þe Desputisoun Bitven þe Bodi & þe Soule
Þe desputisoun bitven þe bodi and þe soule.
Rubricated title inserted
before excised miniature
and between the amen
and explicit of the
preceding text. |
Als y lay in a winters niȝt
In a droupening bifor þe day,
Me þouȝt y seiȝe a selli siȝt,
A bodi opon a bere lay;
5000 He hadde ben a modi kniȝt
& litel serued God to pay;
Forlorn he had his liues liȝt.
Þe gost moued out & wald oway.
¶ When þe gost it schuld go,
1000 It biwent & wiþstode,
Biheld þe bodi þat it com fro
Wiþ reweful chere & dreri mode,
& sayd ‘Allas & walewo!
Þou fikel flesche, þou fals blod.
1500 Whi liistow stinking so,
Þat whilom was so wilde & wode?
¶ Þou þat were ywont to ride
So fair on hors in & out,
A queint kniȝt ykid ful wide,
2000 Als a lioun fers & prout,
Wher is now þi michel pride,
& þi lede þat was so loude?
Whi liistow now so bare of side,
Ypricked in a pouer schroude?
2500 ¶ Whare ben al þine
worþliche wede,
Þine somers wiþ þine riche bed,
Þi proude palfrais & þi stede,
Þat þou about in destrer led?
Þine haukes þat were won[t] to grede, {f.32ra}

3000 & þine grehoundes þat þou fed?
Me þenke[þ] þine [gode] be ful gnede,
Now alle þine frendes be fro þe fled.
¶ Whar ben þine markes & þine poundes,
Þi folk & þi fair fyȝe,
3500 Þi riche tresour bi rof & grounde,
Þi briȝt broches, ring & beiȝe?
Who durst þe bede stroke or wounde,
When þi baner was rered on heiȝe?
Yuel artow proued in a stounde,
4000 Þi tayl is cutted þe ful neiȝe.
¶ Whare be þine cokes snelle
Þat schuld go to grayþe þi mete
Wiþ swot spices, for to smelle,
Þat þou were neuer ful to frete,
4500 To make þi foule flesche to swelle
Þat wilde wormes schal now ete?
& ich haue þe peyne of helle
Þurth þi glotonie ygete.
¶ Whare be þine castels & þine tours,
5000 Þine chaumbers & þine heiȝe halle
Þat paynted were wiþ prout flours,
& þine riche robes alle?
Þine quiltes & þi couertours,
Þi cendel & þi purpel palle?
5500 Wreche, ful derk it is þi bour,
To morn þou schalt þerin falle.
¶ Whare be þine glewemen, þat schuld þe glewe
Wiþ harp & fiþel & tabour bete?
Trumpours þat þine trumpes blewe?
6000 Hem þou ȝeue ȝiftes grete,
Riche robes, held & newe,
For to glewe þe, þer þou sete.
Tregetours þat were vntrewe,
Of þe hye hadde grete biȝete
6500 ¶ For to bere þi
word ful wide,
& maky of þe rime & raf;
Riche men for pamp & pride
Largeliche of þine þou ȝaf.
Þe pouer ȝede al biside,
7000 Euer þou hem ouerhaf;
& ȝif þai com in þine vnride,
Þai were ystriken wiþ a staf.
¶ Of þe pouer þou it nam, {f.32rb} 
Þat mani a glotoun ete & drank;
7500 Þou no rouȝtest neuer of wham,
No who þerfore sore swank.
Þe riche was welcom þer he cam,
Þe þouer was beten, þat he stank;
Now alle is gon in Godes gram,
8000 & þou hast, wreche, litel þank.
¶ Tomorwe anon as it is day,
Out of kiþ fram alle þine kin
Alle bare þou schalt wende oway
& leuen al þine warldes winne.
8500 Fram þe palays þat þou in lay
Wiþ wormes is now ytaken þin in;
Þi bour is bilt wel cold in clay,
Þe rof schal take to þi chin.
¶ Þou þat neuer in alle þi liue
9000 Of þis warldes mock miȝtest be sad,
Now schaltow haue at al þi siþe
schaltow: w is superscript. |
Bot seuen fet, vnneþe þat.
Þou miȝt yse þe soþe & kiþe,
Þat al is lorn þat þou biȝat.
9500 No schaltow neuer make þe bliþe,
Þer oþer men schal make hem glad.
¶ Of alle þat þou togiders drouȝ,
Þou were harder þan þe flint;
Swiche schal make him large anouȝ
1000 Þat þou wel litel haddest ymint.
Þou þat madest it so touȝ,
Al þi bobaunce is now ystint.
Ich may wepe þat þou bi louȝ,
For al mi joie for þe is tint.
1050 ¶ Þi fals air
schal be ful fain
Þi fair fe to vnderfo;
Now wele is him þis day ysein
Þat litel gode schal for ous do.
He no wold nouȝt ȝiue oȝain,
1100 To bring ous into rest & ro,
Of alle þi lond an acre or tvain,
Þat þou so sinfuly com to.
¶ Þi wiif no wil no more wepe;
Toniȝt no miȝt he haue no rest,
1150 No for fele þouȝtes slepe,
To wite what maner miȝt be best
In þi stede for to crepe. {f.32va} 
Bi þis hye wot an oþer al prest;
Be þou be tomorwen doluen depe,
1200 Anon þai schal be trewþe-fest.
¶ Now schul þine sekatours seek
Al þi gode when þou art ded;
Al togider schal go to wrek,
Haue men deled a litel bred.
1250 Ich man pike, what he may skek,
Hors & swine, schepe & net,
Gold & siluer – daþet who rec;
Ne be we boþe bitauȝt þe qued?
¶ Now may þine neiȝbours liue,
1300 Wreche, þatow hast wo ywrouȝt.
Þou stintest neuer wiþ þem to striue,
Til þai were to pouert brouȝt.
He was þi frende þat wald þe ȝiue,
& þi fo þat ȝaf þe nouȝt.
1350 Þe curs is comen þat now wil cliue,
Þat mani a man haþ þe bisouȝt.
¶ Now beþ þe bedes on þe liȝt,
Wreche, þer y se þe lie,
Þat mani a man bad day & niȝt,
1400 & lay on her knes to crie.
Allas! þat ich wreched wiȝt
Schal so gilteles abie
Þine misdedes & þine vntiȝt
& for þe hard paines drie.’
Corpus respondit anime.
1450 When þe gost
wiþ reweful chere
Hadde ymaked þis michel mone,
Þe bodi þer it lay on bere,
A gastlich þing as it was on,
Lift vp his heued opon þe swere;
1500 As it were sike it gan to gron
& seyd ‘Wheþer þou art mi fere,
Mi gost þat is fro me gon?’
¶ It seyd ‘Wheþer þou be mi gast,
Þat me abreidest of min vnhap?
1550 Vncomli, me þouȝt, min hert brast
When deþ so diolfuli me drap.
Y nam þe first, no worþ þe last,
Þat haþ ydronken of þat nap;
Nis non so kene þat he is cast,
1600 Þe prodest arst
may kepe his clap. {f.32vb}
¶ Wele y wot þat y schal rote;
So dede Alisaunder & Cesar,
Þat no man miȝt of hem finde a mot,
No of þe moder þat hem bar.
1650 Wirmes ete her white þrote,
So schal [hye] mine, wele am y war;
When deþ so scharpliche schet his schot,
Þer nis non [helpe] oȝain char.
¶ Þer y seiȝe boþe clerk & kniȝt
1700 & old man bi gates go,
Y was a ȝong man & liȝt,
& euer wende to liui so.
Halles heiȝe & bours briȝt
Y hadde ybilt & mirþes mo,
1750 Mi woning here wel wele ydiȝt,
& now deþ haþ me dempt þerfro.
¶ Mi woning here wel worþli wrouȝt,
& wende to liui ȝeres fele;
Wodes, wones, watres y bouȝt
1800 Wiþ al þat ich miȝt pike & spele.
Þe world is torned toȝain mi þouȝt,
When deþ, þat stilly can stele,
Haþ me dempt oway wiþ nouȝt,
& oþer welden alle mi wele.
1850 ¶ Soule, ȝif þou
it me wilt atwite,
Þat we schul be boþe yspilt,
ȝif þou hast schame & gret despite,
Al it is þine owhen gilt.
Y þe say at wordes lite
1900 Wiþ riȝt resoun, ȝif þatow wilt:
Þou berst þe blame, & y go quite,
Þou scholdest fram schame ous haue yschilt.
¶ For God þe schope after his schaft,
& ȝaf þe boþe wit & skille;
1950 In þi lokeing y was laft,
To wissi after þine owhen wille.
I no couþe neuer of wiche craft,
No wist what was gode no ille,
Bot as a bodi doumbe & daft,
2000 As þou tauȝtest me þertille.
¶ Seþen y was tauȝt þe to ȝeme
A witteles best as y was born,
& for to serui þe to queme,
Boþe an euen & eke a morn {f.33ra} 
2050 Þou þat couþest domes deme,
Þou schult haue ben war biforn;
Of me, soule, þou haddest to ȝeme;
Wite þiself þou art forlorn.’
Iterum anima corpori.
Þe soule seyd ‘Bodi, be stille.
2100 Who hast þe lerned al þis witt?
Þou castest me þis wordes grille,
& list ybollen as a bit.
What wenestow, wreche, þei þou fille
Wiþ þi foule flesche a pit,
2150 Of al þine dedes þou hast don ille,
Þat þou so liȝteliche schal go quit?
¶ What! Wenestow, wreche, to gete griþ,
þei þou lege loken in clay?
& þei þou roti pil & piþ,
2200 & blowe wiþ þe winde oway
ȝete þou schalt com, lim & liþ,
Oȝain to me at domesday,
Stond at court, & y þe wiþ,
To kepe þere our hard pay.
2250 ¶ For in þi
lokeing y was laft,
For to do astow me bede;
Þe bridel wiþ þe teþ þou lauȝt,
& dedest ay oȝain mi red.
To schame & sorwe it was þi drauȝt,
2300 To vilanie & wickedhed;
ȝern y chidde & wiþ þe fauȝt,
& euer þou toke þine owhen red.
¶ Y bad þe þenke in soule nedes,
Messes, matines & euensong;
2350 Þou seyd þou most don oþer dedes,
For þat was ydel mannes gong.
To wode or to feld þou ȝedest,
Or to court, to deme wrong;
Bot for pride or gret medes
2400 Litel gode þou dest among.
¶ Who may more tresoun do
Or his lord better bigine,
Þan he þat al his trist is to,
& is wiþ him as owhen hyne?
2450 Þo þat þou were þriuen & þro,
& knewen al werkes mine,
Þi selue þou purvaidest rest & ro, {f.33rb}

& damnedest me to helle-pine.
¶ Now may wilde bestes ren
2500 & woni vnder linde & lef,
Foules fle bi feld & fen,
Seþen þi wreched hert clef.
Þine eiȝen er blinde & may nouȝt kenne,
Þi mouþe is doumbe, þin er is def;
2550 & loþly list on me to grenne.
¶ Þar nis no leuedi briȝt of ble,
Þat wele was wont of þe to lete,
Þat o niȝt wald ly bi þe,
For þing þou miȝtest hir bihete.
2600 Þou art vnsemly for to se,
Vncomly for to kis swete;
Þou no hast no frende þat nil þe fle,
& þou com starteling in þe strete.’
Corpus respondit anime.
Þan þe bodi bigan to say,
2650 ‘Soule, þou hast wrong, ywis,
Al þi gilt on me to lay
Þat þou hast lorn heuen-blis.
Whar was y bi wode or way,
Sat or stode or dede ouȝt mis,
2700 Þat y no was euer vnder þine ay?
Wele þou wost & soþe it is.
¶ Or whare ȝede ich vp & doun,
Þat y no bare þe at mi bac,
& was þine hors fram toun to toun,
2750 At eueri stede ymake þe mak?
Ful wele þou wistest of mi roun,
What ich dede or what y spac;
Bi skil þou art ybrouȝt adoun,
& y go quite wiþouten lac.
2800 ¶ For al þe
while þou was mi fere,
Ich hadde alle þat me was nede,
Ich miȝt yse, speke & here,
ȝede & rode, drank & ete.
Loþliche ischaunched is mi chere,
is: superscript with
insertion point marked. |
2850 Seþþen þe time þat þou me lete;
Def & doumbe y ligge on bere,
Y no may stir hond no fet.
Iterum anima corpori.
Þe soule seyd ‘It is no dout,
About, bodi, þou me bare; {f.33va} 
2900 Þou mostest nedes,
y were wiþout
Hond & fot, & were al war.
Bot as tow bar me about,
Y no miȝt nouȝt do þe lest char;
Þerfore mot ich nedes stoupe;
2950 So doþ he þat oþer no dar.
¶ In a woman were we bred
& born togiders boþe to,
& on o barm forsterd & fed,
Ay til þou couþe speke & go.
3000 For loue softliche y þe led,
No durst y neuer do þe wo;
To lese þe y was fordred,
Y nist whare to gete mo.
¶ I seiȝe þe fair of flesche & blod,
3050 Al mi loue on þe y cast;
Þatow me brewe me þouȝt gode
& lete þe haue ro & rest.
Þat made þe wel stern of mod
& of dedes wel vnwrast;
3100 To wer wiþ þe was me no bot,
Þou bar me opon þi brest.
¶ Glotonie & licherie,
Pride & hat & coueytise,
Niþe & ond & envie
3150 Oȝaines God & alle hise,
In þat lustes for to lye,
Whas þi won in al wise;
Þat schal y wel dere abye
No wonder þei me sore agrise.
3200 ¶ Oft we were togiders
What we schuld boþe haue;
Litel hede tok þou of þat,
When þou seiȝe ded men in graue.
Þou dest al þat þe warld þe bad,
3250 & þat þi foule flesche wold craue;
& y þe suffred & dede as mad
mad: ascender of d crossed through. |
Þou to be maister & y þi knaue.’
[Corpus respondit anime.]
¶ ‘Þou þat were so worþly wrouȝt,
Þou seyst y maked þe mi þral?
3300 Al þat euer þe of rouȝt,
Þou it dest & y forhal.
& y no misdede neuer nouȝt,
No y no raft, no y no stal, {f.33vb} 
Of þe com euer þe first þouȝt.
3350 Abigge who so bigge schal.
¶ Ac haddestow, so Crist it ouþe,
ȝif me hunger, þrost & cold,
& chasted me, þat no gode no couþe,
To bismar when þat y was bold,
3400 Swiche as y lerd in mi ȝouþe,
Ich vsed, when þat y was old,
& went at [þi] wil norþ & souþe,
& lete þe haue þi wil at wold.
¶ To sinne þou wist it was mi kinde,
3450 As al man kinde is also,
& be þis wreche worl[d] minde,
& euer couayt mo & mo.
Þou schust haue leten me fast binde,
When y to sinne wold haue go;
3500 Bot when þe blinde lat þe blinde,
In diche þai falle boþe to.’
[Iterum anima corpori.]
¶ Þan þe soule bigan to wepe
& seyd ‘Bodi, allas! allas!
Þat ich euer seiȝe þe ȝete,
3550 For al mi loue on þe y las.
As þou louedest me þou lete,
& madest me an houue of glas
& y dede þat þe þouȝt swete,
& þou mi traitour euer was.
3600 ¶ When y bad þe
schrift take,
schrift: h is superscript. |
& lete þine sinnes ay & o,
Do penaunce, fast & wake,
Þe fend seyd, "Þou schalt nouȝt so
So ȝong þi riot to forsake,
3650 & euer to liue in sorwe & wo."
He bad þe ioie & mirþe make,
& þenke to liue ȝeres mo.
¶ & when y bad þe arliche arise,
& nimen of þi soule kepe,
3700 Þou seydest þou no miȝtest in no wise
For þi miri morwe slepe.
When ȝe þre hadde sett ȝour asise,
No wonder þei y sore wepe;
ȝe ladde me bi ȝour enprise,
3750 As þe bucher doþ þe schepe.
¶ & when y bad þe lete pride,
Þat þou no bere þe nouȝt so stout, {f.34ra}

Þe foule fende was þe biside,
& bad þou schust be fers & proude,
3800 & weri riche robes wide,
& nouȝt as a begger in a clout,
& on heiȝe hors ride
Wiþ fair meine in & out.
¶ When þou hast ytold þi fals tale,
3850 Ay þou were oȝain me forsworn;
Al þou held tretefale,
Þat men told þe biforn.
ȝe ladde me bi doun & dale,
As men doþ ox bi þe horn,
3900 Þer him schal be browe his bale,
Þat his þrote schal be forsworn.
¶ Ac ȝiue ichadde ben a nete,
Oþer a schepe oþer a swine
Þat ȝede about & drank & ete
3950 & were yslawe & passed pine,
Þan hadde ich neuer ytaken kepe,
No knowe þat ale fram þe wine,
Þan hadde ich neuer com in helle depe
Nouþe at mi last fine.
4000 ¶ Ac þei alle
men vnder mone
Ous to deme were sett on benche,
On of þe paines ous schal be done,
Þe lest peine no miȝt biþenche.
No helpes ous non bede no bone,
4050 No may we non wiles wrenche.
Helle houndes com sone,
& y no may nouȝt fram hem blenche.’
Corpus respondit anime.
And when þe bodi seiȝe þe gast
Þis wo & þis mone make,
4100 ‘Allas!’ it seyd, mi loue ylast,
Þat y haue loued for þi sake,
Þat min hert no hadde ybrast,
When y was fro mi moder take,
& seþþen into a pit ycast
4150 Vnto a nadder or to a snake.
¶ Þan hadde ich neuer ylerned,
What was iuel no what was gode,
No of þis warldes mok ȝerned,
No paines þoly, as y now mot;
4200 Owe wher no seynt no may
bere our ernd {f.34rb}
To him þat bouȝt ous wiþ his blod,
In helle-fire ar we be forbernd,
Of sum prayer may don ous bot.’
Iterum anima corpori.
‘Nay bodi, nay, now is to lat,
4250 For to pray or for to preche,
Now þe wain is atte ȝat,
& þe tong haþ lorn his speche.
O point of our payn to abat,
In alle þe warld nis no leche;
4300 Ac sikerliche we goþ o gat,
Swiche is Godes hard wreche.
¶ Ac haddestow a litel ere,
While ous was togider liif ylent,
When þou feldest þe sike & sere,
4350 Haue shriuen þe & þe fende yschent,
& haue ylate a reweful tere,
& bisouȝt Jhesu of amendement,
Þe þortest neuer haue had fere,
Þat he no wold ous grace haue sent.
4400 ¶ Ac þei alle
þe men þat beþ a liue
Were prestes, messe for to sing,
& alle widowes & alle wiue
Her hondes for þe wolde wring,
No miȝt telle þe paines riue,
4450 For soþe yseyd, wiþouten lesing,
Seþþen we no miȝt ous for schame schriue,
Þat schuld ous now to ioie bring.
¶ Bodi, y may no lenger duelle,
To stond for to speke wiþ þe;
4500 Helle houndes here ich ȝelle,
& fendes mo þan y may se,
To com to feche me to helle,
& y not whider y may fle;
& þou schalt com wiþ flesche & felle
4550 At domesday & speke wiþ me.’
Hadde he no raþer þis word yseyd,
It wist neuer whider to go,
It was yhent in a brayd
Wiþ a þousand fendes & ȝete mo.
4600 ¶ & when þai hadde on him ylayd
Her scharpe hokes al þo,
It was in a sori playd,
Ytoiled boþe to & fro. {f.34va} 
¶ Sum were rogged & rowe tayled,
4650 Wiþ brode boches on her bak,
Scharpe clawed & long nailed;
Nas no lim wiþouten lak.
Rewefully he was aseyled
Wiþ many a fende, blo & blak;
4700 ‘Merci!’ he crid, & litel vailed,
When God wald take his hard wrak.
¶ Sum þe chauel al toþrast,
& ȝoten in þe led al hot,
& bad he schuld drink fast,
4750 & birly about al o brod.
A fende þer com atte last –
Maister he was, ful wele y wot –
A colter glowend on him cast,
Þat þurth þe hert þe point it smot.
4800 ¶ Glaiues glowend
to him þai sett
To bac, to brest, in ich a side,
Þat at þe hert þe pointes mett,
& made him woundes depe & wide;
& þan þai asked hou þat he let
4850 His hert, þat was ful of pride;
ȝif he hadde any þing þat [men] him hett.
More schame him schuld bitide.
¶ Worþliche wede for to were
Þai seyd þat he loued best;
4900 An heui brini for to bere
Al glowend on him þai kest,
Wiþ hot claspes for to spere,
Þat fast sat to bac & brest,
& hiled al his oþer gere;
4950 A stede him com also prest.
¶ Þe stede was bridled wiþ a bridel,
A curssed deuel as a cot,
Þat loude grad & ȝened wide,
Þe blo fire fleiȝe out at his þrote;
fleiȝe: i is superscript. |
5000 In a sadel vp to þe midside,
Ful of scharp pikes yschote,
As an hechel on to ride;
& al was gloweand eueri grot.
¶ In þe sadel he was yslong,
5050 As he schuld to þe turnament;
A þousand fendes on him dong,
& al to peces him torent; {f.34vb} 
At euerie dint þe spark outsprong,
As a brond þat were forbrent;
5100 Wiþ hote speres he was ystong
& wiþ þer hokes al torent.
¶ & when he hadde riden þat foule rode
In þe sadel þer he was sett,
Þai slong him doun als a tode,
5150 & helle houndes to him lett,
& breyd of him þe peces brode,
Wel dolefulliche he was ygret;
Þere þe foule fendes glode,
O[f] blod men miȝt folwe þe tred.
5200 Þai bede he
schuld hunti & blowe,
¶ & clepe forþ Bausan & Beweviis,
His raches him were won[t] to knowe,
He schuld sone blowe þe priis;
An hundred fendes on a rowe
5250 Forþ him driue, maugre his,
Til he com to þat loþli lowe,
Helle, y wot, ycleped it is.
¶ When he com to þat foule won,
Þe fendes casten vp a ȝelle;
5300 Þe erþe opened & tochon,
Smok & smorþer þerout welle;
Of wild fir & of bronston
Seuen mile men miȝt haue þe smelle.
Wel wo is þe soule bigon,
5350 Þat schal suffri þat tende del.
¶ & when þe soule þis siȝt yseiȝe,
Whider it schuld, it cast a crie,
& seyd ‘Jhesu, þat art on heiȝe,
& on þi schaft þou haue mercie!
5400 Þou madest me þat art so sleiȝe,
Þi creatour so was y,
As oþer mani þat beþ þe neiȝe,
Þat þou so wele hast don by.
¶ Þou þat wistest al bifore
5450 Whi madest þou me to wroþerhele,
To be totogged & totore,
An oþer to welden al mi wele?
Þo wreches þou woldest haue forlore,
Wele miȝtestow hem hadde yspele;
5500 Þat þai no had neuer be bore,
To ȝiue þe ................ {f.35ra} 
¶ Þan bigo ....... .......
‘Caitif, no..... ......
To crie to ..... ..... ...
5550 No for to c..... ....... ....
Þou hast fo ...... .....
Þou hast y ..... ..... ....
& þat schalt ..... .....
& al þat leu ..... ..... ....
5600 ¶ Þe foule fend
..... .......
Bi top & tay[l] ..... ...... ..
& slonggen i ..... .....
Doun into ..... .....
Þer neuer s ..... .....
5650 Hemself þa ..... .....
Þe erþe ano ...... .....
Anon þe don ..... .....
¶ When it wa[s] ..... .....
In helle it ..... .....
5700 On heueric ...... .....
Opon þe b ...... .....
To Jhesu Cr[ist] ....... ........
Oft he cr ...... ...... ...
For fere ..... .....
5750 Com to ..... .....
¶ Y þonki ..... .....
His mic ..... .....
Þat sar ..... .....
A sinful ..... .....
5800 Þo þat ..... .....
Do schri ..... .....
Nas ne ..... .....
Þat go ..... .....
¶ Jhesu þa ...... .....
5850 & schope ..... ......
& wiþ ...... .....
Of ame ..... ......
Þine ...... .......
In heu ...... ......
5900 Þi pass ..... .....
Þerto ...... .....