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Dauid þe King
Lord God, to þe we calle,
Þat þou haue merci on ous alle,
& for þi michel mekenisse
Þat we mot comen to þi blisse.
Et secundum multitudinem &c
5000 Astow art lord of mest pouste,
Ful of merci & of pite,
Do oway our wickednisse
& of our sinnes forgiuenisse.
Amplius laua me domine &c
An[d] kepe ous alle fram dedli sinne,
1000 Þat non of ous no dye þerinne;
Our sinnes wele we knowen alle,
Þat maken ous oft ogain þe falle,
Þat we no quem þe nouȝt ariȝt,
As we auȝten wiþ al our miȝt.
Quoniam iniquitatem meam &c
1500 Lord, mi wickednisse y knowe wel,
Fram ende to ende eueridel,
& euer is mi sinne oȝaines me;
Lord, on me haue pite.
Tibi soli peccaui & malum &c
Oȝaines þe, lord, we han misdone,
2000 Niȝt & day, oft & ylome.
Þou chast ous, lord, wiþ wordes þine
& scheld ous alle from helle pine.
Ecce enim [in] iniquita[ti]bus &c
Lord God, to þe we calle;
Our sinnes þou knowest alle.
2500 In sinne we were biȝeten & born,
No were þi grace, we were forlorn.
{ 12 lines lost where miniature cut out }
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Auditui meo dabis &c
In heriing þou hast ȝouen ous blis,
4000 Gret comfort & ioie, ywis;
Þerfore we schulden ioie make,
Milde & boxsom for þi sake.
Auerte faciem tuam &c
Fram our sinnes, lord, turn þi face,
Ous to amenden þou ȝeue ous grace,
4500 & al our sinnes þou do oway,
Þat we han don bi niȝt & day.
Cor mundum crea &c
A clene hert þou do ous inne,
Þat we no more do no sinne.
Þe holy gost be ous among,
5000 Oȝain our enemy þat we may stond.
Ne proicias me &c
Fram ous nowhare in non place
No þi swete holy gost,
King Iesu, as þou al wost.
Redde michi leticiam &c
5500 ȝeld ous þe ioie of þi greting
Wiþ þe holy gost comforting,
& we wil teche þe riȝt way
To hem þat ben in sinne bilay,
Þat þai hem turn to þi blis.
6000 Lord Jesu, to heuen ous wis.
Docebo iniquos vias tuas &c
Ich hem wil þe way teche.
Lord Iesu, þou be our leche.
Of þi merci þai schul ioie make
Euer more for þi sake.
6500 Lord Iesu, heuen-king,
Ous alle schilde fram wicked fonding.
& mi tonge schal speken & say
Godenisse of þe eueri day.
Domine, labia mea aperies &c
Lord, mi lippes þou vndo.
7000 Graunt me, lord, þat it be so.
Wiþ praiers ichil honour þe,
Þi godhed & ek þi dignete.
Quoniam si uoluisses &c
Lord, ȝif it þi wille hadde be,
Sacrifise ich wold haue ȝeuen þe;
7500 Bot þat þing no wostow nouȝt,
Þou wost haue þat þou hast bouȝt:
Mannes soule þou wost haue,
Oþer ne woldestow nouȝt craue.
Sacrificium deo spiritus &c
Man, ȝif þou art meke & milde,
8000 God þe wil fram schame schilde.
Þine euencristene þou nouȝt despise,
For Iesus Crist is heiȝe justise.
Benigne fac domine &c
Lord, debonoure of al þing,
Astow art miȝtful heuen-king,
8500 Wiþ gode wille þou ous wisse & rade,
Þat holy chirche were vp ymade.
Tunc acceptabis &c
Þan artow riȝt justise
& reseiuest þe sacrifise,
Þe offring alle opon þe auter,
9000 Mannes soule þat is þe leue & dere.
Gloria patri & filio etc
Ioie & blis, as we mone,
Be wiþ þe fader & sone
& ek wiþ þe holy gost.
Lord Iesu, as þou wele wost.
Sicut erat in principio &c
9500 As it was & euer schal be
Wiþ þe holy gost in trinite,
Fram þe first bigininge,
Þat neuer no schal haue endinge.Amen