The Legend of Pope Gregory
¶ Þerl him graunted his wille, ywis, {f.1r}

Þat þe kniȝt him hadde ytold.
Þe barouns þat were of miche pris
Biforn him þai weren ycald.
5000 Alle þe lond þat euer was his
Biforn hem alle, ȝong & old,
He made his soster chef & priis,
Þat mani sieȝing for him had sold,
¶ & bitauȝt hir þe kniȝt,
1000 Þat trewe was in tong & tale,
To kepe þat leuedi ariȝt
Wiþ blisse & wiþ euerliche hale.
Þer was ferly sorwe & siȝt
When þai schuld asondri fare;
1500 Þerl wald ney dyen vpriȝt
To noman couþe he telle his care.
¶ Þe kniȝt toke leue & went his way
Wiþ hir þat was briȝt so blosme on brere;
No stint he for no clot in clay
2000 Al what he to his owen
Þer cam a leuedi briȝt so day
Oȝeines him wiþ glad chere
& seyd ‘sir, welcom be þou ay,
Mi trewe lord & ȝour fere.’
2500 ¶ Wel feir he hir
Þan sche was of hors aliȝt
& serued hir wiþ glad mode
As he was trewe & gentil kniȝt.
Bi þe riȝt hond his wiif he toke,
3000 Til a chaumber sche went ariȝt,
& told his wiif & nouȝt forsoke
What treweþe þat he hadde hir pliȝt.
¶ He told his wiif word & oþer
Hou it was falle of þat dede,
3500 ‘Wiþ child sche goþ wiþ hier broþer,
We moten hir help at þis nede;
Also þou louest þi rentes riif,
For noþing þat may be,
Ne lete þou no born liif
4000 Þerof wite bot we þre.
¶ No man in lond, child no wiif,
Astow art leuedi gent & fre,
Þat ich no here þerof no striif
Of þat þou schalt here & se.’
4500 Þe leuedi him answerd sone,
‘Jesu hir wele vnbinde,
Also he made sonne & mone,
Blosme on brere, lef on linde.
¶ Icham glad of hir coming,
5000 Sori þat ich hir sike finde;
Þurth þe help of heuen-king
We schul ben hir wel kinde.’
.... .... .... .... ....
.... .... .... .... ....
5500 ... .... .... .... ....
.... .... .... .... ....
Þan þe time ycomen was
Þe leuedi schuld deliuerd be
A sone sche hadde þurth Godes grace,
6000 Ycomen he was of kin fre.
Þe leuedi seyd as sche was won,
To hir þat was white so blosme on tre,
‘Þou hast’ sche seyd ‘a lefli sone
As ani sinful man may se.’
6500 ¶ At þat bereing
of þat wiȝt
Was no liues þing in lond
Bot þat leuedi & þat kniȝt.
Þe king of heuen sent his sond,
Þe stori y can rade ariȝt,
7000 Wiþ tong speke & stille stond;
Seyn Gregori was born þat niȝt
Þat seþþen was pope in lond.
¶ Þat niȝt þat he was born to man
His moder was in gret þouȝt
7500 Hou he was biȝeten & of wham,
Hou dere sche him hadde ybouȝt.
‘Wiþ tong alle on wiþouten man
Wiþ care icham alle þurth-souȝt;
Helpe, leuedi, for y no can,
8000 Hou þis child schal forþ be brouȝt.
¶ ȝif þis childe duelle stille here,
Men wil þerof speke & wite.
Þe word schal spring fer & ner
Hou he was born & biȝete.
8500 Bot men wil don as ich hem lere,
No schal y neuer ete mete;
In oþer londes þan ben here
Help & socour he may gete.’
¶ Sche bad anon men schuld take
9000 A tonne þat was newe ywrouȝt,
A bot on þe brim make
Þat þe winde it miȝt bere aloft,
Also a cradel, wiþouten wrake, {f.1v} 
Þat þe childe were þerin ybrouȝt.
9500 Þo gun þai sike for hir sake
& dreri weren in hir þouȝt.
¶ Þe kniȝt seye sche wold dye,
He seyd hir þat it schuld be so.
A bot þai token bi þe weye,
1000 Hir wille þai fonden for to do;
Þai token wriȝtes of werkes sleye
Al for to grant hir bone
& a cradel þat sche þer seye.
Hir wille þai fonded for to done
1050 ¶ Þer sche on
hir bed sat,
Hir child sche held in armes to,
Þe first word þat sche þer spak,
Sche seyd ‘mi gamen is al go.
Now Jesu crist þat sitt in trone
1100 Rade me wele for to do
& sende me þi grace sone,
No was me neuer er so wo.’
¶ Þan sche hadde ȝouen him souke
& in þe cradel fast him fest,
1150 Wiþ riche cloþes sche gan him louke,
Þe croice sche made opon his brest,
Markes four of gold prout
Vnder þe heued sche had yfest,
Ten ma[r]k of siluer þer wiþout
1200 Vnder þe fet sche hadde yþrest.
¶ Tables sche toke sone riche
Of yuori layen hir bifore,
Wiþ honden sche wrot & sore gan sike
Hou he was biȝeten & bore.
1250 Sche seyd ‘waleway’ wel ȝare;
‘Mi ioie ichaue alle forlore,
No may no tong telle þe care
Þat is me now riȝt bifore.’
¶ For no þing sche no lett,
1300 In þe tables wrot sche þanne
Þat men him schuld to scole him sett
& ȝif him name of Cristenmanne;
ȝif auentour bitide euer more
He com to liue & were a man
1350 He miȝt se þe sinnes sore
Hou he was ȝeten & of wham.
¶ A cloþ of silk sche wond him inne
Þat was of swiþe feir ble,
Þe tables sche leyd vnder his chinne
1400 Þat men miȝt hem
boþen þer yse.
Þan was he don þe tonne wiþinne -
Þe bot was feir made of tre -
& bar him doun to þe brim,
Bitauȝt him God & þe salt se.
1450 ¶ Þan þai
come to hir wel sone
Þer sche lay wel sike in þouȝt
& tolden hou þai hadden done
Of þat hye hadde hem bisouȝt,
Þe bot feir ymade wiþ brome
1500 Vp þe water newe ywrouȝt,
‘Þe tonne & þe litel grome
Into þe see we han ybrouȝt.’
Þat oþer day on þe morwe
Þan herd sche a reuful red:
1550 A messanger com wiþ sorwe
& teld hir þat hir broþer was ded;
Þe kniȝtes þat wer to hir swore
Brouȝt hir word & to hir seyd
Þat he was to deþ ydrore
1600 & vnder erþe schuld be leyd.
¶ Þo was hir care newe.
Sche tok sikeinges þre
& wax al wan of hir hewe
Þat was wite so blosme on tre.
1650 Þan seyd þe kniȝt, was to hir trewe,
‘Y wot no gameþ þe no gle
No helpeþ it noþing for to rewe;
As God wil so schal it be.
¶ Þou schalt graiþe þe ful ȝare,
1700 ȝif þou dost after mi þouȝt,
& to þi broþer biriing fare
Are he be in erþe ybrouȝt.
No helpeþ it no þing to care;
Y not no gayneþ it þe nouȝt,
1750 Þi feir rode to make it bare,
& sle þiself wiþ idel þouȝt.’
¶ Þo sche held hir stille & milde,
Hir sorwe was strong & sterne,
Þe þridde day of hire childe
1800 To chirche sche ȝede of hir berne.
Nis non in þis worlde(s) so wilde {f.2r} 
No be he neuer so stille
Þat he ne mot be milde
& soffre Godes wille.
1850 ¶ Þai bosked
to þe biriing,
Þe kniȝt þat couþe of þe roune.
Þe þridde day of hir childing
No lenge hadde sche soioure;
Wel arliche in a morwening,
1900 Opon a palfrey broune,
Wiþ dreri hert & wiþ morning,
Þe leuedi went out of þe toune.
¶ Þan sche com to hir halle
Þer was sikeing & wayleway.
1950 Sche fel adoun toforn hem alle,
Biforn hir broþer þer he lay.
Þan sche seye him vnder palle
Sche seyd ‘allas’ þat ilke day.
Þe kniȝtes on hir gun calle
2000 & fram þe bare token hir oway.
Þo he was in erþe ybrouȝt,
& leyd vnder cloudes cold,
Þe leuedi was wiþ sorwe þurth-souȝt.
Hir kniȝtes were stark & bold
2050 Wiþ riȝt þe tale it was ywrouȝt
Þe kniȝtes þe tale hir told.
Þe leuedi þat dreri was in þouȝt,
Hir tounes wer take in hir hold.
¶ Þo was sche knowen, þat leuedi,
2100 Bi alle þe londes side
& maiden clene hold of hir bodi,
Þerof þe word sprong wide.
Princes proud þat weren ysene
To hir þai busked hem to ride;
2150 No was þer non so lef, ich wene,
Þat sche þouȝt to his loue abide.
¶ Alle loued hir, wild & tame,
Þat wiþ mouþe herd hir speke.
Sche halpe þe pouer & þe lame
2200 Þe deuel fram hir for to wreke.
Chirches chapels boþe ysame
Werche sche dede þurth Godes wille.
Þe riche of hir hadde game
Þe pouer loued hir loude & stille.
2250 ¶ A riche douke of
miȝt strong,
Of Rome he was, as ȝe may here,
For coueitise of hir lond,
He wald hir wedde & haue to fere.
Þan gan sche sike & sorwe among
2300 & dreri was in hir chere.
‘Ywis’ sche seyd ‘he haþ wrong;
Y loue him nouȝt in hert dere.’
¶ He seye he miȝt no þing spede
No nouȝt wiþ hir his wille do,
2350 Bateyle on hir he gan bede
Wiþ alle þat miȝt ride & go,
& seyd he wald oway hir lede
ȝif þat he miȝt comen hir to;
Abouten hir he sett his segge
2400 Hir tounes þan brent he þo.
¶ Sche swore sche schuld hir neuer ȝeld,
Bot he wiþ streng[þ]e hir wonne,
Til þat þe child were comen to eld
Þat sche lete fasten in þe tonne.
2450 ȝete may God swiche grace sende,
Þat made boþe mone & sonne,
ȝete he may liue & wele ende
Þat þe douk him haþ bigonne.
Now lete we þis leuedi be
2500 & telle we hou þe child was founde.
Listeneþ now alle to me.
Y wot it sanke nouȝt to þe grounde.
Al þat God wil haue don þan schal be.
Riȝt as his moder him hadde ywounde,
2550 Þe winde him drof fer in þe se,
Swiþe fer in þilke stounde.
¶ To fischers weren out ysent
Þat breþeren were boþe, y wene,
Out of an abbay þai weren ysent
2600 Wiþ nettes & wiþ ores kene
To lache fische to þat couent;
Þe monkes þai þouȝt to queme.
Þat day was hem no grace ylent
For stormes þat were so breme.
2650 ¶ Erlich in a morning
Er liȝt com of þe day
Þai seye a bot cum waiueing
Wiþ þe child þat in þe cradel lay
To liue God him wald bring – {f.2v} 
2700 His wille in lond wrouȝt be ay –
Þe fischers miri gun sing
& þider þai tok þe riȝt way.
¶ Þe tonne anon to hem þai nome
Þat was swiþe wele ywrouȝt.
2750 Þai no rouȝt whider þe bot þer com
Þat þe tonn þider brouȝt.
To rist riȝt as ȝede þe mone
Þer risen stormes gret aloft,
To lache fische hadde þai no tome,
2800 To toun to nim was al her þouȝt.
¶ Fast þai drowen to þe lond
Wiþ ores gode ymade of tre,
For stormes wald þai noþing wond,
Drenched wende þai wele to be.
2850 Þabot com opon þe strond
Þe fischers ȝif he miȝt se;
Also God sent his sond
Þat child schuld ysaued be.
¶ Þe abot was þider sent,
2900 Biheld þe tonne was made of tre,
Þeron were his eyȝen ylent.
Anon seyd þat abot fre,
‘Whare haue ȝe þis tonne yhent
& what may þerin be?
2950 No seyȝe y neuer swiche a present
In fischers bot in þe se.’
Þe fischers answerd boþe yliche,
To þe abot þai speken anon,
‘Bi þe king of heuenriche,
3000 Our þinges be þerin ydon.’
Þat child þan bigan to scriche
Wiþ steuen as it were agrome.
Þe fischers were adrad of wreche,
Þai nist what þai miȝt done.
3050 ¶ Þabot bad
wiþouten wouȝ
Vndo þe tonne þat he þer say.
Þe fischers were radi anouȝ
To don his wille þat ich day.
A cloþ of silk þabot vp drouȝ
3100 Þat on þe childes cradel lay.
Þo lai þat litel child & louȝ
Opon þabot wiþ eyȝen gray.
¶ Þabot held vp boþe his hond
Wiþ hert gode to Crist ywent
3150 & seyd ‘lord y þank þi sond
Þat þou me hast ȝouen & lent.’
Of yuori tables long
Þabot fond þer in pressent;
Þerto he gan sone fong
3200 & seyȝe what þer was writen & dent.
¶ Þabot bad þe fischers boþe
Ten mark & þe cradel take,
& bad þai schuld nouȝt be wroþ
For þat litel childes sake.
3250 Þo was þat siluer alle her owe
Þe tresore to hem þai gun take,
Anon þai were alle biknowe
Hou þai fond þat litel knape.
¶ Þat o fischer was riche of wele
3300 & hadde halle of lim & ston;
Þat oþer was pouer & had children fele,
Gold no siluer hadde he non.
Þabot toke wiþ him to bere
Ten marke.......
3350 .... & þe litel
& bad him telle for non auȝt
In what maner he was ycome.
¶ Bot sigge his douhter þat ich nauȝt
To bere þat child for God aboue
3400 & bid þe abot ȝif he mauȝt
Cristen him for Godes loue.
He tok þat child wiþouten hete
& bar it hom wiþouten wrake.
A wiman had he sone ygete
3450 Him to bere Cristen to make.
¶ When þe fischer y-eten hadde
No wold he no lenger late.
To þabot sone he ladde
& fond him redi atte gate.
3500 Þabot wist þerof anouȝ,
It no was him no þing loþ
Þe fischer þan þe child forþ drouȝ
Wiþ salt & wiþ þe crisme cloþ.
¶ ‘Mi douhter sent ȝou þis child
3550 To cristen it, wiþouten oþ.’
Þabot louȝ, þat was milde,
& wiþ hem to chirche he goþ.
Þabot was cleped Gregorij, {f.3r} 
Þer þe child his name he toke.
3600 Prest & clerk stode þer bi
Wiþ tapers, liȝt & holy boke
¶ & þe child feir & sleye
He cristned in þe salt flod
& seþþen baren it vp an heyȝe,
it: inserted superscript with
point of insertion marked. |
3650 Offred it to þe holy rod.
Þabot dede so he schold.
Þe cloþ he tok wele to hold
... ... ... four mark of gold
& þe tables þat ich of told
tables: s is superscript. |
3700 .... ..... ..... mode
In cloþe fast þai gun him fold
..... ...... .... & God
Þe child he tok wele to hold.
.... .... men to ȝares fiue
3750 Wel hende it was þat child to lok
.... ... ... þat it gan þriue
He nam & sett it to boke
...... him lere fast & swiþe.
Y schal þe finde anouȝ, ywis.
3800 Who so wil þe stori liþe
Wordes he may heren of blis.
What helpeþ it long for to drawe?
Gregorii couþe wele his pars
& wele rad & song in lawe
3850 & vnderstode wele his ars.
... went he on a day to plawe
As children don atte bars.
.... toke wiþ his felawe
Ac Gregorij þe stronger was.
3900 .... .... s he were wode
To him fast sone he lepe
.... ... as of vnmild mod
For hert tene sore he wepe.
... .... to his moder sone
3950 Wiþ grim hert & wiþ gret
.... .... wiþe anon
Hou Gregorij him hadde ybede.
.... .... is a wonder þing.
No can sche nouȝt hir wordes lete
4000 Wiþouten anis kines duelling
Sche gan Gregori to þrete.
¶ & seyd ‘þou treytour fondling,
Whi hastow mi sone ybete?
In þis world is [no] man liuiing
4050 Þat wot hou þou was biȝete.’
Gregorij stod stille so ston,
Wiþ dreri hert hom he nome;
A word spac he þer non
Til he to þabot come.
4100 .... hert fre he made
his mone.
Þan seyd þabot ‘leue sone
[Whi] artow comen so dreri hom?
Who haþ þe (seyd) don ouȝt bot loue?’
[Se]yd þe child ‘wiþouten lesing,
4150 Þe fischers wif is vnhende.
.... ed me traitour fondling
& seyd y ne am nouȝt of þi kende.’
.... .... þabot ‘be stille.
Swiche þouȝt lete þou be
4200 .... rade & sing schirlle
Þerfore þis hous is graunted þe
.... .... schal fulfille
Wiþ alle þe monkes [þat] herin be.
When God of me haþ don his wille
4250 Þou schalt ben abot after me.
¶ ‘Nay, for soþe’ quaþ he sone,
‘Þi þouȝt is now fro min riȝt,
Ac ȝif þou wilt ouȝt for me don
ȝif me order to be kniȝt;
4300 To þat mister ichil gon,
Helme to bere & brini briȝt.
Oþer mister wil y non
Þerwhiles icham so ȝong & liȝt.
¶ Bi him þat made þe water
4350 & lef to spring on grene tre,
Til ich wite who be mi fader
No schal y neuer bliþe be;
& who me ȝaf cloþ & hater
Til þat y mi moder se
4400 Þerfore to drenche in salt water
Fro þis schame y wil now fle.’
¶ Þabot no miȝt þat child lett
For no bode of pans rounde;
Þe cloþ of silke he þer fet
4450 Þat Gregori was in ywounde.
His nedes feir he þer bett {f.3v} 
& made him kniȝt in þat stounde.
His tables in his hond he sett
& bad him rede þat he þer founde.
4500 ¶ Þe kniȝt answerd
sone oȝein,
Þe tables þer held an hond,
Bitven hem wiþouten sweyn
He radde alle þat he þer fond.
‘ȝif it be soþe þe letters seyn,
4550 Michel it is opon mi þouȝt
Of a ȝong child, a douȝti sweyn,
Of what lond he is no telleþ he nouȝt.’
¶ Þan he hadde þe letters rad
Þat in þe tables were yw[rete],
4600 ‘Whar was þe child’ he seyd ‘bistad
Þat in þe tonne was ylete?
& whider þe water haþ him lad?
Telle me ȝif þat ȝe wite.’
Þabot biheld þe child & bad
4650 Þat he schuld bi him site.
He told him wel sone anon
In what maner he was yfounde.
‘Þe cloþ of silk þou hast opon
Þat þou were in ȝong ywounde,
4700 Þine markes of gold euerichon,
Lo! hem here hole & sounde,
& þine tables of yuori bon
Þat feir ben & eke rounde.’
¶ ‘Now is þe time comen to þende,
4750 Y swere bi Jesu heuene-king
Þat y nam nouȝt of þi kende
Bot yhold for a fondling.
Now Jesu leue me grace to wende
Þer mi schame may be hed,
4800 & sechen after mi riȝt kende
Þat ich was of comen & bred.’
¶ Þabot present him a schip
Þer þat mani stode arouwe.
Þe child was hende & þerin lip,
4850 At her parting he wepe a þrouwe.
Þe ropes wer fast yknett,
To þe se þai gun drawe.
Þe winde on her seyl was sett
& hard he gan for to blowe,
4900 ¶ & drof him to þe
londes side
Þat was in his moder hond.
Gregorij com wiþ michel pride
As kniȝt of vncouþe lond.
Mani man wendeþ fer & wide,
4950 Moche may heren & sen among,
Atte last him schal bitide
His auentour be it neuer so strong.
¶ Þan Gregorij cam out of þe bargge;
He hadde a wel gode stede,
5000 Helme & brini & briȝt targge,
Kniȝt he semed gode at nede.
Þis felle in þe time of Marche
Þat ich of sing & rede.
He tok his in as kniȝt large,
5050 To þe portreues hous he ȝede.
Þe portreue seyȝe þat he was hende
& wel feir him vnderstode;
Him þouȝt he was of gode kende
& eke a milde man of mode,
5100 Bot at þe þridde dayes ende,
Als-so þai saten atte bord,
His ost seyd ‘wider wiltow wende?’
& Gregori no spac no word.
¶ Ac bleþeliche wite he wold
5150 ‘Haþ her ben ani wer long?
Oþer ani man þat dorst hold
A kniȝt vncouþe þat wer strong?’
His ost wel sone him told
What wer was hem among.
5200 ‘Our bestes ben robbed & sold,
Our tounes brent al wiþ wrong.’
Gregorij seyd ‘what ayleþ þat?
Whi ne drawe ȝe to acord & loue?’
His ost seyd ‘sone, for what?
5250 Bi Jesu þat sitt ous al aboue,
Þurth a maiden hende of pris
Is þis werre al ycome,
& þurth a douk þat vnhende is
Þat wold hir haue to wiue ynome.
5300 ¶ So trewe in lond
y not no may,
Of bodi so feir & so fre,
Tomorwe sone when it is day
Þe leuedi þou schalt at chirche se.
To hir steward wil y gon {f.4r} 
5350 & tellen him þe soþe of þe;
Reseyued bestow sone anon
ȝif þou wilt serue & wiþ hir be.’
wilt is superscript,
point of insertion marked. |
¶ Gregori was feir wiþalle,
O bodi for to bihold;
5400 Schred he was in gode palle.
When day com þat he go schold,
‘Ariseþ’ he seyd ‘ȝif ȝe be ȝare.
Redy icham, to chirche y wold.’
His ost spac & ȝaf answare,
5450 & ȝede forþ wiþ þe bird so bold.
¶ When he was to chirche ycome
To se þe leuedi hende & gode,
Wel gentil was þat feir gome
& gret his moder þer sche stode.
5500 Þe leuedi þat was so trewe of loue,
Þer sche lay bifor þe rode,
Þe cloþ of silk sche knewe aboue
Þat sche him ȝaf into þe se flode.
¶ Þe comely leuedy feir of hewe
5550 Loked on him wiþ eyȝen to
Bot noþing sche him knewe
So long he hadde ben hir fro.
Hir eyȝen on him fast sche þrewe
& seyȝe wele sche loued him þo;
5600 Þe cloþ of silk sche seyȝe al newe
Þat sche him ȝaf, þan hir was wo.
¶ Þe leuedi sone anoþer þouȝt
Þat o cloþ was oþer yliche.
Sche loked on him þat ous bouȝt,
5650 Þe kniȝt of kin
sche þouȝt riche.
sche is superscript,
place of insertion marked. |
Þe steward þer sche ȝaf þe dome
sche is entered superscript, with
place of insertion marked. |
Vnderfong him queyntliche.
Þo hadde þe strong douke of Rome
Al bisett hir castel diche.
5700 ¶ Ytiȝt he hadde his
His tentes sprad ful wide,
Baners vp sett & gomfeynoun
About þe castel wiþ pride.
Þe kniȝtes þat loked þe toun
5750 To þe castel gun ride
To wite conseyl & resoun
ȝif þai schuld þe douk abide.
¶ Gregori was feir of teyle,
Strong & stef in eueri liþ,
5800 ‘Schame it is’ he seyd ‘saunfeyle
For to libbe in sorwe & siþ.
Arme we ous & take bateyle,
& ich meself schal wende ȝou wiþ.
Þe doukes ost we schal aseyle
5850 Þat ne loueþ no peys no griþ.’
¶ Þe kniȝt alle in feir schroude
Him gan arme swiþe wel,
At a postern þai wenten out
Wiþ scharpe speres & swerdes of stiel.
5900 Þe waites wer stille & noþing loude.
Þai schoten out of þe castel.
Gregori was of hert proude,
Þe doukes ost he biheld eueridel.
¶ Ich wot a stede he bistrode,
5950 He toke a launce holle & sounde
Þer þe doukes ost him rode.
Þe erþe dined & þe grounde,
As he þe stori wrot me seyd;
He was þer worþ an hundred pounde -
6000 Wiþ spere scharp & swerd he leyd
Adoun al þat he þer founde.
¶ Þe folk out of þe castel cam
Wiþ launces heye & gomfeynoun.
Þe douk was wele ywar of ham,
6050 Wiþ grete route vnder þe toun.
A litel wiȝt after þe none
Þer was ycraked mani a croun,
Mani a kniȝt þer died sone,
Er þan þe sonne ȝede adoun.
6100 ¶ Strong it were me
to telle
Þe folk þat þer was yslawe;
Also þou sest þe water of welle,
Þe blod of þe hille gan doun drawe.
Y wot y schold long duelle
6150 Alle þat soþe for to saye,
So men may here speke & spelle
Þer no was no childes playe.
¶ After þe douke souȝt Gregorij,
Þurth his ost & þurth his here,
6200 Wiþ grim noise he made a cri
‘A launce ichil to þe bere.’
Þe douk was proude, wiþouten feyle, {f.4v}

To him he dresced anoþer spere.
He bar þe douk over his hors teyl
6250 Þat he groned as a bere.
¶ Þo was þe douke wiþ strengþe ytake
& brouȝt to þe conteise sone.
Sche bad men schuld him kepe & wake,
For him þat made sonne & mone,
6300 & seyd men schuld neuer slake
His bondes for no mannes bone,
Bot ȝif he wald hir peys make
Of þat he hadde hir misdone.
¶ Þei he war proude & prince beld,
6350 Raunsoun for his body sche toke;
Wiþ grim eyȝen sche him biheld
& dede him swere opon a boke
To pay þe ransoun at þe time
Wiþouten ani kines striif,
6400 Þe þridde day at heye prime,
Oþer he schuld lese his liif.
¶ Þo was þer pays wel gode in lond
& þer no was no more striif;
Þai þonked alle Godes sond
6450 & liued in pes alle her liif.
Fram hir went þe douke þo
To his lond & to his hous,
Bateyls no loued he no mo
For he was þer al confous.
6500 Gregori was michel
of mounde,
Bot he was wonderliche pouer;
Into oþer londe he wald founde
Grace more for to couer,
To win wele & pans rounde.
6550 Bot oft he gan sike sore
When he þouȝt on þe hard stounde
Hou he was biȝeten & bore.
¶ He seyd he wold oway fare
More of armes for to do.
6600 Þe cuntas þo hadde care
& seyd ‘sir, schal ȝe nouȝt go.’
To hir steward spac sche þare
‘What may we ȝeuen him er he go?
He no may nouȝt wende o way so bare;
6650 He haþ ywroken ous of our fo.’
¶ Þe steward hir answerd þare,
‘Swiche kniȝt no wot y non.
Y wot þou dost þiselue care
ȝif þou le[te]st him fro þe gon
6700 For he is trewe in ich a tale,
Strong & stef in ich a bon;
Mani man he haþ don bale,
On him þou miȝt þi loue wele don.’
¶ Þe conseyl was ȝeuen & sone don;
6750 Þe kniȝt schuld his moder wedde.
To chirche þai went swiþe sone;
Tvay barouns þe leuedi ledde.
Alle þat men schuld to spouseing don,
Þe prest song, þe clerk redde,
6800 Als men schuld wiif vnderfon
& holden hir to bord & bedde.
Þo was he erl of gret anour,
Yknowen in alle Aquiteyne,
Boþe of castel & of tour,
6850 Þe folk of him was ful feyne.
O[f] alle þe gode men of þat lond
Manred he toke, þat is to seyn,
To be boxsom to his hond,
Boþe kniȝt & eke sweyn.
6900 ¶ Gregorij forȝat
him nouȝt
Of þat sorwe was in his hold;
On his tables was al his þouȝt
Þer þai were in toun ifold.
Þider he went & sone souȝt
6950 Þer þai wer in toun to hold;
Markes of gold wele ywrouȝt
He ȝaf þe portreue redi told.
After þat he went wel sone
As prince proude in pride
7000 & þouȝt what he miȝt don
& wher he miȝt his tables hide.
To a chaunber he ȝede alon
Þat dern was in somers tide
& leyd hem vnder a ston,
7050 Þat noman seye þat stode biside.
¶ Þerafter wel oft it was his wone
Into þat chaunber for to wende.
Þerin most noman come
No of his sorwe wite non ende.
Catchword: he was a dreri moder. |
7100 He was a dreri moder sone
When he held his tables long;
Þerfore wel oft it was his won
His bodi for to pine strong.
¶ Þer nis non so dern dede
7150 Þat sum time it schal be sene;
Þider in wald he nouȝt lede
For soþe, noiþer king no quene.
A wiman þerof toke hede
Þat it was þe lawe ogeyn
7200 Þat he so oft þider in ȝede
Wiþouten kniȝt oþor sweyn.
¶ On hunting on a day he fore
Wiþin a dale in a forest
Wiþ houndes þat were liȝt on more
7250 For to take þe wilde best.
Þe leuedi at hom so briȝt so flour
Alone left, wiþouten chest,
Þan was hir told a tiding stour,
Þerof sche hadde wonder mest.
7300 ¶ Hou þat þerl
himselue alon -
A wiman told hir þe tale -
Into þe chaunber was won to gone,
Wiþouten felawe gret & smale.
‘Þerin he makeþ reweli mone,
7350 Leuedi, leue þou wele mi tale.
Þe hewe þat he haþ þan opon
It is boþe wan & pale.’
¶ Þe leuedi wonder hadde þo,
For diol sche wald dye
7400 ‘What wil he in þat chaunber do
Me to sorwe & to treye?’
Sche bad hir maidens þerout go
A stounde for to pleye,
& þai deden also;
7450 Out of þe chaunber þai toke þe way.
¶ Þan alon sche left þerinne;
Non wist what sche ment.
Þe cuntasse nold neuer blinne,
Þe chaunber dore of hokes sche hent.
7500 Sche souȝt & fond wiþ hert vnmild
Þe tables þat wiþ hir sone sche sent
& knewe it was hir owhen child
Þat in his armes aniȝt sche went.
Þo þe leuedi hadde þe latters radde
7550 Þat sche wrot, ich wene,
Sone sche bicom al mad
& wex boþe pale & grene.
Sche fel aswon on hir bed
& loude bigan for to reme.
7600 Hir steward herd hou sche was bisted,
Sone he cam hir to queme.
¶ Sche bad anon men schuld hir fett
Hir lord þerl hir bifore
& þat noman schuld him lett,
7650 As he was hende & to hir swore.
A kniȝt on o palfrey him sett,
Þe lord he fond vnder a tre
& teld hou þe leuedi gret,
& non wist whi it miȝt be.
7700 ¶ Þerl nold
no lenge abide,
At þe wode he lete his houndes alle,
Þe stede he smot bi þe side
Til he com to his owhen halle.
Þurth chaumbers boþe heyȝe & wide
7750 To Jesu he herd hir calle;
On bed he fel hir bisid -
Ysprad it was wiþ grene palle.
¶ Þe leuedi briȝt so blosme on bouȝ
Hir sone sche kist swiþe sone;
7800 Sori sche was & noþing louȝ,
Sche crid to God þat sitt in trone.
Oft sche hadde ioie anouȝ
Bitvene þe prime & þe none;
Anoþer þing to sorwe hir drouȝ,
7850 Þe sinnes þat sche hadde done.
¶ When sche waked of þat res
Hir sone sche seye hir bifore.
Sche bad him telle wiþouten les
In what lond he was ybore.
7900 ‘Be stille’ he seyd ‘& haue þi pes
& lete swiche wordes be forlore;
For loue, leuedi, þou me ches,
Icham þine & to þe swore.’
¶ Þe tables riche of yuori
7950 Þe leuedi tok out of hir sleue.
‘Of whom’ sche seyd ‘is þis stori?
Telle me, ȝif y may þe leue.
Whenne noman stont þe bi, {f.5v} 
In chaunber þou letest al þine hewe;
8000 Y wot þou art wel dreri,
Þine sorwes ben euer aliche newe.’
He answerd at þat sawe
Wiþ hert cheld so ani ston
& seyd ‘icham wele biknowe
8050 Þat in þe se ich was ydon;
Biȝeten ich was oȝaines þe lawe -
To God & to þe y sigge -
& out of ioie icham yblawe,
Mi soule is brouȝt lowe to ligge.
8100 Sche seyd ‘allas,
mi soule won;
So sinful no was neuer no oþer.
Now icham wedded to mi sone
Þat on me biȝat mi broþer.
Lord Jesu þat sitt aboue,
8150 Þou wost fram ende to oþer,
Þi michel merci & þi loue
Þat sinful man may help & frouer.’
¶ Þo seyd þerl ‘y se & finde
Þat ich long haue ysouȝt,
8200 Þat y schal þus knowe mi kinde;
Ywis, no likeþ it me nouȝt.’
He þat was bifore schal be bihinde
Þat haþ ous in sorwe brouȝt
& careful he schal oway winde
8250 As he was glad of our þouȝt.
¶ ‘Sone what schal me to rede?
Y sike for our boþer sake;
Mi blisse schal ben euer gnede,
Mi strong sorwe schal neuer slake.’
8300 He bad hir loue almose dede,
Penaunce al for to take,
‘To heuen-blis it wil þe lede
& of þi soule a gode seynt make.
¶ Moder, now we schul part atvinne
8350 & neuer oþer in þis lond se;
He haþ ous cleped & cald of sinne,
Þe holy gost & persones þre.
Bifor þe dom of alle mankin,
Bifor Godes face, so schal it be;
8400 Better is lay þan neuer blinne,
Our soules to maken fre.’
¶ Robes riche hadde he þan,
As prince þat was miche of miȝt,
He toke cloþes of pouer manne;
8450 Þe loue of God was on him liȝt.
At his moder leue he nam
Ar þe day was vp briȝt,
Out of his lond þan he cam,
A penaunt he semed pouer, apliȝt.
8500 ¶ A pike he made of
his spere,
So palmer þat walkeþ wide.
Þe þridde niȝt to a fischer
He cam bi þe se side.
Gregorij wold duelle stille
8550 Al þat ich niȝtes tide,
& ȝif it war his wille
Til day þat he most abide.
¶ Þe fischer answerd wiþ wordes vnmilde
‘Me þenk’ he seyd, þou art a spie.
8600 Þi bodi is white, þi flesche is wilde,
Þis liif mauȝtow nouȝt long dreye.
ȝif þou al niȝt wer me hende,
Þou wost do me vilainie.
Bi him þat schal ous all amende,
8650 In mine hous schal tow nouȝt lye.
Gregori couþe nouȝt preye,
No lenger he nold biseche,
Bot ȝede forþ alle in his way
Barfot his sinnes for to leche.
8700 Þe fischers wiif, ich ȝou say,
For him bigan to wepe;
For him þan sche wald dye
Bot he miȝt in hir hous slepe.
¶ Þe fischer seye his wiif þouȝt,
8750 Þe penant he lete clepe oȝein.
Þat niȝt he was to rest ybrouȝt
Out of þe winde & þe reyn.
Þe wiif him bedded wel soft
In a chaunber þer he schould leyn.
8800 To Crist he cleped swiþe oft
Þat miȝtful is of miȝt & main.
¶ Þo it was time for to soupe
Þe cloþ was leyd, þe bord ysett.
Þe winde blewe schille & loude,
8850 Þe fer biforn hem was bett.
Þe wiif wel ȝern was about {f.6r} 
Þat Gregorij were þer fet.
Þe housbond was stern & stout
Þe penaunt hadde hard gret.
8900 ¶ Gregorij was simple
of sawe,
In he com wiþ resoun.
He wesche his honden as it was lawe
& bi þe fer sett him adoun.
A cloþ biforn him was drawe
8950 & ȝaf him win of maser broun,
Bred wel white of what yslawe,
Þe best þat was in alle þe toun.
¶ Þe penaunt seyd ‘mi leuedi schene,
Mi bodi askeþ no swich mete,
9000 Bot barly brede & water clene
ȝif ich it miȝt finde & gete.’
Þe fischer seyd ‘þou þeues fere,
Þou makest ous of þe to speke,
Þis gret fische tofor me here,
9050 Bodi & heued þou wost it ete.
¶ ȝif þou bi þiselue were,
Anouȝ þou wost ete & drink;
No mete þe to dere no were,
& þou no semest nouȝt to swinke.
9100 Þis treytour sitt among ous here,
To þe water he ginneþ blenke.
Þou schost haue ben ermite or frere
In wode oþer in roche brinke.’
¶ ‘ȝa, quaþ he ‘þerafter ich haue souȝt;
9150 Þe place is nouȝt ȝete yfounde.
To swiche a stede ich wald be brouȝt
Þat y miȝt liuen in a stounde.’
‘ȝis’ quaþ þe fischer ‘drade þe nouȝt,
Y knowe a roche al ridi rounde;
9200 Þerin þer is an hous ywrouȝt
Wel depe at þe se grounde.’
¶ Gregorij seyd ‘for loue of on
Þat dyed on þe rode tre,
Bring me to þat roche of ston
9250 Fischer, ȝif þi wille be.’
Þe fischer seyd ‘bi seyn Jon,
When y liȝt of day may se
Feters ichil cast þe opon
& to þat roche bring y þe.’
9300 ¶ Þe penaunt
lay & nouȝt no slepe
Bot þouȝt on God þat sitt in trone
Þat he him sende gode hap
His penaunce wele for to done.
His tables he þer forȝat
9350 Amorwe when he schuld go,
& when þat he was war of þat
Ywis, him was swiþe wo.
¶ Þanne he was to þe roche ycome,
Yfetred & fast ybounde,
9400 Þe keye was wel
raþe ynome
& cast into þe se grounde.
Gregorij bisouȝt Crist
Þat þe keye schuld neuer be founde
Til for soþe þat he wist
9450 His soule wer out of sinne ybounde.
¶ Þerin was his woniing
To seuenten winter weren agon;
Wiþ penaunce & gret fasting
To God of heuen he made his mone,
9500 Wiþouten mete, wiþouten drink,
Bot dewe þat fel on þe marbel ston.
Þe stori seyt wiþouten lesing,
Oþer liif no ladde he non.
¶ Now schal we lete Gregorij,
9550 Bitake we him God þat made man.
Herkeneþ alle þat beþ hendi
Of þe pope þat dyed þan.
His frendes were for him sori
Þo his liif dayes wer don.
9600 Ded he was so seyt þe stori,
His soule went to heuen son.
Þe bischopes þat were of þat lond,
& of grete autorite,
To Rome were comen þurth Godes sond
9650 Into þat holi cite.
A cardinal spac þer among,
& seyd schortliche att wordes þre,
‘Wite ȝe wele it may nouȝt long
Cristendom vnloked be.’
9700 ¶ Anoþer spac
for to spede,
Þat wele couþe a resoun telle,
& bad þat men schuld nim hede
Þat cristendom nouȝt doun felle.
‘Tvelue apostles in erþe ȝede, {f.6v}

9750 Þe þrittend was God himselue.
Þe pope is in stede at nede,
Þe cardinals be þe apostles tvelue.
¶ Bot now of him is don þe dede,
Lowe he liþ loken in ston.
9800 Who may þat folk wisse & rede
Now pope in Rome haue we non?
Biseche we God wele to spede,
Our eleccioun wele to don,
Also þe warld haþ alle nede,
9850 To help & ward cristendom.’
¶ Þe cardinals al togider come -
Ensembled þai were alle þo -
& bisouȝt God þat made mone
An holi man to vnderfo
9900 Þat digne were to ben in Rome
Her leccioun wele to do,
Þat to þe world toke ȝeme
& holi chirche loke to.
¶ Þai layen alle in affliccioun,
9950 Þe cardinals euerichon,
Þe bischopes alle of þe toun
Wiþ hem weren ygon.
An angel cam fram heuen adoun,
Briȝter þan þe rouwel bon,
1000 & seyd ‘made is þis aleccioun.
Þe king of heuen haþ chosen ȝou on.
¶ Ich bid ȝou seche anon.
It comeþ ȝou to miche frame.
In þe world is swiche non
1005 To be pope wiþouten blame;
He woneþ in a roche of ston,
Gregorij, it is his name.
Þe salt seis about him gon,
Wiþ penaunce he is waschen clane.’
1010 ¶ Þan þai hadde herd þe steuen
Of þe angel þat is so briȝt,
Anon þai þonked God of heuen
Of alle his michel holy miȝt,
Messangers þai senten seuen.
1015 Þe way token þai wel riȝt,
To þe toun þai ȝede wel euen
Þer Gregorij was herberd aniȝt.
Þurth þe grace of Jesu Crist,
Þat sent vertu in ston & gras,
1020 To þe fischers hous þai went wiþ list
Þe[r] Gregori herberwed was,
Þai asked him herberwe sone.
Spending þai hadde anouȝ, apliȝt;
Þerfore him þouȝt it was to done
1025 & herberwed hem þat ich niȝt.
¶ Þe fischer hadde alday ybe
In þe se wiþ nettes strong
& þer he toke fisches þre
Þat were boþe gret & long.
1030 Þe fischer bad hem com & se
Wat fische þai wold fond;
Wel feir it schuld ydiȝt be
& y-opened to her hond.
¶ Þer þe fisches alle lay,
1035 Þe best of alle þai chosen to,
& bad men schuld hem seþe & play
& boile hem in water þo.
Þe fischer fond þerin a keye
When þe wombe was vndo,
1040 & þouȝt þat Gregori was faye,
& þerfore him was ful wo.
Þan þai hadde soped euerichon
& were glad of þat niȝt,
Þe fischer asked hem anon
1045 To what lond þai hadden tiȝt.
Þai seyden ‘long haue we gon,
After a penaunt ysouȝt riȝt
Þat woneþ in a roche of ston,
We not where he is aliȝt.
1050 ¶ In Rome pope is þer non.
Loue of God on him is liȝt,
We schuld wiþ ous bring him hom
ȝif we miȝt of him haue siȝt.’
Þe fischer swore ‘bi seyn Jon,
1055 Þider y can ȝou wisse ariȝt.
Y brouȝt him to þat roche of ston,
Oliue no wot ich him no wiȝt.
¶ Þer ich him feterd fast & bond;
He me suffred & stille lay
1060 & þe keye wiþ mi riȝt hond
Into þe se y cast oway...