King Richard
Including Edinburgh University Library MS 218 (fragments: E ff.3ra-4vb)
and St Andrews University Library MS PR 2065 R.4 (fragments: S R.4 ff.1ra-2vb)
Lord Ihesu, kyng of glorie, {f.326ra} 
Swiche auentour & swiche victorie
Þou sentest king Richard,
Miri it is to heren his stori
5000 & of him to han in memorie
Þat neuer no was couward.
Bokes men makeþ of Latyn,
Clerkes witen what is þerin,
Boþe Almaundes & Pikard;
1000 Romaunce make folk of Fraunce
Of kniȝtes þat were in destaunce
Þat dyed þurth dint of sward:
Of Rouland & of Oliuer
& of þe oþer dusseper,
1500 Of Alisander & Charlmeyn
& Ector þe gret werrer
& of Danys le fiz Oger,
Of Arthour & of Gaweyn.
As þis romaunce of Freyns wrouȝt,
2000 Þat mani lewed no knowe nouȝt,
In gest as-so we seyn;
Þis lewed no can Freyns non;
Among an hundred vnneþe on,
In lede is nouȝt to leyn.
2500 Noþeles, wiþ
gode chere
Fele of hem wald yhere
Noble gestes, ich vnderstond,
Of douȝti kniȝtes of Inglond.
Þerfore now ichil ȝou rede
3000 Of a king douhti of dede,
King Richard, þe werrour best
Þat men findeþ in ani gest.
Nou al þat listen þis ginning,
Ihesu hem graunt gode ending.
3500 A Freyns kniȝt, þe douke Miloun
& douke Renaud, a bold baroun, {f.326rb} 
Þurth tresoun of þe counte Roys,
Surri was lorn & þe holy croys.
Þe douke Renaud was hewen smale
4000 Al to peces, so seyt þe tale.
Þe douke Miloun was graunt his liif
& fleyȝe oway wiþ his wiif.
He was air of Surri lond,
King Baud[ew]ine sone, ich vnderstond.
4500 No man wist neuer seþ
Whar he bicom no in what keþ.
Ac þis lere & þis pite
Sprong into al Cristiante.
Þe holy pope þat hiȝt Vrban
5000 Sent to alle Cristen man
& asoyled hem of her sinne
& ȝaf hem paradys to winne
Alle þo þat wald þider gon
To avengy Ihesu of his fon.
5500 Þe king of Fraunce wiþouten feyle
Þider went wiþ grete bateyle,
Þe douke of Bloys, þe douke of Burgoyne,
Þe douke of Ostrike, þe douk of Sessoyne,
Þemperour of Almeyn
6000 Þe gode knyȝtes of Breteyne,
Þerl ..... ..... .....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
6500 In gret werre & hunger hard
As ȝe may here her afterward.
In heruest, after þe natiuite,
King Richard fenge his dignete
[Boþe] þe kinges ȝerd & þe croun,
7000 At Winchester, in þe gode toun.
Þe neyȝen day after his fest
Þat was so riche & so honest
He bitoke his lond þe chaunceler
& bicom Godes palmer.
7500 Oȝaines Godes wiþerwines
Þe erchebischop Baudeuines
Bifore went wiþ kniȝtes afine
Bi Brandis & bi Costentine
Ac alder late & afterward
8000 Com þe duhti king Richard.
To Marcile he went ful riȝt {f.326va} 
Wiþ erl, baroun & mani a kniȝt,
Wiþ schipes, galeys gret & smale,
No couþe no man bot God þe tale.
8500 Þe winde was boþe gode & kene
& drof hem ouer to Messene.
Bifor þe gates of þe Griffouns
King Richard piȝt his pauilouns.
Þe king of Fraunce þer he founde
9000 In pauilouns boþe quarre & rounde,
& aiþer of hem kist oþer
& bicom þer sworn breþer
To wende into þe holy lond
To wreken Ihesu, ich vnderstond.
9500 A tresoun þouȝt
þe king of Fraunce
To don king Richard a destaunce.
To king Tanker he sent a writ
Þat turned him seþþen to litel witt
Þat king Richard wiþ strengþe of hond
1000 Wald him driue out of his lond.
Sir Tanker king of Poyl was,
For þat writt he seyd ‘allas!’
He sent anon a messanger
To þe king his sone Roger
1050 Þat was king of Cisyle lond,
He schuld com to his hond.
Also he ofsent his barouns,
Erls, barouns of renounes.
Þai comen al in o stede,
1100 Þe king anon þe letter vndede
& seyd hou þe king of Fraunce
Him hadde ywarned of a destaunce.
ywarned: d added superscript. |
King Roger spac first aboue
& smot pes wiþ his gloue
1150 ‘Merci’ he seyd ‘fader mine.
King Richard is a pilgrime
Ycroiced into þe holy lond;
Þat writt leyȝþ, ich vnderstond.
Y dar for þe king Richard swere,
1200 For him no tit þe neuer were,
Ac sende to him a messanger
Þat he com to þe here.
He wil speke to þe wel fawe,
& what he þenkeþ to þe be biknawe.’
1250 Þe king was
peyed of þat conseyle, {f.326vb}
He sent anon wiþouten feyle.
Amorwe Richard com to him, ywis,
Into þe riche cite of Riis
& fond king Tanker in his halle
1300 Among his erles & barouns alle,
& aiþer of hem gret oþer feir
Wiþ milde wordes & boneir.
Sir Tanker seyd to king Richard
‘Lo, sir king, bi seyn Lethenard,
1350 Me is ydo for to wite
Of frendes bi wel gode write
Þat þou art comen wiþ gret pouwer
To reue me mi regne her.
Þe were fairer to ben a pilgrim
1400 To sle mani a peynim
Þan for to greuen a Cristen king
Þat neuer misdede þe noþing.’
King Richard was sore aschamed
& of his wordes sore agramed.
1450 ‘Sir Tanker’ he seyd ‘þou art mistauȝt
To haue on me swiche a þouȝt
& swiche rage on me bere,
Þat y þe schuld wiþ armes dere,
& swiche a tresoun on me souche.
1500 Y bere on me þe holy crouche.
No wil y duelle bot a day.
Tomorwe y wil wende mi way;
Ac y þe pray sir king,
Procoure me non iuel þing,
1550 For mani weneþ to greue oþer
& on himself falleþ al þe foþer,
For who so waiteþ me ani despite,
Himself schal nouȝt passy quite.’
‘Sir’ quaþ he ‘seþþen it so is,
1600 Lo, her þe letter now, ywis.
Sir Philip þi broþer it me sent
Þis enderday to present.
Þo king Richard wele vnderstode
Þe king of Fraunce nold him no gode.
1650 Þe king Richard & Tanker kest
& bicom frendes wiþ þe best
Þat miȝt ben in ani lond,
Yherd be Ihesu Cristes sond.
Edinburgh Fragments Commence
Þe kynge him helde wel stille {E f.3ra}
1700 ........Freyns kinges iuel wille
He .... dede of his tresore
& bouȝt bestes to a store.
He lete boþe salt & slen
Þre þousand oxen & ken,
1750 Schepe & swine fele also.
No .... no couþe telle þo
Wiþ ....... seuen to þousinde
He bouȝt also y finde
Of fysches, of foules, of venisoun
1800 Y ne can nouȝt telle þe resoun.
Þe king of Fraunce wiþouten wene
Lay in þe cite of Messene
& þe king Richard wiþouten þe wal
Vnder þe hous of þe ospital.
1850 Þe Inglish folk went into þe chepeinge
& oft hent hard knokinges.
Þo ....... & Griffouns doun riȝtes
Slouȝ our Inglische kniȝtes.
King Richard herd of þis destaunce
1900 & pleyned him to þe king of Fraunce,
& he seyd he held no wardes
Of þe Inglysche teylardes:
‘Chas þe Griffouns ȝyf þou miȝt
Of ... men getes tow no riȝt.’
1950 Quoþ King Richard ‘seþþe it is so
Y wot wel what ichaue to do;
Y schal me of hem so awreke
Þat men schal þerof wide speke.’
Cristemes is a time onest
2000 Richard onovrd wiþ riche fest.
Wiþ erl & clerke & barouns and clerke are uncertain. |
Was sett in his pauilouns
& were yserued wiþ plente
Of mani a riche deynte.
2050 Þan com ern a kniȝt on hast,
Vnneþe he miȝt drawe his fnast,
He fel on knes & þus he seyd
‘Mercy, king Richard, for Mari mayde.
Of Freyns men & of Griffouns
2100 Mi broþer liþ sleyn in þe toun
& wiþ him liþ sleyn sexten
Of þine kniȝtes gode & ken.
Today & .... stay ytold on rawe {E f.3rb}
Þat six & þritti þai han yslawe.
2150 Ful hastili teleþ ȝour Inglisch hep.
Leue sire takeþ þerof kepe.
Awreke ous sir manliche
Or we schal riȝt hastiliche
Fle periil ich vnderstonde
2200 & turn oȝan til Inglonde.’
Richard was wroþ & peched mod
& loked as he wer wode.
Þe table wiþ his fot he smot
Þe and table are uncertain. |
Þat it fel on þe flore fot-hot
2250 & seyd he wald be awreke in hest,
He nold nouȝt wondy for Cristes fest.
Þe heyȝe day of Cristenmesse
Þo gun hem armi more & lesse.
Biforn went þe king Richard;
2300 Þerl of Salesbirie afterward
Þat was ycleped bi þat day
Sir William þe long spay;
Þerl of Leicester & of Herford
Swetelich suwed her lord;
2350 Erls, barouns & squiers
Bowe men .... eremen, alblasters
Wiþ þe king þai gun reke
Of Freyns & Griffouns to be awreke.
Þe folk of þe cite aspied raþe
2400 Þat þe Inglische com to don hem scaþe
& schet hastiliche þe gate
Wiþ barres þat þai founde þerate
& vrn on hast to þe wal
& schoten wiþ speres & wiþ springal
2450 & crid to our folk saunfeyl
‘Goþ hom dogges wiþ ȝour tayl.
For ȝour bost & ȝour orgoyl
Man schal þrest in ȝour coyl.’
Þus þai misdeden & misseyd
2500 & king Richard sore atreyd.
Our king þat day for no nede
In batail no miȝt nouȝt spede.
Aniȝt þe king & his barouns
Went to her pauilouns.
2550 Who þat slept oþer woke
King Richard no rest no toke.
Amorwen he ofsent his ... aners {E f.3va}
& of þe pors þe mariners.
‘Lordinges’ he seyd ‘ȝe be wiþ me,
2600 Our conseyl owe to be priue.
Alle we schul ous venge fonde
Wiþ queyntise & wiþ strengþe of hond
Of þe Freyns & of þe Griffouns
Þat haue despised our naciouns.
2650 Ich haue a castel ich vnderstond
Of timber made of Inglond
Wiþ sex stages ful of turels
Wele yflorist wiþ kirnels.
þerin ich & mani a kniȝt
2700 Oȝeyn þe Freyns wil held fiȝt.
Mi castel schal haue a sornoun:
It schal be hoten þe Mate-Griffoun.
Now mariners armi wele ȝour schippes
& holdeþ vp our manschippes
2750 & bi þe water half ȝe hem aseyl
& we in þe lond half wil wiþouten feyl.
Joie ne comeþ þer neuer to me
Til ich of hem awreken be.’
Þo men miȝt here ycrie
2800 ‘A, help God & seynt Marie!’
Þe mariners hem gun heyȝe
Boþe wiþ schippes & wiþ galeyȝe;
Wiþ ore & seyl & spere also,
Toward þe cite þai gun go.
2850 Þe kniȝtes framed þat trecastel
Bifor þe cite on an hel.
Þis yseyȝe þe king of Fraunce
& seyd ‘no haue ȝe no dotaunce
Of þe Inglische cowardes,
2900 For þai no be bot mossardes.
Drisses now ȝour mangunel
& kestes to her tre castel
& scheteþ to hem wiþ alblast,
Þe teyled doggen to agast.’
2950 Now herkneþ of Richard our king
.... hadde do born in þe daweing
Targes & hurdis his folk alle
Riȝt bifore þe cite walle.
His ost he ded at ones crie,
3000 Men miȝt it here into þe skie
‘Now lassee cum Freyns musardes {E f.3vb}
& ȝif bateyl to þe teylardes.’
Þe Freyns folk hem armed alle
& vrn anon vnto þe walle.
3050 Þai gun defendi & þe Inglische aseyl.
Þer bigan a strong bateyl;
Þe Inglische drouȝ wiþ alblast & bowe,
Þe Freyns & Griffouns fast þai slowe.
Wiþ þat þe galeyes com to þe cite
3100 & hadde neyȝe won entre.
Þai hadde so mined vnder þe walle
Þat mani a Griffoun gan doun falle;
Wiþ hoked aruwes & quarels
Fele fel out of þe turels
3150 & broken boþe legges & arm
& her neckes – þat was non harm.
Þe Freyns com to her sour
& cast wild fir out of þe tour.
Y wot for soþe þerwiþ, ywis,
3200 Þai brent & slouȝ mani Inglische.
Ac þe Inglische hem defended wele
Wiþ gode swerde of broun stiel
& slouȝen of hem so gret chepes
Þat þer lay michel folk to hepes;
3250 & at þe lond gate þe kyng Richard
Held his saut yliche hard
& so manliche he tok on
Þat he no les of his men non.
He loked biside him & s ...
3300 A kniȝt þat weued him wiþ a gloue.
King Richard com & he him told
Tales on Inglis stout & bold
‘A Richard ich aspied now ...
Þing þat makeþ min hert liȝt
3350 Her vp ich fond gate on
Þat no haue ward non.
Þe folk is vrn to þe water tour
For to don hem þer socour.
Þer we may wiþouten dent
3400 Entri in verrament.’
Bliþe þerof was king Richard
& stouteliche priked þiderward.
Wel mani kniȝt duhti of dede
After him priked on her stede.
Edinburgh Fragments end and St Andrews Fragments begin
3450 Couþe as w..þ
{S R.4. f.1ra}
Whider so .old þemperour
Þe þridde d after rd
A winde co Richard
3500 ..... ..... ..... ....
his seyl. . d galays
o þat stod . .d[e]pe
Þe ge[n]til folk þerin wepe
c þo þ....yȝe Richard þe king
3550 Her wepe turned to leyȝing
& welcomed him wiþ gret worþschippes
& . eld him þe breche of his schippes
& þe robri of his tresour
& al þat oþer deshonour.
3600 King Richard wex wel wroþ
& þa[n] he swore a wel gret oþ
Bi him þat al þing made of nouȝt
It schuld ben amended & abouȝt.
He cleped sir Steuen, sir Willian
3650 & sir Roberd of Turnham,
þre gentil barouns of Inglond,
W of spe & wiȝt of hond
. . þ . iggeþ he seyd þemperour
. e ȝeld oȝain mi tresour
3700 O . ich him swere bi seyn Denis
Ichil haue . . . double of his
& . . ld min en out of prisoun
& f. . þe dede make ransoun
& ld also mi rob. .
3750 Or hastilich ichim warni
Bo. wiþ spere & wiþ launce
A . on ichil take veniaunce.’
Þe messangers wiþ gode entent
Dede her lordes comandment
3800 .... gret þemperour wel feir
Wiþ milde wordes & boneir
. s. . feir her message.
þemperour bigan to rage
He grent wiþ þe teþ & hard blewe,
3850 A [k]niif after sir Robard he þrewe
He bleynt for þe kniif oway he lepe
It .... ȝe in a dore a spanne depe
...... . ... . . . . ... {S R.4 f.1rb}
Out teylardes of mi paleis
3900 & goþ ...ggeþ ȝour teyled...
owe him noþ . . g
[I]cham wel glad of his ler.
[Ic]hil him ȝeld no[n] oþer answere,
[A]c he me schal finde redi tomorwe
3950 At þe hauen to don him sorwe
& wirche him as michel wrake
As ich his men her haue ytake.’
Þe messangers went out on rape
[&] were wel fein so to a[scap]e.
4000 [Þem]perour steward wiþ gret anour
Þan seyd þus to þemperour
‘Sir emperour, þou dost vn[ri]ȝt,
Þou haddest almost ysleyn þe k[n]iȝt
Þat is messanger & wiþ . ... g
4050 Þe best bodi vnder sonne s eing
Þou hast þ[i]self tresour anou..
. eld him his þou hast gret ...
For he is croised & pilgrim
& alle þe men þat be wiþ him.
4100 Lete him don his pilgrimage
& scheld þe self fram damage.
H[i]s eyȝen tvingle[d] þemperour
& [s]miled as a . . . e faitour
[A] kniif he drouȝ out of his sch. þe
4150 Þerwiþ [to] don his steward scaþe.
He cleped to him wiþouten feyl
& seyd he [w]ald tel him h[is] conseyl.
Þe steward sett him on knes [ad]oun
Wiþ þat .... .... .... oun
4200 & þemperour of iuel trist
Car[f] of his nose bi þe grist
& seyd ‘treytour þef steward,
Go pleyni þe to Inglische taylard
& say ȝif he com opon mi lond
4250 Y schal him do swiche a schond,
& alle his men quic flen
Bot he on hast tu. . oȝen.’
Þe steward þo his nose hent
He w. . . he was ysch. . .
4300 Quic out of þe cour[t] he ran
Leue no toke he of noman
Þe messangers merci he cride {S R.4. f.1va}
For Mari loue in þat tide
Þat þai schuld telle her lord
4350 Þe deshonour ende & ord
& heye hem ogeyn to lond.
‘Ichil sesy into ȝour hond
Alle þe keyes of eueri tour
Þat oweþ þe þe fikel emperour.
4400 Bid so me so þerof awreke
Þat men þerof wide speke;
& y schal bring him þis niȝt
Þemperours douhter briȝt
& also an hundred kniȝtes,
4450 Stout in armes & strong in fiȝtes,
Oȝein þe fikel emperour
Þat haþ ous don þis deshonour.’
Þis messangers hem heyȝed hard
Til þai com to king Richard
4500 & fond king Richard pleye
At þe ches in his galaye,
& þerl of Richemounde wiþ him pleyd
Ac Richard wan al þat þai leyd.
Þe messangers told him þe deshonour
4550 Þat hem dede þemperour
& þe despite he dede to his steward
In despite of þe king Richard
& þe stewardes presenting
His bihest & his helping.
4600 Þan answerd þe king Richard,
In dede lyoun in þouȝt lepeard,
‘Of ȝour sawes icham bliþe
Now setteþ ous to lond swiþe.’
Wel gret cri aros fot-hot
4650 Out was schoten mani flot bot;
Þe bowemen & þe alblasters
Armed hem wiþ her vinteyners
& schoten þe quarels & þe flon
Also þicke as h[eyl]ston.
4700 Þe folk of þe cite gan to reme
& wer wel fein to bede flem.
Þe barouns & þe god kniȝtes
After com anonriȝtes
Wiþ her lord king Richard
4750 Þat neuer nas holden no coward.
Þis king Richard ich vnderstond {S R.4 f.1vb}
Er he went out of Inglond
Hadde don made an ax for þe nones
For to cleue Sarraȝins bones.
4800 Þe heued was wrouȝt wonder wel,
Þeron was tventi pounde of stiel
& þo he com into Cipre lond
Þilk ax he tok in his hond,
Al þat he hit he tofraped.
4850 Þe Griffoun so was fast ascaped
Ac naþeles mani he tocleued
Þat her vnþankes þer bileued,
& þe prisoun þo he com to
Wiþ his ax he smot atvo
4900 Dores & barres & iren cheynes
& deliuerd his men out of peynes.
He dede hem alle deliueri cloþ
For her despite he was ful wroþ
& swor be God our saueour
4950 It schuld abigge þemperour.
Alle þe burieys of þe toun
Richard lete sle wiþouten ransoun,
Her tresours & her iuwels
He sesed as his owhen catels.
5000 Tiding com to þemperour
King Richard was in Limacour
& hadde his burieys to ded ydo;
No wonder was þei him wer wo.
He sent anon wiþouten feyl
5050 After al his conseyl
Þat þai com to him an heye
To wreke him of his enemie.
His ost was comen bi midniȝt
& rady amorwe for to fiȝt.
5100 Ac herken now of þe steward:
He com o niȝt to king Richard,
Þemperours douhter he brouȝt him wiþ
& gret Richard wiþ pes & griþ,
He fel on knes & gan to wepe
5150 & seyd ‘king Richard, God þe kepe.
Lo icham bisay for þe.
Gentil lord, awreke þou me
& þemperour douhter briȝt
Here y þe take gentil kniȝt.
5200 Þe keyes also y
take þe here {S R.4 f.2ra}
Of ich castel in his pouwer.
An hundred kniȝtes y ȝou bihete
Lo hem here at ȝour fete
Þat schal ȝou lede & socour
5250 Oȝein þe fikel emperour,
Þat ar tomorwe of his empire
Þou schalt be boþe lord & sire.
Ac swete sir wiþouten feyl
ȝete ȝou bihoueþ mi conseyl
5300 Ichil ȝou lede bi a cost
Priueliche opon his ost.
In his pauiloun ȝe schul him take
& þenkeþ opon þat w[raþe] & wrake
Þat he haþ ȝou don ar þis.
5350 Þ[ei] ȝe him sle no force it nis.’
M[i]chel þonked þe king Richard
Of swiche conseyl þe steward,
He swore bi God our saueour
His nose schuld ben abouȝt wel sour.
5400 Ten hundred stedes gode & sour
Richard lete wreye in trappour,
On eueriche lepe an Inglische kniȝt,
Stout in armes & strong in fiȝt,
As þe steward, siker apliȝt,
5450 Hem ladde bi þe mone-liȝt.
So neiȝe þai com þemperours pauilons
Of trumppes þat þai herd þe sounes
It was bifor þe daweing
Þe steward seyd to þe king
5500 ‘Lat se Richard aseyl ȝern
Þe pauiloun wiþ þe gilden ern,
Þerin liþ þemperour;
Awreke now þi deshonour.’
Þo was Richard al fresche to fiȝ[t]
5550 As is þe faucoun to þe fliȝt,
He priked forþ opon his stede,
Him folwed swiþe gret ferred.
[Þ]e ax he held an hond ydrawe,
[M]ani Griffoun he haþ yslawe.
5600 [Þ]e waytes of þe ost þis yseye,
Loude þai gun for to crie
‘As armes, lordinges al & some,
We beþ bitreyd & ynome.
In iuel time our emperour {S R.4 f.2rb}
5650 Robbed king Richardes tresour.
He is in amonges ous,
He sleþ doun riȝtes bi swete Ihesus.’
Þe Inglische kniȝtes for þe nones
Tohewe þe Griffouns bodi & bones
5700 & smiten þe cordes & feld adoun
Of mani a riche pauiloun
& euer crid squier & kniȝt
‘Smite, lay on, sle doun riȝt!
ȝeld þe tresour oȝanward
5750 Þat ȝe binam þe king Richard.
ȝe be worþi to haue swiche mede
Wiþ griseli woundes lye & blede.’
At þemperours pauiloun king Richard
Liȝt adoun so dede þe steward,
5800 Ac þemperour was flowen oway
Alon himself ar [it] was day;
[Y]flowen was þe foule coward,
Naru him souȝt þe king Richard.
He fond his cloþes & his tresour
5850 Ac he was flowen þat vile [trayt]our.
Long er þe day gun dawe
Tventi þousend Griffouns wer yslawe
O[f] silk & cendel & sikelatoun
W[as] þemperours pauiloun;
5900 In þe warld no was non swiche
No bi michel dele so riche.
King Richard dede hem gret worþschip,
He lete hem lede into his schip.
Seþþe at Acres no were yfounde
5950 Pauilouns of so michel mounde.
[C]oupes of gold gret & smale
[H]e hadde þer wiþouten tale,
[F]lorines, besauntes, white turneys
Silk samite Sarraȝinneys,
6000 Mani cofers smale & gret
Were yfild & ful ybete.
To stedes fond þer þe king Richard:
Þat on hete Fauel, þat oþer Lyard.
In al þe world no was her per,
6050 Dromedari no destrer,
Stede, rabit, no camayl
Þat ran so swift wiþouten feyl.
... ld ben yseld {S R.4 f.2va}
... hadde for l. . .
6100 ... he hadd. ...
... emperour was y...
. at his dowhter was y....
& þat þe heyȝe steward
Hir hadde deliuerd to king Richard.
6150 Bi þat he wist wele, ywis,
þat he hadde don amis.
Messangers he cleped anon
& bad [king] Richard gon
& sigge ....
6200 ... im sent Godes gr ...
.... mage ichil him ȝe
& [a]l mi lond of ... im held
So þat he wald par charite
In pes after lete me
6250 Þ ... [m]essangers wiþ gode entent
.... her lordes comandment
K[ing] Richard answerd þerto
‘Y g[ra]unt lordinges þat it be so.
Goþ & siggeþ ȝour emperour
6300 Þat he haþ don gret deshonour
When he haþ robbed pilgrimes
Þ . . . ere toward peynimes
& þa[t] he ȝeld mi tresour euerich a del
If h[e] wil be mi speciel,
6350 & siggeþ also ȝour emperour
Þat he amende þe deshonour
Þa[t] he dede to his steward
In despi[t]e of king Richard
& þat he com arliche tomorwe
6400 & cri herof merci wiþ sorwe.
Omage bi ȝer me sende . . bere
Oþer elles ...b.. ron. . swere
He no schal nouȝt haue a fot of lond
Neuer more out of min hond.’
6450 Þe messangers bi on acord
Told þus þemperour her lord,
Þemperour was ful wo
Þat he þis dede schuld do,
To king Richard he com amorw,
6500 In his hert was miche sorwe
.... ..... ...... {S R.4 f.2vb}
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
& Richard forȝa[f] hi ...
6550 Feute he ded him .....
Riȝt biforn hi[s] barnage
Þat day þai were . . o .. cord
& samen ete at o bord.
In solas & in miche play.
6600 Togider þ al þat day
& þo it co.... þe ...
Þemperour toke his leue
& went quic to his ostel
In hert w. . him noþing wel
6650 . e held him . . . a vile coward
[Þ]at he dede omage to king Richard
He þouȝt h. . he hi awreke i
.... .... he ros anonriȝt
To a cite Bouent ....
6700 He com bi day .... .... niȝt
Þer he ma .... ....
Þe he.... of al his .... re
To hem pleyned þemperour
Of þe scha[me & d]eshonour
6750 Þat him dede þe .... ....
Þurth þe help .f ... is steward.
Vp stirt Paskasy, a gent baroun,
Riche of castels of gret renoun
Þilke stewardes em he was.
6800 Þat þem.our h.dde sch ....
‘Sir emper .... art bi ....
Þou art a .... ouȝt ....
Wiþouten enchesoun & iugement
Þi gode steward þou hast yschent
6850 Þ .... schuld as he wele couþe
Ous haue ysocourd & saued nouþe
& in þi wil ma .... ....
Also woldestow ser.... ous
. þe sigge at wordes . .ld
6900 . wiþ swiche al lord . . . e we . . uȝt
To fiȝt oȝain Richard þe king
Þe best bodi vnder sonne schi
No no[n] of al mi barnage
No schal þe neuer don om ...
St Andrews Fragments end and Edinburgh Fragments begin
6950 & of whete grete
plente {E f.4ra}
Gold & siluer & oþer deynte.
Of tresour no hade half þe mounde
Þat in þat dromond was yfounde.
For it adreynt al in þe flod
7000 Ar vncharged was half þe gode;
Avaunced was al Cristiante,
For hadde þe dromond wiþ swiche plente
Ypassed to Acres fram king Richard,
An hundred winter afterward
7050 For alle þe Cristen vnder sonne
No hadde Acres ben ywonne.
Þus king Richard wan þe dromond
Þurth Godes help & seynt Edmond.
King Richard wiþ al his miȝt
7100 Toward Acres gan him diȝt
& þouȝt wiþ queyntise & ginne
Þe holy lond for to winne.
& as he seyled toward Surrie
Our king was warned bi a spie
7150 Hou þat þe folk of heþen lawe
A wel gret cheyn þai had don drawe
Ouer þe hauen of Acres fers
& was yfastned in to pilers
Þat no schip schuld in winne
7200 No þai nouȝt out þat were wiþinne.
& þerfore seuen ȝer & more
Al Cristen kinges layen þore
& wiþ gret hunger suffred peyne
For letting of þat ich cheyne.
7250 Þo Richard herd þis tiding
For ioie his hert bigan to spring
& swore & seyd in his þouȝt
A cheyn schuld hem help nouȝt.
A swiþe strong galay he tok
7300 & Trenchemer so seyt þe bok
Stered his galaye riȝt euen
Al amid þe hauen.
Were þe mariners sauȝt or wroþe
He dede hem rowe & sayly boþe
7350 & seyd who so feynteþ at þis nede
On iuel deþ be he dede.
Þ ....e ȝede also swift
As ... ale doþ bi þe lift
& king Richard þat was so gode {E f.4rb}
7400 Wiþ his ax afor schippe stode
& whan he com ouer þe cheyne
He smot a strok wiþ miȝt & mayn.
Þe cheyne he smot on peces þre
& boþe endes fel doun in þe se.
7450 Þo alle his mariners verrament
Seyd þer was a noble dent
& for þe ioie of þis dede
Wel fast þe coppes about ȝede
Of gode winne piment & clare,
7500 & seyld toward Acre cite.
Þo king Richard out of his galye
Kast wilde fire into þe sky
& fer Gregeys into þe see
As al o fer weren he.
7550 His trumpes ȝede in his galye
Men miȝt it here into þe skye
Tabours & hornes Sarzinays;
Þe se brent al o fer Gregeys.
Þe Sarrazins þat were in Acres toun
7600 Run to þe walles gret raundoun
& of þat fare hadde gret wonder
For wilde fer brent aboue & vnder.
Þe Cristen kinges, princes & pages
Erls, barouns & bondage
7650 For þe coming of king Richard
To þe see þai vrn aforward
To see Richardes galaye seyl
His minstrels & his riche parayl;
For þai seye neuer swiche coming
7700 To Acres of no Cristen king.
King Richard after þis meruayl
Went quic o lond saunfeyl.
Þe king o Faraunce oȝain him cam
& bi þe hond he him nam
7750 & kist him wiþ gret anour
So dede mani an emperour.
Alle þe kinges of Cristiante
Þat þer hadde long ybe
& lay þer seuen ȝer in dolour
7800 Him vnderfeng wiþ gret honour.
Þe erchebischop þat was of Pise
Dede king Richard his seruise
& ... ... ... ... {E f.4va}
Into a pauiloun in priuete
7850 & teld him þer a reweful tale
O schrewed auentours mani & fale.
He seyd ‘king Richard now y her
Þis sege haþ last þis seuen ȝer.
No may it be fro þe yheld.
7900 Miche sorwe we han yþold
For we ne hadde no castel
Abouten ous no tour no wal;
Bot a wide diche & depe
We made ous wiþin to kepe
7950 Wiþ barbicans for þe nones,
Heyȝe wrouȝt of hard stones.
& þo our diche was ymade
Salidoin þerof was glad
& com to ous wiþ gret rout
8000 & bisett ous al about
& wiþ markes þe Montferaunt
Þat leueþ in Mahoun & Teruagaunt
He was a Cristen king sum while
He doþ ous schame & more gile
8050 Þan þe soudan & alle his ost.
Fader & sone & holy gost
Graunt him grace of warld schame,
Markes Feraunt bi his name.
Our first bateyl sikerliche
8100 Was swiþe strong & dedliche;
Wele fouȝten our Cristen kniȝtes
& slouȝ mani of hem doun riȝtes.
Our Cristen hadde þe meystrie;
Þe Sarra[z]ins flowe wiþ wo & crie.
8150 We slouȝ in þe fleing fel of hem þo
& þai of ous fel also.
& y schal tel ȝou bi what cas
To mani man it fel allas.
As we dede þe Sarrazins to dede
8200 Bifel so a noble stede
Outreyd fram a peynim.
Þe Cristen fast folwed him.
Þe Sarrazins seiȝe þai com
& flowen oside alle & som
8250 & com on ous wiþ strong fiȝt
& slouȝ mani a Cristen kniȝt
Þat þer were lorn er we it ...... {E f.4vb}
Þe beste bodies ..... .....
Þe erl of Ferres of Inglond
8300 No was non so douhti of hond
& þemperour of Almayn
& Janine of Pleynspeyne.
Elleuen þousend of our meyne
Þus were þer sleyn wiþouten pite.
8350 Þerof þe soudan was wel glade,
Amorwe a newe saut he made.
He lete take alle cors
Boþe of man & of hors
& cast in water of our wel
8400 Ous to apoisen & to quel.
No ded he neuer a wers dede
To Cristen men for no nede
For þurth þat poisoun & þe breþ
Fourti þousend token her deþ.
8450 Son after neweȝers tide
Anoþer cas ous gan bitide.
A schip com seyland bi þe see
Charged wiþ whete gret plente
Wiþ wild fer & armour briȝt
8500 To help þe Sarrazins to fiȝt.
Our folk tok to rede saunfayl
Þai wald wende þe schip to aseyl
& so þai dede to our damage.
Þe winde blewe wiþ gret rage,
8550 Þe Sarrazins drouȝ vp her seyl
& ouerseyled our folk saunfeyl
Þat þer we lore sexti score
Þe best bodies þat wer ybore.
Þat was þe gining of al our care
8600 Þat we han hadde þis seuen ȝare.
ȝete þou schalt here wele more
Þat ous haþ agreued sore.
On seyn James day verrament
Þe Sarrazins out of Acres went
8650 Wele a mile ous biside
& sett pauilouns roume & wide
& soiournd þer wel long while
& alle it was ous to bigile.
Our Cristen men þat wer wiȝt
8700 Erl, baroun, squier & kniȝt
End of Edinburgh fragments
‘Þai seyȝe þe Sarraȝins had riches {f.327ra}

& we of alle gode destresse
& þouȝt winne to her preye
Of þat tresour & par nobleye.
8750 Fifti þousend hem armed wel,
Boþe in iren & in stiel,
& forþ þai went to bateyling.
Þe Sarrazins seyȝe her coming
& flowe aside swiþe fast
8800 & our after com on hast
& gun to ride gret raundoun
& priked to her pauiloun.
Þai fond þerin no ferred.
Þai wende þai hade ben flowe for drede.
8850 Þai founde þer whete bred & wines,
Gold, & siluer, & baudekines;
Vessel of siluer, coupes of gold,
Wele more þan þai take schold.
Riche metes þer graiþed were,
8900 & þat bouȝt our folk ful dere.
Sum stode & sum sete adoun
& ete & dronk gret fousoun,
& after mete þe pauilouns newe
Wiþ her swerdes adoun þai hewe,
8950 & charged hors wiþ vitail,
As nice men schuld, saun feyl.
Gold & siluer in males þai pitt,
& wiþ her girdels fast hem knitt,
& when þat ich man hadde his charge,
9000 Homward þai wald wiþouten targe.
Þe Sarraȝins seye wel her wending,
& com after fast flinging,
At schort wordes, wiþ gret rout,
& bisett hem alle about.
9050 Sum her males oway cast
& oȝain þe Sarraȝins fouȝten fast,
Ac þer we lorn þousandes fiue & ten
Noble kniȝtes & douhti men.
Þat cas agreued ous swiþe sore,
9100 Þat we wende to haue be forlore,
Ac God almiȝti, heuen-king,
Ous sent sone socoureing:
Þe douhti erl of Chaumpeyn
& fele kniȝtes of Breteyn,
9150 & Randolf þe
Glanuiles, {f.327rb}
& Jon þe Nel & his broþer Miles,
& Baudewines, a clerk wel mirre,
Þe erchebischop of Canterbirie;
& wiþ him com his nevou,
9200 A baroun of gret vertu,
Hubers, & Gauter of Inglond,
Oȝain þe Sarraȝins to stond,
& fele kniȝtes of Hungrie,
& oþer gret cheualrie.
9250 Þo we held a strong bateyl,
Ac sone ous fel an hard cas, saun feyl
At Miȝhelmesse it mot be told
Þe weder gan wax swiþe cold.
Þo fel boþe reyn & hayl
9300 & snowe fif fet depe, saun fayl.
Liȝtinges, & þonder, & weders touȝ,
For hunger our folk it slouȝ.
For hunger we lorn, & cold windes,
Of our folk sexti þousendes.
9350 Þo our gode hors we slouȝ,
& soþen & ete þe guttes touȝ.
Þe flesche was delt wiþ gret deynte;
Þerof had no man plente.
To colopes we coruen þe hede,
9400 & on þe coles we dede hem brede.
In water we boiled þe blod,
& þat ous þouȝt mete gode.
A quarter of whete men ous sold,
For sexti pounde of florines ytold.
9450 For fourti pounde men seld an ox,
Þei he were bot litel ywox.
A swine men sold for an hunder florin,
& a gos for half mark of gold fin.
For an henne, to sike þinges,
9500 Men ȝaf of pani fiften schillinges,
& for an aye, pans elleuen,
& for a pere, sex or seuen,
& for an appel, men ȝaf pans sex,
& þus bigan our derþ to wex.
9550 & storuen for hunger & for wo,
Þe riche men tok to rede þo,
& riche diole for to diȝþ
To barouns & to pouer kniȝt.
Tvelue pans men ȝaf to eueriche, {f.327va} 
9600 Sex to oþer þat were nouȝt to riche,
& four to þe smale wiȝtes:
Þus þe riche her dole diȝtes.
Þerwiþ þe more & þe lasse,
Þai bouȝt flesche of hors & asse.
9650 No miȝt þai haue non oþer þing,
For white turneys no for starling.
Y haue þe told king Richard, sir,
Of þis folk al þe ler,
& þe damage of Acres ost.
9700 & herd be þat holy gost,
& þe miȝt of swete Ihesus,
Þat þe today haþ sent to ous,
For þurth help of þe we hopen alle
Þe vile Sarraȝins adoun falle.’
9750 King Richard wepe
wiþ eyȝen boþe,
Seþþen he seyd þus for soþe
‘Sir erchebischop bid for ous,
Þat miȝt ous sende Crist Ihesus
Þis fon to felle & to destrue,
9800 Þat þai no more ous anoye.’
Richard tok leue & lepe on stede
& rode him out of þat ferred.
He rode about þat clos diche
Toward Acres sikerliche
9850 Til he com to þe hospitale
Of seyn Jon, as y finde in tale.
Þer he dede telt his pauiloun
& arere his Mate-Griffoun.
Þat was a tre castel ful fine,
9900 To asayl þe Sarraȝin,
Þat he miȝt into Acres sen.
He hadde schippes of hiuen o ben.
When his castel was framed fair & wel,
He lete sett þerin a mangonel,
9950 & comand his folk biliue
To feche him vp mani a be hiue.
Þai smiten tabours & trumpes blowe,
& sauted to þe cite a þrowe.
& King Richard i[n] Acres cite
1000 Lete cast be-hyues gret plente.
Þe weder was hot i[n] someres tide,
Þe ben brust out bi ich a side,
& were atened & ful of grame, {f.327vb} 
& dede þe Sarraȝins michel schame.
1005 Þai stunggen hem i[n] her visage,
Þat alle þai gun for to rage.
Þai hidde hem doun i[n] depe celer.
No man durst com hem ner,
& seyd ‘King Richard is ful fel,
1010 When his fleyȝen bite so wel.’
Anoþer gin Richard vp sett,
Þat was ycleped Robinett;
A strong gine for þe nones,
Þat cast into Acres hard stones.
1015 King Richard þe conquerour
Cleped on hast his minour
& bad him mini vp þe tour
Þat was ycleped Maudit Colour,
& swore his oþ bi seyn Simoun,
1020 Bot it were brouȝt adoun
Ar none, & þe vtmast wal,
He schuld hewe his bodi smal.
Þe minours gun to mini fast
& þe ginours ben & stones cast.
1025 Þe Sarraȝins þan hem armed al,
& vrn on hast to þe wal.
In white scheten þai gun hem wrien
For þe biteing of his fleyȝen,
& seyd ‘he doþ ous strong pine
1030 When he wil boþe þrowe & mine.
We no seye neuer king so biginne.
It is gret drede he schal ous winne.’
King Richard was in his Mat-Griffoun
& seyȝe her dedes in þe toun,
1035 & whiderward euer so þai flowe.
His archers after hem drowe,
& alblasters gaynes smert
Þurth legges & armes, heued & hert.
Þe Freyns men þat ich day
1040 Halp him mini wiþ gret noblay,
Þat þe vtmast wal was doun ycast
& mani Sarraȝin sleyn on hast.
Þat day so Richard sped þer
Þat he was holden conquerer,
1045 For better he sped þat day ar none
Þan þe oþer in seuen ȝer hadde done.
Catchword: e sarraȝins
seyȝe ai. |