Floris and Blancheflour
I ne kan telle ȝou nowt {f.100ra} 
How richeliche þe sadel was wrout.
Þe arsouns were gold pur and fin,
Stones of vertu set þerin,
5000 Bigon abouten wiȝ orfreis.
Þe quen was hende & curteis;
ȝhe cast her hond to hire fingre
& drouȝ þerof a riche ringe.
‘Haue nou, sone, here þis ring;
1000 While þou hit hast, doute þe no þing,
Ne fir þe brenne, ne drenchen in se,
Ne iren ne stel schal derie þe;
& be hit erli and be hit late,
To þi wille þou schalt haue whate.’
1500 Weping þai departed nouþe,
& kiste hem wiȝ softe mouþe.
Þai made for him non oþer chere
Þan þai seȝe him ligge on bere,
¶ Nou forht þai nime wiȝ alle main,
2000 Himself and his chaumberlain.
So longe þai han vndernome,
To þe hauene þai beȝ icome
Þer Blauncheflour lai aniȝt.
Richeliche þai were idiȝt;
2500 Þe louerd of þe hous was wel hende,
Þe child he sette next his hende
In þe alþrest fairest sete;
Gladliche þai dronke & ete.
Al þat þerinne were,
3000 Al þai made glade chere,
And ete and dronke echon wiȝ oþer,
Ac Florice þouȝte al anoþer;
Ete ne drinke miȝte he nouȝt,
On Blauncheflour was al his þouȝt.
3500 Þe leuedi of þe hous vnderȝat
Hou þis child mour[n]ing sat,
& seide here louerd wiȝ stille dreme
‘Sire’ ȝe saide ‘nimstou no ȝeme
How þis child mourning sit?
4000 Mete and drink he forȝit.
Litel he eteȝ and lasse he drinkeȝ;
He nis no marchaunt as me þinkeȝ.’
¶ To Florice þan spak ȝhe
‘Child, ful of mourning I þe se,
4500 Þus far herinne
þis enderdai {f.100rb}
Blauncheflour þat faire mai.
Herinne was þat maiden bowȝt,
And ouer þe se ȝhe was ibrowȝt;
Herinne þai bouȝte þat maden swete,
5000 & wille here eft selle to biȝete.
To Babiloyne þai wille hire bring
& selle hire to kaiser oþer to king.
Þou art ilich here of alle þinge,
Of semblant & of mourning,
5500 But þou art a man & ȝhe is a maide.’
Þous þe wif to Florice saide.
¶ Þo Florice herde his lemman neuene,
So bliþe he was of þat steuene
Þat his herte bigan al liȝt.
6000 A coupe of gold he let fulle riȝt.
‘Dame’ he saide ‘þis hail is þin,
Boþe þe gold and þe win,
Boþe þe gold and þe win eke,
For þou of mi lemman speke;
6500 On hir I þout, for here I siȝt,
And wist ich wher hire finde miȝt,
Ne scholde no weder me assoine
Þat I ne schal here seche at Babiloine.’
¶ Florice rest him þere al niȝt.
7000 Amorewe whanne hit was dai-liȝt
He dide him in þe salte flod;
Wind and weder he hadde ful god.
To þe mariners he ȝaf largeliche
Þat brouȝten him ouer bleþeliche
7500 To þe londe þar he wold lende,
For þai founden him so hende.
Sone so Florice com to londe –
Wel ȝerne he þankede Godes sonde –
To þe lond þer his lemman is,
8000 Him þouȝte he was in Paradis.
¶ Wel sone men Florice tidingges told,
Þe amerail wolde feste hold,
And kinges an[d] dukes to him come scholde,
Al þat of him holde wolde,
8500 For to honure his heȝhe feste
And also for to heren his heste.
Þo Florice herde þis tiding,
Þan gan him glade in alle þing,
And in his herte þouȝte he {f.100va} 
9000 Þat he wolde at þat feste be,
For wel he hopede in þe halle
His leman sen among hem alle.
¶ So longe Florice haþ vndernome,
To a fair cite he is icome;
9500 Wel faire men haþ his in inome,
Ase men scholde to a kinges sone,
At a palais, was non him iliche.
Þe louerd of þe hous was wel riche,
& god inow him com to honde
1000 Boþe bi water and be londe.
Florice ne sparede for no fe
Inow þat þere ne scholde be
Of fissc, of flessch, of tendre bred,
Boþe of whit win and of red,
1050 Þe louerd hadde ben wel wide;
Þe child he sette bi his side
In þe alþerferste sete.
Gladliche þai dronke & ete,
Ac Florice et an[d] drank riȝt [n]owt
1100 On Blauncheflour was al hi[s] þouȝt.
¶ Þan bispak þe bourgeis
Þat hende was, fre and curteys
‘Child, me þinkkeȝ swithe wel
Þi þout is mochel on þi catel.’
1150 ‘Nai, on mi catel is hit nowt,
On oþe[r] þink is al my þouȝt.
Mi þouȝt is on alle wise
Mochel on mi marchaundise,
& ȝit þat is mi meste wo
1200 ȝif ich hit finde and schal forgo.’
¶ Þanne spak þe louerd of þat inne
‘Þous sat þis oþer dai herinne
Þat faire maide Blauncheflour.
Boþe in halle and ek in bour
1250 Euere ȝhe made mourning chere,
& biment Florice here leue fere;
Joie ne blisse ne hadde ȝhe none,
Ac on Florice was al here mone.
Florice het nime a coppe of siluer whiȝt,
1300 And a mantel of scarlet
Ipaned al wiȝ meniuer,
And ȝaf his hostesse þer.
‘Haue þis’ he saide ‘to þine honour, {f.100vb}

And þou hit miȝte þonke Blauncheflour.
1350 Stolen ȝhe was out mine countreie;
Here ich [h]ere seche bi þe waie.
He miȝte make min herte glad
Þat couþe me telle whider ȝhe was lad.’
¶ ‘Child, to Babiloyne ȝhe his ibrouȝt,
1400 And [þe] ameral hire had ibouȝt.
He ȝaf for hire ase ȝhe stod vpriȝt
Seuen sithes of gold here wiȝt;
of gold here: MS reads here gol of. |
For hire faired (hire faired) and for hire schere
Þe ameral hire bouȝte so dere,
1450 For he þenkeȝ, wiȝouten wene,
Þat faire mai to hauen to quene.
Amang oþer maidenes in his tour
He haþ hire ido wiȝ mochel honour.’
¶ Nou Florice rest him þere al niȝt.
1500 On morewe whan hit was dai-liȝt
He aros vp in þe moreweninge,
And ȝaf his hoste an hondred schillinge,
To his hoste and to hes hostesse,
& nam h[i]s leue and gan hem kesse.
1550 And ȝerne he haþ his ostesse bisouȝt
Þat ȝhe him helpe ȝif ȝhe mouȝt,
Hou he miȝte wiȝ sum ginne
Þe faire maiden to him awinne.
¶ ‘Child, to one brigge þou scha[l]t come,
1600 A burgeis þou findest ate frome;
His paleis is ate brigges ende.
Curteis man he his and hende.
We beþ wed-breþren and trewþe-ipliȝt.
He þe can wissen & re(n)den ariȝt.
1650 Þou schalt beren him a ring
Fram miselue to tokning,
Þat he þe helpe in eche helue
So hit were bifalle miselue.’
Florice tok þe ring and nam his leue,
1700 For þere no leng wolde he bileue.
Bi þat hit was vndren heghȝ
Þe brigge he was swiþe negȝ.
When he was to þe brigge icome,
Þe burges he fond ate frome,
1750 Stonde[n]d on a marbel ston;
¶ Fair man and hende he was on.
Þe burgeis was ihote Da[r]ye, {f.101ra} 
Florice him grette swiþe faire,
And haþ him þe ring irawt
1800 And wel faire him bitawt,
Þourgh tokning of þat ilke ring
Florice hadde þer god gestning
Of fichss, of flessch, of tendre bred,
Boþe of whit win and of red.
1850 Ac euere Florice siȝte ful cold,
And Darys gan him biho[l]d.
‘Leue child, what mai þe be,
Þous carfoul ase I þe se?
¶ I wene þou nart nowt al fer,
1900 Þat þou makest
þous doelful cher,
Oþer þe likeȝ nowt þin in.’
Nou Florice answered him
‘ȝis, sire, bi Godes hore,
So god I ne hadde ȝore,
1950 God late me bide þilke dai
Þat ich þe ȝelde mai,
Ac I þenke, in alle wise,
Vpon min owen marchaundise
Wherfore ich am hider come,
2000 Lest I ne finde hit nowt ate frome;
And ȝit is þat mi meste wo,
ȝif ich hit finde and sschal forgo.’
¶ ‘Child, woldest þou tel me þi gref,
To helpe þe me were ful lef.’
2050 Nou euerich word he haþ him told,
Hou þe maide was fram him sold,
And hou he was of Speyne a kinges sone,
And for hir loue þider icome
For to fonde wiȝ som ginne
2100 Þat faire maide to biwinne.
Daris now þat child bihalt,
And for a fol he him halt.
‘Child’ he seiȝ ‘I se hou goȝ,
Iwis þou ȝernest þin owen deȝ.
2150 ¶ Þameral haþ to his iustening
Oþer half hondred of riche king;
Þat alþerrich(ch)est kyng
Ne dorste biginne swich a þing,
For miȝte þamer(l)al hit vnderȝete,
2200 Sone þou were of liue quite.
Abouten Babiloine, wiȝouten wene {f.101rb} 
[Dureþ] sexti longe milen and tene;
And ate walle þar beþ ate
Seuen siþe twenti ȝate.
2250 Twenti tours þer
beȝ inne
Þat euerich dai cheping is inne;
Nis no dai þourg þe ȝer
Þat scheping nis þe[r]inne plener.
An hondred toures also þerto
2300 Beȝ in þe borewe and somdel mo;
Þat alderest feblest tour
Wolde kepe an emperour
To comen al þer wiȝinne,
Noiþer wiȝ strengȝe ne wiȝ ginne.
2350 ¶ And þei alle þe men þat beþ ibore
Adden hit vp here deth iswhore,
Þai scholde winne þe mai so sone
As fram þe heuene heȝ þe sonne & mone.
& in þe bourh, amide þeriȝt
2400 Þer stant a riche (a) tour, [I] þe aplytȝ.
A ȝousang taisen he his heiȝe,
Wo-so it bi[h]alt wit fer & negȝene;
And an hondres taises he is wid,
And imaked wiȝ mochel prid
2450 Of lim and of marbel ston;
In Cristiente nis swich non.
& þe morter is maked so wel,
Ne mai no mail hit breke wiȝ no stel;
And þe pomel aboue þe led
2500 Is iwrout wiȝ so moche red
Þat men ne þorfen aniȝt berne
þorften: MS reads tforren. |
Neiþer torche ne lanterne.
Swich a pomel was neuer bigonne,
Hit schineȝ aniȝt so adai doþ þe sonne.
2550 ¶ Nou beþ þer inne þat riche toure
Four and twenty maidenes boure;
So wel were þat ilke man
Þat miȝte wonen in þat an,
Now þourt him neuere, ful iwis,
2600 Willen after more blisse.
Nou beþ þe seriaunts in þe stage
To seruen þe maidenes of parage,
Ne mai no seriaunt be þerinne
Þat in his brech bereþ þet ginne,
2650 Neiþer bi dai ne
bi niȝt, {f.101va}
But he be ase capoun diȝt.
¶ And at þe gate is a gateward;
He nis no fol ne no coward.
ȝif þe[r] comeȝ ani man
2700 Wiȝinne þat ilche barbican,
But hit be bi his leue,
He wille him boþe bete and reue.
Þe porter is proud wiȝalle;
Euerich dai he goþ in palle
2750 And þe amerail is so wonder a gome
Þat euerich ȝer hit is his wone
To chesen him a newe wif
.... .... .... ....
¶ And whan he a newe wif vnderfo,
2800 He knaweȝ hou hit schal be do.
Þanne scholle men fechche doun of þe stage
Alle þe maidenes of parage,
An[d] brenge hem into on orchard,
Þe fairest of all middelhard;
2850 Þer is foulen song;
Men miȝte libben þer among.
Aboute þe orchard goþ a wal,
Þe werste ston is cristal.
Þer man mai sen on þe ston
2900 Mochel of þis werldes wisdom.
¶ & a welle þer springeȝ inne
Þat is wrowt wiȝ mochel ginne.
Þe welle is of mochel pris;
Þe strem com fram Paradis,
2950 Þe grauel in þe grounde of preciouse stone,
& (and) of vertu, iwis, echone;
Of saphires and of sardoines,
Of oneches and of calsidoines,
Nou is þe waie of so mochel eye,
3000 ȝif þe[r] comeȝ ani maiden þat is forleie,
& hi bowe to þe grounde
For to waschen here honde,
Þe water wille ȝelle als hit ware wod
And bicome on hire so red so blod.
3050 ¶ Wich maiden þe water fareȝ on so,
Hi schal sone be fordo,
And þilke þat beþ maidenes clene,
Þai mai hem wassche of þe rene;
Þe water wille erne stille and cler,
3100 Nelle hit hem make no
daunger. {f.101vb}
At þe welle-heued þer stant a tre,
Þe fairest þat mai in erthe be.
Hit is icleped þe tre of loue,
For floures and blosmes beþ euer aboue;
3150 And þilke þat clene maidenes be,
Men schal hem bringe vnder þat tre,
And wich-so falleȝ on þat [ferste] flour,
Hi schal ben chosen quen wiȝ honour;
& ȝif þer ani maiden is
3200 Þat þamerail halt of mest pris,
Þe flour schal on here be went
Þourh art and þourgh enchantement.
Þous he cheseþ þourȝ þe flour
& euere we herkneȝ when hit be Blauncheflour.’
3250 Þre sithes Florice swouned nouþe
Er he miȝte speke wiȝ mouþe.
Sone he awok and speke miȝt,
Sore he wep and sore he siȝt.
‘Darie’ he saide ‘ich worht ded
3300 But ich haue of þe help and red.’
¶ ‘Leue child, ful wel I se
Þat þou wilt to deþe te.
Þe beste red þat I can –
Oþer red I ne can –
3350 Wende tomorewe to þe tour
Ase þou were a god ginour,
And nim in þin hond squir and scantiloun
Als þai þou were a masoun;
Bihold þe tour vp and doun.
3400 Þe porter is coluard and feloun;
Wel sone he wil come to þe
And aske what mister man þou be
& ber vpon þe felonie,
& saie þou art comen þe tour aspie.
3450 ¶ Þou schalt answeren him swetelich
& speke to him wel mi[l]delich,
& sai þou art a ginour
To beheld þat ilche tour
& for to lerne and for to fonde
3500 To make anoþer in þi londe.
Wel sone he wil com þe ner
And bidde þe plaien at þe scheker;
To plaien he wil be wel fous
And to winnen of þin wel coueitous. {f.102ra}

3550 When þou art to þe scheker brouȝt,
Wiȝouten pans ne plai þou nowt;
¶ Þou schalt haue redi mitte
Þritti mark vnder þi slitte.
And ȝif he winne ouȝt al þin,
3600 Al leue þou hit wiȝ him,
& ȝif þou winne ouȝt of his,
Þou lete þerof ful litel pris,
Wel ȝerne he wille þe bidde & praie
Þat þou come amorewe and plaie;
3650 Þou schalt sigge þou wilt so,
& nim wiȝ þe amorewe swich two;
& euer þou schalt in þin owen wolde
Þi gode cop wiȝ he atholde,
Þat ilke self coppe of golde
3700 Þat was for Blauncheflour iȝolde.
¶ Þe þridde dai bere wiȝ þe an hondred pond
hondred: altered from dondred. |
And þi coppe al hol and sond.
ȝif him markes and pans fale,
Of þi mone tel þou no tale.
3750 Wel ȝerne he þe wille bidde and praie
Þat þou legge þi coupe to plaie.
Þou schalt answeren him ate first,
No lenger plaie þou ne list.
Wel moche he wil for þi coupe bede,
3800 ȝif he miȝte þe better spede.
Þou schalt bleþelich ȝiuen hit him,
Þai hit be gold pur and fin,
And sai “Me þinkeȝ hit wel bisemeȝ te,
Þai hit were worȝ swiche þre;”
3850 ¶ Sai also þe ne faille non
Gold ne seluer ne riche won.
And he wil þanne so mochel loue þe
Þat þou hit schalt boþe ihere and see
Þat he wil falle to þi fot
3900 & bicome þi man, ȝif he mot.
His manred þou schalt afonge
And þe trewþe of his honde.
ȝif þou miȝt þous his loue winne,
He mai þe help wiȝ som ginne.’
3950 ¶ Nou also Florice haþ iwrowt
Also Darie him haþ itawt,
Þat þourgh his gold and his garsome
Þe porter is his man bicome. {f.102rb} 
‘Nou’ quaþ Florice ‘þou art mi man,
4000 & al mi trest is þe vpan.
Nou þou miȝt wel eþe
Arede me fram þe deþe.’
& euerich word he haþ him told
Hou Blauncheflour was fram him sold,
4050 & hou he was of Spaine a kynges sone,
& for hire loue þider icome
To fonde wiȝ som ginne
Þe maiden aȝen to him winne.
¶ Þe porter þat herde & sore siȝte
4100 ‘Ich am bitraied þourȝ riȝte;
Þourȝ þi catel ich am bitraid,
And of mi lif ich am desmaid;
Nou ich wot, child, hou hit geþ,
For þe ich drede to þolie deþ,
4150 & naþeles ich ne schal þe neuere faile mo,
Þer whiles I mai ride or go;
Þi foreward ich wil helden alle,
Whatso wille bitide or falle.
Wende þou hom into þin in
4200 Whiles I þink of som ginne.
Bitwene þis and þe þridde dai
Don ich wille þat I mai.’
¶ Florice spak and wep among;
Þat ilche terme him þouȝte wel long.
4250 Þe porter þouȝte what to rede,
He let floures gaderen in þe mede;
He wiste hit was þe maidenes wille.
Two coupen he let of floures fille.
Þat was þe rede þat he þouȝt (he þout) þo,
4300 Florice in þat o coupe do.
Tweie gegges þe coupe bere –
So heui charged þat wroþ þai were;
Þai bad God ȝif him euel fin
Þat so mani floures dede þerin –
4350 ¶ Þider þat þai weren ibede.
Ne were þai nowt ariȝt birede,
Acc þai turned in hire left hond
Blaunchefloures bour an hond,
To Clarice bour þe coupe þai bere
4400 Wiȝ þe floures þat þerinne were.
Þere þe couppe þai sette adoun,
& ȝaf him here malisoun {f.102va} 
Þat so fele floures [h]em brouȝte on honde;
Þai wenten forht & leten þe coppe stonde.
4450 Clarice to þe
coppe com and wolde
Þe floures handleden & biholde.
Florisse wende hit hadde ben his swet wiȝt;
In þe coupe he stod vpriȝt,
& þe maide al for drede
4500 Bigan to schrichen an[d] to grede.
Þo he seghȝ hit nas nowth he
Into þe coupe he stirte aȝe,
& held him bitraied al clene;
Of his deȝ he ne ȝaf nowt a bene.
4550 Þer come to Clarice
maidenes lepe,
maidenes: i is superscript. |
Bi ten, be twenti in one hepe,
& askede what here were,
Þat hi makede so loude bere.
Clarice hire vnderstod anonriȝt
4600 Þat hit was Blauncheflour þat swete wiȝt;
For here boures neȝ were,
& selden þat þai neren ifere,
& (and) aiþer of oþer counseil þai wiste,
& michel aiþer to oþer triste.
4650 Hii ȝaf hire maidenes answere anon
Þat into boure þai sscholden gon
‘To þis coupe ich cam and wolde
Þe floures handli and biholde,
Ac er ich hit euer wiste
4700 A boterfleȝe toȝain me fluste.
Ich was sor adrad of þan,
Þat sschrichen and greden I bigan.’
Þe maidenes hadde þerof gle,
& turnede aȝen and let Clarisse be.
4750 ¶ So sone so þe madenes weren agon,
To Blauncheflours bour Clarice wente anon,
& saide leyende to Blauncheflour:
‘Wiltou sen a ful fair flour,
Swiche a flour þat þe schal like
4800 Haue þou sen hit a lite?’
‘Auoy! dameisele’ quaþ Blauncheflour,
‘To scorne me is litel honour.
Iich ihere, Clarice, wiȝoute gabbe,
Þe ameral wil me to wiue habbe;
4850 Ac þilke dai schal neuer be
Þat men schal atwite me {f.102vb} 
Þat ischal ben of loue vntrewe,
Ne chaungi loue for non newe
For no loue ne for non eie,
4900 So doþ Floris in his contreie.
Nou [I] schal swete Florice misse,
Schal non oþer of me haue blisse.’
Clarice stant and bihalt þat reuþe,
And þe treunesse of þis treuþe.
4950 Leiȝande sche saide to Blauncheflour,
‘Com nou, se þat ilche flour.’
To þe coupe þai ȝeden þo.
Wel blisful was Florisse þo,
For he had iherd al þis;
5000 Out of þe coupe he stirte, iwis.
Blauncheflour chaungede hewe;
Wel sone aiþer oþer knewe.
Wiȝouten speche togidere þai lepe,
Þat clepte & keste & eke wepe.
5050 Hire cussing laste a mile
& þat hem þouȝte litel while.
¶ Clarice bihalt al þis,
Here contenaunce & here bliss,
& leiȝende saide to Blauncheflour,
5100 ‘Felawe, knouestou ouȝt þis flour?
Litel er noldest þou hit se,
& nou þou ne miȝt hit lete fro þe.
He moste conne wel mochel of art
Þat þou woldest ȝif þerof ani part.’
5150 Boþe þise swete þinges for blis
Falleȝ doun here fet to kis,
& crieȝ hire merci al weping
Þat ȝhe hem biwraie nowt to þe king,
biwraie: MS reads briwaie. |
To þe king þat ȝhe hem nowt biwreie
5200 Wherþourgh þai were siker to deye.
¶ Þo spak Clarice to Blauncheflour
Wordes ful of fin amour
‘Ne doute ȝou nammore wiȝalle
Þan to miself hit hadde bifalle.
5250 White ȝhe wel witerli
Þat hele ich wille ȝoure boþer druri.’
To on bedde ȝhe haþ hem ibrowt
Þat was of silk and sendal wrouȝt.
Þai sette hem þere wel softe adoun,
5300 And Clarice drowȝ þe
courtyn roun. {f.103ra}
Þo bigan þai to clippe and kisse,
& made joie and mochele blisse.
¶ Florice ferst speke bigan
& saide ‘Louerd þat madest man,
5350 Þe I þanke, Godes sone;
Nou al mi care ich haue ouercome,
& nou ich haue mi lef ifounde
Of al mi kare ich am vnbounde.’
Nou haþ aiþer oþer itold
5400 Of mani a car foul cold,
& of mani pine stronge,
Þat þai han ben atwo so longe.
Clarice hem seruede al to wille
Boþe dernelich and stille.
5450 But so ne miȝte ȝhe hem longe iwite
Þat hit ne sscholde ben vnderȝete.
¶ Nou hadde þe Amerail swiche a wone
Þat euer[i] dai þer sscholde come
Þre maidenes vt of hire boure
5500 To seruen him vp in þe toure,
Wiȝ water and cloþ and bacyn
For to wasschen his hondes in.
Þe þridde scholde bringge combe and mirour
To seruen him wiȝ gret honour;
5550 And þai þai seruede him neuer so faire,
Amorewen scholde anoþer paire.
And mest was woned into þe tour
Þerto Clarice and Blauncheflour.
So long him seruede þe maidenes route
5600 Þat hire seruice was comen aboute.
On þe morewen þat þider com Florice
Hit fel to Blauncheflour and to Clarice.
¶ Clarice, so wel hire mote bitide,
Aros vp in þe morewentide
5650 And clepede after Blauncheflour
To wende wiȝ here into þe tour.
Blauncheflour saide ‘icham comende;’
Ac here answere was al slepende.
Clarice in þe wai is nome
5700 & wende þat Blauncheflour had come.
Sone so Clarice com in þe tour
Þe ameral asked after Blauncheflour.
‘Sire’ ȝhe saide anonriȝt,
‘ȝhe had iwaked al þis niȝt {f.103rb}

5750 & (and) ikneled and iloke
& irad vpon hire boke,
& bad to God here oreisoun
Þat he þe ȝiue his benisoun
& þe helde longe aliue;
5800 Nou sche slepeþ also swiþe,
Blauncheflour, þat maiden swete,
Þat hii ne mai nowt comen ȝhete.’
‘Certe’ said þe kyng,
‘Nou is hi a swete þing;
5850 Wel auȝte ich here ȝerne to wiue,
Whenne ȝhe bit so for mi liue.’
Anoþer dai Clarice arist
& haþ Blauncheflour atwist
Whi hi made so longe demoere:
5900 ‘Aris vp and go we ifere.’
Blauncheflour saide ‘I come anan
& Florice he klippe bigan,
& felle aslepe on þise wise;
& after hem gan sore agrise.
5950 Clarice to þe piler cam;
Þe bacyn of gold ȝhe nam,
& had icleped after Blauncheflour
To wende wiȝ here into þe tour;
ȝhe ne answerede nei ne ȝo.
6000 Þo wende Clarice ȝhe ware ago.
¶ Sone so Clarice com into þe tour,
Þe ameral asked after Blauncheflour,
Whi and wharfore ȝhe ne come
As hi was woned to done.
6050 ‘ȝhe was arisen ar ich were;
Ich wende here hauen ifonden here.
What, ne is ȝhe nowt icomen ȝit?’
‘Nou ȝhe me douteȝ al to lit.’
Forht he clepeþ his chaumberleyn,
6100 & bit him wende wiȝ alle main
& wite wi þat ȝhe ne come
As hi was wone bifore to done.
¶ Þe chaumberleyn had vndernome;
Into hir bour he is icome,
6150 And stant bifore hire bed
And find þar twai neb to neb,
Neb to neb (to neb) an[d] mouþ to mouþ;
Wel sone was þat sorewe couþ. {f.103va}

Into þe tour vp he steiȝ
6200 & saide his louerd þat he seiȝ.
Þe ameral het his swerd him bring;
Iwiten he wolde of þat þinge.
Forht he nimȝ wiȝ alle mayn,
Himself and his chaumberlayn,
6250 Til þaie come þar þai two laie;
ȝit was þe slep fast in hire eye.
Þe Ameral het hire cloþes keste
A litel bineþen here breste.
Þan seȝ he wel sone anon
6300 Þat on was a man, þat oþer a womman.
He quok for anguisse þer he stod
Hem to quelle was his mod.
He him biþouȝte ar he wolde hem quelle
What þai were þai sscholde him telle,
6350 & siþen he þouȝte hem of dawe don.
Þe children awoken vnder þon,
Þai segh þe swerd ouer hem idrawe,
Adrad þai ben to ben islawe.
¶ Þo bispak þe Ameral bold
6400 Wordes þat scholde sone bi told
‘Sai me now, þou belami,
Who made þe so hardi
For to come into mi tour
To ligge þer bi Blauncheflour?
6450 To wroþerhale ware ȝe bore.
ȝe schollen þolie deþ þerfore.’
Þanne saide Florice to Blauncheflour,
‘Of oure lif nis non socour.’
And mercy þai cride on him so swithe
6500 Þat he ȝaf hem respit of here liue
Til he (d)hadde after his barenage sent
To awreken him þourgȝ jugement.
Vp he bad hem sitte boþe
& don on oþer cloþes,
6550 & siþþe he let hem binde fast
& into prisoun hem he cast,
Til he had after his barenage sent
To wreken him þourgh jugement.
¶ What helpeȝ hit longe tale to sschewe?
6600 Ich wille ȝou telle at wordes fewe.
Nou al his baronage had vndernome
And to þe amerail ȝhe beþ icome. {f.103vb}

His halle þat was heiȝe ibult
Of kynges and dukes was ifult.
6650 He stod vp among hem alle
Bi semblaunt swiþe wroþt wiȝalle.
He saide ‘lordingges of mochel honour,
ȝe han herd speken of Blauncheflour,
Hou ich hire bouȝt dere, apliȝt,
6700 For seuen sithes hire wiȝt of gold;
For hire faired & hire chere
Iich hire bouȝte allinge so dere.
For ich þouȝte wiȝouten wene
Hire haue ihad to mi quene.
6750 Bifore hire bed miself I com,
& fond bi hire an naked grom.
Þo þai were me so wroþe,
I þouȝte to han iqueld hem boþe,
Iich was so wroȝ and so wod;
6800 & ȝit ich wiȝdrouȝ mi mod,
Fort ich haue after ȝou isent
To awreke me þourȝ jugement.
¶ Nou ȝe witen hou hit is agon,
Awreke me swiþe of mi fon.’
6850 Þo spak a king of on lond
‘We han iherd þis schame and schonde,
Ac er we hem to deye wreke,
We scholle heren þo children speke,
What þai wil speke and sigge,
6900 ȝif þai ouȝt aȝein wil allegge.
Hit ner nowt riȝt jugement
Wiȝouten answere to acoupement.’
¶ After þe children nou men sendeȝ;
Hem to brenne fur men tendeȝ.
6950 Twaie Sarazins forþ hem bringeȝ,
Toward here deþ sore wepinge.
Dreri were þis schildren two;
Nou aiþer biwepeȝ oþeres wo.
Florice saide to Blauncheflour:
7000 ‘Of oure lif nis non socour;
ȝif manken hit þoli miȝt
Twies ischolde die wiȝ riȝt,
One for miself, anoþer for þe,
For þis deþ þou hast for me.’
7050 Blauncheflour saide aȝen þo
‘Þe gelt is min of oure boþer wo.’ {f.104ra}

Florice drow forþ þe ring
Þat his moder him ȝaf at his parting.
‘Haue nou þis ring, lemman min;
7100 Þou ne schalt nowt die whiles hit is þin.’
¶ Blauncheflour saide þo
‘So ne schal hit neuer go,
Þat þis ring schal ared me,
Ne mai ihc no deþ on þe se.’
7150 Florice þe ring here arauȝt,
& hi him aȝein hit bitauȝt;
On hire he had þe ring iþrast
& hi hit haueȝ awai ikast.
A duk hit seȝ and beȝgh to grounde,
7200 An[d] was glad þat ring he founde.
¶ On þis maner þe children come
Weping to þe fur and to hire dome.
Bifore al þat fo[l]k þai ware ibrowt;
Dreri was hire boþer þouȝt.
7250 Þer nas non so sterne man
Þat þise children loked vpan,
Þat þai ne wolde alle ful fawe
Here jugement haue wiȝdrawe,
& wiȝ grete garisoun hem begge,
7300 ȝif þai dorste speke oþer sigge,
For Florice was so fair a ȝongling
& Blauncheflour so swete a þing.
¶ Of men and wimmen þat beþ nouþe,
Þat gon and riden and spekeþ wiȝ mouþe,
7350 Beþ non so fair in hire gladnesse
Als þai ware in hire sorewenesse.
No man ne knewe hem þat hem was wo
Bi semblaunt þat þai made þo,
But bi þe teres þat þai schadde,
7400 And fillen adoun bi here nebbe.
¶ Þe Ameral was so wroþ and wod
Þat he ne miȝt wiȝdraw his mod.
He bad binde þe children faste;
Into þe fir he [bad] hem caste.
7450 Þilke duk þat þe gold ryng hadde
Nou to speke rewþe he hadde.
Fain he wolde hem helpe to liue,
& tolde hou þai for þe ring striue.
¶ Þe ameral het hem aȝen clepe,
7500 For he wolde þo
schildren speke. {f.104rb}
He askede Florice what he hete,
And he told him swiȝe skete.
¶ ‘Sire’ he saide ‘ȝif hit were þi wille,
Þou ne auȝtest nowt þis maiden spille,
7550 Ac, sire, let aquelle me
And lat þat maiden aliue be.’
Blauncheflour saide þo
‘Þe gilt is min of oure boþer wo.’
& þe ameral saide þo
7600 ‘Iwis, ȝe sc[h]ulle die bo.
Wiȝ wreche ich wille me awreke;
ȝe ne scholle neuere go no speke.’
¶ His swerd he braid out of his sscheþe.
Þe children for to do to deþe,
7650 & Blauncheflour pult forþ hire swire
& Florice gan hire aȝein tire.
‘Ich am a man, ich schal go bifore.
Þou ne auȝtest nouȝt mi deȝ acore.’
Florice forht his swire pulte
7700 & Blauncheflour aȝein hit brutte.
Al þat iseȝen þis
Þerfore sori weren, iwis,
& saide ‘dreri may we be
Bi swiche children swich rewþe se.’
7750 ¶ Þameral, wroþ þai he were,
Boþe him chaunge(g)de mod and chere,
For aiþer for oþer wolde die,
And he segh so mani a weping eȝe,
And for he hadde so mochel loued þe mai,
7800 Weping he turned his heued awai,
& his swerd hit fil to grounde;
He ne miȝte hit h[e]lde in þat stounde.
¶ Þilke duk þat þe ring found
Wiȝ þameral spak and round,
7850 & ful wel þerwiȝ he spedde;
Þe children þerwiȝ fram deþe he redde.
‘Sire’ he saide ‘hit is litel pris
Þise children to slen, iwis.
Hit is þe wel more worsschipe
7900 Florice conseile þat þou wite,
Who him tawȝte þilke gin
For to come þi tour wiȝin,
& who þat him brouȝte þar; {f.104va}

Þe bet of oþer (of oþer) þou miȝt be war.’
7950 ¶ Þan saide þameraile to Florice þo
‘Tel me who þe tauȝte herto.’
‘Þat’ quaþ Florice ‘ne schal I neuere do,
But ȝif hit ben forȝiuen also
Þat þe gin me tauȝte þerto;
8000 Arst ne scha[l] hit neuer be do.’
Alle þai praied þerfore, iwis;
Þe ameral graunted þis.
¶ No[u] eueri word Florice haþ him told
Hou þe made was fram him sold,
8050 And hou he was of Speyne a kyngges sone,
For hire loue þider icome
To fonden wiȝ som gin
Þat faire maiden for to win;
& hou þourgh his gold and his garisoun
8100 Þe porter was his man bicom,
& hou he was in þe coupe ibore;
& alle þis oþer lowen þerfore.
¶ Nou þe amerail, wel him mote bitide,
Florice he sette next his side,
8150 & made him stonde þer vpriȝt,
& haþ idubbed him to kniȝt,
& bad he scholde wiȝ him be
Wiȝ þe formast of his mene.
Florice fallet to his fet
8200 And bit him ȝif him his lef so swet.
Þe ameral ȝaf him his lemman;
Alle þe oþere him þanked þan.
¶ To one chirche h[e] let hem bringge,
& wedde here wiȝ here owene ringge.
8250 Nou boþe þis children alle for bliss
Fil þe amerales fet to kis;
& þourgh conseil of Blauncheflour
Clarice was fet doun of þe tour,
& þe amerale here wedded to quene.
8300 Þere was feste swiþe breme;
I ne can nowt tellen þe sonde,
Ac þe richest feste in londe.
Nas hit nowt longe after þan
Þat Florice tidingge ne cam
8350 Þat his fader þe kyng was ded;
And al þe barnage ȝaf him red
Þat he scholde wenden hom {f.104vb} 
And vnderfongen his kyn[g]dom.
At ameral he nom his leue,
8400 And he him bad wiȝ him bileue.
Þanne bispak þe ameral,
‘ȝif þou wilt do, Florice, bi mi conseil,
Dwelle here and wend nowt hom;
Ich wille þe ȝiuen a kyngdom
8450 Also longe and also brod
Als euere ȝit þi fader bod.’
¶ ‘I nel bileue for no winne;
To bidde me hit were sinne.’
Þai bitauȝt þe amerail oure driȝt,
8500 & þai com hom whan þai miȝt,
& let croune him to king
& hire to quene, þat swete þing,
& vnderfeng Cristendom of prestes honde,
& þonkede God of alle his sonde.
8550 Nou ben þai boþe ded.
Crist of heuene houre soules led.
Nou is þis tale browt to þende
Of Florice and of his lemma[n] hende,
How after bale hem com bote;
8600 So wil oure louerd þat ous mote,
Amen siggeȝ also,
And ich schal helpe ȝou þerto.