Guy of Warwick (stanzas)
God graunt hem heuen-blis to mede
6925 Þat herken to mi romaunce rede
Al of a gentil kniȝt;
Þe best bodi he was at nede
Þat euer miȝt bistriden stede
& freest founde in fiȝt.
6930 Þe word of him ful wide it ran
Ouer al þis warld þe priis he wan,
As man most of miȝt.
Balder bern was non in bi,
His name was hoten sir Gij
6935 Of Warwike wise & wiȝt.
¶ Wiȝt he was for soþe to say
& holden for priis in eueri play
As kniȝt of gret bounde.
Out of þis lond he went his way
6940 Þurth mani diuers cuntray {f.147ra}
Þat was biȝond þe see.
Seþþen he com into Jnglond
& Aþelston þe king he fond
Þat was boþe hende & fre.
6945 For his loue ich vnderstond
He slouȝ a dragoun in Norþhumberlond
Ful fer in þe norþ cuntre.
¶ He & Herhaud for soþe to say
To Wallingforþ toke þe way
6950 Þat was his faders toun.
Þan was his fader soþe to say
Ded & birid in þe clay;
His air was sir Gioun.
Alle þat held of him lond or fe
6955 Deden him omage & feute
& com to his somoun.
He tok alle his faders lond
& ȝaf it hende Herhaud in hond
Riȝt to his warisoun.
6960 ¶ & alle þat hadde in his seruise be
He ȝaf hem gold & riche fe
Ful hendeliche on honde
& seþþen he went wiþ his meyne
To þerl Rohaud þat was so fre,
6965 At Warwike he him fond.
Alle þan were þai glad & bliþe
& þonked God a þousand siþe
Þat Gij was comen to lond.
Seþe on hunting þai gun ride
6970 Wiþ kniȝtes fele & miche pride
As ȝe may vnderstond.
¶ On a day sir Gij gan fond
& feir Felice he tok bi hond
& seyd to þat bird so bliþe
6975 'Ichaue' he seyd 'þurth Godes sond
Won þe priis in mani lond
Of kniȝtes strong & stiþe
& me is boden gret anour,
Kinges douhter & emperour,
6980 To haue to mi wiue.'
'Ac swete Felice,' he seyd þan
'Y no schal neuer spouse wiman
Whiles þou art oliue.'
¶ Þan answerd þat swete wiȝt {f.147rb}

6985 & seyd oȝain to him ful riȝt
'Bi him þat schope mankinne,
Icham desired day & niȝt
Of erl, baroun & mani a kniȝt;
For no þing wil þai blinne.'
6990 'Ac Gij' sche seyd 'hende & fre,
Al mi loue is layd on þe,
Our loue schal neuer tvinne;
& bot ich haue þe to make
Oþer lord nil y non take
6995 For al þis warld to winne.'
¶ Anon to hir þan answerd Gij,
To fair Felice þat sat him bi
Þat semly was of siȝt,
'Leman' he seyd 'gramerci.'
7000 Wiþ ioie & wiþ melodi
He kist þat swete wiȝt.
Þan was he boþe glad & bliþe,
His ioie couþe he noman kiþe
For þat bird so briȝt.
7005 He no was neuer þerbiforn
Half so bliþe seþe he was born
For nouȝt þat man him hiȝt.
¶ On a day þerl gan fond
& fair Felice he tok bi hond
7010 & hir moder biside,
'Douhter' he seyd 'now vnderstond
Why wiltow haue non husbond
Þat miȝt þe spouse wiþ pride?
Þou has ben desired of mani man
7015 & ȝete no wostow neuer nan
For nouȝt þat miȝt bitide.
Leue douhter hende & fre
Telle me now par charite
What man þou wilt abide.'
7020 ¶ Felice answerd oȝain
'Fader' quaþ hye 'ichil þe sain
Wiþ wordes fre & hende.'
'Fader' quaþ sche 'ichil ful fayn
Tel þe at wordes tvain
7025 Bi him þat schop mankende.
Opon sir Gij þat gentil kniȝt
Ywis, mi loue is alle aliȝt
In warld where þat he wende
& bot he spouse me at o word {f.147va} 
7030 Y no kepe neuer take lo[r]d,
Day wiþouten ende.
¶ Þan seyd þerl wiþ wordes fre
'Douhter, yblisced mot þou be
Of Godes mouþe to mede.
7035 Ich hadde wele leuer þan al mi fe
Wiþ þan he wald spousy þe,
Þat douhti man of dede.
He haþ ben desired of mani woman
& he haþ forsaken hem euerilcan,
7040 Þat worþly were in wede.
Ac naþeles ichil to him fare
For to witen of his answare,
Þat douhti man of dede.'
¶ On a day wiþouten lesing
7045 Þerl him rode on dere hunting
& sir Gij þe conquerour,
Als þai riden on her talking
Þai speken togider of mani þing,
Of leuedis briȝt in bour.
7050 Þerl seyd to sir Gij hende & fre
'Tel me þe soþe par charite
Y pray þe, paramoure,
Hastow ment euer in þi liue
Spouse ani wiman to wiue
7055 Þat falleþ to þine anour?'
¶ Sir Gij answerd & seyd þan
'Bi him' he seyd 'þat þis warld wan
To sauen al mankende,
Bi nouȝt þat y tel can
7060 Y nil neuer spouse wiman
Saue on is fre & hende.'
'Sir' quaþ þerl 'listen nov to me:
Y haue a douhter briȝt on ble,
Y pray þe leue frende,
7065 To wiue wiltow hir vnderstond
Y schal þe sese in al mi lond
To hold wiþouten ende.'
¶ 'Gramerci' seyd Gij anon
'So help me Crist & seyn Jon
7070 & y schuld spouse a wiue
a: squeezed into available space. |
Ich hadde leuer hir bodi alon
Þan winnen al þis warldes won
Wiþ ani woman o liue.' {f.147vb} 
Þan seyd þerl 'gramerci'
7075 & in his armes he kist sir Gij
& þonked him mani a siþe.
'Sir Gij' he seyd 'þou art mi frende,
Now þou wilt spouse mi dohter hende
Was y neuer are so bliþe.'
7080 ¶ 'Ac certes' seyd þerl so fre
'Sir Gij, ȝif þou wilt trowe me
No lenger þou no schalt abide.
Now for fourteniȝt it schal be
Þe bridal hold wiþ gamen & gle
7085 At Warwike in þat tyde.'
Þan was sir Gij glad & bliþe
His joie couþe he noman kiþe,
To his ostel he gan ride.
& þo Gij com hom to his frende
7090 He schuld spouse his douhter hende
He teld Herhaud þat tide.
¶ Þerl Rouhaud as swiþe dede sende
After lordinges fer & hende
Þat pris wel told in tour,
7095 When þe time was comen to þende
To chirche wel feir gun þai wende
Wiþ mirþe & michel anour.
Miche semly folk was gadred þare
Of erls, barouns, lasse & mare,
7100 & leuedis briȝt in bour.
Þan spoused sir Gij þat day
Fair Felice þat miri may
Wiþ ioie & gre[t] vigour.
¶ When he hadde spoused þat swete wiȝt
7105 Þe fest lasted a fourtenniȝt
Þat frely folk in fere
Wiþ erl, baroun & mani a kniȝt
& mani a leuedy fair & briȝt
Þe best in lond þat were.
7110 Þer wer ȝiftes for þe nones,
Gold & siluer & precious stones
& druries riche & dere;
Þer was mirþe & melody
& al maner menstracie
7115 As ȝe may forþeward here;
¶ Þer was trumpes & tabour,
Fiþel, croude & harpour {f.148ra} 
Her craftes for to kiþe;
Organisters & gode stiuours,
7120 Minstrels of mouþe & mani dysour
To glade þo bernes bliþe.
Þer nis no tong may telle in tale
Þe ioie þat was at þat bridale
Wiþ menske & merþe to miþe,
7125 For þer was al maner of gle
Þat hert miȝt þinke oþer eyȝe se
As ȝe may list & liþe.
¶ Herls, barouns hende & fre
Þat þer war gadred of mani cuntre
7130 Þat worþliche were in wede,
Þai ȝouen glewemen for her gle
Robes riche, gold & fe,
Her ȝiftes were nouȝt gnede.
On þe fiftenday ful ȝare
7135 Þai toke her leue for to fare
& þonked hem her gode dede.
Þan hadde Gij þat gentil kniȝt
Feliis to his wil day & niȝt
In gest also we rede.
7140 ¶ When Gij hadde spoused þat hendy flour,
Fair Feliis so briȝt in bour
Þat was him leue & dere,
Ywis, in Warwike in þat tour
Fiftendays wiþ honour
7145 Wiþ ioie togider þai were.
So it bifel þat first niȝt
Þat he neyȝed þat swete wiȝt
A child þai geten yfere
& seþþen wiþ sorwe & sikeing sare
7150 Her ioie turned hem into care
As ȝe may forward here.
¶ Þan was sir Gij of gret renoun
& holden lord of mani a toun
As prince proude in pride.
7155 Þat erl Rohaut & sir Gyoun
In fretþe to fel þe dere adoun
On hunting þai gun ride.
It bifel opon a somers day
Þat sir Gij at Warwike lay -
7160 In herd is nouȝt to hide -
At niȝt in tale as it is told {f.148rb} 
To bedde went þe bernes bold
Bi time to rest þat tide.
¶ To a turet sir Gij is went
7165 & biheld þat firmament
Þat þicke wiþ steres stode,
On Ihesu omnipotent
Þat alle his honour hadde him lent
He þouȝt wiþ dreri mode,
7170 Hou he hadde euer ben strong werrour,
For Jhesu loue our saueour
Neuer no dede he gode.
Mani man he hadde slayn wiþ wrong;
'Allas, allas!' it was his song,
7175 For sorwe he ȝede ner wode.
¶ 'Allas,' he seyd 'þat y was born,
Bodi & soule icham forlorn,
Of blis icham al bare
For neuer in al mi liif biforn
7180 For him þat bar þe croun of þorn
Gode dede dede y nare.
Bot wer & wo ichaue don wrouȝt
& mani a man to grounde ybrouȝt,
Þat rewes me ful sare.
7185 To bote min sinnes ichil wende
Barfot to mi liues ende
To bid mi mete wiþ care.'
¶ As Gij stode þus in tour alon
In hert him was ful wo bigon,
7190 'Allas!' it was his song.
Þan com Feliis sone anon
& herd him make rewely mon
Wiþ sorwe & care among.
'Leman' sche seyd 'what is þi þouȝt?
7195 Whi artow þus in sorwe brouȝt?
Me þenke þi pain wel strong.
strong: r is superscript. |
Hastow ouȝt herd of me bot gode
Þat þou makes þus dreri mode?
Ywis, þou hast gret wrong.'
7200 ¶ 'Leman' seyd Gij oȝain
'Ichil þe telle þe soþe ful fain
Whi icham brouȝt to grounde.
Seþþen y þe seyȝe first wiþ ayn -
Allas þe while y may sayn -
7205 Þi loue me haþ so ybounde {f.148va}
Þat neuer seþþen no dede y gode
Bot in wer schadde mannes blode
Wiþ mani a griseli wounde.
Now may me rewe al mi liue
7210 Þat euer was y born o wiue
Wayleway þat stounde!'
¶ 'Ac ȝif ich hadde don half þe dede
For him þat on rode gan blede
Wiþ grimly woundes sare,
7215 In heuene he wald haue quit mi mede
In joie to won wiþ angels wede
Euer more wiþouten care.
Ac for þi loue ich haue al wrouȝt,
For his loue dede y neuer nouȝt;
7220 Ihesu amende mi fare.
Þerfore ich wot þat icham lorn.
Allas þe time þat y was born,
Of blis icham al bare.
¶ Bot God is curteys & hende
7225 & so dere he haþ bouȝt mankende
For no þing wil hem lete.
For his loue ichil now wende
Barfot to mi liues ende
Mine sinnes for to bete
7230 Þat whoreso y lye aniȝt
Y schal neuer be seyn wiþ siȝt
Bi way no bi strete.
Of alle þe dedes y may do wel
God grant þe, lef, þat haluendel
7235 & Marie his moder swete.'
¶ Þan stode þat hende leuedi stille
& in hir hert hir liked ille
& gan to wepe anon.
'Leman' sche seyd 'what is þi wille?
7240 Ywis, þi speche wil me spille.
Y not what y may don.
Y wot þou hast in sum cuntre
Spoused anoþer woman þan me
Þat þou wilt to hir gon
7245 & now þou wilt fro me fare.
Allas, allas, now comeþ mi care!
For sorwe ichil me slon.
¶ For wer & wo þatow hast wrouȝt
God þat al mankende haþ bouȝt, {f.148vb}

7250 So curteys he is & hende,
Schriue þe wele in word & þouȝt
& þan þe þarf dout riȝt nouȝt
Oȝaines þe foule fende.
Chirches & abbays þou miȝt make
7255 Þat schal pray for þi sake
To him þat schope mankende.
Hastow no nede to go me fro;
Saue þou miȝt þi soule fram wo
In joie wiþouten ende.'
7260 ¶ 'Leue leman' þan seyd sir Gij
'Lete ben alle þis reweful cri;
It is nouȝt worþ þi tale.
For mani a bern & kniȝt hardi
Ich haue ysleyn sikerly
7265 & strued cites fale
& for ich haue destrued mankin
Y schal walk for mi sinne
Barfot bi doun & dale.
Þat ich haue wiþ mi bodi wrouȝt
7270 Wiþ mi bodi it schal be bouȝt
To bote me of þat bale.'
¶ 'Leman' he seyd 'par charite
Astow art boþe hende & fre
O þing y þe pray:
7275 Loke þou make no sorwe for me
Bot hold þe stille astow may be
Til tomorwe at day.
Gret wele þi fader þat is so hende
& þi moder & al þi frende
7280 Bi sond as y þe say;
Grete wele Herhaud y þe biseche;
Leman, God y þe biteche,
Y wil fare forþ in mi way.'
¶ 'Leman, y warn þe biforn
7285 Wiþ a knaue child þou art ycorn
Þat douhti beþ of dede.
For him þat bar þe croun of þorn
Þerfore as sone as it is born
Pray Herhaud wiȝt in wede
7290 He teche mi sone as he wele can
Al þe þewes of gentil man
& helpe him at his nede.
For he is boþe gode & hende {f.149ra} 
& euer he haþ ben trewe & kende,
7295 God quite him his mede.'
¶ 'Leman' he seyd 'haue here mi brond
& take mi sone it in his hond
Astow art hende & fre,
He may þerwiþ ich vnderstond
7300 Winne þe priis in eueri lond
For better may non be.'
'Leman' he seyd 'haue now godeday.
Ichil fare forþ in mi way
& wende in mi jurne.'
7305 Þai kist hem in armes tvo
& boþe þai fel aswon þo -
Gret diol it was to se.
¶ Gret sorwe þai made at her parting
& kist hem wiþ eyȝen wepeing,
7310 Bi þe hond sche gan him reche
'Leman' sche seyd 'haue here þis ring;
For Ihesus loue heuen-king
A word y þe biseche:
When þou ert in fer cuntre
7315 Loke heron & þenk on me
& God y þe biteche.'
Wiþ þat word he went hir fro
Wepeand wiþ eyȝen to
Wiþouten more speche.
7320 Now is Gij fram Warwike fare,
Vnto þe se he went ful ȝare
& passed ouer þe flod.
Þe leuedy bileft at hom in care
Wiþ sorwe & wo & sikeing sare;
7325 Wel drery was hir mode.
'Allas, allas' it was hir song,
Hir here sche drouȝ, hir hond sche wrong,
Hir fingres brast o blode.
Al þat niȝt til it was day
7330 Hir song it was 'wayleway,'
For sorwe sche ȝede ner wode.
¶ Hir lordes swerd sche drouȝ biforn
& þouȝt haue slain hirself for sorn
Wiþouten more delay.
7335 To sle hirseluen er þe child wer born
Sche þouȝt hir soule it wer forlorn
forlorn: second r is superscript. |
Euer more at domesday {f.149rb} 
& þat hir fader hir frendes ichon
Schuld seyn hir lord it hadde ydon
7340 & were so fled oway.
Þerfore sche dede his swerd oȝain
Elles for sorwe sche hadde hir slain
In gest as y ȝou say.
¶ Arliche amorwe when it was day
7345 To chaumber þer hir fader lay
Sche com wringand hir hond.
'Fader' sche seyd 'ichil þe say
Mi lord is went fro me his way
In pilgrimage to fond.
7350 He wil passe ouer þe se,
Schal he neuer com to me
Oȝain into Jnglond.'
For sorwe þat sche hadde þat stounde
Aswon sche fel adoun to grounde,
7355 O fot no miȝt sche stonde.
¶ 'Douhter' seyd hir fader 'lat be,
Y trowe nouȝt þat sir Gij þe fre
Is þus fram þe fare.
Ywis, he nis nouȝt passed þe se;
7360 He ne doþ nouȝt bot forto fond þe
Hou trewe of hert þou ware.'
'Nay, sir' sche seyd 'so God me spede,
He is walked in pouer wede
To beggen his mete wiþ care
7365 & þerfore now singen y may
Allas þe time & wayleway
Þat mi moder me bare.'
¶ Þerl ros vp wiþ sikeing sare
For sir Gij was fram him fare,
7370 In hert him was ful wo
& alle his frendes, lesse & mare,
For sir Gij þai hadde gret care
For he was went hem fro.
Þai souȝt him þan al about
7375 Wiþin þe cite & wiþout
Þer he was won to go.
& when þai founde him nouȝt þat day
Þer was mani a wayleway
Wringand her hondes tvo.
7380 ¶ & when Gij was fram hem gon
Herhaud & his frendes ichon {f.149va} 
& oþer barouns him by
To þerl Rohaut þai seyden anon
'Þe best rede þat we can don
7385 Smertliche & hastily,
Messangers we schul now sende
Ouer alle þis lond fer & hende
To seche mi lord sir Gij
& ȝif he be nouȝt in þis lond
7390 He is in Loreyn ich vnderstond
Wiþ his broþer Tirry.'
¶ Menssangers anon þai sende
Ouer al þis lond fer & hende
Fram Londen into Louþe
7395 Ouer al biȝonde Humber & Trent
& est & west þurthout al Kent
To þe hauen of Portesmouþe.
Þai souȝt him ouer al vp & doun
Ouer alle þe lond in euerich toun
7400 Bi costes þat wer couþe.
& seþþen to Warwike þai gan wende
& seyd þai miȝt him nowhar fende
Bi norþ no bi souþe.
¶ Herhaud was wele vnderstond
7405 Þat Gij was fer in vncouþe lond.
Ful hende he was & fre,
Palmers wede he tok on hond
To seche his lord he wald fond
Vnto þe Grekis see.
7410 To þerl Rohaut he seyd anon
To seche his lord he most gon
Þurth alle Cristiante.
When þerl seye him þus ydiȝt
'Þou art' he seyd 'a trewe kniȝt,
7415 Yblisced mot þou be.'
¶ Þo went Herhaud so trewe in tale
To seche his lord in londes fale,
For noþing he nold abide;
He ȝede ouer alle bi doun & dale
7420 To eueri court & kinges sale
Bi mani a lond side.
Þurth Normondye & alle Speyne
Normondye: r is superscript. |
Into Fraunce & þurth Breteyne
He ȝede boþe fer & wide;
7425 Þurth Lorain & þurth Lombardye {f.149vb}
& neuer no herd he telle of Gij
For nouȝt þat miȝt bitide.
¶ When Herhaud had souȝt him fer & hende
& he no miȝt him nowhar fende,
7430 Noiþer bi se no sond,
Into Jnglond he gan wende
& þerl Rohaut & al his frende
At Warwike he hem fond,
& teld he hadde his lord souȝt
7435 & þat he no miȝt finde him nouȝt
In nonskinnes lond.
Mani a moder child þat day
Wepe & gan say 'weileway,'
Wel sore wringand her hond.
7440 Now herken & ȝe may here
In gest ȝif ȝe wil listen & lere
Hou Gij as pilgrim ȝede.
He welke about wiþ glad chere
Þurth mani londes fer & nere
7445 Þer God him wald spede.
First he went to Ierusalem
& seþþen he went to Bedlem
Þurth mani an vncouþe þede.
ȝete he biþouȝt him seþþen þo
7450 For to sechen halwen mo
To winne him heuen-mede.
¶ Þo he went his pilgrimage
Toward þe court of Antiage,
Bi þis half þat cite
7455 He mett a man of fair parage,
Ycomen he was of heyȝe linage
& of kin fair & fre.
Michel he was of bodi ypiȝt,
A man he semed of michel miȝt
7460 & of gret bounte
Wiþ white hore heued & berd yblowe
As white as ani driuen snowe;
Gret sorwe þan made he.
¶ So gret sorwe þer he made
7465 Sir Gij of him rewþe hade
He gan to wepe so sare.
His cloþ he rent his here totorn
& curssed þe time þat he was born
Wel diolful was his fare; {f.150ra} 
7470 More sorwe made neuer man.
Gij stode & loked on him þan
& hadde of him gret care.
He seyd 'allas & walewo,
Al mi joie it is ago,
7475 Of blis icham al bare.'
¶ 'Gode man, what artow' seyd Gij
'Þat makest þus þis reweful cri
& þus sorweful mone?
Me þenke for þe icham sori
7480 For þat þine hert is þus drery,
Þi ioie is fro þe gon.
Telle me þe soþe y pray þe
For Godes loue in trinite
Þat þis world haþ in won.
7485 For Ihesu is of so michel miȝt
He may make þine hert liȝt
& þou not neuer hou son.'
¶ 'Gode man' seyd þe pilgrim
Þou hast me frained bi God þin
7490 To telle þe of mi fare
& alle þe soþ wiþouten les
Ichil þe telle hou it wes
Of blis hou icham bare.
So michel sorwe is on me steke
7495 Þat min hert it wil tobreke
Wiþ sorwe & sikeing sare.
Forlorn ich haue al mi blis
Y no schal neuer haue joie, ywis,
In erþe y wald y ware.'
7500 ¶ 'A man y was of state sum stounde
& holden a lord of gret mounde
& erl of al Durras.
Fair sones ich hadde fiftene
& alle were kniȝtes stout & kene;
7505 Men cleped me þerl Jonas.
Y trowe in þis warld is man non,
Ywis, þat is so wo bigon
Seþþen þe world made was,
For alle min sones ich haue forlorn -
7510 Better berns were non born -
Þerfore y sing allas.
¶ For bliþe worþ y neuer more
Alle mi sones ich haue forlore {f.150rb} 
Þurth a batayl vnride,
7515 Þurth Sarraȝins þat fel wore
To Ierusalem þai com ful ȝore
To rob & reue wiþ pride.
& we toke our ost anon
Oȝaines hem we gun gon
7520 Bateyl of hem to abide;
Þe acountre of hem was so strong
Þat mani dyed þer among
Or we wald rest þat tide.
¶ Þurth mi fiftene sone
7525 Were þe geauntes ouercome
& driuen doun to grounde.
Fiftene amirals þer wer nome,
Þe king gan fle wiþ alle his trome
For drede of ous þat stounde.
7530 Ich & mi sones wiþouten lesing
Out of þat lond we driuen þe king
& his men ȝaf dedli wounde.
Þe king him hiȝt Triamour,
A lord he was of gret honour
7535 & man of michel mounde.
¶ Þan dede we wel gret foly:
We suwed him wiþ maistrie
Into his owhen lond.
Into Alisaundre þai fleye owy,
7540 Þe cuntre ros vp wiþ a cri
To help her king anhond.
In a brom feld þer wer hidde
Þre hundred Sarraȝins wele yschridde
Wiþ helme & grimly brond,
7545 Out of þat brom þai lepen anon
& bilapped ous euerichon
& drof ous alle to schond.
¶ Þai hewen at ous wiþ michel hete
& we leyd on hem dintes grete
7550 & slouwen of her ferred,
& ar þat we were alle ynome
Mani of hem were ouercome
Ded wounded vnder wede.
Þai were to mani & we to fewe,
7555 Al our armour þai tohewe
& stiked vnder ous our stede;
ȝete we fouȝten afot long {f.150va} 
Til swerdes brosten þat were strong
& þan ȝeld we ous for nede.
7560 ¶ To þe king we ȝolden ous al & some
Þat we miȝt to raunsoun come
To saue our liues ichon,
Into Alisaunder he ladde ous þo
& into his prisoun dede ous do,
7565 Was maked of lime & ston.
Litel was our drink & lasse our mete,
For hunger we wende our liues lete;
Wel wo was ous bigon.
So were we þer alle þat ȝer
7570 Wiþ michel sorwe boþe yfere
Þat socour com ous non.
¶ So it bifel þat riche soudan
Made a fest of mani a man
Of þritti kinges bi tale,
7575 King Triamour com to court þo
& Fabour his sone dede also
Wiþ kniȝtes mani & fale;
Þe þridde day of þat fest
Þat was so riche & so honest
7580 So derlich diȝt in sale.
After þat fest þat riche was
Þer bifel a wonder cas
Wherþurth ros michel bale.
¶ Þat riche soudan hadde a sone
7585 Þat was yhold a douhti gome,
Sadok was his name.
Þe kinges sone Fabour he cleped him to,
Into his chaumber þai gun go,
Þo kniȝtes boþe ysame.
7590 Sadok gan to Fabour sayn
ȝif he wald ate ches playn
& held oȝain him game
& he answerd in gode maner
He wald play wiþ him yfere
7595 Wiþouten ani blame.
¶ Ate ches þai sett hem to playn,
Þo hendy kniȝtes boþe tvayn
Þat egre were of siȝt,
Er þai hadde don half a game
7600 Wiþ strong wretþe þai gan to grame,
Þo gomes michel of miȝt. {f.150vb} 
Þurth a chek Fabour seyd for soþ
Sadok in hert wex wroþ
& missayd him anonriȝt
7605 & clepd him fiz a putayn
& smot him wiþ miȝt & main
Wherþurth ros michel fiȝt.
¶ Wiþ a roke he brac his heued þan
Þat þe blod biforn out span
7610 In þat ich place.
"Sadok," seyd þan Fabour
"Þou dost me gret deshonour
Þat þou me manace.
Nar þou mi lordes sone were
7615 Þou schuldest dye riȝt now here.
Schustow neuer hennes passe."
Sadok stirt vp to Fabour
& cleped him anon "vile traitour!"
& smot him in þe face.
7620 ¶ Wiþ his fest he smot him þore
Þat Fabour was agreued sore
& stirt vp in þat stounde.
Þe cheker he hent vp fot-hot
& Sadok in þe heued he smot
7625 Þat he fel ded to grounde.
His fader sone he haþ yteld
Þat he haþ þe soudan sone aqueld
& ȝouen him deþes wounde,
On hors þai lopen þan biliue
7630 Out of þe lond þai gun driue
For ferd þai were yfounde.
¶ When it was þe soudan teld
Þat his sone was aqueld
& brouȝt of his liif dawe
7635 On al maner he him biþouȝt
Hou þat he him wreke mouȝt
Þurth iugement of lawe.
After þe king he sent an heyȝe
To defende him of þat felonie
7640 Þat he his sone haþ yslawe
& bot he wald com anon
Wiþ strengþe he schuld on him gon,
Wiþ wilde hors don him drawe.
¶ King Triamour com to court þo
7645 & Fabour his sone dede also {f.151ra}
To þe soudans parlement.
When þai biforn him comen beþ
Þai were adouted of her deþ
Her liues þai wende haue spent
7650 For þe soudan cleped hem fot-hot
& his sones deþ hem atwot
& seyd þai were alle schent;
Bot þai hem þerof were miȝt
In strong perile he schuld hem diȝt
7655 & to her iugement.
¶ Þan dede he com forþ a Sarraȝine -
Haue he Cristes curs & mine
Wiþ boke & eke wiþ belle -
Out of Egypt he was ycome,
7660 Michel & griselich was þat gome
Wiþ ani god man to duelle.
He is so michel & vnrede
Of his siȝt a man may drede
Wiþ tong as y þe telle;
7665 As blac he is as brodes brend,
He semes as it were a fende
Þat comen were out of helle.
¶ For he is so michel of bodi ypiȝt
Oȝains him tvelue men haue no miȝt
7670 Ben þai neuer so strong,
For he is four fot sikerly
More þan ani man stont him bi,
So wonderliche he is long.
ȝif king Triamour þat þer was
7675 Miȝt fenden him in playn place
Of þat michel wrong
Þan is þat vile glotoun
Made þe soudans champioun
Batayl of him to fong.
7680 ¶ King Triamour answerd þan
To þat riche soudan
In þat ich stounde
Þat he wald defende him wele ynouȝ
Þat he neuer his sone slouȝ
7685 No ȝaf him dedli wounde.
When he seye Amoraunt so grim -
Þer durst no man fiȝt wiþ him
So grille he was on grounde -
Þan asked he respite til a day {f.151rb} 
7690 To finde anoþer ȝif he may
Oȝaines him durst founde.
¶ Þan hadde he respite al þat ȝere
& fourti days so was þe maner
Þurth lawe was þan in lond;
7695 ȝif himseluen durst nouȝt fiȝt
Finde anoþer ȝif he miȝt
Oȝaines him durst stond.
Þe king as swiþe hom is went,
Ouer alle his lond anon he sent
7700 After erl, baroun & bond
& asked ȝif ani wer so bold -
Þriddendel his lond haue he schold -
Þe batayl durst take an hond.
¶ Ac for nouȝt þat he hot miȝt
7705 Þer was non durst take þe fiȝt
Wiþ þe geaunt for his sake.
Þan was ich out of prisoun nome,
Biforn him he dede me come
Conseyl of me to take
7710 & asked me at worde fewe
ȝif y wist oþer y knewe
A man so miȝti of strake
Þat for him durst take þe fiȝt;
Were he buriays oþer kniȝt
7715 Riche prince he wald him make.
¶ & ȝif y miȝt ani fende
He wald make me riche & al mi kende
& ȝif me gret honour
& wold sese into min hond
7720 To helden þridden del his lond
Wiþ cite toun & tour.
Ac ichim answerd þan
In alle þis warld was þer [no] man
To fiȝt wiþ þat traitour
7725 Bot ȝif it Gij of Warwike were
Or Herhaud of Ardern his fere
In warld þai bere þe flour.
¶ When þe king herd þo
Þat y spac of þo kniȝtes to
7730 Ful bliþe he was of chere,
He kist me so glad he was.
"Merci" he seyd "erl Jonas;
Þou art me leue & dere. {f.151va} 
ȝif ich hadde here sir Gij
7735 Or Herhaud þat is so hardi
Of þe maistri siker y were.
& þou miȝtest bring me her on
Þe & þine sones y schal lete gon
Fram prisoun quite & skere."
7740 ¶ Bi mi lay he dede me swere
Þat y schuld trewelich bode bere
To þo kniȝtes so hende
& seyd to me as swiþe anon
Wiþ michel sorwe he schuld me slon
7745 Bot ichem miȝt fende
& al mine sones do todrawe;
& ichim graunt in þat þrawe
To bring hem out of bende.
Out of þis lond y went þo
7750 Wiþ michel care & michel wo;
Y nist wider to wende.
¶ Y souȝt hem into þe lond of Coyne
Into Calaber & into Sessoyne
& fro þennes into Almayne,
7755 In Tuskan & in Lombardye,
In Fraunce & in Normondye,
Into þe lond of Speyne,
In Braban, in Poil & in Bars
& into kinges lond of Tars
7760 & þurth al Aquitayne,
In Cisil, in Hungri & in Ragoun,
In Romayne, Borgoine & Gascoine
& þurthout al Breteyne.
¶ & into Jnglond wenden y gan
7765 & asked þer mani a man
Boþe ȝong & old,
& in Warwike þat cite
Þer he was lord of þat cuntre
For to hauen in wold.
7770 Ac y no fond non lite no miche
Þat couþe telle me sikerliche
Of þo to kniȝtes bold,
Wher y schold Gij no Herhaud fende
In no lond fer no hende;
7775 Þerfore min hert is cold.
¶ For ich haue þe king mi trewþe ypliȝt
ypliȝt: pliȝt
is superscript
in order to fit the column width. |
Þat y schal bring Gij now riȝt {f.151vb} 
ȝif he oliues be.
& ȝiue y bring him nouȝt anon
7780 Wele ich wot he wil me slon -
Þerfore wel wo is me -
& min sones he schal don hong
& todrawe wiþ michel wrong
Þo kniȝtes hende & fre.
7785 & ȝif þai dye gret harm it is
For hem ich haue swiche sorwe, ywis,
sorwe: copied at the end of the
line, its correct position marked
by two parallel strokes. |
Mine hert wil breken on þre.'
'God man' seyd Gij 'listen me now,
For þine sones gret sorwe hastow
7790 & no wonder it nis
When þou Gij & Herhaud hast souȝt
& þou no may hem finde nouȝt,
Þi care is michel, ywis.
Þurth hem þine hope was to go fre
7795 & þi sones al forþ wiþ þe
Þurth Godes help & his.
Sum time bi dayes old
For douhti men þai wer told
& holden of gret priis.
7800 ¶ Þurth Godes helpe our driȝt -
He be min help & ȝiue me miȝt
& leue me wele to spede -
& for Gyes loue & Herhaud also
Þat þou hast souȝt wiþ michel wo,
7805 Þat douhti were of dede,
Batayl ichil now for þe fong
Oȝain þe geaunt þat is so strong,
Þou seyst is so vnrede.
& þei he be þe fende outriȝt
7810 Y schal for þe take þe fiȝt
& help þe at þis nede.'
¶ When þerl herd him speke so
Þat he wald batayl fong for him þo
He biheld fot & heued.
7815 Michel he was of bodi piȝt,
A man he semed of michel miȝt
Ac pouerliche he was biweued.
Wiþ a long berd his neb was growe,
Miche wo him þouȝt he hadde ydrowe.
7820 He wende his wit were reued
For he seyd he wald as ȝern {f.152ra} 
Fiȝt wiþ þat geaunt stern
Bot ȝif he hadde him preued.
¶ 'God man' þan seyd he
7825 'God almiȝten forȝeld it þe
Þat is so michel of miȝt
Þatow wost batayl for me fong
Oȝain þe geaunt þat is so strong;
Þou knowest him nouȝt, y pliȝt,
7830 For ȝif he loked on þe wiþ wrake,
Sternliche wiþ his eyȝen blake,
So grim he is of siȝt
Wastow neuer so bold in al þi teime
Þatow durst batayl of him nim
7835 No hold oȝaines him fiȝt.'
¶ 'Gode man' seyd Gij 'lat be þat þouȝt
For swiche wordes help ous nouȝt
Oȝain þat schrewe qued.
Mani haþ loked me opon
7840 Wiþ wicked wil, mani on
Þat wald han had min hed
& þei no fled y neuer ȝete
No neuer for ferd batayl lete
For no man þat brac bred.
7845 & þei he be þe deuels rote
Y schal nouȝt fle him afot,
Bi him þat suffred ded.'
¶ 'Leue sir' þan seyd he
'God of heuen forȝeld it te.
7850 Þine wordes er ful swete.'
For ioie he hadde in hert þat stounde
On knes he fel adoun to grounde
& kist sir Gyes fet.
Gij tok him vp in armes to,
7855 Into Alisaunder þai gun go
Wiþ þe king to mete.
& when þai com into þe tour
Bifor þe king sir Triamour
Wel fair þai gun him grete.
7860 ¶ & when he seye þerl Jonas
Vnneþe he knewe him in þe fas
So chaunged was his ble.
'Erl Jonas' seyd þe king
'Telle me now wiþouten lesing
7865 Gij & Herhaud where ben he?' {f.152rb}
Þerl answerd & siked sore
'Gij no Herhaud sestow no more
For soþe y telle þe.
For hem ich haue in Jnglond ben
7870 & y no miȝt hem nowhar sen,
Þerfore wel wo is me.
¶ Ac þe lond folk teld me in speche
Þat Gij was gon halwen to seche
Wel fer in vncouþe lond
7875 & Herhaud after him is went
For to seche him verrament,
Noiþer of hem y no fond.
Ac þis man ich haue brouȝt to þe
Þat haþ ben man of gret bounte
7880 Þat wele dar take on hond
Oȝain þe geaunt þat is so fel
Al for to fende þe ful wel
For drede wil he nouȝt wond.'
¶ 'Erl Jonas' seyd þe king
7885 'Loke wiþ him be no feynting
Þat y deseyued be.
& ȝif þer be þou schalt anon
Be honged & þi sones ichon.'
'Y graunt, sir' þan seyd he.
7890 Þe king cleped sir Gyoun
& asked him at schort resoun
'What is þi name tel me?'
Sir Gij answerd to þe king
'Youn' he seyd 'wiþouten lesing
7895 Men clepeþ me in mi cuntre.'
¶ 'What cuntre artow?' þe king sede.
'Of Jnglond so God me rede;
Þerin ich was yborn.'
'O we' seyd þe king 'artow Inglis kniȝt?
7900 Þan schuld y þurth skil & riȝt
Hate þe euer more.
Knewe þou nouȝt þe gode Gij
Or Herhaud þat was so hardi?
Herhaud: MS reads herhand. |
Tel me þe soþe bifore.
7905 Wele ouȝt ich be Gyes fo man;
He slouȝ mi broþer Helmadan,
Þurth him icham forlore.
¶ Min em he slouȝ, þe riche soudan,
Ate mete among ous euerilkan. {f.152va} 
7910 Seyȝe y neuer man so bigin.
Y seyȝe hou he his heued of smot
& bar it oway wiþ him fot-hot
Maugre þat was þerinne.
After him we driuen þo -
7915 Þe deuel halp him þennes to go,
Y trowe he is of his kinne.
Mahoun ȝaf þat þou wer he,
Ful siker miȝt y þan be
Þe maistri forto winne.'
7920 ¶ Sir Gij answerd to þe king
'Wel wele y knowe wiþouten lesing
Herhaud so God me rede
& ȝif þou haddest her on here
Of þe maistri siker þou were
7925 Þe bateyl for to bede.'
Þe king asked him anonriȝt
'Whi artow þus iuel ydiȝt
& in þus pouer wede?
A feble lord þou seruest so þenkeþ me
7930 Or oway he haþ driuen þe
For sum iuel dede.'
¶ 'Nay, sir, for God' quaþ Gij
'A wel gode lord þan serue y.
Wiþ him was no blame.
7935 Wel michel honour he me dede
& gret worþschipe in eueri stede
& sore ich haue him grame;
& þerfore icham þus ydiȝt
To cri him merci day & niȝt
7940 Til we ben frendes same.
& mi lord & y frende be
Ichil wende hom to mi cuntre
& liue wiþ ioie & game.'
¶ 'Frende Youn' seyd þe king
7945 'Wiltow fiȝt for mi þing
Oþer y schal anoþer puruay?'
'Þerfor com ich hider' quaþ Gij
'Þurth Godes help & our leuedi
As wele as y may.
7950 Bot first þerl Jonas & his sones
Schal be deliuerd out of prisones
deliuerd: i is superscript. |
Þis ich selue day.'
Þe king answerd 'y graunt þe. {f.152vb}

Mahoun he mot þine he[l]p be
7955 Þat is mi lord verray.'
¶ 'Nay' seyd Gij 'bot Marie sone
He mot to help come
For Mahoun is worþ nouȝt.'
'Frende Youn' seyd þe king
7960 'Vnderstond now mi teling,
Al what ich haue yþouȝt
ȝif þat þou may ouercom þe fiȝt
& defende me wiþ riȝt
Þe wrong is on me souȝt,
7965 So michel y schal for þe do
Þat men schal speke þerof euermo
As wide as þis wa[r]ld is wrouȝt.
¶ Alle þe men þat in my prisoun be
Þai schul be deliuerd for loue of þe
7970 Þat Cristen men be told.
Fram henne to Ynde þat cite
Quite-claym þai schul go fre
Boþe ȝong & old.
& so gode pes y schal festen anon
7975 Þat Cristen men schul comen & gon
To her owhen wille in wold.'
'Gramerci' þan seyd sir Gij
'Þat is a fair ȝift sikerly,
God leue þe it wele to hold.'
7980 ¶ Þe king dede make a baþe anonriȝt
For to baþe Gij & better diȝt;
In silk he wald him schrede.
'Nay, sir' þan seyd sir Gij
'Swiche cloþes non kepe y
7985 Also God me rede
To were cloþes gold bigo
For y was neuer wont þerto
No non so worþliche wede.
Mete & drink anouȝ ȝiue me
7990 & riche cloþes lat þou be,
Y kepe non swiche prede.'
& when þe time com to þende
Þat þai schuld to court wende
Þer sembled a fair ferred.
7995 ¶ King Triamour maked him ȝare þo
& Fabour his sone dede also
Wiþ kniȝtes stiþe on stede.
To courtward þan went he
catchword: to espire þat riche. |
To Espire þat riche cite {f.153ra} 
8000 Wiþ joie & michel prede.
To þe soudan þai went on heye
Wiþ wel gret cheualrie
Bateyle for to bede.
of him crossed through
after Bateyle. |
¶ Gij was ful wele in armes diȝt
8005 Wiþ helme & plate & brini briȝt
Þe best þat euer ware.
Þe hauberk he hadde was Renis
Þat was king Clarels, ywis,
In Ierusalem when he was þare.
8010 A þef stale it in þat stede
& oway þerwiþ him dede,
To heþenesse he it bare,
King Triamours elders it bouȝt
& in her hord-house þai (it) þouȝt
8015 To hold it euer mare.
¶ Sir Gij þai toke it in þat plas.
Þritti winter afrayd it nas
Ful clere it was of mayle
As briȝt as ani siluer it was,
8020 Þe halle schon þerof as sonne of glas
For soþe wiþouten fayle.
His helme was of so michel miȝt
Was neuer man ouercomen in fiȝt
Þat hadde it on his ventayle.
8025 It was Alisaunders þe gret lording
When he fauȝt wiþ Poreus þe king
Þat hard him gan aseyle.
¶ A gode swerd he hadde wiþouten faile
Þat was Ectors in Troye batayle,
8030 In gest as-so men fint.
Ar he þat swerd dede forgon
Of Grece he slouȝ þer mani on
Þat died þurth þat dint.
Hose & gambisoun so gode kniȝt schold,
8035 A targe listed wiþ gold
About his swere he hint.
Nas neuer wepen þat euer was make
Þat o schel miȝt þerof take
Namore þan of þe flint.
8040 ¶ For king Triamours elders it lauȝt,
King Darri sum time it auȝt,
Þat Gij was vnder piȝt.
Ich man axe oþer bigan {f.153rb} 
Whennes & who was þat man
8045 Þat wiþ þe geaunt durst fiȝt.
King Triamour seyd wiþ wordes fre
'Sir soudan, herken now to me
Astow art hendy kniȝt.
To þi court icham now come
8050 To defende me of þat ich gome
Þat is so stern of siȝt.
¶ Þis litel kniȝt þat stont me by
Schal fende me of þat felonie
& make me quite & skere.'
8055 'Be stille,' seyd þe soudan þo
'Þat batail schal wel sone be go
Also brouke y mi swere.'
He dede clepe Amorant so grim
& Gij stode & loked on him
8060 Hou foule he was of chere.
'It is' seyd Gij 'no mannes sone,
It is a deuel fram helle is come,
What wonder doþ he here?
¶ Who miȝt his dintes dreye
8065 Þat he no schuld dye an heye
So strong he is of dede?'
Þan speken þai alle of þe batayle,
Where it schuld be wiþouten fayle
Þai token hem to rede.
8070 Þan loked þai it schuld be
In a launde vnder þe cite;
Þider þai gun hem lede.
Wiþ a riuer it ern al about,
Þerin schuld fiȝt þo kniȝtes stout;
8075 Þai miȝt fle for no nede.
¶ Ouer þe water þai went in a bot,
On hors þai lopen fot-hot
Þo kniȝtes egre of mode.
Þai priked þe stedes þat þai on sete
8080 & smiten togider wiþ dentes grete
& ferd as þai wer wode
Til her schaftes in þat tide
Gun to schiuer bi ich a side
About hem þer þai stode.
8085 Þan þai drouȝ her swerdes grounde
& hewe togider wiþ grimli wounde
Til þai spradde al ablode. {f.153va} 
¶ Sir Amoraunt drouȝ his gode brond
Þat wele carf al þat it fond
8090 When he hadde lorn his launce.
Þat neuer armour miȝt wiþstond
Þat was made of smitþes hond
In heþenesse no in Fraunce.
It was sir Ercules þe strong
8095 Þat mani he slouȝ þerwiþ wiþ wrong
In batayle & in destaunce.
Þer was neuer man þat it bere
Ouercomen in batayle no in were
Bot it were þurth meschaunce.
8100 ¶ It was baþed in þe flom of helle,
Agnes ȝaf it him to wille
He schuld þe better spede.
Who þat bar þat swerd of miȝt
Was neuer man ouercomen in fiȝt
8105 Bot it were þurth vnlede.
Þer worþ sir Gij to deþ ybrouȝt
Bot ȝif God haue of him þouȝt,
His best help at nede.
Togider þai wer ȝern heweinde
8110 Wiþ her brondes wele kerueinde
& maden her sides blede.
¶ Sir Amoraunt was agreued in hert
& smot to Gij a dint ful smert
Wiþ alle þe miȝt he gan welde
8115 & hitt him on þe helme so briȝt
Þat alle þe stones of michel miȝt
Fleyȝe doun in þe feld.
Al of þe helme þe swerd out stint
& forþ riȝt wiþ þat selue dint
8120 Oþer half fot of þe scheld
Þat neuer was atamed ar þan
For kniȝt no for no noþer man
No were he neuer so beld.
¶ Þe sadelbowe he clef atvo,
8125 Þe stedes nek he dede also
Wiþ his grimli brond;
Wiþouten wem or ani wounde
Wele half a fot into þe grounde
Þe scharp swerd it wond.
8130 Sir Gij to grounde fallen is,
He stirt vp anon, ywis, {f.153vb} 
& loked & gan wiþstond.
Anon riȝt in þat ich stede
To God almiȝten he bad his bede
8135 & held vp boþe his hond.
¶ Sir Gij anon vp stirt
As man þat was agremed in hert;
Nouȝt wel long he lay.
'Lord' seyd Gij 'God almiȝt
8140 Þat made þe þerkenes to þe niȝt
So help me today.
Scheld me fro þis geaunt strong
Þat y no deþ of him afong
Astow art lord verray.'
8145 'Þat dint' he seyd 'was iuel sett
Wele schal y com out of þi dett
ȝif þat y libbe may.'
¶ Gij hent his swerd þat was ful kene
& smot Amoraunt wiþ hert tene
8150 A dint þat sat ful sore
sore. MS: o altered from a |
Þat a quarter of his scheld
He made to fleye in þe feld
Al wiþ his grimli gore.
grimli: r is superscript. |
Þe stedes nek he smot atvo,
8155 Amoraunt to grounde is fallen þo,
Wo was him þerfore.
Þan were on fot þo kniȝtes bold,
Fiȝt o fot ȝif þai wold -
Her stedes þai han forlore.
8160 ¶ Amoraunt wiþ hert ful grim
Smot to Gij, & Gij to him
Wiþ strokes stern & stiue.
Hard þai hewe wiþ swerdes clere
Þat helme & swerd þat strong were
8165 Þai gun hem al todriue.
Hard fouȝten þo champiouns
Þat boþe plates & hauberiouns
Þai gun to ret & riue;
& laiden on wiþ dintes gret
8170 Aiþer of hem so oþer gan bete
Þat wo was hem oliue.
¶ Sir Amoraunt was agreued strong
Þat o man stode him þo so long,
To Gij a strok he rauȝt
8175 & hit him on þe helme so briȝt {f.154ra}
Þat al þe floures fel doun riȝt
Wiþ a ful grimly drauȝt.
Þe cercle of gold he carf ato
& forþ wiþ his dint also
8180 Þer bileued it nouȝt;
On þe scheld þe swerd doun fel
& cleue it into haluendel;
Almost to grounde him brouȝt.
¶ What wiþ þe swerdes out draweing
8185 & wiþ his hetelich out braiding
Þer fel a wonder cas.
Sir Gij fel on knes to grounde
& stirt vp in þat selue stounde
& seyd 'lord, ful of grace,
8190 Neuer dint of kniȝt non
No miȝt me are knele don
In no stede þer y was.'
Sir Gij hent vp his swerd fot-hot,
Amoraunt on þe hod he smot
8195 Þat he stumbled in (þe) þe place.
¶ He hit him on þe helme an heyȝe
& wiþ þat dint þe swerd it fleyȝe,
Bi þe nasel it gan doun founde
& so it dede bi þe ventayle
8200 & carf it ato saunfaile
& into his flesche a wounde.
His targe wiþ gold list
He carf atvo þurth help of Crist
He cleue þat ich stounde.
8205 So heteliche þe brond out he pliȝt
Þat Amorant anonriȝt
Fel on knes to grounde.
¶ So strong batayle was hem bitvene,
So seyd þai þat miȝt it sene,
8210 Þat seye þai neuer non swiche;
Þat neuer was of wiman born
Swiche to kniȝtes as þai worn
Þat fouȝten togider wiþ wreche.
On a day bifor þe natiuite
8215 Of seyn Jon þe martir fre
Þat holy man is to seche
Togider fouȝt þo barouns boþe
Þat in hert wer so wroþe
Of loue was þer no speche. {f.154rb} 
8220 Sir Amoraunt wiþdrouȝ him
Wiþ loureand chere wroþ & grim,
For þe blod of him was lete,
Þat drink he most oþer his liif forgon
So strong þrust ȝede him opon
8225 So michel was his hete.
'Fourti batayls ichaue ouercome
Ac fond y neuer er moder sone
Þat me so sore gan bete.'
'Tel me' he seyd 'what artow?
8230 Felt y neuer man ar now
Þat ȝaf dintes so grete.
¶ Tel me' he seyd 'wennes þou be?
For þou art strong so mot y the
& of michel miȝt.'
8235 Sir Gij answerd wiþouten bost
'Cristen icham wele þou wost
Of Jnglond born, ypliȝt.
King Triamour me hider brouȝt
For to defenden him ȝif y mouȝt
8240 Of þat michel vnriȝt
Þat ȝe beren on him wiþ wouȝ
Þat Fabour neuer Sadony slouȝ
Noiþer bi day no niȝt.'
¶ 'O artow Jnglis?' seyd Amorant
8245 'Now wald mi lord Teruagaunt
Þat þou were Gij þe strong.
Mahoun ȝaf þat þou wer he,
Bliþe wald y þan be
Batail of him to fong;
8250 For he haþ destrud al our lawe
His heued wald ichaue ful fawe
Or heiȝe on galwes hong;
For keuer schal we neuer er more
Þat he haþ don ous forlore
8255 Wiþ wel michel wrong.
¶ Wiþ michel wrong & michel wouȝ
Fourti þousend of ous he slouȝ
In Costentin on a day.
He & Herhaud his felawe
8260 Michel han destrud our lawe
Þat euer more mon y may.
ȝif he wer slain wiþ brond of stiel
Þan were ywroken on him ful wel {f.154va}

Þat han destrud our lay.'
8265 Sir Gij answerd 'whi seistow so?
Haþ Gij ani þing þe misdo?'
Amoraunt seyd 'nay,
¶ Ac it wer gret worþschip, ywis,
To alle þe folk of heþenisse
8270 Þat y hadde so wroken mi kende.'
'Cristen,' he seyd 'listen to me,
Þe weder is hot astow may se,
Y pray þe, leue frende,
Leue to drink þou lat me gon
8275 For þe lordes loue þou leuest on,
Astow art gode & hende.
For þrist mi hert wil tospring
& for hete wiþouten lesing
Mi liue wil fro me wende.
8280 ¶ & ȝif y schal be þus aqueld
Þurth strong hete in þe feld
It were oȝain þe skille.
Vnworþschipe it war to þe -
It were þe gret vilete
8285 In wat lond þou com tille.
lond. MS: lond lond, with cancellation marks under the second |
Ac lete me drink a litel wiȝt
For þi lordes loue ful of miȝt
Þat þou louest wiþ wille
& y þe hot bi mi lay
8290 ȝif þou haue ani þrest today
Þou shalt drink al þi fille.'
¶ Sir Gij answerd 'y graunt þe
& ȝete today þou ȝeld it me
Wiþouten ani fayle.'
8295 & when he hadde leue of sir Gij
He was ful glad sikerli,
He was ful glad sikerli. MS: He was ful glad ful sikerli, with second ful crossed out |
No lenger nold he dayle.
To þe riuer ful swiþe he ran,
His helme of his heued he nam
8300 & vnlaced his ventayle.
When he hadde dronken alle his fille
He stirt vp wiþ hert grille
& sir Gij he gan to asayle.
¶ 'Kniȝt' he seyd 'ȝeld þe biliue
8305 For þou art giled so mot y þriue.
Now ichaue a drink
Icham as fresche as ich was amorwe. {f.154vb} 
Þou schalt dye wiþ michel sorwe
For soþe wiþouten lesing.'
8310 Þan þai drowen her swerdes long
Þo kniȝtes þat wer stern & strong
Wiþouten more dueling
& aiþer gan oþer þer asayle
& þer bigan a strong bataile
8315 Wiþ wel strong fiȝting.
¶ Amoraunt was ful egre of mode
& smot to Gij as he wer wode -
Ful egre he was to fiȝt -
Þat a quarter of his scheld
8320 He made it fleye into þe feld
& of his brini briȝt.
Of his scholder þe swerd glod doun
Þat boþe plates & hauberioun
He carf atvo, y pliȝt.
8325 Al to þe naked hide, ywis,
& nouȝt of flesche atamed is
Þurth grace of God almiȝt.
¶ Þe scharp swerd doun gan glide
Fast bi sir Gyes side -
8330 His knew it com ful neye -
Þat gambisoun & iambler
Boþe it karf atvo yfere;
Into þerþe þe swerd it fleye
MS: fleye altered from fleyee |
Wiþouten wem or ani wounde
8335 Half a fot into þe grounde,
Þat mani man it seye.
& when Gij seye þat fair grace
Þat noþing wounded he was
Ihesu he þanked on heye.
8340 ¶ & when Gij feld him so smite
He was wroþ ȝe mow wite;
To Amoraunt he gan reken
He hent his brond wiþ wel gode wille
& stroke to him wiþ hert grille;
8345 His scheld he gan tobreken.
So hetelich Gij him smot
Þat into þe scholder half a fot
Þe gode swerd gan reken.
& wiþ þat strok Gij wiþdrouȝ
8350 Weri he was forfouȝten ynouȝ,
To Amoraunt he gan speken. {f.155ra} 
¶ 'Sir Amoraunt' þan seyd Gij
'For Godes loue now merci
ȝif þat þi wille be.
8355 Ichaue swiche þrist þer y stond
Y may vnneþe drawe min hond
Þerfore wel wo is me.
ȝeld me now þat ich dede,
Y ȝaf þe leue to drink at nede.
8360 Astow art hende & fre,
Leue to drink þou lat me go
As it was couenaunt bitven ous to
For [Godes] loue y pray þe.'
¶ 'Hold þi pes' seyd Amoraunt
8365 'For bi mi lord sir Teruagaunt
Leue no hastow non.
Ac now þat y þe soþe se
Þat þou ginnes to feynt þe
Þine heued þou schalt forgon.'
8370 'Amoraunt' seyd Gij 'do ariȝt,
Gij copied at the end
of the line, its correct position
marked by two parallel strokes. |
Lete me drink a litel wiȝt
As y dede þe anon
& togider fiȝt we;
Who schal be maister we schal se
8375 Wiche of ous may oþer slon.'
¶ 'Hold þi pays' seyd Amoraunt
'Y nil nouȝt held þe couenaunt
For ful þis toun of gold,
For when ichaue þe sleyn now riȝt
8380 Þe soudan treweli haþ me hiȝt
His lond ȝif me he schold
Euer more to haue & hold fre
& ȝiue me his douhter briȝt o ble,
Þe miriest may on mold.
8385 When ichaue þe sleyn þis day
He schal ȝiue me þat fair may
Wiþ alle his lond to hold.
¶ Ac do now wele & vnarme þe
& trewelich ȝeld þou þe to me
8390 Oliue y lat þe gon.
& ȝif þou wilt nouȝt do bi mi red
Þou schalt dye on iuel ded
Riȝt now y schal þe slon.'
'Nay,' seyd Gij 'þat war no lawe.
8395 Ich hadde leuer to ben todrawe {f.155rb}
Þan swiche a dede to don.
Ar ich wald creaunt ȝeld me
Ich hadde leuer anhanged be
& brent boþe flesche & bon.'
8400 ¶ Þan seyd Amoraunt at a word
'Bi þe treuþe þou owe þi lord
Þat þou louest so dere
Tel me what þi name it be
& leue to drink ȝiue y þe
8405 Þi fille of þis riuer.
Þou seyd þi name is sir Youn;
It is nouȝt so bi seyn Mahoun,
It is a lesing fere.
ȝif þi name were Youn riȝt
8410 Þou nere nouȝt of so miche miȝt
No þus vnbiknowen here.'
¶ 'Frende' seyd Gij 'y schal telle þe;
Astow art hendi man & fre
Þou wray me to no wiȝt.
8415 Gij of Warwike mi name it is,
In Jnglond y was born, ywis.
Lete me now drink wiþ riȝt.'
When Amoraunt seye sikerly
Þat it was þe gode Gij
8420 Þat oȝaines him was diȝt
He loked on him wiþ michel wrake,
Sternliche wiþ his eyȝen blake
Wiþ an vnsemli siȝt.
¶ 'Sir Gij' he seyd 'welcom to me.
8425 Mahoun mi lord y þank þe
Þat ich haue þe herinne.
Michel schame þou hast me don,
Þi liif þou schalt astite forgon,
Þi bodi schal atvinne
8430 & þine heued, bi Teruagant,
Mi leman schal haue to presaunt
Þat comly is of kinne.
Hennes forward siker þou be
Leue no tit þe non of me
8435 For al þis warld to winne.'
¶ 'Allas' seyd Gij 'what schal y don?
Now y no may haue drink non
Mine hert brekeþ ato.'
Anon he biþouȝt him þenne {f.155va}

8440 Riȝt to þe riuer he most renne;
He turned him & gan to go.
Amoraunt wiþ swerd on hond
He þouȝt haue driuen Gij to schond
Wiþ sorwe he wald him slo.
8445 Gij ran to þe water riȝt,
Bot on him þenke God almiȝt
Vp comeþ he neuer mo.
¶ Þo was sir Gij in gret drede.
In þe water he stode to his girdel stede
8450 & þat þouȝt him ful gode.
In þe water he dept his heued anon
Ouer þe schulders he dede it gon
Þat keled wele his blod.
& when Gij hadde dronken anouȝ
8455 Hetelich his heued vp he drouȝ
Out of þat ich flod
& Amoraunt stode opon þe lond
Wiþ a drawen swerd in hond
& smot Gij þer he stode.
8460 ¶ Hetelich he smot Gyoun,
Into þat water he fel adoun
Wiþ þat dint vnride
Þat þe water arn him about.
Sir Gij stirt vp in gret dout,
8465 For no þing he nold abide,
& schoke his heued as kniȝt bold.
'In þis water icham ful cold
Wombe rigge & side
& no leue, sir, ich hadde of þe
8470 & þerfore haue þo[u] miche maugre
& iuel þe mot bitide.'
¶ Sir Gij stirt vp wiþouten fayl
& Amoraunt he gan to asayl;
To fiȝt he was ful boun.
8475 Hard togider þai gan to fiȝt;
Of loue was þer no speche, y pliȝt,
Bot heweing wiþ swerdes broun.
'Amoraunt' þan seyd Gij
'Þou art ful fals sikerly
8480 & fulfilt of tresoun.
No more wil y trust to þe
For no bihest þou hotest me.
Þou art a fals glotoun.' {f.155vb} 
¶ Hard togider þai gun fiȝt
8485 Fro þe morwe to þe niȝt
Þat long somers day.
So long þai fouȝten boþe þo
Wiche was þe better of hem to
Noman chese no may.
8490 Bot at a strok as Amoraunt cast
Sir Gij mett wiþ him in hast
& tauȝt him a sori play.
Þe riȝt arme wiþ þe swerd fot-hot
Bi þe scholder of he it smot,
8495 To grounde it fleye oway.
¶ When Amoraunt feld him so smite
In his left hond wiþ michel hete
Þe swerd he hent fot-hot.
As a lyoun þan ferd he,
8500 Þritti sautes he made & þre
Wiþ his swerd þat wel bot.
Bot for þe blod þat of him ran
Amoraunt strengþe slake bigan.
When Gij þat soþ wot
8505 Þat Amoraunt was (gin) faynting
Sir Gij him folwed wiþouten dueling;
Þat oþer hond of he smot.
¶ When Amoraunt had boþe hondes forlore
A wreche he held himself þerfore;
8510 His wit was al todreued.
On sir Gij he lepe wiþ alle his miȝt
Þat almast he had feld him doun riȝt,
& sir Gij was agreued
& stirt bisiden fot-hot
8515 & Amoraunt in þe nek he smot.
His miȝt he haþ him bireued;
He fel to grounde wiþouten faile
& sir Gij vnlaced his ventayle
& he strok of his heued.
8520 ¶ Ouer þe water he went in a bot
& present þerwiþ fot-hot
Þe king sir Triamour.
Þe king sir Triamour þan
Went to þat riche soudan
8525 & also his sone Fabour.
Þan was þe soudan swiþe wo,
was copied below the line,
its correct position marked. |
Quite-claim he lete hem go {f.156ra} 
Wiþ wel michel honour.
Into Alisaunder þai went þat cite
8530 & ladde wiþ hem sir Gij þe fre
Þat hadde ben her socour.
¶ Þe king tok þerl Jonas þo
& clept him in his armes to
& kist him swete, jch wene,
8535 An hundred times & ȝete mo
& quite-claim he lete him go
& his sones fiftene.
'Erl Jonas' seyd þe king
'Herken now to my teling
8540 & what ichil mene:
For mi liif þou sauedest me
Half mi lond ich graunt þe
Wiþ þis kniȝt strong & kene.
¶ Vnderstond to me, sir kniȝt,
8545 Mahoun ȝaue ful of miȝt
Þou wost duelle wiþ me;
Þridde part mi lond y ȝiue þe to,
Michel honour ichil þe do,
A riche prince make þe.
8550 Y nil nouȝt þou forsake God þine;
Þou art bileueand wele afine,
Better may no be.'
Sir Gij answerd him ful stille:
'Sir, of þi lond nouȝt y nille
8555 For soþe y telle þe.'
¶ Þat erl to Ierusalem went anon,
Gij of Warwike wiþ him gan gon
& alle his sones on rawe.
Þerl wold ȝif he miȝt
8560 Wite þe name of þat kniȝt
ȝif he him euermore sawe.
'In conseyl, sir kniȝt' þan seyd he
'Þat þou Youn dost clep þe,
Þou no hatest nouȝt so y trowe.
8565 For Ihesu loue y pray þe
Þat died on þe rode tre
Þi riȝt name be aknawe.'
¶ Sir Gij seyd 'þou schalt now here
Seþþen þou frainest me in þis maner;
8570 Mi name ichil þe sayn:
Gij of Warwike mi name is riȝt, {f.156rb} 
Astow art hende & gentil kniȝt
To non þou schalt me wrayn.
Batayl for þi loue y nam
8575 & þe geaunt ouercam;
þerof ich am ful fain.
When þerl seye it was sir Gij
He fel doun on knes him bi
& wepe wiþ boþ his ayn.'
8580 ¶ 'For Godes loue' he seyd 'merci.
Whi artow so pouer sir Gij
& art of so gret valour?
Here ich ȝiue þe in þis place
Al þerldam of Durras
8585 Cite & castel tour.
Þi man ichil bicomen & be
& alle mi sones forþ wiþ me
Schal com to þi socour;
For þe priis of heþen lond
8590 Þou hast þurth douhtines of hond
Wonne wiþ gret vigour.'
¶ 'Erl Jonas' þan seyd sir Gij
'Mi leue frende, gramerci.
For þi gode wille
8595 Þan schustow hire me al to dere
To ȝiue me þi lond in swiche maner;
Þerof nouȝt y nille.
To ȝour owen cuntre wendeþ hom,
God biteche y ȝou euerichon;
8600 Mi way ichil fulfille.
Þai went & kist him eueri man,
Þerl so sore wepe bigan
Þat miȝt him no man stille.
¶ Þerl to Durras went anon
8605 & his sones euerichon
Were scaped out of care.
Gij þan in his way is nome.
For þat þe geaunt was ouercome
Ful bliþe þan was he þare.
8610 Into Grece þan went he
& souȝt halwen of þat cuntre
Þe best þat þer ware.
Seþþe forþ in his way he ȝede
Þurthout mani vncouþe þede,
8615 To Costentyn he is yfare. {f.156va}
¶ When Gij in Costentin hadde be
Out of þat lond þan went he
Walkand in þe strete
On pilgrimage in his jurnay
8620 His bedes bidand niȝt & day
His sinnes forto bete.
In Almaine þan went he, ywis,
Þer he was sumtime holden of gret pris.
He com to a four way lete
8625 Biȝonde Espire þat riche cite
Vnder a croice was maked of tre,
A pilgrim he gan mete.
¶ Þat wrong his honden & wepe sore
& curssed þe time þat he was bore
8630 'Allas!' it was his song.
'Wayleway' he seyd 'þat stounde!
Wickedliche icham brouȝt to grounde
Wiþ wel michel wrong.'
Sir Gij went to him þo,
8635 'Man' he seys 'whi farstow so?
So God ȝeue þe ioie to fong,
Tel me what þi name it be
& whi þou makest þus gret pite,
Me þenke þi paynes strong.'
8640 'Gode man' seyd þe pilgrim þo
'What hastow to frein me so?
Swiche sorwe icham in souȝt
Þat þei y told þe alle mi care
For þe miȝt y neuer þe better fare,
8645 To grounde ich am so brouȝt.'
'ȝis,' seyd Gij 'bi þe gode rode,
Conseyl y can ȝiue þe gode
& tow telle me þi þouȝt,
For oft it falleþ vncouþe man
8650 Þat gode conseyle ȝiue can,
Þerfore hele it nouȝt.'
¶ 'For God' he seyd 'þou seyst ful wel.
Sumtime ich was, bi seyn Miȝhel,
An erl of gret pouste.
8655 Þurth al Cristendom, ywis,
Ich was teld a man of gret pris
& of gret bounte;
& now icham a wroche beggare.
No wonder þei icham ful of care {f.156vb}

8660 Allas, wel wo is me.'
For sorwe he miȝt speke namore;
He gan to wepe swiþe sare
Þat Gij hadde of him pite.
¶ Þan seyd þe pilgrim 'þou hast gret wrong
wrong is superscript
to fit column width. |
8665 To frain me of mi sorwe strong
& miȝt nouȝt bete mi nede.
To begge mi brede y mot gon,
Seþþen ȝistay at none ete y non
Also God me rede.'
8670 'ȝis, felawe' quaþ Gij 'hele it nauȝt.
Telle me whi þou art jn sorwe brauȝt,
Þe better þou schalt spede
& seþþen we schul go seche our mete.
Ichaue a pani of old biȝete,
8675 Þou schalt haue half to mede.'
¶ 'Gramerci, sir' þan seyd he
'& alle þe soþ y schal telle þe.
Erl Tirri is mi name,
Of Gormoys þerls sone Aubri.
8680 Ich hadde a felawe þat hiȝt Gij,
A baroun of gode fame.
For þe douk of Paui sir Otoun
Hadde don him oft gret tresoun
He slouȝ him wiþ gret grame.
8685 Now is his neue þemperour steward
His soster sone þat hat Berard;
He has me don alle þis schame.
¶ Þemperour he haþ serued long
For he is wonderliche strong
8690 & of michel miȝt.
He no comeþ in non batayle
Þat he no haþ þe maistri saunfayl,
So egre he is to fiȝt.
In þis warld is man non
8695 Þat oȝaines him durst gon
Herl, baroun no kniȝt
& he loked on him wiþ wrake
Þat his hert no miȝt quake
So stern he is of siȝt.
8700 ¶ & for his scherewdhed sir Berard
Þemperour haþ made him his steward
To wardi his lond about.
Þer nis no douk in al þis lond {f.157ra}

Þat his hest dar wiþstonde
8705 So michel he is dout.
ȝif a man be loued wiþ him
Be he neuer so pouer of kin
MS: for crossed out between pouer and of |
& he wil to him lout
He makeþ hem riche anonriȝt
8710 Douk, erl, baroun or kniȝt
To held wiþ him gret rout.
¶ & ȝif a man wiþ him hated be
Be he neuer so riche of fe
He flemeþ him out of lond.
MS: his lond omitted by the scribe between him and out |
8715 Anon he schal ben todrawe
Als tite he schal ben yslawe
& driuen him al to schond.
So it bifel our emperour
Held a parlement of gret honour,
8720 For his erls he sent his sond.
MS: u or n omitted after he |
Y come þider wiþ michel prede
Y: altered from Þ
and followed in the MS
by ai (underdotted). |
Wiþ an hundred kniȝtes bi mi side
At nede wiþ me to stonde.
¶ & when y come vnto þe court
8725 Þe steward - þe wicked pourt -
To me he gan to reke.
He bicleped me of his emes ded
& seyd he was sleyn þurth mi red
On me he wald be wreke.
8730 & when ich herd þat chesoun
Of þe doukes deþ Otoun
Mine hert wald tobreke.
To þemperour y layd mi wedde an heiȝe
To defende me of þat felonie
8735 Þat he to me gan speke.
¶ No wonder þei y war fordredde;
Þemperour tok boþe our wedde
As y þe telle may
For in alle þe court was þer no wiȝt
8740 Douk, erl, baroun no kniȝt
Þat durst me borwe þat day.
Þemperour comand anon
Into his prisoun y schuld be don
Wiþouten more delay.
8745 Berard went & sesed mi lond,
MS: Bernard, with cancellation mark under the n |
Mine wiif he wald haue driuen to schond,
Wiþ sorwe sche fled oway. {f.157rb} 
¶ Þan was ich wiþ sorwe & care
Among min fomen nomen þare
8750 & don in strong prisoun.
Min frendes token hem to rede,
To þemperour þai bisouȝt & bede
To pay for me ransoun.
Þemperour & sir Berard
8755 Deliuerd me bi a forward
& bi þis enchesoun:
Y schuld seche mi felawe Gij
To defende ous of þat felonie
Of þe doukes deþ Otoun.
8760 ¶ Out of þis lond went y me
& passed ouer þe salt se,
In Jnglond y gan riue;
At Warwike ichim souȝt,
When y com þider y fond him nouȝt
8765 Wo was me oliue.
No sir Herhaud fond y nouȝt tare;
To seche Gyes sone he is fare
Þat was stollen wiþ striue.
Þerfore y wot þat Gij is ded,
8770 For sorwe can y me no red -
Mine hert wil breke o fiue.'
Sir Gij biheld Tirri ful riȝt
Þat whilom was so noble a kniȝt
& lord of michel mounde.
8775 His bodi was sumtim wele yschredde,
Almost naked it was bihedde
Wiþ sorwe & care ful bounde.
His legges þat wer sumtime hosed wel
Tobrosten he seiȝe hem eueridel.
8780 'Allas' seyd Gij 'þat stonde!'
For sorwe þat he hadde þo
Word miȝt he speke no mo
Bot fel aswon to grounde.
¶ Sir Tirri anon com to him þan
8785 & in his armes vp him nam
& cleped opon him þare.
'Man' he said 'what aileþ þe?
Þou art iuel at aise so þenkeþ me,
Hard it is þi fare.'
8790 Sir Gij answerd þerafter long
'Þis iuel greueþ me so strong {f.157va}

In erþe y wold y ware,
For seþþen þat y was first man
Nas neuer sorwe on me cam
8795 Þat greued me so sare.'
¶ 'Þan' seyd Tirri 'felawe, ywis,
Today a ȝer gon it is
Out of þis lond y went
To seche Gij mi gode frende.
8800 Y no finde nouȝt fer no hende,
MS: hende altered from hente |
Þerfore icham al schent.
For now it is teld me our emperer
Haþ taken a parlement of þis maner
For mi loue verrament
8805 Þat douk no erl in his lond be
Þat he no schal be at þat semble
For to here mi iugement.
¶ & now no lenge abide y no may
Þat ne me bihoueþ hom þis day
8810 Oþer for to lese min heued.
Þemperour ichaue mi treuþe ypliȝt
treuþe: u is superscript. |
Y schal bring sir Gij toniȝt
To fiȝt oȝain þat qued
To fende ous of þat felonie
8815 Oȝain þe douke Berard of Paui
Al of his emes ded.
Y wot wele ȝif y þider fare
Þai schal me sle wiþ sorwe & care,
Certes y can no red.'
8820 Gij biheld Tirri wiþ wepeand eiȝe
& seiȝe him al þat sorwe dreiȝe
Þat was him lef & dere.
'Allas' þouȝt Gij 'þat ich stounde
Þat Tirri is þus brouȝt to grounde;
8825 So gode felawes we were.
He þouȝt miȝt y mete þat douke
His heued y schuld smite fro þe bouke
Or hong him bi þe swere.
Y no lete for al þis warldes won
8830 Þat y no schuld þe traitour slon
To wreke Tirri mi fere.'
¶ 'Tirri' seyd Gij 'lat be þi þouȝt.
Ywis, it helpeþ þe riȝt nouȝt,
For sorwe it wil þe schende.
8835 To court go we boþe yfere, {f.157vb}
Gode tidinges we schul þer here
Swiche grace God may sende.
Haue gode hert, dred þe no del
For God schal help þe ful wel
8840 So curteys he is & hende.'
Vp risen þo kniȝtes tvo
Wiþ michel care & ful of wo
To courtward þai gan wende
¶ & as þai went þo kniȝtes fre
8845 To courtward in her jurne
Ful bold þai were & ȝepe.
'Allas' sir Tirri seyd þo
'Ich mot rest er ich hennes go
Or mi liif wil fro me lepe.'
8850 'For God, felawe' þan seyd Gij
'Ly doun & y schal sitt þe bi
& feir þine heued vp kepe.'
& when he hadde þus yseyd
On Gyes barm his heued he leyd,
8855 Anon Tirri gan slepe.
¶ & when sir Tirri was fallen on slepe
Sir Gij biheld him & gan to wepe
& gret morning gan make.
Þan seiȝe he an ermine com of his mouþe,
8860 Als swift as winde þat bloweþ on clouþe
As white as lilii on lake,
To an hille he ran wiþouten obade,
At þe hole of þe roche in he glade;
Gij wonderd for þat sake.
8865 & when he out of þat roche cam
Into Tirries mouþe he nam,
Anon Tirri gan wake.
¶ Sir Gij was wonderd of þat siȝt
& Tirri sat vp anonriȝt
8870 & biheld Gij opon.
Þan seyd Tirri 'fader of heuen,
Sir pilgrim, swiche a wonder sweuen
Me met now anon,
Þat to ȝon hille þat stont on heiȝe
8875 Þat þou may se wiþ þi neiȝe
Me þouȝt þat y was gon
& at an hole in y wond
& so riche tresour as y fond
Y trow in þis world is non. {f.158ra} 
8880 ¶ 'Biside þat tresour lay a dragoun
& þeron lay a swerd broun,
Þe sckauberk comly corn.
In þe hilt was mani precious ston,
As briȝt as ani sonne it schon
8885 Wiþouten oþ ysworn.
& me þouȝt Gij sat at min heued
& in his lappe me biweued
Astow dest me biforn.
Lord merci, & it wer so
8890 Wele were me þan bigo
Þat euer ȝete was y born.'
¶ 'Now felawe' seyd Gij 'bi mi leute
Þat s[w]euen wil turn gret ioie to þe
& wele y schal it rede.
8895 Þurth Gij þou schalt þi lond keuer.
Trust wele to God þei þou be pouer
Þe better þou schalt spede.
To þe hulle nim we þe way
Þer þe þouȝt þe tresour lay
8900 & jn þou schalt me lede.
Now God þat schope al mankinde
Wald we miȝt þat [t]resour finde
It wald help ous at nede.'
¶ Vp risen þo kniȝtes tvay
8905 & to þe hille þai nom þe way
& in þai went ful euen
& founde þe tresour & þe dragoun
& þe swerd of stiel broun
As Tirri mett in his sweuen.
8910 Sir Gij drouȝ out þat swerd anon
& alle þe pleynes þerof it schon
As it were liȝt of leuen.
'Lord' seyd Gij 'y þanke þi sond
Y seiȝe neuer are swiche a brond;
8915 Y wot it com fram heuen.'
¶ Sir Gij gan þe hilt bihold
Þat richeliche was grauen wiþ gold,
Of charbukel þe pomel.
Into þe sckaweberk oȝain he it dede
8920 & seyd to Tirri in þat stede
'Bi God & seyn Miȝhel,
Of alle þis riche tresore
Y no kepe þerof no more {f.158rb} 
Bot þis brond of stiel.'
..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... .....
¶ To courtward þo kniȝtes went
To aspie after þe parlement;
8930 For drede wald þai nouȝt lete.
Ac Tirri was aferd ful sare
Of his fomen be knowen þare
In þe cite ȝif he sete.
Þerfore þai toke her ostel gode
8935 At an hous wiþouten þe toun stode
Al bi a dern strete.
Of al niȝt Gij slepe nouȝt,
So michel his hert was euer in þouȝt
Wiþ douk Berard to mete.
8940 ¶ Erlich amorwe þan ros Gij
& bisouȝt God & our leuedi
He schuld scheld him fro blame
& seyd to sir Tirri þe hende
'Kepe me wele þis swerd, leue frende,
8945 Til y sende þerfore bi name,
& y schal go to court þis day
& ȝif y þe douke mete may
Y schal gret him wiþ grame;
& ȝif he say ouȝt bot gode
8950 Bi him þat schadde for ous his blod
Him tit a warld schame.'
¶ Gij goþ to toun wiþ michel hete,
Þemperour fram chirche he gan mete
& gret him wiþ anour.
8955 'Lord' seyd Gij 'þat wiþ hond
Made wode water & lond
Saue þe, sir emperour.
Icham a man of fer cuntre
& of þi gode, par charite,
8960 Ich axse to mi socour.'
Þemperour seyd 'to court come
& of mi gode þou schalt haue some
For loue of seyn Sauour.'
¶ To court þai went al & some,
8965 Þemperour dede Gij biforn him come,
'Pilgrim' þan seyd he
'Þou art wel weri me þenkeþ now.
Fram wiche londes comestow?
For þi fader soule telle me.'
8970 'Sir' seyd Gij 'ich vnderstond {f.158va}
MS: seyd inserted above the line, with correct position marked |
Ichaue ben in mani lond
Biȝond þe Grekis se,
In Ierusalem & in Surry
In Costentin & in Perci
8975 A gode while haue ich be.'
¶ 'Sir pilgrim' seyd þemperour fre
'What spekeþ man in þat lond of me
When þou com þennesward?'
Sir Gij answerd 'bi þe gode rode
8980 Men spekeþ þe þer ful litel gode
Bot tidinges schrewed & hard;
For þou hast schent so þerl Tirri
& oþer barouns þat ben hendy
For loue of þi steward.
8985 Gret sinne it is to þe
To stroye so þi barouns fre
Al for a fals schreward.'
¶ When þe douk herd him speke so
As a wilde bore he lepe him to
8990 His costes for to schawe,
Wiþ his fest he wald haue smiten Gij
Bot barouns held him owy
Wele tventi on a rawe.
He seyd to Gij 'vile traitour,
8995 Ner þou bifor þemperour
Þei y wende to ben tohewe
Bi þi berd y schuld þe schokke
Þat al þi teþ it schuld rokke,
For þou art a kinde schrewe.
9000 ¶ Bi þi semblaunt se men may
Þou hast ben traitour mani a day -
God ȝif þe schame & schond.
ȝif þat y þe mai ouergon
To wicked ded þou schalt be don
9005 As a traitour to ly in bond,
In swiche a stede þou schalt be
Þis seuen winter no schaltow se
Noiþer fet no hond.
Noiþer: i is superscript. |
So schal men chasti foule glotuns
9010 Þat wil missay gode barouns
Þat lordinges ben in lond.'
¶ 'Ow sir' seyd Gij 'ertow þas?
Y nist no nar hou it was
Bi þe gode rode. {f.158vb} 
9015 & now y wot þat þou art he,
Þou art vncurteys so þenkeþ me.
Þou farst astow wer wode,
& art a man of fair parage
Ycom þou art of heiȝe linage
9020 & of gentil blod.
It is þe litel curteysie
To do me swiche vilanie
Bifor þemperour þer y stode.
¶ & for þe wil y wond no þing,
9025 Y schal telle þe þe soþe wiþouten lesing
Bifor his barouns ichon,
Þat wiþ gret wrong & sinne, ywis,
Þerl Tirri deshirrite is
& oþer gode mani on.
9030 A þousend men ichaue herd teld
Boþe in toun & in feld
As wide as ichaue gon
Þat he is giltles of þat dede
Þou berst on him wiþ falshede,
9035 Þin eme he schuld slon.'
¶ Þe douk Berra[r]d was wroþ,
Bi Ihesu Crist he swore his oþ.
'Y wald þat þou were Gij
Or þat þou so douhti were
9040 Þou durst fiȝt for him here
God ȝaf it & our leuedi.'
Sir Gij answerd 'bi seyn Sauour,
Drede þe noþing, vile traitour,
Þerto icham redy.
9045 Bi þou wroþ, be þou gladde,
To þemperour y ȝif mi wedde
To fiȝt for þerl Tirri.'
¶ Þe douk Berard þer he stode
Stared on Gij as he wer wode
9050 & egrelich seyd his þouȝt.
'Pilgrim' he seyd 'þou art ful stout,
Ywis, þi wordes þat er so prout
Schal be ful dere abouȝt.
Y warn þe wele' he seyd þo
9055 'Þat þine heued þou schalt forgo
Whereso þou may be souȝt.'
Sir Gij seyd 'þan þou it hast
Þan make þerof þi bast; {f.159ra}

For ȝete no getes þou it nouȝt.'
9060 ¶ Bifor þemperour þan come Gij
& seyd 'sir Berard of Paui
Is a man of miȝti dede,
& fram fer cuntres comen icham
& am a sely pouer man;
9065 Y no haue here no sibbered
No y no haue wepen no armour briȝt;
For þe loue of God almiȝt
Finde me armour & stede.'
Þemperour answerd 'bi Ihesu,
9070 Pilgrim, þou schalt haue anow
Of al þat þe is nede.'
¶ Þe douk Berra[r]d þennes he went;
His hert was in strong turment
He no wist what he do miȝt.
9075 Þemperour cleped his douhter a mayde
'Leue douhter' to hir he seyd
'Kepe þis pilgrim toniȝt.'
Sche him vnderfenge ful mildeliche
& dede baþe him ful softliche,
9080 In silke sche wald him diȝt.
Ac þerof was no þing his þouȝt
Bot of gode armour he hir bisouȝt
Wiþ þe douke Berard to fiȝt.
¶ Amorwe aros þat emperour
9085 Erls, barouns of gret honour,
To chirche wiþ him þai ȝede.
& when þe barouns asembled was
Þan miȝt men sen in þat plas
Togider a fair ferred.
9090 Þider com þe douk Berard,
Prout & stern as a lipard,
Wele y-armed on stede
& priked riȝt as he wer wode
Among þe barouns þer þai stode
9095 Batayle for to bede.
¶ Þe maiden forȝat neuer a del
Þe pilgrim was armed ful wel
Wiþ a gode glaiue in honde
& a swift ernand stede;
9100 Al wrin sche dede him lede
Þe best of þat lond.
Þan sir Gij him biþouȝt {f.159rb} 
Þe gode swerd forȝat he nouȝt
Þat he in tresour fond.
9105 He sent þerafter priueliche -
Noman wist litel no miche -
& Tirri sent him þe brond.
¶ When þat mayden hadde graiþed Gij
Wele ydiȝt & ful richely
9110 Men gan on him biheld.
Sche ledde him forþ swiþe stille,
To þemperour wiþ gode wille
Sche tauȝt him for to weld.
Þan seyd þemperour hende & fre
9115 'Lordinges, listen now to me
Boþe ȝong & eld:
Þis kniȝt þat ȝe se now here
Haþ taken batail in strong maner
Al for to fiȝt in feld.
9120 ¶ Þis kniȝt' he seyd 'þat ston[t] me
Wil fiȝt for þerl sir Tirri -
For no þing wil he wond -
& defende him of þat felonie
Oȝain þe douk Berard of Paui
9125 Þat he berþ him an hond;
For Tirri is out of lond went
To seche Gij verrament
Þat for him miȝt stond.
Þis day is sett bitven hem tvo
9130 Or be deshirrite for euer mo
& flemed out of lond.
¶ Bot now is comen here þis kniȝt,
Oȝain Berard haþ taken þe fiȝt
For no þing wil he flen.
9135 Ac, lordinges' he seyd 'euerichon
Where þe batayl schal be don
Loke where it may best ben.'
Þan loked þai it schuld be
In a launde vnder þe cite.
9140 Þider in þai went biden.
Mani man bad God þat day
Help þe pilgrim as he wele may
Þe douk Berard to slen.
¶ On hors lopen þo kniȝtes prest
9145 & lopen togider til schaftes brest
Þat strong weren & trewe; {f.159va} 
& her gerþes brusten þat strong were
& þo kniȝtes boþe yfere
Out of her sadels þrewe.
9150 After þai drouȝ her swerdes gode
& leyd on as þai were wode
Þat were gode & newe.
& astow sest þe fir on flint
Þe stem out of her helmes stint
9155 So hetelich þai gun hewe.
¶ Wele wer armed þo kniȝtes stout,
Bot he had more yren him about
Þat fals Berardine.
Tvay hauberkes he was in weued
9160 & tvay helmes opon his heued
Was wrouȝt in Saraȝine.
Opon his schulder henge a duble scheld
Beter miȝt non be born in feld,
A gode swerd of stiel fine.
9165 Mani man þerwiþ his liif had lorn;
It was sumtim þerbiforn
Þe kinges Costentine.
¶ S[t]rong batayl held þo kniȝtes bold
Þat alle þat euer gan hem bihold
9170 Þai seyden hem among
Þe pilgrim was non erþely man;
It was an angel from heuen cam
For Tirri batayle to fong.
For mani gode erl & mani baroun
9175 Berard haþ ybrouȝt adoun
Wiþ wel michel wrong.
Þerfore haþ God sent, ywis,
An angel out of heuen-blis
To sle þat traitour strong.
9180 ¶ Al þe folk in þat cite was,
Litel & michel more & las,
To se þe batayl þai ȝede.
Bot Tirri in a chirche liis
& euer he bisouȝt God, ywis,
9185 He schuld him help & spede.
When he herd telle [þat þe] pilgrim
Fauȝt oȝain þe douke Berardin
To help him at his nede
Wel fain he wald þider gon
9190 Bot for knoweing of his fon {f.159vb}
Wel sore he gan him drede.
¶ Ac naþeles he ros vp þo
Wiþ michel care & michel wo
& þider he went wel swiþe.
9195 When he com to þe plas
Þer þe bataile loked was
Amonges hem he gan liþe
& when he seyȝe þe douk so strong
& his armes tohewe among
9200 In his hert he was ful bliþe.
& þo he seyȝe his blod spille
God he þonked wiþ gode wille
..... ..... ..... ..... .....
¶ 'Lord, merci' Tirri gan say
9205 'Þis is nouȝt þe pilgrim y met ȝisterday
Þat is so richeliche diȝt.
He was a feble pouer body
Sely, messays & hungri,
& he is of michel miȝt.
9210 Y trow non erþelich man it be,
On Gij y þenke when ichim se
So douhti he was in fiȝt.
ȝif Gij mi felawe now ded nere
Ich wald sigge þat he it were
9215 So liche þai ben of siȝt.'
¶ Into chirche oȝain he ȝede
& fel on knes in þat stede
& Ihesus Crist he bisouȝt
He schuld help þe pilgrim
9220 Þat fauȝt oȝain douk Berardin
Þat miche wo haþ him wrouȝt.
Hard togider gun þai fiȝt
Fro þe morwe to þe niȝt
Þat þai rest hem nouȝt.
9225 & when hem failed liȝt of day
Þai couþe no rede what þai do may,
To þemperour þai hem brouȝt.
¶ 'Sir emperour' þai seyd anon
'What schul we wiþ þis kniȝtes don?
9230 At þi wille schal it be.'
Þemperour clept to him þo
Four barouns þat his trust was to.
'Lordinges' þan seyd he
'Kepe me wele þe douk Berard
9235 & bring him tomorwe bi a forward {f.160ra}
Open al ȝour fe;
& y schal kepe þe pilgrim toniȝt
Til tomorwe þat it is day liȝt
He schal bileue wiþ me.'
9240 Þan departed þis batayle,
Þo four barouns wiþouten fayl
Vnderstode Berard to kepe
& þemperour toke þe pilgrim
In a chaumber to loken him
9245 Wiþ seriaunce wise & ȝepe.
Þe douke Berard forȝat him nouȝt,
Of a foule tresoun he him biþouȝt:
Four kniȝtes he gan clepe
'F[or] mi loue' he seyd 'goþ toniȝt
9250 Þ[er] þe pilgrim liþ ful riȝt
& sleþ him in his slepe.'
¶ Þai armed hem swiþe wel
Boþe in iren & in stiel
& went hem forþ in hast,
9255 Into þe chaumber þai went anon.
Þe pilgrims kepers euerichon
Lay & slepe ful fast.
To þe pilgrim þai went ful riȝt
& left vp þe bedde wiþ her miȝt
9260 Þo four traitours vnwrast.
To þe se þai beren him
& boþe bed & þe pilgrim
Into þe see þai cast.
¶ To sir Berard þai went anon
9265 & teld him hou þai hadden don,
Þerof he was ful fawe.
'Sir' þai seyd 'be nouȝt adred.
Boþe þe pilgrim & þe bed
Into þe se we han yþrawe.'
9270 Þe pilgrim waked & loked an heyȝe,
Þe sterres on þe heuen he seiȝe,
Þe water about him drawe.
Þei he was ferd no wonder it nis;
Non oþer þing he no seyȝe, ywis,
9275 Bot winde & wateres wawe.
¶ 'Lord' seyd Gij 'God almiȝt
Þat winde & water & al þing diȝt
On me haue now pite.
Whi is me fallen þus strong cumbring? {f.160rb}

9280 & y no fiȝt forto win no þing
Noiþer gold no fe,
For no cite no no castel
Bot for mi felawe y loued so wel
Þat was of gret bounte,
9285 For he was sumtyim so douhti
& now he is so pouer a bodi?
Certes it reweþ me.'
Now herkeneþ a litel striif
Hou he saued þe pilgrims liif,
9290 Ihesu þat sitt in trone,
Wiþ a fischer þat was comand
In þe se fische takeand
Bi himself alon.
He seþ þat bed floter him by
9295 'On Godes half' he gan to cri
'What artow say me son?'
Þe pilgrim his heued vppliȝt
& crid to him anonriȝt
& made wel reweli mon.
9300 ¶ 'Gode man' þan seyd he
'Y leue on God in trinite
Þe soþe þou schalt now sen.
Vnderstode þou ouȝt of þe batayl hard
Bitven þe pilgrim & sir Berard
9305 Hou þai fouȝten bitven?'
Þe fischer seyd 'y seiȝe þe fiȝt
Fro þe morwe to þe niȝt,
For no þing wald þai flen.
Þemperour com and þo
9310 Þai schuld he kept boþe tvo
Tomorwe bring hem oȝen.'
¶ 'Icham' he seyd 'þe pilgrim
Þat fauȝt wiþ þe douke Berardin
For Tirri þe hendi kniȝt.
9315 ȝistreuen we wer deled ato,
In a chaumber y was do
Wiþ seriaunce wise & wiȝt.
Hou ich com her no wot y nouȝt;
For his loue þat þis warld haþ wrouȝt
9320 Saue me ȝif þou miȝt.'
Þe fischer tok him into his bot anon
& to his hous he ladde him hom
& saued his liif þat niȝt. {f.160va} 
¶ Þemperour ros amorwe, ywis,
9325 & at þe chirche he herd his messe
at: originally atte,
te marked for deletion. |
In þe first tide of þe day
& into his halle he gan gon
& after þe steward he axed anon
& þe pilgrim wiþouten delay.
9330 Þe four barouns forȝat hem nouȝt,
Þe douke Berard þai han forþ brouȝt
Redy armed to play.
& þe pilgrims kepers com euerichon
& seyd to þemperour, bi seyn Jon,
9335 Þe pilgrim was oway.
¶ Þemperour was wel wroþ,
Bi his fader soule he swore his oþ
Þai schuld ben hang & drawe.
For Godes loue he seyd 'merci,
9340 Þis douke Berard of Paui
Haþ him brouȝt o dawe.'
Þemperour seyd 'bi seyn Martin,
Hastow don þis, fals Berardin,
To don þe pilgrim slawe?
9345 ȝeld him deþes or liues to me
Or in mi court demp[t] þou schalt be
Þurth iugement of lawe.'
¶ Þe douke Berard wex wroþ & wo,
Þemperour he answerd þo
9350 Wiþ wel michel hete
'Ichaue serued þe long, sir emperour,
& kept þi londes wiþ michel anour
& now þou ginnest me þrete.
Þerof ȝiue y nouȝt a chirston.
9355 Hom to Lombardy ichil gon
Wiþ alle þe ost y may gete.
Y schal com into Almayn for al þi tene
Of al þi lond siker mot þou ben
O fot y no schal þe lete.'
9360 ¶ When þemperour herd þat
& of his þretening vnderȝat
He bad wiþ wordes bold
Out of his court he schuld gon
& he answerd sone anon
9365 Þat sikerliche he nold.
Þer com þe fischer priueliche
& puked þemperour softliche, {f.160vb} 
His tale to him he told.
'Sir emperour' he seyd 'listen to me.
9370 Of þe pilgrim ichil telle þe
ȝif þou me herken wold.'
¶ 'Fischer' seyd þemperour fre
'Of þe pilgrim telle þou me
ȝif þou þe soþe can sayn.'
9375 'For soþe' he seyd 'y can ful wel
Y schal þe leyȝen neuer a del;
Þerof icham ful fain.
ȝistreuen wiþouten lesing
Y went to þe se of fischeing
9380 Mine nettes forto layn.
A bedde y fond þer floterand
& þeron a kniȝt liggeand,
A man of michel mayn.
¶ & ich him axed what he were.
9385 He told me þe soþe þere
Wiþ wordes fre & hende.
"Icham" he seyd "þe pilgrim
Þat fauȝt wiþ þe douke Berardin
ȝisterday to þe nende."
9390 Y tok him into mi bot anon
& to min hous y lad him hom
& kept him as mi frende.
ȝif þou leuest nouȝt he is þare
Do sum seriaunt þider fare
9395 & þer ȝe may him fende.'
¶ Þemperour sent after him þo
Wiþ þe fischer & oþer mo
& brouȝt him saunfayle.
Þai were don togider bliue
9400 Wiþ hard strokes for to driue
Þai gun hem to asayle.
Wel hard togider gun þai fiȝt,
Wiþ her brondes þat wer briȝt
Þai hewe hauberk of mayle.
9405 Þus togider gun þai play
Til it was þe heyȝe midday
Wiþ wel strong batayle.
Þe douk Berard was egre of mode,
He smot to Gij as he wer wode
9410 His liif he wende to winne.
catchword: he hit him on þe helm |
He hit [him] on þe helm on hiȝt {f.161ra}

Þat alle þe floures feir & briȝt
He dede hem fleyȝe atvinne.
Þe nasel he carf atvo
9415 & þe venteyle he dede also
Riȝt to his bare chinne.
..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... .....
9420 ¶ Sir Gij was wroþ anon fot-hot
& Berard on þe helme he smot;
To stond hadde he no space
For boþe helmes he carf atvo
& his heued he dede also
9425 In midward of þe face.
Þurth al his bodi þe swerd bot
Into þe erþe wele half a fot,
Þat seiȝe men in þe place.
Þ[e s]oule went fro þe bodi þere,
9430 Þ[e fol]k of þe cite wel glad were,
Þ[ai] þonked our lordes grace.
¶ Bifor þemperour þan com sir Gij
'Ichaue wroken þerl Tirri -
Þe soþe þou miȝt now sen -
9435 & defended him of þat felonie
Oȝain þe douke Berard of Paui
Þat was so stout & ken.
Þerfore þe soþe ich ax þe
ȝif Tirri schal quite-cleymed be
9440 & haue his lond oȝen;
& whoso þeroȝain wiþstond
He schal haue schame of min hond
Wel siker may he ben.'
¶ Þemperour seyd 'sikerly
9445 Þou hast wroken þerl Tirri;
Gret honour þou hast him don.
Þerfore when he is come
His londes þan al & some
He schal haue euerichon.'
9450 Þan was Gij glad & bliþe
& kest of his armes also swiþe,
After him he þouȝt to gon.
Þemperour wald cloþe him in gold
Ac sikerliche he seyd he nold,
9455 His sclauain he axed anon.
¶ To toun he went in his way
To finde Tirri ȝif he may
In sorwe & care ful bounde. {f.161rb} 
Into a chirche he him dede
9460 & fond him in a priue stede
Liand on knes to grounde.
'Arise vp, Tirri' he seyd þo,
'To court þou schalt wiþ me go
Now ichaue þe founde.'
9465 Tirri anon his heued vpbreyd
& seyd 'pilgrim hastow me treyd
Allas, þat ich stounde!
¶ Allas, allas!' þan seyd he
'To what man may men trust be
9470 To chese to his make?
Þou þat semed so stedefast
To þemperour me wrai[e]d hast,
To sle me þou hast take.
In iuel time was it to me
9475 Þat y mi name told to þe;
Allas þat ich sake.'
For sorwe þat he hadde þo
O word no miȝt he speke mo
Bot stode & gan to quake.
9480 ¶ 'Tirri' seyd Gij 'drede þe no þing,
Þou schalt today here gode tiding
Þurth grace of Godes sond.
Þe schrewed douke Berard he is ded,
Vnder þe cite he is yleyde,
9485 Y slouȝ him wiþ min hond.'
Þo was Tirri glad & bliþe,
To court he went also swiþe
For no þing wald he wond.
'Sir emperour' seyd Gij anon
9490 'Now is Tirri comen hom
To resceiue his lond.'
¶ Þemperour on him gan bihold
& seyd to him wiþ wordes bold
'Artow þerl Tirri?
9495 Where is now þi bold chere
Þat whilom so douhti were
& holden so hardi?'
'ȝa, sir' he seyd 'icham he.
Whilom y was of gret bounde
9500 & helden ful douhti
& now ich haue al forlorn
Wiþ miche sorwe on euen & morn {f.161va} 
To seke mi felawe sir Gij.
¶ Ich haue him souȝt in mani lond
9505 Ac neuer man ȝete ich fond
Can telle of him no sawe.
He is dede ich wot ful wel,
God almiȝti & seyn Miȝhel
To blis his soule drawe.
9510 Ac now is it told me þis pilgrim
As slayn þe douke Berardin;
Þerof icham ful fawe.
Sir emperour, y bid merci,
For Godes loue & our leuedi,
9515 Þo[u] do me londes lawe.'
¶ Þritti erls wel curteys
& alle þe lordinges of þe paylais
& mani baroun afine
Crid merci to þemperour bold.
9520 Þemperour gan him bihold
& seyd 'Tirri, frende min,
Here y sese þe in al þi lond
Wiþ worþschip to held in þine hond
Bi God & seyn Martine.
9525 Bifor mi barouns y graunt þe
Steward of mi lond þou schalt be
As was þe douke Berardine.'
¶ Þemperour kist him ful swete,
Forȝaf him his wreþe & his hete
9530 Bifor hem al þ[e]re.
When þemperour & þerl were at on
Þe lordinges euerichon
Wele bliþe of hertes were.
'Sir Tirri' seyd þemperour fre
9535 'For þi fader soule tel þou me
Astow art me leue & dere,
Whennes is þis pilgrim?
Is he þi nem or þi cosyin
Þat fauȝt for þe here?'
9540 ¶ 'Sir emperour' seyd sir Tirri
'So God me help & our leuedi
For soþe wiþouten fayle
Y no seiȝe neuer ere þis pilgrim
Bot þis oþer day y met wiþ him
9545 & told him mi conseyl.' {f.161vb}
He swore astite bi seyn Jon
To þi court he wald gon
Þe douk Berard to asayle.
Ich wend wel litel þan y pliȝt
9550 He hadde ben of michel miȝt
To hold wiþ him batayle.'
¶ Þemperour dede as a gode man
& Tirri into his chaumber he nam
& richeliche gan him schrede.
9555 He fond him wepen & armour briȝt
& al þat schuld falle to kniȝt
& feffed him wiþ prede
& fond him hors & stedes gode
Of al his lond þe best stode
9560 Hom wiþ him to lede.
Þemperour wald þe pilgrim athold
Ac sikerliche he seyd he nold,
Wiþ Tirri hom he ȝede.
¶ When Tirri was comen hom
9565 Þe pilgrim he wald anon
Sesen in al his lond
& he forsoke it al outriȝt
For riches loued he no wiȝt
For to hold in hond.
9570 Þerl as swiþe his sond he sent
Ouer al his lond verrament
Til þat his wiif he fond.
Þo was sche founden in an ile
In a nunri þat while
9575 For doute of Berardes bond.
¶ Þo was Tirri a noble man
In al þat lond better nas nan
As y ȝou tel may.
Destrud were al his enemis,
9580 He liueþ in michel ioie & blis
Also a prince in play.
Anon sir Gij him biþouȝt
Þat lenger wald he duelle nouȝt;
To sir Tirri on a day
9585 He seyd to him in þat tide
'Here nil y no lenger abide,
Ich mot wende in mi way.'
¶ 'O þing' he seyd 'y pray þe, {f.162ra}

Out of þe cite go wiþ me
9590 Astow art hendi kniȝt.
Alon we shul go boþe yfere
& swich tidinges þou schalt here
Þou schalt haue wonder, apliȝt.'
Þerl him graunt wiþ hert fre
9595 & went wiþ him out of þat cite
In his way ful riȝt.
& when þai wer þennes half a mile
Þer þai duelled a litel while
Þo gomes of michel miȝt.
9600 ¶ 'Tirri' seyd Gij 'vnderstond þou þe,
Þou art vnkinde so þenkeþ me
For Gij þi gode fere;
Whi wiltow him knowe nouȝt?
Ywis, þou art iuel biþouȝt,
9605 No was he þe leue & dere?
Þenke he slouȝ þe douk Otoun
& brouȝt þe out of his prisoun
& made þe quite & skere
& hou he fond þe ded almast
9610 As he rode þurth a forest
Wiþ a rewely chere.
¶ & hou he socourd þi leman schene
& al þe fiften outlawes ken
He slouȝ hem al on rawe
9615 & slouȝ þe four kniȝtes radde
& þi bodi to toun ladde
To leche þi woundes ful fawe;
& he socourd þi fader in wer
& halp þe boþe nere & fer
9620 Þo þou was fallen ful lawe.
& now y slouȝ Berard þe strong.
Icham Gij, þou hast wrong.
Why niltow me nouȝt knawe?'
¶ When þerl herd him speke so
9625 Wepen he gan wiþ eyȝen to
& fel aswon to grounde.
'For Godes loue' he seyd 'merci.
Iuel at ese now am y
In sorwe & care ful bounde.
9630 Ful wele miȝt y knowe þe ar now,
In al þis warld nas man bot þou {f.162rb}

Oȝain Berard durst founde.
Merci, sir, par charite;
Þat ich haue misknowen þe
9635 Allas, allas, þat stounde!'
¶ 'Merci' he crid on his kne,
Boþe for sorwe & for pite
Wepen he bigan.
He seyȝe his legges brosten ich del
9640 Þat whilom wer yhosed ful wel,
More sorwe made neuer man.
Sir Gij went to him þo -
In his hert him was wo -
& in his armes vp him nam.
9645 Atvix hem was gret diol in þat stounde,
Boþe þai fel aswon to grounde
For sorwe þai wex al wan.
¶ 'Tirri' seyd sir Gij þo
'Þou schalt bileue & y schal go;
9650 Y biteche þe heuen-king.
Bot ich haue a sone, ywis -
Y not wheþer he kniȝt is
For he is bot a ȝongling -
ȝif he haue ani nede to þe
9655 Help him for þe loue of me
Y pray þe in al þing.
Ich hope he schal be a gode kniȝt,
Y pray Ihesu ful of miȝt
He graunt him his blisceing.'
9660 ¶ 'Merci, sir' þan seyd he
'For Godes loue leue her stil wiþ me
Y pray þe par amour;
Mi treuþe y pliȝt in þine hond
Y schal þe sese in al mi lond
9665 Boþe in toun & tour.
Þi man y wil be & serue þe ay
Þer while mi liif lest may
To hold vp þin honour.
& ȝif þou no wilt, ichil wiþ þe go;
9670 Ywis, ichaue wele leuer so
Þan bileue wiþ þemperour.'
'Do oway, sir Tirri, þerof speke nouȝt,
Al idel speche it is þi þouȝt.
Wende oȝain hom now riȝt {f.162va} 
9675 & be nouȝt to prout y þe rede
To serue þi lord at al his nede
Þou proue wiþ þi miȝt.
Desirite no man of his lond;
ȝif þou dost þou gos to schond
9680 Ful siker be þou, apliȝt.
For ȝiue þou reue a man his fe
Godes face schaltow neuer se
No com in heuen-liȝt.
¶ Biþenke þe wele of douke Berard
9685 Hou prout he was for he was steward
& flemed þe out of lond
& he now desirite is,
Wiþ michel sorwe slayn, ywis,
& schamelich driuen to schond.
9690 Y schal gon & þou bileue schalt,
Y biteche þe God þat al þing walt
& maked wiþ his hond.
Þai kisten hem togider þo;
Oliue þai seyȝen hem neuer eft mo
9695 As þe gest doþ ous vnderstond.
¶ Gret sorwe þai made at her parting
& kist hem wiþ eiȝe wepeing;
Þai wenten hem boþe atvo.
Als swiþe þerl Tirri went him hom
9700 Þre days he no ete mete non
In hert him was ful wo.
& when þe countas sikerly
Herd seyn it was sir Gij
Þat þan was went hem fro
9705 Sche vpbreyd hir lord day & niȝt
Þat he no had holden him wiþ strengþe & miȝt
& laten him nouȝt þennes gon.
Now went Gij forþ in his way
Toward þe see so swiþe he may,
9710 For Tirri he siked sare.
Into schip he went biliue,
Ouer þe se he gan driue,
Into Jnglond he gan fare.
Þe lond folk he axed anon
9715 After king Aþelston
In what cuntre he ware.
'At Winchester verrament
& after his barouns he haþ sent, {f.162vb}

Boþe lasse & mare.
9720 ¶ Erls, barouns & bischopes
Kniȝtes, priours & abbotes
At Winchester þai ben ichon
& han puruayd wiþouten lesing
Þre days to ben in fasting
9725 To biseke God in tron
He sende hem þurth his swet sond
A man þat were douhti of hond
Oȝain Colbrond to gon.
Þer is þe king & þe barnage, ywis,
9730 For doute of her enemis
Þat wayt hem for to slon.
¶ For sir Anlaf þe king of Danmark
Wiþ a nost store & stark
Into Jnglond is come
9735 Wiþ fiften þousend kniȝtes of pris,
Alle þis lond þai stroyen, ywis,
& mani a toun han nome.
toun. MS: altered from doun |
A geaunt he haþ brout wiþ him
Out of Aufrike stout & grim,
9740 Colbrond hat þat gome.
For him is al Jnglond forlore
Bot Godes help be bifore
Þat socour sende hem some.
¶ To þe king he haþ sent his sond
9745 For to ȝeld him al Jnglond
Jnglond: MS reads Jnglong. |
& ȝif him trowage outriȝt
ȝif he no wil nouȝt finde a baroun,
A geaunt oþer a champioun,
Oȝain Colbrond to fiȝt.
9750 & þerof þai han taken a day
Ac our king non finde may
Erl, baroun no kniȝt,
No squier, no seriaunt non
Oȝain þe geaunt dar gon
9755 So grim he is of siȝt.'
¶ Þan seyd sir Gij 'whare i[s] Herhaud?
Þat in his time was so bald?'
& þai answerd ful swiþe
'To seche Gyes sone he is fare
9760 Þat marchaunce hadde stollen þare,
For him he was vnbliþe.'
'& where is þerl Rohaut of pris?' {f.163ra}

& þai answerd 'dede he is -
A gode while is go siþe -
9765 & Feliis his douhter is his air,
So gode a leuedi no so fair,
Ywis, nis non oliue.'
¶ Gij went to Winchester a ful gode pas
Þer þe king þat time was
9770 To held his parlement.
Þe barouns weren in þe halle,
Þe king seyd 'lordinges alle,
Mine men ȝe ben verrament,
Þerfore ich ax wiþouten fayl
9775 Of þis Danis folk wil ous aseyl
Ich biseche ȝou wiþ gode entent,
For Godes loue y pray ȝou
Gode conseyl ȝiue me now
Or elles we ben al schent.
9780 ¶ For þe king of Danmark wiþ wrong
Wiþ his geaunt þat is so strong
He wil ous al schende.
Þerfore ich axi ȝou ichon
What rede is best for to don
9785 Oȝaines hem for to wende?
ȝif he ouercom ous in batayle
He wil slen ous alle saunfeyle
& strouen al our kende.
Þan schal Jnglond euermo
9790 Liue in þraldom & (&) in wo
Vnto þe warldes ende.
¶ Þerfore ich axi ȝou now riȝt
ȝif ȝe knowe our ani kniȝt
Þat is so stout & bold
9795 Þat þe batayle dar take an hond
To fiȝt oȝain Colbrond.
Half mi lond haue he schold
Wiþ alle þe borwes þat liþ þerto,
To him & to his aires euermo
9800 To haue ȝiue he wold.'
[S]til seten erls & barouns
As men hadde schauen her crounes;
Nouȝt on answere nold.
¶ 'Allas' seyd þe king 'þat y was born.
9805 Al mi ioie it is forlorn,
Wel wo is me oliue. {f.163rb} 
Now in al mi lond nis no kniȝt
Oȝains a geant to hold fiȝt
Mine hert wil breken on fiue.
9810 Allas of Warwike sir Gij
Y no hadde ȝeuen þe half mi lond frely
To hold wiþouten striue;
Wele were me þan bifalle.
Ac certes now þe Danis men alle
9815 To sorwe þai schul me driue.'
¶ When it was niȝt to bedde þai ȝede;
Þe king for sorwe & for drede
Wiþ teres wett his lere.
Of al þat niȝt he slepe riȝt nouȝt
9820 Bot euer Ihesu he bisouȝt
Þat was him leue & dere
He schuld him sende þurth his sond
A man to fiȝt wiþ Colbrond
ȝif it is wille were.
9825 & Ihesus Crist ful of miȝt
He sent him a noble kniȝt
As ȝe may forward here.
Þer com an angel fram heuen-liȝt
& seyd to þe king ful riȝt
9830 Þurth grace of Godes sond.
He seyd 'king Aþelston, slepestow?
Hider me sent þe king Ihesu
To comfort þe to fond.
Tomorwe go to þe norþ ȝate ful swiþe,
9835 A pilgrim þou schalt se com biliue
When þou hast a while stond.
Bid him for seynt Charite
Þat he take þe batayl for þe
& he it wil nim on hond.'
9840 ¶ Þan was þe king glad & bliþe,
Amorwe he ros vp ful swiþe
& went to þe gate ful riȝt.
Tvay erls went wiþ him þo
& tvay bischopes dede also.
9845 Þe weder was fair & briȝt.
Opon þe day about prime
Þe king seiȝe cum þe pilgrim
Bi þe sclauayn he him pliȝt.
'Pilgrim' he seyd 'y pray þe
9850 To court wende þou hom wiþ me {f.163va}
& ostel þer al niȝt.'
¶ 'Be stille, sir' seyd þe pilgrim
'It is nouȝt ȝete time to take min in
Also God me rede.'
9855 Þe king him bisouȝt þo
& þe lordinges dede also,
To court wiþ hem he ȝede.
'Pilgrim' quaþ þe king 'par charite,
ȝif it be þi wil vnderstond to me,
9860 Y schal schewe þe al our nede:
Þe king of Danmark wiþ gret wrong
Þurth a geaunt þat is so strong
Wil strou al our þede.
¶ & whe han taken of him batayle
9865 On what maner saunfayle
Y schal now tellen þe.
Þurth þe bodi of a kniȝt
Oȝains þat geaunt to hold fiȝt
Schal þis lond aquite be.
9870 & pilgrim for him þat dyed on rode
& þat for ous schadde his blod
To bigge ous alle fre,
Take þe batayle now on hond
& saue ous þe riȝt of Jnglond
9875 For seynt Charite.'
¶ 'Do way, leue sir' seyd Gij
'Icham an old man, a feble bodi;
Mi strengþe is fro me fare.'
Þe king fel on knes to grounde
9880 & crid him merci in þat stounde
ȝif it his wille ware,
& þe barouns dede also,
O knes þai fellen alle þo
Wiþ sorwe & sikeing sare.
9885 Sir Gij biheld þe lordinges alle
& whiche sorwe hem was bifalle,
Sir Gij hadde of hem care.
¶ Sir Gij tok vp þe king anon
& bad þe lordinges euerichon
9890 Þai schuld vp stond,
& seyd 'for God in trinite
MS: god erased between God and in |
& for to make Jnglond fre
Þe batayle y nim on hond.'
Þan was þe king ful glad & bliþe {f.163vb}

9895 & þonked Gij a þousend siþe
& Ihesu Cristes sond.
¶ To þe king of Danmark he sent þan
& seyd he hadde founden a man
To fiȝt for Jnglond.
9900 ¶ Þe Danismen busked hem ȝare
Into batayle for to fare,
To fiȝt þai war wel fawe.
& Gij was armed swiþe wel
In a gode hauberk of stiel
9905 Wrouȝt of þe best lawe.
An helme he hadde of michel miȝt
Wiþ a ce[r]cle of gold þat schon briȝt
Wiþ precious stones on rawe.
In þe frunt stode a charbukel ston
9910 As briȝt as ani sonne it schon
Þat glemes vnder schawe.
¶ On þat helme stode a flour
Wrouȝt it was of diuers colour,
Mirie it was to b[i]hold.
9915 Trust & trewe was his ventayle
Gloues & gambisoun & hosen of mayle
As gode kniȝt haue scholde;
Girt he was wiþ a gode brond
Wele kerueand biforn his hond;
9920 A targe listed wiþ gold
Portreyd wiþ þre kinges corn
Þat present God when he was born,
Mirier was non on mold.
¶ & a swift ernand stede
9925 Al wrin þai dede him lede,
His tire it was ful gay.
Sir Gij opon þat stede wond
Wiþ a gode glaiue in hond
& priked him forþ his way.
9930 & when he com to þe plas
Þer þe batayl loked was
Gij liȝt wiþouten delay
& fel on knes doun in þat stede
& to God he bad his bede
9935 He schuld ben his help þat day.
¶ 'Lord' seyd Gij 'þat rered Lazeroun
& for man þoled passioun
& on þe rode gan blede, {f.164ra} 
Þat saued Sussan fram þe feloun
9940 & halp Daniel fram þe lyoun,
Today wisse me & rede.
Astow art miȝti heuen-king
Today graunt me þi blisseing
& help me at þis nede;
9945 & leuedi Mari ful of miȝt
Today saue Jnglondes riȝt
& leue me wele to spede.
When þe folk was samned bi boþe side
Þe to kinges wiþ michel pride
9950 After þe relikes þai sende,
Þe corporas & þe messe gere.
On þe halidom þai gun swere
Wiþ wordes fre & hende.
Þe king of Danmarke swore furst, ywis,
9955 ȝif þat his geant slayn is
To Danmarke he schal wende
& neuer more Jnglond cum wiþinne
No non after him of his kinne
Vnto þe warldes ende.
9960 ¶ Seþþen swore þe king Aþelston
& seyd among hem euerichon
Bi God þat al may weld,
ȝif his man þer slayn be
Or ouercomen þat men may se
9965 Recreaunt in þe feld,
His man he wil bicom an hond
& alle þe reme of Jnglond
Of him for to helde
& hold him for lord & king
9970 Wiþ gold & siluer & oþer þing
Gret trowage him for to ȝelde.
¶ When þai had sworn & ostage founde
Colbrond stirt vp in þat stounde,
To fiȝt he was ful felle.
9975 He was so michel & so vnrede
Þat non hors miȝt him lede
In gest as y ȝou telle.
So mani he hadde of armes gere
Vnneþe a cart miȝt hem bere
9980 Þe Jnglisse for to quelle.
Swiche armour as he hadde opon,
Ywis, no herd ȝe neuer non {f.164rb} 
Bot as it ware a fende of helle.
¶ Of mailes was nouȝt his hauberk,
9985 It was al of anoþer werk
Þat meruail is to here.
Alle it were þicke splentes of stiel,
Þicke y-ioined strong & wel,
To kepe þat fendes fere.
9990 Hossen he hadde also wele ywrouȝt
Oþer þan sp[l]entes was it nouȝt
Fram his fot to his swere.
He was so michel & so strong
& þerto wonderliche long
9995 In þe world was non his pere.
¶ An helme he hadde on his heued sett
& þervnder a þicke bacinet;
Vnsemly was his wede.
A targe he had wrouȝt ful wel -
10000 Oþer metel was þer non on bot stiel -
A michel & vnrede.
Al his armour was blac as piche
Wel foule he was & loþliche,
A grisely gom to fede.
10005 Þe heiȝe king þat sitteþ on heiȝe
Þat welt þis warld fer & neiȝe
Made him wel iuel to spede.
¶ A dart he bar in his hond kerueand
& his wepen about him stondand
10010 Boþe bihinde & biforn
Ax[e]s & gisarmes scharp ygrounde
& glaiues for to ȝiue wiþ wounde
To hundred & mo þer worn.
Þe Jnglis biheld him fast.
10015 King Aþelston was sore agast
Inglond he schuld haue lorn
For when Gij seiȝe þat wicked hert
He nas neuer so sore aferd
aferd. MS: d altered from t |
Seþþen þat he was born.
10020 Sir Gij lepe on his stede fot-hot
& wiþ a spere þat wele bot
To him he gan to ride.
& he schet to Gij dartes þre,
Of þe tvay þan failed he,
10025 Þe þridde he lete to him glide,
Þurth Gyes scheld it glod {f.164va} 
& þurth his armour wiþouten abod
Bitvene his arme & side
& quitelich into þe feld it ȝede
10030 Þe mountaunce of an acre brede
Er þat it wald abide.
¶ Sir Gij to him gan to driue
Þat his spere brast afiue
On his scheld þat was so bounde;
10035 & Colbrond wiþ michel hete
On Gyes helme he wald haue smite,
& failed of him þat stounde;
Bitvix þe sadel & þe arsoun
Þe strok of þat feloun glod adoun
10040 Wiþouten wem or wounde.
Þat sadel & hors atvo he smot,
Into þe erþe wele half a fot
& Gij fel doun to grounde.
¶ Sir Gij astite vp stirt
10045 As man þat was agremed in hert,
His stede he hadde forlore.
On his helme he wald hit him þo
Ac he no miȝt nouȝt reche þerto
Bi to fot & ȝete more,
10050 Bot on his schulder þe swerd fel doun
& carf boþe plates & hauberioun
Wiþ his grimli gore.
Þurth al his armour stern & strong
He made him a wounde a spanne long
10055 Þat greued him ful sore.
¶ Colbrond was sore aschame
& smot Gij wiþ michel grame.
On his helm he hit him þo
Þat his floures euerichon
10060 & his gode charbukel ston
Wel euen he carf atvo.
Euen ato he smot his scheld
Þat it fleyȝe into þe feld.
When Gij seyȝe it was so
10065 Þat he hadde his scheld forlorn,
Half bihinde & half biforn,
In hert him was wel wo.
¶ & Gij hent his swerd an hond
& heteliche smot to Colbrond.
10070 As a child he stode him vnder. {f.164vb}
Open þe scheld he ȝaue him swiche a dent
Bifor þe stroke þe fiir out went
As it were liȝt of þonder.
Þe bondes of stiel he carf ichon
10075 & into þe scheld a fot & half on
Wiþ his swerd he smot asunder,
& wiþ þe out-braiding his swerd brast.
Þei Gij were þan sore agast
It was litel wonder.
10080 ¶ Þo was Gij sore desmayd
& in his hert wel iuel ypayd
For þe chaunce him was bifalle,
& for he hadde lorn his gode brond
& his stede opon þe sond
10085 To our leuedi he gan calle.
Þan gun þe Danis ost
Ich puken oþer & make bost
& seyd among hem alle
'Now schal þe Jnglis be slain in feld;
10090 Gret trouage Jnglond schal ous ȝeld
& euermore ben our þral.'
¶ 'Now, sir kniȝt' seyd Colbrond
'Þou hast lorn þi swerd in þine hond,
Þi scheld & eke þi stede.
10095 Do now wele, ȝeld þe to me
& smertlich vnarme þe;
Cri merci y þe rede.
& for þou art so douhti kniȝt
Þou durst oȝain me held fiȝt
10100 To mi lord y schal þe lede
& wiþ him þou schalt acorded be,
In his court he wil hold þe
& finde þat þe is nede.'
¶ 'Do way,' seyd Gij 'þerof speke nouȝt.
10105 Bi him þat al þis world haþ wrouȝt
Ich hadde leuer þou were anhong.
Ac þou hast armes gret plente,
Ywis, þou most lene me
On of þine axes strong.'
10110 Colbrond swore bi Apolin
'Of al þe wepen þat is min
Her schaltow non afong.
Now þou wilt nouȝt do bi mi rede
Þou schalt dye on iuel dede {f.165ra} 
10115 Er þat it be ouȝt long.'
¶ When Gij herd him speke so
Al sone he gan him turn þo
& to his wepen he geþ
Þer his axes stode bi hemselue;
10120 He kept on wiþ a wel gode helue
Þe best him þouȝt he seþ,
To Colbron[d] oȝain he ran
& seyd 'traitour,' to him þan
'Þou schalt han iuel deþ.
10125 Now ich haue of þi wepen plente
Wherewiþ þat y may were me
Riȝt maugre al þin teþ.'
¶ Colbrond þan wiþ michel hete
On Gyes helme he wald haue smite
10130 Wiþ wel gret hert tene
Ac he failed of his dint
& þe swerd into þe erþe went
A fot & more y wene.
& wiþ Colbrondes out-drauȝt
10135 Sir Gij wiþ ax a strok him rauȝt
A wounde þat was wele sene.
wounde. MS: o altered from a |
So smertliche he smot to Colbrond
Þat his riȝt arme wiþ alle þe hond
He strok of quite & clene.
10140 ¶ When Colbrond feld him so smite
He was wel wroþ ȝe may wel wite,
He gan his swerd vp fond
& in his left hond op it haf
& Gij in þe nek a strok him ȝaf
10145 As he [gan] stoupe for þe brond
Þat his heued fro þe bodi he smot
& into þe erþe half a fot
Þurth grace of Godes sond.
Ded he feld þe glotoun þare.
10150 Þe Denis wiþ sorwe & care
Þai diȝt hem out of lond.
¶ Bliþe were þe Jnglis men ichon
Erls, barouns & king Aþelston,
Þai toke sir Gij þat tide
10155 & ladde him to Winchester toun
Wiþ wel fair processioun
Ouer al bi ich a side.
For ioie belles þai gun ring {f.165rb} 
Te deum laudamus þai gun sing
10160 & play & michel pride.
Sir Gij vnarmed him & was ful bliþe;
His sclauain he axed also swiþe,
No lenger he nold abide.
¶ 'Sir pilgrim' þan seyd þe king
10165 'Whennes þou art wiþouten lesing?
Þou art douhti of dede,
For þurth douhtines of þin hond
Þou hast saued al Jnglond -
God quite þe þi mede -
10170 & mi treuþe y schal pliȝt þe,
So wele y schal feffe þe
Boþe in lond & lede
Þat of riches in toun & tour
Þou schalt be man of mest honour
10175 Þat woneþ in al mi þede.'
¶ 'Sir king' seyd þe pilgrim
'Of alle þe lond þat is tin
Y no kepe þerof na mare
Bot now ichaue þe geant slain,
10180 þerof, ywis, icham ful fain,
Mi way ichil forþ fare.'
'Merci, sir' þe king seyd þan
'Tel me for him þat made man -
For noþing þou ne spare -
10185 Tel me what þi name it be,
Whennes þou art & of what cuntre
Or y schal dye for care.'
¶ 'Sir king' he seyd 'y schal tel it þe.
What mi riȝt name it be
10190 Þou schalt witen anon;
Ac þou schalt go wiþ me yfere
Þat noman of our conseyl here
Bot þou & y alon.'
Þe king him graunted & was bliþe,
10195 He comand his folk also swiþe
No wiȝt wiþ him to gon.
Out of þe toun þan went he
Wele half a mile fram þat cite
& þer made Gij his mon.
10200 ¶ 'Sir king' seyd Gij 'vnderstond to me.
O þing y schal now pray þe
Astow art curteys & hende: {f.165va} 
ȝif y (þi) mi name schal þe sayn
Þat to noman þou no schalt me wrayn
10205 To þis ȝere com to þende.
Gij of Warwike mi nam is riȝt,
Whilom y was þine owhen kniȝt
& held me for þi frende;
& now icham swiche astow may see.
10210 God of heuen biteche y þe,
Mi way y wil forþ wende.
¶ When þe king seiȝe sikerly
Þat it was þe gode Gij
Þat fro him wald his way
10215 On knes he fel adoun to grounde,
'Leue sir Gij' in þat stounde
'Merci' he gan to say.
'For Godes loue bileue wiþ me
& mi treuthe y schal pliȝt þe
10220 Þat y schal þis day
Sese & ȝiue into þine hond
In half þe reme of Jnglond;
For Godes loue say nouȝt nay.'
¶ 'Sir king' seyd Gij 'y nil nouȝt so.
10225 Haue þou þi lond for euermo
& God y þe biteche;
Ac ȝif Herhaud to þis lond com
& bring wiþ him Reynbroun mi sone
Help him y þe biseche.
10230 For þai er boþe hende & fre,
On Herhaud þou miȝt trust þe
To take of þine fon wreche.'
Þai kisten hem togider þo
Al wepeand þai wenten ato
10235 Wiþouten ani more speche.
¶ Þe king wel sore wepe for pite
& went him hom to his meyne
Wiþ a mournand chere.
His folk oȝaines him gan gon
10240 & asked þe king sone anon
What man þe pilgrim were.
Þai seyd 'he is a douhti kniȝt.
Wald Ihesu ful of miȝt
He wald leue wiþ ous here.'
10245 Þe king seyd 'al stille ȝe be.
What he is ȝour non schal wite for me, {f.165vb}

Iwis, of al þis ȝere.'
Sir Gij went in his way forþ riȝt,
Oft he þonked God almiȝt
10250 Þat þe geaunt was slawe.
To Warwike he went to þat cite
Þer he was lord of þat cuntre
To hold wiþ riȝt lawe.
He nas knowen þer of no man
10255 When he to þe castel ȝates cam,
Þerof he was ful fawe.
Among þe pouer men he him dede
Þer þai weren vp in a stede
& sett him on a rawe.
10260 ¶ & Feliis þe countas was þer þan.
In þis warld was non better wiman -
In gest as-so we rede -
For þritten pouer men & ȝete mo
For hir lordes loue sche loued so,
10265 Ich day sche gan fede
Wiþ þan God & our leuedi
Schuld saue hir lord sir Gij
& help him at his nede.
Sche no stint noiþer day no niȝt,
10270 For him sche bisouȝt God almiȝt
Wiþ bedes & almos dede.
¶ On a day þe leuedi went to mete
& bad men schuld biforn hir fete
Hir pouer men al biden.
10275 & men brouȝt hem euerichon
& Gij of Warwike was þat on
Of þo ich þritten.
In his hert he hadde gret care
Þat he schuld be knawen þare
10280 Of hem þat hadde him sen;
Ac þer was non so wise of siȝt
Þat him þer knowe miȝt
So misais he was & lene.
Þe leuedi biheld him inliche
10285 Hou mesays he was sikerliche.
Curteys sche was & hende,
Of euerich mete of euerich d[r]ing
Þat sche ete of herself wiþouten lesing
Sche was him ful mende;
10290 Of hire bere & of hir wine {f.166ra}
In hir gold coupe afine
Oft sche gan him sende
& bad him ich day com he schold,
Mete & drink sche finde him wold
10295 Vnto his liues ende.
¶ Sir [Gij] þonked þat leuedi oft
Bot alle anoþer was his þouȝt
Þan he wald to hir say.
When þe grace were yseyd
10300 & þe bordes adoun layd
Out of toun he went his way.
Into a forest wenden he gan
To an hermite he knewe er þan
To speke him ȝif he may.
10305 & when he þider comen was
Þe gode hermite þurth Godes grace
Was dede & loken in clay.
¶ Þan þouȝt sir Gij anon
Þat wald he neuer þennes gon
10310 Þerwhiles he war oliue.
Wiþ a prest he spac of þat cuntray
Þat dede him seruise ich day
& of his sinnes gan schriue.
Wiþ him he hadde þer a page
10315 Þat serued him in þat hermitage
Wiþouten chest & striue.
No lenger was he liues þere
Bot niȝen moneþes of a ȝere
As ȝe may listen & liþe.
10320 ¶ In slepe as Gij lay aniȝt
God sent an angel briȝt
Fram heuen to him þare.
'Gij' seyd þe angel 'slepestow?
Hider me sent þe king Ihesu
10325 To bid þe make þe ȝare,
For bi þe eiȝtenday at morwe
He schal deliuer þe out of þi sorwe
Out of þis warld to fare.
To heuen þou schalt com him to
10330 & liue wiþ ous euer mo
In ioie wiþouten care.'
¶ When Gij was waked of þat drem
Of an angel he seiȝe a glem.
'What artow?' þan seyd he. {f.166rb} 
10335 Þe angel answerd 'fram heuen y cam,
Miȝhel is mi riȝt nam.
God sent me to þe
To bid þe make þe redi way,
Bi þe eiȝtenday þou schalt day
10340 Wel siker mauȝtow be.
& y schal feche þi soule ful euen
& bere it to þe blis of heuen
Wiþ grete solempnete.'
¶ Þe angel goþ forþ & Gij bileft stille,
10345 His bedes he bad wiþ gode wille
To Ihesu heuen-king.
& when his term was nere gon
His knaue he cleped to him anon
& seyd wiþouten lesing
10350 'Sone' he seyd 'y pray now þe
Go to Warwike þat cite
Wiþouten more duelling;
& when þou comest þer y þe biseche
Gret wele þe countas wiþ þi speche
10355 & take hir þis gold ring.
¶ & say þe pilgrim hat hir biforn
Þat hir mete was to born
On þe pouer mannes rawe,
Gret hir wele in al þing
10360 & sende to hir þis gold ring
ȝif þat sche wil it knawe.
Als son as sche haþ þerof a siȝt
Sche wil it knawe anonriȝt
& be þerof ful fawe.
10365 Þan wil sche ax ware y be.
Leue sone for loue of me
Þe soþe to hir þou schawe.
¶ & say icham for Godes loue
In þe forest hermite bicome
10370 Mine sinnes for to bete;
& bid hir for þe loue of me
Þat sche com hider wiþ þe
For no þing sche no lete.
& when ȝe com ȝe finde me dede
10375 Do me neuer hennes lede
Bot graue me here in grete.
& after sche schal dye, ywis,
& com to me into heuen-blis {f.166va} 
Þer ioies her ful swete.'
10380 ¶ Þe knaue went forþ anon,
Into Warwike he gan gon
Bifor þat leuedi fre.
& when he hadde þat leuedi founde
On knes he fel adoun to grounde
10385 & seyd 'listen to me,
Þe pilgrim þat ete þe biforn
Þat þi mete was to born
An hermite now is he.
He greteþ þe wele in al þing
10390 & sent þe þis gold ring
In sum tokening to be.'
¶ Þe leuedi tok þat ring an hond
& loked þeron & gan wiþstond
Þe letters for to rede.
10395 'Ow, certes' quaþ þe leuedi
'Þis ring y ȝaf mi lord sir Gij
When he fro me ȝede.'
For sorwe sche fel aswon, ywis,
& when þat sche arisen is
10400 To þe knaue sche gan spede.
'Leue sone' sche seyd 'y pray þe
Wher is þat pilgrim telle þou me
& gold schal be þi mede.'
¶ 'Madame' seyd þe knaue ful skete,
10405 'In þe forest ichim lete,
Riȝt now y com him fro.
He is ner ded in þe hermitage,
On his halue y make þe message;
Ywis, he bad me so
10410 & bad þou schust to him come,
For þat ich trewe loue
Þat was bitvene ȝou tvo
Do him neuer lede oway
Bot biri him riȝt þer in clay,
10415 Oliue sestow him no mo.'
¶ Þe leuedi was glad of þat tiding
& þonked Ihesu heuen-king
& was in hert ful bliþe
Þat sche schuld sen hir lord sir Gij;
10420 Ac for o þing sche was sori
Þat he schuld dye so swiþe.
Þai made hem redi for to wende {f.166vb} 
Wiþ kniȝtes & wiþ leuedis hende.
On a mule þai sett hir siþe
10425 & wiþ al þe best of þat cite
To þermitage went sche
MS: s omitted before sche |
As ȝe may listen & liþe.
¶ To þermitage when þai come
Þer þai liȝt al & some
10430 & in sche went wel euen.
When þat sche seiȝe hir lord sir Gij
Sche wept & made doleful cri
Wiþ a ful reweful steuen.
Sir Gij loked on hir þare,
10435 His soule fram þe bodi gan fare.
A þousand angels & seuen
Vnderfenge þe soule of Gij
& bar it wiþ gret molodi
Into þe blis of heuen.
10440 ¶ Þan was þat leuedi ful of care
For hir lord was fram hir fare,
'Allas!' it was hir song.
Sche kist his mouþe his chin also
& wepe wiþ hir eiȝen to
10445 & hir hondes sche wrong.
Gret honour dede our lord for Gij:
A swete braþe com fram his bodi
Þat last þat day so long
Þat in þis world spices alle
10450 No miȝt cast a swetter smalle
As þen was hem among.
¶ Þe leu[e]dy astite dede send hir sond
After bischopes, abotes of þe lond,
Þe best þat miȝt be founde,
10455 & when þider was com þat fair ferred
To Warwike þai wald him lede
As lord of michel mounde.
Bot al þe folk þat þer was
No miȝt him stir of þat plas
10460 Þer he lay on þe grounde.
An hundred men about him were
No miȝt him nouȝt þennes bere
For heuihed þat stounde.
¶ Þan seyd þe leuedi 'lete him be stille;
10465 Neuer more remoun him y nille
No do him hennes lede. {f.167ra} 
He sent me bode wiþ his page
To biri him in þis hermitage
Simpliche wiþouten prede.
10470 Þay tok a þrouȝ of marbel ston
& leyd his bodi þerin anon
Atird in kniȝtes wede.
Fair seruise þan was þare
Of bischopes, abbotes þat þer ware
10475 & clerkes to sing & rede.
¶ When þai hadde birid his bodi anon,
Þe gret lordinges euerichon
Hom þai gun wende,
Ac þe leuedi left stille þare;
10480 Sche nold neuer þennes fare,
Sche kidde þat sche was kende.
Sche liued no lenger soþe to say
Bot riȝt on þe fiftenday
Sche dyed þat leuedi hende
10485 & was birid hir lord by
& now þai er togider in compeynie
In ioie þat neuer schal ende.
When sir Tirri herd telle þis
Þat Gij his fere ded is
10490 & birid in þe clay,
He com to þis lond wiþouten lesing
is: s is inserted superscript. |
& bisouȝt Aþelston þe king
His bodi to leden oway.
He it graunted him ful ȝare,
10495 Into Lorain wiþ him gan fare
Into his owhen cuntray.
An abbay he lete make þo
For to sing for hem to
Euer more til domesday.
10500 ¶ Now haue ȝe herd lordinges of Gij
Þat in his time was so hardi
& holden hende & fre,
& euer he loued treuþe & riȝt
& serued God wiþ al his miȝt
10505 Þat sit in trinite.
& þerfore at his ending-day
He went to þe ioie þat lasteþ ay
& euer more schal be.
Now God leue ous to liue so
10510 Þat we may þat ioie com to {f.167rb}
Amen par charite.