The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
¶ Who so bereȝ palm, þe tokne is þis, {f.73ra}

Þat in clene lif he is;
Þat is to vnderstonde
Hit is tokning of loue,
5000 Þat God him haueȝ wraththe forȝoue,
Þat bereȝ palm on honde.
¶ Þis is þe þridde þing
Þat palm bitokneȝ, wiȝouten lesing:
Whan man had palm inome,
1000 Þat man haueȝ in his riȝt
Þourgh þe vertu of Godes miȝt
Hise enemis ouercome.
¶ Þe ferthe þing is to wite,
Ase Godes clerkes findeȝ iwrite,
1500 No lesing hit ne is:
Þe man þat bereȝ palm aboute,
Alle hise enemis him sschulle doute,
Godes baner hit is.
¶ Þat bitokneȝ, wiȝouten nay,
2000 Þe palm on palmes Sonenday,
Þat man is al aboue;
ȝif a man is clene ishriue
And halt penaunce him is iȝiue,
Þan haueȝ he Godes loue.
2500 ¶ ȝif þi palm
is riȝt inome,
Þan hauest þou ouercome
Þe fend þourgh flessches fiȝt;
Þanne beȝ þin enemis ouercome,
And here miȝt hem is binome,
3000 And þou bere palm ariȝt.
¶ Forsothe, we here clerkes telle
Alle þe fendes þat beȝ in helle
Beȝ in werre and wrake,
Whan a Cristeneman in londe
3500 Bereȝ trewliche palm on honde
And haueȝ hise sinnes forsake.
¶ And Ihesu and his moder Marie
And alle here swete compaignie {f.73rb} 
Þat beȝ in heuene iset
4000 Beȝ glade whan we beȝ idiȝt
For to beren oure palm ariȝt,
And habben oure sennes bet.
¶ For palm of alle flour is pris
Of rose rode, of flour de lis,
4500 Þat to oure leuedi was sent;
Þat oure leuedi was clene of lif,
Clene maiden and clene wif,
Bitokneȝ verraiment.
¶ And clene virgine ȝhe was also,
5000 Þat is heiere þan þe two:
Wif oþer maidenhede.
For womman mai lese virginite
Wiȝ wille and þout, so mot ic þe,
Wiȝouten flesschlich dede.
5500 ¶ But maidenhod mai
non bi lorn
Of no womman þat is iborn,
Wiȝouten mannes mone,
Ne no maiden wiȝ childe gon,
Ne neuer ȝite ne dede non,
6000 Saue oure leuedi al one.
¶ ȝe was maiden and virgine
And bar a child wiȝouten pine,
Þat men clepeȝ Ihesus,
Þat in erthe man bicam
6500 And bataille vndernam
Aȝen þe fend for ous.
¶ Þise beȝ þe toknes, wiȝouten lesing,
Whi Ihesu, heuene-king,
Sente here palm into erthe;
7000 For þere nas neuere womman bore,
Neiþer after ne bifore,
Þat was so mochel wurthe.
¶ Oure swete leuedi milde and fre –
Ihered and heghed mote ȝhe be –
7500 ȝhe makeȝ oure blisses
newe; {f.73va}
ȝhe tok þe palm þat God here sente,
And into here chaumbre anon ȝhe wente
And dede on cloþes newe.
¶ Oure swete leuedi, maiden briȝt,
8000 Knelede adoun anonriȝt
And seide here bileue,
And bad a bone to God in heuene,
For hise dereworhte names seuene
Þat no fend sscholde hire greue.
8500 ¶ Wel owghte þanne
al mankenne,
Þat habben ilein in dedli senne
Boþe dai and nyȝt,
Of þe fend to ben adrad,
Whan ȝhe swich a bone bad
9000 Þat bar þe king of miȝt.
¶ Þo ȝhe hadde bede þat bede,
ȝhe wente anon in þe stede
To sibbe and fremde ek,
And made hem come togedere anon,
9500 And to hem alle made here mon,
And doelfulliche ȝhe spek.
¶ ȝhe saide ‘Ihesu, mi swete sone,
Nelle no lengere ich here wone,
Swich sonde he haueȝ me sent
1000 Bi an aungel þat cam fram heuene
Wiȝ a ful milde steuene,
And aȝen is went.
¶ And ich biseche ȝou par charite
Alle þat hider beȝ comen to me,
1050 Boþe heghe and lowe,
ȝif ich habbe don vnriȝt,
Let me amenden be mi miȝt
And be mi geltes aknowe.’
¶ Alle þat stouden here bi {f.73vb} 
1100 Of þo wordes were sori,
For ȝhe was so hende,
And seide ‘Leuedi, what is þi þowt?
Haue merci on vs and leue vs nowt.
Whi wiltou fram vs wende?
1150 ¶ In muchel sorewe
and muchel wo
Sschulle we liue whan þou art go,
Boþe dai and niȝt.
Iblessed be þou, swete leuedi,
To vs þou hauest be ful redi
1200 To seruen vs day and niȝt.’
¶ Þous þai saiden alle wiȝ tonge,
Þai wepen sore and honden wronge;
In herte hem was ful wo,
Þe poure þinges þat seke weren,
1250 Þo þai herden wiȝ here heren,
Þat ȝhe wolde go.
¶ Þanne saide oure swete leuedi
To alle þo þat stoden hire bi,
Þat wopen and wrongen
1300 ‘Ne wepeȝ nowt. Holde ȝou stille.
Ich mot do mi sones wille.
I ne mai hit nowt wiȝstonde.’
¶ Hire herte armede oure leuedi briȝt
And gan to wepe anonriȝt
1350 For pite þat ȝhe seghȝ.
Þo made þai alle reuliche mone
And bigonne to wepe ech one,
Alle þat stoden hire neghȝ.
¶ Þo kam sone seint Jon
1400 And seghȝ oure leuedi make hire mon
And seide ‘Mi leuedi dere,
Tel me, leuedi milde of mod,
Who haueȝ seid þe ouwt bote god? {f.74ra}

Whi makest þou swuche chere?’
1450 Marie answerede wiȝ
milde steuene
‘John, me kam a sonde fram heuene
Bi an aungel briȝt;
Mi sone, þat bowghte man so dere,
Nelle no lengere þat ich be here –
1500 Iblessed be his miȝt.
¶ Þerfore ich wepe and mai nowt blinne;
For we sschullen parten atwinne,
Min herte armeȝ sore;
And wel fawe ich wolde see
1550 Mi sone – iblessed mote he be –
I ne saughȝ him nowt wel ȝore.’
¶ Þo John herde hou hit was,
He siȝte sore and saide ‘Allas,
Hou goȝ þis worldes winne!
1600 Leuedi, what sschal be mi red?
Certes, nou ich wolde bi ded,
Nou we sschulle parten atwinne.
¶ Mi louerd, þat deide on rode tre,
Into heuene is went fram me,
1650 Þat i ne mai wiȝ him speke,
And þou wult, leuedi, wende me fro?
Allas, allas, what me is wo,
Whi nelle myn herte breke?’
¶ ‘John’ quad oure leuedi þo,
1700 ‘Þerfore be þou no þing wo,
To heuene ȝif ich am nome.
Ich wille biseche mi sone dere.
Þat þou ne sschalt nowt longe dwellen here;
To me þou sschalt come.’
1750 ¶ Þous oure
leuedi and saint John
Either to oþer maden here mon,
Als ȝhe stonden ifere. {f.74rb} 
Hou aiþer vpon oþer wep,
Who so tok þerof kep,
1800 Pite hit was to here.
¶ Alle þe apostles weren went to preche,
In diuerse stedes þe poeple to teche,
In bok als ȝhe moun here;
And alle hem cam toknyng
1850 Fram swete Ihesu, heuene-kyng
Þat þere þai comen ifere.
¶ Als God hit wolde for þe nones,
Alle þai comen þider at ones,
Ase manie als þere were,
1900 Sauue seint Thomas of Ynde –
Wo was him, he was bihinde –
He ne was nowt þere.
¶ Anon ase þe apostles seghen,
Seint John wep wiȝ his eghen,
1950 Þai weren amaid alle.
‘John’ quad Peter ‘leue fere,
Whi makst þous foule chere,
What is þe bifalle?’
¶ ‘Peter’ quad John ‘iwis,
2000 Formest þou sschalt telle me þis:
Hou be ȝhe hider ilad?
Hou was ȝoure counseil inome,
Þat ȝhe beȝ alle hider icome,
Þat were so wide isprad?’
2050 ¶ Peter and hise felawes
Answereden seint John,
Ase manie ase þere were;
Þai saiden þai hadde wonder alle
Of þe kas þat was bifalle,
2100 Hou þei comen þere.
‘Nou wolle ich telle’ quad seint John, {f.74va}

‘Wharfore ich make mi mon
And whi ich wepe so sore:
An aungel cam fram swete Ihesus
2150 And to oure leuedi seide þous:
ȝhe ne sschal ben here nammore.
¶ For no þing þat mai bitide
ȝhe ne mot here no lengere abide
Ne libbe but daies þre.
2200 Swich tiding haueȝ þe aungel brout
Fram him þat al þe werld had wrout –
Iblessed mote he be.
¶ Þerfore ȝhe beȝ hider isent,
To ben at here enterement,
2250 Mi leuedi milde and fre.
Nou mowe ȝhe counforte me in þis kare,
Whan mi leuedi is fram me fare;
Welcome mote ȝe be.’
¶ Þo wiste þai Ihesu sente hem þider,
2300 And wenten forht alle togider
To oure leuedi, and seiden þous:
‘We beȝ at þi comaundement,
Hider to þe ous haueȝ isent
Þi sone swete Ihesus.’
2350 ¶ Þanne seide
maiden Marie
To Peter and to his compaignie
‘Welcome mote ȝe be.
Iblessed wurht he dai and niȝt,
Mi sone Ihesu ful of miȝt,
2400 Þat sente ȝhou hider to me.
¶ And ich biseche ȝhou for his loue,
Mi sone þat sit vs alle aboue
Þat hider ȝou had isent,
Ne leteȝ no Iwes ful of enuye
2450 Do mi bodi no vilainye,
Whan þe soule is went.’
¶ Þo oure leuedi þous hadde iseid,
In a bed ȝhe was ileid
And held hire þere ful stille;
2500 Alle þe apostles seten hire bi
And lokeden oure swete leuedi,
To abide Godes wille.
¶ Alle fillen aslepe echone,
Sauue oure swete leuedi alone.
2550 No slep wiȝ here þer nas;
Drede of deȝ was in here þout,
Þerfore ȝhe ne slep nowt,
And no wonder hit nas.
¶ Of deȝ ȝhe moste ben adrad;
2600 God þat on þe rode was sprad,
Als telleȝ þe profetie,
Aȝens deȝ þat was to come,
Er he was wiȝ Jues nome,
He was afered to die.
2650 ¶ Holi writ telleȝ
Þat oure louerd, swete Ihesus,
Þat is so milde of mod,
For al his power and his miȝt
Of deȝ he was so sore afriȝt,
2700 Þat he swatte blod.
¶ Þerfore Ihesu, ful of miȝt,
Sente adoun an aungel briȝt
To his moder þer ȝe lai;
For he wiste wel þourgh his miȝt,
2750 Þat ȝhe wolde ben afriȝt
Aȝen here deȝdai.
¶ Þe aungle liȝt doun bi here bed
And saide ‘Marie, be nowt adred
Of deht, þat is neghȝ, {f.75ra} 
2800 For nowt þat þou sschalt here se.
Þous sente þi sone word bi me,
In heuene þat sit on heghȝ.’
¶ Quad oure leuedi milde and fre
‘Iblessed mote mi sone be,
2850 Þat me þat sonde sente.’
And þe aungel þat was so briȝt
Tok his leue anon ariȝt
And into heuene wente.
¶ Aȝhens oure leuedi sscholde bi ded,
2900 Al þe erthe quok for dred
And after cam a þonder;
But oure leuedi dradde nowt,
For tiding þat þe aungel had browt
Of al þat grete wonder.
2950 ¶ Sone after þat
Þe apostles woken euerichon;
Þanne seide oure leuedi briȝt
‘Mi time comeȝ þat i sschal fare
Into blisse out of þis kare.
3000 Wakeȝ a litel whiȝt.
¶ Bi toknes þat ich habbe iherd and sein,
On slepe while ȝhe habben lein,
Iich wot mi deȝ is neghȝ.
Iheried and heighed mot he worthe,
3050 Swich tokne mi sone sente nouþe
Out of heuene on hegh.’
¶ Boþe niȝt and eke dai
Oure leuedi in here chaumbre lai,
To bide here sones wille;
3100 And þe apostles were ful hende,
Nolde neuer on fram here wende,
But helden hem þere al stille.
¶ Ihesu, þat þolede deȝ on tre, {f.75rb}

For to maken vs alle fre,
3150 Vpon gode Fridai,
A compaignie wiȝ him he nam,
And to his swete moder he cam
In chaumbre þer ȝe lai.
¶ Þo swete Ihesu ful of miȝte
3200 Was comen wiȝ his angles briȝte.
Þanne seide oure leuedi fre
‘Sone, blessed be þat stounde,
Þat ich ȝede wiȝ þe ibounde,
And welcome mote þou be.’
3250 ¶ ‘Moder’
quad swet Ihesu þo,
‘Wiȝ me to heuene þou most go
Wiȝ al þis compaignie,
And wone þere wiȝouten ende
In þe blisse þat haueȝ non ende,
3300 But formest þou most die.’
¶ Þanne seide oure leuedi Marie
‘Leue sone, let me nowt die,
Ich beseche þe.
Leue sone, for mi loue
3350 Let mi deȝ be forȝoue.
ȝif hit mai so be.’
¶ ‘Leue moder’ quad swete Ihesus,
‘For sothe, hit mot nede be þous,
Þi deȝ maist þou nowt fle,
3400 For al þat liueȝ, al sschal die,
Oþer elles, moder, ich moste lie,
And þat ne mai nowt be.’
¶ ‘Sone’ quad oure leuedi þo,
‘Ase þou wult, ich wille also;
3450 But ich biseche þe,
Let me neuere be so afriȝt,
Of þe fend to habbe no siȝt, {f.75va} 
For þe loue of me.’
¶ ‘Moder’ quad Ihesu ‘ne doute þe nowt,
3500 Hit ne cam neuer in mi þout,
Þat þou sscholdest habben a siȝt
Of no fend, ȝif ich mai,
But joie and murthe þat lesteȝ ay,
Boþe dai and niȝt.’
3550 ¶ Oure swete leuedi
was glad þerfore
And blessed þe time, þat he was bore
And in hire bodi liȝte;
And mildeliche, wiȝouten pine,
Anon ȝe deide, þat swete virgine,
3600 Þat bar þe king of miȝt.
¶ And as hit telleȝ in þe bok,
Þe soule out of here bodi he tok,
Ihesu ful of miȝte,
And wiȝ murthe of aungeles steuene
3650 Hit was ibore to þe blisse of heuene,
Þere alle murthes be diȝte.
¶ Þo þe soule of maide Marie
Wiȝ al þat faire compaignie
To heuene was iwent,
3700 Alle þe apostles þat þere were
Leiden þe bodi vppon a bere
Þourgh Godes comaundement.
¶ Þanne seide Ihesu anon
‘Peter, tak þine felawes echon,
3750 And nimeȝ vp þe bere,
And ȝe sschulle finde a redi pahtȝ
Into þe val of Josephahtȝ,
And burieȝ mi moder þere.
¶ And a palm þat ich here sente
3800 Bi an aungel þat
to here wente, {f.75vb}
To warn here ȝe sscholde die,
John, þat palm þou sschalt bere,
Mi moderes bodi for to were
Fram Iwes ful of enuye.’
3850 ¶ Þo Ihesu þous
hadde iseid,
Þe bodi þat on þe bere was leid,
Þere hit lai al stille;
Ihesu ȝaf hit his blessing
And steghȝ to heuene þer he was king,
3900 As hit was his wille.
¶ Wel oughte we þat ben in erthe,
Were þai neuere so litel wurthe,
For to worsschipen louerd oure,
Whan swete Ihesu ful of miȝt
3950 Cam into erthe fram heuene-liȝt,
His moder for to onoure.
¶ And whoso nelle nowt be war,
To honoure þe moder þat him bar,
And his fader at nede,
4000 Swete Ihesu, heuene-kyng,
Haueȝ graunted hem luther ending
And sschort life to mede.
¶ And whoso honureȝ be his miȝt
His fader and his moder ariȝt,
4050 Als he sscholde do,
He sschal habbe ate byginning
Long lif and god endyng
And heuene-blisse þerto.
¶ Þo Ihesu was to heuene went
4100 And þe soule þider was sent,
Þanne seide seint John
‘Ga we don as God vs het,
Ga we forhtȝ vpon oure fet {f.76ra} 
Wiȝ þis cors anon.’
4150 ¶ Foure apostles þat
þar were.
Token vp anon þe bere,
Þei nolde no lengere dwelle;
Þei wenten þourghhout þe toun
Wiȝ a fair processioun
4200 Amang þo Iwes felle.
¶ Þe Iwes þat weren Godes fon
Herden þe apostles singen echon
And senten for to enquere
Of þe noise þat þai herde,
4250 Wuche manere hit ferde,
And wat noise hit were.
¶ Men tolde þe Iwes ful of enuie
Þat hit was houre leuedi Marie
Þat was boren þourgh þe toun
4300 To buriing, richeliche idiȝt
And wiȝ mani torches liȝt,
Wiȝ fair processioun.
¶ Þan seide þe Iwes – ful mote hem falle –
‘Þis is a gret despit wihtalle,
4350 Þat ani man sschal here.
Marie, þat bar þat foule traitour,
Sschal be bore wiȝ swich honur
Among vs alle here.
¶ Ga we don hem sschame inow
4400 And caste þe bere amiddes þe slow.’
And anonriȝt
A Jw laide hond vpon þe bare,
And al fast he cleuede þare
Þourgh vertu of Godes miȝt.
4450 ¶ Oþer þat
comen to don hire sschame,
Wexen boþe blinde and lame – {f.76rb}

Foule mote hem falle.
Blessed be þe king of miȝt,
Þat so sauede his moder riȝt
4500 Amang þe Jwes alle.
¶ Þe apostles hadde god game.
Þat þai ȝede so to sschame,
Al was here plei.
Þei nere no þing agaste,
4550 But songen euere iliche faste
And wenten forht here way.
¶ Þe Jw þat cleuede vpon þe bere,
Knew Peter, þat was þere,
And seide wiȝinne a stonde
4600 ‘Bid þi lord þat is so hende
Deliure me vt of þis bende
Þat ich am inne ibounde.’
¶ Peter answerede þo
To him þat was ibounden so
4650 And in sorewe browt
‘Þat Ihesu, mi louerd, is ful of miȝt,
Nou þou miȝt se bi siȝt,
Þat þi bileue nis nowt.’
¶ ȝif þou wilt bileue þis,
4700 Þat Ihesu almiȝti is,
Þat deide vpon þe tre,
Is Ihesu þat oure leuedi bar,
Ich wille bidden him, als i dar,
Habbe mercy on þe.’
4750 ¶ Þe Jw þat
hangede on þe bere
Amang alle þat þere were
Turnede anon his þought
And seide ‘Ich bileue þis,
Þat Ihesu almiȝti is, {f.76va} 
4800 And al þe werld made of nowt,
¶ And was boren of Marie,
And for þe poeple wolde die,
For me and oþer mo;
And bidde him, ȝif his wille be,
4850 Þat he habbe pite of me
And bringe me vt of wo.’
¶ Anonri[ȝ]t in þat stede
Swete Ihesus herde his bede
And liured him of bondes;
4900 And he held hise hondes vpri[ȝ]t
And þonked Ihesu ful of miȝt
Alle hise swete sondes.
¶ Alle þe Jwes þat þere were
On him þat hangede on þe bere,
4950 In weie þer he ȝede,
Spatten on him anonriȝt,
For he leuede on Godes miȝt,
And he ne tok non hede.
¶ Peter bad him gon and preche,
5000 And þat he sscholde þe Jwes teche,
Which was Godes miȝt;
And he wente and was ful glad
To do þat seinte Peter bad,
And bileued ariȝt.
5050 ¶ His bileue was trist
and god,
And ful wel he vnderstod,
Who browte him out of wo,
And prechede þat er þe þridde dai
He made leuen on Godes lay
5100 An hondred Jwes and mo.
¶ Lete we nou þis miracle be
And of oure leuedi telle we
And of þe apostles echon,
Hou þai wenten bi a pahtȝ
5150 Into þe val of Josephahtȝ
An[d] buriede oure leuedi anon.
¶ Þo oure leuedi was buried þere, {f.76vb}

Alle þe apostles þat þere were
To þe cite þai ȝede;
5200 And in þai wenten anon,
And were ful sori euerichon,
To murthe ȝhe toke non hede.
¶ For er ȝhe passe(n)den fram þe ston,
Þer cam to hem an aungel anon
5250 In þilke selue stede
And bad hem wende forht to preche
And þe poeple for to teche,
Als ȝhe ere dede.
¶ Litel mete þat dai ȝhe eten,
5300 But at þe mete longe þai seten
And maden mourninde chere;
Euerich to oþer made his mone,
Þat oure leuedi was fram hem gone,
Þat was hem lef and dere.
5350 ¶ While ȝhe seten
in þat place,
Swete Ihesu ful of grace
Kam þilke selue dai
Wiȝ cumpaignie of aungeles briȝte,
And into Josephahtȝ he liȝte,
5400 Þere oure leuedi lai.
¶ Iblessed be hise names seuene.
He browte here soule vt of heuene
Into erthe amang mankenne;
Ihesu, as hit was his wille,
5450 Wente to þe bodi al stille
And putte þe soule þerinne.
¶ Þous swete Ihesus wis of red
Suffred his moder to be ded,
To fulfulle þe profecie,
5500 For in þe bok hit is told,
Þat al þe world, ȝong and hold,
Al þat liueȝ, sschal die.
¶ Þerfore Ihesu ful of miȝt
Brouwte here soule fram heue[ne] liȝt
5550 Whiȝ murthe of aungles
steuene; {f.77ra}
And soule and bodi and flessch and bon
ȝhe was boren vp anon
Into þe blisse of heuene.
¶ Þough a man miȝte dwelle,
5600 Þer nis no man þat mai telle
Þe ioie in heuene was diȝt
Aȝenes oure leuedi briȝt and sschene,
And þere ȝhe was corouned qwene
Wiȝ Ihesu ful of miȝt.
5650 ¶ On of þe apostles
þer was,
Þat was ihoten seint Thomas
And was boren in Hynde,
Kam to þe buriingward
And brak his felawes foreward –
5700 He was to longe bihinde.
¶ And bi þe weie als he ȝhede
To Josephahtȝ, Thomas tok hede,
And wiȝ is eghen he seghȝ
Oure swete leuedi, seinte Marie,
5750 Wiȝ Ihesu and his compaignie,
To heuene where ȝhe steghȝ.
¶ Seint Thomas was agast anon
Of hise felawes echon,
For he nas nowt þare;
5800 He was asschamed, seint Thomas,
And ful sori þerfore he was
And in muchele care.
¶ ‘Swete leuedi’ quad seint Thomas,
‘At þi buriing nowt i nas,
5850 As ich sscholde habbe be;
Þat ich bodiliche telle mai,
Þat ich saugh þe here todai,
Som tokne send þou me.
¶ But þou sende me som tokning,
5900 Mine felawes wille leue no þing,
Þat ich saugh þe here.
Help me, leuedi, leue lif,
Leste þer wexe bitwene vs strif,
Whan we comen ifere.’
5950 ¶ Oure leuedi –
blessed mote ȝhe be. {f.77rb}
Of Thomas hadde gret pite,
In kare þat was ibounde;
Þe gerdel of hire middel smal,
Nowt a gobet þerof but al,
6000 ȝhe let falle to grounde.
¶ And Thomas was war of þat,
Vpon knowes þere he sat,
And þe gurdel he tok;
And oure leuedi steghȝ,
6050 And nammore of hire he ne seghȝ,
As witnesseȝ holi bok.
¶ Seint Thomas ne reste neuere on gronde,
Her he hadde hise felawes founden,
Þer þei seten on rowe;
6100 And anon as ȝhe were mette,
Wiȝ feire wordes he hem grette
And mekede him to hem lowe.
¶ Þe god apostel, seint John,
He spak to Thomas anon,
6150 Þo he tok of him hede,
And seide to him ‘Thomas of Hinde,
Euere more þou art bihinde.
Where were þou at þis nede?’
¶ Þous þe apostel, seint John,
6200 Blamede seint Thomas anon
For he nas nowt þere,
And echon þat euer þer was,
Alle blamede seint Thomas,
Ase manie als þer were.
6250 ¶ Thomas of Hinde
stod al stille
And let hem habben al here wille
And seggen al here þout;
‘Felawes’ quad Thomas ‘so mot ich þe.
I saugh oure [leuedi] latter þan ȝhe,
6300 Þerfore ne chideȝ me nowt.’
¶ ‘Thomas, Thomas’ quad seint John,
‘We laiden hire in a þrough of ston,
And þere we here lete.
Which manere miȝt hit be
6350 Þat þou here
seghe latter þan we? {f.77va}
We ne dede seththen but ete.’
¶ ‘Felawes’ quad Thomas þo,
‘Forsothe, ȝhe is þenne igo
And went ellesware.
6400 Iich warne ȝhe wel, so mot ich þriue,
Þough ȝhe highen neuere so bliue,
ȝhe ne sschulle nowt finde hire þare.’
¶ ‘Þous þou ferdest’ quad Peter þo,
‘Þo swete Ihesus was ago
6450 And risen þourgh his miȝt:
Er þou haddest þiself ifounde
Wiȝ þin hond his bitter wonde,
Þou noldest nowt leuen hit riȝt.’
¶ ‘Peter’ quad Thomas ‘so mot ich þe,
6500 Ich leue miself bet þan þe;
Ich knowe oure leuedi ful wel.
Wiȝ boþe myn eghen ich hit seghȝ.
Into heuene where ȝhe steghȝ,
Boþe fle[s]ch and fel.
6550 ¶ And ich or trowede
in mi þought,
Þat ȝe nolden leue me nowt,
And ich bad hire a bone:
ȝhe sscholde sende me som toknyngh,
Þat ich was toward here burying.
6600 And ȝhe graunted me sone.
¶ Þer i sat vpon mi kne,
Leuedi, blessed mote ȝhe be,
Flour of wommen alle,
Þe gerdel þat ȝhe werede in herthe –
6650 Ihered and heghed mote ȝhe werthe –
Bifore me ȝhe let falle.
¶ And ȝif ȝhe nelleȝ nowt leue me,
Here ȝhe sschulleȝ sone ise,
I ne segge nowt amis.
6700 Þe gerdel þat ȝhe werede hereselue
ȝhe sente tokne to ȝou twelue,
And, lo, here hit is.’
¶ Þo seint John þe gerdel seghȝ,
He held vp boþe honden on heghȝ
6750 And knelede adoun ful
lowe, {f.77vb}
And kuste þe gerdel anonriȝt,
Þo he hadde þeroffe a siȝt,
And seide ‘þis gerdel ich knowe.
¶ Mi god felawes’ quad seint John,
6800 ‘In Josephaht in þe ston,
Boþe were buried ifere;
Þo þe þrough was ischut,
Þe gerdel was aboute here knut.
Hou hit euere kam here?
6850 ¶ I rede we wenden
and enquere
Wheþer þe swete bodi be þere
Þat bar swete Ihesus,
Oþer ȝhe is out of monument
Irisen and to heuene went,
6900 Als Thomas telleȝ vs.
¶ Wende we þider alle twelue
And se we þe sothe oure selue.
Þanne mowe we be ful bold.
ȝif ȝhe nis nowt in þe ston,
6950 Þanne hit is lesing non,
Þat Thomas haueȝ vs told.’
¶ Alle twelue were at on
And wenten to þe þrough of ston
Þere oure leuedi was leid.
7000 No þing in þe ston þer nas.
Þo wiste þai wel þat soht hit was
Þat Thomas hadde iseid.
¶ ‘Lo! felawes’ quad Thomas þo,
‘Þe swete bodi is ago
7050 Þat hider was ibrowt;
For ȝe nolde nowt leue me,
Nou ȝe mowen ȝoureseluen se
Þat ich ne gabbed nowt.’
Þo wenten alle þe apostles anon,
7100 Alle abouten þe ston
And knouledyn adoun,
To honoure þer þe bodi lai;
Al an houre of a dai
Þei leien in oreisoun.
7150 ¶ And anon Ihesu Crist
Sente a swithe gret mist
Aboute þe apostles twelue.
And echon in diuerse stede,
To prechen, ase þai here deden,
7200 Was boren bi himselue.
Alle were awondred in here þowt,
Hou sone ȝhe were atwinne ibrowt,
And no wonder hit nas;
But swete Ihesu ful of miȝt,
7250 Þat made boþe dai and niȝt,
Ase he wolde, also hit was.
¶ Iblessed be he, swete Ihesus,
Þat swich a loue had kud vs
Þour[gh] his mochel miȝt,
7300 To crownen a womman of oure kinde
Qwene in heuene – habbeȝ hit in minde,
And serueȝ God ariȝt.
A gret loue he kudde vs anoþer:
He bicam in erthe oure broþer,
7350 And oure fader he is
And bowte vs out of seruage
And ȝaf ous to oure heritage
Heuenriches blis.
¶ Wel owte we be blithe of mod:
7400 Heuene is oure þourgh kinde of blod,
Oure and oure childre;
Swete Ihesu deide þerfore
And bowte hit þo hit was lore
Þourgh trespas of oure eldre.
7450 He were a fol þat
miȝte chese
And wolde þat heritage lese
For loue of worldes winne.
Ech man, ase forht as he mai,
Þenk vpon domesdai
7500 And sschome dedli sinne.
¶ Nou habbe ȝe herd þe resoun
Of þe swete assumpsioun
Of oure leuedi hende.
Ihesu, þat is here swete sone,
7550 ȝiue ous grace for to wone
In ioie þat neuere schal ende.