
Herhaud þai gin alle asaile
& neye hadde slain him in þat bataile
No hadde Gij þat yseye þat was sorij;
Gij inserted superscript
with caret mark. |
2665 Hastiliche he com him to socourey.
His gode brond þan drouȝ he,
Þe heued of a Sarraȝin he dede of fle,
& anoþer he dede also,
Þe þridde to deþ he dede do.
2670 Herhaud he socourd in þat nede
& dede him lepe opon his stede.
Þe Sarraȝins anon gun þai mete;
Mani on þer her liif þai lete,
Mani on þer dyed in aiþer side, {f.122vb}

2675 Ac þe Sarraȝins wers gan bitide.
Sir Gij & alle his feren
Þe Griffouns þat gode weren
Han ouercomen & aqueld;
Tohewen þai leyen in þe feld.
2680 Toward her ost þai ben fleinge
& Gij hem after fast folweinge.
Ar hij þe doun were ouergon
Yslawe hij ben & tohewen ichon.
Esclandar is oway fleinde
2685 Ouer þe dounes fast erninde
& al tobroken his scheld is,
His helme al todassched, ywis.
Gij it ofþouȝt when he it seye
Þat he so liȝteliche oway fleye.
2690 ‘Esclandar’ seyd Gij ‘wende oȝain to me
& for soþe al siker þou be.
Drede þe of no noþer þan of me;
Ones to iusti ich oxi of þe.’
Esclandar seyd ‘artow Gij?
2695 Ich þe defende sikerly.
Bi Mahoun þat ich leue opon
Neuer no schal ich oway gon
No neuer schal y bliþe be
Til ich þat heued binim þe.
2700 Bihoten ich it haue a maiden of pris,
Þe soudans douhter þat wel fair is.’
Her steden þai turned snelle
& togider þai smiten wiþ gode wille.
Esclandar first smot Gij
2705 Þurth þe scheld as kniȝt hardi.
Gij smot him anonriȝt;
Scheld no hauberk halp him no wiȝt.
He smot him þurth at þat chaunce,
Þurth þe bodi wiþ his launce.
2710 Esclandar fleye forþ a wel gode pas,
Sir Gij oftoke him nouȝt, þerfor wo him was.
To his felawes he is ygo,
Riȝt to þe cite he ȝede him þo.
Þe Sarraȝins were ouercome,
2715 Þerfore þai were bliþe all & some.
Þemperour ofsent Gij him to
& miche honour he haþ him do.
‘Gij’ quaþ he ‘þou art me dere, {f.123ra}

Þou schalt bileue wiþ me here.
2720 Mi feir douhter þat is of pris
Ichil þe ȝiue to spouse, ywis.
Þou schalt ben emperour after me;
Þou art a kniȝt of gret bounte.
Al þo þat ben to me serueinde
2725 Ichil þai be to þe boweinde.’
‘Gramerci’ seyd sir Gij anon,
‘A fair ȝift is þis now on.’
Þe steward come forþ bliue –
More treytour nas non oliue –
2730 His name was hoten Morgadour,
God ȝif him euel auentour.
Toward Gij he bar gret ond
& seþþe he died þurth his hond.
Quaþ Morgadour ‘sir, þat wil wele be
2735 For Gij is curteys, gentil & fre.
When he schal þi douhter spousy
Riȝt is þat we him onoury.’
Ac what so he seyd bifor Gij þo
ȝif he may to deþ he wille him do.
2740 Esclandar went oway fleinde
Toward her ost fast prikeinde.
Þurth þe bodi he bar a trounsoun,
Wiþ boþe honden he held him to þe arsoun.
Boþe bifore & eke bihinde
2745 Þe blod gan out fast winde,
His helme in þe on half honginde
& his visage al bledeinde;
His scheld to held hadde he no miȝt,
He drad him to dye anonriȝt.
2750 To þe soudans pauiloun he come,
Þe soudan him bi knewe anon.
‘Esclandar when comestow?’ seyd he,
‘In strong fiȝt þou hast ybe.
Were þou alon at þe cite?
2755 Say me who haþ þus wounded þe.’
‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘ichil þe telle
Of hard tidinges wel snelle.
Ylorn þou hast þe amiral Cosdram
Þat leuest þe was of ani man,
2760 & þe king of Turkie þou hast forgon,
Of hem no tit þe neuer help non,
& alle þe best men ybore {f.123rb} 
Bifor þe cite þou hast forlore.’
Þan answerd þe riche soudan
2765 Þat hadde no gamen of þan,
‘Him is þan sum socour ycome
Wharþurth mi Turkes be me binome?’
‘Sir’ quaþe Esclandar ‘ywis,
An onwrast gome ycomen þer is.
2770 Socour he haþ gret & beld
In þe warld nis swiche a scheld;
Gij of Warwike his name it is,
Sterner þan eni lyoun, ywis.
His strokes no may noman dreye
2775 Þat he ne most dye on hye.
Wiþ him he haþ an hundred kniȝtes
Of Almayne þe best in fiȝtes.
Þurth þe bodi þus me he smot,
Dede ich am wele y wot.’
2780 ¶ Þan swore a gret oþ þe soudan
Bi Mahoun þat he leued opan
Þat neuer glad no worþ he
What he haue ynome þat cite,
For asayle he it wille do
2785 Ar þe þridde day be ago.
Anon a spie it herd þis
Þat to Gij it nold forhele, ywis.
Sone he com to þe cite
Al þis to Gij þan teld he
2790 Þat þe soudan wiþ his men elle
Þe cite wil aseyle snelle.
Ac þemperour wist þerof nouȝt
Þat so strong tiding þer were ybrouȝt
Ac when he wist þe soþe herof
2795 Ernist him þouȝt & no scof.
¶ Þemperour made him bliþe þo
Þat ouercomen weren his fo
& Gij to þemperour is ygo
& swiþe feyr he gret him þo.
2800 ‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘be bliþe & glad.
Gode tidinges me haþ ben seyd.’
Þemperour ofsent his foules þo
Oscuriis faucouns & ierfaukes also;
Gon he wil to þe riuer
2805 Him to solas & play þer.
Seþþe he ofsent of his Gregeys, {f.123va}

Þat gode weren & curteys,
To þe riuer þai ben ygon
Wher foules were mani on.
2810 Wiþ þat come forþ sir Morgadour
Þat steward was wiþ þemperour
& seyd to Gij ‘mi frende dere,
Y þe loue in gode manere.’
Ac alle þat he seyd Gij to bitraye,
2815 Þat was wele sen in his last daye.
Non no may so wele tresoun do
So may he þat his trust is to.
ȝete seyd to him Morgadour,
‘Castels ich haue & mani feir tour,
2820 Riche cites & ful strong,
To þine wille þou hem afong.
Michel y desire þi loue to haue;
Go we togider wiþ game & plawe
Into þe chaumber go we baye
2825 Among þe maidens for to playe,
At tables to pleye & at ches.
Wele we may don it, ywis,
Bifor þi leman Clarice so fre,
Þemperours douhter briȝt of ble,
2830 & lete we þemperour to wode go
To chace þe hert & þe ro.’
‘Sir’ quaþ Gij ‘wille we go;
When þou it wilt, it schal be do.’
Into þe chaumber þai ȝede þo
2835 Hond in hond yfere bo.
To þe mayden þai come wel sket
Þat curteysliche hem haþ ygret.
‘Sir Gij’ sche seyd ‘welcome þou be;
Cum sitt & pleye þe here wiþ me.’
2840 He toke þe maiden & hir kiste
Þat ofþouȝt þe steward vnwreste.
He hir hadde loued mani a day
& wende haue spoused þat feir may.
Þe cheker þai oxy & þe meyne
2845 Bifor þe maiden þan pleyen he.
Ysett þai han þe first game,
Þe steward it les, bi Godes name.
Seþþe þai han anoþer ygonne,
Anon it haþ Gij ywonne,
2850 & þe þridde ful hastiliche. {f.123vb}
Þe steward was sori sikerliche,
Al mody he ros vp þo,
Wroþ & sori he was bo.
‘Gij’ quaþ he ‘bileue þou here,
2855 Þiself & Clarice þi pleye-fere,
Al what ich come now son oȝe.’
‘Anon’ seyd Gij ‘it schal so be.’
Out him went Morgadour,
At his in he tok a chasour;
2860 To þemperour he goþ riȝt.
When þemperour hadde of him siȝt
Oȝaines him he is ygon
& tidinges he oxed him anon.
‘Now forþ, sir steward ‘he sede,
2865 ‘Comestow for gode or for qued?
Whi comestow so prikiinge?
Tel it me wiþouten lesinge.
ȝif þou of Sarraȝins hast herd ouȝt
Tel it me, forhele it nouȝt.’
2870 ‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘y schal
þe telle,
Þi schame forhele y nille.
An soudour þou hast wiþ þe,
& wil þat þou yschent be,
Þi douhter þat so feir is
2875 Forlay he haþ, for soþe ywis.
Into hir bour wiþ strengþe he ȝede
& bi þi douhter his wille he dede.
ȝif þou ne me leuest, hom þou fare,
ȝete þou schalt him finde þare.
2880 Þer þou miȝt him finde, ywis,
& þi douhter clippe & kisse.
Þerfore y com þe to say,
For þi schame forhele y no may.
ȝif þou him finde in þat stede,
2885 Into þi prisoun þou him lede,
& in þi court þou deme him do,
For treitour he is y telle þe to.
Þe more adouted þou schalt be
Of alle þi regne y telle þe.
2890 Þerfore ne wonde þou no þing
Nouȝt for him no his helping.
Afterward þat he demed is
& þi court of þat treytour deliuerd is
Into Almayne ichil gon {f.124ra} 
2895 To þemperour Reyner anon.
Socour fram him ichil bringe
& deliuer þi lond wiþouten lesinge
Of alle þine dedeliche fon
Þat þine men haue sleyn ichon.’
2900 ‘Who is þat?’ [þ]emperour
‘Gij of Warwike, so God me rede.
Þou do him nim & binde fast
& in þi prisoun þou do him cast.’
Quaþ þemperour ‘lat now be.
2905 No speke nouȝt so of him to me.
Oȝaines me misdo he nold,
Nouȝt for tventi somers of gold,
No for to ben al tohewe,
So gode a kniȝt he is & trewe;
2910 & ȝif he is þerin wele be it so
Wiþ hir his wille he may do,
For mi douhter ichim bihote habbe,
Nil ich nouȝt of couenant gabbe.’
¶ When þe steward him haþ biþouȝt
2915 Þat þemperour nold here him nouȝt
Hom to his in he is ygo
& aliȝt of his palfrey þo.
Anon into chaumber he ȝede
& to Gij of Warwike he sede,
2920 ‘Gij þou art ful wele wiþ me,
Þerfore ichil kiþen it þe
To þemperour yteld it is,
Bi þe lord seyn Denis,
Þat wiþ strengþe þou com into his bour
2925 & has forleyn his douhter wiþ desonour,
& ȝif he þe may ouergo
He wil þe bren oþer slo.
& ich hot þe þat þou hennes fle
Þat he nouȝt oftake þe.’
2930 ‘Bi God’ quaþ Gij ‘þat were wrong
Þat y schold here mi deþ afong
For þing þat ich haue gilt non
No neuer þouȝt it to don.
An arnemorwe when he out ȝede
2935 Miche he me o loue bede;
Hou schuld ich euer siker be
Of ani bihest men hotes me?
For þemperour me seyd þo, {f.124rb}

& trewelich me bihete þerto,
2940 Þat he me wold gret worþschipe,
& now he me wil sle wiþ schenschipe
For þe speche of a losanger
& of a feloun pautener.’
Out of þe chaumber he is ygo,
2945 Sori & dreri he was þo.
To his in he ȝede swiþe
& cleped his felawes bliue.
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘to armes snelle.
Here wil we no longer duelle.
2950 To þemperour ywraid we beþ
Alle he wil don ous to þe deþ.
Bi þe treuþe y schal our lord ȝeld
Þat heuen & erþe haueþ in weld,
Er þan we be nomen & ded
2955 So mani schal dye of her ferred
Þat it worþ abouȝt wel strong
Þat ich am biwrayd wrong.’
To armes þai went wiþ þat ichon,
Out of þe cite þai ben ygon
2960 & went toward þe heþen men
Wiþ þem to holden & to ben,
To help þe heþen men ichon.
Wiþ þat com þemperour anon,
Fram þe riuer he come rideinge
2965 & wiþ his folk fast prikeinge.
Feir weder it was & miri also,
Þe briȝt armes he seye þo.
¶ Þemperour hem seye & knewe Gij
For he come hem swiþe neye.
2970 At an herhaud þan asked he,
‘Þis armed folk what may þis be?’
‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘it is Gij
Þat in wretþe fram þe wil parti.
Vnto þe soudan he wil fare
2975 & wirche þe sorwe & michel care
Þurth wraying þat teld him is.
Wele y wot þat soþe it nis.
Wele it semeþ þat wroþ is he
Al armed on his stede ich him se.’
2980 When þemperour herd þis
Alle droupeninde he was, ywis,
He gan to prike & þat anon, {f.124va} 
As hauk þat fleyþe his hors gan gon.
After Gij loude he gradde þo,
2985 ‘Abide & speke me now to.
For Godes loue lete now be;
Whi wiltow, sir, go fro me?
ȝif ich ouȝt haue agilt to þe,
For Godes loue þou say it me.
2990 Be it in dede oþer in speche
Þat ani þe han agilt y þe biseche
To þi wille it schal amended be,
& topon al oþer y loue þe.
Wele ich wene þat þe soudan, ywis,
2995 To whom al Percie atended is,
After þe haþ sent ich vnderstond so;
He þe schal habbe & y forgo.
Gold & siluer he may ȝiue þe
& feffe þe wiþ mani a riche cite;
3000 Þerfore þou wilt wiþ him be
& strongliche holden oȝaines me.’
‘Sir’ quaþ sir Gij to þemperour,
‘No was ich neuer þi traitour
& ȝif God wil y nil nouȝt be
3005 Þer whiles þe lif is in me.
Me was yteld biforn now riȝt
Of on þat is þi priue kniȝt
Þat þou no hadest to don wiþ mi seruise
& þat y þe serue wiþ feyntise
3010 & þat ich was biwrayd to þe –
Forþi nold ich no longer here be –
& þat þou wost do me tohewe
& mine barouns þat ben so trewe.
Forþi y þouȝt þat y go scholde
3015 To hem þat mi seruise ȝeld me wold,
Ac for al Damas & þat cuntre
Nold ich haue holden oȝaines te.’
¶ Þemperour þan him nome
Bitvene his armes & seyd anon
3020 ‘Nay, sir Gij’ he seyd ‘bi seyn Denis,
It no was nouȝt so, ywis.
Mi dere frende Gij, oȝain þou go.
Lordinges, barouns, biddeþ him so,
For to þine wille it is alle,
3025 Alle þat min is & ben schal.
Ac biwrayed þou war to me, {f.124vb} 
& þerfore haue he maugre
Neuer eft worþ non loued of me
Þat ouȝt sigge bot gode of þe.’
3030 Þemperour þan to Gij seyd,
‘Þi wille þou do bi þat mayde.’
Sir Gij kist þemperour þo
& to þe cite þai ben ygo.
Þo wist wele Gij bi þan
3035 Bitrayd him hadde his foman,
Ac no semblaunt þerof he no made
No no þing to him seyde.
An armorwe erliche
Þemperour aros sikerliche.
3040 Anon he seyd to Gij his speche,
‘Herken to me y þe biseche,
In þis morning anon
We worþ aseyled of our fon
Of Sarraȝins þat misbileued be,
3045 Alle for soþe y telle it to þe;
Þe soudan him selue wil þer be.
A spie for soþe teld it me
Þat hij þe cite wil asayli
& þat hij þennes nil parti
3050 Al fort he haue nome þis cite
Or þat it destrued be.’
Þemperour seyd ‘sir Gij þe fre,
Als-so þou wilt it schal be;
Þe cite alle op þe y do
3055 Wiþ Cristes blisceing þerto.
ȝif hij ous seyl, we schul ous were,
Þe cite is strong, þai mow it nouȝt dere.’
Gij þat constable cleped him to
Þat gode kniȝt was & wise also,
3060 Tristor he hete wiþ þe berd blowe,
Lord & douke of Almayne y trowe.
‘Sir Tristor’ he seyd ‘listen to me,
Aseyled we worþ, siker þou be.
Þerof þou most birede þe
3065 ȝif we wille were þis cite,
Oþer we wille oȝain hem te
At paþes þat destrued be
& mete we hem þer on þe doune,
Acumbre hem & legge hem doune.’
3070 ‘Sir, anon’ seyd þe constable, {f.125ra}
‘Þis ich speche schal be stable.’
‘Do þan grede þurth þe cite
Þat alle redy armed be
Alle þat armes may welde,
3075 & who so þat feyneþ for couward be helde.’
þat followed by a
mid-line punctus. |
Bi þe morwe þai ben armed wel,
Bi tale .xx. þousend hauberks of stiel.
Out of þe cite þai ben ygo
Wiþ gret noise & din also.
3080 ‘Lordinges’ quaþ Gij ‘herkeneþ to me,
ȝe þat here asembled be,
Of ȝour kinde þat is yslawe
Of edwite & of missawe.
Þat ous is don þenke we þeron
3085 & baldeliche aseyl we our fon
For Sarraȝins ous aseyle wille
Alle for soþe y ȝou telle.
We wil hem mete wiþ spere & scheld
At þe narwe paþe bitven þe held.
3090 Now biþenkeþ ȝou wele to don
& awreke ȝour lond of ȝour fon.
Of ȝour londes & ȝour citeȝ
Þat destrud & wasted beþ,
ȝou to awreke biþenkeþ ȝou
3095 & strongliche aseyleþ hem now.
Bot ȝe were ȝou wele & bliue
& hij mow ȝou of þe feldes driue
Alle we ben ded oþer nome
& in þraldome euer more wone.
3100 Forþi mete we wiþ hem sone
& strengþe ous alle wele to done.
& ich meself wil wiþ ȝou go
Y nil ȝou feyle neuer mo.’
Wele spekeþ now sir Gij
3105 & alle þai siggeþ gramerci.
To þe pas of þe hulles þai ben ycome
& þe Sarraȝins han vndernome
& seye þe cuntres & þe feld
Wiþ briȝt brini & wiþ scheld.
3110 Þe soudan cleped after Helman
Þat deined fle for no man.
He was coraious & gode kniȝt
& michel adouted in euerich fiȝt.
‘Sir king’ quaþ he ‘com to me {f.125rb}

3115 Wiþ .xx. þousende Turkes ich hot þe.
Þe Cristen ȝe schul aseyle anon,
Loke ȝe nim hem oþer slen ichon.
Opon ȝon hulle þai ben, lo,
Gret harm þai han ous ydo.’
3120 Þe king forþ went wiþ his men ichon
Wiþ strengþe þe helde þai vndernome;
Wiþ strengþe þai wene þe slade ouergo
Ac gret combraunce hem com furst to.
At þe entring of þe pas Gij gan to grede
3125 ‘Helpeþ, lordinges, alle our ferrede.
Biþenkeþ ȝou to winnen wele;
& hij oȝaines ȝou vndernim þe hille,
Yuel ous worþ þan bigo,
Bot God ous on þenke þat al may do.
3130 Þai ben bineþen & we aboue,
Amidde þe pas þai ben togider come,
& asaileþ hem smerteliche
& togider we go now commonliche.
Þroweþ wiþ stones & bowes scheteinge
3135 Launces, swerdes & dartes kerueinge;
Smiteþ wiþ swerdes & speres ygrounde;
Scheteþ wiþ piles & ȝif hem deþ wounde.’
Mani Sarraȝin þer yslawe is,
Þer doþ Gij as þe riȝtwise.
3140 Into þe narwe hij come hem to lett,
Bi hundredes foure þai aseyl hem sket,
Bi hundred & bi þousende
Þai ben þe Sarraȝins quellinde.
Gij smot on þis side & on þat,
3145 Nas þer non þat his dint sat.
¶ Ermine he smot on þurth þe scheld
Almost he feld him in þe feld.
Þan come Auþer ouerþuert,
A Sarraȝin modi of hert.
3150 Ermine smot him on þe helme an heyȝe
Þat he cleue him to þe teþ,
Al ded he made him on þe grounde to lie.
Wiþ þat come þe king of Nubie,
Toward Herhaud he come prikeinde
3155 & Gij him was oȝain cominde.
Wiþ grete strengþe sir Gij him smot
Þat he feld him anon fot-hot.
When þe douke of Tire þat yseþ {f.125va}

His men dye on so reweliche deþ
3160 An hond he held a dart kerueinde
Þe Cristen þerwiþ þreteninde.
He forþ ȝede & smot a kniȝt
Þat ded he feld him anonriȝt.
When Gij o Warwike þat yseye
3165 Þiderward he drouȝ him swiþe neye.
A gode dart on hond he bar
& to him he launced heteliche þar;
Þer wiþ he smot Ebban þe king
Þat ded he fel wiþouten letting.
3170 Þe Sarraȝines hij toheweþ & quelleþ,
Bi þe doun hij gredeþ & ȝelleþ.
When þe soudan seye his folk dye
Bi ten, bi tvelue in þe waye,
He cleped to him þe king of Nubye
3175 Þat was ful of felonie.
‘Sir king’ he seyd ‘sest tow nouȝt
Hou mine men ben to deþ ybrouȝt;
Descumfit & yslawe hij beþ,
Þe bodis ded wele ȝe seþ.
3180 Þis Cristen our men to deþ doþ
Ac bi Cariot y swere mi noþ
& bi Apolyn þe grete,
Bi Ternagaunt & bi Mahoun þe swete
Bot we of hem be wreken swiþe
3185 No worþ y neuer glad no bliþe;
Bot we hem aseyle bi ginne
& þe hille wiþ strengþe awinne.
An hundred we ben oȝain hem on
& al we schul hem nimen anon.
3190 Þe helden þai nimeþ about strongliche
& þe Cristen aseyl stalworþliche
At þe brode paþe & narwe also.
Þe Gregeys wele werd hem þo.
On þe Cristen þai gun smite
3195 Þe Sarraȝins boþe miche & lite
& our men hem werd wel
Wiþ scharpe speres of grounden stiel,
Wiþ axes & swerdes ygrounde,
Wiþ gisarmes þai ȝif deþes wounde.
3200 ¶ Þe soudan forþwiþ alderfarst
On þe Cristen smot wel fast,
On heye on helmes he hem smot {f.125vb} 
Wiþ his fauchon þat wele bot.
Toȝaines Gij he smot þo
3205 & seyd ‘war, ichil þe slo.’
Gij he smot so ouerþuert
Þat he was sumdel yhert.
Ac Gij wiþ strengþe to him smot
Wiþ his swerd þat wele bot.
3210 Wel strong was þat ich fiȝt,
Ac þe soudan wered him wiþ miȝt.
Wharto schuld ich ȝou telle more?
Þe Sarraȝins ouercomen wore.
Wele haþ Gij don þat day
3215 As gode kniȝt & verray.
At a pas he houed riȝt
As a kniȝt of gret miȝt.
A gisarme he bar kerueinde
He smot bifore & bihinde.
3220 Þe Sarraȝins so he agast,
Al þat he smot to grounde he cast.
His scheld he hadde forlore,
Tohewe it lay his fet bifore.
So mani Sarraȝin he slouȝ þat day
3225 Þat ich on oþer ded lay;
So mani to ded þer he dede
Þat þe hepe lay to his girdel stede.
¶ Whoso seye þan Herhaud fiȝt
Of a gode kniȝt ȝelp he miȝt.
3230 A Danis ax he bar on his hond,
Al þat he rauȝt to grounde he wond.
Sarraȝins he slouȝ mo þan sexti
& Gij an hundred & fourti.
Herhaud þat day so sore swong
3235 Þat þurth his mouþe þe fom it sprong.
Al tohewe was his helme;
Þe blod ran out als a welme.
What schuld y make tale muche?
Þe Sarraȝins þai slowen strongliche.
3240 Ac euer he was gode, apliȝt,
Gij of Warwike, michel of miȝt,
More dede þan ani oþer;
His stroke was heui so a foþer.
Gij and his feren also
3245 Als lyouns þai fouȝten þo
& þe Gregeys forþ wiþ hem, {f.126ra}

Þai wered hem as douhti men.
Weynes & cartes þai han ynome
Mo þan fiften þousende atte frome.
3250 Y-ioined hij han þe gret piles –
Ginnes þai made on selcouþe wise –
Sum piles scharpe kerueinde,
Al aboute so mani stondinde,
Þat ich ne can þe noumbre telle
3255 Noiþer in rime no in spelle.
Þer nas man þat þer neye come
Þat he ne was tocorwen anon,
So griseliche be þe engins
For to sle þe Sarraȝines.
3260 In ich half ysett arawe
Scharpe soules doun of þe hulle ydrawe.
Þermid þai hewe þe gret stonis
Bihewe quarre for þe nonis,
So gret so tventi men miȝt drawe,
3265 To slen hem of þe heþen lawe.
Swiche a þousende forsmiten þai be
Þat neuer after schullen ythe,
Wel juel hem is bifallen þare;
Ded þai ben wiþ sorwe & care.
3270 Wharto schuld ich tale telle?
Þe soudan lepe on hors ful snelle.
Gret onde he hadde to Gyoun
& to Herhaud his compaynoun
For hij han slawe so fel of his.
3275 He sat on an hors of pris,
Wiþ gret hete he smot to Gij
Opon his helme sikerly,
Þat he feld þat o quarter.
To Gij he seyd a bismer,
3280 ‘Ysestow, lord, bi Apolin
Þat was a strok of o Sarraȝin?’
Gij to þe soudan smot þo,
His helme no was him worþ a slo;
Resares euen forþ þe breyn
3285 Helme & flesse he carf wiþ meyn.
Þan he seyd to him a bismer,
‘Mahoun halp þe litel þer.
Bodi & soule no nouȝt þerof
No is nouȝt worþ a lekes clof.
3290 Hou so it go of mi wounde {f.126rb}
Of Mahoun þou hast litel help yfounde.
Er þou scorndest me
Of mi wounde þou madest þi gle.
Leche gode schal ich haue
3295 Þat mi wounde schal to hele drawe.
Þou hast a croun schauen to þe bon;
Tomorwe þou miȝt sing anon.
Wele þou þouȝtest to ben a prest
When þou of swiche a bischop order berst.’
3300 Now biginneþ þat gret fiȝt
Bi þre bi four adoun riȝt.
Þe Sarraȝins ben ouercome,
Oway fleinde þai ben some.
Þe niȝt comeþ, þe day is go,
3305 Þe Sarraȝins han ful michel wo
For so mani yslawe þer be;
So seyd þe folk of þat cuntre
Þat men miȝt wade ouer þe scho hem
In þe blod þat of hem kem.
3310 So miche folk þer was yslawe þo
Þat fiftene forlong men miȝt go,
Þat þei he kept him neuer so,
He most nedes opon men go
Oþer on fot oþer on hond,
3315 Oþer opon arm coruen wiþ brond.
¶ Wiþ þat come an amiral prikeing
Newe dubbed he was wiþouten lesing.
To þe soudan he is ycome,
Þurth þe bodi he haþ woundes some.
3320 ‘Sir’ he seyd ‘hennes we go.
No sestow al our folk slo?
Bi þousendes þou sest hem to deþ ligge;
Our godes ous hateþ for soþe to sigge.
Þou sest Mahoun ne Apolin
3325 Be nouȝt worþ þe brestel of a swin.
Anonriȝtes wiþdrawe þou þe
& to þi pauiloun þou fle.
Alle þe wounded þou do wiþ þe lede
ȝete þai may þe help & rede.
3330 Þi rereban þou do ofsende
To awreke [þe] þou haue in mende.’
Anon þai hem wiþdrawe & ben ouercome
Sori þai ben alle & some.
Þe soudan dede biforn him bring {f.126va}

3335 Alle his godes wiþouten lesing,
Toward hem he is wel wroþ,
Do he wil hem harm & loþ.
‘A, ȝe fals godes vnwreste,
Sone ȝou tit a liþer feste.
3340 Oȝain ous ȝe ben of wicked mode,
Schame ȝe don ous & no gode.
ȝe don ous alderwerst to spede
When þat we han mest nede.’
‘Fy, fy’ he seyd ‘on Apolin
3345 Þou schalt haue wel iuel fin,
& þou Ternagaunt also,
Michel schame schal com ȝou to.
& þou Mahoun her alder lord
Þou nart nouȝt worþ a tord;
3350 Þerfore þou it schalt abigge
Wiþ staues gret opon þi rigge.’
So he gan his godes to cloute
Þat þe erþe dined aboute.
Her armes & legges he totiȝt
3355 & cleped hem wroches anonriȝt.
‘Godenes in ȝou nas neuer yfounde
No more miȝt þan in an hounde.’
Bi þe fet he hem out drouȝ
& dede hem schame riȝt anouȝ.
3360 Gij dede clepe her cheueteyn
Wiþ gode wille & hert feyn.
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘God yþonked be,
Feir grace so habbe we
Þat þe Sarraȝins ben ouercome.
3365 Wende we to þe cite atte frome.’
& when þai ben comen oȝen,
To þemperour welcom þai ben,
& nameliche Gij þe gode kniȝt
Mest was worþschiped in þat fiȝt.
3370 ¶ When þat yseye Morgadour
Þat steward was wiþ þemperour
Þat Gij biwreyed vnwrastliche
Þat þemperour loued so miche,
He bigan for to asay
3375 Hou he miȝt Gij bitray.
O felonie he haþ him biþouȝt
Of swiche no haue ȝe herd nouȝt.
He þouȝt in his wille þo {f.126vb} 
Þat Gij o message schuld go.
3380 In swiche þouȝt & swiche wille
An while he held him stille.
Anon he went to þemperour
& seyd ‘sir, par amour,
Þe soudan haþ his folk ysent
3385 Into al Peyni his sond is sent.
Þer nis noiþer ȝing no eld
Þat armes may bere & wepen weld,
Alle he is haueþ ofsent
Þe to bisege verrament.
3390 ¶ To him þou þi sond sende
Alle þi wille word & ende.’
‘Who’ he seyd ‘durst þider wende?’
‘Sir Gij a kniȝt hardi & hende
Of þine house, & þat y pliȝt,
3395 Gij of Warwike of gret miȝt;
Herhaud of Arderne þat oþer best,
On hem tveye ȝe mow ȝou trest.
To þe soudan þou sende þine kniȝtes bold
& say þou wilt wiþ him a day hold
3400 Of acord in swiche manere.’
‘Sir steward’ seyd þemperere,
‘Toward Gij þou berst iuel wille.
He no schal nouȝt go þerof. Be stille.
Ac mine barouns ichil ofsende
3405 & wite who wille þider wende.’
His barouns he haþ ofsent
Ouer alle his lond þai ben ywent
Þat þai schuld to þemperour wende.
To hem he seyd ‘mi leue frende,
3410 Ich wold sende to þe soudan
ȝif ich wist euer bi wham.
To him to sende ich am in wille
Wiþ him to acord loude oþer stille,
ȝif ani of ȝou so hardi were
3415 Þat to him þe message bere.’
When þemperour had seyd his resoun
Þer nas noiþer kniȝt no baroun
Þat him a word answerd þo;
Nas þer non þe message durst do.
3420 ¶ A baroun of þe benche aros,
Sir Tristor his name was.
‘Sir emperour, vnderstond me, {f.127ra} 
For leyer no schal ich holden be,
For ich it sigge for gret loue
3425 & þine worþschipe to held aboue.
Fif þousende siþe haue he maugre
Þat þe conseyl ȝaf to þe,
For he þe loueþ riȝt nouȝt
Þat in þat wille þe haþ ybrouȝt.
3430 Þat þou to him ȝelde scholdest
Bot þou þi sonde sende woldest.
No þenkestow nouȝt of þat baroun
Þat was of so gret renoun
Hou þou sendest him to?
3435 Oȝain no come he neuer mo.
He þe sent þe heued wiþouten more;
No durst neuer eft non com þore.
In þe world is kniȝt non
Þat þe message durst don.
3440 For arwe no sigge ich it no wiȝt,
ȝif in min armes were so gret miȝt
Also ich hadde & as ȝong were
As ich was hennes an hundred ȝere
Þis ich message don ich wold;
3445 For drede of deþ lete y nold.
Ac icham now a neld man
Alle mine miȝtes ben now gan.
It is now gon mo þan fifti ȝer
Þat ich on rigge hauberk ber.
3450 Ich ȝou sigge, for soþe ywis,
To lese a gode man gret harm it is,
For ȝif ȝe ani sendeþ þider
His heued him schal comen hider.
Now ich haue mi wille ysede
3455 Now ȝiue anoþer better rede.’
When Tristor hadde yseyd þis
Wiþouten ani oþer abod, ywis,
Þer nas nouȝt on, litel no miche,
Þat durst speke sikerliche.
3460 Gij of Warwike vp arist,
‘Sir emperour, bi mi lord Ihesus crist,
Þis message ichil afo
& it þurth godes help do.’
Seyd þemperour ‘þat schaltow nouȝt.
3465 Þider to go haue þou no þouȝt.
Ich it dede mine men to fond {f.127rb} 
To whom ich miȝt trust in mi lond.’
Þan answerd Gij wel snelle,
‘For soþe, sir, leten y nille
3470 Þat ich þe message wil do
To dye er ich þennes go.’
Wiþ þat he went out of þe halle;
Þe Gregeys siked among hem alle.
God, what Gij is noble baroun.
3475 Ihesu þat suffred passioun
Saue him fram cumberment
& him oȝain bring in sauement.
Gij cam to his in in a stounde,
His felawes droupeing he founde.
3480 ‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘hou is it now?
Almiȝti God y biteche ȝou.’
‘Sir’ quaþ Herhaud ‘ichil go
Bi þine wille wiþ þe also.’
Gij answerd ‘so no schal it be.
3485 Icham ygo. Biddeþ for me.’
He oxed his armes hastiliche
& men es him brouȝt sikerliche.
Hosen of iren he haþ on drawe
Non better nar bi þo dawe.
3490 In a strong hauberk he gan him schrede,
Whoso it wered þe ded no þurt him drede.
An helme he haþ on him don,
Better no wered neuer kniȝt non.
Þe sercle of gold þeron was wrouȝt,
3495 For half a cite no worþ it bouȝt
So mani stones þerin were
Þat were of vertu swiþe dere.
Seþþe he gert him wiþ a brond
Þat was ymade in eluene lond.
3500 His scheld about his nek he tok,
On hors he lepe wiþouten stirop.
On hond he nam a spere kerueinde,
Out of þe cite he was rideinde.
Alle þat weren of þat cite
3505 For him wel sori weren he.
No wene þai neuer his ȝaincominge
Alle þai wene þer his endinge.
Now is Gij in þe riȝt way
Toward þe Sarraȝins y say,
3510 Wele y-armed on his stede, {f.127va}
A launce he bar gode at nede.
Smerteliche he dede him in þe ways
Ouer þe dounes & þe valeys.
To þe Sarraȝins ycomen he is
3515 & her pauilouns he seþ, ywis.
A real pauiloun he þer seye
Wiþ an eren of gold an heye
Þat was þe soudans pauiloun;
Haue he cristes malisoun.
3520 Into þe pauiloun Gij him wond
& an hast þer he fond
Alle atte mete þat þer was
& nouȝt michel noise þer nas.
At þe heye bord eten kinges ten
3525 Þat alle were Gyes fomen.
Þan seyd Gij þe englisse,
‘Vnderstond to mi speche.
Þilke lord þat woneþ an heye
Þat al þing walt fer & neye
3530 & in þe rode lete him pini
Al Cristen men to saui,
& in þe se made þe sturioun,
So ȝif ȝou alle his malisoun,
& alle þilk þat ich here se
3535 Þat misbileued men be.
& þe at þe first, sir soudan
Cristes wreche þe come opan.
Yuel fure breninde fast þe opon
& cleue þi brest doun to þi ton,
3540 For icham Gij ȝe mow wel se;
wel: l is superscript
in another ink. |
Yuel mot ȝe alle ythe.
Vnderstond, treitour, mi resoun.
Haue þou cristes malisoun
& alle þilke forþ mitt te
3545 Þat ich her about þe se.
Þe heye God þat is ful of miȝt
Binim ȝou ȝour limes & ȝour siȝt.
Bi me þe sent word þemperour Garioun,
Þat miȝti men haþ in his bandoun,
3550 Þurth wham þou art ybrouȝt to schond,
& hoteþ þe wende out of his lond,
For here has tow no riȝt.
Finde a Sarraȝin oþer a kniȝt
& he schal anoþer finde {f.127vb} 
3555 Þat schal deray[ne] his riȝt kinde.
Y schal wiþ þe glotoun fiȝt,
& ȝif þine haue þe more miȝt
& ouercomeþ our champioun,
Mi lord þe schal ȝiue ransoun
3560 & als his lord serue wille
Euer more, & þat is skille.
& ȝif it so bitide þat our kniȝt
Ouercome ȝour in feld in fiȝt,
Hastiliche þan y rede þe
3565 Out of þis lond þat þou fle.
Þerof þou take a day
On mi lordes word y þe say.
To þi pauiloun ich am ycome
To do þe bateyl atte frome.
3570 Onswere me wiþouten lesing
What word y schal mi lord bring.’
Quaþ þe soudan ‘whennes artow
Into mi court comen art now
& misseyst me so schameliche
3575 & þretest me so dedeliche?’
Gij answerd ‘ichil þe telle;
Mi name forhele y nille.
Gij of Warwike mi name is;
In þat cuntre y was born, ywis.’
3580 Þe soudan answerd þo,
‘Artow Gij so mot þou go?
Þou slouȝ mi nevou Cosdram.
His heued þou smot þe bodi fram.
Þou it schalt abigge, bi Apolin.
3585 Today is comen ending þin.’
He hete anon þat Gij wer nome
& ycast in his prisoun
Fort þe cloþ ben ydrawe
& þan reweliche ben yslawe.
3590 Gij drouȝ out his swerd anon
& priked his stede wel gode won.
Bi seyn Denis he gan to swere
ȝif ani man so hardi were
Þat him neyȝed wiþ schond
3595 He schuld dye þurth his hond.
Bifor þe soudan com Gyoun
& him biheld als a lyoun
& seyd ‘soudan, þou schalt abigge. {f.128ra}

Þine heued þou schalt forgon y sigge.
3600 Opon þe cheyer þer he sat
Gij toke him bi þe top wiþ þat
& þat heued he dede of fle
Opon þe bord of appel tre.
Þe heued he toke in his hond
3605 & in his lappe he it wond.
Wel hastiliche he went him, ywis,
Of þe Sarraȝins adrede he is.
An hundred heuedes he dede of flen
Of þilke þat him stode oȝen.
3610 Wiþ him he forþ þat heued bar
Maugre alle þat þer war.
Þurth þat ost he rode smartliche,
His hors him bar hastiliche.
Þer miȝt men se þe Sarraȝin
3615 Bi on & on wende to Apolin;
Wel fast after him þai come
& alle þai wold han him nome.
Gij to aseylen þai wer ȝep;
Vnarmed were þe most hep.
3620 Gij drouȝ him toward an hulle.
Þe Sarraȝins him driuen snelle
Boþe bi hundred & þousende;
Him go þe Sarraȝins driueinde
On ich half þai smiten him to
3625 & he oȝain to hem also.
Neuer no was anlepy kniȝt
Þat so mani stond miȝt.
Bot God nim of him ȝeme
His liif it is michel awene.
3630 Listeneþ now & sitteþ stille
Of Herhaud ich ȝou telle wille
Þat of swoning no may him duelle.
For his lord Gij y ȝou telle
So michel sorwe him was an
3635 Þat telle no miȝt he it noman.
Euerich man is swiþe wo
When he schal a gode frende forgo;
So was Herhaud for his lord fre,
No wende he him neuer more yse.
3640 Þan bigan his sorweinge,
His her [he] tar, his honden gan wring.
‘Allas’ he seyd ‘sir Gij {f.128rb}

Now ich wot wele sikerlye
Þat y no schal þe neuer yse.
3645 Allas for sorwe, wo is me.’
For gret sorwe þat he hedde
He fel adoun on his bedde
Þer he is yfalle on slepe
As a man weri of wepe.
3650 A sweuen him mett wel ferly
Þat he seye his lord sir Gij
On his stede swiþe cominge
& on his hond his swerd kerueing.
Aseyled he was wiþ wolues & bere,
3655 Vnneþe he miȝt him fram hem were;
Alle þai hadde tobroken his scheld
& his brini torent mani feld.
Vnneþe he miȝt him were
So þai gun on him totere.
3660 Wiþ þat is Herhaud awaked
& of his sweuen gret sorwe maked
& seyd anon to alle his compeynie,
‘Felawes, wil we ous armi.
Gij to help we ouȝt to spede
3665 For to help he haþ gret nede;
Wele ich wot bi mi sweuen.
Now help ous God þat is in heuen.’
Yarmed þai ben sone anon
& on hors þai lopen ichon
3670 & wendeþ forþ wiþ gode wille
Ouer þe dounes & þe dales snelle.
Wiþ alle her miȝt þai heye fast
For to socour Gij on hast.
Þe Sarraȝins þai gun þretni
3675 & made gret sorwe for Gij.
Þai seyd alle þat þer were
Hem dred þai him seye neuere,
Oþer ded he was oþer ynome,
For him þai were sori alle & some.
3680 Sone þai neyȝed toward þat ost
Of Sarraȝins þai herd gret bost;
Of hem was wrin al þe feld
On hors þai were wiþ spere & scheld
Þat euerichon þai þretten Gij;
3685 Him to slen þai han gret envie.
Amonges hem þai seye Gyoun {f.128va} 
Þat him wered als a lyoun.
On ich half þai him aseyle
& he him werþ wiþouten feyle.
3690 Bi þe reynes þai ben him neye niminge
Ac he him werþ wiþ swerd kerueing.
Mani he smot of fot & fest;
He hadde al nede, la, wite crist.
Now þai bigin to prike swiþe,
3695 To socour Gij þai han gret hye.
Herhaud him smot a Sarraȝin
Þat litel him halp his Apolin.
Þai smiten togider & fast þrung;
Þai corwen þurth liuer & þurth lunge.
3700 Þe Sarraȝins þai teche an iuel play,
Euerich on oþer yslawe lay.
Herhaud is ful wele bifalle,
He socourþe Gij wiþ his felawes alle.
Amonges hem was gret gladnesse,
3705 Þe most hepe wepen for blis.
Þai kisten Gij alle for blis
& þonked God ful ȝern, ywis.
¶ Þe Sarraȝins wenten alle oȝen;
Sori & dreri alle þai ben.
3710 Þai token her lordes bodi þere,
As sori wreches oway it bere.
To Ascone þai ben þerwiþ ycome;
Yschent þai ben alle & some.
Gij & Herhaud & her meyne
3715 Glad & bliþe alle ben he.
Þat heued þai han on a spere ysett,
Þer miȝt men se þat Gij was wel net.
Bifore him bere þat it haþ ydo;
Mani on pelt her finger þerto.
3720 Into þe cite þai gun it bring,
For ioie þai gun þe belles ring.
Sir Gij to þemperour ycomen is,
Þe heued he him ȝalt, ywis.
Þemperour gret þanke him can
3725 & in þat cite he doþ make onan
A piler of gray marbel ston;
Þat heued he sett anon þeron.
In swiche wise deuised it was
Þat it was biwreyen in bras
3730 Wharþurth þat oþer miȝt ben war {f.128vb}
To come wiþ ani ost more þar.
Þan Gij hadde ydon so
Þemperour cleped Gij him to.
‘Welcome be þou to me, sir Gij.
3735 Hennes for dayes þritti
Michel monschip ichil þe do,
Mi feir douhter ȝiue þe to.’
To þemperour onswerd sir Gij,
‘An hundred siþe, sir, gramerci.’
3740 Þemperour aros amorwe þo,
To sen þe cuntre þai ben ygo.
Alle þat day þai riden hem so,
Alle what euen þai rested hem þo.
Þai seye toward a pleyn plas
3745 Þat bisiden a doun was;
A lyoun þai seye cominde þo
Bot a smal pas no miȝt he go,
Wiþ ȝenende mouþe & weri he was.
Gij þat seye & seyd ‘allas,
3750 Whi no haddestow help non?’
Ac þat foly þai dradden ichon
For wiþ a dragoun he hade yfouȝt
& ouercomen he was nere him þouȝt.
Gij anon asked his stede þo
3755 His spere & his swerd also.
In his hond a gode swerd he bar.
Þat yseye alle þat þer war.
When þe dragoun seye com Gij
Þe lyoun he forlett & gan him sayly;
3760 Wiþ open mouþe oȝaines him he come.
Gij bar his spere oȝaines him anon,
Into his þrote he it þrest wiþ strengþe;
In his bodi was alle his schaft lengþe
Þat ded to grounde he feld him þo.
3765 What schuld y make tales mo?
He smot of þe heued & went oway
& come to þemperour so sone so he may.
Gyoun wiþ riȝt gode wille
Þe lyoun after him folweþ snelle,
3770 Biforn him he goþ swiþe sket
& folwed him at his stede fet.
His fet he licked so ȝede he neye
& lepe vpon his stede an heye,
L3774 & seþþe he lepe adoun anon {f.129ra}
& made him gret joie opon.
3775 To þemperour is comen Gij
Þat of him was glad sikerli.
Alle þai bihelden þe lyoun
& hadde gret joie bot þe feloun
Morgadour þe steward
3780 Þat euer was Gij oȝeinward.
A liþer tresoun þan þouȝt he
Þat he wold þe lyoun sle.
Wiþ þat into þe cite þai ben ygon;
Þemperour went vnto his tour of ston
3785 & Gij is to his in ygo.
Þe lyoun him folwed euer mo.
Biforn his bed he goþ to ligge;
Fram him he nold, for soþe to sigge.
So long þai riden her jurneys
3790 & þurth riden þe cuntreys
Þat to Costentin þai ben ycome.
Þemperour haþ Gij on speche ynome
& seyd ‘Gij make þe redi.
Tomorwe þou schalt mi douhter weddi.’
3795 Wel sweteliche him answerd sir Gij,
‘Sir emperour, mow gramerci.’
Amorwe so sone so it was day
Gij him schred in fou & gray,
Wiþ him his felawes also;
3800 To chirche þai gon euer to & to.
Wiþ þat þai ben to chirche ycome
Worþschiplich alle & some
& þat maiden was also.
Gret joie hadde al her kin þo.
3805 Þe erchebischop was comen also
Redi þe spouseing for to do.
¶ Þemperour seyd to Gij þere,
‘Mi douhter ich ȝiue þe here
& þritti castels wiþ hir also,
3810 Wiþ þe worþschip þat liþ þerto.
& half mi lond ich ȝiue þe
Bifor mi barouns þat here be.
Þou schalt ben emperour after me;
Biforn hem alle y graunt it þe.’
3815 ‘Alle’ he seyd ‘þat þou bedest me
Ichil afong’ quaþ Gij ‘wiþ hert fre.’
Þe erchebischop come forþ {f.129rb}

Wiþ a ring þat miche was worþ.
He tok it Gij & he it gan afong.
3820 & Gij biþouȝt him þan wel strong,
He biþouȝt þan in his wille
Þat Felice he schuld don vnskille.
He þouȝt him repent & wiþdrawe,
Wheþer he miȝt hir lete oþer haue.
3825 Leuer him þouȝt to han hir bodi on,
Wiþouten siluer & gold & precious ston,
Þan alle oþer þat were o liue
Wiþ alle þe gode men miȝt him ȝiue.
Gij sett him adoun anon
3830 & seyd swiche iuel is comen him on
Þat he no may of þe stede gon.
Him þenkeþ his hert brekeþ ato.
Gij fel aswoning in þat plas
& aros vp sone after þas.
3835 Gij seyd an heye to þemperour,
‘Sir, y þe pray, par amour,
Þat þis fest deleyed be
Fort efsones, y bidde þe,
Þat ich am apassed þis hache
3840 & þat ich in gode hele be.’
Quaþ þemperour: ‘þat reweþ me
Þis sposayl schal delayed be.’
Þennes hij gon alle yfere
Alle sone wiþ droupeand chere.
3845 Þat maiden wepe & was sori
For Gij no miȝt hir spousi,
For neuer more hij no wende
Wiþ loue com him hende,
No ioie ne may comen hir inne
3850 For hij no wende him neuer winne.
Sche wrong hir honden & wepe sore,
Sorwe made neuer wiman more;
Sche wrong hir fingres & tar hir here
& curssed þe time þat moder hir ber
3855 & þe time þat hye biȝeten was;
Neuer woman wers nas.
Gij is to his in ygo.
No wist noman of his wo
Bot himself bi niȝt & day;
3860 Al a fourten niȝt sike he lay
Þat he no com his bed fram {f.129va} 
No out atte dore he no cam.
Now wille we of Gij duelle
& of his lyoun ichil ȝou telle,
3865 Of his lyoun hou he fard
Þer while þat Gij lay sike so hard.
Nold he noiþer ete no drink
Ac sorwe he made & gret morning.
Gij cleped Herhaud him to
3870 & alle his conseyl schewed him þo.
‘Sir Herhaud’ he seyd ‘conseyl me.
Of þi conseyl ich oxi þe
ȝif y schal þemperours douhter take
Or ȝete abide forþ & hir forsake?
3875 Ich haue a leman in Jnglond –
To telle þe nil y nouȝt wond –
Þerls douhter Rohaut, ywis,
Felice þat feir maiden of pris.
Oþer þan hir loue y no may
3880 Sir Herhaud, for soþe to say.’
Herhaud onswerd: ‘ichil ȝou telle
Þe best conseyl ich haue in wille.
ȝif þou þemperours douhter afo
Riche þou best euer mo.
3885 After him þou best emperour;
God haþ ydon þe gret anour.
In þe world ne worþ man of so gret miȝt
No of so gret pouer ypliȝt;
More riches þe worþ bi a þousandel
3890 Boþe of cites & of riche castel,
Forestes ful of hertes beld,
Þan þerl Rohaut haþ in weld.’
‘Stille be þou’ quaþ Gij ‘of þat þouȝt.
Now ich wot þou louest me nouȝt
3895 When þou conseyls me mi leman fro.
Mi liif to lese nil ich it do.’
‘Sir’ quaþ Herhaud ‘ichil be stille
When it is oȝain þi wille.
Þat þou hir louedest wist y nouȝt,
3900 & þo þou of conseyl me bisouȝt,
Þe best ich wold ȝiue þe
Þat ich hadde wiþin me.
When þou Felice loues so,
Vnriȝt it were & þou hir forgo.’
3905 Gij aros after þe fourtenniȝt {f.129vb}
Glad & bliþe wiþ hert liȝt.
He is to þe court ycome
& ful welcome to alle & some.
Wiþ him his lyoun to court ȝe[de] þo
3910 Þurth whom aros gret sorwe & wo.
Þemperour of Gij wel bliþe he was,
Into al þe court no noþer þer nas
Al bot Morgadour sikerliche.
He hated Gij wel inliche;
3915 For þe maiden he hadde Gij in hete.
Gij bileft in court atte mete
Him to play & solanci.
Þo at þe court bileft sir Gij
Þer whiles þe king ate mete sat
3920 Þe lyoun goþ to play wiþouten þe ȝat
In pais wiþouten vilanie.
Herkeneþ now lordinges gladli.
When þemperour hadde y(h)ete
Gode while Gij haþ bi him sete
3925 Wiþ him to pley in compeynie;
Solas he loued wiþouten vilanie.
Þat ich while his lyoun
ȝede out of þe pauiloun.
Al abouten he is ygo
3930 For to resten him in a wro;
Oȝain þe sonne he slepe in a stede
Gret while of þe day & so he dede.
When Gij wold his way he nam
Vnto his in þat he cam.
3935 Þe lyoun no folwed him nouȝt,
In an erber he slepe wel soft.
Þan was þe steward goinde
Into an orchard alon cominde.
Vnder a windowe he him seye
3940 Wher þe lyoun lay wel neye
For to resten him in a wro.
‘Bi God’ quaþ þe steward þo,
‘Þe lyoun liþ here now slepeing’
Seyd Morgadour in his þouȝt þenking.
3945 A scharpe wepen þer forþ he drouȝ
& þe lyoun þerwiþ he slouȝ.
Þe lyoun afrayd vp stert
As he þat was to deþ yhert.
Ac a maiden þat yseye {f.130ra} 
3950 & grad to þe steward an heye,
‘Sir steward, þat was iuel ysmite.
In vnworþschip it worþ þe atwite.’
Þe lyoun him goþ forþ groning
His guttes after him draweing;
3955 To Gyes in he is ygo,
In a chaumber he fond him þo.
At his fete he fel doun in þat stede
To hauen of him socour at nede.
His hondes he gan to licky
3960 Þat was his loue sikerly.
When Gij þat lyoun wounded seþ
For sorwe him þouȝt his hert clef.
‘O lord’ he seyd ‘God almiȝt,
Who haþ þe so iuel ydiȝt?
3965 Þat mi lyoun haþ yslawe me
Y nold it wer don for þis cite
No þat þerto bilonge.
So michel sorwe me haþ afong.’
In swiche wretþe & grame anouȝ
3970 His gode swerd wiþ strengþe he drouȝ.
Seþþen on his stede he wond
His swerd ydrawe in his hond.
To þe court he com prikeing,
Wele hij seyen bi his lokeing
3975 Þat he is sori & swiþe wroþ;
Alle oȝaines him þai goþ.
‘Lordinges’ quaþ Gij ‘ich ȝou biseche
ȝif ani of ȝou me can teche
Who slouȝ mi lyoun today?’
3980 Alle þai seyd ‘sir, certes, nay.’
Wiþ þat into þe halle he come;
A maiden he mett þer anon.
¶ ‘Sir Gij’ he seyd ‘leue swete.
Is þi lyoun ded or liues ȝete?
3985 For þurthout smite ichim seye.’
Þo seyd Gij ‘mi swete lef, ney.
Ich þe bidde forhele it nouȝt
Who haþ mi lyoun to deþ ybrouȝt?’
‘Sir’ sche seyd ‘Morgadour,
3990 Þat is steward wiþ þemperour,
Þurth þe bodi he him smot.
His deþ it worþ, wele y wot.’
When he herd þat ich feloun {f.130rb} 
Hadde yslawe his lyoun,
3995 Out of halle he gan driue
Fram chaumber to chaumber also swiþe
Wiþ naked swerd in his hond;
ȝif he him findeþ he goþ to schond.
Into a chaumber he com þat stounde
4000 & Morgadour sone he founde
Wiþ his nevou in conseyl fast.
When þai seye Gij þai weren agast.
Gij seyd ‘þou me hast bitreyd
When þou to grounde mi lyoun leyd.
4005 No dede ich þe neuer bot gode,
Þou fel treytour vnkinde blod.’
¶ Morgadour answerd anon,
Stalworþ kniȝt as he was on,
‘Þou lexst amidward þi teþ
4010 & þerfore haue þou maugreþ.
Whi berstow me on treysoun
Þat ich haue sleyn þi lioun?’
Gij wiþ his kniif smite he wold
Ac Gij him suffri nold.
4015 His swerd anon vp he hef,
Morgadour doun riȝt he clef
Fram þe heued doun to þe fot;
Of þat stroke no com him neuer bot.
When his nevou yseye þat cas,
4020 Þat his em so smiten was,
Him to awreke him þouȝt long,
& as he schuld his dart afong,
His arme atvo smot Gij,
& he him anon crid merci.
4025 Gij for rewþe is þennes ygon
& cam to þemperour anon
& seþþe he seyd to þemperour,
‘Ich haue þe serued wiþ gret honour,
ȝolden þou hast me iuel mi while
4030 When þi folk þurth tresoun & gile
Haue mi lyoun to deþ ybrouȝt.
Mi while is iuel ȝalt. He it haþ abouȝt.
For soþe he me to þe biwreyd,
& now to grounde mi lyoun is leyd.
4035 Ded he liþe al tohewe
Þi steward at wordes fewe.
Wele ich haue ȝolden him his treysoun {f.130va}

& þat he slouȝ mi lyoun.
Seþþe þou no miȝt nouȝt waranti me
4040 Wharto schuld y serui þe?
On oncouþe man in þi lond
When þou no dost him bot schond?
Harm me is & michel misdo;
Þerfore ichil fram þe go
4045 & in oþer cuntres serue y wile
Þer men wille ȝeld me mi while.’
‘Merci, sir Gij ‘seyd þemperour þo
‘ȝif ani of our haþ þe misdo
Swiche riȝt do als tow wilt
4050 & take þe amendes after þe gilt
For alle þai schul be þine men [an]on,
In þi nede serue þe ichon,
& at þi wille take her catel.
Wiþdrawe þi mod, sir, y bidde þe wel.
4055 Ich wil þatow tomorwen arly
Mi douhter at þe chirche spousy.’
¶ Gij answerd ‘þerof speke nouȝt,
Hir to nim nam ich nouȝt biþouȝt
For ȝif þou haddest me hir ȝiue,
4060 & ich hir toke þer whiles y liue,
Þan wold þi men anon –
Þat wonderful be mani on –
Þe seggen wiþ deshonour
Þou haddest made a pouer man emperour,
4065 & vnworþ þai wold holden of me
& sum edwite þer wold be
Þat þi douhter desperplid were
ȝif þou to me hadde ȝiuen her here.
Leuer ich hadde litel wiþ worþschipe
4070 Þan michel welden wiþ schenschipe.
Þerfore, sir emperour, y þe telle
In non maner bileuen y nille.
W(h)ende ichil into mi cuntre
Mine frendes to visite & to se.’
4075 Leue he toke wiþ þat speche
& seyd ‘Godes sone y þe biteche.’
When þemperour wiþholden him no may
He seþ his wille is to wende o way
Wepen he gan wiþ his eyȝen tvo;
4080 Alle þo of þe court dede also.
His grete tresour he dede forþ bring {f.130vb}

& bede it Gij to his likeing
Ac þerof liked him nouȝt to take,
Anouȝ he hadde of Sarraȝins blake.
4085 Also a gode man dede þemperour þere,
Þerafter to alle Gyes fere,
Riche tresour þan ȝaf he,
Gold & siluer gret plente,
As miche as þai wold vnderfo,
4090 For þemperour it comend so.
Gret [pris] þai ȝeue þemperour
Þat he was man of gret honour.
Gij diȝt him wiþ riche dubbeing,
Riche wede he dede for him bring.
4095 Of þemperour he toke his leue,
& he al wepend it him ȝeue
& alle þe kniȝtes of þe cite
Of euerichon leue nam he.
Þer miȝt men se sorwe make
4100 For sir Gij wold fram hem rake;
Wimen & children mani on
For him þai wepen euerichon.
Þer whiles he was in her ferred
Of no wer no stode hem drede.
4105 ¶ Þemperour cleped Herhaud him to
& aresound him tvene hem tvo,
‘Sir Herhaud, þou schalt bileue wiþ me.
Wele ich þe sigge, & siker þou be,
Þat ich in þis ȝere wille ȝiue þe
4110 Þe richest honour þat in mi lond be.’
‘Sir’ quaþ Herhaud ‘gramerci.
Wele ȝe wite ich am wiþ sir Gij;
Y no wil depart him fro
For non honour men may me do.’
4115 Sir Gij to his in is ygo
& areliche amorwe he aros þo.
Into Jnglond he went god-itot.
Ac when þemperour þat soþe wot
Þat Gij þe curteys is ygo
4120 At his hert him was ful wo;
So was Blauncheflour þe schene,
For his loue sche þoled tene.
Toward Jnglond is Gij ydrawe
& wiþ him Herhaud his gode felawe.
4125 Swiþe hastiliche þai gun ride, {f.131ra}
Þe weder was hot in somers tide.
¶ In May it was also ich wene
When floures sprede & springeþ grene.
Into a forest sir Gij is go
4130 Neye a cite nouȝt fer þerfro.
Þan seyd Gij to his meyney,
‘Wendeþ swiþe wel an heye
Mine in to nim in þe cite.
Ich wil a while here pleye me.’
4135 For to here þe foules singe
Þerin was þo his likeinge.
His folk he doþ fram him go,
Alon bileft sir Gij þo.
Hadde he noiþer knaue no grome
4140 Seriaunt no squier non.
Selcouþe it was for to here –
In priue stede stode Gij þere –
So michel he herd þo foules sing
Þat him þouȝt he was in gret longing.
4145 So mani þinges he ofþouȝt
Þat out of his riȝt way him brouȝt.
So long forþ he is rideing
In his weye forþ secheing
Þat o groning fram fer he herd.
4150 He oflist & þider he ferd.
Þe mening seyd ‘allas, allas,
Þat ich was born for swiche trespas;
Ac now is me iuel bifelle.
Deþ whi wiltow so long duelle?’
4155 Þiderward sir Gij him drouȝ
& loked vnder an haweþorn bouȝ.
Þe bodi he seye of a kniȝt,
Þerof he hadde wonder, apliȝt.
Feir & michel he him seþ;
4160 Gij þenkeþ michel & nouȝt no seyþ.
Þat hors he prikeþ & forþ he goþ,
Þat bodi he bihalt inliche, for soþ.
His barbel first adoun he deþ,
Wiþouten colour his neb he seþ
4165 For þe blod he hadde forlore
Þat of his bodi he hadde forþ bore.
Ygirt he was wiþ a gode swerd
Þat was wele kerueand doun to þe uerd.
Wele he was y-armed gentilliche {f.131rb} 
4170 Gij of him hadde reuþe miche.
His name he asked sweteliche
Who him biseye so reweliche.
‘What is þi name? where wer þou bore?
& who haþ ywounded þe so sore?
4175 Ich þe bidde þatow say me
& for soþe y pliȝt þe
For me schaltow harm haue non.
Who haþ þe þus iuel bigon?’
He answerd ‘þat wille y nouȝt.
4180 In mine hert is swiche sorwe brouȝt
Þat y dar schewe þe no speche.
Lete me dye y þe biseche.
So michel sigge y þe, sir kniȝt,
ȝif þou wilt pliȝt me anonriȝt
4185 Þi treuþe in hond mine,
Siker þou be þat al mi pine
& alle mine estris ichil telle þe,
Elles no wostow it nouȝt for me.’
His treuþe sone he him pliȝt,
4190 His liif he teld him anonriȝt.
‘Now’ he seyd ‘sir kniȝt fre,
Mi name y þe telle & whennes y be.
Of Gormoise icham cleped Tirri
Þeld erls sone Aubri;
4195 Wiþ þe douke of Loreyne ichaue ybe.
A feir douhter þan hadde he;
Ouer alle oþer we loueden ous
& for loue treuþe pliȝten þus.
For non oþer sche nold me lete
4200 No y no loued non bot þat swete.
In Godes lawe, for soþe ywis,
Swiche a treuþe bitvix ous is
Armes for hir loue y nam,
& now y þouȝt to han went ham.
4205 Mi priis ichaue wide ysouȝt
Fram stede to oþer no wond y nouȝt.
¶ Þan come fram hir to me a sond
Þat brouȝt me miche sorwe an hond
Þat þe douke Otus of Paui
4210 Wald mi leman spousey,
To wham ich was treuþe-pliȝt.
Oisel was hir name ful riȝt
Þat bi letters sche sent to me {f.131va} 
& bi toknes þat wer so fre
4215 Þat ȝif ich hir habbe wold
Þat to hir comen y schold
To on day þat was ysett
Oþer sche worþ fro me fett.
To hirward y gan spede
4220 Wiþ þritti kniȝtes in mi ferred.
Eueriche of ous his stede bistrode
& riden ous forþ wiþouten abode
Wher þe douke Otus was & his ferred
Wiþ an hundred kniȝtes of gret pride
4225 & wele to hundred of seriaunce
Of Lombardy & of Fraunce
For to spouse min owhen wiif
Þat y loued more þan mi liif.
When y þat wist, y sent hir to
4230 So priueliche so ich miȝt it do
Þat hij schuld come to me.
For gret loue so dede sche;
To me sche come þurth queyntise,
Doun of þe castel in selcouþe wise
4235 Bi on cable alle sleyeliche
Þat folk it no founde sikerliche.
Y sett hir on a mule amblinde,
In þe way we dede ous rideinde.
Ac þer ich dede gret childhod
4240 Þat al to long y þer abod.
At our wending of þat cite
Þe liȝt day we miȝten se,
Þer we were yknowen þo
At a brigge as we hadde go,
4245 Þat ich for Oisel was ycome
Hir fader it was teld atte frome.
Þurth þe cite þe crie was gradde,
Þe maiden was oway ladde.
Þer miȝt men se kniȝtes on hors wende
4250 & me þai oftoken at þe brugge ende.
Þer we stronglich mett wiþ hem
Mani we slowen of her men.
Alle þai slouȝ mine feren
Þat swiþe gode kniȝtes weren.
4255 Me þai come to nim snelle
Ac y nold no longer duelle.
Ich toke mi leman on mi stede {f.131vb} 
& ouer þat water wiþ hir ich ȝede.
Alle þat day þai driuen me
4260 Alle fort þai no miȝt for niȝt yse.
When y was passed þe riuer ariȝt
In hert y was glad & liȝt.
Þat water passi þai no durstin
Þan owayward turn þai mostin.
4265 In þis forest y come rideinde
Bifor me mi leman ledeinde.
Y no dred robours no þef non
Ac al siker ich wende forþ gon.
What of wakeing & of fasting
4270 & eke þat oþer treueyling
Osleped swiþe sore ich was
& lay & slepe in þis plas.
Þan com fiftene outlawes strong
Wiþ her men & here me afong.
4275 Alle slepende þai wounded me,
Anon riȝt nomen he
Mi leman & han hir ladde fro me.
Now, sir, take þerof pite.
Bi þe treuþe þou hast me pliȝt
4280 Socour mi leman ȝif þou miȝt
& when þat ich dede be
Do me birij y bidde þe.
To þat hulle þou wende anon,
Þou hem findes þer ichon,
4285 & ȝif þat þou so miȝti be
Þatow may hem alle sle,
Winne þou miȝt a maiden fre;
In þe warld may non feirer be.
& ȝete y may þe more telle,
4290 Mi stede þai han þat is so snelle,
Þat wiþ strengþe in peyneme ich wan
Of Solagimis þe sone soudan;
Þerfore men han yboden me
.Xv. castels & touns & riche cite
cite: originally cites,
but s erased. |
4295 & .xv. somers of siluer & of gold,
Ac for an hundred ȝiuen ichit nold.
Now þou hast, sir, alle yherd
Hou ich am bitreyd & amerd.
Take mi scheld & mi hauberk of stiel
4300 & mi swerd þat biteþ wel
& mine armes ich am in diȝt {f.132ra} 
For ich þe se man of miche miȝt;
To quite þi treuþe þou hast ypliȝt.’
Þan stode þer sir Gij vpriȝt
4305 Wel depe in hert he haþ ysiȝt;
Grete pite he haþ of þat kniȝt.
He knewe Tirri for his frende
Þat lay þer in hard bende.
‘Sir’ he seyd ‘bi treuþe mine
4310 Þat ich haue pliȝt in hond þine
Euen forþ mi miȝt ichil help þe;
More miȝt þou nouȝt oxi me.’
Wiþ þat haþ Gij his brond ynome
& his hauberk atte frome
4315 His scheld & his oþer wede
& to þe hulle jn gret periil he ȝede.
A loge stonden þer he seye
& þer wiþouten a gode stede & heye
Þat was to a bouȝ yteyd.
4320 Gij þeron his talent leyd.
Sterneliche prikeing he come,
His swerd he drouȝ out anon.
He aliȝt & seyd at his cominge,
‘Þeues, ȝe be ded wiþouten lesinge.
4325 Awarid worþ ȝe ichon
Boþe ȝour flessche & ȝour bon.
Whi slouȝ ȝe þat ich kniȝt?
Alle ȝe schul die anonriȝt,
& ȝif ani so hardi be
4330 Þat hennes stir toward me
Ich wille ȝou for soþe say
He bes þe first þat schal day.’
An Almaunde he arauȝt
His heued of at þe first drauȝt.
4335 Ar ani of hem hem were miȝt
Alle he hem slouȝ, y ȝou pliȝt.
Þo he hadde hem slaun ichon
He lepe opon his stede anon.
Comen he is to þat mayde,
4340 Wel sweteliche to hir he seyde,
‘Na more sori þou no be
Ac arise vp & com wiþ me.
To þi leman y bringe þe sket
Vnder þe þorn þer þou him let.’
4345 Opon a mule sche warþ anon, {f.132rb}
To þe haweþorn þai ben ygon,
Ac þai no haue nouȝt þe kniȝt yfounde,
Yladde he was owai þat stounde.
Þo he fond him nouȝt he was sori
4350 For he wend wel sikerli
Þat lyouns him hadde todrawe.
He loked adoun vnder þe wode schawe
ȝif he ouȝt yherd loude or heye
Of hors traces hy þer seye.
4355 ¶ Þat maiden he lete þare
& after swiþe he is yfare.
So fast he rode þat he com neye
Four kniȝtes he þer seye.
Gij oftoke sone þat ferrede
4360 & seye þan kn[i]ȝt wiþ hem lede.
Gij þat heye rode on his stede
ȝernne he bad ȝif he miȝt spede.
To þe kniȝtes sir Gij him sade,
‘Lordinges, þilke lord þat ȝou made
4365 & þe niȝt & þe briȝt day
ȝou do worþschipe so wele he may.
ȝif it be ȝour wille speke wiþ me
To mi speche vnderstond ȝe.
Lordinges ich haue mi treuþe ypliȝt
4370 To him þat ȝe lede þ[i]lke kniȝt
Þat biri y schal his bodi;
Mi treuþe y him pliȝt sikerly.
Al for loue ich ȝou biseche
His bodi þat ȝe me biteche.
4375 Þat o kniȝt went to himward
Þat was þe douke Otus steward
Þat hadde ypassed þe riuere
In a bot þat he fond þere
& seyd to Gij ‘who artow?
4380 Als a fole comen artow now.
Comestow now to aski riȝt
To haue þe bodi of our kniȝt?
For his fere we nim þe snelle.
To þe douke Otous lede we þe wille
4385 & ȝe schul boþe demed be
& heye hong on galwe tre.’
Gij him seyd ‘þou mi[s]seyst
& bi mine heued þou it abeyst.’
Opon þe heued Gij him smot {f.132va} 
4390 Vnto þe girdel stede þat swerd bot.
Anoþer he smot riȝt anon,
Spare nold [he] neuer on.
Of his hors he has him feld
His heued he dede fleye in þe feld.
4395 Wiþ þat come þe gode Hogoun,
Þe doukes nevou Otoun.
He smot Gij on þe scheld bifore
Þat neye he haþ his swerd forlore.
For schame he hadde of þe stroke þare
4400 Gij smot Hogoun & nouȝt him forbare.
Ouerþuert þat swerd glod
& toclef him wiþouten abod.
Whar to schuld y make tale of nouȝt?
Alle he haþ hem to deþ ybrouȝt.
4405 He nam Tirri in his armes anon
& sett him his hors opon.
To þat haweþorn he is yfare
Þan fond he nouȝt þat maiden þare.
Lete we now of Gij be stille.
4410 More ȝe schul here ȝif ȝe wille
Of þat maiden hou sche was nome;
Þan schal we til our tale come.
Of Gyes felawes y wille ȝou telle,
So y finde in mi spelle,
4415 Þat so long were in þe cite.
Wonder hem þenkeþ where Gij be
For þe mete was alle ȝare
Wonder hem þouȝt wer Gij ware.
¶ Herhaud of Ardern & oþer mo
4420 Into þe forest þai ben ygo.
Þai [ne] miȝt finde [him] for no secheing.
Herhaud cast sone his lokeing,
Biside him he herd a mening
Also it were a woman schricheing.
4425 Hye bigan loude to grede,
Herhaud neyȝed & his ferrede.
Þe haweþorn þai ȝede wel neye
& þe (þe) maiden þer þai seye.
Herhaud hir oxed what hij was.
4430 Sche no told him nouȝt al her cas
Bot þat sche was a wriche wiman
Þat michel sorwe so was an.
For alle þat sorwe þan hade he {f.132vb}

For sche no miȝt hir leman se.
4435 Sche forbede him anonriȝt
Þat noman sett on hir siȝt.
Herhand tok þat mayde wiþ him
& ladde hir hom to his in.
Now wende we oȝain to our spelle
4440 Þat ȝe me herd er þan telle
Of Gij & Tirri þerls sone
Hou þai ben to þe haweþorn come.
When hij þider ycomen were
No fond hij nouȝt þe maiden þere.
4445 Gij bileft þer sir Tirri
& souȝt þat maiden bi & bi,
Op & doun he ȝede hir secheinde
& sorwefulliche hir bimeninde.
He wende sche were stole wiþ outlawe
4450 Oþer wiþ wilde bestes ydrawe.
For hir in hert him was ful wo
Þat he no wist what to do.
No wist he what do he miȝt
To þe cite he went anonriȝt.
4455 When he hir finde no may
Homward he most take þe way.
Þan toke he þat kniȝt
On his stede nek he sett him riȝt.
Ycomen he is to þe cite,
4460 His men al sori findeþ he
& when hij her lord seye come
Bliþe þai were alle & some.
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘nimeþ þis bodi
& to þe grounde it lay wel softli.’
4465 Þe bodi þai toke of þat kniȝt
Opon a pal leyd it anonriȝt.
Gij haþ ofsent leches þere,
Þe wisest þat in þat cite were.
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘vnderstond to me.
4470 ȝif ȝe þis kniȝt þat ȝe here se
May on him his woundes hele,
It worþ ȝou ȝolden eueridele.
ȝif he dede or liues be
Ich bihot ȝou min frende fre
4475 Him to hele ȝour miȝt ȝe do
An hundred besaunce y ȝif þerto.’
Þai groped his veynes & his wounde, {f.133ra}

Þai feld hem boþe hele & sounde,
Wele hij seþ he nis nouȝt dede.
4480 Þe leches taken hem to rede;
In forward hele him þai wille
In non maner lete þai nille.
¶ Þer whiles ofherd sir Gij
Noise & wepe & wel gret crie.
4485 His chaumberleyn he cleped him to
& alle in wretþe he oxed him þo
Who it was þat noise made;
Bid hem alle be bliþe & glade.
‘Sir’ he seyd ‘a maiden it is
4490 Þat Herhaud fond, wel feir ywis,
Vnder an haweþorn in þe forest.’
Quaþ Gij ‘fete hir to me in hast,
Swiþe þat ich miȝt hir se;
Now hastiliche bringeþ hir to me.’
4495 Þe chaumberleyn is forþ ygon
& brouȝt hir biforn hem anon.
Gij hir knewe & gan hir gret:
‘Welcome be þou, mi lef swete.’
As sche was into þe halle ycome
4500 Wepeinde & sorwende vndernome
Wiþ þat hij seye þat bodi, ywis,
Liggend on a pal of pris.
¶ ‘A leman Tirri’ quaþ sche þo,
‘What y se þi neb al blo
4505 Þat so white of colour was;
Þi better neuer yborn nas.
In wroched time mi bodi þou say
When þou schalt for me day.
Dye ichil forþ wiþ þe,
4510 For sorwe liues no may y be,
Bot y may dye ichil me quelle,
Leng to libbe is nouȝt mi wille.
Seþþen þou hast þi deþ for me
For soþe dye ichil for þe.’
4515 When sche seye Tirri hir leman
Ouer him sche fel aswon onan.
Gij hir in his armes nam
& seyd to hir ‘mi leue leman
No make þou nouȝt sorwe so miche;
4520 Þi leman worþ hole hastiliche.’
In þat cite þai bileued þere {f.133rb}

What Tirry was hole & fere.
To þe wode þai ben ygo
Miche loue was bitven hem to.
4525 On a day as þai com fram hunting
Gij seyd to Tirry wiþouten lesing
‘Ich wil þat we be treuþe-pliȝt
& sworn breþer anonriȝt,
Tirri’ seyd (to) sir Gyoun.
4530 ‘Vnderstond now to mi resoun
Þat noiþer oþer after þis
No faile oþer while he liues is.’
¶ Wiþ þat answerd þerl Tirri
& seyd ‘wel bleþelich, sir Gij,
4535 Now þou louest so miche me
Þat tow mi sworn broþer wil be
No wille ich neuer feyle þe
For nouȝt þat mai bifalle me.
Gret worþschip þou hast don me,
4540 God leue me ȝete þan day yse
Þat ich it þe mow wele ȝeld
For gode baroun þou art yheld.
Fram deþ þou hast ywarist me,
Wel gret wrong it schuld be
4545 Bot ich þe loued as mi lord fre;
Wel gret worþschip ich ouȝt bere þe.’
Treuþe bitven hem is pliȝt
& after kist anonriȝt.
Seþþen þai went into þe cite
4550 Wiþ ioie & mirþe gamen & gle.
Now Gij him makeþ him alle ȝare
Into Jnglond for to fare.
Tirri he wald lede wiþ him þo
& Oysel his leman þat he loued so.
4555 To þe king þai wold hem aqueynti
& gode þrowe wiþ him soiornni.
Biteche he him wille his castels alle
So he him biþouȝt ȝif it miȝt falle.
¶ It was opon a somers day
4560 Gij out at a windowe lay
To Tirri he spac of her fare
Of her wele & of her care.
Wiþ þat com prikeing anonriȝt
A kniȝt he semed wele, apliȝt,
4565 Wele he semed he treuaild were. {f.133va}
Gij anon clept to him þere
‘Sir kniȝt ‘he seyd ‘whennes comestow?
& what þou sechest telle me now.’
¶ Þe kniȝt answerd ‘jichil þe telle
4570 & nouȝt þerof leyȝen y nille.
Tirri of Gurmoise y go secheinde
Þerl sone Aubri wele doinde.
In mani londes ich haue him souȝt.’
‘Wharto’ quaþ Gij ‘hele it nouȝt.’
4575 ‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘y telle þe sone
Of a gret sorwe þat is ydone.
Tirri serued þe douke Loyere,
Þe douke him loued & held him dere,
& ȝaf him armes wiþ gret honour;
4580 Kniȝt he bicome of gret valour.
Þe douke hadde a feir douhter for þe meistri
Þat was yȝouen to þe douke of Paui.
Tirri hir loued & oway ladde
Wharþurth mani man þe deþ hadde.
4585 Wiþ strengþe him folwed kniȝtes bliue,
Y not wher he be ȝete oliue.
¶ Þe douke Loyer biþouȝt him þo
Opon his fader for to go.
Þe douke Loyer wiþ him ladde
4590 Þe douke of Paui þider he hadde
Wiþ his gode cheualrie
Þe best of al Lombardye.
In Gormoise þerl bisett han he
& destrud alle his cuntre.
4595 Bot God me leue Tirri finde
Þat he be his fader helpinde
Al his lond him tit forgo;
No schal he it oȝain win neuer mo.
His fader no may armes weld
4600 No no lenge help him self for eld.’
¶ ‘Sir kniȝt’ þan seyd sir Gij,
‘Her wiþ ous þou schalt herberwei
& of þerl Tirri telle y þe
ȝif ich ouȝt can mi frende fre.’
4605 ‘Gramerci, sir’ þan seyd he,
‘Of him to here leue war me.’
Gij hete his folk hastiliche
Þat hye him vnderfeng curteysliche.
‘Ichil þe telle’ quaþ sir Gij, {f.133vb}

4610 ‘Þat y can of þerl Tirri.’
When þai hadde d[r]onken in þe halle
& glad þai were y telle ȝou alle
¶ Þan seyd þerl Tirri,
‘For loue y bidde þe, sir Gij,
4615 Oȝain to mi cuntre com wiþ me,
Also we sworn breþer be,
Mi fader to help þat we spede,
For of help he haþ gret nede.’
‘Be stille’ seyd Gij ‘what seystow me?
4620 Þat day to God vnworþi y be
ȝif y sir Tirri feyle þe
Þerwhiles þat ich haue liif in me.’
‘Sir Gij’ he seyd (he) ‘gramerci
Þilke y sigge þe sikerly.’
4625 Now sendeþ Gij after kniȝtes snelle
Almaines swiþe & of gode wille.
To him þer come gret plente;
Er þe tventiday ycomen be
Fif hundred kniȝtes hardi & hende
4630 To Tirri come for his frende
& seyd to Tirri ‘to þi fader we wil gon.
Wele we it auȝt to don;
Wel redi we ben ichon.’
So long þai han forþ ygon
4635 Ycomen þai ben to Gormoise.
In þat cite was gret noise.
In an euening þai com to þe cite
Þat hye wiþouten aperceiued nar he.
Wel glad him was þerl Aubri
4640 Of þe cominge of his sone Tirri
& of sir Gyes coming
Þat gode kniȝt was wiþouten lesing.
Her eyȝen watred for gladnesse,
Alle þai ȝede oȝain him to kisse.
4645 ‘Leue fader’ seyd sir Tirri,
‘Worþschip wele now sir Gij;
Felawes we ben treuþe-ypliȝt.
Y wil þat ȝe it wite now riȝt
Fram deþ he haþ yheled me.’
4650 Quaþ þerl ‘God yþonked mot
it be.
Hennes forward alle þat min is
To his wille schal ben, ywis,
His hest to don & his wille {f.134ra} 
Erliche & lat, loude & stille.
4655 A wel eld man ich am, ywis,
Þat y bar armes tventi ȝer it is;
Ylorn ich haue cheualrie
Of mi lond haue þou þe meistrie.’
Þan yherberwed weren he
4660 Worþschipliche in þat cite.
In þe cite gret noise is made
Of þe barouns com þai ben wel glade.
Þerin is now þerl Aubri
So is sir Gij & sir Tirri.
4665 An arnmorwe aros sir Gij
& cleped to him his compeynie.
Bifor þerl þan þai ferden
& a gret crie þai herden
Of þe barouns of þe cite.
4670 Anon oxed Gij þe fre
Of þat noise what it was.
A squier told him al þat cas
‘Þe douke steward Loyer
For present he comeþ to iusti here
4675 ȝif he finde wiþ whom to do
Þat ani kniȝt durst cum him to.’
Sir Gij answer[d] ‘ȝif y may
Þerof him worþ his fille today.’
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘ginneþ ȝou armi
4680 & gin whe hem to asaily.’
‘Sir erl Tirri’ Gij him sede,
‘Take to hundred kniȝtes in þi ferred.
Þe lordinges to aseyl ȝe go.
This line written at the end
of the column, its
correct position marked
by a-b and crosses. |
In Herhaud & in me trist also.
4685 We wil abide in þis cite
In þi nede we schul socour þe.’
Tirri nimeþ wiþ him kniȝtes
To hundred armed in fiȝtes.
Out of þe cite he nam his way;
4690 Mani scheld he todrof þat day.
Tirri smot wiþ gret miȝt
Opon þe helmes þat schine briȝt.
Þurth þe bodi a kniȝt he bar;
Ded he feld him adoun þar.
4695 Anoþer lording he smot þo,
His hauberk nas him worþ a slo,
Þurth his bodi þe brond went; {f.134rb}

Ded he feld him verrament.
Ich on of hem þat he toke he slouȝ
4700 Were it wiþ riȝt, were it wiþ wouȝ.
Wel fel kniȝtes þer weren yfeld
Þat lay long streȝte in þe feld;
Sum were þurth þe bodi wounde
& sum lay ded opon þe grounde.
4705 So wele dede þerl Tirri
& wiþ him alle his compeynie,
Þe lordinges þai han so þurth-gon
Þat ded þai fel mani on.
Tirri smot to þe constable,
4710 Of his stede he feld him wiþouten fable,
& ney he hadde him wonne in fiȝt.
Þer com an hundred kniȝtes of gret miȝt,
Alle þai folwed him abaundoun
& he mett wiþ hem als a lyoun.
4715 Mani heuedes he dede of fle;
Alle þat he smot ded most be.
Tirri misdede nouȝt for þan,
Þer he les his feren euerich man
Þurth strengþe of þe lordinges snelle,
4720 Fif hundred of kniȝtes felle.
Tirries felawes ben ouercome
Ofheld, yslawe, oþer ynome.
Ac Tirri hem goþ þan meteing
Wiþ mani strok of his brond kerueing.
4725 A fot no deyned him nouȝt to fle
No his stede wiþwende oȝe.
His feren he rescoud as a gode kniȝt
Mani on he feld ded anonriȝt.
Þan seyd Herhaud ‘leue sir Gij,
4730 Sestow now þe gode erl Tirri?
Of grete valour now so is he
His better wot y non bot te.
Him to socour we auȝt to go.’
Gij him answerd ‘we schul so.’
4735 Forþ þai ȝede wiþ gode welle
Þe lordinges hij astounded snelle.
Wiþ þat com forþ sir Gij
In his hond his swerd blodi;
Wel heteliche he smot a kniȝt,
4740 His bodi he clef adoun riȝt.
Anoþer kniȝt he smot anon {f.134va} 
Þat ded he feld him on þe ston.
Sir Gij him smot to Gayer
Þat was þe doukes nevou Loyer;
4745 Of his hors he haþ him feld
Þurth Tirries help in þe feld;
For he smot his felawe,
In þe sond he haþ him slawe.
Herhaud smot anoþer forþ,
4750 His armes was him nouȝt worþ.
Þurth his bodi þe swerd ȝede,
Ded he feld him of his stede.
Anoþer he smot him as gode kniȝt,
Of his stede he feld him doun riȝt.
4755 Now þai ginne togider smite,
Non no spared oþer bot lite.
Togider þai smite hard wiþ alle,
Mani on þer was ded & doun falle.
Who þat seye þan þerl Tirri
4760 Wiþ his felawe sir Gi
& Herhaud of Arderne þe gode
Þat wele to smite was in his mode.
So mani þai nomen & feld þat day,
Is non þe best chese may
4765 Of þre kniȝtes so wele doinde
Oȝain þe Loreyns fiȝting.
Gij to þe steward haþ ysmite,
Of his hors he feld him wiþ hete.
Þurth strengþe of fiȝt he him wan;
4770 Þe oþer oway fleye ich man.
Gij & Tirri hem folweþ stron[g]liche
& her ferren hardiliche.
Alle þai ben ded oþer ouercome,
Þer bileued non vnnome.
4775 Gij & Tirri oȝain ben ygon
Wiþ hem þai ladde her prisouns ichon.
Wharto schuld y þer of lye?
Þat day þai hadde þe maistrie.
Þan com forþ a kniȝt þer
4780 Þe tiding teld þe douke Loyer.
‘Sir douk’ he seyd ‘vnderstond to me.
To ben awreken now biþenke þe.
Bifor Gormoise þat cite
On arnemorwe þan come we
4785 Wiþ fif hundred of gode kniȝtes {f.134vb}
An acumbraunce ous come anonriȝtes.
Alle nomen & slawen ben hye
Wiþ him of Warwike, sir Gij.
Oȝein ne beþ nouȝt comen fourti.
4790 Repeired is þerl sir Tirri
Herhaud of Ardern þe gode marchis
& wiþ hem fif hundred kniȝtes of pris
Þat gode ben to fiȝt & modi;
Þine kniȝtes þai han sleyn bi & bi.
4795 Þe douk answerd ‘is it soþe þis
Þat þerl Tirri repeired is,
Gij of Warwike & Herhaud also,
& her feren þat gode ben mo?
Þe fende hem haþ þider ybrouȝt,
4800 To slen ous alle þai han in þouȝt.’
¶ Þan bispac Otus of Paui –
To Gij he bar gret envie –
‘No þing, sir, desmay þou þe;
Ful wel we schul awreken be.
4805 Tomorwe we schal to þe cite go
Wiþ a þousend kniȝtes & mo
& ȝif þe treytours yfounden be
We schul hem aseyle y telle þe;
Euerichon þai worþen ded.’
4810 Quaþ þe douk ‘þat is a gode red.’
Wel erliche þai arisen þo
& to þe cite þai ben ygo
& a þousend kniȝtes in her compeynie
Þe best þat were in Lombardye.
4815 Alle þai þreten sir Gij
Him for to slen & sir Tirri.
Togider fast þai gun smite
Wiþ swerdes þat wil wele bite.
Als Gij com fro chirche go
4820 Into a pleyne he loked þo,
He seye þe doukes ost was neye
So mani kniȝtes þer he seye.
Þan þerl Tirri he cleped him to
& to him wiȝtliche spac þo.
4825 ‘Sir erl’ he seyd ‘what schal we do?
Alle þe ost of Loreine y se, lo!
Þe ost of Loreyne wele ydiȝt
Wiþ scheldes & wiþ brinis briȝt.
Þe douk of Paui is ycome; {f.135ra} 
4830 By his armes y knowe þat gome.
Y no may him (he) loue, he is mi fo;
Gret wille me comeþ oȝain him go.’
Þerl seyd ‘arme we ous euerichon.
A þousend kniȝtes schul wiþ ous gon.’
4835 Gij him mett wiþ þerl Jordan –
Lord he was of alle Melan.
He smot him ouer þe gilden scheld;
Ded he feld him in þe feld.
Anon he smot anoþer kniȝt
4840 Þat ded he feld him anonriȝt.
¶ Wiþ þat come prike þerl Tirri
& mett wiþ a kniȝt hiȝt Amori
Þat was þe doukes constable Otoun;
To deþ he him smot wiþ his swerd broun.
4845 Anoþer he smot wiþ his brond
Þat ded he feld him on þe sond.
¶ Wiþ þat com prike Herhaud
& mett wiþ Gwishard þe Mouhaut.
Herhaud him haþ þer afeld
4850 Þat dede he lay in þe feld.
Þemperour wiþ þat ginneþ fle
On euerich half driuen ben he.
Swiþe hij hem nimeþ & quel[l]eþ
Bi þe pleynes þai gredeþ & ȝelleþ.
4855 Wel gret it was þe scomfitour,
To þe Lombardes bifel iuel auentour.
Bi þat side was Otous fleinde
In his hond his swerd kerueing.
Now folweþ him Herhaud alle on
4860 So swiþe so þe stede miȝt gon.
Als-so þe douk was flowen him fro
Þat no moder bern no seye him þo.
Bot Herhaud him folwed stouteliche
His bodi no drad he nouȝt miche.
4865 Bihinden him he smewe his wede
Þe lasse of him was his drede.
‘Biwende þe’ seyd Herhaud fre,
‘Þe douke of Paui & wer þou þe
Of þat ich wicked felonie
4870 Þat þou ous dede jn Lonbardye.’
When þe douke Otus þis yseye
It was Herhaud þat after him fleye
Hastiliche he haþ him mett {f.135rb} 
& at a diche him bisett.
4875 He smot him on þe helme briȝt,
A quarter of his helme doun riȝt.
Þan seyd þe treytour ‘glotoun,
Dye þou schalt wiþ resoun.
Ich þe abie in þis stede.’
4880 Herhaud anon to him sede,
¶ ‘Þou lexst’ he seyd ‘vile losaniour
Þou it abist bi seyn Sauour.’
Herhaud a strok him rauȝt
Opon his scheld wiþ gret mauȝt.
4885 On þe helme þat strok glod
& fel on þe stede þat he on rode.
So he mett him in þat stede
Þat his stede knewele he dede.
Vp stirt þe stede þat was snelle
4890 Þan come þer bi an hongend hille
Þe miȝti & þe hardi Gyoun,
In his hond he bar a trounsoun.
Otus he smot þerwiþ so
Þat he les his stiropes to.
4895 Þan seyd Gij to Otus so vnwrast,
‘To meward þou wende on hast
& were þe of þat felonie
Þat þou dest me in Lombardye.’
Otus him went wiþ gret hete,
4900 Þurth þe þei Gij he haþ ysmite.
Wiþ gret hete he smot Gyoun
Þat his stede knewled adoun.
Þan biþouȝt him sir Gij
To awreke him he hadde gret hye.
4905 Þe douke he seyleþ þere
& of his helme he carf a quarter.
He made him a croun brod þere
As a monke þat orderd were.
Of þat helme þat swerd glod
4910 Wiþ þat strok wiþouten abod.
Allas þat reuþe & þat sorwe
Þat he no hadde his bodi forcorue,
Ac in þat maner ȝete it schal wende
Whoso hereþ þis tale to þende.
4915 Þer him hadde Gij his heued binome
No hadde gret socour to him come;
An hundred kniȝtes & fifti {f.135va} 
Þat stalworþ were & hardi.
Þe douke þai ben to socour ycome,
4920 Mani Gij haþ her heuedes binome.
Wiþ þat þer come a stout Lombard
Of Mohaut he was yhoten Grimbald.
Gij he smot in þat stounde
Þurth þe scholder a grete wounde.
4925 Gij wold awreke him anon,
Opon his helme he hewe gode won.
Þan com ten kniȝtes prout
& Gij þai bisett about,
& Gij him wered wiþ his brond
4930 Til þat it brac vnto his hond.
‘Allas’ quaþ Gij ‘þis vnþang
Were no may y me nouȝt lang.’
¶ Þer come prikeand a prout Lombard
Atte last he held him a musard.
4935 Bi þe nasel he tok Gij
& seyd him a gret vilainie,
‘Þou wreche glotoun losaniour
Þou schalt þe ȝeld bi seyn Sauour.
Now ichil ȝeld þe to prisoun
4940 To mi lordes wille þe douke Otoun.’
‘Þou lext’ þan Gij sede,
‘Þou liþer bodi, so God me rede.
Erst þou it schalt abigge
Er þou me in prisoun legge.’
4945 Gij him smot so wiþ his fest
Þat his nek-bon tobrest.
Wiþ þat come anoþer kniȝt
Of Fraunce ybore, Amori he hiȝt,
Douke Otus soudour was he
4950 For his warisoun wiþ him to be.
‘Gij’ he seyd ‘now ȝeld þou þe
Al sikerliche now to me
Þe no tit harm litel no miche.’
‘Y nil’ quaþ Gij ‘sikerliche.
4955 ȝete no drede y nouȝt alle ȝou.
Sey me wreche what seistow?’
Wiþ þat come Herhaud prikeinde
& in his hond a swerd wele kerueinde.
He it brouȝt to gode Gyoun
4960 Þerwiþ he him werd as a lyoun.
Gij was socourd swiþe wel {f.135vb} 
When he hadde þe brond of stiel.
Neuer þer nas non so hardi
Þat enes durst com him bi.
4965 Wharto schuld ich held long tale
& michel speke about dualle?
Ac sigge ichil soþeliche
Wiþ fewe wordes simpeliche
Gij & Herhaud & Tirri þe fre
4970 Wiþ her felawes þat gode be
Han ouercomen þe batayle
Atte nende wiþouten faile.
Alle þe Lombard ben ouercome
Oway yflowen þer be some.
4975 Þe douk Otus oway fleye snelle
Gij him drof wiþ gode wille.
Otus him went & smot sir Gij,
& Gij opon him sikerly.
Gij fonded to smite wel
4980 Ac þat swerd glod sumdel
Bitvene þe bodi & þe arsoun.
Gyes swerd glod adoun
Þat þe sadel & þe stede also
Al togider he smot atvo.
4985 Þat he no hadde, allas, allas,
ȝouen him swiche anoþer so þat was.
Ac for vpcoming he no miȝt
So gret socour him com of kniȝt
Þat han ysocourd þe douke sone.
4990 Wiþ þat anonriȝt mididone
Gij & Tirri wiþwent ben he
& gon oȝain to þat cite.
Wiþ þat come Herhaud prikeinde
After þe douke loude gredeinde.
4995 ‘Douk’ he seyd ‘wende & were þe
Of þe tresoun þou dest Gij & me
Þat þou ous dede in Lombardye;
Were þe now of þat felonie.’
¶ Þe douk wiþwent him fot-hot
5000 & wiþ his brond he him smot.
Þer þai fouȝten togider snelle
& smiten strokes wiþ gode wille.
Þai hewe on armes & brini briȝt,
Þe blod sprang out anonriȝt.
5005 Bitvene hem was strong fiȝt, {f.136ra}
Aiþer no spard oþer no wiȝt.
Þan biginneþ Herhaud swiþe,
Bot he him wreke he is vnbliþe.
Fast he sayleþ þe douk Otoun,
5010 A quarter of his helme he smot adoun.
Opon his scholder þat swerd glod
& in he it schef an hand brod.
Opon his honden he dede him falle
& seþþe he tok him bi þe naselle.
5015 Bleþeliche he wold þe heued haue nom
Ac so mani kniȝtes to him come
& on Herhaud þai smiten snelle,
ȝernne þai strengþed him to quelle.
Herhaud mett wiþ hem þere,
5020 Made he no semblaunt þat he wounded were.
Wiþ a Lombard so mett he,
Þe heued he dede fram þe bodi fle.
As a gode kniȝt he werd him, ywis,
Ac swiþe liþer bifallen him is.
5025 Also he wald to þe cite go
His stede dyed vnder him þo.
Wiþ swerdes þai smiten him þan about
& on his helme hard him clout.
Þai hewe on his helme þat blod out ran
5030 Ac he werd him as a man.
Mani on he made blodi, y pliȝt,
Of Lombardes in þat fiȝt.
Of: f has been altered from b. |
A Lombard come forþ wiþ þan,
Richard he hete an onwrast man.
5035 To Herhaud he smot a strok grim
Þurth þe scholder wiþ a swerd in.
Herhaud wold of him be wreke,
On his helme a stroke he gan reke,
Ac he failed of him þo,
5040 Opon þe arsoun þe strok gan go.
Ac hetelich he pliȝt out þat brond
Þat it brak in his hond.
‘God what schal y do? ‘þan seyd he,
‘No lenger may ich weri me.
5045 A, swerd, he þat made þe
Of Godes mouþe acursed he be.
Why feylestow so sone me?
Iuel biseyn worþ y for þe.
Leuer me is her to be ded {f.136rb} 
5050 Þan hij my bodi wiþ hem led.’
Wiþ þat come driuend a Lombard,
Attelast he held him a couward.
By þe nasel he rauȝt him þo
& sternliche he seyd him to,
5055 ‘Feloun, þou schalt it abigge.
Today þou schal þine heued her ligge.’
Herhaud smot him wiþ his fest þo
Þat his nek bon brac atvo.
‘Ded no worþ y nouȝt for þe;
5060 Alle to heteliche þou com to me.’
Oȝainward him went sir Gij
So is þe gode erl Tirri.
Þe Lombardes þai han ouercome
What yslawe & ynome.
5065 After Herhaud he asked þo,
Whare he is & whider ygo.
A kniȝt it seyd him anon
Out of þe scomfite he was ygon
Strongliche a kniȝt driueing
5070 Þe douk Otus bi his witeing.
‘God merci’ þan Gij seyd,
‘Be mi frende ded icham bitreyd.
Herhaud þat so loued me
For no þing may y comfort be.’
5075 ‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘ginneþ ȝe to gon
& lede ȝour prisouns wiþ ȝou anon
& Herhaud ich seche wille.
Niȝt no day swiken y nille,
Liues or deþes, þat ich him se;
5080 ȝif ich him lese wo is me.
Com wiþ me felawe Tirri
Hastiliche Herhaud to socouri.’
Wiþ scharp spors þai smiten her stede
& sprongen forþ so spark on glede.
5085 Swiþe þai priked, for soþe to sigge,
Chalaunge on Herhaud to legge.
At an ende of þe ost bihalt Gij þo
Þe douk of Paui hou he is ygo
& þat Herhaud was ynome.
5090 Gret sor was at his hert ycome.
‘Bi God’ quaþ Gij ‘Herhaud y se
Bi: added in a later hand. |
Among his fon nomen is he.
Go we smite to hem Tirri {f.136va} 
For dout of deþ spare nil y.
5095 So gode a kniȝt leten y nille.’
Herhaud þai socourd snelle.
To a Lombard smot sir Gij
& feld him & his fere him by.
Tirri anoþer smite bigan
5100 Þat ded he feld boþe hors & man.
Swerdes þai drowen wiþouten feyle
Wharwiþ was wrouȝt mani batayle.
Þai hewe & slouȝ wiþ gret hete
So mani þer þe liif forlete.
5105 Herhaud þai socourd, mididone,
A gode swerd þai toke him sone.
Toward his ost þe douke heyeþ bliue
& Gij after him gan driue.
A strok him ȝaf sir Gyoun,
5110 Bitvene þe bodi & þe arsoun
Þe dint of þat strok aliȝt;
Þe stede he smot adoun riȝt.
Kniȝtes þan out of þat ost
To Gij lopen wiþ michel bost.
5115 Þurth þat gret ost went Gij snelle;
Þe Lombardes him folwed wiþ gode wille.
Tirri & Herhaud her ost metten þere
& of hem michel awonderd were
Hou hij fram þe ost aschaped is;
5120 Of hem þai hadden gret blis.
Gij & Tirri & Herhaud also
Oȝain to þe cite þai ben ygo,
& þe citiseins of þat cite
Wel often God þonkeden he.
5125 Þe douke Otus to his pauiloun he ȝede
& vnarmed him of his wede
& lete loken to his wounde
& went to þe douke Loyer in þat stounde.
His gret encumbraunce him telde
5130 Conseyl þerof he wold helde.
¶ Gij, Herhaud & Tirri also
To þe cite þai ben ygo,
Ioie þai make & blisse also.
Þe niȝt is comen þe day is go.
5135 ¶ Herkeneþ me ȝe þat ben in wille
Of a tresoun y schal ȝou telle
Þat was swiþe miche traisoun {f.136vb}

& ywrouȝt þurth þe douke Otoun.
Tellen ichil of þe douk Otoun
5140 Þat cruwel was & feloun.
To þe douk Loier he is ygon
& seyd ‘sir, herken me anon.
Bot þou gode conseyl chese
Al þi lond þou schalt forlese
5145 Þurth treytours þat ben comen her in,
Gij & Tirri & Herhaud wiþ him.
ȝif þou wilt here me speke
Þurth gile þou schalt ben awreke.
Oþerliker winnen hem y no may
5150 No noþer rede no can y say.
Man schal ben awreken of his fo
In what maner he may com to.’
¶ ‘Wel lef me were gode conseyl to here,’
Þus him answerd þe douk Loyer.
5155 ‘Sir douke, now y bidde þe
To þerl Aubri sende ȝe
& to his sone Tirri also;
Sende to sigge to hem bo
Þat þou wilt him þi douhter ȝeue
5160 Wiþ him to acord while þou liue,
& þat he com hider to þe
Riȝt siker þerof may þai be.
& when þai ben farn her iurne
& fer fram her cuntre
5165 Þe treitours þou schalt nimen icho[n]
& dem hem in þi court anon.
& so michel y bid þe
Gij & Herhaud ȝiue þou me,
& so þou schalt awreke be
5170 Of þine enmis as y telle þe.
& bot ȝe wil þus don
Þai worþ þi dedliche fon.’
Wiþ þat answerd þe douk Loer
‘Lat be, sir Otus, for seyn Richer,
5175 Þat felonie y nil hem nouȝt do
For nouȝt þat y miȝt afo.
Y nil bitray þerl Tirri
For loue þat he was mi norri
Fram childehed now he is a man.
5180 Now do ȝe þe best þat ȝe can
Catchword: & he wille amend to. |
& he wil amend oȝines me. {f.137ra} 
Bi him y nold no traysoun se
No Herhaud no Gij þe fre
No wille ich nouȝt bitreye y telle þe,
5185 For þai ben godemen alle þre;
Amende þai may oȝaines me.’
Otous answerd wiþ wicked mod
& seyd ‘sir no seystow bot gode.
When ȝe þe traitours loue so
5190 Þat ȝe no wille hem to deþ do;
In prisoun þou schalt hem legge
So þat hij it schul dere abigge
Alle fort þai han yfounden þe ostage
Þat hij no do þe non vtrage.’
5195 So he glosed þe douk in þat stede
& so ȝernne he haþ him bede
Þat he him graunted his talent
& þat fourme he haþ ofsent.
An erchebischop þan sent he,
5200 Þe wissest of alle þat cuntre,
Þe message he schewed him þo
& to þe cite he dede him go.
Þan he is to Gormoise come
& þer aliȝt þe gentil gome
5205 Þer fond he þerl Tirri
& his fader & eke sir Gij.
¶ ‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘herkeneþ now.
Þe douk me haþ ysent to ȝou
& greteþ ȝou wele, wil y nouȝt hele.
5210 Þe douke wiþ ȝou acord he wele
& amenden þat he haþ misdo;
He bit ȝou þat it be so.
Tirri he wille his douhter ȝiue
To haue hir while þat he liue.
5215 Into þe cite of Lorein he wil ȝe hir lede
& spouse hir þer wiþ gret ferrede,
& þer he wille þe bridal held,
Þerat schul ben his barouns beld.
Þat þe loue stedefast be
5220 Bitvene mi lord & þe
Hennes forward he seyd me
Schuld þe sposails couþe be.
Þan schul ȝe acordi
& togider sauȝten wele an hi.’
5225 ‘Sir’ seyd þerl Aubri, {f.137rb}
‘Yhere now me & gramerci;
Þe douke y þanke for þe frendschip
Þat he wil mi sone so miche worþschipe.
Bleþeliche we wil to him come
5230 At a day ysett alle & some.
Mi sone Tirri kepe wele þe
Þat bitrayed þou no be.
Me douteþ þe douke of Paui
Lest he do þe sum felonie.’
5235 Þe bischop answerd ‘þerof þou
no drede
Al siker ȝe beþ of þilke dede.’
Þe bischop oȝain yfarn he is;
Her answere he telleþ hem, ywis.
When þe day come þat was sett
5240 Þerl com forþ wiþouten lett
Wiþ to hundred kniȝtes & mo
Þat bliþe were þider to go.
Ac þerof þai dede foliliche;
Was þer non of hem sikerliche
5245 Þat ani wepen wiþ hem bere
So siker þai wende to be þere.
In riche cloþes þai were schred wele
Þat were gold broiden eueridel.
To þemperour þai comen anon
5250 (To) þerl Tirri & his men ichon.
Ycomen þai ben to þe douke Loer
& brouȝt þe maide wiþ leyȝeand cher.
Ycomen þai ben to þe parlement
For to here þat jugement.
5255 ‘Lordinges’ seyd þe douke Otoun,
‘Vnderstond now to mi resoun.
ȝe wite wel þat Tirri þat is here
Haþ agilt þe douke Loere
Þat him forþ brouȝt & armes him ȝaf.
5260 Iuel ȝolden he it him haþ
Now he bringeþ vncouþe folk miche
Opon his lond so dedliche.
Ac ichaue þe douke bisouȝt
& mine feren hider brouȝt
5265 Þat forȝif it be him euermo
& gret worþschipe he wil him do;
His douhter he wille him ȝiue
& gret worþschip while þat he liue.
& ichil wiþ Tirri wende {f.137va} 
5270 Henne forward we schul be frende.
‘ȝete vnderstond’ seyd sir Otoun,
‘Bifor ȝou alle y biseke sir Gyoun
ȝif ich him haue ouȝt misdo
Amenden ichil wele þerto
5275 Bi so þat he wille kisse me;
Euer eft we schul frendes be.’
‘Lat be’ seyd sir Gij þe fre,
‘No wille ichaue no cosse wiþ þe.
In Lombardye þou bitraydest me
5280 & min men þou dest sle.
Ac kisse þou schalt þerl Aubri
& wiþ him þou schalt acordi.’
¶ Þan seyd þe douk Loer,
‘Vnderstond now ȝe þat ben here
5285 Þat þerl sir Tirri,
Aubri sone þat is her bi,
He þat maiden Oysel schal spouse
In godes lawe vnto his house.
Acorded we ben of þat dede
5290 & forȝeuen al hatrede.’
Þan haþ þe douke ykist Tirri
For gret traisoun & nouȝt freli.
Gij & Herhaud held hem in pays.
Hye no kist Lombard no Tyays,
5295 Ac þe Loreins þai kist
& þe douke Loyer att first;
Ac Otus no kist þai nouȝt.
Þai no hadde to him no gode þouȝt.
Þan seyd to Loer þerl Aubri,
5300 ‘Þe ich biteche mi sone Tirri,
Alderfirst Ihesu heuen-king
& þe y biteche mi ȝongling.
No may ich for eld trauaily,
Hom ichil wende now an hye.’
5305 He bitauȝt hem God & gode day
He lete hem þar & went his way.
Gij & Herhaud þe maiden gan forþ lede
Oysel sche hete wiþ þe rode so rede.
Gret iurne þai riden þat day
5310 Fram Gormoise þai riden owai
Wele fiften mile oþer mo.
For gret hete þai resten hem þo
In a pleyne þai liȝten hem snelle {f.137vb}

Þer þai wald resten & duelle.
5315 When þai aliȝt, þe kniȝtes fre
Alle þai wende ynomen to be.
¶ Þan seyd Otus of Paui,
‘Herkeneþ to me al mi compeynie,
Þe Loreins & þe Lombardes ichon
5320 Alle þat in our side riden & gon,
Bi þe rede of þe douke Loer
Ichot boþe kniȝt & squier
Þat ȝe Gij, Herhaud & Tirri binde;
Fast her hondes hem bihinde.
5325 Into Loreine we lede hem snelle,
Tomorwe we schul hem hongen alle.
Whoso him feyneþ hem to nime
Forþwiþ hem men schal him blim.’
Þan lopen about hem þe Lombars
5330 As wicked coltes out of haras
& Loyers [men] deden also,
& þerfore hem was ful wo.
Anon Tirri aseylden he
& nomen him – he no miȝt nouȝt fle –
5335 & Herhaud þat was gode of miȝt
Þai nomen þer anonriȝt.
Gij vp stirt hastiliche
& to hem spac wel sternliche,
‘Now þe deuel hong ȝou ichon.
5340 Is þis acord now alle agon?
Worþschiped ous haþ þe douk Loer
Wiþ alle þe tresoun þat is her.
No war we acorded bifor þe barnage
& kist wiþouten vtrage?
5345 Þis has made þe douk Otoun
Þat is so ful of tresoun.
Alle þis tresoun he haþ bispeke –
God ous of him awreke –
For þurth þe no war it nouȝt
5350 Bot it were first of him yþouȝt.’
Þe douk Loer was so wo
O word no miȝt he speke þo.
Wiþ þat stirt forþ anonriȝt
Otus cossyn, an vnwrast kniȝt.
5355 Gij bi his mantel he drouȝ so
Þat þe tassels brosten ato.
Þan seyd a Tyas to a Lombard, {f.138ra} 
‘Now is Gij of Warwike a couward.
Lo, now he no haþ no miȝt;
5360 Lorn he haþ contenaunce, apliȝt.’
Wiþ þat þai speken hem þus bitven,
Gij seye it miȝt no noþer ben,
To him þat him held turned he
& ȝaf him swiche benedicite
5365 Þat he brak his nek ato.
Alle þe oþer on him þresten þo.
Þe mantel þat he had opon
To cloutes it was drawen anon
So þat ichon oway bar
5370 An pece of his mantel þar.
Gij werd him fast in þat sturbing –
Now helpe him Ihesu heuen-king.
Smer[t]liche þai gun him asaily,
He werd him as a kniȝt hardy
5375 So þat he neyȝed his stede,
For to him he hadde nede.
Wiþouten stirop he lepe þeron,
Mani on he made þat liif forgon.
When þe douk Otus þat yseye
5380 Þat Gij on his hors oway fleye
Anon he (he) seyd to his kniȝtes,
‘Now to hors wiþ alle ȝour miȝtes
For ȝif he passe ous in þis biker
Of mi liif am y nouȝt siker,
5385 & þerfore nimeþ him anon
Als ȝe wil haue mi loue ichon.
Bot ȝe bring him me to
We ben yschent for euer mo.’
An hors þai lopen þan on hast
5390 & driuen Gij swiþe fast,
& Gij no hadde wepen non.
Wold God of heuen þat made man
Þat he hadde his brond kerueing.
He no hadde þer no frende him helping.
5395 Bi þat o side oway he ginneþ fle.
Bot God of him haue pite
Þer he worþ yslawe anon,
Alle abouten him þai ben ygon.
Wiþ þat þer come rideing a kniȝt
5400 About his swere his scheld briȝt
& wiþ a spere opon his hond, {f.138rb} 
Toward Gij wel swiþe he wond
& þurth þe bodi smite him wold,
Ac God of heuen it suffre nold.
5405 Þe strok of þe spere it gan glide
Bitven þe arsoun & his side;
His blihaut he carf, his schert also.
Gij strongliche him mett þo,
Wiþ his fest he him smot so
5410 Þat to grounde he dede him go.
Wiþ þat sir Gij forþ him diȝt
Ac he mett wiþ anoþer kniȝt;
Swerd he bar þat wele wald bite,
In þe heued he wald Gij smite.
5415 Þe strok opon þe hors glod
Opon þe croupe a fot brod.
Þei he war aferd no wonder nas;
Gij ferd fram him an fast pas.
He seye wiþ þat a grom cominde
5420 To himward fast erneinge.
A gret soule in his hond he bar,
So wold God þat it war.
Gij wel feir him bisouȝt
ȝif him þe staf þat he brouȝt.
5425 ‘Ichil ȝeld it þe ful wel.’
‘Haue here, sir, bi seyn Miȝhel.
Wele ich þi gret nede se
Now God fram schame kepe þe.’
He tok þat soule in his hond,
5430 Anon forþ to hem he wond.
A Lombard wel sone he mett
& wiþ þe soule so him grett
Þat ded he feld him anon.
He tok his hors & gan to gon
5435 & seyd to þe grom þo,
‘Þou nim þis hors & gin to go.
Wiþ gode wille y ȝiue it þe
For þe staf þou lentest me.’
Þe knaue him þonked bliue,
5440 Oway wiþ þe hors he gan to driue.
Þan went forþ Gij þe gode
Nas neuer man of his mode
Þat better him werd in his ende
Er he out of þat fiȝt gan wende.
5445 ȝete he slouȝ on of her felawe. {f.138va}
In lasse while he hadde [him] yslawe
Þen men schold sigge a paternoster.
Y telle it ȝou bi Peter þe apostel
Þat neuer swiche nas yseye non.
5450 When he haþ ouercomen ichon
Wel long he werþ him þat day.
When he no lenge doure ne may
Þan seyd he to hem anon,
‘Þe deuel biteche ich ȝou ichon
5455 & namliche Otus of Pauie
Þat haþ ydon ous þis felonie
& ȝif ich a ȝer libbe may
He schal it abigge, for soþe to say.’
Þan is he goand oway ful ȝernne
5460 So þat he com to a water sterne.
In he him dede & ouer he goþ;
Alle þai wondred þerof for soþ.
Non no durst after him wende
For drencheing at her liues ende.
5465 Oȝain þan þai ben ycome
To þe douke Otus alle and some
& telden him wel sone anon
Þat Gij was ouer þe water ygon.
Lines 5468-9: copied twice.
The second copying is
identical to the first except
that water is abbreviated. |
Þe douke Otus is now wel sori
5470 For Gij is schaped so oway
& swore bi God & seyn Gelen
Neuer eft nold he louen his men
For þat hij leten him o way fle.
Gret wille he hadde him to sle,
5475 Ac Gij him werd wiþ mani wrenche;
Hope of fole may of[t] blenche.
‘Sir douk Loer’ seyd Otoun,
‘Yschaped is þe felle Gyoun.
To Paui ichil now gon
5480 & spouse þi douhter anon.
Riche bridal ichil maki.
Wiþ me schal Herhaud & Tirri;
Þer þai schul he don in prisoun.
Schul þai neuer come to raunsoun.
5485 Dye þai schul wiþ miche wo
& ȝete to ȝer ichil now go
Wiþ min men to sechen Gij {f.138vb} 
What he be nome sikerly.
Alle þis oþer prisouns wiþ þe go
5490 & þine wil wiþ hem þou do.’
‘Sir’ seyd þe douk Loer,
‘Þat nil ich nouȝt in non maner.
Þat tow Tirri no do sle
Y nold in non wise, sir douke þe fre;
5495 Ac ȝif Tirri schal wiþ þe go,
In fre prisoun þou schalt him do.
Þou do him kepe worþschipliche
Wiþ gret plente manschipliche
Alle fort he haue mi wille ydo,
5500 Ichil now þat it be so.
& ichil lede Herhaud wiþ me,
In mi fre prisoun schal he be.
Y nil nouȝt he wiþ þe go
To michel iuel þou wost him do.’
5505 Þan þai token her leue þo,
Wiþ gret loue þai kisten hem bo.
To Lorein went þe douke Loer
Þat wiþ worþschipe dede kepe þer
Herhaud of Arderne, þe marchis.
5510 Wele leuer him were be ded, ywis,
When he to Gij com no miȝt;
Leue him were dye anonriȝt.
Now is Otous to Paui gan,
Wiþ him he ledde his feir leman,
5515 Also he dede þerl sir Tirri
Fast yfetred sikerly
Riȝt fast vnder þe hors fet,
Into Paui & þer him let.
When Oysel seye him lede so
5520 Sore sche wepe for his wo
‘Allas’ sche seyd ‘& walewo
Sone is my ioie went me fro.’
Of þe hors sche fel aswon anon,
For sorwe almost hir hert tochon.
5525 When þe douk hir falle seye
Bi his oþ he swore an heye,
‘Iuel þou dost, mi gode leman,
When þou for swiche a man
Swiche sorwe schaltow make.
5530 & ȝif þou more (more) sorwe for his sake
Oþer euer eft make swiche sorweing, {f.139ra}

& ich it perceiue bi ani þing,
Tohewe he worþ bifor þe
Or heye hong on galwe tre.
5535 Glad & bliþe, leman, þou be.
Wiþ ioie to Paui y lede þe
Þer ichil nim þe to wiue
& wiþ þe helden alle mi liue.
Tirri ichil in prisoun do,
5540 He no schal haue sorwe no wo.
Ichim hate wel sore sikerly;
For þe loue of Herhaud & Gij
Richeliche he schal serued be
Þerof nouȝt no dred þou þe.’
5545 ¶ ‘Sir, gramerci of þi speche.
Ac of o þing y þe biseche,
Fourti days respite þou ȝif me
Til þat mi sorwe aslaked be,
& seþþen spouse me wiþ worþschipe.’
5550 ‘Y graunt wele’ quaþ þe douke sikerlike.
To Paui þai ben þan ago,
Ac alle anoþer þouȝt þat maiden þo;
Anoþer sche þouȝt þan sche seyd.
Gret sorwe in hir hert sche leyd.
5555 Ar sche wille to him spoused be
Wiþ a kniif sche wil hir sle.
Ac o þing hir glad sikerliche;
Opon Gij sche trust miche.
Seþþe þat he aschaped was
5560 Wele sche þouȝt þurth sum cas
He schuld Tirri out of prisoun cast,
Hir swete leman wel on hast.
Þai com to Paui wiþ þat;
Þe douk Otus nouȝt forȝat
5565 Þat erl Tirri he bond fast
& into þester prisoun him cast.
Þer he was in sorwe, apliȝt,
He nist wheþer it wer day or niȝt,
Litel he hadde of mete or dring.
5570 His leman lan neuer wepeing
Aniȝt when sche alon was
Þat noman wiþ hir nas.
Now to tel of Gij ichaue yþouȝt
Hou God him haþ fram deþ ybrouȝt.
5575 When he was passed þat water sternne {f.139rb}
He loked about him wel ȝernne;
Of his felawes him vnderstode
Wel neye he was for sorwe wode.
‘God’ he seyd ‘what schal y do?
5580 Weri wreche whider may y go?
Ichaue forlorn þe gode Tirri
& Herhaud for wham icham sori.
Amow, sir douk Loer,
Hou miȝtestow dreye þe bismer
5585 Þat þe fals douk Otoun
Dede bifor þe þat traisoun?
For traitour þou worst euer iheld
When þou comest in place or feld.’
‘Lord’ he seyd ‘what may y do?
5590 Into whiche lond may y go?
An arnemorwe no þing y no dred me
Þo jch went out of þat cite.
Wiþ me ich hadde an hundred kniȝtes
To mi wille for me in fiȝtes
5595 & now y no haue a grom to held mi stede
Þat so miche me miȝt help at nede.
For me þai ben yslawe ichon
Oþer in peine in prisoun don.
A, mi dere frende sir Tirri,
5600 For our departing icham sori.
No schal y þe se neuer eft mo.
For þe ichil mi liif in periil do
Þat y ne schal his body smite ato
Þat þus þis traisoun haþ ous do;
5605 & so ichil awreke þe.
Dye ichil bot it so be.’
Gij rode forþ in his way
Alle þat iche self day
So long þat he a castel seye
5610 Opon a roche stode an heye.
He þouȝt to herberwe þare
For he no miȝt no ferþer fare.
Also he to þe gates come
A ȝong kniȝt he fond þer anon.
5615 Michel he was hende & fre,
Feren he hadde wiþ him þre.
Gij sey bi his semblaunt anon
Þat he was lord ouer hem ichon.
‘Sir’ quaþ Gij ‘vnderstond to me. {f.139va}

5620 Þe lord þat made me & te
Þe loke ȝif þi wille be
& miche blisse he ȝif þe.
A kniȝt icham deswarre
Þat in y bid par charite.’
5625 ¶ Þe lord answerd sweteliche,
‘Þou it schalt haue bleþeliche.’
He dede vnderfong his stede þo
Bi his o[w]n he dede it do.
Bi þe riȝt hond he toke sir Gij
5630 & went into his halle on hey,
A mantel of silk he ofsent on hast
& about him he dede it cast.
Wonderliche þai bihelden him alle
Kniȝtes þat weren in þe halle;
5635 For he was michel & wele ysett
Þai him bihelden wele þe bett.
Þe lord wiþ þat to him sede,
‘Ich þe bidde for loue rede
Þat þi name telle þou me
5640 & nouȝt forhole it no be.’
Gij answerd wel sweteliche,
‘Mi name y þe telle sikerliche.
Gij of Warwike mi name is;
Iuel ich am acumbred, ywis.’
5645 When þe lord herd þat,
Þat it was Gij þat to him spac,
‘Sir’ he seyd ‘welcome ȝe be
In ȝour owhen herberwe, ȝe,
Ful welcome artow to me
5650 & ful wele y knowe þe.
Ich auȝt þe loue, so mot I gon,
Wel michel gode þou hast me don.
Þo ich þe serued þou louedest me,
Armes ich vnderfenge of þe
5655 & þou me sendest ner & fer
To turnamens & to wer
So þat gret word sprong of me
Þo y went hom to mi cuntre.
Amis of Mounteyn mi name it is
5660 Wele ouȝt ȝe me knowe, ywis.’
When Gij him seye he knewe þe kniȝt
He kist him þer anonriȝt.
‘Sir’ quaþ Amis ‘when comestow {f.139vb}

Þatow gost alle on now?
5665 It semeþ wele so þenkeþ me
Fram gret periil aschaped be ȝe.
Whare (h)is Herhaud þi kniȝt so fre?
Alle þine kniȝtes where ben he?’
‘Ichil þe telle’ þan seyd sir Gij,
5670 ‘Now vnderstond ich am sori.’
Þan teld he him al þat cas
Hou þerl Tirri wounded was
& hou he hadde yheled his wounde
& socurd his fader & ost him founde
5675 & hou he passed him self vnnome
& hou þai were þurth traisoun ouercome
& hou his felawes weren ynome
& hou þat he was þider ycome
& hou Tirri was ynomen þo
5680 & þe gode Herhaud also
& wiþ hem fif hundred kniȝtes,
Orped men & gode in fiȝtes.
‘Y not ȝif þai be liues or dede
Al ich hem sey nimen & lede.’
5685 When Gij hadde yteld þat cas
Hou iuel him bifallen was
‘Suffre a while sir’ quaþ he,
‘ȝif it is þi wille, listen to me.
Ich haue castels & cites strong
5690 Mani & fele in mi lond;
Alle ichil bitake þe,
Mine kniȝtes ichil ofsende to me.
Fif hundred ich ofsende may
Þat schal do þi wille niȝt & day.
5695 Alle þat to min erldom falleþ y wil it be
To þine wille, so schal com to þe.
Wende we wille to þe douk Otoun
& bring him to destruccioun.
His londes we schul þurth ernne
5700 & his castels felle & his tounes bernne
& so þou miȝt awreke be
His londes destru, himseluen sle.
Of werre no swike wille we
Al what he aslawe be.’
5705 ‘Amis’ quaþ Gij ‘God ȝeld
it te.
To long schuld ich here be.
ȝif ich orn on him so þou speke {f.140ra}

To late ich worþ of him awreke.
For drede of deþ nille y fle,
5710 Hastiliche ichil awreken be.’
Al a day he bileft þare
His hert was in michel care.
Amis emforþ his miȝt
Confort him boþe day & niȝt.
5715 ¶ Of him he toke his leue þo,
Toward Paui he is ygo.
Amis wiþ him gon wold
Ac he seyd þat he no schold.
Amis bileft þat was sori
5720 & often to God he bad for Gij
Þat for his swete moder loue
Leue him harmeles oȝain come.
¶ Gij him diȝt in a queyntise
& com to Paui in squier wise.
5725 An vnement purchast he
Þat made his visage out of ble.
His here þat was ȝalu & briȝt
Blac it bicome anonriȝt.
Nas no man in þis world so wise of siȝt
5730 Þat afterward him knowe miȝt.
Now to Paui ycomen he is,
Of noman aferd he nis.
Þe douk Otus he fond þere
& gret him as ȝe may here.
5735 ‘Sir douk Otus’ he seyd ‘God loke þe.
Also ich it wold so mot it be.
A man icham o fer cuntre,
Hider ich come to seche þe.
Ich haue þe brouȝt here a stede,
5740 In þis world is better non at nede.
Noris it dede a saraȝin,
& me it ȝaf min owen cosyn.
In alle þe world [n]is so swift a best.
Libard no ro in no forest
5745 No dromedarie no is þer non
So swiþe goand so is he on.
No þarf þe drede non arme of þe se
& tow opon þis stede be.
ȝif ȝe nille þerof me leue
5750 Ichil þat ȝe it asey ar eue.
Ac on maner haþ þat hors {f.140rb} 
Þerfore mani haþ fare þe wors.
In þe world is man þat ney him come
Þat he no wold him slon wel sone
5755 Bot þe man þat loked it,
Þerfore y loue it out of witt.’
Quaþ þe douk ‘mow gramerci.
Þis is a fair ȝift sikerly.
Wiþ þat hors ichil athold þe
5760 & make þe riche of gold & fe.
To swiche an hors ich hadde nede
Þat ich miȝt þe better spede.
Of min fomen ich wold ben awreke
& som in min prisoun ben ysteke.
5765 Ac on of hem is schaped fro me
Now wold God þat alle may se
Þat he were now in þis halle
Wel iuel him schuld sone bifalle,
Wel sone he schuld anhonged be
5770 Wiþ gode riȝt y telle it te.’
‘Sir’ quaþ Gij ‘who [may] þat be?’
In gret periil now is he.
‘Ichil þe telle’ quaþ þe douk þo,
‘Gij of Warwike þat is mi fo.
5775 Siker no be ich neuer mo
Þe whiles þat he oliues go.
Ich wold now he stode þe bi.’
‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘y knowe wele Gij.
He slouȝ on of mi neye kin,
5780 Þerfore ich am riȝt wroþ wiþ him
& wiþ þerl Tirri also;
He is mi dedliche fo.
Þurth felonie mi fader he slouȝ,
Mi broþer he desirit wiþ wouȝ.
5785 God lete me neuer ded be
Er ich him to mi wille se.’
‘Mi dere frende’ seyd þe douk Otoun,
‘Ichaue Tirri in mi prisoun.
Now ichil þou loke him to
5790 & alle schame þou him do.’
‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘gramerci
& y þe sigge sikerly
Þat alle his liif ichil wende
Er þan come seuen niȝtes ende.’
5795 Þe douke doþ him þe keyes take, {f.140va}
Maister iaioler he doþ him make.
Þe douk oxeþ what his name be.
‘Yon, men clepet me in mi cuntre.’
‘Yon’ he seyd ‘ichot now þe
5800 Þat þou þat hors wele kepe me.’
An hous he deliuer[d] him þo
Þat no þing com in bot þai to.
Þe douk þat nouȝt no wist
Þat Gij was þerin, bi crist.
5805 Alle his wille he may now do,
Non vnworþschip men seyd him to.
Gij into a tour is ygo.
A strong prisoun fond he þo,
Fourti fadom depe it was.
5810 He hadde yherd cri ‘allas.’
He oxed anon who þat were
Þat made þer so reuly bere.
‘Ich’ he seyd ‘a wreched man;
Me reuweþ sore þat y liues am.
5815 Erl Tirri mi nam is;
Now icham a wreche, ywis.
Þe douk no misdede y neuer nouȝt
& in þis prisoun icham ybrouȝt.
More iren about me is
5820 Þan a somer miȝt beren, ywis,
On armes, on legges, on bodi also;
Mi deþ ich wold were com me to.
For þan þat ich felawe was
To a kniȝt þat neuer his better nas
5825 Whom þe douk Otus hated, ywis,
On me þe wreche fallen now is.
Þat ich ete þis is þe þridde day,
Long liue y no may.’
¶ ‘Tirri’ quaþ Gij ‘no be nouȝt wo.
5830 ‘Icham Gij þou louedest so.
Out of prisoun y schal cast þe
So sone y may mi time se.’
Sir Tirri spac to Gij þo,
‘For Godes loue, hennes þou go.
5835 Hou come þou hider sir Gij?
Þine hider com wil me harmi;
ȝif þe douk wite þat þou it be
Þis ich day he wil sle þe.
Leuer me were alon today {f.140vb} 
5840 Þan wite þe ded soþe to say.
Þerfore, sir, hennes þou go;
For Godes loue, sir, do now so.’
Als þai togider speken þis
A Lombard it ofherd, ywis,
5845 Þat after jnto þe tour was ygo
To aspie what Gij wold do.
Wiþ loude steuen he haþ him gred,
‘Gij, þou hast wel iuel ysped.
Boþe ȝe schul anhonged be
5850 Now ich ȝou boþe here yse.’
¶ ‘Lete be’ quaþ Gij ‘so God þe amende.
So þou miȝt ous boþe schende
What schuld þe þe better be
ȝif þou dest ous boþe sle?
5855 Þine owhen man ichil be
& as mi lord seruy þe,
& þerl Tirri bi his miȝt,
& þerto mi treuþe y þe pliȝt.’
‘Hold þi pes’ quaþ þe Lombart,
5860 ‘Haue neuer God of me part
Bot ich þe douk Otus it telle;
For no þing leten y nille.’
Adoun of þe tour he goþ erninde
& Gij after him fast folweinde.
5865 Riȝt bifor þe doukes fet
Gij arauȝt him wiþ a staf gret.
Swiche a strok he him ȝaf
Þat his breyn fley about þe staf.
Seyd þe douk ‘whi destow þis?
5870 Wiþ hors tow worþ todrawen, ywis.
Whi hastow mi man yslawe?
Hou dorstow bigin þat plawe?’
‘Sir’ quaþ Gij ‘herken to me,
Anon ichil telle to þe.
5875 Into þe tour ich was ygon
For to se þe esters ichon,
Þer ich fond þis feloun
& spac to Tirri in þe prisoun
& mete him brouȝt gret plente.
5880 Þo ich it seye it ofþouȝt me.
Wiþ his fest he me smot,
Þerfore ichim suwed, God it wot,
& smot him so þou miȝt se. {f.141ra} 
Þe gilt, sir, forȝiue þou me.
5885 Soþe to sigge in þis stede
For þine anour ich it dede,
Þat oþer bi him ywarned be
To fede þi prisouns wiþouten þe.’
Þe douk gret oþ swore þo
5890 Þat ȝif he oþerloker had do
He worþ todrawe oþer anhong
Or oþer schames deþ to afong
‘Ac now forȝiuen it þe be.’
Gij him þonked on his kne.
5895 Sone so þe niȝt him come
Gij into þe cite nome.
Mete anouȝ he bouȝt þere
& to Tirri he gan it bere;
Þus he dede y not hou long.
5900 Michel he slaked his pine strong;
Alle his bendes doþ o way
& slakeþ his pine so michel so he may.
Into a chaumber he goþ on a day
Þerin he fond þat fair may
5905 Þat biment hir strongliche
For hir leman sche loued so miche.
Gij seyd to hir ‘maiden fre,
Wele þou owest to knowe me.
Gij of Warwike mi name is.
5910 Icham þi lemanes felawe, ywis.
In þis maner ycomen icham
For y nold be knowen of no man
& forto deliuer þi leman
Þat ich michel gode an.’
5915 When þe maiden herd þis
Þat it was Gij, for soþe ywis,
For blisse sche fel aswon adoun.
& vp hir toke þe gode Gyoun.
‘Maiden’ he seyd ‘lete now be.
5920 Wiltow now schende me?
ȝif ani me perceiue miȝt
Ich were yhonged anonriȝt.’
‘Merci, sir Gij’ seyd þat may.
‘Now wiþin þe þridde day
5925 To him spoused schal y be.
Ac o þing ich haue biþouȝt me
Þat ichil mi selue sle {f.141rb} 
Þat day þat y schal spoused be.’
Gij seyd ‘no do nouȝt so.
5930 Ac alle his wille þou schalt do
& ar he to þe chirche come
Y schal mete him atte frome.
His heued fro þe bodi schal fle
& lede y schal þe forþ wiþ me.’
5935 Now is Gij þennes ygon hom
& also swiþe so niȝt come
To þe prisoun anon he ȝede
& deliuerd his felawe in þat stede.
‘Sir Tirri’ he seyd ‘forþ þou go –
5940 Niȝt no day no swike þou no –
Riȝt to Amis of þe Mounteyne
Þat woneþ in þe marche of Almeyne;
On mine half grete him wele bi me.
Þider þou go & ful wele rest þe
5945 Fort ich com or man for me.’
‘Bleþeliche, sir’ þan seyd he.
Hye kisten hem & forþ ȝede þo.
At her parting hem was ful wo
Aiþer for oþer for gret pite
5950 In gret periil hadde ybe.
Gi lete him of þe tour þo,
Bitauȝt him God & lete him go.
Gij bileft & Tirri is forþ yfare
Of alle niȝt no hadde he rest þare.
5955 So long is Tirri forþ ygon
To þe Mounteyn he com anon.
A castel þer was fair wiþalle
& strong cite biloken wiþ walle;
Fair halles & toures also
5960 In þe cite were mani & mo.
In þat on half orn þe riuer
In þat oþer half forest wiþ wilde dere.
Into þe cite he is ygo
& to þe maister palays he ȝede þo.
5965 He fond Amis atte ches pleyinge
Wiþ his felawes fair gamen giuing.
Þritti kniȝtes were in halle also,
His soudours were his wil to do,
Þat wiþ Amis bileften he
5970 For wer þat was in þat cuntre.
‘Sir’ quaþ Tirri ‘ȝif it be þi wille {f.141va}

Vnderstond & speke me tille.
Al priueliche y þe biseche
Þat þi folk no here our speche.’
5975 Amis answerd ‘wel bleþeliche
Wille ich it do & loueliche.’
Fram þe cheker he is ygo
& to a windowe he cleped him þo.
‘Sir Amis’ seyd Tirri,
5980 ‘Often þe greteþ wele sir Gij
& hider to ȝou he sent me
For to soiourne here wiþ þe
Fort he may hider come
Oþer anoþer send for him atte frome.’
5985 ‘Sir’ quaþ Amis ‘miche þanke haue he
Þat he þe sent hider to me.
What is þi name say þou me?’
‘Ichil þe telle sir’ quaþ he,
‘Tirri of Gormoise mi name is,
5990 Aschaped of strong prisoun, ywis.’
‘Sir Tirri’ þan seyd he,
‘Welcome into þis cuntre.’
He kist him an hundred siþe
Wiþ eyȝen he wepe so was he bliþe.
5995 & for he him so miseise yseye
Of prisoun aschaped bliþe was hye.
He dede him baþe sikerly
& al þing diȝt him redi.
Wiþ riche cloþes he dede him schrede
6000 & fond him alle þat him was nede
He ȝaf him armes & riche stede
& diȝt him þer alle wiþ prede.
Þennes no went he for no þing
Er he of Gij hadde tiding.
6005 Of þe douk ichil ȝou telle
& þan of Gij ȝif ȝe wille.
Þe douk ofsent his barnage in hast
Þat þai com to him riȝt fast
Into þe cite of Pauie
6010 Alle þe Lombardes of Lombardie.
When þe time it comen was
Þe douk was bliþe & glad in þat cas.
To þe maiden he come swiþe
As he þat was glad & bliþe
6015 & seyd ‘leman glad make þe. {f.141vb}
Today þou schalt yspoused be.’
‘Sir’ sche seyd ‘wiþ gode wille
Alle þine hest ichil fulfille.’
He schred hir swiþe wele, ywis,
6020 Wiþ riche cloþes alle of pris.
He sette hir on a palfrey, þat ȝongling,
Better no bistrode neuer no king.
Riche anouȝ þat atire was
Of gold & siluer no noþer þer nas.
6025 Toward a chirche went hye
Wiþ ioie he wend hir to spousi.
¶ Gij armed him wel richeliche
Al to his wille stalworþliche;
Wiþ armes þe maiden him had bitouȝt
6030 Þat were þe douke to present brouȝt.
His gode stede he bistrod
& oftok hem wiþouten abod.
‘Douk Otus, vnderstond to me.
No go no forþer ich hot þe.
6035 Vnderstond þe of þat traisoun
Þat þou dest to sir Gyoun
Also he com fram Boneuent.
ȝete is mi hert þerfore in turment
& seþþen þou dest me a gret traisoun
6040 Þo þou Tirri dest in þi prisoun.
Icham Gij þat to þe speke
ȝete today y þenk to ben awreke.’
Þurth þe bodi he smot him anon
Bifor þe Lombardes euerichon
6045 & swore bi God heuen-king
ȝif him neyed ani þing
Þat heued he schuld þer forgon.
To þat maiden he cam anon,
Bitven his armes þe maiden he nam
6050 & sett hir biforn him, oway he ran.
Swiþe owaiward þan rod he,
Þe noise aros in þat cite.
Wiþ gret strengþe þai driuen Gi.
He paseþ hem. Oȝain went hij;
6055 Oȝain þai went to þat bodi riȝt,
Ac a child ȝong man, apliȝt,
Þat was þe doukes kinseman –
Berard was his riȝt nam –
Alle on he folwed sir Gij. {f.142ra} 
6060 He no hadde felawe no frend him bi.
Wiþ scheld & spere opon his stede,
A gode kniȝt he was at nede.
He folwed Gij fif mile
Þat Gij fore in a litel while.
6065 ‘Gij’ he seyd ‘turn oȝe,
So help þe crist, & iuste wiþ me.’
Gij turned him wel an hast
For he no was nouȝt of him agast.
Þe maiden he to grounde sett
6070 & diȝt his armes wiþouten lett
& went to him wiþ gret miȝt
& he to him anonriȝt.
¶ Þe ȝong man smot first Gij
Þurth þe scheld sikerli.
6075 He carf þe brini þat newe was,
Nouȝt worþ a botoun it nas.
Gij of þat strok wonder haþ,
Anoþer strok sir Gij him ȝaf.
Gij anon smot þat ȝong man;
6080 Þurth his scheld anon it ran
& þurth þe scholder he ȝaf him wounde
Þat hors & man it fel to grounde.
& when þe ȝong man was yfalle
Vp he stert sone wiþalle.
6085 Anon his swerd he haþ out drawe
His hors he wold habbe yslawe.
‘Hors’ he seyd ‘acursed þou be
When þou no miȝt vphold me.
Þat þou dye it is riȝt
6090 Seþþen þou in þe has no miȝt.’
‘Gij’ quaþ Berar(n)d ‘wende to me
& of þine hauberk vnarmi þe.
In pleyn armes wil we fiȝt
& so we may asay our miȝt.
6095 Bot ich þine heued binim þe
Or ich out of þis place te
Neuer honour ich no bidde
No neuer a day lenger to libbe.’
‘Frende’ quaþ Gij ‘nil y nouȝt so;
6100 To bataile we schul ȝete cum bo.’
Þe maiden he nam & forþ ladde
& passed a riuer & nouȝ[t] no drad
Þe ȝong man went him oȝe {f.142rb} 
Alle sori into þat cite.
6105 Þe douk þai birid worþschipliche
In a chirche of Paui sikerliche.
Þe ȝong man to þemperour is gon
& told him of Otus deþ anon.
Þemperour alle his lond him ȝeld
6110 & wiþ þat worþschip him atheld.
Armes he ȝaf him hastiliche;
He loued him wel swiþe miche.
Of Almaine he made him steward,
Þat fel mani a man swiþe hard.
6115 Gij wiþ þat maiden is forþ ygo
& þan newed alle hir wo.
‘Sir Gij’ sche seyd ‘what schal y do?
Mi leman no se y neuer mo.
Dye y schal wiþ sorwe & care.
6120 Now wold God ich wer þare
Wiþ him ded ich wold be
& it so were wele wer me.’
Gij answerd wele þat maide
& to hir sweteliche he seyd,
6125 ‘Tirri nis bot gode, siker þou be;
Alle in gode point þou schalt him se.
Wiþ þe iaioler ich haue speke so
Þat alle his wille he wil do.’
So long forþ wenten he
6130 Þat hij come to þat cite
Of (þat) Mounteyne þat feir was.
So þai went [in] wiþ ioie & solas.
When he into þe halle come
Amis him knew riȝt anon.
6135 When he him seye þan seyd he,
‘Sir Gij, welcom mot þou be.’
When sir Tirri Gij yseþ
& Oisel þat him was so lef
Michel ioie he made Gij þo.
6140 Þat maiden he nam in his armes to.
‘Gij’ he seyd ‘welcome þou be
Þat þus asembled now be we.
Nold God & our leuedi
Þat mi lef be schent of hir bodi.’
6145 Þai kisten hem togider anon
For ioie þai wepen euerichon.
When Oisel yseþ sir Tirri {f.142va} 
Þat was hir lef & hir ami
For ioie sche swoned among hem;
6150 Þer wende sche nouȝt to finden him.
Tirri nam hir in his armes tvo
& sweteliche seyd to hir þo,
‘Mi swete leman, no drede þe nouȝt,
Hole & sounde icham hider brouȝt.’
6155 Amonges hem was ioie & blis
& soiournd to her wille, ywis;
To her wille in þat palais
Sir Amis was hende & curteys.
So on a day biþouȝt him sir Gij
6160 Þat long soiournd hadden hy.
Amis he cleped to him & sir Tirri.
‘Herkeniþ to me’ seyd sir Gij,
‘Soiournd we haue her anow.
Now is time we go fram ȝou
6165 To Gormoise, to þerl Aubri;
Wele y wot he is for ous sori.
Ofsende ichil baroun & kniȝtes
& ern ichil opon þe douk wiþ gret miȝtes
& mine felawes out of prisoun bring;
6170 Ich no may hem forȝete for no þing.
Ich man schal his miȝt don
For to awreke him of his fon.’
‘Sir’ quaþ Amis ‘ichil go wiþ þe
& a þousend kniȝtes forþ wiþ me,
6175 A þousend seriauns also,
Wele on hors wiþouten mo.’
‘Gramerci, sir’ þan seyd Gij,
‘On þe al mi trust is sikerly.’
Amis ofsent his kniȝtes anon
6180 & haþ asembled hem euerichon.
His seriauns he dede also
Þe best þat miȝt to fiȝt go.
When þat þai wer al redi
Forþ þai wenten hastily;
6185 Toward Gormoise hij goþ.
Mani man þai made wel wroþ;
Þai nimen castels & cites
& destruen alle þe cuntres.
To Gormoise þai ben ycome,
6190 Glad þai ben alle & some,
Ouer alle oþer þerl Aubri {f.142vb}

When he seþ his sone Tirri.
He fel aswon for ioie þo
He wende he had ben forlorn for euer mo.
6195 Þer was ioie & miche blis
Bitven þe fader & þe sone, ywis.
Euerich told oþer & forȝat nouȝt
Hou Gij hem haþ fram deþ ybrouȝt.
¶ Gij nouȝt forȝete nold
6200 Asembled he haþ his kniȝtes bold.
Þe douk he haþ a grete harm ydo;
He þouȝt for to awreke him so.
When þe douk Loer herd þis tiding,
Þat Gij & Tirri were coming,
6205 His douhte[r] Oysel also,
Wel glad & bliþe he was þo.
Herhaud he cleped him to
& teld him þe soþe þo,
Þat Gij & Tirri wer ycome
6210 & hadde on hem wer ynome;
Wiþ hem was þerl Amis
Wiþ ferred of miche pris.
When Herhaud yherd þis,
Þat Gij & Tirri comen is,
6215 Neuer nas he so bliþe;
God he þonked mani siþe.
‘Sir Herhaud’ seyd þe douk Loer,
‘Ichil þe make messanger.
To þerl Aubri þou schal go
6220 & Gij & Tirri & sigge hem so
Þat ich wiþ hem acord wille
Of alle þat þai cun to me telle.
Sir Tirri ichil mi douhter ȝiue
& half mi lond while þat y liue.
6225 Ichil þat þou wittnesse me
Þat þe loue ste[de]fast be.’
‘Sir’ quaþ Herhaud ‘ichil so
Alle mi miȝt do þer to.’
Þe douke ofsent his prisouns alle
6230 & dede hem arme swiþe snelle
& hete hem þat þai failed nouȝt
Of þat þai hadde þider ybrouȝt.
‘Forþ wiþ Herhaud ȝe schal gon
Þe acord to make riȝt anon.’
6235 Herhaud made him redi þo; {f.143ra}
Riȝt into Gormoise he is ygo
& wiþ him went alle þe kniȝtes
Acord to make anonriȝtes.
Gij cam on a day fram hunting,
6240 Þerl Amis & Tirri þe ȝing
& mo þan an hundred kniȝt
Wiþ swerd bigirt, y ȝou pliȝt.
Toward Gormoise þai ben ygo.
Bisiden hem þai loked þo,
6245 So mani kniȝtes þai seye coming
Of traisoun þai were dredeing.
Þan seyd [of] þe Mountayn Amis,
‘A gret ferd y se ywis.
Y not what folk it be;
6250 Hiderward þai com so þenkeþ me.’
Opon his gode stede he wond
Wiþ swerd & spere in his hond.
Þiderward he is ygo
To hem he com wel sone þo.
6255 Þo he gan hem com neye
Herhaud of Ardern er he seye
He oxed him whennes he come.
‘Where is Gij?’ he seyd anon.
‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘ichil þe telle
6260 & lade þe to him wiþ gode wille.
Fram dere hunting ycomen he is;
Biside þanne hulle ichim lete, ywis.’
Quaþ Herhaud ‘felawes, wil we go.’
Wiþ sporres hij smiten her stedes þo
6265 Swiþe þai riden wiþ gret hy
When þai seye Gii & sir Tirri.
‘God’ quaþ Gij ‘Herhaud y se
& alle min feren so þenkeþ me.
Þai ben out of prisoun ygon
6270 Oþer quite cleymed ichon.’
To kissen Herhaud þai hem do;
Wel gret ioie þai maden þo.
‘Sir Tirri’ quaþ Herhaud þe fre,
‘Gode conseyl y telle to þe.
6275 Þe sent to grete þe douk Loer
Whom ich loue wiþ hert cler.
Worþschiped he haþ me miche
& ouer alle oþer loued sikerliche.
Wiþ þe he wil acorded be {f.143rb} 
6280 & swiþe miche he loueþ þe.
Þou schalt his douhter spousi;
Wiþ half his lond he wille þe feffi
& wiþ þi fader he wil acordy
& allso wiþ þe sir Gij;
6285 In alle maner to þi wille
He wille amende for soþe y telle.
Ichil þerof his borwe be
Þat he do wil as y sigge to þe.’
Alle þai bisouȝten sir Gij
6290 & so þai dede þerl Tirri
Þat þai schuld wiþ him acordy
For he was michel to praisy.
So long þai bisouȝt him so,
& wiþ hem Amis þat þer was þo,
6295 Þerof acord speken he
Þat it schuld treuwe be.
To þe cite þai ben ygon
& teld þerl Aubri anon
Hou þat Herhaud was ycome
6300 & hadde þe acord vndernome.
Þerl graunted raþe & snelle
Þe acord to Herhaudes wille.
No soiournd þai nouȝt long þo
Bot riȝt to Loreyn þai ben ygo
6305 Þerl Aubri & Tirri his sone.
Gij & Herhaud ben þider ycome
& of oþer kniȝtes mani also
Þat bliþe were þider to go.
Þerl Aubri & Tirri his sone
6310 Gij, Herhaud & Amis þider come.
Mani was þe gentil kniȝt
Þat wiþ hem went þo riȝt.
To Loreyne þai ben comen, ywis,
Þe douke hem vnderfeng wiþ blis;
vnderfeng: MS reads vnderfende. |
6315 Wiþ him þai were acorded alle
& þe misdede forȝeuen snelle.
Gret joie þai maden in þe cite
Þat hij so fair acorded be.
Þe douk ȝaf Tirri his douhter þo
6320 & half his lond wiþ hir also.
Bifor barouns & kniȝtes fre
Þat þer were of mani cuntre.
Bridal sone þai han yhold {f.143va} 
Of erls & of barouns bold
6325 & of emperours & of king;
Nas neuer non so riche gestening.
¶ Þe kniȝtes nomen her leue anon
Vnto her cuntres þai ben ygon.
Sir Gij soiournd þare
6330 On a day he is þennes yfare.
Þe douk Loer & mani a man
In hunting þai were toward Braban.
On hunting went þerl Tirri
& mani in his compeynie.
6335 Þai comen into a fair forest
Þer þai fond a bore, a wilde best.
Þai vncoupled her houndes alle
& lete hem ern swiþ snelle.
Þe bore fleing swiþe he geþ
6340 & mani of þe houndes harme he deþ;
An hundred he slouȝ & mo.
Out of þat cuntre he is sone ygo;
Þe wisest hunt folweþ fast,
Huweþ & gredeþ wiþ gret blast.
6345 Of huntes ne of houndes adrad he,
He ouerernnes dounes & cuntre
Þe brod lond & þe valays;
Folwed he is ich weys.
Hij ofernned her stedes þo,
6350 Of him wondred kniȝtes, huntes also.
Alle þe houndes þat folwed him þere
Oȝain turned oþer ded were.
Wiþouten blodhoundes þre
Into Braban folwed he.
6355 Þer nas hunt no kniȝt non,
Seriaunt no sweyn no grom,
Þat wist widerward þe bore gan te,
Into whiche lond no what cuntre.
Gij him folwed on his stede
6360 Wiþ swerd in hond after he ȝede
& wiþ horn oft bloweing
Þe bore swiþe driueing.
Gij drof þat swine wiþ game & gle
Riȝt into Breteyne þan went he;
6365 Into a forest þat swine him ȝede
Into (a) þicke hegges he gan him hede.
Þer he stod at a bay {f.143vb} 
& werd him while þat he may.
When Gij þat stern swine ysey
6370 Adoun he lepe of his stede heye,
Wiþ boþe honden þat swerd he held
& cam to þe bore as a kniȝt beld.
Þat swine anon oȝain him com
& Gij smertlich smot him anon
6375 Þat þe hert he clef euen atvo;
Alle ded he fel to grounde þo.
He open[ed] þat swine & blewe priis;
Alon he was him miȝt agriis
Al to fer he was fram his kniȝt.
6380 Bot on him þinke God almiȝt
Sone he worþ in a peril strong,
Be it wiþ riȝt, be it wiþ wrong.
Þo Gij hadde opened þat swine snelle
He gan to blowe as y ȝou telle.
6385 ‘Bi God’ quaþ þerl Florentin,
‘Who mai þat be for seyn Martin
Þat ich here in mi forest blowe?
Hert oþer bore he haþ doun þrowe.’
He cleped to him a kniȝt ȝing,
6390 His sone, he was a feir ȝongling.
‘Sone’ he seyd ‘to hors þou go
& whoso it be bring him me to.’
‘Sir, y graunt þat it be so.’
Anon he lepe on hors þo.
6395 Into þe forest he is yfare
& Gij he fond ful sone þare.
An staf he bar of holin tre
Gret wo þerwiþ wrouȝt he.
‘Lording’ he seyd ‘who artow
6400 In mi lordes forest is comen now
Wiþouten leue of mi lord?
In iuel time þou come at o word
When þou hast ynomen his swin.
No leue haddestow of him.
6405 Þat hors anon þou take to me
Þeron no schaltow ride y telle þe.’
‘Leue frende’ quaþ Gij ‘þat nille y do;
Þat hors no tit þe so mot y go.
Kniȝtes riȝt is it non
6410 Þat he schuld fer o fot gon.
To þi wille ichil wende wiþ þe {f.144ra}

To seche þe waiis of þis cuntre.
Þis horn þou miȝt wele haue
& tow wiþ loue it wille craue.’
6415 ‘Lording’ he seyd ‘oþer
is mi þouȝt.
So astow wenest no schapestow nouȝt.’
Gij bi þe reyne [he] haþ ynome,
Wiþ strengþe he wende to þe hors come.
Þei he war wroþ it was no ferly;
6420 Wiþ þat staf he smot sir Gij.
‘Wicke man, þou hast me smite.
Þou schalt it abigge God it wite.’
Wiþ his horn he him smot;
His breyn he schadde fot-hot.
6425 ‘Now lording’, quaþ Gij ‘þe
swin þou nim
lording: MS reads lorging. |
& alle þi wille do wiþ him.
Na more smite þou no kniȝt,
Þat þou me smot þou dest vnriȝt.’
¶ Þennes he is now yride
6430 & bi þe forest so long he ȝede
Þat vnneþe out wan he
For he no knew nouȝt þat cuntre.
He loked fer, he loked neye,
Castel no cite non he seye.
6435 Him greued þe hete & þe long day.
No rod he nouȝt fer soþ to say
Þat he no sey a castel
Feir ysett & swiþe wel;
Þiderward ȝern þan rode he.
6440 A man he mett of þat cuntre
‘Mi leue frende, telle þou me
Þis feir castel wos it be.’
Þe man seyd ‘y schal telle þe.
A better man no miȝt þou se
6445 It is þe gode erl Florentin,
Better man drank neuer win.’
Gij anon þiderward he rod
& in he went wiþouten abod.
To þe halle gate he com riȝt
6450 & þer he is adoun yliȝt
An hore yblowe kniȝt he seye
At þe des sitten an heye.
Long berd he hadde & sterne siȝt,
A man he semed of michel miȝt.
6455 Biforn him anon Gij him dede {f.144rb}
& feir he gret him in þat stede.
‘Sir’ quaþ Gij ‘vnderstond to me.
He þat þe warld made, he blisce þe.
Icham a kniȝt as ȝe may se
6460 Y bid þe mete par charite.
A meles mete ȝif þou me
& seþþen hennes ichil te.’
‘Leue frende’ he seyd ‘sikerly
Þou schalt it haue gladly.’
6465 Þe water he axed þo anon;
To wasche his honden Gij is go[n].
To mete he sett him in þat stede,
Bred & win biforn him þai dede
& gret plente of oþer mete.
6470 When he hadde sum dele y-ete
In þe toun he herd belles ring
& loude crie & miche wepeing,
Cloþes totere, her to-te,
More sorwe no miȝt non be.
6475 ‘God’ quaþ þerl ‘lord fre,
Þis gret sorwe whi it be?’
Into þe halle come þere
Tvai men & a bodi bere.
Amid þe flore þai it leyden, ywis.
6480 Quaþ þerl Florentin ‘mi sone þis is.’
Torent his here, his cloþes he drouȝ,
In his hert was sorwe anouȝ.
‘Leue sone’ he seyd ‘who slouȝ þe?
Now wold God þat is so fre
6485 Þat he were here in mi beylie.
Nold ich it lete for al Romanie
Þat he no were anon yslawe,
Forbrent & þat dust toblowe.’
Þan seyd a squier biforn hem alle,
6490 ‘Ichim se atte mete in þis halle,
He þat þi dere sone slouȝ;
Ich it seye wiþouten wouȝ.’
Anon þat þerl yherd þis
Fram þe bord he aros, ywis.
6495 An aundiren he kept in his honden þo;
Hetelich it haf & seyd him to,
‘Traitour, þou schalt dye here.
Why slouȝ þou mi sone dere?’
Wiþ þat aundiren he þret sir Gij {f.144va}

6500 & wiþ gret hate sikerly.
Ac þat din[t] he feiled of him.
Gij vp stirt wroþ & grim.
Into þe wouȝ it fleye to fot & more.
‘Merci’ seyd Gij ‘for Godes ore;
6505 ȝif ich þi sone owhar aslouȝ,
It was me defendant anouȝ.’
Kniȝt anon about him þrong
To slen him boþe eld & ȝong.
Gij hent in hond anonriȝt
6510 An ax þat was gode, apliȝt.
Bi þat on ende of þe halle he him drouȝ
& þer he werd him wele anouȝ.
Þai aseyld him strongliche
& he him werd stalworþliche.
6515 Wiþ þat com forþ þe steward liȝt,
A Brabasone he was, a wel gode kniȝt.
A strok he smot to sir Gij
& hewe on him ful felly.
Gij of him failed nauȝt;
6520 Wiþ þe ax he haþ him rauȝt
Þat his heued he him toclef
Al to ded to ground he dref.
Þus Gij him wereþ manliche
& hij him aseyle heteliche.
6525 Þe kniȝtes he slouȝ þere
Þe best þat in þat court were.
¶ ‘Sir Florentin’ seyd sir Gij,
‘For Godes loue, now merci.
Þou art yhold so gode a man,
6530 Hennes to Rome better nis nan,
& þou in þine halle me sle
For traisoun it worþ awist þe.
In edwite it worþ þe adrawe
Swiche a man þou schust haue slawe
6535 When þou wiþ þi wille fre
Þe mete me ȝeue, par charite.
Were it wiþ wrong were it wiþ riȝt
For tresoun it worþ þe witt, apliȝt,
Opon alle þing a þing atte mete
6540 Þer ȝe ouȝt me to were fram hete.
For Godes loue, sir, so michel do me
Þat ȝe þerfore blamed no be.
Do me del[i]uer mi stede {f.144vb} 
& lete me out at þe castel ride,
6545 & seþþen þei y slawe be
No worþ ȝe nouȝt yblamed in þe cuntre.’
Þerl him wiþdrouȝ wiþ þat.
At his hert gret sorwe sat
Þat he his sone seye ligge ded;
6550 Of him no worþ him non oþer red.
‘Sone’ he seyd ‘what schal y do
Whenne ich þe haue þus forgo?
Who schal now weld after me
Mine londes þat brod be?
6555 A man icham swiþe in eld;
Dye ichil, bi Godes scheld.’
Opon þat bodi he fel anon.
Reuþe þai hadden þerof ichon
Of his gret sorwe þat he made.
6560 To his kniȝtes no þe les he sade,
‘Ichot þat non so hardi be
Þat him misdo tofor me
Þer while þat he in mi court is,
Þat ich hot ȝou alle, ywis,
6565 & þat his stede be him to bitauȝt
& out at þe gates þat he be brouȝt
& þat he be tohewe flesche & bon.’
Þai deliuerd his stede anon,
He lepe opon him swiþe
6570 & out at þe gat he gan driue.
His scheld wiþ him þan he bar,
His gode swerd forȝat he nouȝt þar.
Out of þe castel he is ygon,
Toward Loreyne he went anon.
6575 Þerl wiþ þat armed is;
Gij he drof smertliche, ywis,
Wiþ his kniȝtes on heye stede
Redi armed to þat nede.
Sir Gij his stede biwent þo,
6580 On of þe kniȝtes he smot so
Þurth his bodi þe swerd is gon;
Anoþer he feld þer anon.
Wiþ þat come þerl prikeinde
Opon his stede wele bereinde
6585 Wiþ a spere an hond y-armed wel;
y-armed: y is superscript. |
Gij to smite he was ful fel.
Catchword: Gij him wiþ went nold. |
Gij him wiþ went, wold he nouȝt fle, {f.145ra}

To þerl Florentin þan smot he.
Heteliche togider þai smete
6590 Opon her scheldes wiþ gret hete.
Þerl alderfurst smot sir Gij
Wiþ a gode spere sikerly.
Gij him smot oȝain no miȝt he as nauȝt
Þat he haþ þe grounde yrauȝt.
6595 Bi þe reynes his stede toke he;
Of þerl he hadde gret pite
For his sone he hadde aqueld
& for he was a man so eld.
Fiftene ȝer weren agon
6600 Þat he er in armes come.
‘Sir’ seyd Gij ‘þer anon
Nim þi stede & worþ þeron.
What wonder dede þe armes bere
To ȝer more þou schust rest þe here.
6605 Her ich ȝiue þe þi stede
For þou ȝeue me þe mete at nede.
In chaumber þou schust ligge stille
Oþer to chirche gon to bid Godis wille.
Þi court ichil quite-cleym þe.
6610 Ded ich wold raþer be
Ar ich wold wiþ þe ete
At souper oþer at oþer mete.’
Gij went forþ fulleliche wiþ alle
Was him þer no nedes to duelle.
6615 On ich side he seye come kniȝtes
Burieys & seriaunce redi to fiȝtes
Wiþ alle þat crie of þat cuntre;
Wiþ hem nomen no wold ben he.
Him no was þer nouȝt worþ to abide.
6620 He priked his hors & gan to ride.
Into a forest he gan to go
Oft his stede he wiþwent þo
Mani he wounded & mani he slouȝ
Of kniȝtes þat wer gode ynouȝ;
6625 Gij ferd forþ swiþe wiþ alle
Opon his stede þat bar him snelle.
Þurth þe forest swiþe he rode
Þerl him oȝein went wiþouten abode.
Michel sorwe he made, y pliȝt,
6630 For his sone awreke he no miȝt.
His sone anon biri he dede {f.145rb} 
In a chirche bifore þe auter in þat stede.
Alle þat day Gij forþ rod
Alle what þe sonne adoun glod.
6635 Of alle niȝt he no blan rideinge
Fort amorwe in þe daweinge
So þat he to Loreyin com;
Þe cuntres he knewe anon.
Wel riȝt he ȝede to þat cite.
6640 Ichon þer fond he,
Alle þe best þat weren þare,
For him þai had michel care.
When þai him hole & sounde yseþ
Of his coming glad hij beþ.
6645 ¶ Gij hem told þe soþe, ywis,
Hou he fram þerl aschaped is.
Alle þai þonked God þo
Þat deliuerd him of his wo.
Seþþen wold he nouȝt long duelle,
6650 To his cuntre he wold snelle.
Gij of þe douke toke his leue
Ac he it him ȝaf wele vnneþe;
Anouȝ he him bede of siluer & gold
Ac he þerof nouȝt nim nold.
6655 To þerl Tirri he ȝede þo
& þis wordes seyd him to
‘Sir erl Tirri’ seyd Gij,
‘Now ichil gon sikerli
Vnto mi cuntre into Jnglond –
6660 Þat way no may y nouȝt wiþstond –
Mine fader & min frendes to se.
Y not ȝif þai oliues be;
Seuen ȝer & more agon it is
Þat ich in þat cuntre was, ywis.
6665 ȝif it bitide ani þing sone
Þat þou haue wiþ me to don,
Be it in pes oþer in were,
Wheþer it be ner or ferre,
Anon riȝt sende after me,
6670 Ichil come anon to þe;
Þat ich no fot-hot com to þe
Al sone as ich þi sond yse.
Þi wer we haue ouercom
& þou hast spoused þi loue.
6675 Destrud we haue ȝour fon {f.145va}
Erls, barouns mani on.
Þi lond we han brouȝt in pes
No bestow neuer iuel at esse.
Þou art a kniȝt of miȝti dede
6680 Of þine fon þarf þe nouȝt drede.
Alle min estris of Jnglond
Sende ichil to mi sond
& þou schalt to me also;
Alle þine wille sende me to
6685 & ich me self wille com to þe
Sone so ich mi time may se.’
‘Felawe’ quaþ Tirri ‘gramerci.
Juel biladde now am y.
Oft fram deþ þou hast me scheld
6690 & neuere no haddestow for me ȝeld.
ȝif þou wilt fro me go
Þou me sext neuer mo.
Also sone so it wite our fon
Þat þou art fro me gon
6695 On ich side ous schal arise werre
Of Almeyns, Lombardes, neye & ferre,
Þat ben Otus kinsmen;
For he was come of gret ken.
Þe king of Speyne his em is;
6700 His soster haþ wedded þe douke Moralis.
Doukes, erls of gret pouste,
His deþ wille þai wite me,
wille: copied at the end of
the line, its correct
position marked. |
In wer & wo schal y be
Þer while þe liue is in me.
6705 & ȝif we were togider baye
Of wer no þurt ous stond no aye.
& ȝif þou here wiþ me bileue wold
Anouȝ we haue of siluer & of gold,
Gode cites & castels strong,
6710 Þe feirest & þe best of þis lond.
Wiþ douke Loer ichil be
& alle Gormoise ichil ȝiue þe
Wiþ alle þe worþschip þat liþe þerto.
& ȝete anoþer ichil þe do
6715 & þe worþ of Paui
Zupitza reconstructs this
line as: & neuer þe
worth of a pani. |
Ichil þerof chalangij.’
‘Sir erl’ quaþ Gij ‘þerof speke nouȝt.
Al idel þou hast me þerof bisouȝt;
Gret wille ich haue to þat waye, {f.145vb}

6720 Y no lete it nouȝt þerfore todaye.
No were it for þe loue of mi leman
Nold ich neuer wende þe fram
Ac wiþ þe euer duelle ich wolde
Þat neuer departi we ne scholde.
6725 Gon ich mot, wille y so nille.
O[f]þink þe nouȝt, y mai nouȝt duelle.’
Togider þai kisten hem þo,
At her departing þai wepen bo.
Boþe þai wepen bitterliche
6730 Þat folk hadde þerof pite miche.
Alle þe men þat þer were
Was for hem sori þere
At þe departing of to ferren –
Wel gode kniȝtes boþe þai weren.
6735 Gij lepe on a mule ambling
Bi þe way he rideþ sorweing.
Tirri bileft sorwe makeing
& Gij his felawe bimeninge.
So miche sorwe he made day & niȝt
6740 No man miȝt tellen it y ȝou pliȝt.
Line 6740: written at the
foot of the column,
its correct position marked
by a-b and crosses. |
Sir Gij no lan neuer rideing
Til he com to þe se, wiþouten lesing.
Gode winde he haþ & passeþ sone
& come into Inglond, mididone.
6745 Now forþ to Warwik he is ygo,
King Aþelston þer he fond þo.
& when he was to Warwike com
Wiþ ioie þai him vnderfenge alle & some.
Þe king toȝeines him is ygo
6750 Wiþ kniȝtes & burieys also.
For he him herd preyse so miche
Þe king him loued sikerliche,
& wiþ him soiournd sir Gij þe fre.
On a day at þe ches pleyden he
6755 Wiþ þat come þer þre men rideinde,
Of þe cuntre fre men heldinde,
To þe king þai seyd ‘sir vnderstond
Hard tidinges we bring þe an hond.
Bot ȝe sone take ȝeme þerto
6760 Alle ȝour lond ȝe schul forgo.
Þer is comen opon þi lond
A best þat bringeþ it al to schond.
Out of Jrlond it come. {f.146ra} 
To miche harm it haþ ydon;
6765 It no leueþ man no wiman non
Þat it no sleþ hem ichon,
Bot sum þat aschaped beþ
Þurth chaunce & to þe cites.
It freteþ men & bestes also
6770 Riȝt for soþe y telle þe to.
Neuer nas best no so kene,
Gret heued it haþ & gastelich to sene.
His nek is greter þan a bole
His bodi is swarter þan ani cole.
6775 It is michel & long & griseliche,
Fram þe nouel vpward vnschepliche.
Þe smallest scale þat on him is
No wepen no may atame, ywis.
As a somer it is brested bifore in þe brede
6780 & swifter ernend þan ani stede.
He haþ clawes also a lyoun;
Men seyþ þat it is a dragoun.
Gret wenges he haþ wiþ to fle;
His schaft to telle alle ne mow we.
6785 Þe bodi is gret toward þe teyle,
Swiche a best nas neuer saunfeyle.
Þe teyle is gret & wel long.
In þe warld nis man so strong,
& were y-armed neuer so,
6790 & he wiþ þe teyle smot him to,
Þat he no worþ ded anon;
No schuld he neuer ride no go[n].
When þe king haþ yherd þis
Þat þe men him teld, ywis,
6795 An gode while he him biþouȝt
Er þan þat he speke mouȝt.
‘Sir’ quaþ Gij ‘no care þou nouȝt;
Þerof no haue þou no þouȝt.
Into Norþhumberlond ichil wende
6800 & ȝif ich þat best may fende
Ich him schal ouercome þurth Godes miȝt,
For wiþ him ichil hold fiȝt.’
¶ ‘Gij’ quaþ þe king ‘schaltow nouȝt so;
No wille ich þat þou alon go.
6805 An hundred kniȝtes schul wende wiþ þe
Þat þou may þe sikerer be.’
Gij answerd anonriȝt, {f.146rb}
‘Nold neuer God ful of miȝt
Þat for a best onlepi
6810 Schuld so miche folk traueli.’
At þe king his leue he nam
& hom to his in he cam.
His felawes he lete þer ichon
Wiþ him most go neuer on
6815 Bot Herhaud þat was gode at nede
& oþer to kniȝtes y-armed on stede.
So þai come þider on a day
& spired where þat best lay.
Gij armed him wel richeliche
6820 & seyd to his felawes hastiliche
Þat so hardi þer be non
O fot wiþ him for to gon.
Now is Gij to a launde ygo
Wher þe dragoun duelled þo.
6825 Þo Gij him seye so griseli
Of him no was he nouȝt al trusti.
Wiþ þe spere he him smot smertliche
Þat was kerueand scharpeliche
Þat al to schiueres it tofley(þ)e
schiueres: MS reads schiuereþ. |
6830 Ac þe bodi com it nouȝt neye.
Þo he hadde smiten þat best so,
Wel heye he bar his heued þo,
Wiþwent him & lepe him to.
Him & his stede he feld bo.
6835 Gij of þat strok astounded is;
Neuer hadde he non swiche, ywis.
Vp he stirt anonriȝt
‘God’ he seyd ‘fader almiȝt
Þat made þe day & niȝt also
6840 & for ous sinful þoldest wo
& heldest Daniel fram þe lyoun
Saue me fram þis foule dragoun.’
His swerd he drouȝ anonriȝt,
To him he lepe wiþ gret miȝt,
6845 & smot him in þe heued schod
A wel gret strok wiþouten abod,
Ac no þing sen þan was his dent.
Gij him held þan al schent
Þat he no miȝt him deri nouȝt
6850 Wiþ no wepen of stiel ywrouȝt.
Bitvene hem was strong bateyle. {f.146va} 
Aiþer gan oþer for to aseyle,
At asaut wiþ Gyes partinge
Þat wers he hadde at þat wendinge.
6855 Þe best him neyed & smot him
Wiþ his vpcoming so fel & grim
Þat he a lappe rent out anon
Of his brini þat alle his trust was on.
Now haþ Gij michel to done,
6860 To a tre he went him sone;
Þer he wille bateyle abide
Of þat best what schaunce so bitide.
Þat best bisides him it went
& wiþ his teyle a strok him sent,
6865 On þe scheld he smot him an heye
Þat euen ato it tofleye
Also it were wiþ a swerd broun.
Wel neye Gij him fel adoun.
Wiþ his taile he bigirt sir Gij
6870 & him þrest so strongli
Þat þre ribbes he brac atvo,
& Gij wiþ strengþe smot him þo.
Atvo he him carf smartliche
& deliuerd himseluen manliche.
6875 Bi þe nauel he carf him ato
& wiþ a gret pine deliuerd him fro.
Gij him perceyued in þat stounde
Þat neuer more þurth wepen ygrounde
Þat fram þe nauel vpward so
6880 No slouȝ him man neuer mo.
Þo þat best hirt him feled
Swiþe loude he grad & ȝeled
Þat alle þat cuntre dined þere
& als wide as men herd his bere
6885 Nis man in þe werld þat wer þer neye
Þat him no miȝt agrise þat it seye.
To a tre þan drouȝt him sir Gij
& werd him wele for þe maistri.
His hauberk was torent tofore
6890 As a clout þat were al totore.
Stalworþli sir Gij þer fauȝt
Ac wele he seye it gained him nauȝt.
To smite on þe bodi bifore
He no miȝt him sle no no man bore.
6895 Also þat best him went aboute {f.146vb}
Gij him biþouȝt he was in doute.
Bineþen þe wenge he him smot
Þurth þat bodi þat swerd bot;
Þurth þe bodi he him carf atvo.
6900 Ded he fel to grounde þo;
He grad & ȝelled swiþe loude
Þat it schilled into þe cloude.
Gij wiþdrouȝ him þerfro anon
For stink þat of þe bodi come,
6905 Neye þat bodi he no durste.
After þat he ȝede him to reste.
When þat best þer ded lay,
For soþe, y ȝou telle may,
Þritti fote meten it was
6910 Þer it lay in þat plas.
Þe folk of þe cuntre it mette
Þer it lay wonderliche grete.
Þat heued he bar þe bodi fro
& wiþ þat Gij forþ went þo.
6915 He come to his feren apliȝt
Þat for him bad to God almiȝt.
To Warwike he is ywent
Wiþ þat heued he made þe king present.
Þe king was bliþe & of glad chere
6920 For þat he seye Gij hole & fere.
At Warwik þai henge þe heued anon,
Mani man wondred þerapon.