The Four Foes of Mankind
Þe siker soþe whoso seys {f.303rb}

Wiþ diol dreye we our days
& walk mani wil ways
As wandrand wiȝtes.
5000 Al our games ous agas,
So mani tenes ou[s] tas
Þurth fonding of fele fas
Þat fast wiþ ous fiȝtes.
Our flesche is fouled wiþ þe fende
1000 Þer we finde a fals frende;
Þei þai heuen vp her hende
Þai no hold nouȝt her hiȝtes.
Þis er þre þat er þra,
er: e altered from i on both occasions. |
ȝete þe ferþ is our fa:
1500 Deþ þat derieþ ous swa
& diolely ous diȝtes.
¶ Þis world wileþ þus, y wat,
Þurth falsschip of fairhat;
Where we go bi ani gat
2000 Wiþ bale he ous bites:
Now kirt, now care,
Now min, now mare,
Now sounde, now sare,
Now song, now sites,
2500 Now nouȝt, now ynouȝ,
Now wele, now wouȝ,
Now is in longing þat louȝ
Þat o þis liif lites,
Now geten, now gan;
3000 Y tel it bot a lent lan
When al þe welþ of our wan
Þus oway wites.
¶ Now vnder, now ouer,
Now cast, now couer,
3500 Now plente, now pouer,
Now pine, now plawe,
Now heþen, now here,
Now feble, now fere,
Now swift, now swere,
4000 Now snelle, now slawe,
Now nouȝt, now ynouȝ,
Now fals, now frouȝ,
Þe warld tirueþ ous touȝ
Fram wawe to wawe
4500 Til we be broyden in a
brayd {f.303va}
Þat our lickham is layd
In a graue þat is grayd
This line: inserted in a smaller script by Scribe 1. |
Vnder lame lawe.
¶ When derne deþ ous haþ ydiȝt
5000 Is non so war no so wiȝt
Þat he no felles him in fiȝt
As fire dos in tunder;
Þer nis no letting at lite
Þat he no tittes til him tite
5500 Þat he haþ sammned in site
Loue wel he sunder.
Noiþer he stintes no stokes
Bot ay prickes & prokes
Til he vnclustri al þe lokes
6000 Þat liif ligges vnder.
When y tent til him take
How schuld ich ani mirþe make
Or wele in þis warld wake?
Ywis, it were wonder.
6500 ¶ Deþ þat
deries ous ȝete
& makes mani wonges wete,
Þer nis no liif þat he wil lete
To lache when him list.
When he is lopen out of les
7000 No pray noman after pes;
For non giftes þat ges
Mai no man til him trist.
Our gode frendes has he fot
& put þe pouer to þe pot
7500 & ouer him yknett his knott,
Vnder his clay kist.
Derne deþ, opon þe ȝong
Wiþ þe to striue it is strong;
Y wold be wreken of mi wrong,
8000 ȝif y way wist.
¶ When þou has gaderd & yglened
Long lyopon & lened
Sparely þi gode spened
& loþ for to lete.
8500 Þe war leuer swelt vnder sword
Þan parti of þi peni hord;
Þou wringest mani wrang word
Wiþ wanges ful wete;
& deþ dinges o di dore
9000 Þat nedes schal
be þi neiȝebore {f.303vb}
& fett þe to ten f[l]ore
Foule vnder fete.
For al þe craft þat þou can
& al þe wele þatow wan
9500 Þe mock & þe mad man
No schul þai neuer mete.
¶ Seþþen font ous fra filþ wesche
ous: s inserted superscript.
wesche: originally wasche; e inserted
superscript and a underdotted
Our fa haue founde we our flesche
Wiþ mani fondinges & fresche
1000 & four-sum of fendes.
Is nan so þra of hem þre
Þat ma merres þan me;
Bisier mai nan be
To bring ous out bendes.
1050 Man, mene þou þi mis,
Trowe trustly on þis:
Þou no wat neuer, ywis,
In world whare þou wendes,
No wat gat þatow gas,
1100 Þis four er redi on þi pas.
Now haue y founden þi fas,
Finde tow þi frendes.