Horn Childe & Maiden Rimnild
Mi leue frende dere, {f.317va} 
Herken & ȝe may here
& ȝe wil vnderstonde,
Stories ȝe may lere
5000 Of our elders þat were
Whilom in þis lond.
Y wil ȝou telle of kinges tvo –
Hende Haþeolf was on of þo –
Þat weld al Ingelond;
1000 Fram Humber norþ þan walt he,
Þat was into þe Wan See,
Into his owhen hond.
¶ He no hadde no child as ȝe may here
Bot a sone þat was him dere;
1500 When þat he was born
Þe king was glad & of gode chere,
He sent after frendes fer & nere
& bad men calle him Horn.
Viii knaue childer he souȝt,
2000 To Horn his sone [he hem] bitauȝt –
Alle were þai frely born –
Wiþ him to play & lere to ride –
Fiue ȝer in þat ich tide –
Wiþ baner him biforn.
2500 ¶ Hende, & ȝe me herken
Þe childer name as it is told
Y wil ȝou reken ariȝt:
Haþrof & Tebaude,
Aþelston & Winwold,
3000 Gariis wise & wiȝt;
Wihard þat was euer trewe,
Seþþen first him Horn knewe,
To serue wiþ al his miȝt;
Wicard & his broþer Wikel,
3500 Seþen Horn fond hem ful fikel,
Lesinges on him þai liȝt. {f.317vb} 
¶ Arlaund, þat al þewes couþe,
Boþe bi norþ & bi souþe –
In herd is nouȝt to hide –
4000 On hunting was him most couþe,
For to blowe an horn wiþ mouþe
& houndes lede biside;
To harpe wele & play at ches
& al gamen þat vsed is,
4500 & mo was in þat tide.
Haþeolf Arlaund bitauȝt
Horn & his children auȝt
To lern hem to ride.
¶ Out of Danmark com an here
5000 Opon Jnglond for to were,
Wiþ stout ost & vnride;
Wiþ yren hattes, scheld & spere,
Alle her pray to schip þai bere
In Clifland bi Teseside.
5500 Schepe & nete to schip þai brouȝt
& al þat þai haue mouȝt,
In herd is nouȝt to hide.
When Haþeolf it herd say
He busked boþe niȝt & day
6000 Oȝain hem for to ride.
¶ Wiþin þat ich fourtenniȝt,
Barouns fele & mani a kniȝt
Al were þai redi boun;
Wiþ helme on heued & brini briȝt
6500 Alle were þai redi to fiȝt
& rered gonfeynoun.
On Alerton More al þai mett;
Þer were her dayes sett,
Failed hem no roum.
7000 Seþþen to Clifland þai rade
Þer þe Danis men abade
To fel þe feye adoun.
¶ In a mor[n]ing þai bigan,
Of al þat day þai no blan
7500 Þat baleful werk to wirke;
Sides þai made blo & wan
Þat er were white so feþer on swan –
Swiche gamen man auȝt irke.
When þat euen bicam
8000 Þe Danis men were
al slan, {f.318ra}
It bigan to mirke.
Whoso goþ or rideþ þerbi
ȝete may men see þer bones ly
Bi Seyn Sibiles Kirke.
8500 ¶ Hende Haþeolf,
as y ȝou say,
Duelled þer þe niȝen day,
Þe folk of him was fain.
Þai toke anon þat ich pray,
Schepe & nete þat þer slain lay,
9000 & ȝaf it þe folk oȝain;
Armour & brini briȝt
He ȝaf to squier & to kniȝt,
To seriaunt & to swayn.
Schipes he dede to lond drawe
9500 & ȝaf to bondmen on rawe
For her catel was slayn.
¶ Þo he seye þat were wiȝt,
Wiþ helme on heued & brini briȝt
& wele couþe prike a stede,
1000 & þo þat were douhti in fiȝt,
Sexti dubbed he þer to kniȝt
& ȝaf hem riche mede.
Sum baylis he made
& sum he ȝaf londes brade;
1050 His ȝiftes were nouȝt gnede.
& seþþen he dede chirches make
To sing for þe dedes sake –
God quite him his mede.
¶ Seþþen king Haþolf fore
1100 For to hunten on Blakeowe More
Wiþ a rout vnride
In fretþe & in forest þore;
To telle þe dere strong it wore,
Þat he felled þat tide.
1150 & anon after, wiþouten lesing,
He held a fest at Pikering,
Þer his kniȝtes schuld ride.
& seþþen to ȝork, was nouȝt to layn,
Arlaunde com him oȝain
1200 & Horn his sone wiþ prede.
¶ King Haþeolf tok þe children auȝt
Þat he had his sone bitauȝt
& gan to wepe anon.
MS: originally sore anon but sore underdotted. |
‘Ichaue won mi fon wiþ mauȝt {f.318rb}

1250 Þat we oȝein in batayl fauȝt
& now þai ben al slon;
& ȝour faders ben slawe þare –
Þat ofþinkeþ me ful sare –
& oþer mani on.
1300 Þe lond þat þai held of me
Alle y ȝiue ȝou here fre,
Ward no kepe y non.
¶ Wiþ Horn mi sone y wil ȝe be,
As ȝour faders han ben wiþ me,
1350 & oþes ȝe schul him swere
Þat ȝe schal neuer fram him fle
For gold no siluer, lond no fe,
Oȝein outlondis here.’
To Horn his sone he hem bitoke
1400 & dede hem swere opon þe boke
Feute þai schuld him bere
While þat þai liue miȝt,
Wiþ helme on heued & brini briȝt
His londes for to were.
1450 ¶ Hende Haþeolf
þat was so fre
Bot ix moneþ soiournd he;
No lenge no hadde he pes.
Out of Yrlond com kinges þre,
Her names can y telle þe,
1500 Wele wiþouten les:
Ferwele & Winwald were þer to,
Malkan king was on of þo,
Proude in ich a pres.
Al Westmerland stroyed þay;
1550 Þe word com on a Whissonday
To king Haþeolf at his des.
¶ He bad þe harpour leuen his lay
‘For ous bihoueþ anoþer play,
Buske armour & stede.’
1600 He sent his sond niȝt & day
Also fast as he may,
His folk to batayl bede.
‘Bid hem þat þai com to me
Al þat hold her lond fre,
1650 Help now at þis nede.
Better manly to be slayn
Þan long to liue in sorwe & pain
Oȝain outlondis þede.’ {f.318va} 
¶ þai busked hem wel hastily
1700 To com to þe kinges cri
Wiþin elleuen niȝt
Þat eueriche strete & eueri sty
Glised þer þai riden by
Of her brinis briȝt;
1750 & seþþen to Staynes More þai rode –
Þe rout was boþe long & brod –
To fel þo fay in fiȝt.
Alle þat niȝt duelled þay
Til amorwe þat it was day,
1800 Þe barouns of gret miȝt.
¶ Þe Irise ost was long & brade;
On Staines More þer þai rade
Þai ȝaf a crie for prede.
Hende Haþeolf hem abade;
1850 Swiche meting was neuer made,
Wiþ sorwe on ich a side.
Riȝt in a litel stounde
Sexti þousand were layd to grounde,
In herd is nouȝt to hide;
1900 King Haþeolf slouȝ wiþ his hond,
Þat was comen out of Yrlond,
Tvo kinges þat tide.
¶ King Haþeolf was wel wo
For þe Irise ost was mani & mo
1950 Wiþ scheld & wiþ spere;
Ful long seþþen man seyd so:
‘When men schuld to batayl go,
To men miȝt on dere.’
Þei king Haþeolf fauȝt fast,
2000 King Malkan stiked atte last,
His stede þat schuld him bere;
Now schal men finde kinges fewe
Þat in batail be so trewe
His lond for to were.
2050 ¶ When king Haþeolf
on fot stode
Þe Yrise folk about him ȝode
As hondes do to bare;
Whom he hit opon þe hode,
Were he neuer kniȝt so gode,
2100 He ȝaue a dint wel sare.
He brouȝt in a litel stounde
Wele fif þousende to grounde {f.318vb} 
Wiþ his grimly gare;
Þe Yrise ost tok hem to red
2150 To ston þat douhti kniȝt to ded;
Þai durst neiȝe him na mare.
¶ Gret diol it was to se
Of hende Haþeolf þat was so fre –
Stones to him þai cast;
2200 Þai brak him boþe legge & kne –
Gret diol it was to se –
He kneled attelast.
King Malcan wiþ wretþe outstert
& smot king Haþeolf to þe hert.
2250 He held his wepen so fast
Þat king Malkan smot his arm atvo
Er he miȝt gete his swerd him fro.
For nede his hert tobrast.
¶ Þei king Malkan wan þe priis
2300 Oway brouȝt he no mo, ywis,
Of his men bot þritten
Þat wounded were in bak & side;
Þai fleiȝe & durst nouȝt abide –
Daþet who hem bimene!
2350 To Yrlond he com oȝain
& left her fair folk al slain
Lieand on þe grene;
Þarf hem noiþer niȝt no day
Make her ros þai wan þe pray,
2400 Bot slowe þe king, y wene.
¶ An erl of Norþhumberland,
He herd telle þis tiþeand,
He busked him to ride.
Alle he sesed in his hand
2450 Al þat he toforn him fand
Riȝt to Humberside.
When þat Arlaund herd sain
Þat hende Haþeolf was slain
He durst no lenge abide;
2500 Þai busked boþe niȝt & day
As fast as þai may,
Her heuedes for to hide.
¶ Fer souþe in Jnglond
Houlac king þer þai fond
2550 Wiþ kniȝtes stiþe on stede.
He toke him Horn bi þe hand, {f.319ra} 
When he hadde teld his tiþeand
Mennes hertes miȝt blede
‘When hende Haþeolf was slan
2600 & his londes fram him tan
& we ben flowe for drede;
Of miself is me nouȝt,
Bot Horn his sone ichaue þe brouȝt.
Help now in þis nede.’
2650 ¶ Houlac king was
wel hende;
Ressaiued hem niȝen, Herlaund þe tende,
Her maister for to be.
‘Mete & drink y schal hem fende
& euer when ich outwende
2700 Þai schal wende wiþ me.
Horn schal be me leue & dere.’
He bad Harlaund schuld him lere
Þe riȝt for to se,
Þe lawes boþe eld & newe,
2750 Al maner gamen & glewe;
In bok þus rede we.
¶ Þus in boke as we rede
Alle þai were in court to fede,
Sweteliche at lare.
2800 Alle were þai cloþed in o wede
To ride on palfray oþer on stede,
Wheþer hem leuer ware.
Hor[n] was boþe war & wise,
At hunting oft he wan þe priis,
2850 Loued he noþing mare;
Harpe & romaunce he radde ariȝt,
Of al gle he hadde insiȝt
Þat in lond ware.
¶ Þe word of Horn wide sprong,
2900 Hou he was boþe michel & long,
Wiþin fiftene ȝere;
Þer was no kniȝt in Jnglond
Þat miȝt a dint stond of his hond,
Noiþer fer no nere.
2950 Michel he was & wele ymaked,
As white as milke he was naked
& euer o bliþe chere.
Meke he was & trewe so stiel,
Alle games he couþe wel
3000 As ȝe may forward here.
¶ Houlac king, y wene,
Hadde no child bi þe quene
Bot a maid briȝt;
Al þai seyd þat hir [hadde] sene
3050 Sche was a feir may & a schene
& maiden Rimneld sche hiȝt.
When sche herd [of] Horn speke
Miȝt sche him nouȝt forȝete
Bi day no bi niȝt;
3100 Loued neuer childer mare
Bot Tristrem or Ysoud it ware
Whoso rede ariȝt.
¶ Þat miri maiden wald nouȝt wond
Dern loue for to fond
3150 ȝif sche it miȝt winne;
Forþi sche sent wiþ hir sond
For to speke wiþ Arlond
For Horn schuld cum wiþ him.
& Arlaund him biþouȝt
3200 ȝif he Horn wiþ him brouȝt
Lesinges schuld biginne;
Forþi he lete Horn at hame
& toke Haþerof in his name
To maiden Rimneld [inne].
3250 ¶ Þe miri maiden
also sone
As Haþerof jnto chaumber come,
Sche wend þat it wer Horn.
A riche cheier was vndon,
Þat seuen miȝt sit þeron,
seuen: u has three minims. |
3300 In swiche craft ycorn.
A baudekin þeron was spred,
Þider þe maiden hadde hem led
To siten hir biforn;
Frout & spices sche hem bede,
3350 Wine to drink, wite & rede,
Boþe of coppe & horn.
¶ Þan a seriaunt sche bad go,
A gentil goshauk for to ta –
Fair he was to fliȝt –
3400 Þerwiþ herten gloues to –
Swiche was þe maner þo –
& ȝaf Haþerof of her ȝif[t].
¶ Sche wende bi Haþerof, Horn it were,
Þat loued hunting noþing more, {f.319va}

3450 On him hir loue was liȝt.
A les of grehoundes forþ þai brouȝt;
& he forsoke & wald it nouȝt
& seyd Haþerof he hiȝt.
¶ ‘Whateuer þi name it be
3500 Þou schalt haue þis houndes þre
Þat wele can take a dere;
& Harlaund, for þe loue of me,
Harlaund: MS reads Haþerof. |
Com tomorn & Horn wiþ þe.’
He lay hir hert ful nere.
3550 ¶ & Harlaund þat was hende
Toke his leue for to wende
Wiþ a bliþe chere
& com anon on þe morn
& brouȝt wiþ him hende Horn,
3600 As ȝe may forward here.
¶ Þe maiden bour was fair spred,
Atired al wiþ riche webbe,
Sche haylset hem wiþ winne.
haylset: MS reads haylest |
Þe mirie maiden hir biþouȝt
3650 In what maner þat sche mouȝt
Trewe loue for to ginne.
Sche sett hir hem bitvene;
Þe maiden was briȝt & schene
& comen of kinges kinne.
3700 Anon hirselue hadde hem ledde
To sitten opon her owhen bedde,
Arlaund & Horn wiþ him.
Mills (1988) relocates lines 370-372,
placing them after line 363. |
¶ Hendeliche sche to hem spac,
A poumgarnet þer sche brak
3750 & spices dede sche calle,
Wine to drink, after þat
Sche lete fet forþ a stede blac,
Was couered al wiþ palle.
Þe stiropes were of silke wite,
3800 Bridel & sadel al was slike,
& seyd ‘Horn hende in halle,
It was me told þou schust be kniȝt;
Y þe ȝif here a stede liȝt
& a queyntise of palle.’
3850 ¶ ‘Horn’
sche seyd ‘is þi name;
An horn y schal ȝiue þe ane,
A michel & vnride;
Al yuore is þe bon, {f.319vb} 
Sett wiþ mani a riche ston,
3900 To bere bi þi side.’
¶ Þe baudrike was of silk riȝt –
Þe maiden self it hadde ydiȝt –
Layd wiþ gold for pride.
‘What þat euer be wiþ me,
3950 Horn, at þi wille schal it be,
In herd is nouȝt to hide.’
¶ Þan sche lete forþ bring
A swerd hongand bi a ring,
To Horn sche it bitauȝt
4000 ‘It is þe make of Miming,
Of al swerdes it is king
& Weland it wrouȝt.
¶ Bitterfer þe swerd hiȝt,
Better swerd bar neuer kniȝt,
4050 Horn, to þe ich it þouȝt.
Is nouȝt a kniȝt in Jnglond
Schal sitten a dint of þine hond,
Forsake þou it nouȝt.’
¶ Hendelich þan þanked he
4100 Þe maiden of hir ȝift fre
& seyd ‘so God me spede,
Rimnild, for þe loue of þe,
Y schal iuste þat þou schalt se
Opon þis ich stede.’
4150 ¶ Horn in þat ich stounde
ȝaf þe maiden loue wounde,
So neiȝe hir hert it ȝede;
& sche wel trewely haþ him hiȝt,
ȝif þat he be dubbed kniȝt,
4200 Hir maidenhod to mede.
¶ Wiþin þat ich fourtenniȝt
Horn was dubbed to kniȝt,
& Haþerof, as y wene,
& oþer mani þat were liȝt,
4250 Has Houlak king hadde hem hiȝt,
So were þai ful fiftene.
A turnament þe king lete crie;
Þider com wel on heye
Kniȝtes þat were kene;
4300 Maiden Rimneld biheld þat play,
Hou Horn wan þe priis þat day,
catchword: to wite & nouȝt. |
To wite & nouȝt to wene. {f.320ra} 
¶ Houlac king ȝaf Horn leue
In his bour for to chese
4350 Þe maidens þat were fre,
Riche of kin & hondes sleye
Þai hadde frendes fer & neiȝe,
He miȝt avaunced be.
& maiden Rimnild him bede
4400 Þat he schuld take non oþer rede,
Non oþer þan chese he;
For sche wel trewely haþ him hiȝt,
ȝif þat sche liue miȝt,
His leman wald sche be.
4450 ¶ Tebaud went biȝond
& Winwald þat was so fre
To leren hem to ride;
Wiþ þe king of Fraunce duelled he,
Mani time þai gat þe gre
4500 In turnament þat tide.
¶ Þe king seiȝe þat þai wer wiȝt,
Boþe he dubbed hem to kniȝt
Wiþ wel riche pride.
Wiif þai toke & duelled þare,
4550 In Jnglond com þai nomore
Her werdes for to bide.
¶ Gariis into Bretein went,
& Aþelston wiþ him was lent,
To an erl so fre;
4600 At iustes & at turnament,
Whiderward so þai went
Euer þai gat þe gre.
& þerl hem boþe kniȝtes made
& ȝaf hem londes wide & brade
4650 Wiþ him for to be.
Þus þai duelled þer in pes
While þat Cristes wil wes,
In boke so rede we.
¶ Houlac king ȝaf gold & fe
4700 To hem þat þai
miȝt þe better be
þai is superscript with caret mark. |
& bad þai schuld wiue.
Haþerof [þ]a[t] kniȝt fre
& Horn, he seyd ‘y loue þe,
Man most oliue.’
4750 & Wiard treuly he haþ hiȝt
Þat he schal dubbed be to kniȝt {f.320rb}

At anoþer siþe.
Wigard & Wikel hem biþouȝt
Hou þai Horn bitray mouȝt –
4800 God lete hem neuer þriue!
¶ On a day as Houlak king
Schuld wende on his playing
To late his haukes fleye,
Horn þan, wiþouten lesing,
4850 Bilaft at hom for blode-leteing,
Al for a maladye.
Wikard bi þe king rade,
Wikel þat lesing made,
Horn gan þai wray
4900 & seyd ‘sir, y seiȝe ȝisterday
Hou Horn bi þi douhter lay –
Traitours boþe be þai.’
¶ Þe king leued þat þai sede
‘Forþi ȝaf sche him þe stede,
4950 Lesing it is nouȝt.’
He went hom as he were wode,
Into boure anon he ȝode
& maiden Rimnild he souȝt;
¶ He bete hir so þat sche gan blede,
5000 Þe maidens fleiȝe oway for drede,
Þai durst help hir nouȝt.
Gi[l]tles sche was of þat dede;
Horn hadde nouȝt hir maidenhede,
Bot in word & þouȝt.
5050 ¶ Houlac [king ] his
swerd haþ tan
& seyd Horn schuld be slan;
For wretþe he wald wede
‘He haþ me don michel schame;
Y wende wele haue suffred nane
5100 For mi gode dede.’
Kniȝtes com þe king biforn,
Alle prayd þai for Horn,
No miȝt þer non spede;
Þe king into his chaumber is gon
5150 & schet himself þerin alon
Til his wretþe ouerȝede.
¶ Þei þat Horn was sore adrad
Into boure he was ladde
Þe maiden for to se.
5200 He fond hir liggeand on
hir bedde {f.320va}
Mouþe & nose al forbled.
‘Þis hastow for me?’
‘Bi God of heuen þat me bouȝt
Of miselue is me nouȝt;
5250 Way is me for þe!
Fals men haþ on ous leyd
& to mi fader ous biwraid,
Y drede he flemes te.
¶ Bot Horn, ȝif it so schal bitide
5300 Þat þou schalt out of lond ride
& flemed schaltow be,
Þis seuen winter y schal abide
Mi maidenhed to hele & hide
For þe loue of þe;
5350 Þei an emperour come,
King oþer kinges sone,
For to wedde me,
Of no loue ne schal he spede
Þat y ne schal kepe mi maidenhede,
5400 So help me God, to þe.
¶ Horn, tomorwe jn þe mor[n]ing,
Þou schalt fare on hunting
To take þe wild ro;
ȝif God þe spede an hunting,
5450 Loke þou bring it bifor þe king
Whatso þou may to,
As he sittes at his des
Yserued of þe first mes,
Hauȝtel þe now so;
5500 Fare as þou wist nouȝt
& he schal telle þe al his þouȝt
Er þou fram þat bord go.’
¶ Amorwen Horn to hunting is gan
To take þe wilde wiþ þe tam;
5550 In þe morwening,
Fiue hertes haþ he tan,
Bi midday brouȝt hem ham
Bifor Houlak king.
Þe king seyd ‘it is for nouȝt.
5600 Traitour, þou hast tresoun wrouȝt;
Tomorwe ȝif y þe finde,
Bi mi croun þou schalt be slawe,
Wiþ wilde hors al todrawe
& seþþen on galwes hing.’ {f.320vb}

5650 To Rimneld he com,
wiþouten lesing,
& sche bitauȝt him a ring,
Þe vertu wele sche knewe
‘Loke þou forsake it for no þing,
It schal ben our tokening,
5700 Þe ston it is wel trewe.
When þe ston wexeþ wan,
Þan chaungeþ þe þouȝt of þi leman,
Take þan a newe;
When þe ston wexeþ rede,
5750 Þan haue y lorn mi maidenhed
Oȝaines þe vntrewe.’
¶ Horn seyd ‘in þine erber is a tre,
Þervnder is a wel fre,
Ygrowen al wiþ yue;
5800 Rimnild, for þe loue of me,
Eueri day þat þou þer be
To se þe water liþe;
& when þou sest mi schadu þare,
Þan trowe þou me namare,
5850 Þan am y bon to wiue;
& while þou sest mi schadu nouȝt,
Þan chaungeþ neuer mi þouȝt
For no woman oliue.
¶ Houlac king wald nere wede
5900 Þere he sat opon his seghe
& seyd ‘traitour, fle!’
Horn tok his leue & ȝede;
Wiþ him he toke his gode stede
& grehoundes bot þre
5950 & alle his harneys, lasse & mare;
Haþerof durst nouȝt wiþ him fare
So wroþ þe king was he.
Maidens in þe boure gan crie
& seyd Rimnild wald dye –
6000 ‘Now swoneþ þat fre.’
¶ When Horn com fer out of þat siȝt
He seyd Godebounde he hiȝt
When he gan ani mete.
Wiard rode after day & niȝt
6050 Also fast as he miȝt
Horn for to seke;
Of Godebounde herd he speke,
Horn no miȝt he neuer gete {f.321ra}
Bi way no bi strete.
6100 Wiard rode souþe & Horn rode west,
To Wales Horn com atte lest,
Wel long er þai to mete.
¶ Þurth a forest as he schuld fare
An armed kniȝt mett he þare,
6150 & bad Horn schuld abide
To ȝeld his harneise lesse & mare,
Oþer iuste, wheþer him leuer ware
‘Þe lawe is nouȝt to hide.’
& Horn of iusting was ful fain
6200 & seyd to þe kniȝt oȝain,
‘Ful leue me were to ride.’
This stanza lacks three lines,
but there is no gap in the MS. |
¶ Þe kniȝt toke a schaft in hand
& Horn wele vnderfand
Þat he couþe ride.
6250 ¶ Horn tok on also long,
A ful touȝ & to so strong,
Oȝaines him þat tide.
þe kniȝtes scheld he cleue atvo
& of his plates he brac þo
6300 & frussed alle his side;
Out of his sadel he bar him þan,
He brac his arm & his schulderban,
He hadde a fal vnride.
¶ When he of swoning bicam,
6350 He asked after Hornes nam,
Whider he wald gang
‘In Walis lond is þer nan
Man ymade of flesche no ban
Oȝain þe may stand.’
6400 Horn answerd onan
‘Godebounde is mi nam,
Icham comen to fand
For to win gold & fe,
In seruise wiþ ȝour king to be
6450 Þat lord is of þis land.’
¶ ‘Our kinges name is Elidan,
In al Wales is þer nan
So strong a man as he;
While þe seuen days be gan,
6500 Euerich day wiþ sundri man,
Iusting bedes he þe;
Þe eiȝten day, be þou bold – {f.321rb}

ȝif þou þe seuen days mai hold –
Þe king þan schaltow se
6550 Com rideand on a stede broun
Wiþ a soket o feloun,
For to win þe gre.’
¶ Horn seyd ‘wiþoutten lesing,
For to speke wiþ þe king
6600 For noþing wil y bide.’
Þe kniȝt teld him namare;
Þe king at Snowedoun he fond þare,
Sir Elydan þat tide.
He iusted al þat seuen niȝt,
6650 Eueri day wiþ sundri kniȝt,
He gat þe fairest pride;
Þe eiȝten day wiþ Elidan
& wan her stedes euerilkan,
In herd is nouȝt to hide.
6700 ¶ He smot þe
king opon þe scheld,
Of his hors he made him held,
& feld him to þe grounde.
Swiche on hadde he founde seld,
Þat so had feld him in þe feld,
6750 Bifor þat ich stounde.
Þe king asked him what he hiȝt
& he him answerd anonriȝt
‘Mi name is Godebounde.’
‘Y wil þe ȝif gold & fe
6800 ȝif þat þou wil duelle wiþ me
Bi ȝere a þousend pounde.’
Messangers com out of Yrland
& toke þe king a letter in hand
& bad he schuld rede;
6850 Fro a king þat men dede wrong –
His owhen sone, ich vnderstond –
Þat axed help at nede.
He lete write a letter oȝain,
He schuld han help, is nouȝt to layn,
6900 Wiþ kniȝtes stiþe on stede.
Horn to batayl was ful boun
& folwed þe messangers out of toun,
Into Jrlond þai him lede.
¶ Hem com an hauen wele to hand
6950 Þat ȝolkil is cleped in Irland,
Þe court was þer biside. {f.321va} 
Finlawe king þer þai fande,
For to here tiþeande,
Oȝain hem gan [he] ride.
7000 Þe letter told þat he brouȝt
Help schuld him faile nouȝt
Oȝaines þilke tide.
King Finlak dede to Malkan say,
Wheþer he wold, bi niȝt or day,
7050 Þe bataile wald he bide.
¶ Þe kinges sones riden baþe
To haylse Horn when þai him sawe
& welcomed him, þat fre.
Anon þai gun to striue raþe
7100 Wheþer of hem him schuld haue
To duelle in her meine.
Horn answerd hem þan as hende
& seyd to hem ‘mi leue frende,
Þe king þan wald y se
7150 & afterward y wille ȝou telle
Where me leuest is to duelle
& semlyest to me.’
¶ Þe messanger told Hornes dede,
Hou he hadde ywon þe stede
7200 & hou he seiȝe him ride.
‘Sir, miȝtestow hold him to þi nede,
King Malkan þarf þe nouȝt drede,
Batayle miȝt þou bide.
Hour king haþ boden him gold & fe
7250 Wiþ þat he wil wiþ him be
At þis ich nede,
& Horn ful trewely haþ him hiȝt
For to stond in stede of kniȝt,
In herd is nouȝt to hide.’
7300 ¶ In Yrlond was þer
Þat alle þai be to Malkan gan,
So michel was his pouste;
Bot Finlak king, him alan,
Has þe batayl vndertan,
7350 ȝif Crist wil þat it be.
King Malkan dede bede out here
Opon þe king Finlak to were:
‘Now þan schal we se;
ȝif he wil fiȝt, he schal be slan,
7400 ȝif he wil bide, he schal
be tan. {f.321vb}
Y trowe best he wil fle.’
¶ Bot þre woukes were þer sett
Þat alle þis folk schal be mett
& batayle schal þer be;
7450 Þe Walis king hadde gret lett
Wiþ windes & wiþ watres bett,
Sir Elidan þe fre.
He no miȝt into Irlond come
For to helpen his sone,
7500 For stormes on þe se.
King Finlak seyd ‘is nouȝt to hide,
Þis batayl dar y nouȝt abide;
Mi rede is tan to fle.’
¶ & þan was Horn as fain o fiȝt
7550 As is þe foule of þe liȝt
When it ginneþ dawe
‘Sir king, for to held þi riȝt,
riȝt: Mills amends
to hiȝt. |
Y rede þou bede riche ȝift,
bede: de is written superscript
and marked by caret. |
Þe folk wil to þe drawe.
7600 Geder to þe folk þat þou may
& baldliche hold þi day;
Batail schal we schawe.
To fle me þink it is gret schame
Ar dintes be smiten or ani man slan
7650 For drede of wordes awe.’
¶ Þe kinges sones wer kniȝtes bold
& seyd þai wald þe batail hold
Her liues for to lete;
Finlak king, þei he war ald,
7700 Bleþeli, he seyd, fiȝt he wald
To hold þat he bihete.
Þus þai riden out of toun
Wiþ spere oloft & gomfaynoun
Malkan king to mete;
7750 Wiþ speres scharp & swerdes gode,
Þai slouȝ mani a frely fode,
So grimli gun þai grete.
¶ Þer Horn seiȝe þe mest þrang,
In he rides hem amang
7800 & lays on wel gode won;
It was no man of Yrland
Miȝt stond a dint of his hand,
At ich stroke he slouȝ on
{A leaf and approximately 195 lines missing after 783}
Maiden & wiif gret sorwe gan make {f.322ra} 
7850 For þe kinges sones sake
Þat were a point to dye.
Finlac king oȝaines him come
& his armes of him nome –
Þe blod ran ouer his eiȝe.
7900 He cleped his douhter Acula
& bad sche schuld a plaster ta –
Of woundes was sche sleiȝe.
¶ Þe maiden tast Hornes wounde,
Þe kinges douhter in þat stounde
7950 Of him hye is ful fain
‘Þou schalt be sone hole & sounde.
Hastow Malkan brouȝt to grounde?’
He seyd ‘ȝa’ oȝain.
‘King Malkan was mi faders ban,
8000 & now for soþe ich haue him slan,
Þe soþe for to sain.
Mi fader swerd y wan today,
Y kepe it while y liue may,
Þe name is Blauain.’
8050 ¶ þai birid
þe folk þat were slan
& her armour þai ladde ham
Wiþ hors white & broun.
Finlac king him biþouȝt
Hou he Horn ȝeld mouȝt
8100 To ȝif him his warisoun;
He tok Malkan kinges lond
& sesed it into Hornnes hond,
Boþe tour & toun.
Erles, barouns, euerichon,
8150 In Jrlond was þer non
Þat it no com to his somoun.
¶ Þe kinges douhter Acula
Loued hende Horn so
Sche durst it nouȝt kiþe;
8200 Wheþer sche seiȝe him ride or go
Hir þouȝt hir hert brak atvo
Þat sche no spac wiþ þat bliþe.
On a day sche made hir seke.
Horn com & wiþ hir speke,
8250 Sche miȝt no lenger miþe.
To him spac þat maiden fre
& seyd ‘Horn, y loue þe,
Man most oliue.’ {f.322rb} 
¶ Oueral Horn þe priis him wan,
8300 He seyd it was for o wiman
Þat was him leue & dere.
Acula wende forþan
Þat Horn hir loued & most gode an
Of ani woman þat were.
8350 Of anoþer was al his þouȝt;
Maiden Rimnild forȝat he nouȝt,
Sche lay his hert ful nere.
Þe ring to schewen haþ he tan –
Þe hewe was chaunged of þe stan,
8400 For gon is seuen ȝere.
¶ Horn wald no lenger abide,
He busked him for to ride
& gedred folk eueraware,
An hundred kniȝtes bi his side,
8450 Wiþ stedes fele & michel pride,
Her schippes were ful ȝare.
Þai sayled ouer þe flode so gray,
In Jnglond ariued were þay
Þer hem leuest ware;
8500 Vnder a wode þer þai gan lende,
Horn seiȝe a begger wende
& after he is fare.
¶ Horn fast after him gan ride
& bad þe begger schuld abide
8550 For to here his speche.
Þe begger answerd in þat tide
‘Vilaine, canestow nouȝt ride?
Fairer þou miȝt me grete.
Haddestow cleped me gode man,
8600 Y wold haue teld þe wennes y cam
& whom y go to seche.
Horn to seke haue y gon
þurthout londes mani on
& ay schal while we mete.
8650 ¶ & now be min robes
& me no was non oþer ȝeuen
Of alle þis seuen ȝere;
Y go to seke after him ay
& þus haue don mani a day
8700 Til þat we mete yfere.
Today is Moging þe king
Wiþ Rimnild at spouseing, {f.322va} 
Þe kinges douhter dere;
Mani sides schuld be bibled
8750 Er he bring hir to his bed
ȝif Horn in lond were.
¶ Wiard schaltow calle me.
Gentil man, ȝif þou be fre,
Tel me þi name;
8800 ¶ Þi knaue wald y fain be
Þat fair fest for to se;
Me þenke þatow hast nane.’
Horn answerd him oȝain
‘Ich hat Horn, is nouȝt to lain,
8850 & elles were me schame,
Bot ȝif ich held þat þou hast seyd;
Er þat þai ben in bed layd,
Fiue þousende schal be slain.
¶ Wiard, oȝain schaltow ride
8900 To mi folk & þere abide,
Haue here mi robe to mede,
& y wil to court gon
For to loke what þai don
In þi pouer wede.
Mills (1988) relocates lines 892-4,
placing them after line 897. |
8950 Bring hem vnder ȝon wode side
Also ȝern astow may ride,
Þe way þou canst hem lede,
& y schal heiȝe me wel sone;
Y com oȝain er it be none
9000 ȝif Crist me wil spede.’
¶ When Horn fro fer herd glewe,
Wiþ tabournes bete & trumppes blewe,
Oȝaines hem he ȝede.
Muging king ful wele he knewe,
Muging: first g altered
from u in MS. |
9050 He tok him bi þe lorein newe,
Oȝain he held his stede.
Wikard com & smot him so
& seyd ‘traitour, lat þe bridel go.’
Þe blode out after ȝede.
9100 Horn ful trewely haþ him hiȝt
He schal him ȝeld þat ich niȝt;
A box schal ben his mede.
¶ Moioun king was ful wo
þat he hadde smiten þe pouer man so
9150 & seyd ‘lat mi bridel be.
Wiþ þi þou lat mi bridel be {f.322vb}

What so þou wilt aski me
Bleþelich ȝiue y þe.’
‘Peter!’ quaþ Horn ‘þatow wilt
9200 ȝiue me maiden Rimnild
Þat is so fair & fre.’
Þe king was wroþ & rewe his ȝift
‘Þou askest wrong & noþing riȝt,
Sche may nouȝt þine be.’
9250 ¶ Horn seyd ‘y sett
a nett o time,
Horn: n is written superscript
with caret mark. |
ȝif ani fische is taken þerinne
Of al þis seuen ȝere,
No schal it neuer more be mine,
Y wold it were sonken in helle pine,
9300 Wiþ fendes fele on fere;
& ȝif it haþ ytaken nouȝt,
Y schal it loue in hert [&] þouȝt,
& be me leue & dere.’
Þus þai went alle ysame
9350 Vnto þe castel wiþ gle & game –
A fole þai wende he were.
¶ ‘Of beggers mo þan sexti’
Horn seyd ‘maister am Y
& aske þe þe[r] mete
9400 Þat y mote, & oþer
Today in þine halle be
When folk is gon to sete;
Þan y wil folwe þe ham,
& þat y mot wiþ þe gan,
9450 In atte castel ȝete.’
Þe king him hiȝt sikerly
‘Þou schalt in þe halle by,
To haue þere þi mete.’
¶ Þer was mani riche gest
9500 Diȝt vnto þat frely fest,
Of douhti folk in lond;
Atte ȝate was strong þrast,
Horn wald nouȝt be þe last,
In for to gange.
9550 Þe porter cald him herlot swain
& he put him oȝain
Þerout for to stand.
The scribe writes this line continuously with line 956. |
Horn brust opon him so
His scholderbon he brak ato
9600 & in anon he þrange.
þrange: r is superscript. |
¶ Kokes hadde þe mete grayd; {f.323ra} 
Þe bord was sett, þe cloþ was layd,
To benche ȝede þo bold;
Þe trompes ȝede, þe glewemen pleyd,
9650 Þe bischopes had þe grace yseyd,
As miri men of molde.
Þer was mani a riche man,
Mete & drink wel gode wan,
To alle þat ete wolde;
9700 Horn sat & litel ete,
Michel he þouȝt & more he speke,
For fole men schuld him hold.
¶ Þan was þe lawe, soþe to say,
Þe bride schuld þe first day
9750 Seruen atte mete;
Hendelich þan serued scho
As a maiden schuld do,
Horn bigan to speke
‘Maiden, ȝif þi wille be,
9800 To Godes men schustow se,
Þou no ouȝtest hem nouȝt forȝete.
& seþþen þe kniȝtes schul turnay
For to loke whoso may
Þe maistri of hem ȝete.’
Mills (1988) relocates lines 982-4,
placing them after line 975. |
9850 ¶ Forþ sche
went, þat maiden fre,
& feched drink þat men miȝt se
To þat beggere.
‘For Hornnes loue, y pray þe,
Go nouȝt ar þis drunken be,
9900 ȝif euer he was þe dere.’
Þe maiden bi him stille stode,
To here of Horn hir þouȝt it gode,
He lay hir hert ful nere.
Of þe coppe he drank þe wine,
9950 Þe ring of gold he kest þerinne
‘Bi tokening, lo, it here.’
¶ ‘A, sely man, þe þrestes sare;
Þou schalt haue a drink mare,
Gode wine schal it be.’
1000 Anoþer drink sche him bare,
Sche asked ȝif Horn þerin ware.
‘ȝa, certes’ þan seyd he.
Nas sche bot a litel fram him gon
Þat sche ne fel adoun anon –
1005 Now swoneþ þat fre. {f.323rb}
Kniȝtes hir to chaumber ledde,
When sche lay opon hir bedde
Sche seyd ‘clepe Haþerof to me.
¶ Kniȝtes, goþ into halle swiþe
1010 & bid þe kinges make hem bliþe,
Þat y wold wel fain;
Haþerof, go into þe erber swiþe
& geder paruink & iue,
Greses þat ben of main.
1015 Certeynli as y ȝou say
Horn is in þis halle today;
Y wende he hadde ben slain.
Moioun king schal neuer spede
For to haue mi maidenhede
1020 Now Horn is comen oȝain.
¶ Haþerof, go into halle & se;
In seli pouer wede is he,
Y pray þe knowe him riȝt;
Say him treuþe pliȝt er we;
1025 Bid him’ sche seyd ‘as he is fre
Hold þat he bihiȝt;
Bidd him go & me abide
Riȝt vnder ȝon wode side
As he is trewe kniȝt.
1030 When al þis folk is gon to play
He & y schal stele oway
Bitvene þe day & þe niȝt.’
¶ Haþerof into halle ȝode
For to bihald þat frely fode,
1035 Ful wele he knewe his viis.
Opon his fot hard he stode,
Horn þouȝt þe tokening gode,
Vp he gan to arise.
Forþ þai ȝede þo kniȝtes bold,
1040 Haþerof þe maidens erand told,
Of trewe loue Horn was wiis
‘Y schal com into þe feld wiþ pride
An hundred kniȝtes bi mi side,
Milke white is mi queintise.
1045 ¶ Bot, Haþerof, þou most me schawe
Wharbi y schal Wikard knawe;
His buffeyt schal be bouȝt.’
‘He haþ queintise white so snawe
Wiþ foules blac as ani crawe, {f.323va} 
1050 Wiþ silke werk it is wrouȝt;
Moioun queintise [i]s ȝalu & wan,
Sett wiþ pekok & wiþ swan,
Þat he wiþ him haþ brouȝt;
Wikeles queintise is ȝalu & grene,
1055 Floure de liis sett bitvene;
Him forȝete þou nouȝt.’
¶ Now is Haþerof comen oȝain
& seyd he haþ Horn sain
& what folk he haþ brouȝt,
1060 & after was armes he gan frain;
was: Mills emends to his. |
Was neuer Rimnild ere so fain,
In hert no in þouȝt.
‘Haþerof, go into halle swiþe
& bid mi fader make him bliþe
1065 & say icham sike nouȝt.
Wikard þat is leue to smite
Horn schal him his dettes quite,
Toniȝt it schal be bouȝt.’
¶ When þai hadde eten þan were þai boun,
1070 Wiþ spere oloft & gonfainoun,
Al armed were þo bold.
Wiþ trump & tabourun out of toun,
Þus þai redde þe riȝt roun,
Ich man as he wold.
1075 ‘An erl out of Cornwayle
Oȝain Moioun, saun faile,
Þe turnament schal hold.’
& Horn com into þe feld wiþ pride,
An hundred kniȝtes bi his side,
1080 In rime as it is told.
¶ Horn of [her] coming was wel wise
& knewe hem bi her queyntise,
Anon þai counterd þo;
Moioun king haþ tint þe priis,
1085 Vnder his hors fete he liis,
Horn wald him nouȝt slo.
To sir Wigard his swerd he weued,
Euen ato he cleue his heued –
His box he ȝalt him þo.
1090 Out he smot Wigles eiȝe –
Traitours þat er leue to liȝe,
er: written at the end of line,
but no insertion point marked. |
Men schal hem ken so.
Þat day Horn þe turnament wan {f.323vb}

Fro Moioun & mani a man
1095 Wiþ kniȝtes stiþe on stede;
He toke þe gre þat was a swan
& sent to Rimnild his leman,
To hir riche mede.
¶ To Houlac king Horn gan wende
1100 & þonked him as his frende
Of his gode dede
‘Þou feddest me & forsterd to man.’
He maked Wikel telle out þan
His lessinges & his falshed.
1105 ¶ Moioun king is iuel diȝt –
Tint he haþ þat swete wiȝt –
& wold ben oway.
Horn þat hadde hir treuþe pliȝt
Wedded hir þat ich niȝt
1110 And al opon a day
Now is Rimnild tviis wedde,
Horn brouȝt hir to his bedde;
Houlac king gan say
‘Half mi lond ichil þe ȝiue
1115 Wiþ mi douȝter while y liue
& al after mi day.’
¶ Fiue days sat her fest
Wiþ mete & drink riche & onest,
In boke as we rede.
1120 Forþ, as we telle in gest,
Horn lete sende est & west
His folk to batayle bede,
Into Norþhumberland for to fare
To winne þat his fader ware
1125 Wiþ kniȝtes stiþe on stede.
Wiþ erl, baroun & wiþ swain,
To winne his fader lond oȝain,
ȝif Crist him wold spede.
Michel frely folk was þare
1130 Into Norþhumberland to fare
Wiþ stedes wite & broun.
Horn wald for no man spare
To winne al þat his fader ware,
Boþe tour & toun.
1135 When Þorbrond herd þis,
Þat Horn to lond ycomen is ...
lond: d is written superscript
with caret mark. |