All changes made to the content of this site are recorded here in the archive of site updates. Each time a batch of updates is added, the site is designated a new version number. This system ensure that users can keep track of any changes made and can reference the site materials accurately (see How to refer to this site).
Record of versions and dates:
When referring to material on this site you should include the
following information:
Version number |
Date this version was launched |
(current version) |
15 March 2004
1 (the original site)
5 July 2003
of corrections to texts and to textual notes:
Version number and date:
Changes incorporated:
Praise of Women |
1.1 (March 04)
and Amiloun |
1.1 (March 04)
and Merlin |
1.1 (March 04)
- Lines
1964, 4223, 6011, 8210, 8637, 8638, and 9650: and > &
- Note
to line 5782: for >
of; MS >
Line 5782
disputation between the bodi and the soule |
1.1 (March 04)
our lady’s saute was first found |
1.1 (March 04)
of Warwick (couplets) |
1.1 (March 04)
- Lines
4704 and 6710: and >
- Note
to line 6740: 6741 >
Guy of Warwick (stanzas) |
1.1 (March 04)
- Notes
added to lines: 7023, 7587, 8150, 8285, 8296, 8353, 8705, 8707, 8714,
8720, 8745, 8800, 8810, 8888, 8970, 9163, 9726, 9737, 9891, 10018,
10136, 10426, 10510
- Line
7969: he >
- Line
8014: þai > þai (it)
- Note
to line 8364: pes > seyd
- Line
9472: wraied > wrai[e]d
- Line 9568: space inserted after no.
King of Tars |
1.1 (March 04)
Line 143: add textual note ‘sey: underdotted for deletion by the
of Pope Gregory |
1.1 (March 04)
Nativity and early life of Mary |
- Note to line 27: originally ‘ne and so are superscript’ emended to ‘ne is written superscript by Scribe 1; so has been added superscript with a caret mark by a later
- Note to line 31: er > Šer
- Note to line 92: originally ‘ioie is superscript, position
marked by a caret’ emended to ‘ioie
has been added superscript with a caret mark by a later hand’
- Note to line 177: originally positioned at the
end of line 176.
- Note to line 244: at > þat.
Otuel |
1.1 (March 04)
and Vernagu |
1.1 (March 04)
- Line 314:
and > &
- Reference to stub 262 vb: va
> vb
Seynt Katerine |
1.1 (March 04)
sequences have been added to the source code for em dash (—) and
quotation marks (‘ and ’).
The Sayings of St Bernard |
1.1 (March 04)
Tristrem |
1.1 (March 04)
Record of other changes:
Text: |
Version number and date:
1.1 (March 04)
Two menu items
added: ‘How to refer to this site’ and ‘Archive of site updates’.
Further links
1.1 (March 04)
Link to the
Piers Plowman Electronic Archive updated.
Link to
by text |
1.1 (March 04)
Additional references:
Clifton, Nicole (2003) ‘Of Arthour and of Merlin as Medieval
Children’s Literature’, Arthuriana,
13, 2: 9-22.
Porcheddu, Fred (2001)
‘Edited Text and Medieval Artifact: The Auchinleck Bookshop and Charlemagne and Roland Theories, Fifty
Years Later’, Philological Quarterly,
80, 4: 463-500.
Reichl, Karl (1973) Religioese Dichtung im Englischen
Hochmittelalter. Untersuchung und Edition der Hanschrift B. 14.39 des Trinity
College in Cambridge, Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie
1 (Munich: Fink), pp. 163-288.
Reichl, Karl (1990) ‘The King of Tars: Language and Textual
Tradition’, in Studies in the Vernon Manuscript,
ed. Derek Pearsall (Cambridge: Brewer), pp. 171-86.
Wiggins, Alison (2003) ‘Guy of Warwick in Warwick?:
Reconsidering the Dialect Evidence’, English
Studies, 84, 3: 219-30.
Zaerr, Linda Marie (2003)
‘Medieval and Modern Deletions of Repellent Passages’ in Improvisation in the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed.
Timothy McGee (Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University), pp. 222-46.
by topic |
1.1 (March 04)
Additional references:
Bly, Siobhain Montserrat
(2002) ‘The Auchinleck Manuscript and the Problems of Imagining Englishness
in the Early Fourteenth Century’, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University
of Notre Dame.
Reichl, Karl (2002) Spielmannsidiom, Dialektmischung und
Kunstsprache in der Mittelenglischen Volkstuemlichen Epik,
Nordrhein-Westfaelische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vortraege G 383
(Paderborn: Schoening).
Yeaman, Lucretia Helm
(1921) 'The Problem of the Relationship of Three Early Middle English Lays in
the Auchinleck Manuscript', unpublished MA dissertation, Wellesley College.